## 1.2 * Removed `Plan` and `mkPlan` * Added `mkExtractor` * `unwrapExtractor` is deprecated * Removed `Data.Winery` ## 1.1.3 * Added `schemaToBuilder` * Added `TestGen` and `Tested` instances for `Maybe a` ## 1.1.2 * Added `encodeTerm` * Split the `Codec.Winery` module ## 1.1.1 * Changed the internal representation of `Decoder` ## 1.1 * Renamed `Data.Winery` to `Codec.Winery` ## 1.0.2 * `bootstrapSchema` returns `UnsupportedSchemaVersion` rather than an error ## 1.0.1 * Added `bundleSerialise` ## 1 * Changed the encoding more compact * Decoders are now stateful * Significantly improved the performance * `decodeCurrent` is now a method of `Serialise` * Added `STag` ## 0.3 * Supported `UTCTime` * Added an instance for lazy `ByteString` * Added `toEncodingWithSchema` ## 0.2 * Renamed `extract*With` to `extract*By` for consistency * Added `hPut` * Improved the performance * Added `-J` option to `winery` which exports a JSON * Decoder now throws `DecodeException` rather than error calls ## 0.1.1 * Add `Data.Winery.Query` * The command line tool supports a simple query language ## 0.1 Overhauled the encoding; Sorry, incompatible with 0 ## 0 Initial release