{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Wumpus.Basic.Arrows.Tips
-- Copyright   :  (c) Stephen Tetley 2010
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Stephen Tetley <stephen.tetley@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  highly unstable
-- Portability :  GHC
-- Anchor points on shapes.
-- \*\* WARNING \*\* this module is an experiment, and may 
-- change significantly or even be dropped from future revisions.

module Wumpus.Basic.Arrows.Tips

  , tri60
  , tri45
  , otri90
  , otri60
  , otri45

  , barb90
  , barb60
  , barb45

  , perp

  , rbracket

  ) where

import Wumpus.Basic.Graphic

import Wumpus.Core                      -- package: wumpus-core

import Data.AffineSpace                 -- package: vector-space

import Control.Applicative

-- | Tiplen is length of the tip \*along the line it follows\*. 
-- > |\
-- > | \
-- > | /
-- > |/
-- > 
-- > |  |  -- tip len

-- | Tip width is the distance between upper and lower 
-- arrow points.
-- >       __
-- > |\    
-- > | \   tip
-- > | /   width
-- > |/    __
-- >       

-- | This one is for triangular tips defined by their tip angle
-- e.g. 90deg, 60deg, 45deg.
-- The tip width will be variable (tip length should be the 
-- markHeight).
triVecsByAngle :: Floating u => u -> Radian -> Radian -> (Vec2 u, Vec2 u)
triVecsByAngle tiplen halfang theta = (vec_to_upper, vec_to_lower)
    hypo_len     = tiplen / (fromRadian $ cos halfang)
    rtheta       = pi + theta        -- theta in the opposite direction
    vec_to_upper = avec (circularModulo $ rtheta - halfang) hypo_len
    vec_to_lower = avec (circularModulo $ rtheta + halfang) hypo_len 

-- | This one is for triangles when the tip height and tip width
-- are known.
triVecsByDist  :: (Real u, Floating u) 
               => u -> u -> Radian -> (Vec2 u, Vec2 u)
triVecsByDist tiplen half_tipwidth theta = (vec_to_upper, vec_to_lower)
    hypo_len     = sqrt $ (tiplen*tiplen) + (half_tipwidth*half_tipwidth)
    halfang      = toRadian $ atan (half_tipwidth / tiplen) 
    rtheta       = pi + theta        -- theta in the opposite direction
    vec_to_upper = avec (circularModulo $ rtheta - halfang) hypo_len
    vec_to_lower = avec (circularModulo $ rtheta + halfang) hypo_len 


-- | Tripoints takes the \*tip length\* is the mark height.
-- This means that the 90deg tip has a tip width greater-than the
-- mark height (but that is okay - seemingly this is how TikZ 
-- does it!).
tripointsByAngle :: (Floating u, FromPtSize u)
                 => Radian -> Radian -> LocDrawingR u (Point2 u, Point2 u)
tripointsByAngle triang theta tip = 
    (\h -> let (vupper,vlower) = triVecsByAngle h (0.5*triang) theta
           in  (tip .+^ vupper, tip .+^ vlower))
      <$> markHeight

tripointsByDist :: (Real u, Floating u, FromPtSize u)
                => (u -> u) -> (u -> u) -> Radian 
                -> LocDrawingR u (Point2 u, Point2 u)
tripointsByDist lenF halfwidthF theta tip = 
    (\h -> let (vup,vlo) = triVecsByDist (lenF h) (halfwidthF $ 0.5*h) theta
           in  (tip .+^ vup, tip .+^ vlo))
      <$> markHeight

-- width = xchar_height
-- filled with stroke colour!

triAng :: (Floating u, Real u, FromPtSize u)
      => Radian 
      -> Radian
      -> (PrimPath u -> Graphic u) 
      -> LocGraphic u
triAng triang theta gf pt = 
    tripointsByAngle triang theta pt >>= \(u,v) -> 
    localize bothStrokeColour (gf $  vertexPath [pt,u,v])

-- TODO - maybe filling needs to use swapColours

tri90 :: (Floating u, Real u, FromPtSize u)
      => Radian -> LocGraphic u
tri90 theta = triAng (pi/2) theta filledPath

tri60 :: (Floating u, Real u, FromPtSize u)
      => Radian -> LocGraphic u
tri60 theta = triAng (pi/3) theta filledPath

tri45 :: (Floating u, Real u, FromPtSize u)
      => Radian -> LocGraphic u
tri45 theta = triAng (pi/4) theta filledPath

otri90 :: (Floating u, Real u, FromPtSize u)
      => Radian -> LocGraphic u
otri90 theta = triAng (pi/2) theta closedStroke

otri60 :: (Floating u, Real u, FromPtSize u)
      => Radian -> LocGraphic u
otri60 theta = triAng (pi/3) theta closedStroke

otri45 :: (Floating u, Real u, FromPtSize u)
      => Radian -> LocGraphic u
otri45 theta = triAng (pi/4) theta closedStroke

barbAng :: (Floating u, Real u, FromPtSize u)
      => Radian -> Radian -> LocGraphic u
barbAng ang theta pt = 
    tripointsByAngle ang theta pt >>= \(u,v) -> 
    openStroke (vertexPath [u,pt,v])

barb90 :: (Floating u, Real u, FromPtSize u) 
       => Radian -> LocGraphic u
barb90 = barbAng (pi/2)

barb60 :: (Floating u, Real u, FromPtSize u) 
       => Radian -> LocGraphic u
barb60 = barbAng (pi/3)

barb45 :: (Floating u, Real u, FromPtSize u) 
       => Radian -> LocGraphic u
barb45 = barbAng (pi/4)

perp :: (Floating u, FromPtSize u) => Radian -> LocGraphic u
perp theta pt =  
    markHeight >>= \ h -> 
    let v = makeV h in openStroke $ vertexPath [ pt .+^ v, pt .-^ v]
    makeV h  = avec (theta + pi/2) (0.5 * h)

rbracket :: (Floating u, FromPtSize u) => Radian -> LocGraphic u
rbracket theta pt = markHalfHeight >>= \hh -> 
   runDirection theta $ 
     displacePerp   hh  pt >>= \p1 ->
     displacePara (-hh) p1 >>= \p0 ->
     displacePerp (-hh) pt >>= \p2 ->
     displacePara (-hh) p2 >>= \p3 ->
     return (openStroke $ vertexPath [p0,p1,p2,p3])