{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Wumpus.Basic.Kernel.Objects.Basis
-- Copyright   :  (c) Stephen Tetley 2011
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  stephen.tetley@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  highly unstable
-- Portability :  GHC 
-- Common types and operations.

module Wumpus.Basic.Kernel.Objects.Basis

  , primAnswer

  , Image
  , Graphic 

  , Query

  , DImage
  , DGraphic

  , runImage
  , runQuery
  , zapQuery

  , primGraphic
  , clipImage

  , UConvert(..)
  , uconvImageF
  , uconvImageZ

  , emptyImage

  , both

  , ignoreAns
  , replaceAns

  , Decorate(..)

  ) where

import Wumpus.Basic.Kernel.Base.BaseDefs
import Wumpus.Basic.Kernel.Base.DrawingContext
import Wumpus.Basic.Kernel.Base.WrappedPrimitive

import Wumpus.Core                              -- package: wumpus-core

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid

-- | Unit @u@ is a phantom.
data PrimW u a = PrimW CatPrim a

type instance DUnit (PrimW u a) = u

instance Monoid a => Monoid (PrimW u a) where
  mempty = PrimW mempty mempty
  PrimW ca a `mappend` PrimW cb b = PrimW (ca `mappend` cb) (a `mappend` b)

instance Functor (PrimW u) where
  fmap f (PrimW w a) = PrimW w (f a)

instance Applicative (PrimW u) where
  pure a                        = PrimW mempty a
  (PrimW c1 f) <*> (PrimW c2 a) = PrimW (c1 `mappend` c2) (f a) 

instance Monad (PrimW u) where
  return a            = PrimW mempty a
  (PrimW c1 a) >>= mf = let (PrimW c2 b) = mf a
                        in PrimW (c1 `mappend` c2) b

primAnswer :: PrimW u a -> a
primAnswer (PrimW _ a) = a

-- | For the moment the second fun is type preserving...
bimapPrimW :: (CatPrim -> CatPrim) -> (a -> a) -> PrimW u a -> PrimW u a
bimapPrimW f g (PrimW ca a) = PrimW (f ca) (g a)

-- | Convert a PrimW where the answer is some functor type 
-- parametrized by the unit.
szconvPrimF :: (Functor t, InterpretUnit u, InterpretUnit u1)
            => FontSize -> PrimW u (t u)  -> PrimW u1 (t u1)
szconvPrimF sz (PrimW c a) = PrimW c (uconvertF sz a)

-- | Convert a PrimW where the answer is oblivious to unit.
szconvPrimZ :: (InterpretUnit u, InterpretUnit u1)
            => FontSize -> PrimW u a  -> PrimW u1 a
szconvPrimZ _ (PrimW c a) = PrimW c a


newtype Image u a = Image { 
          getImage :: DrawingContext -> PrimW u a }

type instance DUnit (Image u a) = u

type Graphic u = Image u (UNil u)

-- | Type specialized version of 'Image'.
type DImage a       = Image Double a

-- | Type specialized version of 'Graphic'.
type DGraphic       = Graphic Double 

newtype Query u a = Query { 
          getQuery :: DrawingContext -> a }

type instance DUnit (Query u a) = u

-- Functor

instance Functor (Image u) where
  fmap f ma = Image $ \ctx -> fmap f $ getImage ma ctx

instance Functor (Query u) where
  fmap f ma = Query $ \ctx -> f $ getQuery ma ctx

-- Applicative

instance Applicative (Image u) where
  pure a    = Image $ \_   -> pure a
  mf <*> ma = Image $ \ctx -> 
                getImage mf ctx <*> getImage ma ctx

instance Applicative (Query u) where
  pure a    = Query $ \_   -> a
  mf <*> ma = Query $ \ctx -> let f = getQuery mf ctx 
                                  a = getQuery ma ctx
                              in f a

-- Monad

instance Monad (Image u) where
  return a = Image $ \_ -> return a
  ma >>= k = Image $ \ctx -> getImage ma ctx >>= \ans -> getImage (k ans) ctx

instance Monad (Query u) where
  return a = Query $ \_   -> a
  ma >>= k = Query $ \ctx -> let a = getQuery ma ctx in getQuery (k a) ctx

-- Monoid

instance Monoid a => Monoid (Image u a) where
  mempty          = pure mempty
  ma `mappend` mb = Image $ \ctx -> 
                      getImage ma ctx `mappend` getImage mb ctx

instance Monoid a => Monoid (Query u a) where
  mempty          = pure mempty
  ma `mappend` mb = Query $ \ctx -> 
                      getQuery ma ctx `mappend` getQuery mb ctx

-- DrawingCtxM

instance DrawingCtxM (Image u) where
  askDC           = Image $ \ctx -> return ctx
  asksDC fn       = Image $ \ctx -> return (fn ctx)
  localize upd ma = Image $ \ctx -> getImage ma (upd ctx)

instance DrawingCtxM (Query u) where
  askDC           = Query $ \ctx -> ctx
  asksDC fn       = Query $ \ctx -> (fn ctx)
  localize upd ma = Query $ \ctx -> getQuery ma (upd ctx)

runImage :: DrawingContext -> Image u a -> PrimW u a
runImage ctx mf = getImage mf ctx

runQuery :: DrawingContext -> Query u a -> a
runQuery ctx mf = getQuery mf ctx

zapQuery :: Query u a -> Image u a
zapQuery mq = askDC >>= \ctx -> let a = runQuery ctx mq in return a

-- | Constructor for Primtive graphics.
primGraphic :: CatPrim -> Graphic u
primGraphic ca = Image $ \_ -> PrimW ca UNil

-- | Clip an Image.
clipImage :: PrimPath -> Image u a -> Image u a
clipImage pp ma = Image $ \ctx -> step (getImage ma ctx)
    step (PrimW ca a) = PrimW (cpmap (clip pp) ca) a

class UConvert (f :: * -> * -> *) where
  uconvF :: (Functor t, InterpretUnit u, InterpretUnit u1) 
         => f u (t u) -> f u1 (t u1)

  uconvZ :: (InterpretUnit u, InterpretUnit u1) 
         => f u a -> f u1 a

instance UConvert Image where
  uconvZ = uconvImageZ
  uconvF = uconvImageF

uconvImageF :: (Functor t, InterpretUnit u, InterpretUnit u1) 
            => Image u (t u) -> Image u1 (t u1) 
uconvImageF ma = Image $ \ctx -> 
                   let sz  = dc_font_size ctx
                       ans = getImage ma ctx
                   in szconvPrimF sz ans

uconvImageZ :: (InterpretUnit u, InterpretUnit u1) 
            => Image u a -> Image u1 a
uconvImageZ ma = Image $ \ctx -> 
                   let sz  = dc_font_size ctx
                       ans = getImage ma ctx
                   in szconvPrimZ sz ans

-- | Having /empty/ at the specific 'Image' type is useful.
emptyImage :: Monoid a => Image u a
emptyImage = mempty


both :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f (a,b)
both fa fb = (,) <$> fa <*> fb

-- | Note - the kind of f allows fo unit annotation.
ignoreAns :: Functor (f u) => f u a -> f u (UNil u)
ignoreAns = fmap (const UNil)

-- | Replace the answer produced by a graphic object.
replaceAns :: Functor (f u) => a -> f u z -> f u a
replaceAns a = fmap (const a)

-- | Decorate an object
-- oliterate - drops the graphic from the first object replacing 
-- it with the graphic from the second.
class Decorate (f :: * -> * -> *) where
  decorate   :: f u a -> f u z -> f u a
  elaborate  :: f u a -> (a -> f u z) -> f u a
  obliterate :: f u a -> f u z -> f u a
  hyperlink  :: XLink -> f u a -> f u a

-- | Do not export...
getCatPrim :: PrimW u a -> CatPrim
getCatPrim (PrimW ca _) = ca

-- | Should a decoration \"lift\" a query (Pure) to an image (PrimW)? 
-- Currently I don\'t think it should.
decorateImage :: Image u a -> Image u z -> Image u a
decorateImage ma mb = Image $ \ctx -> 
    step (getImage ma ctx) (getImage mb ctx)
    step (PrimW ca a) (PrimW cb _) = PrimW (ca `mappend` cb) a

-- |
elaborateImage :: Image u a -> (a -> Image u z) -> Image u a
elaborateImage ma k = Image $ \ ctx -> case getImage ma ctx of 
    PrimW ca a -> let cb = getCatPrim $ getImage (k a) ctx 
                  in PrimW (ca `mappend` cb) a

obliterateImage :: Image u a -> Image u z -> Image u a
obliterateImage ma mb = Image $ \ctx -> 
    let a  = primAnswer $ getImage ma ctx
        ca = getCatPrim $ getImage mb ctx
    in PrimW ca a
hyperlinkImage :: XLink -> Image u a -> Image u a
hyperlinkImage xl ma = Image $ \ctx -> step (getImage ma ctx)
    step (PrimW ca a) = PrimW (cpmap (xlinkPrim xl) ca) a

instance Decorate Image where
  decorate    = decorateImage
  elaborate   = elaborateImage  
  obliterate  = obliterateImage
  hyperlink   = hyperlinkImage
-- Affine instances 

-- Design Note
-- Are PrimW instances needed as Image cannot use them?

instance Rotate a => Rotate (PrimW u a) where
  rotate ang (PrimW ca a) = PrimW (rotate ang ca) (rotate ang a)

instance (RotateAbout a, ScalarUnit u, u ~ DUnit a) => 
    RotateAbout (PrimW u a) where
  rotateAbout ang pt@(P2 x y) (PrimW ca a) = 
    PrimW (rotateAbout ang (P2 (toPsPoint x) (toPsPoint y)) ca)
          (rotateAbout ang pt a) 

instance Scale a => Scale (PrimW u a) where
  scale sx sy (PrimW ca a) = PrimW (scale sx sy ca) (scale sx sy a)

instance (Translate a, ScalarUnit u, u ~ DUnit a) => 
    Translate (PrimW u a) where
  translate dx dy (PrimW cp a) = 
    PrimW (translate (toPsPoint dx) (toPsPoint dy) cp) (translate dx dy a) 

-- Image
-- Cannot use /fmap/ as it does not touch the CatPrim (w)

instance Rotate a => Rotate (Image u a) where
  rotate ang ma = Image $ \ctx -> 
      bimapPrimW (rotate ang) (rotate ang) $ getImage ma ctx

instance (RotateAbout a, InterpretUnit u, u ~ DUnit a) => 
    RotateAbout (Image u a) where
  rotateAbout ang pt ma = Image $ \ctx -> 
      let ptu = uconvertF (dc_font_size ctx) pt
      in bimapPrimW (rotateAbout ang ptu) (rotateAbout ang pt) $ getImage ma ctx

instance Scale a => Scale (Image u a) where
  scale sx sy ma = Image $ \ctx -> 
      bimapPrimW (scale sx sy) (scale sx sy) $ getImage ma ctx

instance (Translate a, InterpretUnit u, u ~ DUnit a) => 
    Translate (Image u a) where
  translate dx dy ma = Image $ \ctx -> 
      let sz  = dc_font_size ctx
          ddx = uconvert1 sz dx
          ddy = uconvert1 sz dy
      in bimapPrimW (translate ddx ddy) (translate dx dy) $ getImage ma ctx




-- | Downcast a LocThetaQuery function by applying it to the 
-- supplied point and angle, making an arity-zero Context Function 
-- (a CF). 
atIncline :: LocThetaQuery u a -> Point2 u -> Radian -> CF a
atIncline = apply2R2
