{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists, OverloadedStrings #-} module AWS.IAM (tests) where import AWS.Aeson import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Lens hiding ((.=)) import Data.Aeson.Encode (encode) import Data.Aeson.Lens (key, _String, values) import Data.IORef (IORef, readIORef, writeIORef) import Data.Text as T (Text, pack, unpack, split) import Data.Text.Lazy as LT (toStrict) import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as E (decodeUtf8) import Network.Wreq import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import Test.HUnit (assertBool) tests :: String -> String -> Options -> IORef String -> Test tests prefix region baseopts iamTestState = testGroup "iam" [ testCase "listUsers" $ listUsers prefix region baseopts , testCase "createRole" $ createRole prefix region baseopts iamTestState , testCase "listRoles" $ listRoles prefix region baseopts , testCase "putRolePolicy" $ putRolePolicy prefix region baseopts , testCase "stsAssumeRole" $ stsAssumeRole prefix region baseopts iamTestState , testCase "deleteRolePolicy" $ deleteRolePolicy prefix region baseopts , testCase "deleteRole" $ deleteRole prefix region baseopts ] listUsers :: String -> String -> Options -> IO () listUsers _prefix region baseopts = do let opts = baseopts & param "Action" .~ ["ListUsers"] & param "Version" .~ ["2010-05-08"] & header "Accept" .~ ["application/json"] r <- getWith opts (iamUrl region) assertBool "listUsers 200" $ r ^. responseStatus . statusCode == 200 assertBool "listUsers OK" $ r ^. responseStatus . statusMessage == "OK" createRole :: String -> String -> Options -> IORef String -> IO () createRole prefix region baseopts iamTestState = do let opts = baseopts & param "Action" .~ ["CreateRole"] & param "Version" .~ ["2010-05-08"] & param "RoleName" .~ [T.pack $ prefix ++ roleName] & param "AssumeRolePolicyDocument" .~ [rolePolicyDoc] & header "Accept" .~ ["application/json"] r <- getWith opts (iamUrl region) assertBool "createRole 200" $ r ^. responseStatus . statusCode == 200 assertBool "createRole OK" $ r ^. responseStatus . statusMessage == "OK" let [arn] = r ^.. responseBody . key "CreateRoleResponse" . key "CreateRoleResult" . key "Role" . key "Arn" . _String writeIORef iamTestState $ T.unpack arn putRolePolicy :: String -> String -> Options -> IO () putRolePolicy prefix region baseopts = do let opts = baseopts & param "Action" .~ ["PutRolePolicy"] & param "Version" .~ ["2010-05-08"] & param "RoleName" .~ [T.pack $ prefix ++ roleName] & param "PolicyName" .~ [testPolicyName] & param "PolicyDocument" .~ [policyDoc] & header "Accept" .~ ["application/json"] r <- getWith opts (iamUrl region) assertBool "putRolePolicy 200" $ r ^. responseStatus . statusCode == 200 assertBool "putRolePolicy OK" $ r ^. responseStatus . statusMessage == "OK" threadDelay $ 30*1000*1000 -- 30 sleep, allow change to propagate to region deleteRolePolicy :: String -> String -> Options -> IO () deleteRolePolicy prefix region baseopts = do let opts = baseopts & param "Action" .~ ["DeleteRolePolicy"] & param "Version" .~ ["2010-05-08"] & param "RoleName" .~ [T.pack $ prefix ++ roleName] & param "PolicyName" .~ [testPolicyName] & param "PolicyDocument" .~ [policyDoc] & header "Accept" .~ ["application/json"] r <- getWith opts (iamUrl region) assertBool "deleteRolePolicy 200" $ r ^. responseStatus . statusCode == 200 assertBool "deleteRolePolicy OK" $ r ^. responseStatus . statusMessage == "OK" deleteRole :: String -> String -> Options -> IO () deleteRole prefix region baseopts = do let opts = baseopts & param "Action" .~ ["DeleteRole"] & param "Version" .~ ["2010-05-08"] & param "RoleName" .~ [T.pack $ prefix ++ roleName] & header "Accept" .~ ["application/json"] r <- getWith opts (iamUrl region) assertBool "deleteRole 200" $ r ^. responseStatus . statusCode == 200 assertBool "deleteRole OK" $ r ^. responseStatus . statusMessage == "OK" listRoles :: String -> String -> Options -> IO () listRoles prefix region baseopts = do let opts = baseopts & param "Action" .~ ["ListRoles"] & param "Version" .~ ["2010-05-08"] & header "Accept" .~ ["application/json"] r <- getWith opts (iamUrl region) assertBool "listRoles 200" $ r ^. responseStatus . statusCode == 200 assertBool "listRoles OK" $ r ^. responseStatus . statusMessage == "OK" let arns = r ^.. responseBody . key "ListRolesResponse" . key "ListRolesResult" . key "Roles" . values . key "Arn" . _String -- arns are of form: "arn:aws:iam:::role/ec2-role" let arns' = map (T.unpack . last . T.split (=='/')) arns assertBool "listRoles contains test role" $ elem (prefix ++ roleName) arns' -- Security Token Service (STS) stsAssumeRole :: String -> String -> Options -> IORef String -> IO () stsAssumeRole _prefix region baseopts iamTestState = do arn <- readIORef iamTestState let opts = baseopts & param "Action" .~ ["AssumeRole"] & param "Version" .~ ["2011-06-15"] & param "RoleArn" .~ [T.pack arn] & param "ExternalId" .~ [externalId] & param "RoleSessionName" .~ ["Bob"] & header "Accept" .~ ["application/json"] r <- getWith opts (stsUrl region) -- STS call (part of IAM service family) assertBool "stsAssumeRole 200" $ r ^. responseStatus . statusCode == 200 assertBool "stsAssumeRole OK" $ r ^. responseStatus . statusMessage == "OK" iamUrl :: String -> String iamUrl _ = "https://iam.amazonaws.com/" -- IAM is not region specific stsUrl :: String -> String stsUrl _region = "https://sts.amazonaws.com/" -- keep from needing to enable STS in regions -- To test region specific behavior, uncomment the line below -- "https://sts." ++ _region ++ ".amazonaws.com/" -- region specific -- Note: to access AWS STS in any region other than us-east-1, or the default -- region (sts.amazonaws.com), STS needs to be enabled in the -- AWS Management Console under -- Account Settings > Security Token Service Region -- If you forget, the AssumeRole call will return a 403 error with: -- "STS is not activated in this region for account:. -- Your account administrator can activate STS in this region using -- the IAM Console." roleName :: String roleName = "test" testPolicyName :: T.Text testPolicyName = "testPolicy" -- Note that ExternalId is a concept used for cross account use cases -- with 3rd parties. But the check works for same-account as well, which -- makes it more convenient to test. -- For more, see: -- http://docs.aws.amazon.com/STS/latest/UsingSTS/sts-delegating-externalid.html externalId :: T.Text externalId = "someExternalId" rolePolicyDoc :: T.Text rolePolicyDoc = LT.toStrict . E.decodeUtf8 . encode $ object [ "Version" .= "2012-10-17", "Statement" .= [ object [ "Effect" .= "Allow", "Action" .= "sts:AssumeRole", "Principal" .= object ["AWS" .= "*"], "Condition" .= object ["StringEquals" .= object ["sts:ExternalId" .= string externalId]] ] ] ] policyDoc :: T.Text policyDoc = LT.toStrict . E.decodeUtf8 . encode $ object [ "Version" .= "2012-10-17", "Statement" .= [ object [ "Effect" .= "Allow", "Action" .= ["*"], "Resource" .= ["*"] ] ] ]