{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings    #-}

{- |
Basic implementation of MongoDB connection.

Adds default instances for 'SessionApp' and 'AuthApp' for 'MongoApp'.


module Web.Wheb.Plugins.Mongo (
    , initMongo
    , catchResult
    , MongoApp (..)
    , MongoContainer
    , module Database.MongoDB
    ) where

import           Control.Exception
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import           Data.Bson as B
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import           Database.MongoDB
import           Web.Wheb
import           Web.Wheb.Plugins.Session
import           Web.Wheb.Plugins.Auth

data MongoContainer = MongoContainer Pipe AccessMode Database

class MongoApp a where
    getMongoContainer :: a -> MongoContainer

instance MongoApp a => SessionApp a where
    getSessionContainer = SessionContainer . getMongoContainer

instance MongoApp a => AuthApp a where
    getAuthContainer = AuthContainer . getMongoContainer

instance SessionBackend MongoContainer where
  backendSessionPut sessId key content mc = do
    collectionName <- getSessionCollection
    mvoid $ runWithContainer mc $ do
      insert_ collectionName [ "sessId" := (toBsonString sessId)
                             , "key" := (toBsonString key)
                             , "content" := (toBsonString content) ]
  backendSessionGet sessId key mc =  do
    collectionName <- getSessionCollection
    catchResult $ runWithContainer mc $ do
      n <- next =<< find (select ["sessId" := (toBsonString sessId), "key" := (toBsonString key)] collectionName)
      return $ maybe Nothing (B.lookup (key)) n
  backendSessionDelete sessId key mc = do
    collectionName <- getSessionCollection
    mvoid $ runWithContainer mc $
      delete (select ["sessId" := (toBsonString sessId), "key" := (toBsonString key)] collectionName)
  backendSessionClear sessId mc = do
    collectionName <- getSessionCollection
    mvoid $ runWithContainer mc $
      delete (select ["sessId" := (toBsonString sessId)] collectionName)

instance AuthBackend MongoContainer where
  backendGetUser name mc = do
    collectionName <- getAuthCollection
    catchResult $ runWithContainer mc $ do
      n <- next =<< find (select ["username" := (toBsonString name)] collectionName)
      return $ maybe Nothing (const $ Just $ AuthUser name) n
  backendLogin name pw mc =  do
    collectionName <- getAuthCollection
    passCheck <- catchResult $ runWithContainer mc $ do
      n <- next =<< find (select ["username" := (toBsonString name)] collectionName)
      return $ maybe Nothing (\doc -> fmap (verifyPw pw) (B.lookup "password" doc)) n
    case passCheck of
        Just True  -> return (Right $ AuthUser $ name)
        Just False -> return (Left InvalidPassword)
        Nothing    -> return (Left UserDoesNotExist)
  backendRegister user@(AuthUser name) pw mc =  do
    collectionName <- getAuthCollection
    pwHash <- makePwHash pw
    catchResult $ runWithContainer mc $ do
      n <- next =<< find (select ["username" := (toBsonString name)] collectionName)
      case n of
        Just _ -> return (Left DuplicateUsername)
        Nothing -> do
          insert_ collectionName [ "username" := (toBsonString name)
                                 , "password" := (toBsonString pwHash)]
          return (Right user)
  backendLogout _ =  getUserSessionKey >>= deleteSessionValue

toBsonString = val

handleEither :: Monad m => Either Failure b -> WhebT g s m b
handleEither = either (throwError . Error500 . TL.pack . show) return

-- | Push an error from Mongo to a 500 Error.
catchResult :: MonadIO m => IO b -> WhebT g s m b
catchResult m = (liftIO $ try m) >>= handleEither

mvoid :: MonadIO m => IO b -> WhebT g s m ()
mvoid m = catchResult m >> return ()

getSessionCollection :: Monad m => WhebT g s m Collection
getSessionCollection = getSetting'' "session-collection" "sessions"

getAuthCollection :: Monad m => WhebT g s m Collection
getAuthCollection = getSetting'' "auth-collection" "users"

runWithContainer :: MongoContainer -> Action IO a ->  IO a
runWithContainer (MongoContainer pipe mode db) action = liftIO $ access pipe mode db action

-- | Run a MongoDB Action Monad in WhebT
runAction :: (MongoApp g, MonadIO m) => Action IO a -> WhebT g s m a
runAction action = (getWithApp getMongoContainer) >>= (\c -> liftIO $ runWithContainer c action)

-- | Initialize mongo with \"host:post\" and default database.
initMongo :: T.Text -> T.Text -> InitM g s m MongoContainer
initMongo host db = do
    pipe <- liftIO $ connect (readHostPort $ T.unpack host)
    addCleanupHook $ close pipe
    return $ MongoContainer pipe master db