{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : ColourDefns -- Copyright : (c) Stephen Tetley 2009 -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : Stephen Tetley -- Stability : highly unstable -- Portability : GHC with TypeFamilies and more -- -- All the SVG / X11 \"named colours\" listed in tables. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module ColourDefns ( -- * Tables of all colours all_x11_colours , all_svg_colours ) where import qualified Wumpus.Basic.SVGColours as SVG import qualified Wumpus.Basic.X11Colours as X11 import Wumpus.Core.Colour ( DRGB ) all_svg_colours :: [(String,DRGB)] all_svg_colours = [ ("aliceBlue", SVG.aliceBlue) , ("antiqueWhite", SVG.antiqueWhite) , ("aqua", SVG.aqua) , ("aquamarine", SVG.aquamarine) , ("azure", SVG.azure) , ("beige", SVG.beige) , ("bisque", SVG.bisque) , ("black", SVG.black) , ("blanchedAlmond", SVG.blanchedAlmond) , ("blue", SVG.blue) , ("blueViolet", SVG.blueViolet) , ("brown", SVG.brown) , ("burlywood", SVG.burlywood) , ("cadetBlue", SVG.cadetBlue) , ("chartreuse", SVG.chartreuse) , ("chocolate", SVG.chocolate) , ("coral", SVG.coral) , ("cornflowerBlue", SVG.cornflowerBlue) , ("cornsilk", SVG.cornsilk) , ("crimson", SVG.crimson) , ("cyan", SVG.cyan) , ("darkBlue", SVG.darkBlue) , ("darkCyan", SVG.darkCyan) , ("darkGoldenrod", SVG.darkGoldenrod) , ("darkGray", SVG.darkGray) , ("darkGreen", SVG.darkGreen) , ("darkGrey", SVG.darkGrey) , ("darkKhaki", SVG.darkKhaki) , ("darkMagenta", SVG.darkMagenta) , ("darkOliveGreen", SVG.darkOliveGreen) , ("darkOrange", SVG.darkOrange) , ("darkOrchid", SVG.darkOrchid) , ("darkRed", SVG.darkRed) , ("darkSalmon", SVG.darkSalmon) , ("darkSeaGreen", SVG.darkSeaGreen) , ("darkSlateBlue", SVG.darkSlateBlue) , ("darkSlateGray", SVG.darkSlateGray) , ("darkSlateGrey", SVG.darkSlateGrey) , ("darkTurquoise", SVG.darkTurquoise) , ("darkViolet", SVG.darkViolet) , ("deepPink", SVG.deepPink) , ("deepSkyBlue", SVG.deepSkyBlue) , ("dimGray", SVG.dimGray) , ("dimGrey", SVG.dimGrey) , ("dodgerBlue", SVG.dodgerBlue) , ("firebrick", SVG.firebrick) , ("floralWhite", SVG.floralWhite) , ("forestGreen", SVG.forestGreen) , ("fuchsia", SVG.fuchsia) , ("gainsboro", SVG.gainsboro) , ("ghostWhite", SVG.ghostWhite) , ("gold", SVG.gold) , ("goldenrod", SVG.goldenrod) , ("gray", SVG.gray) , ("grey", SVG.grey) , ("green", SVG.green) , ("greenYellow", SVG.greenYellow) , ("honeydew", SVG.honeydew) , ("hotPink", SVG.hotPink) , ("indianRed", SVG.indianRed) , ("indigo", SVG.indigo) , ("ivory", SVG.ivory) , ("khaki", SVG.khaki) , ("lavender", SVG.lavender) , ("lavenderBlush", SVG.lavenderBlush) , ("lawnGreen", SVG.lawnGreen) , ("lemonChiffon", SVG.lemonChiffon) , ("lightBlue", SVG.lightBlue) , ("lightCoral", SVG.lightCoral) , ("lightCyan", SVG.lightCyan) , ("lightGoldenrodYellow", SVG.lightGoldenrodYellow) , ("lightGray", SVG.lightGray) , ("lightGreen", SVG.lightGreen) , ("lightGrey", SVG.lightGrey) , ("lightPink", SVG.lightPink) , ("lightSalmon", SVG.lightSalmon) , ("lightSeaGreen", SVG.lightSeaGreen) , ("lightSkyBlue", SVG.lightSkyBlue) , ("lightSlateGray", SVG.lightSlateGray) , ("lightSlateGrey", SVG.lightSlateGrey) , ("lightSteelBlue", SVG.lightSteelBlue) , ("lightYellow", SVG.lightYellow) , ("lime", SVG.lime) , ("limeGreen", SVG.limeGreen) , ("linen", SVG.linen) , ("magenta", SVG.magenta) , ("maroon", SVG.maroon) , ("mediumAquamarine", SVG.mediumAquamarine) , ("mediumBlue", SVG.mediumBlue) , ("mediumOrchid", SVG.mediumOrchid) , ("mediumPurple", SVG.mediumPurple) , ("mediumSeaGreen", SVG.mediumSeaGreen) , ("mediumSlateBlue", SVG.mediumSlateBlue) , ("mediumSpringGreen", SVG.mediumSpringGreen) , ("mediumTurquoise", SVG.mediumTurquoise) , ("mediumVioletRed", SVG.mediumVioletRed) , ("midnightBlue", SVG.midnightBlue) , ("mintcream", SVG.mintcream) , ("mistyrose", SVG.mistyrose) , ("moccasin", SVG.moccasin) , ("navajoWhite", SVG.navajoWhite) , ("navy", SVG.navy) , ("oldlace", SVG.oldlace) , ("olive", SVG.olive) , ("oliveDrab", SVG.oliveDrab) , ("orange", SVG.orange) , ("orangeRed", SVG.orangeRed) , ("orchid", SVG.orchid) , ("paleGoldenrod", SVG.paleGoldenrod) , ("paleGreen", SVG.paleGreen) , ("paleTurquoise", SVG.paleTurquoise) , ("paleVioletRed", SVG.paleVioletRed) , ("papayawhip", SVG.papayawhip) , ("peachpuff", SVG.peachpuff) , ("peru", SVG.peru) , ("pink", SVG.pink) , ("plum", SVG.plum) , ("powderBlue", SVG.powderBlue) , ("purple", SVG.purple) , ("red", SVG.red) , ("rosyBrown", SVG.rosyBrown) , ("royalBlue", SVG.royalBlue) , ("saddleBrown", SVG.saddleBrown) , ("salmon", SVG.salmon) , ("sandyBrown", SVG.sandyBrown) , ("seaGreen", SVG.seaGreen) , ("seashell", SVG.seashell) , ("sienna", SVG.sienna) , ("silver", SVG.silver) , ("skyBlue", SVG.skyBlue) , ("slateBlue", SVG.slateBlue) , ("slateGray", SVG.slateGray) , ("slateGrey", SVG.slateGrey) , ("snow", SVG.snow) , ("springGreen", SVG.springGreen) , ("steelBlue", SVG.steelBlue) , ("tan", SVG.tan) , ("teal", SVG.teal) , ("thistle", SVG.thistle) , ("tomato", SVG.tomato) , ("turquoise", SVG.turquoise) , ("violet", SVG.violet) , ("wheat", SVG.wheat) , ("white", SVG.white) , ("whitesmoke", SVG.whitesmoke) , ("yellow", SVG.yellow) , ("yellowGreen", SVG.yellowGreen) ] all_x11_colours :: [(String,DRGB)] all_x11_colours = [ ("antiqueWhite1", X11.antiqueWhite1) , ("antiqueWhite2", X11.antiqueWhite2) , ("antiqueWhite3", X11.antiqueWhite3) , ("antiqueWhite4", X11.antiqueWhite4) , ("aquamarine1", X11.aquamarine1) , ("aquamarine2", X11.aquamarine2) , ("aquamarine3", X11.aquamarine3) , ("aquamarine4", X11.aquamarine4) , ("azure1", X11.azure1) , ("azure2", X11.azure2) , ("azure3", X11.azure3) , ("azure4", X11.azure4) , ("bisque1", X11.bisque1) , ("bisque2", X11.bisque2) , ("bisque3", X11.bisque3) , ("bisque4", X11.bisque4) , ("blue1", X11.blue1) , ("blue2", X11.blue2) , ("blue3", X11.blue3) , ("blue4", X11.blue4) , ("brown1", X11.brown1) , ("brown2", X11.brown2) , ("brown3", X11.brown3) , ("brown4", X11.brown4) , ("burlywood1", X11.burlywood1) , ("burlywood2", X11.burlywood2) , ("burlywood3", X11.burlywood3) , ("burlywood4", X11.burlywood4) , ("cadetBlue1", X11.cadetBlue1) , ("cadetBlue2", X11.cadetBlue2) , ("cadetBlue3", X11.cadetBlue3) , ("cadetBlue4", X11.cadetBlue4) , ("chartreuse1", X11.chartreuse1) , ("chartreuse2", X11.chartreuse2) , ("chartreuse3", X11.chartreuse3) , ("chartreuse4", X11.chartreuse4) , ("chocolate1", X11.chocolate1) , ("chocolate2", X11.chocolate2) , ("chocolate3", X11.chocolate3) , ("chocolate4", X11.chocolate4) , ("coral1", X11.coral1) , ("coral2", X11.coral2) , ("coral3", X11.coral3) , ("coral4", X11.coral4) , ("cornsilk1", X11.cornsilk1) , ("cornsilk2", X11.cornsilk2) , ("cornsilk3", X11.cornsilk3) , ("cornsilk4", X11.cornsilk4) , ("cyan1", X11.cyan1) , ("cyan2", X11.cyan2) , ("cyan3", X11.cyan3) , ("cyan4", X11.cyan4) , ("darkGoldenrod1", X11.darkGoldenrod1) , ("darkGoldenrod2", X11.darkGoldenrod2) , ("darkGoldenrod3", X11.darkGoldenrod3) , ("darkGoldenrod4", X11.darkGoldenrod4) , ("darkOliveGreen1", X11.darkOliveGreen1) , ("darkOliveGreen2", X11.darkOliveGreen2) , ("darkOliveGreen3", X11.darkOliveGreen3) , ("darkOliveGreen4", X11.darkOliveGreen4) , ("darkOrange1", X11.darkOrange1) , ("darkOrange2", X11.darkOrange2) , ("darkOrange3", X11.darkOrange3) , ("darkOrange4", X11.darkOrange4) , ("darkOrchid1", X11.darkOrchid1) , ("darkOrchid2", X11.darkOrchid2) , ("darkOrchid3", X11.darkOrchid3) , ("darkOrchid4", X11.darkOrchid4) , ("darkSeaGreen1", X11.darkSeaGreen1) , ("darkSeaGreen2", X11.darkSeaGreen2) , ("darkSeaGreen3", X11.darkSeaGreen3) , ("darkSeaGreen4", X11.darkSeaGreen4) , ("darkSlateGray1", X11.darkSlateGray1) , ("darkSlateGray2", X11.darkSlateGray2) , ("darkSlateGray3", X11.darkSlateGray3) , ("darkSlateGray4", X11.darkSlateGray4) , ("deepPink1", X11.deepPink1) , ("deepPink2", X11.deepPink2) , ("deepPink3", X11.deepPink3) , ("deepPink4", X11.deepPink4) , ("deepSkyBlue1", X11.deepSkyBlue1) , ("deepSkyBlue2", X11.deepSkyBlue2) , ("deepSkyBlue3", X11.deepSkyBlue3) , ("deepSkyBlue4", X11.deepSkyBlue4) , ("dodgerBlue1", X11.dodgerBlue1) , ("dodgerBlue2", X11.dodgerBlue2) , ("dodgerBlue3", X11.dodgerBlue3) , ("dodgerBlue4", X11.dodgerBlue4) , ("firebrick1", X11.firebrick1) , ("firebrick2", X11.firebrick2) , ("firebrick3", X11.firebrick3) , ("firebrick4", X11.firebrick4) , ("gold1", X11.gold1) , ("gold2", X11.gold2) , ("gold3", X11.gold3) , ("gold4", X11.gold4) , ("goldenrod1", X11.goldenrod1) , ("goldenrod2", X11.goldenrod2) , ("goldenrod3", X11.goldenrod3) , ("goldenrod4", X11.goldenrod4) , ("green1", X11.green1) , ("green2", X11.green2) , ("green3", X11.green3) , ("green4", X11.green4) , ("honeydew1", X11.honeydew1) , ("honeydew2", X11.honeydew2) , ("honeydew3", X11.honeydew3) , ("honeydew4", X11.honeydew4) , ("hotPink1", X11.hotPink1) , ("hotPink2", X11.hotPink2) , ("hotPink3", X11.hotPink3) , ("hotPink4", X11.hotPink4) , ("indianRed1", X11.indianRed1) , ("indianRed2", X11.indianRed2) , ("indianRed3", X11.indianRed3) , ("indianRed4", X11.indianRed4) , ("ivory1", X11.ivory1) , ("ivory2", X11.ivory2) , ("ivory3", X11.ivory3) , ("ivory4", X11.ivory4) , ("khaki1", X11.khaki1) , ("khaki2", X11.khaki2) , ("khaki3", X11.khaki3) , ("khaki4", X11.khaki4) , ("lavenderBlush1", X11.lavenderBlush1) , ("lavenderBlush2", X11.lavenderBlush2) , ("lavenderBlush3", X11.lavenderBlush3) , ("lavenderBlush4", X11.lavenderBlush4) , ("lemonChiffon1", X11.lemonChiffon1) , ("lemonChiffon2", X11.lemonChiffon2) , ("lemonChiffon3", X11.lemonChiffon3) , ("lemonChiffon4", X11.lemonChiffon4) , ("lightBlue1", X11.lightBlue1) , ("lightBlue2", X11.lightBlue2) , ("lightBlue3", X11.lightBlue3) , ("lightBlue4", X11.lightBlue4) , ("lightCyan1", X11.lightCyan1) , ("lightCyan2", X11.lightCyan2) , ("lightCyan3", X11.lightCyan3) , ("lightCyan4", X11.lightCyan4) , ("lightGoldenrod1", X11.lightGoldenrod1) , ("lightGoldenrod2", X11.lightGoldenrod2) , ("lightGoldenrod3", X11.lightGoldenrod3) , ("lightGoldenrod4", X11.lightGoldenrod4) , ("lightPink1", X11.lightPink1) , ("lightPink2", X11.lightPink2) , ("lightPink3", X11.lightPink3) , ("lightPink4", X11.lightPink4) , ("lightSalmon1", X11.lightSalmon1) , ("lightSalmon2", X11.lightSalmon2) , ("lightSalmon3", X11.lightSalmon3) , ("lightSalmon4", X11.lightSalmon4) , ("lightSkyBlue1", X11.lightSkyBlue1) , ("lightSkyBlue2", X11.lightSkyBlue2) , ("lightSkyBlue3", X11.lightSkyBlue3) , ("lightSkyBlue4", X11.lightSkyBlue4) , ("lightSteelBlue1", X11.lightSteelBlue1) , ("lightSteelBlue2", X11.lightSteelBlue2) , ("lightSteelBlue3", X11.lightSteelBlue3) , ("lightSteelBlue4", X11.lightSteelBlue4) , ("lightYellow1", X11.lightYellow1) , ("lightYellow2", X11.lightYellow2) , ("lightYellow3", X11.lightYellow3) , ("lightYellow4", X11.lightYellow4) , ("magenta1", X11.magenta1) , ("magenta2", X11.magenta2) , ("magenta3", X11.magenta3) , ("magenta4", X11.magenta4) , ("maroon1", X11.maroon1) , ("maroon2", X11.maroon2) , ("maroon3", X11.maroon3) , ("maroon4", X11.maroon4) , ("mediumOrchid1", X11.mediumOrchid1) , ("mediumOrchid2", X11.mediumOrchid2) , ("mediumOrchid3", X11.mediumOrchid3) , ("mediumOrchid4", X11.mediumOrchid4) , ("mediumPurple1", X11.mediumPurple1) , ("mediumPurple2", X11.mediumPurple2) , ("mediumPurple3", X11.mediumPurple3) , ("mediumPurple4", X11.mediumPurple4) , ("mistyRose1", X11.mistyRose1) , ("mistyRose2", X11.mistyRose2) , ("mistyRose3", X11.mistyRose3) , ("mistyRose4", X11.mistyRose4) , ("navajoWhite1", X11.navajoWhite1) , ("navajoWhite2", X11.navajoWhite2) , ("navajoWhite3", X11.navajoWhite3) , ("navajoWhite4", X11.navajoWhite4) , ("oliveDrab1", X11.oliveDrab1) , ("oliveDrab2", X11.oliveDrab2) , ("oliveDrab3", X11.oliveDrab3) , ("oliveDrab4", X11.oliveDrab4) , ("orange1", X11.orange1) , ("orange2", X11.orange2) , ("orange3", X11.orange3) , ("orange4", X11.orange4) , ("orangeRed1", X11.orangeRed1) , ("orangeRed2", X11.orangeRed2) , ("orangeRed3", X11.orangeRed3) , ("orangeRed4", X11.orangeRed4) , ("orchid1", X11.orchid1) , ("orchid2", X11.orchid2) , ("orchid3", X11.orchid3) , ("orchid4", X11.orchid4) , ("paleGreen1", X11.paleGreen1) , ("paleGreen2", X11.paleGreen2) , ("paleGreen3", X11.paleGreen3) , ("paleGreen4", X11.paleGreen4) , ("paleTurquoise1", X11.paleTurquoise1) , ("paleTurquoise2", X11.paleTurquoise2) , ("paleTurquoise3", X11.paleTurquoise3) , ("paleTurquoise4", X11.paleTurquoise4) , ("paleVioletRed1", X11.paleVioletRed1) , ("paleVioletRed2", X11.paleVioletRed2) , ("paleVioletRed3", X11.paleVioletRed3) , ("paleVioletRed4", X11.paleVioletRed4) , ("peachPuff1", X11.peachPuff1) , ("peachPuff2", X11.peachPuff2) , ("peachPuff3", X11.peachPuff3) , ("peachPuff4", X11.peachPuff4) , ("pink1", X11.pink1) , ("pink2", X11.pink2) , ("pink3", X11.pink3) , ("pink4", X11.pink4) , ("plum1", X11.plum1) , ("plum2", X11.plum2) , ("plum3", X11.plum3) , ("plum4", X11.plum4) , ("purple1", X11.purple1) , ("purple2", X11.purple2) , ("purple3", X11.purple3) , ("purple4", X11.purple4) , ("red1", X11.red1) , ("red2", X11.red2) , ("red3", X11.red3) , ("red4", X11.red4) , ("rosyBrown1", X11.rosyBrown1) , ("rosyBrown2", X11.rosyBrown2) , ("rosyBrown3", X11.rosyBrown3) , ("rosyBrown4", X11.rosyBrown4) , ("royalBlue1", X11.royalBlue1) , ("royalBlue2", X11.royalBlue2) , ("royalBlue3", X11.royalBlue3) , ("royalBlue4", X11.royalBlue4) , ("salmon1", X11.salmon1) , ("salmon2", X11.salmon2) , ("salmon3", X11.salmon3) , ("salmon4", X11.salmon4) , ("seaGreen1", X11.seaGreen1) , ("seaGreen2", X11.seaGreen2) , ("seaGreen3", X11.seaGreen3) , ("seaGreen4", X11.seaGreen4) , ("seashell1", X11.seashell1) , ("seashell2", X11.seashell2) , ("seashell3", X11.seashell3) , ("seashell4", X11.seashell4) , ("sienna1", X11.sienna1) , ("sienna2", X11.sienna2) , ("sienna3", X11.sienna3) , ("sienna4", X11.sienna4) , ("skyBlue1", X11.skyBlue1) , ("skyBlue2", X11.skyBlue2) , ("skyBlue3", X11.skyBlue3) , ("skyBlue4", X11.skyBlue4) , ("slateBlue1", X11.slateBlue1) , ("slateBlue2", X11.slateBlue2) , ("slateBlue3", X11.slateBlue3) , ("slateBlue4", X11.slateBlue4) , ("slateGray1", X11.slateGray1) , ("slateGray2", X11.slateGray2) , ("slateGray3", X11.slateGray3) , ("slateGray4", X11.slateGray4) , ("snow1", X11.snow1) , ("snow2", X11.snow2) , ("snow3", X11.snow3) , ("snow4", X11.snow4) , ("springGreen1", X11.springGreen1) , ("springGreen2", X11.springGreen2) , ("springGreen3", X11.springGreen3) , ("springGreen4", X11.springGreen4) , ("steelBlue1", X11.steelBlue1) , ("steelBlue2", X11.steelBlue2) , ("steelBlue3", X11.steelBlue3) , ("steelBlue4", X11.steelBlue4) , ("tan1", X11.tan1) , ("tan2", X11.tan2) , ("tan3", X11.tan3) , ("tan4", X11.tan4) , ("thistle1", X11.thistle1) , ("thistle2", X11.thistle2) , ("thistle3", X11.thistle3) , ("thistle4", X11.thistle4) , ("tomato1", X11.tomato1) , ("tomato2", X11.tomato2) , ("tomato3", X11.tomato3) , ("tomato4", X11.tomato4) , ("turquoise1", X11.turquoise1) , ("turquoise2", X11.turquoise2) , ("turquoise3", X11.turquoise3) , ("turquoise4", X11.turquoise4) , ("violetRed1", X11.violetRed1) , ("violetRed2", X11.violetRed2) , ("violetRed3", X11.violetRed3) , ("violetRed4", X11.violetRed4) , ("wheat1", X11.wheat1) , ("wheat2", X11.wheat2) , ("wheat3", X11.wheat3) , ("wheat4", X11.wheat4) , ("yellow1", X11.yellow1) , ("yellow2", X11.yellow2) , ("yellow3", X11.yellow3) , ("yellow4", X11.yellow4) , ("gray0", X11.gray0) , ("green0", X11.green0) , ("grey0", X11.grey0) , ("maroon0", X11.maroon0) , ("purple0", X11.purple0) ]