{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Wumpus.Drawing.Shapes.Parallelogram
-- Copyright   :  (c) Stephen Tetley 2011
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Stephen Tetley <stephen.tetley@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  highly unstable
-- Portability :  GHC
-- Parallelogram.

module Wumpus.Drawing.Shapes.Parallelogram

  , DParallelogram
  , parallelogram
  , zparallelogram

  ) where

import Wumpus.Drawing.Paths
import Wumpus.Drawing.Shapes.Base

import Wumpus.Basic.Geometry.Base               -- package: wumpus-basic
import Wumpus.Basic.Geometry.Intersection
import Wumpus.Basic.Geometry.Paths
import Wumpus.Basic.Kernel

import Wumpus.Core                              -- package: wumpus-core

import Control.Applicative

-- Parallelogram

-- | A Paralleogram.
data Parallelogram u = Parallelogram 
      { pll_ctm         :: ShapeCTM u
      , pll_base_width  :: !u
      , pll_height      :: !u
      , pll_base_l_ang  :: Radian
      , pll_syn_props   :: SyntheticProps u

-- | Note (center) is a line dropped from the center of the
-- paralleogram.
-- > base_minor is the (center) to left corner.
-- > base_major is the (center) to right corner.
data SyntheticProps u = SyntheticProps
      { pll_base_minor  :: u
      , pll_base_major  :: u

type DParallelogram = Parallelogram Double

type instance DUnit (Parallelogram u) = u

-- Affine trans

mapCTM :: (ShapeCTM u -> ShapeCTM u) -> Parallelogram u -> Parallelogram u
mapCTM f = (\s i -> s { pll_ctm = f i }) <*> pll_ctm

instance Num u => Scale (Parallelogram u) where
  scale sx sy = mapCTM (scale sx sy)

instance Rotate (Parallelogram u) where
  rotate ang = mapCTM (rotate ang)

instance (Real u, Floating u) => RotateAbout (Parallelogram u) where
  rotateAbout ang pt = mapCTM (rotateAbout ang pt)

instance Num u => Translate (Parallelogram u) where
  translate dx dy = mapCTM (translate dx dy)

-- Anchors

-- | 'runDisplaceCenter' : @ ( half_base_width
--                           * half_height 
--                           * base_minor
--                           * base_major -> Vec ) * parallelogram -> Point @
runDisplaceCenter :: (Real u, Floating u)
                  => (u -> u -> u -> u -> Vec2 u) -> Parallelogram u -> Point2 u
runDisplaceCenter fn (Parallelogram { pll_ctm        = ctm
                                    , pll_base_width = bw
                                    , pll_height     = h  
                                    , pll_syn_props  = syn }) = 
    displaceCenter (fn (0.5 * bw) (0.5 * h) 
                       (pll_base_minor syn) (pll_base_major syn)) ctm

instance (Real u, Floating u) => CenterAnchor (Parallelogram u) where
  center = runDisplaceCenter $ \_ _ _ _ -> V2 0 0

-- top anchors swap the base minor and major...
instance (Real u, Floating u) => TopCornerAnchor (Parallelogram u) where
  topLeftCorner  = runDisplaceCenter $ \_ hh _ bmaj -> V2 (-bmaj) hh
  topRightCorner = runDisplaceCenter $ \_ hh bmin _ -> V2 bmin    hh

instance (Real u, Floating u) => BottomCornerAnchor (Parallelogram u) where
  bottomLeftCorner  = runDisplaceCenter $ \_ hh bmin _ -> V2 (-bmin) (-hh)
  bottomRightCorner = runDisplaceCenter $ \_ hh _ bmaj -> V2 bmaj    (-hh)

instance (Real u, Floating u) => SideMidpointAnchor (Parallelogram u) where
  sideMidpoint n a = step (n `mod` 4) 
      step 1 = midpoint (topRightCorner a)    (topLeftCorner a)
      step 2 = midpoint (topLeftCorner a)     (bottomLeftCorner a)
      step 3 = midpoint (bottomLeftCorner a)  (bottomRightCorner a)
      step _ = midpoint (bottomRightCorner a) (topRightCorner a)

instance (Real u, Floating u) => CardinalAnchor (Parallelogram u) where
  north = runDisplaceCenter $ \_  hh _ _ -> V2 0 hh
  south = runDisplaceCenter $ \_  hh _ _ -> V2 0 (-hh)
  east  = runDisplaceCenter $ \hw _  _ _ -> V2 hw 0
  west  = runDisplaceCenter $ \hw _  _ _ -> V2 (-hw) 0

instance (Real u, Floating u, FromPtSize u) => 
    CardinalAnchor2 (Parallelogram u) where
  northeast = pllRadialAnchor (0.25*pi)
  southeast = pllRadialAnchor (1.75*pi)
  southwest = pllRadialAnchor (1.25*pi)
  northwest = pllRadialAnchor (0.75*pi)

instance (Real u, Floating u, FromPtSize u) => 
     RadialAnchor (Parallelogram u) where
   radialAnchor = pllRadialAnchor

-- TODO - update this to a quadrant function...
pllRadialAnchor :: (Real u, Floating u, FromPtSize u) 
                => Radian -> Parallelogram u -> Point2 u
pllRadialAnchor theta (Parallelogram { pll_ctm       = ctm
                                     , pll_height    = h
                                     , pll_syn_props = syn }) =
    post $ findIntersect zeroPt theta $ polygonLineSegments ps
    ps   = pllPoints (pll_base_minor syn) (pll_base_major syn) h
    post = \ans -> case ans of 
                    Nothing       -> displaceCenter (V2 0 0) ctm
                    Just (P2 x y) -> displaceCenter (V2 x y) ctm

-- Construction

-- | 'parallelogram'  : @ width * height * bottom_left_ang -> Parallelogram @
parallelogram :: (Real u, Floating u, FromPtSize u) 
              => u -> u -> Radian -> Shape u (Parallelogram u)
parallelogram bw h lang =
    let props = synthesizeProps bw h lang 
    in makeShape (mkParallelogram bw h lang props) 
                 (mkParallelogramPath (pll_base_minor props) 
                                      (pll_base_major props) h)

-- | 'zparallelogram'  : @ base_width * height -> Parallelogram @
zparallelogram :: (Real u, Floating u, FromPtSize u) 
              => u -> u -> Shape u (Parallelogram u)
zparallelogram bw h = parallelogram bw h ang
    ang = d2r (60::Double)


mkParallelogram :: (Real u, Fractional u) 
                => u -> u -> Radian -> SyntheticProps u 
                -> LocThetaCF u (Parallelogram u)
mkParallelogram bw h lang props = promoteR2 $ \ctr theta -> 
    pure $ Parallelogram { pll_ctm          = makeShapeCTM ctr theta
                         , pll_base_width   = bw
                         , pll_height       = h
                         , pll_base_l_ang   = lang
                         , pll_syn_props    = props

-- Note - expects ang value 0 < ang < 180, though does not check...
synthesizeProps :: Fractional u => u -> u -> Radian -> SyntheticProps u
synthesizeProps bw h lang 
    | lang == 0.5*pi = let hw = 0.5 * bw in SyntheticProps hw hw
    | lang >  0.5*pi = less_ninety
    | otherwise      = grtr_ninety
    less_ninety = let extw            = h / (fromRadian $ tan lang)
                      half_rect_width = 0.5 * (bw + extw)
                  in SyntheticProps half_rect_width (half_rect_width - extw)

    grtr_ninety = let extw            = h / (fromRadian $ tan (pi-lang))
                      half_rect_width = 0.5 * (bw + extw)
                  in SyntheticProps (half_rect_width - extw) half_rect_width


mkParallelogramPath :: (Real u, Floating u, FromPtSize u) 
                    => u -> u -> u -> LocThetaCF u (Path u)
mkParallelogramPath bw_minor bw_major h = promoteR2 $ \ctr theta -> 
    roundCornerShapePath $ map (rotateAbout theta ctr) 
                         $ pllPath bw_minor bw_major h ctr

pllPath :: (Real u, Floating u) 
       => u -> u -> u -> LocCoordPath u
pllPath bw_minor bw_major h (P2 x y) = [ bl, br, tr, tl ]
    hh = 0.5 * h
    bl = P2 (x - bw_minor) (y - hh)
    br = P2 (x + bw_major) (y - hh)
    tl = P2 (x - bw_major) (y + hh)     -- topleft subtracts major
    tr = P2 (x + bw_minor) (y + hh)     -- topright adds minor

pllPoints :: (Real u, Floating u) 
          => u -> u -> u -> [Point2 u]
pllPoints bw_minor bw_major h = [ bl, br, tr, tl ]
    hh = 0.5 * h     
    bl = P2 (-bw_minor) (-hh) 
    br = P2   bw_major  (-hh)
    tl = P2 (-bw_major) hh
    tr = P2   bw_minor  hh