-- | -- Module: WildBind.Indicator -- Description: Graphical indicator for WildBind -- Maintainer: Toshio Ito -- -- This module exports the 'Indicator', a graphical interface that -- explains the current bindings to the user. The 'Indicator' uses -- 'optBindingHook' in 'Option' to receive the current bindings from -- wild-bind. module WildBind.Indicator ( -- * Construction withNumPadIndicator, -- * Execution wildBindWithIndicator, -- * Low-level function bindingHook, -- * Indicator type and its actions Indicator, updateDescription, getPresence, setPresence, togglePresence, quit, -- * Generalization of number pad types NumPadPosition(..) ) where import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Concurrent (forkFinally, rtsSupportsBoundThreads) import Control.Exception (throwIO) import Control.Monad (void, forM_) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT, ask) import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Monoid (mconcat, First(First)) import Data.Text (Text) import Graphics.UI.Gtk ( initGUI, mainGUI, postGUIAsync, postGUISync, mainQuit, Window, windowNew, windowSetKeepAbove, windowSkipPagerHint, windowSkipTaskbarHint, windowAcceptFocus, windowFocusOnMap, windowSetTitle, windowMove, AttrOp((:=)), widgetShowAll, widgetSetSizeRequest, widgetVisible, widgetHide, Table, tableNew, tableAttachDefaults, buttonNew, buttonSetAlignment, Label, labelNew, labelSetLineWrap, labelSetJustify, Justification(JustifyLeft), labelSetText, miscSetAlignment, containerAdd, deleteEvent, statusIconNewFromFile, statusIconPopupMenu, Menu, menuNew, menuItemNewWithMnemonic, menuItemActivated, menuPopup, checkMenuItemNewWithMnemonic, checkMenuItemSetActive, checkMenuItemToggled ) import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk as G (get, set, on) import System.IO (stderr, hPutStrLn) import WildBind ( ActionDescription, Option(optBindingHook), FrontEnd(frontDefaultDescription), Binding, wildBind', defOption ) import WildBind.Input.NumPad (NumPadUnlocked(..), NumPadLocked(..)) import Paths_wild_bind_indicator (getDataFileName) -- | Indicator interface. @s@ is the front-end state, @i@ is the input -- type. data Indicator s i = Indicator { updateDescription :: i -> ActionDescription -> IO (), -- ^ Update and show the description for the current binding. getPresence :: IO Bool, -- ^ Get the current presence of the indicator. Returns 'True' if -- it's present. setPresence :: Bool -> IO (), -- ^ Set the presence of the indicator. quit :: IO () -- ^ Destroy the indicator. This usually means quitting the entire -- application. } -- | Toggle the presence of the indicator. togglePresence :: Indicator s i -> IO () togglePresence ind = (setPresence ind . not) =<< getPresence ind -- | Convert actions in the input 'Indicator' so that those actions -- can be executed from a non-GTK-main thread. transportIndicator :: Indicator s i -> Indicator s i transportIndicator ind = Indicator { updateDescription = \i d -> postGUIAsync $ updateDescription ind i d, getPresence = postGUISync $ getPresence ind, setPresence = \visible -> postGUIAsync $ setPresence ind visible, quit = postGUISync $ quit ind } -- | Something that can be mapped to number pad's key positions. class NumPadPosition a where toNumPad :: a -> NumPadLocked instance NumPadPosition NumPadLocked where toNumPad = id instance NumPadPosition NumPadUnlocked where toNumPad input = case input of NumInsert -> NumL0 NumEnd -> NumL1 NumDown -> NumL2 NumPageDown -> NumL3 NumLeft -> NumL4 NumCenter -> NumL5 NumRight -> NumL6 NumHome -> NumL7 NumUp -> NumL8 NumPageUp -> NumL9 NumDivide -> NumLDivide NumMulti -> NumLMulti NumMinus -> NumLMinus NumPlus -> NumLPlus NumEnter -> NumLEnter NumDelete -> NumLPeriod -- | Data type keeping read-only config for NumPadIndicator. data NumPadConfig = NumPadConfig { confButtonWidth, confButtonHeight :: Int, confWindowX, confWindowY :: Int, confIconPath :: FilePath } numPadConfig :: IO NumPadConfig numPadConfig = do icon <- getDataFileName "icon.svg" return NumPadConfig { confButtonWidth = 70, confButtonHeight = 45, confWindowX = 0, confWindowY = 0, confIconPath = icon } -- | Contextual monad for creating NumPadIndicator type NumPadContext = ReaderT NumPadConfig IO -- | Initialize the indicator and run the given action. This function -- should be used directly under @main@ function. -- -- > main :: IO () -- > main = withNumPadIndicator $ \indicator -> ... -- -- The executable must be compiled by ghc with __@-threaded@ option enabled.__ -- Otherwise, it aborts. withNumPadIndicator :: NumPadPosition i => (Indicator s i -> IO ()) -> IO () withNumPadIndicator action = if rtsSupportsBoundThreads then impl else error_impl where error_impl = throwIO $ userError "You need to build with -threaded option when you use WildBind.Indicator.withNumPadIndicator function." impl = do void $ initGUI conf <- numPadConfig indicator <- createMainWinAndIndicator conf status_icon <- createStatusIcon conf indicator status_icon_ref <- newIORef status_icon mainGUI void $ readIORef status_icon_ref -- to prevent status_icon from being garbage-collected. See https://github.com/gtk2hs/gtk2hs/issues/60 createMainWinAndIndicator conf = flip runReaderT conf $ do win <- newNumPadWindow (tab, updater) <- newNumPadTable liftIO $ containerAdd win tab let indicator = Indicator { updateDescription = \i d -> updater i d, getPresence = G.get win widgetVisible, setPresence = \visible -> if visible then widgetShowAll win else widgetHide win, quit = mainQuit } liftIO $ void $ G.on win deleteEvent $ do liftIO $ widgetHide win return True -- Do not emit 'destroy' signal liftIO $ void $ forkFinally (action $ transportIndicator indicator) finalAction return indicator finalAction ret = do case ret of Right _ -> return () Left exception -> hPutStrLn stderr ("Fatal Error from WildBind: " ++ show exception) postGUIAsync mainQuit createStatusIcon conf indicator = do status_icon <- statusIconNewFromFile $ confIconPath conf void $ G.on status_icon statusIconPopupMenu $ \mbutton time -> do menu <- makeStatusMenu indicator menuPopup menu $ (\button -> return (button, time)) =<< mbutton return status_icon -- | Run 'WildBind.wildBind' with the given 'Indicator'. 'ActionDescription's -- are shown by the 'Indicator'. wildBindWithIndicator :: (Ord i, Enum i, Bounded i) => Indicator s i -> Binding s i -> FrontEnd s i -> IO () wildBindWithIndicator ind binding front = wildBind' (defOption { optBindingHook = bindingHook ind front }) binding front -- | Create an action appropriate for 'optBindingHook' in 'Option' -- from 'Indicator' and 'FrontEnd'. bindingHook :: (Ord i, Enum i, Bounded i) => Indicator s1 i -> FrontEnd s2 i -> [(i, ActionDescription)] -> IO () bindingHook ind front bind_list = forM_ (enumFromTo minBound maxBound) $ \input -> do let desc = M.findWithDefault (frontDefaultDescription front input) input (M.fromList bind_list) updateDescription ind input desc newNumPadWindow :: NumPadContext Window newNumPadWindow = do win <- liftIO $ windowNew liftIO $ windowSetKeepAbove win True liftIO $ G.set win [ windowSkipPagerHint := True, windowSkipTaskbarHint := True, windowAcceptFocus := False, windowFocusOnMap := False ] liftIO $ windowSetTitle win ("WildBind Description" :: Text) win_x <- confWindowX <$> ask win_y <- confWindowY <$> ask liftIO $ windowMove win win_x win_y return win -- | Get the action to describe @i@, if that @i@ is supported. This is -- a 'Monoid', so we can build up the getter by 'mconcat'. type DescriptActionGetter i = i -> First (ActionDescription -> IO ()) newNumPadTable :: NumPadPosition i => NumPadContext (Table, (i -> ActionDescription -> IO ())) newNumPadTable = do tab <- liftIO $ tableNew 5 4 False -- NumLock is unboundable, so it's treatd in a different way from others. (\label -> liftIO $ labelSetText label ("NumLock" :: Text)) =<< addButton tab 0 1 0 1 descript_action_getter <- fmap mconcat $ sequence $ [ getter NumLDivide $ addButton tab 1 2 0 1, getter NumLMulti $ addButton tab 2 3 0 1, getter NumLMinus $ addButton tab 3 4 0 1, getter NumL7 $ addButton tab 0 1 1 2, getter NumL8 $ addButton tab 1 2 1 2, getter NumL9 $ addButton tab 2 3 1 2, getter NumLPlus $ addButton tab 3 4 1 3, getter NumL4 $ addButton tab 0 1 2 3, getter NumL5 $ addButton tab 1 2 2 3, getter NumL6 $ addButton tab 2 3 2 3, getter NumL1 $ addButton tab 0 1 3 4, getter NumL2 $ addButton tab 1 2 3 4, getter NumL3 $ addButton tab 2 3 3 4, getter NumLEnter $ addButton tab 3 4 3 5, getter NumL0 $ addButton tab 0 2 4 5, getter NumLPeriod $ addButton tab 2 3 4 5 ] let description_updater = \input -> case descript_action_getter $ toNumPad input of First (Just act) -> act First Nothing -> const $ return () return (tab, description_updater) where getter :: Eq i => i -> NumPadContext Label -> NumPadContext (DescriptActionGetter i) getter bound_key get_label = do label <- get_label return $ \in_key -> First (if in_key == bound_key then Just $ labelSetText label else Nothing) addButton :: Table -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> NumPadContext Label addButton tab left right top bottom = do lab <- liftIO $ labelNew (Nothing :: Maybe Text) liftIO $ labelSetLineWrap lab True liftIO $ miscSetAlignment lab 0 0.5 liftIO $ labelSetJustify lab JustifyLeft button <- liftIO $ buttonNew liftIO $ buttonSetAlignment button (0, 0.5) liftIO $ containerAdd button lab liftIO $ tableAttachDefaults tab button left right top bottom bw <- confButtonWidth <$> ask bh <- confButtonHeight <$> ask liftIO $ widgetSetSizeRequest lab (bw * (right - left)) (bh * (bottom - top)) return lab makeStatusMenu :: Indicator s i -> IO Menu makeStatusMenu ind = impl where impl = do menu <- menuNew containerAdd menu =<< makeQuitItem containerAdd menu =<< makeToggler return menu makeQuitItem = do quit_item <- menuItemNewWithMnemonic ("_Quit" :: Text) widgetShowAll quit_item void $ G.on quit_item menuItemActivated (quit ind) return quit_item makeToggler = do toggler <- checkMenuItemNewWithMnemonic ("_Toggle description" :: Text) widgetShowAll toggler checkMenuItemSetActive toggler =<< getPresence ind void $ G.on toggler checkMenuItemToggled (togglePresence ind) return toggler