cabal-version: 1.12 name: windns version: x-revision: 1 synopsis: Domain Name Service (DNS) lookup via the Windows dnsapi standard library license: GPL-3 license-file: LICENSE author: Herbert Valerio Riedel maintainer: bug-reports: category: Network build-type: Simple description: { This package implements an API for accessing the [Domain Name Service (DNS)]( resolver service via the standard [/dnsapi.dll](\(v=vs.85\).aspx) system library on Win32 systems. . This package provides the high-level API-subset of the [resolv]( package. } extra-source-files: cbits/hs_windns.h source-repository head type: git location: flag allow-non-windows description: Allow package to be built on @!os(windows)@ manual: True default: False library exposed-modules: Network.DNS other-modules: Network.DNS.FFI default-language: Haskell2010 other-extensions: BangPatterns CApiFFI DeriveFoldable DeriveFunctor DeriveTraversable GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving RecordWildCards Trustworthy build-depends: base >= 4.8 && < 4.11 , bytestring >= 0.9.2 && < 0.11 , deepseq >= && < 1.5 build-tools: hsc2hs >= 0.67 && < 0.69 hs-source-dirs: src include-dirs: cbits ghc-options: -Wall extra-libraries: dnsapi if !(os(windows) || flag(allow-non-windows)) build-depends:base<0