{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Wumpus.Core.Picture
-- Copyright   :  (c) Stephen Tetley 2009-2011
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  stephen.tetley@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  GHC
-- Construction of pictures, paths and text labels.
-- Note - the text label functions are only appropriate for single 
-- printed lines of text. Wumpus-Core does not interpret special 
-- white-space characters (i.e. tab or newline) and passes them 
-- forward into the output file. Renderers will then deal with 
-- white-space as they please, which is usually to ignore it.
-- Also, SVG output does not currently use @space=\"preserve\"@. 
-- It would be desirable to do so, as the PostScript generated by 
-- Wumpus can use doubled up spaces to print wide spaces. 
-- Unfortunately, SVG renderers seem to differ as to whether they
-- can inherit @space=\"preserve\"@ from a top level attribute or
-- whether it must be annotated on every @\<text\>@ element. 
-- Wumpus considers the latter to be a too-high burden as it will
-- expand the code size (this view may change).

module Wumpus.Core.Picture

  -- * Construction
  , multi
  , fontDeltaContext
  , absPrimPath
  , absLineTo
  , absCurveTo
  , relPrimPath
  , relLineTo
  , relCurveTo
  , vertexPrimPath
  , vectorPrimPath
  , emptyPrimPath
  , curvedPrimPath
  , xlinkhref
  , xlinkPrim
  , svgattr
  , annotateGroup
  , annotateXLink

  , primGroup
  , primCat

  -- * Constructing primitives
  , ostroke
  , cstroke
  , zostroke
  , zcstroke

  , fill
  , zfill

  , fillStroke
  , clip

  , textlabel
  , rtextlabel
  , ztextlabel

  , escapedlabel
  , rescapedlabel
  , zescapedlabel

  , hkernlabel
  , vkernlabel
  , kernchar
  , kernEscInt
  , kernEscName

  , strokeEllipse
  , rstrokeEllipse
  , fillEllipse
  , rfillEllipse
  , zellipse
  , fillStrokeEllipse
  , rfillStrokeEllipse  

  -- * Operations
  , extendBoundary  

  -- * Picture composition
  , picOver
  , picMoveBy
  , picBeside

  -- * Illustrating pictures and primitives
  , printPicture
  , illustrateBounds
  , illustrateBoundsPrim
  , illustrateControlPoints

  ) where

import Wumpus.Core.AffineTrans
import Wumpus.Core.BoundingBox
import Wumpus.Core.Colour
import Wumpus.Core.Geometry
import Wumpus.Core.GraphicProps
import Wumpus.Core.PictureInternal
import Wumpus.Core.Text.Base
import Wumpus.Core.TrafoInternal
-- import Wumpus.Core.Units
import Wumpus.Core.Utils.FormatCombinators hiding ( fill )
import Wumpus.Core.Utils.HList
import Wumpus.Core.Utils.JoinList

import Data.AffineSpace                         -- package: vector-space
import Data.VectorSpace

import Data.List ( mapAccumL )

-- Construction

-- | Lift a list of primitives to a composite picture.
-- The order of the list maps to the order of printing - the 
-- front of the list is drawn first in the file. This also means
-- that the front of the list is drawn /underneath/ in the 
-- Z-Order.
-- \*\* WARNING \*\* - this function throws a runtime error when 
-- supplied the empty list.
frame :: [Primitive] -> Picture
frame []     = error "Wumpus.Core.Picture.frame - empty list"
frame (p:ps) = let (bb,ones) = step p ps in Leaf (bb,[]) ones 
    step a []     = (boundary a, one a)
    step a (x:xs) = let (bb', rest) = step x xs
                    in ( boundary a `boundaryUnion` bb', cons a rest )

-- | Place multiple pictures within the standard affine frame.
-- \*\* WARNING \*\* - this function throws a runtime error when 
-- supplied the empty list.
multi :: [Picture] -> Picture
multi []      = error "Wumpus.Core.Picture.multi - empty list"
multi (p:ps)  = let (bb,ones) = step p ps in Picture (bb,[]) ones 
    step a []     = (boundary a, one a)
    step a (x:xs) = let (bb', rest) = step x xs
                    in ( boundary a `boundaryUnion` bb', cons a rest )

-- | Update the font /delta/ attributes for SVG output.
-- Note - 'fontDeltaContext' does not set the font properties of
-- elements in the supplied Picture, it is solely a mechanism to
-- help reduce the code size of the generated SVG by factoring 
-- common attributes into a group (g) element. For instance, 
-- settting the font properties with 'fontDeltaContext' can 
-- eliminate the repeated use of font-family and font-size in 
-- this code:
-- > <text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12"> ... </text>
-- > <text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12"> ... </text>
-- > <text font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12"> ... </text>
-- With the appropriate font delta context, this code will be
-- generated:
-- > <g font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12">
-- >   <text > ... </text>
-- >   <text > ... </text>
-- >   <text > ... </text>
-- > </g>
-- Wumpus ignores 'fontDeltaContext' directives when generating 
-- PostScript. Unlike SVG, PostScript is not naturally nested, so 
-- introducing nesting with @gsave@ and @grestore@ is not likely
-- to improve the PostScript Wumpus generates.
fontDeltaContext :: FontAttr -> Primitive -> Primitive
fontDeltaContext fa p = PContext (FontCtx fa) p

-- | 'absPrimPath' : @ start_point * [abs_path_segment] -> PrimPath @
-- Create a 'PrimPath' from a start point and a list of /absolute/ 
-- path segments.
absPrimPath :: DPoint2 -> [AbsPathSegment] -> PrimPath
absPrimPath pt xs = PrimPath (step pt xs) (startPointCTM pt)
    step p (AbsLineTo p1:rest)        = RelLineTo (p1 .-. p) : step p1 rest
    step p (AbsCurveTo p1 p2 p3:rest) = 
        RelCurveTo (p1 .-. p) (p2 .-. p1) (p3 .-. p2) : step p3 rest

    step _ []                         = []

-- | 'absLineTo' : @ end_point -> path_segment @
-- Create a straight-line 'AbsPathSegment', the start point is 
-- implicitly the previous point in a path.
absLineTo :: DPoint2 -> AbsPathSegment 
absLineTo = AbsLineTo

-- | 'absCurveTo' : @ control_point1 * control_point2 * end_point -> 
--        path_segment @
-- Create a curved 'AbsPathSegment', the start point is implicitly 
-- the previous point in a path.
absCurveTo :: DPoint2 -> DPoint2 -> DPoint2 -> AbsPathSegment
absCurveTo = AbsCurveTo

-- | 'relPrimPath' : @ start_point * [rel_path_segment] -> PrimPath @
-- Create a 'PrimPath' from a start point and a list of /relative/ 
-- path segments.
-- Note - internally Wumpus works with relative paths so 
-- constructing them directly with 'relPrimPath' is more efficient
-- than using 'absPrimPath'.
relPrimPath :: DPoint2 -> [PrimPathSegment] -> PrimPath
relPrimPath pt xs = PrimPath xs (startPointCTM pt)

-- | 'relLineTo' : @ vec_to_end -> path_segment @
-- Create a straight-line 'PrimPathSegment', the vector is the 
-- relative displacement.
relLineTo :: DVec2 -> PrimPathSegment 
relLineTo = RelLineTo
-- | 'relCurveTo' : @ vec_to_cp1 * vec_to_cp2 * vec_to_end -> 
--        path_segment @
-- Create a curved 'RelPathSegment'.
relCurveTo :: DVec2 -> DVec2 -> DVec2 -> PrimPathSegment
relCurveTo = RelCurveTo

-- | 'vertexPrimPath' : @ [point] -> PrimPath @
-- Convert the list of vertices to a path of straight line 
-- segments.
-- \*\* WARNING \*\* - this function throws a runtime error when 
-- supplied the empty list.
vertexPrimPath :: [DPoint2] -> PrimPath
vertexPrimPath []     = error "Picture.vertexPath - empty point list"
vertexPrimPath (x:xs) = 
    PrimPath (snd $ mapAccumL step x xs) (startPointCTM x)
    step a b = let v = b .-. a in (b, RelLineTo v)

-- | 'vectorPrimPath' : @ start_point -> [next_vector] -> PrimPath @
-- Build a \"relative\" path from the start point, appending 
-- successive straight line segments formed from the list of 
-- next_vectors.
-- This function can be supplied with an empty list - this 
-- simulates a null graphic.
vectorPrimPath :: DPoint2 -> [DVec2] -> PrimPath
vectorPrimPath pt xs = PrimPath (map RelLineTo xs) (startPointCTM pt)

-- | 'emptyPrimPath' : @ start_point -> PrimPath @
-- Build an empty path. The start point must be specified even
-- though the path is not drawn - a start point is the minimum 
-- information needed to calculate a bounding box. 
emptyPrimPath :: DPoint2 -> PrimPath
emptyPrimPath pt = PrimPath [] (startPointCTM pt)

-- | 'curvedPrimPath' : @ points -> PrimPath @
-- Convert a list of vertices to a path of curve segments.
-- The first point in the list makes the start point, each curve 
-- segment thereafter takes 3 points. /Spare/ points at the end 
-- are discarded. 
-- \*\* WARNING - this function throws an error when supplied the 
-- empty list.
curvedPrimPath :: [DPoint2] -> PrimPath
curvedPrimPath []     = error "Picture.curvedPath - empty point list"
curvedPrimPath (x:xs) = PrimPath (step x xs) (startPointCTM x)
    step p (a:b:c:ys) = let v1 = a .-. p 
                            v2 = b .-. a
                            v3 = c .-. b
                        in RelCurveTo v1 v2 v3 : step c ys
    step _ _          = []

-- | Create a hyperlink for SVG output.
-- Note - hyperlinks are ignored in the PostScript output.
xlinkhref :: String -> XLink
xlinkhref = XLink

-- | Create a hyperlinked Primitive.
-- Note - hyperlinks are ignored in the PostScript output.
xlinkPrim :: XLink -> Primitive -> Primitive
xlinkPrim hypl p = PSVG (ALink hypl) p  

-- | Create an attribute for SVG output.
-- Attributes are expected to be /non-graphical/ e.g. @onclick@ 
-- events or similar. Wumpus does not check the syntax and simply
-- emits the Strings as-is in the output. 
-- Graphical properties should not be encoded, they may conflict 
-- with output that Wumpus produces.
-- \*\* WARNING \*\* - currently this functionality is 
-- undercooked. Because SVG has more /extra-graphical/ facilities
-- than PostScript (hyperlinks, mouseovers, etc.) it seems 
-- important to have an escape hatch to them, yet so far the 
-- escape hatch has not been needed.
svgattr :: String -> String -> SvgAttr
svgattr = SvgAttr

-- | Add SVG attribute annotations to a Primitive.
-- The primitive will be printed in a @g@ (group) element 
-- labelled with the annotations.
annotateGroup :: [SvgAttr] -> Primitive -> Primitive
annotateGroup xs p = PSVG (GAnno xs) p  

-- | Add SVG XLink and attribute annotations to a Primitive.
-- The primitive will be printed in a @g@ (group) element, itself
-- inside an @a@ link.
annotateXLink :: XLink -> [SvgAttr] -> Primitive -> Primitive
annotateXLink hypl xs p = PSVG (SvgAG hypl xs) p  

-- | Group a list of Primitives.
-- \*\* WARNING \*\* - this function throws a runtime error when 
-- supplied the empty list.
primGroup :: [Primitive] -> Primitive
primGroup []     = error "Picture.primGroup - empty prims list"
primGroup (x:xs) = PGroup (step x xs)
    step a []     = one a
    step a (y:ys) = cons a (step y ys) 

-- | Concatenate two Primitives.
-- If both primitves are groups, then the groups are merged.
-- If one or other primitive is a group, the singleton is added
-- into the group at the respective end.
-- Otherwise a group is formed adding both elements as /children/.
-- The Primitive type in Wumpus is a tree. In theory 'primCat' 
-- can make flatter and wider trees than 'primGroup', though in 
-- practice this may have no noticeable benefit as Wumpus has very 
-- simple access patterns into the Primitive tree. 
primCat :: Primitive -> Primitive -> Primitive
primCat (PGroup a) (PGroup b) = PGroup $ join a b
primCat (PGroup a) prim       = PGroup $ join a (one prim) 
primCat prim       (PGroup b) = PGroup $ join (one prim) b
primCat p1         p2         = PGroup $ join (one p1) (one p2) 

-- Take Paths to Primitives

-- *** Stroke

-- | 'ostroke' : @ rgb * stroke_attr * path -> Primitive @
-- Create an open, stroked path from the 'PrimPath' specification.
ostroke :: RGBi -> StrokeAttr -> PrimPath -> Primitive
ostroke rgb sa p = PPath (OStroke sa rgb) p

-- | 'cstroke' : @ rgb * stroke_attr * path -> Primitive @
-- Create a closed, stroked path from the 'PrimPath' specfication.
cstroke :: RGBi -> StrokeAttr -> PrimPath -> Primitive
cstroke rgb sa p = PPath (CStroke sa rgb) p

-- | 'zostroke' : @ path -> Primitive @
-- Create an open, stroked path using the default stroke 
-- attributes and coloured black.
zostroke :: PrimPath -> Primitive
zostroke = ostroke black default_stroke_attr
-- | 'zcstroke' : @ path -> Primitive @
-- Create a closed stroked path using the default stroke 
-- attributes and coloured black.
zcstroke :: PrimPath -> Primitive
zcstroke = cstroke black default_stroke_attr

-- *** Fill

-- | 'fill' : @ rgb * path -> Primitive @
--  Create a filled path from the 'PrimPath' specification.
fill :: RGBi -> PrimPath -> Primitive
fill rgb p = PPath (CFill rgb) p

-- | 'zfill' : @ path -> Primitive @
-- Draw a filled path coloured black. 
zfill :: PrimPath -> Primitive
zfill = fill black

-- Filled and stroked (closed) paths

-- | 'fillStroke' : @ fill_rgb * stroke_attr * stroke_rgb * path -> Primitive @
-- Create a closed path that is both filled and stroked (the fill
-- is below in the zorder).
fillStroke :: RGBi -> StrokeAttr -> RGBi -> PrimPath -> Primitive
fillStroke frgb sa srgb p = PPath (CFillStroke frgb sa srgb) p

-- Clipping 

-- | 'clip' : @ path * primitive -> Primitive @
-- Clip a primitive to be inside the supplied path.
clip :: PrimPath -> Primitive -> Primitive
clip cp p = PClip cp p

-- Labels to primitive

-- | 'textlabel' : @ rgb * font_attr * string * baseline_left -> Primitive @
-- Create a text label. The string should not contain newline
-- or tab characters. Also double-spaces should not be used - a 
-- rendering agent for SVG will coalesce double-spaces into a 
-- single space. For precise control of spacing and kerning use
-- 'hkernlabel'.
-- The supplied point is the left baseline.
textlabel :: RGBi -> FontAttr -> String -> DPoint2 -> Primitive
textlabel rgb attr txt pt = rtextlabel rgb attr txt 0 pt

-- | 'rtextlabel' : @ rgb * font_attr * string * theta * 
--      baseline_left -> Primitive @
-- Create a text label rotated by the supplied angle about the 
-- baseline-left. 
-- The supplied point is the left baseline.
rtextlabel :: RGBi -> FontAttr -> String -> Radian -> DPoint2 -> Primitive
rtextlabel rgb attr txt pt theta = 
    rescapedlabel rgb attr (escapeString txt) pt theta

-- | 'ztextlabel' : @ string * baseline_left -> Primitive @
-- Create a label where the font is @Courier@, text size is 14pt
-- and colour is black.
ztextlabel :: String -> DPoint2 -> Primitive
ztextlabel = textlabel black wumpus_default_font

-- | 'escapedlabel' : @ rgb * font_attr * escaped_text * 
--      baseline_left -> Primitive @
-- Version of 'textlabel' where the label text has already been 
-- parsed for special characters.
-- The supplied point is the left baseline.
escapedlabel :: RGBi -> FontAttr -> EscapedText -> DPoint2 -> Primitive
escapedlabel rgb attr txt pt = rescapedlabel rgb attr txt 0 pt

-- | 'rescapedlabel' : @ rgb * font_attr * escaped_text * theta * 
--      baseline_left -> Primitive @
-- Version of 'rtextlabel' where the label text has already been 
-- parsed for special characters.
-- The supplied point is the left baseline.
rescapedlabel :: RGBi -> FontAttr -> EscapedText -> Radian -> DPoint2
              -> Primitive
rescapedlabel rgb attr txt theta (P2 dx dy) = PLabel (LabelProps rgb attr) lbl 
    lbl = PrimLabel (StdLayout txt) (makeThetaCTM dx dy theta)

-- | 'zescapedlabel' : @ escaped_text * baseline_left -> Primitive @
-- Version of 'ztextlabel' where the label text has already been 
-- encoded.
zescapedlabel :: EscapedText -> DPoint2 -> Primitive
zescapedlabel = escapedlabel black wumpus_default_font


-- | 'hkernlabel' : @ rgb * font_attr * kerning_chars * 
--        baseline_left -> Primitive @
-- Create a text label with horizontal /kerning/ for each 
-- character. 
-- Note - kerning is relative to the left baseline of the 
-- previous character, it is \*not relative\* to the right-hand
-- boundary of the previous char. While the later would be more
-- obvious it would take a lot of effort to implement as it would 
-- need access to the metrics encoded in font files. 
-- Characters are expected to be drawn left to right, so 
-- displacements should not be negative. If the displacement is
-- zero the character will be drawn ontop of the previous char.
-- The charcters should not contain newline or tab characters.
-- The supplied point is the left baseline.
-- \*\* CAUTION \*\* - for SVG, @hkernlabel@ generates a 
-- coordinate list of X-positions rather than a single start 
-- point. This is syntactically valid SVG, but it is not 
-- universally supported by renderers. Chrome support is fine, 
-- but Firefox and Safari currently seem lacking. 
-- Also, note this feature does not have a directly compatible 
-- PostScript analogue. While the same picture is generated in 
-- both cases, the PostScript code is not particularly inefficient.
hkernlabel :: RGBi -> FontAttr -> [KerningChar] -> DPoint2 -> Primitive
hkernlabel rgb attr xs (P2 x y) = PLabel (LabelProps rgb attr) lbl 
    lbl = PrimLabel (KernTextH xs) (makeTranslCTM x y)

-- | 'vkernlabel' : @ rgb * font_attr * kerning_chars * 
--        baseline_left -> Primitive @
-- Create a text label with vertical /kerning/ for each 
-- character - the text is expected to grow downwards. 
-- Note - /kerning/ here is the measure between baselines of 
-- sucessive characters, it is \*not\* the distance between the 
-- bottom of one chararter and the top of the next character.
-- While the later maybe be more obvious from a drawing 
-- perspective, it would take a lot of effort to implement as it 
-- would need access to the metrics encoded in font files. 
-- Characters are expected to be drawn downwards - a positive 
-- number represents the downward displacement - so displacements 
-- should not be negative. If the displacement is zero the 
-- character will be drawn ontop of the previous char.
-- The charcters should not contain newline or tab characters.
-- The supplied point is the left baseline of the top character.
-- \*\* CAUTION \*\* - for SVG, @hkernlabel@ generates a 
-- coordinate list of Y-positions rather than a single start 
-- point. This is syntactically valid SVG, but it is not 
-- universally supported by renderers. Chrome support is fine, 
-- but Firefox and Safari currently seem lacking. 
-- Also, note this feature does not have a directly compatible 
-- PostScript analogue. While the same picture is generated in 
-- both cases, the PostScript code is not particularly inefficient.
vkernlabel :: RGBi -> FontAttr -> [KerningChar] -> DPoint2 -> Primitive
vkernlabel rgb attr xs (P2 x y) = PLabel (LabelProps rgb attr) lbl 
    lbl = PrimLabel (KernTextV xs) (makeTranslCTM x y)

-- | 'kernchar' : @ displacement * char -> KerningChar @
-- Construct a regular (i.e. non-special) Char along with its 
-- displacement from the left-baseline of the previous Char.
kernchar :: Double -> Char -> KerningChar
kernchar u c = (u, CharLiteral c)

-- | 'kernEscInt' : @ displacement * char_code -> KerningChar @
-- Construct a Char by its character code along with its 
-- displacement from the left-baseline of the previous Char.
kernEscInt :: Double -> Int -> KerningChar
kernEscInt u i = (u, CharEscInt i)

-- | 'kernEscName' : @ displacement * char_name -> KerningChar @
-- Construct a Char by its character name along with its 
-- displacement from the left-baseline of the previous Char.
kernEscName :: Double -> String -> KerningChar
kernEscName u s = (u, CharEscName s)


-- | 'strokeEllipse' : @ rgb * stroke_attr * rx * ry * center -> Primtive @
-- Create a stroked ellipse.
-- Note - within Wumpus, ellipses are considered an unfortunate
-- but useful /optimization/. Drawing good cicles with Beziers 
-- needs four curves, but drawing them with PostScript\'s @arc@ 
-- command uses a single operation. For drawings with many dots 
-- (e.g. scatter plots) it seems sensible to employ this 
-- optimization.
-- A deficiency of using PostScript\'s @arc@ command to draw
-- ellipses is that (non-uniformly) scaling a stroked ellipse 
-- also (non-uniformly) scales the pen it is drawn with. Where 
-- the ellipse is wider, the pen stroke 
-- will be wider too. 
-- Avoid non-uniform scaling stroked ellipses!
strokeEllipse :: RGBi -> StrokeAttr -> Double -> Double -> DPoint2 -> Primitive
strokeEllipse rgb sa hw hh pt = rstrokeEllipse rgb sa hw hh 0 pt

-- | 'rstrokeEllipse' : @ rgb * stroke_attr * rx * ry * theta * 
--      center -> Primtive @
-- Create a stroked primitive ellipse rotated about the center by 
-- /theta/.
rstrokeEllipse :: RGBi -> StrokeAttr -> Double -> Double -> Radian -> DPoint2
               -> Primitive
rstrokeEllipse rgb sa rx ry theta pt = 
    PEllipse (EStroke sa rgb) (mkPrimEllipse rx ry theta pt)

-- | 'fillEllipse' : @ rgb * rx * ry * center -> Primtive @
-- Create a filled primitive ellipse.
fillEllipse :: RGBi -> Double -> Double -> DPoint2 -> Primitive
fillEllipse rgb rx ry pt = rfillEllipse rgb rx ry 0 pt

-- | 'rfillEllipse' : @ rgb * rx * ry * theta * center -> Primitive @
-- Create a filled primitive ellipse rotated about the center by 
-- /theta/.
rfillEllipse :: RGBi -> Double -> Double -> Radian -> DPoint2 -> Primitive
rfillEllipse rgb rx ry theta pt = 
    PEllipse (EFill rgb) (mkPrimEllipse rx ry theta pt)

-- | 'zellipse' : @ rx * ry * center -> Primtive @
-- Create a black, filled ellipse. 
zellipse :: Double -> Double -> DPoint2 -> Primitive
zellipse hw hh pt = rfillEllipse black hw hh 0 pt

-- | 'fillStrokeEllipse' : @ fill_rgb * stroke_attr * stroke_rgb * rx * ry *
--      center -> Primtive @
-- Create a bordered (i.e. filled and stroked) primitive ellipse.
fillStrokeEllipse :: RGBi -> StrokeAttr -> RGBi 
                  -> Double -> Double -> DPoint2
                  -> Primitive
fillStrokeEllipse frgb sa srgb rx ry pt = 
    rfillStrokeEllipse frgb sa srgb rx ry 0 pt

-- | 'rfillStrokeEllipse' : @ fill_rgb * stroke_attr * stroke_rgb * rx * ry *
--      theta * center -> Primtive @
-- Create a bordered (i.e. filled and stroked) ellipse rotated 
-- about the center by /theta/.
rfillStrokeEllipse :: RGBi -> StrokeAttr -> RGBi 
                   -> Double -> Double -> Radian -> DPoint2
                   -> Primitive
rfillStrokeEllipse frgb sa srgb rx ry theta pt = 
    PEllipse (EFillStroke frgb sa srgb) (mkPrimEllipse rx ry theta pt)

mkPrimEllipse :: Double -> Double -> Radian -> DPoint2 -> PrimEllipse
mkPrimEllipse rx ry theta (P2 dx dy) = 
    PrimEllipse rx ry (makeThetaCTM dx dy theta)

-- Operations

-- | 'extendBoundary' : @ x * y * picture -> Picture @
-- Extend the bounding box of a picture. 
-- The bounding box is both horizontal directions by @x@ and 
-- both vertical directions by @y@. @x@ and @y@ must be positive
-- This function cannot be used to shrink a boundary.
extendBoundary :: Double -> Double -> Picture -> Picture
extendBoundary x y = 
    mapLocale (\(bb,xs) -> (extBB (posve x) (posve y) bb, xs)) 
    extBB x' y' (BBox (P2 x0 y0) (P2 x1 y1)) = BBox pt1 pt2 where 
        pt1 = P2 (x0-x') (y0-y')
        pt2 = P2 (x1+x') (y1+y')
    posve n | n < 0     = 0
            | otherwise = n 

-- Minimal support for Picture composition

infixr 6 `picBeside`, `picOver`

-- | 'picOver' : @ picture * picture -> Picture @
-- Draw the first picture on top of the second picture - 
-- neither picture will be moved.
picOver :: Picture -> Picture -> Picture
a `picOver` b = Picture (bb,[]) (join (one b) (one a))   
    bb = boundary a `boundaryUnion` boundary b

-- NOTE - picOver - draw b, put b first in the list, so it draws 
-- first in the output (this is also @behind@ in the Z-Order).

-- | 'picMoveBy' : @ picture * vector -> Picture @
--  Move a picture by the supplied vector. 
picMoveBy :: Picture -> DVec2 -> Picture
p `picMoveBy` (V2 x y) = translate x y p 

-- | 'picBeside' : @ picture * picture -> Picture @
-- Move the second picture to sit at the right side of the
-- first picture
picBeside :: Picture -> Picture -> Picture
a `picBeside` b = a `picOver` (b `picMoveBy` v) 
    (P2 x1 _) = ur_corner $ boundary a
    (P2 x2 _) = ll_corner $ boundary b 
    v         = hvec $ x1 - x2 

-- Illustrating pictures and primitives

-- | Print the syntax tree of a Picture to the console.
printPicture :: Picture -> IO ()
printPicture pic = putStrLn (show $ format pic) >> putStrLn []

-- | 'illustrateBounds' : @ bbox_rgb * picture -> Picture @
-- Draw the picture on top of an image of its bounding box.
-- The bounding box image will be drawn in the supplied colour.
illustrateBounds :: RGBi -> Picture -> Picture
illustrateBounds rgb p =
    p `picOver` (frame $ boundsPrims rgb (boundary p) $ []) 

-- | 'illustrateBoundsPrim' : @ bbox_rgb * primitive -> Picture @
-- Draw the primitive on top of an image of its bounding box.
-- The bounding box image will be drawn in the supplied colour.
-- The result will be lifted from Primitive to Picture.
illustrateBoundsPrim :: RGBi -> Primitive -> Picture
illustrateBoundsPrim rgb p = 
    frame $ boundsPrims rgb (boundary p) $ [p]

-- | Draw a the rectangle of a bounding box, plus cross lines
-- joining the corners.
boundsPrims :: RGBi -> BoundingBox Double -> H Primitive
boundsPrims rgb bb = fromListH $ [ bbox_rect, bl_to_tr, br_to_tl ]
    (bl,br,tr,tl) = boundaryCorners bb
    bbox_rect     = cstroke rgb line_attr $ vertexPrimPath [bl,br,tr,tl]
    bl_to_tr      = ostroke rgb line_attr $ vertexPrimPath [bl,tr]
    br_to_tl      = ostroke rgb line_attr $ vertexPrimPath [br,tl]

    line_attr     = default_stroke_attr { line_cap     = CapRound
                                        , dash_pattern = Dash 0 [(1,2)] }

-- | 'illustrateControlPoints' : @ control_point_rgb * primitive -> Picture @
-- Generate the control points illustrating the Bezier curves 
-- within a picture.
-- This has no effect on TextLabels. Nor does it draw Beziers of 
-- a hyperlinked object.
illustrateControlPoints :: RGBi -> Primitive -> Picture
illustrateControlPoints rgb elt = frame $ fn elt
    fn (PPath    _ p) = pathCtrlLines rgb p $ [elt]
    fn a              = [a]

-- | Generate lines illustrating the control points of curves on 
-- a Path.
-- Two lines are generated for a Bezier curve:
-- start-point to control-point1; control-point2 to end-point
-- Nothing is generated for a straight line.
pathCtrlLines :: RGBi -> PrimPath -> H Primitive
pathCtrlLines rgb ppath = 
    let (start,ss) = extractRelPath ppath in step start ss
    step s (RelLineTo v:xs)         = step (s .+^ v) xs

    step s (RelCurveTo v1 v2 v3:xs) = let e   = s .+^ (v1 ^+^ v2 ^+^ v3)
                                          v3r = vreverse v3
                                      in mkLine s v1 `consH` mkLine e v3r 
                                                     `consH` step e xs

    step _ []                       = emptyH

    mkLine s v                      = let seg1 = absLineTo $ s .+^ v
                                          pp   = absPrimPath s [seg1] 
                                      in ostroke rgb default_stroke_attr pp