{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Wumpus.Basic.Utils.FormatCombinators
-- Copyright   :  (c) Stephen Tetley 2010
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Stephen Tetley <stephen.tetley@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  highly unstable
-- Portability :  GHC
-- Formatting combinators - pretty printers without the fitting.
-- Note - indentation support is very limited. Generally one 
-- should use a proper pretty printing library.

module Wumpus.Basic.Utils.FormatCombinators
  , DocS
  , Format(..)
  , empty
  , showsDoc
  , (<>)
  , (<+>)  
  , vconcat
  , separate
  , hcat
  , hsep
  , vcat

  , text
  , char
  , int
  , integer
  , integral
  , float
  , double
  , hex4

  , space
  , comma
  , semicolon
  , line

  , fill
  , fillStringR
  , fillStringL

  , punctuate
  , enclose
  , squotes
  , dquotes
  , parens
  , brackets
  , braces
  , angles

  , lparen
  , rparen
  , lbracket
  , rbracket
  , lbrace
  , rbrace
  , langle
  , rangle

  , list
  , tupled
  , semiBraces

  , indent

  , writeDoc
  ) where

import Data.Monoid
import Numeric

-- | Doc is a Join List ...
data Doc = Doc1   ShowS 
         | Join   Doc   Doc
         | Line
         | Indent !Int  Doc 

type DocS = Doc -> Doc

-- Join could be improved...
unDoc :: Doc -> ShowS
unDoc = step 0 id
   step _ acc (Doc1 sf)    = acc . sf
   step n acc (Join a b)   = let acc' = step n acc a in step n acc' b
   step n acc Line         = acc . showChar '\n' . indentS n
   step n acc (Indent i d) = step (n+i) (acc . (indentS i)) d

indentS :: Int -> ShowS
indentS i | i < 1     = id
          | otherwise = showString $ replicate i ' '

runDoc :: Doc -> String
runDoc = ($ "") . unDoc

instance Show Doc where
  show = runDoc

instance Monoid Doc where
  mempty = empty
  mappend = (<>)

class Format a where format :: a -> Doc

infixr 6 <>, <+>

-- | Create an empty, zero length document.
empty :: Doc
empty = Doc1 id

-- | Create a document from a ShowS function.
showsDoc :: ShowS -> Doc
showsDoc = Doc1

-- | Horizontally concatenate two documents with no space 
-- between them.
(<>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
a <> b = Join a b 

-- | Horizontally concatenate two documents with a single space 
-- between them.
(<+>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
a <+> b = Join a (Join space b)

-- | Vertical concatenate two documents with a line break.
vconcat :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
vconcat a b = a <> Line <> b

separate :: Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
separate _   []     = empty
separate sep (a:as) = step a as
    step acc []     = acc
    step acc (x:xs) = step (acc <> sep <> x) xs

-- | Horizontally concatenate a list of documents with @(\<\>)@.
hcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
hcat = foldr (<>) empty

-- | Horizontally concatenate a list of documents with @(\<+\>)@.
hsep :: [Doc] -> Doc
hsep = separate space

-- | Vertically concatenate a list of documents, with a line 
-- break between each doc.
vcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
vcat []     = empty
vcat (x:xs) = step x xs 
    step acc (z:zs) = step (acc `vconcat` z) zs
    step acc []     = acc

-- | Create a document from a literal string.
-- The string should not contain newlines (though this is not 
-- enforced). 
text :: String -> Doc
text = Doc1 . showString

-- | Create a document from a literal character.
-- The char should not be a tab or newline. 
char :: Char -> Doc
char = Doc1 . showChar

-- | Show the Int as a Doc.
-- > int  = text . show
int :: Int -> Doc
int  = Doc1 . showInt

-- | Show the Integer as a Doc.
integer :: Integer -> Doc
integer = Doc1 . showInt

-- | Show an \"integral value\" as a Doc via 'fromIntegral'.
integral :: Integral a => a -> Doc
integral = Doc1 . showInt

-- | Show the Float as a Doc.
float :: Double -> Doc
float = Doc1 . showFloat

-- | Show the Double as a Doc.
double :: Double -> Doc
double = Doc1 . showFloat

-- | Show the Int as hexadecimal, padding up to 4 digits if 
-- necessary.
-- No trucation occurs if the value has more than 4 digits.
hex4 :: Int -> Doc
hex4 n | n < 0x0010 = text "000" <> showsDoc (showHex n)
       | n < 0x0100 = text "00"  <> showsDoc (showHex n)
       | n < 0x1000 = text "0"   <> showsDoc (showHex n)
       | otherwise  = showsDoc (showHex n)
-- | Create a Doc containing a single space character.
space :: Doc
space = char ' '

-- | Create a Doc containing a comma, \",\".
comma :: Doc
comma = char ','

-- | Create a Doc containing a semi colon, \";\".
semicolon :: Doc
semicolon = char ';'

-- | Create a Doc containing newline, \"\\n\".
line :: Doc 
line = char '\n'


-- | Fill a doc to the supplied length, padding the right-hand
-- side with spaces.
-- Note - this function is expensive - it unrolls the functional
-- representation of the String. 
-- Also it should only be used for single line Doc\'s.
fill :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
fill i d = Doc1 (padr i ' ' $ unDoc d) 

padr :: Int -> Char -> ShowS -> ShowS
padr i c df = step (length $ df []) 
    step len | len >= i  = df
             | otherwise = df . showString (replicate (i-len) c)

-- | String version of 'fill'.
-- This is more efficient than 'fill' as the input is a string
-- so its length is more accesible.
-- Padding is the space character appended to the right.
fillStringR :: Int -> String -> Doc
fillStringR i s = step (length s)
    step n | n >= i = text s
    step n          = text s <> text (replicate (i-n) ' ')

-- | Left-padding version of 'fillStringR'.
fillStringL :: Int -> String -> Doc
fillStringL i s = step (length s)
    step n | n >= i = text s
    step n          = text (replicate (i-n) ' ') <> text s


-- | Punctuate the Doc list with the separator, producing a Doc. 
punctuate :: Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
punctuate _ []     = empty
punctuate _ [x]    = x
punctuate s (x:xs) = x <> s <> punctuate s xs

-- | Enclose the final Doc within the first two.
-- There are no spaces between the documents:
-- > enclose l r d = l <> d <> r
enclose :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc
enclose l r d = l <> d <> r

-- | Enclose the Doc within single quotes.
squotes :: Doc -> Doc
squotes = enclose (char '\'') (char '\'')

-- | Enclose the Doc within double quotes.
dquotes :: Doc -> Doc
dquotes = enclose (char '"') (char '"')

-- | Enclose the Doc within parens @()@.
parens :: Doc -> Doc
parens = enclose lparen rparen

-- | Enclose the Doc within square brackets @[]@.
brackets :: Doc -> Doc
brackets = enclose lbracket rbracket

-- | Enclose the Doc within curly braces @{}@.
braces :: Doc -> Doc
braces = enclose lbrace rbrace

-- | Enclose the Doc within angle brackets @\<\>@.
angles :: Doc -> Doc
angles = enclose langle rangle

-- | Create a Doc containing a left paren, \'(\'.
lparen :: Doc
lparen = char '('

-- | Create a Doc containing a right paren, \')\'.
rparen :: Doc
rparen = char ')'

-- | Create a Doc containing a left square bracket, \'[\'.
lbracket :: Doc
lbracket = char '['

-- | Create a Doc containing a right square bracket, \']\'.
rbracket :: Doc
rbracket = char ']'

-- | Create a Doc containing a left curly brace, \'{\'.
lbrace :: Doc
lbrace = char '{'

-- | Create a Doc containing a right curly brace, \'}\'.
rbrace :: Doc
rbrace = char '}'

-- | Create a Doc containing a left angle bracket, \'\<\'.
langle :: Doc
langle = char '<'

-- | Create a Doc containing a right angle bracket, \'\>\'.
rangle :: Doc
rangle = char '>'

-- | Comma separate the list of documents and enclose in square
-- brackets.
list :: [Doc] -> Doc
list = brackets . punctuate comma

-- | Comma separate the list of documents and enclose in parens.
tupled :: [Doc] -> Doc
tupled = parens . punctuate comma

-- | Separate the list with a semicolon and enclose in curly 
-- braces.
semiBraces :: [Doc] -> Doc
semiBraces = braces . punctuate semicolon

-- | Horizontally indent a Doc.
-- Note - this space-prefixes the Doc on /the current line/. It
-- does not indent subsequent lines if the Doc spans multiple 
-- lines.
indent :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
indent i d | i < 1     = d
           | otherwise = Indent i d


-- | Write a Doc to file.
writeDoc :: FilePath -> Doc -> IO ()
writeDoc filepath d = writeFile filepath $ show d