name: wumpus-microprint version: 0.1.1 license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE copyright: Stephen Tetley maintainer: Stephen Tetley homepage: category: Graphics synopsis: Microprints - "greek-text" pictures. description: . A library to produce /microprints/ [1] sometimes known as \"greek-text\". . Note this library only provides the graphically half of the functionality needed to make microprints. There is no support for tokenizing input files, and at the moment it is really just a test bed for Wumpus. . \[1\] . . build-type: Simple stability: highly unstable cabal-version: >= 1.2 extra-source-files: CHANGES, LICENSE, demo/Demo01.hs library hs-source-dirs: src build-depends: base < 5, vector-space >= 0.6, monadLib >= 3.6, wumpus-core >= 0.20.0, wumpus-basic >= 0.1.0 exposed-modules: Wumpus.MicroPrint, Wumpus.MicroPrint.DrawMonad, Wumpus.MicroPrint.Render, Wumpus.MicroPrint.VersionNumber other-modules: extensions: ghc-options: includes: