% wreq: a Haskell web client library % HTTP made easy for Haskell. Tutorial `wreq` is a library that makes HTTP client programming in Haskell easy. # Features * Simple but powerful `lens`-based API * Over 100 tests, and built on reliable libraries like [`http-client`](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/http-client/) and [`lens`](https://lens.github.io/) * Session handling includes connection keep-alive and pooling, and cookie persistence * Automatic decompression * Powerful multipart form and file upload handling * Support for JSON requests and responses, including navigation of schema-less responses * Basic and OAuth2 bearer authentication * Amazon Web Services (AWS) request signing (Version 4) * AWS signing supports sending requests through the [Runscope Inc.](https://www.runscope.com) Traffic Inspector # Whirlwind tour All of the examples that follow assume that you are using the [`OverloadedStrings`](https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/latest/docs/html/users_guide/type-class-extensions.html#overloaded-strings) language extension, which you can enable in `ghci` as follows: ~~~~ {.haskell} ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings ~~~~ And now let's get started. ~~~~ {.haskell} ghci> import Network.Wreq ghci> r <- get "http://httpbin.org/get" ~~~~ The `wreq` library's `lens`-based API is easy to learn (the tutorial walks you through the [basics of lenses](tutorial.html#a-quick-lens-backgrounder)) and powerful to work with. ~~~~ {.haskell} ghci> import Control.Lens ghci> r ^. responseHeader "Content-Type" "application/json" ~~~~ Safely and sanely add query parameters to URLs. Let's find the most popular implementations of Tetris in Haskell. ~~~~ {.haskell} ghci> let opts = defaults & param "q" .~ ["tetris"] & param "language" .~ ["haskell"] ghci> r <- getWith opts "https://api.github.com/search/repositories" ~~~~ Haskell-to-JSON interoperation is seamless. ~~~~ {.haskell} ghci> import GHC.Generics ghci> import Data.Aeson ghci> :set -XDeriveGeneric ghci> data Addr = Addr Int String deriving (Generic) ghci> instance ToJSON Addr ghci> let addr = Addr 1600 "Pennsylvania" ghci> post "http://httpbin.org/post" (toJSON addr) ~~~~ Work easily with schemaless JSON APIs. This traverses the complex JSON search result we just received from GitHub above, and pulls out the authors of our popular Tetris clones. ~~~~ {.haskell} ghci> import Data.Aeson.Lens ghci> r ^.. responseBody . key "items" . values . key "owner" . key "login" . _String ["steffi2392","rmies","Spacejoker","walpen",{-...-} ~~~~ Easily write [`attoparsec`](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/attoparsec) parsers on the spot, to safely and reliably deal with complicated headers and bodies. ~~~~ {.haskell} ghci> import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A ghci> import Data.List (sort) ghci> let comma = skipSpace >> "," >> skipSpace ghci> let verbs = A.takeWhile isAlpha_ascii `sepBy` comma ghci> r <- options "http://httpbin.org/get" ghci> r ^. responseHeader "Allow" . atto verbs . to sort ghci> ["GET","HEAD","OPTIONS"] ~~~~ There's a lot more, but why not jump in and start coding. In fact, if you'd like to add new features, that would be great! We love pull requests.

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# Acknowledgments I'd like to thank Edward Kmett and Shachaf Ben-Kiki for tirelessly answering my never-ending stream of [lens](https://lens.github.io/)-related questions in `#haskell-lens`. I also want to thank Michael Snoyman for being so quick with helpful responses to bug reports and pull requests against his excellent [http-client](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/http-client) package. Finally, thanks to Kenneth Reitz for building the indispensable [httpbin.org](http://httpbin.org/) HTTP testing service, and of course for his [requests library](http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/).