module Graphics.UI.WX.Events
, on
, mapEvent
, propagateEvent
, Selecting, select
, Commanding, command
, Reactive
, mouse, keyboard
, closing, idle, resize, focus, activate
, Paint
, paint, paintRaw, repaint
, enter, leave, motion, drag
, click, unclick, doubleClick
, clickRight, unclickRight
, anyKey, key, charKey
, enterKey,tabKey,escKey,helpKey
, delKey,homeKey,endKey
, pgupKey,pgdownKey
, downKey,upKey,leftKey,rightKey
, rebind
, Modifiers(..)
, showModifiers
, noneDown, justShift, justAlt, justControl, justMeta, isNoneDown
, isNoShiftAltControlDown
, EventMouse (..)
, showMouse
, mousePos, mouseModifiers
, EventCalendar(..)
, calendarEvent
, EventKey (..), Key(..)
, keyKey, keyModifiers, keyPos
, showKey, showKeyModifiers
, newEvent
) where
import Graphics.UI.WXCore hiding (Event)
import Graphics.UI.WX.Types
import Graphics.UI.WX.Attributes
import Graphics.UI.WX.Layout
import Graphics.UI.WX.Classes
data Event w a = Event (Attr w a)
on :: Event w a -> Attr w a
on (Event attr)
= attr
mapEvent :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b -> a) -> Event w a -> Event w b
mapEvent get set (Event attr)
= Event (mapAttr get set attr)
class Selecting w where
select :: Event w (IO ())
class Commanding w where
command :: Event w (IO ())
class Reactive w where
mouse :: Event w (EventMouse -> IO ())
keyboard :: Event w (EventKey -> IO ())
closing :: Event w (IO ())
idle :: Event w (IO Bool)
resize :: Event w (IO ())
focus :: Event w (Bool -> IO ())
activate :: Event w (Bool -> IO ())
class Paint w where
paint :: Event w (DC () -> Rect -> IO ())
paintRaw :: Event w (DC () -> Rect -> [Rect] -> IO ())
repaint :: w -> IO ()
click :: Reactive w => Event w (Point -> IO ())
= mouseFilter "click" filter
filter (MouseLeftDown point mod) = isNoShiftAltControlDown mod
filter other = False
unclick :: Reactive w => Event w (Point -> IO ())
= mouseFilter "unclick" filter
filter (MouseLeftUp point mod) = isNoShiftAltControlDown mod
filter other = False
doubleClick :: Reactive w => Event w (Point -> IO ())
= mouseFilter "doubleClick" filter
filter (MouseLeftDClick point mod) = isNoShiftAltControlDown mod
filter other = False
drag :: Reactive w => Event w (Point -> IO ())
= mouseFilter "drag" filter
filter (MouseLeftDrag point mod) = isNoShiftAltControlDown mod
filter other = False
motion :: Reactive w => Event w (Point -> IO ())
= mouseFilter "motion" filter
filter (MouseMotion point mod) = isNoShiftAltControlDown mod
filter other = False
clickRight :: Reactive w => Event w (Point -> IO ())
= mouseFilter "clickRight" filter
filter (MouseRightDown point mod) = isNoShiftAltControlDown mod
filter other = False
unclickRight :: Reactive w => Event w (Point -> IO ())
= mouseFilter "unclickRight" filter
filter (MouseRightUp point mod) = isNoShiftAltControlDown mod
filter other = False
enter :: Reactive w => Event w (Point -> IO ())
= mouseFilter "enter" filter
filter (MouseEnter point mod) = True
filter other = False
leave :: Reactive w => Event w (Point -> IO ())
= mouseFilter "leave" filter
filter (MouseLeave point mod) = True
filter other = False
mouseFilter :: Reactive w => String -> (EventMouse -> Bool) -> Event w (Point -> IO ())
mouseFilter name filter
= mapEvent get set mouse
get prev x
= ioError (userError ("WX.Events: the " ++ name ++ " event is write-only."))
set prev new mouseEvent
= if (filter mouseEvent)
then new (mousePos mouseEvent)
else prev mouseEvent
rebind :: Event w (IO ()) -> Event w (IO ())
rebind event
= mapEvent get set event
get prev
= prev
set new prev
= new
enterKey,tabKey,escKey,helpKey,delKey,homeKey,endKey :: Reactive w => Event w (IO ())
pgupKey,pgdownKey,downKey,upKey,leftKey,rightKey :: Reactive w => Event w (IO ())
enterKey = key KeyReturn
tabKey = key KeyTab
escKey = key KeyEscape
helpKey = key KeyHelp
delKey = key KeyDelete
homeKey = key KeyHome
endKey = key KeyEnd
pgupKey = key KeyPageUp
pgdownKey = key KeyPageDown
downKey = key KeyDown
upKey = key KeyUp
leftKey = key KeyLeft
rightKey = key KeyRight
charKey :: Reactive w => Char -> Event w (IO ())
charKey c
= key (KeyChar c)
key :: Reactive w => Key -> Event w (IO ())
key k
= keyboardFilter "key" filter
filter (EventKey x mod pt) = k==x
anyKey :: Reactive w => Event w (Key -> IO ())
= keyboardFilter1 "anyKey" (const True)
keyboardFilter :: Reactive w => String -> (EventKey -> Bool) -> Event w (IO ())
keyboardFilter name filter
= mapEvent get set keyboard
get prev
= ioError (userError ("WX.Events: the " ++ name ++ " event is write-only."))
set prev new keyboardEvent
= do when (filter keyboardEvent) new
prev keyboardEvent
keyboardFilter1 :: Reactive w => String -> (EventKey -> Bool) -> Event w (Key -> IO ())
keyboardFilter1 name filter
= mapEvent get set keyboard
get prev key
= ioError (userError ("WX.Events: the " ++ name ++ " event is write-only."))
set prev new keyboardEvent
= if (filter keyboardEvent)
then new (keyKey keyboardEvent)
else prev keyboardEvent
calendarEvent :: Event (CalendarCtrl a) (EventCalendar -> IO ())
= newEvent "calendarEvent" calendarCtrlGetOnCalEvent calendarCtrlOnCalEvent
newEvent :: String -> (w -> IO a) -> (w -> a -> IO ()) -> Event w a
newEvent name getter setter
= Event (newAttr name getter setter)