0.3.1 ===== Bug fixes: * Fix inconsistent long token breaking (long tokens anywhere but the beginning of a line) 0.3 === API changes: * Added the breakLongWords setting to WrapSettings. This setting makes it possible to cause words to get broken up over multiple lines if their lengths exceed the wrapping width. 0.2 === API changes: * Added a WrapSettings data type for controlling wrapping behavior. * All functions now require a WrapSettings. * Added defaultWrapSettings for prior behavior. * Wrap settings now include a setting to control how indentation is preserved in broken lines. Bug fixes: * Lines with only whitespace are preserved as empty lines. 0.1.2 ===== Bug fixes: * Fixed a bug where multiple consecutive newlines were not properly preserved as advertised (#2) 0.1.1 ===== Package changes: * Removed a duplicate mention of the changelog file in the cabal package description that used the wrong filename case (#1) 0.1 === * First version.