{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, FlexibleContexts, PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-splices #-}
-- for `makeFree`


module Workflow.Types where
import Workflow.Extra

import Control.Monad.Trans.Free (FreeT)
import           Control.Monad.Free          (MonadFree, Free)
import qualified Data.Text as T -- TODO

import Data.Char

{-$ WorkflowF



{- | platform-agnostic workflows,
which can be interpreted by platform-specific bindings.

Naming: "WorkflowF" for "Workflow Functor".

NOTE: currently, no error codes are returned (only @()@)).
this (1) simplifies bindings and
(2) saves the user from explicitly ignoring action results (e.g. @_ <- getClipboard@).
later, they can be supported,
alongside wrappers that return @()@ and throw @SomeException@
and provide the same simple API.
since the intented usage of workflows are as user-facing
(often user-written) scripts, and
the monad that satisifes MonadWorkflow will often satisify MonadIO too,
convenient partial functions that throw a helpful error message to stdout
(the error codes should be converted to their error messages) should suffice.
and either way, is strictly better for the user than ignoring,
as the exceptions can always be caught, or not displayed.

data WorkflowF k
 = SendKeyChord    [Modifier] Key                  k -- ^ press the 'Key' while the 'Modifier's are held down. sent to the current application.
 --TODO | SendKeyChordTo Application    [Modifier] Key                   k -- ^
 --TODO | SendKeyChordTo Window    [Modifier] Key                   k -- ^
 -- versus unary: ([Modifier], Key)
 -- rn SendChord

 | SendText        String                          k -- ^ a logical grouping for: (1) unicode support (2) efficiency and (3) debugging. sent to the current application.

 --TODO | SendTextTo Application        String                           k -- ^
 --TODO | SendTextTo Window        String                           k -- ^
 -- sendText = sendTextTo =<< currentApplication

 | SendMouseClick  [Modifier] Natural MouseButton  k  -- ^ click the button, some number of times, holding down the modifiers
  -- derived, make method, not constructor. sent to the current application.

 --TODO | SendMouseClickTo Application  [Modifier] Int MouseButton  k  ^ -- sent to the current application.
 -- versus unary: ([Modifier], Natural, MouseButton)
 | SendMouseScroll  [Modifier] MouseScroll Natural  k  -- ^ spin the wheel, some number of units*, holding down the modifiers

 | GetClipboard                                     (Clipboard -> k)
 | SetClipboard       Clipboard                     k

 | CurrentApplication                               (Application -> k) -- ^ like a getter.
 | OpenApplication    Application                   k                  -- ^ idempotent. like a setter.

 --TODO | GetApplications ([Application] -> k)

 --TODO | CurrentWindow                               (Window -> k)
 --TODO | ReachWindow Window                      k
 --TODO | GetWindows        Application                       ([Window] -> k)   -- ^ an 'Application' has some 'Window's (zero or more on OSX, one or more on Windows/Linux, I think).

 | OpenURL         URL                              k

 | Delay           MilliSeconds                             k -- ^ interpreted as 'threadDelay' on all platforms; included for convenience

 deriving (Functor)
 -- deriving (Functor,Data)


newtype Application' = Application { getApplication :: ApplicationName' }
 deriving (Semigroup,Monoid)

type ApplicationName' = Text
type ApplicationExecutable' = Text -- FilePath
type ApplicationName = String
type ApplicationExecutable = FilePath


data Application = Application { applicationName :: ApplicationName, applicationExecutable :: ApplicationExecutable }

 currentApplication :: m ApplicationName
 openApplication :: Application -> m()

 getOpenApplications :: m [ApplicationName] 
 focusApplication :: ApplicationName -> m()
 startApplication :: ApplicationExecutable -> m()

-- with delay, if x was already open
forall x. do; focusApplication x; y <- currentApplication; return$ x == y



{-| the non-monadic subset of 'WorkflowF'.
i.e. all cases that return @()@, preserving the previous continuation.

Naming: "unit workflow", like "traverse_".

data Workflow_
 = SendKeyChord_    [Modifier] Key
 | SendText_        String
 | SendMouseClick_  [Modifier] Natural MouseButton
 | SendMouseScroll_ [Modifier] MouseScroll Natural
 | SetClipboard_    Clipboard
 | OpenApplication_ Application
 | OpenURL_         URL
 | Delay_           MilliSeconds

 deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Data,Generic)
instance NFData Workflow_


{- | abstract interface.

a monad constraint for "workflow effects"
(just like @MonadState@ is for "state effects").
Can be used in any monad transformer stack that handles them.

'WorkflowF' holds the effects.

'MonadThrow' supports:

* 'Workflow.Keys.press', if the user's syntax is wrong
* error messages from the underlying system calls (TODO e.g. Win32's @GetLastError()@)

type MonadWorkflow m = (MonadFree WorkflowF m, MonadThrow m)

-- | (without failability)
type MonadWorkflow_ = MonadFree WorkflowF

type MonadWorkflow_ m = (MonadFree WorkflowF m)

without eta-contract:
        Illegal deriving item ‘MonadWorkflow_’

--NOTE MonadThrow for `press`.
-- but, does instance MonadThrow (FreeT f m) exist? depends on f?
-- yes! depends on m. instance (Functor f, MonadThrow m) => MonadThrow (FreeT f m)

-- class (MonadFree WorkflowF m, MonadThrow m) => MonadWorkflow where
-- like `newtype` for constraints
-- less automatic

-- {- | for convenience.
-- without loss of generality (I don't think) when declaring simple monadic effects (like Kleisli arrows).

-- e.g.

-- @
-- getClipboard :: 'AMonadWorkflow'      String  -- generalized
-- getClipboard :: ('MonadWorkflow' m) => m String  -- generalized
-- getClipboard :: Free 'WorkflowF'         String  -- specialized
-- @

-- -}
-- type AMonadWorkflow a = forall m. (MonadWorkflow m) => m a

-- {-| Naming: "a unit monad workflow".
-- -}
-- type AMonadWorkflow_ = (forall m. (MonadWorkflow m) => m ())

-- | concrete transformer.
type WorkflowT = FreeT WorkflowF

-- | concrete monad.
type Workflow = Free WorkflowF


type Clipboard = String

type Application = String

type URL = String

type MilliSeconds = Int
-- newtype Time = Time Int  deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Num)
-- units package
-- milliseconds

-- class IsString TODO needs Free WorkflowF, which must be lifted,
-- which isn't better than an explicit insert

-- {-|
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> "contents" :: Clipboard
-- "contents"
-- -}
--newtype Clipboard_ = Clipboard String
 --deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,IsString,Data,Generic,Semigroup,NFData)
-- data Clipboard = Clipboard { cbContents :: String, cbFormat :: ClipboardFormat }
-- instance IsString UnicodeTextFormat where fromString s = Clipboard s UnicodeTextFormat
-- GetClipboardContents
-- getClipboard = getClipboardContents<&>cbContents
-- runWorkflow must take a mapping (ClipboardFormat -> something)
--  maybe: phantom data RawClipboard (format :: ClipboardFormat) = Bytestring
--  with reflection class KnownClipboardFormat

-- {-|
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> "Emacs" :: Application
-- "Emacs"
-- -}
--newtype Application_ = Application String
 --deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,IsString,Data,Generic,Semigroup,NFData)

-- {-|
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> "https://google.com/" :: URL
-- "https://google.com/"
-- -}
--newtype URL_ = URL String
  --deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,IsString,Data,Generic,Semigroup,NFData)
--TODO refined


{-| Operating systems always (?) support at least these mouse events.

Most mice have these three buttons, trackpads have left/right.

data MouseButton
 = LeftButton
 | MiddleButton
 | RightButton
 --TODO | XButton -- https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/gg153549(v=vs.85).aspx
 deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded,Data,Generic)
instance NFData MouseButton

{-| Mouse wheel scrolling, vertically and horizontally.


* scrolls up when "natural scrolling" is disabled
* scrolls down when "natural scrolling" is enabled

TODO check

data MouseScroll
  = ScrollTowards -- ScrollUp (from user)
  | ScrollAway -- ScrollDown (from user)
  | ScrollLeft
  | ScrollRight
  deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded,Data,Generic)
instance NFData MouseScroll


-- {-| Represents @a@ being bound to a keyboard shortcut.
-- Naming:
-- <https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Key-Binding-Commands.html>
-- -}
-- data KeyBinding a = KeyBinding KeySequence a
--TODO mv to commands-core or something

{-| a sequence of key chords make up a keyboard shortcut


type KeySequence = [KeyChord]
-- newtype KeySequence = KeySequence (NonEmpty KeyChord)
--TODO newtype for non-overlapping IsString
-- instance IsString KCs where fromString =
-- --TODO refined
-- press :: KCs -> m()

-- an (unordered, no-duplicates) sequence of key
-- chords make up a keyboard shortcut
-- not a Set for simplicity (e.g. to avoid imports and Ord constraints).

{- | represents joitly holding down all the modifiers
while individually press each key down and back up.

Naming: https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/Chord

type KeyChord = ([Modifier], Key)
-- data KeyChord = KeyChord [Modifier] Key
{- data KeyChord = KeyChord
 { kcModifiers :: [Modifier]
 , kcKey       :: Key

-- | @pattern KeyChord ms k = (ms,k)@
pattern KeyChord :: [Modifier] -> Key -> KeyChord
pattern KeyChord ms k = (ms, k)

pattern SimpleKeyChord :: Key -> KeyChord
pattern SimpleKeyChord k = ([], k)

{- | modifier keys are keys that can be "held".

NOTE the escape key tends to be "pressed", not "held", it seems.
(possibly explains its behavior in your terminal emulator?)

@alt@ is 'OptionModifier'.

data Modifier
 = MetaModifier  -- ^ fake modifier: Alt on Linux\/Windows, Command on OSX
 | HyperModifier -- ^ fake modifier: Control on Linux\/Windows, Command on OSX
 | ControlModifier
 | OptionModifier --TODO rn Option Alt
 | ShiftModifier
 | FunctionModifier
 deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum,Data,Generic)
instance NFData Modifier

-- | (really, a @Set@)
type Modifiers = [Modifier]
{- | a "cross-platform" keyboard, that has:

* all keys that exist on standard keyboards.
* plus, 'MetaKey' and 'HyperKey': virtual modifiers to abstract over
common keyboard shortcuts.

(let me know if you want a type to support cross-platform international keyboards,
i haven't looked into it. you can still use the
platform-specific virtual-key-codes in the dependent packages:
@workflow-linux@, @workflow-osx@, and @workflow-windows@)

data Key

 = MetaKey -- ^ fake key: Alt on Linux\/Windows, Command on OSX
 | HyperKey -- ^ fake key: Control on Linux\/Windows, Command on OSX
-- Control/Command both have C\/O\/N

 | ControlKey
 | CapsLockKey
 | ShiftKey
 | OptionKey
 | FunctionKey

 | GraveKey
 | MinusKey
 | EqualKey
 | DeleteKey
 | ForwardDeleteKey
 | LeftBracketKey
 | RightBracketKey
 | BackslashKey
 | SemicolonKey
 | QuoteKey
 | CommaKey
 | PeriodKey
 | SlashKey

 | TabKey
 | SpaceKey
 | ReturnKey

 | LeftArrowKey
 | RightArrowKey
 | DownArrowKey
 | UpArrowKey

 | AKey
 | BKey
 | CKey
 | DKey
 | EKey
 | FKey
 | GKey
 | HKey
 | IKey
 | JKey
 | KKey
 | LKey
 | MKey
 | NKey
 | OKey
 | PKey
 | QKey
 | RKey
 | SKey
 | TKey
 | UKey
 | VKey
 | WKey
 | XKey
 | YKey
 | ZKey

 | ZeroKey
 | OneKey
 | TwoKey
 | ThreeKey
 | FourKey
 | FiveKey
 | SixKey
 | SevenKey
 | EightKey
 | NineKey

 | EscapeKey
 | F1Key
 | F2Key
 | F3Key
 | F4Key
 | F5Key
 | F6Key
 | F7Key
 | F8Key
 | F9Key
 | F10Key
 | F11Key
 | F12Key
 | F13Key
 | F14Key
 | F15Key
 | F16Key
 | F17Key
 | F18Key
 | F19Key
 | F20Key

 deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum,Data,Generic)
instance NFData Key

-- | All modifiers are keys.
modifier2key :: Modifier -> Key
modifier2key = \case
 MetaModifier          -> MetaKey
 HyperModifier         -> HyperKey
 ShiftModifier         -> ShiftKey
 OptionModifier        -> OptionKey
 ControlModifier       -> ControlKey
 FunctionModifier      -> FunctionKey

isModifierKey :: Key -> Maybe Modifier
isModifierKey = \case
 MetaKey          -> Just MetaModifier
 HyperKey         -> Just HyperModifier
 ShiftKey         -> Just ShiftModifier
 OptionKey        -> Just OptionModifier
 ControlKey       -> Just ControlModifier
 FunctionKey      -> Just FunctionModifier
 _ -> Nothing

isAlphaNumKey :: Key -> Bool
isAlphaNumKey x = isAlphabeticKey x || isNumericKey x

isAlphabeticKey :: Key -> Bool
isAlphabeticKey = \case
 AKey -> True
 BKey -> True
 CKey -> True
 DKey -> True
 EKey -> True
 FKey -> True
 GKey -> True
 HKey -> True
 IKey -> True
 JKey -> True
 KKey -> True
 LKey -> True
 MKey -> True
 NKey -> True
 OKey -> True
 PKey -> True
 QKey -> True
 RKey -> True
 SKey -> True
 TKey -> True
 UKey -> True
 VKey -> True
 WKey -> True
 XKey -> True
 YKey -> True
 ZKey -> True
 _ -> False

isNumericKey :: Key -> Bool
isNumericKey = \case
 ZeroKey -> True
 OneKey -> True
 TwoKey -> True
 ThreeKey -> True
 FourKey -> True
 FiveKey -> True
 SixKey -> True
 SevenKey -> True
 EightKey -> True
 NineKey -> True
 _ -> False

displayKey :: Key -> String
displayKey = show >>> (T.pack >>> T.stripSuffix "Key" >>> maybe (error "workflow-types:Workflow.Types.displayKey") id >>> T.unpack) >>> fmap toLower -- NOTE partial