{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Wumpus.Core.PictureInternal
-- Copyright   :  (c) Stephen Tetley 2009-2010
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Stephen Tetley <stephen.tetley@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  highly unstable
-- Portability :  GHC
-- Internal representation of Pictures.

module Wumpus.Core.PictureInternal

  , DPicture
  , Locale
  , FontCtx(..)

  , Primitive(..)
  , DPrimitive
  , XLink(..)

  , PrimPath(..)
  , DPrimPath
  , PrimPathSegment(..)
  , DPrimPathSegment
  , PrimLabel(..)
  , DPrimLabel
  , LabelBody(..)
  , DLabelBody
  , KerningChar
  , DKerningChar  
  , PrimEllipse(..)

  , GraphicsState(..)

  , pathBoundary
  , mapLocale

  -- * Additional operations
  , concatTrafos
  , deconsMatrix
  , repositionDeltas

  , zeroGS

  ) where

import Wumpus.Core.AffineTrans
import Wumpus.Core.BoundingBox
import Wumpus.Core.Colour
import Wumpus.Core.FontSize
import Wumpus.Core.Geometry
import Wumpus.Core.GraphicProps
import Wumpus.Core.PtSize
import Wumpus.Core.Text.Latin1
import Wumpus.Core.Text.TextInternal
import Wumpus.Core.TrafoInternal
import Wumpus.Core.Utils.Common
import Wumpus.Core.Utils.FormatCombinators
import Wumpus.Core.Utils.JoinList

import Data.AffineSpace                         -- package: vector-space

import qualified Data.Foldable                  as F

-- | Picture is a leaf attributed tree - where attributes are 
-- colour, line-width etc. It is parametric on the unit type 
-- of points (typically Double).
-- Wumpus\'s leaf attributed tree, is not directly matched to 
-- PostScript\'s picture representation, which might be 
-- considered a node attributed tree (if you consider graphics
-- state changes less imperatively - setting attributes rather 
-- than global state change).
-- Considered as a node-attributed tree PostScript precolates 
-- graphics state updates downwards in the tree (vis-a-vis 
-- inherited attributes in an attibute grammar), where a 
-- graphics state change deeper in the tree overrides a higher 
-- one.
-- Wumpus on the other hand, simply labels each leaf with its
-- drawing attributes - there is no attribute inheritance.
-- When it draws the PostScript picture it does some 
-- optimization to avoid generating excessive graphics state 
-- changes in the PostScript code.
-- Omitting some details, Picture is a simple non-empty 
-- leaf-labelled rose tree via:
-- > tree = Leaf [primitive] | Picture [tree]
-- The additional constructors are convenience:
-- @Clip@ nests a picture (tree) inside a clipping path.
-- The @Group@ constructor allows local shared graphics state 
-- updates for the SVG renderer - in some instances this can 
-- improve the code size of the generated SVG.
data Picture u = Leaf     (Locale u)              (JoinList (Primitive u))
               | Picture  (Locale u)              (JoinList (Picture u))
               | Clip     (Locale u) (PrimPath u) (Picture u)
  deriving (Show)

type DPicture = Picture Double

-- | Locale = (bounding box * current translation matrix)
-- Pictures (and sub-pictures) are located frame consisting of a 
-- bounding box and a translation matrix (represented as a list 
-- of affine transformations). So that pictures can be arranged 
-- via vertical and horizontal composition their bounding box is 
-- cached.
-- In Wumpus, affine transformations (scalings, rotations...)
-- transform the CTM rather than the constituent points of 
-- the primitives. Changes of CTM are transmitted to PostScript
-- as @concat@ commands (and matrix transforms in SVG).
-- So that picture composition is remains stable under affine
-- transformation, the corners of bounding boxes are transformed
-- pointwise when the picture is scaled, rotated etc.
type Locale u = (BoundingBox u, [AffineTrafo u])

-- | Wumpus\'s drawings are built from two fundamental 
-- primitives: paths (straight line segments and Bezier curves) 
-- and labels (single lines of text). 
-- Ellipses are a included as a primitive only for optimization 
-- - drawing a reasonable circle with Bezier curves needs at 
-- least eight curves. This is inconvenient for drawing dots 
-- which can otherwise be drawn with a single @arc@ command.
-- Wumpus does not follow PostScript employing arc as a general 
-- path primitive - arcs are used only to draw ellipses. This 
-- is because arcs do not enjoy the nice properties of Bezier 
-- curves, whereby the affine transformation of a Bezier curve 
-- can simply be achieved by the affine transformation of it\'s 
-- control points.
-- Ellipses are represented by their center, half-width and 
-- half-height. Half-width and half-height are used so the 
-- bounding box can be calculated using only multiplication, and 
-- thus initially only obliging a Num constraint on the unit.
-- Though typically for affine transformations a Fractional 
-- constraint is also obliged.
-- To represent XLink hyperlinks, Primitives can be annotated 
-- with some a hyperlink (similarly a a font change for better
-- SVG code generation) and grouped - a hyperlinked arrow would
-- want the tip and the arrow body both to be incorporated in the
-- link even though they are two drawings. 
-- This means that Primitives aren\'t strictly /primitive/ as 
-- the actual implementation is a tree.
data Primitive u = PPath    PathProps     (PrimPath u)
                 | PLabel   LabelProps    (PrimLabel u)
                 | PEllipse EllipseProps  (PrimEllipse u)
                 | PContext FontCtx       (Primitive u)
                 | PLink    XLink         (Primitive u)
                 | PGroup   (JoinList (Primitive u))
  deriving (Eq,Show)

type DPrimitive = Primitive Double

-- | Set the font /delta/ for SVG rendering. 
-- Note - this does not change the default colour or font style. 
-- It is solely a backdoor into the SVG renderer to potential 
-- allow some code size reductions.
newtype FontCtx = FontCtx { getFontCtx :: FontAttr }
  deriving (Eq,Show)

-- | Primitives can be grouped with hyperlinks in SVG output.
newtype XLink = XLink { getXLink :: String }
  deriving (Eq,Show)

-- | PrimPath - start point and a list of path segments.
data PrimPath u = PrimPath (Point2 u) [PrimPathSegment u]
  deriving (Eq,Show)

type DPrimPath = PrimPath Double

-- | PrimPathSegment - either a cubic Bezier curve or a line.
data PrimPathSegment u = PCurveTo  (Point2 u) (Point2 u) (Point2 u)
                       | PLineTo   (Point2 u)
  deriving (Eq,Show)

type DPrimPathSegment = PrimPathSegment Double

-- | Label - represented by /baseline/ left point and text.
data PrimLabel u = PrimLabel 
      { label_baseline_left :: Point2 u
      , label_body          :: LabelBody u
      , label_ctm           :: PrimCTM u
  deriving (Eq,Show)

type DPrimLabel = PrimLabel Double

-- | Label can be draw with 3 layouts.
-- The standard layout uses @show@ for PostScript and a single 
-- initial point for SVG.
-- Kerned horizontal layout - each character is encoded with the
-- rightwards horizontal distance from the last charcaters left 
-- base-line.
-- Kerned vertical layout - each character is encoded with the
-- upwards distance from the last charcaters left base-line.
data LabelBody u = StdLayout EncodedText
                 | KernTextH [KerningChar u]
                 | KernTextV [KerningChar u]
  deriving (Eq,Show)

type DLabelBody = LabelBody Double

-- | A Char (possibly escaped) paired with is displacement from 
-- the previous KerningChar.
type KerningChar u = (u,EncodedChar) 

type DKerningChar = KerningChar Double

-- Ellipse represented by center and half_width * half_height
data PrimEllipse u = PrimEllipse 
      { ellipse_center        :: Point2 u
      , ellipse_half_width    :: u
      , ellipse_half_height   :: u 
      , ellipse_ctm           :: PrimCTM u
  deriving (Eq,Show)

-- Graphics state datatypes

-- | Graphics state used by the rendering monads.
-- This type is hidden by the top-level module @Wumpus.Core@.
data GraphicsState = GraphicsState
      { gs_draw_colour  :: RGBi
      , gs_font_size    :: Int
      , gs_font_face    :: FontFace
      , gs_stroke_attr  :: StrokeAttr 
  deriving (Eq,Show)

-- family instances

type instance DUnit (Picture u)     = u
type instance DUnit (Primitive u)   = u
type instance DUnit (PrimEllipse u) = u
type instance DUnit (PrimLabel u)   = u
type instance DUnit (PrimPath u)    = u

-- instances

instance (Num u, PSUnit u) => Format (Picture u) where
  format (Leaf m prims)     = indent 2 $ vcat [ text "** Leaf-pic **"
                                              , fmtLocale m 
                                              , fmtPrimlist prims ]

  format (Picture m pics)   = indent 2 $ vcat [ text "** Tree-pic **"
                                              , fmtLocale m
                                              , fmtPics pics ]
  format (Clip m path pic)  = indent 2 $ vcat [ text "** Clip-path **"
                                              , fmtLocale m
                                              , format path
                                              , format pic  ]

fmtPics :: PSUnit u => JoinList (Picture u) -> Doc
fmtPics ones = snd $ F.foldl' fn (0,empty) ones
    fn (n,acc) e = (n+1, vcat [ acc, text "-- " <+> int n, format e, line])

fmtLocale :: (Num u, PSUnit u) => Locale u -> Doc
fmtLocale (bb,_) = format bb

instance PSUnit u => Format (Primitive u) where
  format (PPath props p)    = 
      indent 2 $ vcat [ text "path:" <+> format props, format p ]

  format (PLabel props l)   =
      indent 2 $ vcat [ text "label:" <+> format props, format l ]

  format (PEllipse props e) = 
      indent 2 $ vcat [ text "ellipse:" <+> format props, format e ]

  format (PContext _ a)     = 
      vcat [ text "-- svg ctx change " , format a ]

  format (PLink _ a)     = 
      vcat [ text "-- svg link " , format a ]

  format (PGroup ones)      = 
      vcat [ text "-- group ", fmtPrimlist ones  ]

fmtPrimlist :: PSUnit u => JoinList (Primitive u) -> Doc
fmtPrimlist ones = snd $ F.foldl' fn (0,empty) ones
    fn (n,acc) e = (n+1, vcat [ acc, text "-- leaf" <+> int n, format e, line])

instance PSUnit u => Format (PrimPath u) where
   format (PrimPath pt ps) = vcat (start : map format ps)
        start = text "start_point " <> format pt

instance PSUnit u => Format (PrimPathSegment u) where
  format (PCurveTo p1 p2 p3)  =
    text "curve_to    " <> format p1 <+> format p2 <+> format p3

  format (PLineTo pt)         = text "line_to     " <> format pt

instance PSUnit u => Format (PrimLabel u) where
  format (PrimLabel pt s ctm) = 
     vcat [ dquotes (format s)
          ,     text "baseline_left=" <> format pt
            <+> text "ctm="           <> format ctm

instance PSUnit u => Format (LabelBody u) where
  format (StdLayout enctext) = format enctext
  format (KernTextH xs)      = text "(KernH)" <+> hcat (map (format .snd) xs)
  format (KernTextV xs)      = text "(KernV)" <+> hcat (map (format .snd) xs)

instance PSUnit u => Format (PrimEllipse u) where
  format (PrimEllipse ctr hw hh ctm) = text "center="   <> format ctr
                                   <+> text "hw="       <> dtruncFmt hw
                                   <+> text "hh="       <> dtruncFmt hh
                                   <+> text "ctm="      <> format ctm

instance Format XLink where
  format (XLink ss) = text "xlink" <+> text ss


instance Boundary (Picture u) where
  boundary (Leaf    (bb,_) _)   = bb
  boundary (Picture (bb,_) _)   = bb
  boundary (Clip    (bb,_) _ _) = bb

instance (Real u, Floating u, FromPtSize u) => Boundary (Primitive u) where
  boundary (PPath _ p)      = pathBoundary p
  boundary (PLabel a l)     = labelBoundary (label_font a) l
  boundary (PEllipse _ e)   = ellipseBoundary e
  boundary (PContext _ a)   = boundary a
  boundary (PLink _ a)      = boundary a
  boundary (PGroup ones)    = outer $ viewl ones 
      outer (OneL a)     = boundary a
      outer (a :< as)    = inner (boundary a) (viewl as)

      inner bb (OneL a)  = bb `boundaryUnion` boundary a
      inner bb (a :< as) = inner (bb `boundaryUnion` boundary a) (viewl as)

pathBoundary :: Ord u => PrimPath u -> BoundingBox u
pathBoundary (PrimPath st xs) = step (st,st) xs
    step (lo,hi) []                       = BBox lo hi 
    step (lo,hi) (PLineTo p1:rest)        = step (lo2 lo p1, hi2 hi p1) rest
    step (lo,hi) (PCurveTo p1 p2 p3:rest) = let lo' = lo4 lo p1 p2 p3 
                                                hi' = hi4 hi p1 p2 p3
                                            in step (lo',hi') rest 

    lo2 (P2 x1 y1) (P2 x2 y2) = P2 (min x1 x2) (min y1 y2)

    hi2 (P2 x1 y1) (P2 x2 y2) = P2 (max x1 x2) (max y1 y2)

    lo4 (P2 x1 y1) (P2 x2 y2) (P2 x3 y3) (P2 x4 y4) = 
        P2 (min x1 $ min x2 $ min x3 x4) (min y1 $ min y2 $ min y3 y4) 

    hi4 (P2 x1 y1) (P2 x2 y2) (P2 x3 y3) (P2 x4 y4) = 
        P2 (max x1 $ max x2 $ max x3 x4) (max y1 $ max y2 $ max y3 y4) 

labelBoundary :: (Floating u, Real u, FromPtSize u) 
              => FontAttr -> PrimLabel u -> BoundingBox u
labelBoundary attr (PrimLabel (P2 x y) body ctm) = 
    retraceBoundary  (disp . (m33 *#)) untraf_bbox
    disp        = (.+^ V2 x y)
    m33         = matrixRepCTM ctm
    untraf_bbox = labelBodyBoundary (font_size attr) body

labelBodyBoundary :: (Num u, Ord u, FromPtSize u) 
                  => FontSize -> LabelBody u -> BoundingBox u
labelBodyBoundary sz (StdLayout etxt) = stdLayoutBB sz etxt
labelBodyBoundary sz (KernTextH xs)   = hKerningBB sz xs
labelBodyBoundary sz (KernTextV xs)   = vKerningBB sz xs

stdLayoutBB :: (Num u, Ord u, FromPtSize u) 
            => FontSize -> EncodedText -> BoundingBox u
stdLayoutBB sz etxt = textBoundsEnc sz zeroPt etxt

-- Note - this assumes positive deltas (and a nonempty list)...
-- Kern deltas are relative to the left basepoint, so they are
-- irrespective of the actual charater width. Thus to calculate
-- the bounding box Wumpus calculates the bounds of one character
-- then expands the right edge with the sum of the (rightwards)
-- displacements.
hKerningBB :: (Num u, Ord u, FromPtSize u) 
           => FontSize -> [(u,EncodedChar)] -> BoundingBox u
hKerningBB sz xs = rightGrow (sumDiffs xs) $ textBounds sz zeroPt "A"
    sumDiffs                          = foldr (\(u,_) i -> i+u)  0
    rightGrow u (BBox ll (P2 x1 y1))  = BBox ll (P2 (x1+u) y1)

-- Note - likewise same assumptions as horizontal version.
-- (A postive distance represents a move downwards)...
-- The kern delta is the distance between baselines of successive
-- characters, so character height is irrespective when summing 
-- the deltas.
-- Also note, that the Label /grows/ downwards...
vKerningBB :: (Num u, Ord u, FromPtSize u) 
           => FontSize -> [(u,EncodedChar)] -> BoundingBox u
vKerningBB sz xs = downGrow (sumDiffs xs) $ textBounds sz zeroPt "A"
    sumDiffs                                = foldr (\(u,_) i -> i+u)  0
    downGrow u (BBox (P2 x0 y0) (P2 x1 y1)) = BBox (P2 x0 (y0-u)) (P2 x1 y1)

-- | Ellipse bbox is the bounding rectangle, rotated as necessary 
-- then retraced.
ellipseBoundary :: (Real u, Floating u) => PrimEllipse u -> BoundingBox u
ellipseBoundary (PrimEllipse pt hw0 hh0 (PrimCTM sx sy theta)) = 
    traceBoundary $ applyIf (theta /= 0) (map (rotm *#)) [ll,lr,ur,ul]
    hw   = hw0 * sx
    hh   = hh0 * sy
    ll   = pt .+^ V2 (-hw) (-hh) 
    lr   = pt .+^ V2   hw  (-hh) 
    ur   = pt .+^ V2   hw    hh 
    ul   = pt .+^ V2 (-hw)   hh 
    rotm = rotationMatrix theta

-- Affine transformations

-- Affine transformation of Pictures only transforms the 
-- BoundingBox, the primitives within the picture are untouched.
-- The transformation is transmitted to PostScript as a matrix 
-- update (frame change).

instance (Num u, Ord u) => Transform (Picture u) where
  transform mtrx = 
    mapLocale $ \(bb,xs) -> (transform mtrx bb, Matrix mtrx:xs)

instance (Real u, Floating u) => Rotate (Picture u) where
  rotate theta = 
    mapLocale $ \(bb,xs) -> (rotate theta bb, Rotate theta:xs)

instance (Real u, Floating u) => RotateAbout (Picture u) where
  rotateAbout theta pt = 
    mapLocale $ \(bb,xs) -> (rotateAbout theta pt bb, RotAbout theta pt:xs)

instance (Num u, Ord u) => Scale (Picture u) where
  scale sx sy = 
    mapLocale $ \(bb,xs) -> (scale sx sy bb, Scale sx sy : xs)

instance (Num u, Ord u) => Translate (Picture u) where
  translate dx dy = 
    mapLocale $ \(bb,xs) -> (translate dx dy bb, Translate dx dy:xs)

mapLocale :: (Locale u -> Locale u) -> Picture u -> Picture u
mapLocale f (Leaf lc ones)     = Leaf (f lc) ones
mapLocale f (Picture lc ones)  = Picture (f lc) ones
mapLocale f (Clip lc pp pic)   = Clip (f lc) pp pic

-- Transform primitives

-- Note - Primitives are not instances of transform
-- (ShapeCTM is not a real matrix).

instance (Real u, Floating u) => Rotate (Primitive u) where
  rotate r (PPath a path)   = PPath a    $ rotatePath r path
  rotate r (PLabel a lbl)   = PLabel a   $ rotateLabel r lbl
  rotate r (PEllipse a ell) = PEllipse a $ rotateEllipse r ell
  rotate r (PContext a chi) = PContext a $ rotate r chi 
  rotate r (PLink a chi)    = PLink a    $ rotate r chi 
  rotate r (PGroup xs)      = PGroup     $ fmap (rotate r) xs

instance (Real u, Floating u) => RotateAbout (Primitive u) where
  rotateAbout r pt (PPath a path)   = PPath a    $ rotateAboutPath r pt path
  rotateAbout r pt (PLabel a lbl)   = PLabel a   $ rotateAboutLabel r pt lbl
  rotateAbout r pt (PEllipse a ell) = PEllipse a $ rotateAboutEllipse r pt ell
  rotateAbout r pt (PContext a chi) = PContext a $ rotateAbout r pt chi
  rotateAbout r pt (PLink a chi)    = PLink a    $ rotateAbout r pt chi
  rotateAbout r pt (PGroup xs)      = PGroup     $ fmap (rotateAbout r pt) xs

instance Num u => Scale (Primitive u) where
  scale sx sy (PPath a path)    = PPath a    $ scalePath sx sy path
  scale sx sy (PLabel a lbl)    = PLabel a   $ scaleLabel sx sy lbl
  scale sx sy (PEllipse a ell)  = PEllipse a $ scaleEllipse sx sy ell
  scale sx sy (PContext a chi)  = PContext a $ scale sx sy chi
  scale sx sy (PLink a chi)     = PLink a    $ scale sx sy chi
  scale sx sy (PGroup xs)       = PGroup     $ fmap (scale sx sy) xs

instance Num u => Translate (Primitive u) where
  translate dx dy (PPath a path)   = PPath a    $ translatePath dx dy path
  translate dx dy (PLabel a lbl)   = PLabel a   $ translateLabel dx dy lbl
  translate dx dy (PEllipse a ell) = PEllipse a $ translateEllipse dx dy ell
  translate dx dy (PContext a chi) = PContext a $ translate dx dy chi
  translate dx dy (PLink a chi)    = PLink a    $ translate dx dy chi
  translate dx dy (PGroup xs)      = PGroup     $ fmap (translate dx dy) xs

-- Paths

rotatePath :: (Real u, Floating u) => Radian -> PrimPath u -> PrimPath u
rotatePath ang = mapPath (rotate ang)

rotateAboutPath :: (Real u, Floating u) 
                => Radian -> Point2 u -> PrimPath u -> PrimPath u
rotateAboutPath ang pt = mapPath (rotateAbout ang pt) 

scalePath :: Num u => u -> u -> PrimPath u -> PrimPath u
scalePath sx sy = mapPath (scale sx sy)

translatePath :: Num u => u -> u -> PrimPath u -> PrimPath u
translatePath x y = mapPath (translate x y)

mapPath :: (Point2 u -> Point2 u) -> PrimPath u -> PrimPath u
mapPath fn (PrimPath st xs) = PrimPath (fn st) (map (mapSeg fn) xs)

mapSeg :: (Point2 u -> Point2 u) -> PrimPathSegment u -> PrimPathSegment u
mapSeg fn (PLineTo p)         = PLineTo (fn p)
mapSeg fn (PCurveTo p1 p2 p3) = PCurveTo (fn p1) (fn p2) (fn p3)

-- Labels

-- Rotate the baseline-left start point _AND_ the CTM of the 
-- label.
rotateLabel :: (Real u, Floating u) 
            => Radian -> PrimLabel u -> PrimLabel u
rotateLabel ang (PrimLabel pt txt ctm) = 
    PrimLabel (rotate ang pt) txt (rotateCTM ang ctm)

-- /rotateAbout/ the start-point, /rotate/ the the CTM.
rotateAboutLabel :: (Real u, Floating u) 
                 => Radian -> Point2 u -> PrimLabel u -> PrimLabel u
rotateAboutLabel ang pt0 (PrimLabel pt txt ctm) = 
    PrimLabel (rotateAbout ang pt0 pt) txt (rotateCTM ang ctm)

scaleLabel :: Num u => u -> u -> PrimLabel u -> PrimLabel u
scaleLabel sx sy (PrimLabel pt txt ctm) = 
    PrimLabel (scale sx sy pt) txt (scaleCTM sx sy ctm)

-- Change the bottom-left corner.
translateLabel :: Num u => u -> u -> PrimLabel u -> PrimLabel u
translateLabel dx dy (PrimLabel pt txt ctm) = 
    PrimLabel (translate dx dy pt) txt ctm

-- Ellipse

rotateEllipse :: (Real u, Floating u) 
              => Radian -> PrimEllipse u -> PrimEllipse u
rotateEllipse ang (PrimEllipse pt hw hh ctm) = 
    PrimEllipse (rotate ang pt) hw hh (rotateCTM ang ctm)

rotateAboutEllipse :: (Real u, Floating u) 
              => Radian -> Point2 u -> PrimEllipse u -> PrimEllipse u
rotateAboutEllipse ang pt0 (PrimEllipse pt hw hh ctm) = 
    PrimEllipse (rotateAbout ang pt0 pt) hw hh (rotateCTM ang ctm)

scaleEllipse :: Num u => u -> u -> PrimEllipse u -> PrimEllipse u
scaleEllipse sx sy (PrimEllipse pt hw hh ctm) = 
    PrimEllipse (scale sx sy pt) hw hh (scaleCTM sx sy ctm)

-- Change the point
translateEllipse :: Num u => u -> u -> PrimEllipse u -> PrimEllipse u
translateEllipse dx dy (PrimEllipse pt hw hh ctm) = 
    PrimEllipse (translate dx dy pt) hw hh ctm

-- Additional operations

-- | Destructor for Matrix3'3.
-- Pattern matching on 6-tuple may be more convenient than using 
-- the Matrix3'3 directly.
-- > (M3'3 e0x e1x ox  
-- >       e0y e1y oy  
-- >       _   _   _  ) = (e0x,e0y,  e1x,e1y,  ox,oy)
deconsMatrix :: Matrix3'3 u -> (u,u,u,u,u,u)
deconsMatrix (M3'3 e0x e1x ox  
                   e0y e1y oy  
                   _   _   _  ) = (e0x,e0y,  e1x,e1y,  ox,oy)

-- If a picture has coordinates smaller than (P2 4 4) then it 
-- needs repositioning before it is drawn to PostScript or SVG.
-- (P2 4 4) gives a 4 pt margin - maybe it sould be (0,0) or 
-- user defined.
repositionDeltas :: (Num u, Ord u) 
                 => Picture u -> (BoundingBox u, Maybe (Vec2 u))
repositionDeltas = step . boundary 
    step bb@(BBox (P2 llx lly) (P2 urx ury))
        | llx < 4 || lly < 4  = (BBox ll ur, Just $ V2 x y)
        | otherwise           = (bb, Nothing)
        x  = 4 - llx
        y  = 4 - lly
        ll = P2 (llx+x) (lly+y)
        ur = P2 (urx+x) (ury+y) 


-- | The initial graphics state.
-- PostScript has no default font so we always want the first 
-- /delta/ operation not to find a match and cause a @findfint@
-- command to be generated (PostScript @findfont@ commands are 
-- only written in the output on /deltas/ to reduce the 
-- output size).
zeroGS ::  GraphicsState 
zeroGS = GraphicsState { gs_draw_colour  = black
                       , gs_font_size    = (-1)
                       , gs_font_face    = unmatchable_face
                       , gs_stroke_attr  = default_stroke_attr
    unmatchable_face = FontFace "DONT_MATCH"     "" 
                                SVG_BOLD_OBLIQUE latin1_font_encoder