{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -#include "wxc.h" #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-| Module : WxcClassesMZ Copyright : Copyright (c) Daan Leijen 2003, 2004 License : wxWindows Maintainer : daan@cs.uu.nl Stability : provisional Portability : portable Haskell class definitions for the wxWidgets C library (@wxc.dll@). Do not edit this file manually! This file was automatically generated by wxDirect on: * @2008-02-14 17:38:34.986066 UTC@ From the files: * @wxc\/include\/wxc.h@ And contains 1935 methods for 118 classes. -} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcClassesMZ ( -- * Version versionWxcClassesMZ -- * Global -- ** Null ,nullAcceleratorTable ,nullBitmap ,nullBrush ,nullColour ,nullCursor ,nullFont ,nullHDBC ,nullHENV ,nullHSTMT ,nullIcon ,nullPalette ,nullPen -- ** Events ,wxEVT_ACTIVATE ,wxEVT_ACTIVATE_APP ,wxEVT_CALENDAR_DAY_CHANGED ,wxEVT_CALENDAR_DOUBLECLICKED ,wxEVT_CALENDAR_MONTH_CHANGED ,wxEVT_CALENDAR_SEL_CHANGED ,wxEVT_CALENDAR_WEEKDAY_CLICKED ,wxEVT_CALENDAR_YEAR_CHANGED ,wxEVT_CHAR ,wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK ,wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW ,wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKLISTBOX_TOGGLED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_CHOICE_SELECTED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_ENTER ,wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND ,wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_CLOSE ,wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_NEXT ,wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE ,wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE_ALL ,wxEVT_COMMAND_KILL_FOCUS ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LEFT_CLICK ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LEFT_DCLICK ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_DOUBLECLICKED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_SELECTED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_DRAG ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_RDRAG ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_CACHE_HINT ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_BEGIN_DRAG ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_CLICK ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_DRAGGING ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_END_DRAG ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_RIGHT_CLICK ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_DELETE_ALL_ITEMS ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_DELETE_ITEM ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_INSERT_ITEM ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_FOCUSED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_KEY_DOWN ,wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING ,wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBOX_SELECTED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBUTTON_SELECTED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_CLICK ,wxEVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_DCLICK ,wxEVT_COMMAND_SCROLLBAR_UPDATED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_SET_FOCUS ,wxEVT_COMMAND_SLIDER_UPDATED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRL_UPDATED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_DOUBLECLICKED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGING ,wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_UNSPLIT ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGING ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_ENTER ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_RCLICKED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_DRAG ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_RDRAG ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_DELETE_ITEM ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_DRAG ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_GET_INFO ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSING ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDING ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_KEY_DOWN ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGED ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGING ,wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SET_INFO ,wxEVT_COMMAND_VLBOX_SELECTED ,wxEVT_COMPARE_ITEM ,wxEVT_CONTEXT_MENU ,wxEVT_CREATE ,wxEVT_DELETE ,wxEVT_DESTROY ,wxEVT_DETAILED_HELP ,wxEVT_DIALUP_CONNECTED ,wxEVT_DIALUP_DISCONNECTED ,wxEVT_DRAW_ITEM ,wxEVT_DROP_FILES ,wxEVT_END_PROCESS ,wxEVT_END_SESSION ,wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW ,wxEVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND ,wxEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE ,wxEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK ,wxEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK ,wxEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK ,wxEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_DCLICK ,wxEVT_GRID_COL_SIZE ,wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_CREATED ,wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN ,wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN ,wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK ,wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK ,wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK ,wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_DCLICK ,wxEVT_GRID_RANGE_SELECT ,wxEVT_GRID_ROW_SIZE ,wxEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL ,wxEVT_HELP ,wxEVT_HTML_CELL_CLICKED ,wxEVT_HTML_CELL_MOUSE_HOVER ,wxEVT_HTML_LINK_CLICKED ,wxEVT_HTML_SET_TITLE ,wxEVT_ICONIZE ,wxEVT_IDLE ,wxEVT_INIT_DIALOG ,wxEVT_INPUT_SINK ,wxEVT_KEY_DOWN ,wxEVT_KEY_UP ,wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS ,wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW ,wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK ,wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN ,wxEVT_LEFT_UP ,wxEVT_MAXIMIZE ,wxEVT_MEASURE_ITEM ,wxEVT_MENU_CHAR ,wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT ,wxEVT_MENU_INIT ,wxEVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK ,wxEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN ,wxEVT_MIDDLE_UP ,wxEVT_MOTION ,wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL ,wxEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_CHANGED ,wxEVT_MOVE ,wxEVT_NAVIGATION_KEY ,wxEVT_NC_ENTER_WINDOW ,wxEVT_NC_LEAVE_WINDOW ,wxEVT_NC_LEFT_DCLICK ,wxEVT_NC_LEFT_DOWN ,wxEVT_NC_LEFT_UP ,wxEVT_NC_MIDDLE_DCLICK ,wxEVT_NC_MIDDLE_DOWN ,wxEVT_NC_MIDDLE_UP ,wxEVT_NC_MOTION ,wxEVT_NC_PAINT ,wxEVT_NC_RIGHT_DCLICK ,wxEVT_NC_RIGHT_DOWN ,wxEVT_NC_RIGHT_UP ,wxEVT_PAINT ,wxEVT_PAINT_ICON ,wxEVT_PALETTE_CHANGED ,wxEVT_POPUP_MENU_INIT ,wxEVT_POWER ,wxEVT_POWER_RESUME ,wxEVT_POWER_SUSPENDED ,wxEVT_POWER_SUSPENDING ,wxEVT_POWER_SUSPEND_CANCEL ,wxEVT_PRINT_BEGIN ,wxEVT_PRINT_BEGIN_DOC ,wxEVT_PRINT_END ,wxEVT_PRINT_END_DOC ,wxEVT_PRINT_PAGE ,wxEVT_PRINT_PREPARE ,wxEVT_QUERY_END_SESSION ,wxEVT_QUERY_NEW_PALETTE ,wxEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK ,wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN ,wxEVT_RIGHT_UP ,wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM ,wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN ,wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP ,wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN ,wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP ,wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBRELEASE ,wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBTRACK ,wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP ,wxEVT_SCROLL_BOTTOM ,wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEDOWN ,wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEUP ,wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEDOWN ,wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEUP ,wxEVT_SCROLL_THUMBRELEASE ,wxEVT_SCROLL_THUMBTRACK ,wxEVT_SCROLL_TOP ,wxEVT_SETTING_CHANGED ,wxEVT_SET_CURSOR ,wxEVT_SET_FOCUS ,wxEVT_SHOW ,wxEVT_SIZE ,wxEVT_SOCKET ,wxEVT_SORT ,wxEVT_STC_AUTOCOMP_SELECTION ,wxEVT_STC_CALLTIP_CLICK ,wxEVT_STC_CHANGE ,wxEVT_STC_CHARADDED ,wxEVT_STC_DOUBLECLICK ,wxEVT_STC_DO_DROP ,wxEVT_STC_DRAG_OVER ,wxEVT_STC_DWELLEND ,wxEVT_STC_DWELLSTART ,wxEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_CLICK ,wxEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_DCLICK ,wxEVT_STC_KEY ,wxEVT_STC_MACRORECORD ,wxEVT_STC_MARGINCLICK ,wxEVT_STC_MODIFIED ,wxEVT_STC_NEEDSHOWN ,wxEVT_STC_PAINTED ,wxEVT_STC_ROMODIFYATTEMPT ,wxEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTLEFT ,wxEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTREACHED ,wxEVT_STC_START_DRAG ,wxEVT_STC_STYLENEEDED ,wxEVT_STC_UPDATEUI ,wxEVT_STC_URIDROPPED ,wxEVT_STC_USERLISTSELECTION ,wxEVT_STC_ZOOM ,wxEVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED ,wxEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DCLICK ,wxEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN ,wxEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_UP ,wxEVT_TASKBAR_MOVE ,wxEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DCLICK ,wxEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DOWN ,wxEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_UP ,wxEVT_TIMER ,wxEVT_UPDATE_UI ,wxEVT_WIZARD_CANCEL ,wxEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED ,wxEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING -- ** Misc. ,popProvider ,pushProvider ,quantize ,quantizePalette ,removeProvider ,textDataObjectCreate ,textDataObjectDelete ,textDataObjectGetText ,textDataObjectGetTextLength ,textDataObjectSetText ,versionNumber ,wxcBeginBusyCursor ,wxcBell ,wxcEndBusyCursor ,wxcFree ,wxcGetMousePosition ,wxcGetPixelRGB ,wxcInitPixelsRGB ,wxcIsBusy ,wxcMalloc ,wxcSetPixelRGB ,wxcSetPixelRowRGB ,wxcSysErrorCode ,wxcSysErrorMsg ,wxcSystemSettingsGetColour ,wxcWakeUpIdle -- * Classes -- ** MDIChildFrame ,mdiChildFrameActivate ,mdiChildFrameCreate -- ** MDIParentFrame ,mdiParentFrameActivateNext ,mdiParentFrameActivatePrevious ,mdiParentFrameArrangeIcons ,mdiParentFrameCascade ,mdiParentFrameCreate ,mdiParentFrameGetActiveChild ,mdiParentFrameGetClientWindow ,mdiParentFrameGetWindowMenu ,mdiParentFrameOnCreateClient ,mdiParentFrameSetWindowMenu ,mdiParentFrameTile -- ** Mask ,maskCreate ,maskCreateColoured -- ** MediaCtrl ,mediaCtrlCreate ,mediaCtrlDelete ,mediaCtrlGetBestSize ,mediaCtrlGetPlaybackRate ,mediaCtrlGetState ,mediaCtrlGetVolume ,mediaCtrlLength ,mediaCtrlLoad ,mediaCtrlLoadURI ,mediaCtrlLoadURIWithProxy ,mediaCtrlPause ,mediaCtrlPlay ,mediaCtrlSeek ,mediaCtrlSetPlaybackRate ,mediaCtrlSetVolume ,mediaCtrlShowPlayerControls ,mediaCtrlStop ,mediaCtrlTell -- ** MemoryDC ,memoryDCCreate ,memoryDCCreateCompatible ,memoryDCDelete ,memoryDCSelectObject -- ** Menu ,menuAppend ,menuAppendItem ,menuAppendRadioItem ,menuAppendSeparator ,menuAppendSub ,menuBreak ,menuCheck ,menuCreate ,menuDeleteById ,menuDeleteByItem ,menuDeletePointer ,menuDestroyById ,menuDestroyByItem ,menuEnable ,menuFindItem ,menuFindItemByLabel ,menuGetClientData ,menuGetHelpString ,menuGetInvokingWindow ,menuGetLabel ,menuGetMenuBar ,menuGetMenuItemCount ,menuGetMenuItems ,menuGetParent ,menuGetStyle ,menuGetTitle ,menuInsert ,menuInsertItem ,menuInsertSub ,menuIsAttached ,menuIsChecked ,menuIsEnabled ,menuPrepend ,menuPrependItem ,menuPrependSub ,menuRemoveById ,menuRemoveByItem ,menuSetClientData ,menuSetEventHandler ,menuSetHelpString ,menuSetInvokingWindow ,menuSetLabel ,menuSetParent ,menuSetTitle ,menuUpdateUI -- ** MenuBar ,menuBarAppend ,menuBarCheck ,menuBarCreate ,menuBarDeletePointer ,menuBarEnable ,menuBarEnableItem ,menuBarEnableTop ,menuBarFindItem ,menuBarFindMenu ,menuBarFindMenuItem ,menuBarGetFrame ,menuBarGetHelpString ,menuBarGetLabel ,menuBarGetLabelTop ,menuBarGetMenu ,menuBarGetMenuCount ,menuBarInsert ,menuBarIsChecked ,menuBarIsEnabled ,menuBarRemove ,menuBarReplace ,menuBarSetHelpString ,menuBarSetItemLabel ,menuBarSetLabel ,menuBarSetLabelTop -- ** MenuEvent ,menuEventCopyObject ,menuEventGetMenuId -- ** MenuItem ,menuItemCheck ,menuItemCreate ,menuItemCreateEx ,menuItemCreateSeparator ,menuItemDelete ,menuItemEnable ,menuItemGetHelp ,menuItemGetId ,menuItemGetLabel ,menuItemGetLabelFromText ,menuItemGetMenu ,menuItemGetSubMenu ,menuItemGetText ,menuItemIsCheckable ,menuItemIsChecked ,menuItemIsEnabled ,menuItemIsSeparator ,menuItemIsSubMenu ,menuItemSetCheckable ,menuItemSetHelp ,menuItemSetId ,menuItemSetSubMenu ,menuItemSetText -- ** MessageDialog ,messageDialogCreate ,messageDialogDelete ,messageDialogShowModal -- ** Metafile ,metafileCreate ,metafileDelete ,metafileOk ,metafilePlay ,metafileSetClipboard -- ** MetafileDC ,metafileDCClose ,metafileDCCreate ,metafileDCDelete -- ** MimeTypesManager ,mimeTypesManagerAddFallbacks ,mimeTypesManagerCreate ,mimeTypesManagerEnumAllFileTypes ,mimeTypesManagerGetFileTypeFromExtension ,mimeTypesManagerGetFileTypeFromMimeType ,mimeTypesManagerIsOfType ,mimeTypesManagerReadMailcap ,mimeTypesManagerReadMimeTypes -- ** MiniFrame ,miniFrameCreate -- ** MouseEvent ,mouseEventAltDown ,mouseEventButton ,mouseEventButtonDClick ,mouseEventButtonDown ,mouseEventButtonIsDown ,mouseEventButtonUp ,mouseEventControlDown ,mouseEventCopyObject ,mouseEventDragging ,mouseEventEntering ,mouseEventGetButton ,mouseEventGetLogicalPosition ,mouseEventGetPosition ,mouseEventGetWheelDelta ,mouseEventGetWheelRotation ,mouseEventGetX ,mouseEventGetY ,mouseEventIsButton ,mouseEventLeaving ,mouseEventLeftDClick ,mouseEventLeftDown ,mouseEventLeftIsDown ,mouseEventLeftUp ,mouseEventMetaDown ,mouseEventMiddleDClick ,mouseEventMiddleDown ,mouseEventMiddleIsDown ,mouseEventMiddleUp ,mouseEventMoving ,mouseEventRightDClick ,mouseEventRightDown ,mouseEventRightIsDown ,mouseEventRightUp ,mouseEventShiftDown -- ** MoveEvent ,moveEventCopyObject ,moveEventGetPosition -- ** NavigationKeyEvent ,navigationKeyEventGetCurrentFocus ,navigationKeyEventGetDirection ,navigationKeyEventIsWindowChange ,navigationKeyEventSetCurrentFocus ,navigationKeyEventSetDirection ,navigationKeyEventSetWindowChange ,navigationKeyEventShouldPropagate -- ** Notebook ,notebookAddPage ,notebookAdvanceSelection ,notebookAssignImageList ,notebookCreate ,notebookDeleteAllPages ,notebookDeletePage ,notebookGetImageList ,notebookGetPage ,notebookGetPageCount ,notebookGetPageImage ,notebookGetPageText ,notebookGetRowCount ,notebookGetSelection ,notebookInsertPage ,notebookRemovePage ,notebookSetImageList ,notebookSetPadding ,notebookSetPageImage ,notebookSetPageSize ,notebookSetPageText ,notebookSetSelection -- ** NotebookSizer ,notebookSizerCalcMin ,notebookSizerCreate ,notebookSizerGetNotebook ,notebookSizerRecalcSizes -- ** NotifyEvent ,notifyEventAllow ,notifyEventCopyObject ,notifyEventIsAllowed ,notifyEventVeto -- ** OutputStream ,outputStreamDelete ,outputStreamLastWrite ,outputStreamPutC ,outputStreamSeek ,outputStreamSync ,outputStreamTell ,outputStreamWrite -- ** PageSetupDialog ,pageSetupDialogCreate ,pageSetupDialogGetPageSetupData -- ** PageSetupDialogData ,pageSetupDialogDataAssign ,pageSetupDialogDataAssignData ,pageSetupDialogDataCalculateIdFromPaperSize ,pageSetupDialogDataCalculatePaperSizeFromId ,pageSetupDialogDataCreate ,pageSetupDialogDataCreateFromData ,pageSetupDialogDataDelete ,pageSetupDialogDataEnableHelp ,pageSetupDialogDataEnableMargins ,pageSetupDialogDataEnableOrientation ,pageSetupDialogDataEnablePaper ,pageSetupDialogDataEnablePrinter ,pageSetupDialogDataGetDefaultInfo ,pageSetupDialogDataGetDefaultMinMargins ,pageSetupDialogDataGetEnableHelp ,pageSetupDialogDataGetEnableMargins ,pageSetupDialogDataGetEnableOrientation ,pageSetupDialogDataGetEnablePaper ,pageSetupDialogDataGetEnablePrinter ,pageSetupDialogDataGetMarginBottomRight ,pageSetupDialogDataGetMarginTopLeft ,pageSetupDialogDataGetMinMarginBottomRight ,pageSetupDialogDataGetMinMarginTopLeft ,pageSetupDialogDataGetPaperId ,pageSetupDialogDataGetPaperSize ,pageSetupDialogDataGetPrintData ,pageSetupDialogDataSetDefaultInfo ,pageSetupDialogDataSetDefaultMinMargins ,pageSetupDialogDataSetMarginBottomRight ,pageSetupDialogDataSetMarginTopLeft ,pageSetupDialogDataSetMinMarginBottomRight ,pageSetupDialogDataSetMinMarginTopLeft ,pageSetupDialogDataSetPaperId ,pageSetupDialogDataSetPaperSize ,pageSetupDialogDataSetPaperSizeId ,pageSetupDialogDataSetPrintData -- ** PaintDC ,paintDCCreate ,paintDCDelete -- ** Palette ,paletteAssign ,paletteCreateDefault ,paletteCreateRGB ,paletteDelete ,paletteGetPixel ,paletteGetRGB ,paletteIsEqual ,paletteOk -- ** PaletteChangedEvent ,paletteChangedEventCopyObject ,paletteChangedEventGetChangedWindow ,paletteChangedEventSetChangedWindow -- ** Panel ,panelCreate ,panelGetDefaultItem ,panelInitDialog ,panelSetDefaultItem -- ** Pen ,penAssign ,penCreateDefault ,penCreateFromBitmap ,penCreateFromColour ,penCreateFromStock ,penDelete ,penGetCap ,penGetColour ,penGetDashes ,penGetJoin ,penGetStipple ,penGetStyle ,penGetWidth ,penIsEqual ,penIsStatic ,penOk ,penSafeDelete ,penSetCap ,penSetColour ,penSetColourSingle ,penSetDashes ,penSetJoin ,penSetStipple ,penSetStyle ,penSetWidth -- ** PostScriptPrintNativeData ,postScriptPrintNativeDataCreate ,postScriptPrintNativeDataDelete -- ** PreviewCanvas ,previewCanvasCreate -- ** PreviewFrame ,previewFrameCreate ,previewFrameDelete ,previewFrameInitialize -- ** PrintData ,printDataAssign ,printDataCreate ,printDataDelete ,printDataGetCollate ,printDataGetColour ,printDataGetDuplex ,printDataGetFilename ,printDataGetFontMetricPath ,printDataGetNoCopies ,printDataGetOrientation ,printDataGetPaperId ,printDataGetPaperSize ,printDataGetPreviewCommand ,printDataGetPrintMode ,printDataGetPrinterCommand ,printDataGetPrinterName ,printDataGetPrinterOptions ,printDataGetPrinterScaleX ,printDataGetPrinterScaleY ,printDataGetPrinterTranslateX ,printDataGetPrinterTranslateY ,printDataGetQuality ,printDataSetCollate ,printDataSetColour ,printDataSetDuplex ,printDataSetFilename ,printDataSetFontMetricPath ,printDataSetNoCopies ,printDataSetOrientation ,printDataSetPaperId ,printDataSetPaperSize ,printDataSetPreviewCommand ,printDataSetPrintMode ,printDataSetPrinterCommand ,printDataSetPrinterName ,printDataSetPrinterOptions ,printDataSetPrinterScaleX ,printDataSetPrinterScaleY ,printDataSetPrinterScaling ,printDataSetPrinterTranslateX ,printDataSetPrinterTranslateY ,printDataSetPrinterTranslation ,printDataSetQuality -- ** PrintDialog ,printDialogCreate ,printDialogGetPrintDC ,printDialogGetPrintData ,printDialogGetPrintDialogData -- ** PrintDialogData ,printDialogDataAssign ,printDialogDataAssignData ,printDialogDataCreateDefault ,printDialogDataCreateFromData ,printDialogDataDelete ,printDialogDataEnableHelp ,printDialogDataEnablePageNumbers ,printDialogDataEnablePrintToFile ,printDialogDataEnableSelection ,printDialogDataGetAllPages ,printDialogDataGetCollate ,printDialogDataGetEnableHelp ,printDialogDataGetEnablePageNumbers ,printDialogDataGetEnablePrintToFile ,printDialogDataGetEnableSelection ,printDialogDataGetFromPage ,printDialogDataGetMaxPage ,printDialogDataGetMinPage ,printDialogDataGetNoCopies ,printDialogDataGetPrintData ,printDialogDataGetPrintToFile ,printDialogDataGetSelection ,printDialogDataGetToPage ,printDialogDataSetAllPages ,printDialogDataSetCollate ,printDialogDataSetFromPage ,printDialogDataSetMaxPage ,printDialogDataSetMinPage ,printDialogDataSetNoCopies ,printDialogDataSetPrintData ,printDialogDataSetPrintToFile ,printDialogDataSetSelection ,printDialogDataSetToPage -- ** PrintPreview ,printPreviewCreateFromData ,printPreviewCreateFromDialogData ,printPreviewDelete ,printPreviewDetermineScaling ,printPreviewDrawBlankPage ,printPreviewGetCanvas ,printPreviewGetCurrentPage ,printPreviewGetFrame ,printPreviewGetMaxPage ,printPreviewGetMinPage ,printPreviewGetPrintDialogData ,printPreviewGetPrintout ,printPreviewGetPrintoutForPrinting ,printPreviewGetZoom ,printPreviewOk ,printPreviewPaintPage ,printPreviewPrint ,printPreviewRenderPage ,printPreviewSetCanvas ,printPreviewSetCurrentPage ,printPreviewSetFrame ,printPreviewSetOk ,printPreviewSetPrintout ,printPreviewSetZoom -- ** Printer ,printerCreate ,printerCreateAbortWindow ,printerDelete ,printerGetAbort ,printerGetLastError ,printerGetPrintDialogData ,printerPrint ,printerPrintDialog ,printerReportError ,printerSetup -- ** Printout ,printoutGetDC ,printoutGetPPIPrinter ,printoutGetPPIScreen ,printoutGetPageSizeMM ,printoutGetPageSizePixels ,printoutGetTitle ,printoutIsPreview ,printoutSetDC ,printoutSetIsPreview ,printoutSetPPIPrinter ,printoutSetPPIScreen ,printoutSetPageSizeMM ,printoutSetPageSizePixels -- ** Process ,processCloseOutput ,processCreateDefault ,processCreateRedirect ,processDelete ,processDetach ,processGetErrorStream ,processGetInputStream ,processGetOutputStream ,processIsErrorAvailable ,processIsInputAvailable ,processIsInputOpened ,processIsRedirected ,processOpen ,processRedirect -- ** ProcessEvent ,processEventGetExitCode ,processEventGetPid -- ** ProgressDialog ,progressDialogCreate ,progressDialogResume ,progressDialogUpdate ,progressDialogUpdateWithMessage -- ** QueryLayoutInfoEvent ,queryLayoutInfoEventCreate ,queryLayoutInfoEventGetAlignment ,queryLayoutInfoEventGetFlags ,queryLayoutInfoEventGetOrientation ,queryLayoutInfoEventGetRequestedLength ,queryLayoutInfoEventGetSize ,queryLayoutInfoEventSetAlignment ,queryLayoutInfoEventSetFlags ,queryLayoutInfoEventSetOrientation ,queryLayoutInfoEventSetRequestedLength ,queryLayoutInfoEventSetSize -- ** QueryNewPaletteEvent ,queryNewPaletteEventCopyObject ,queryNewPaletteEventGetPaletteRealized ,queryNewPaletteEventSetPaletteRealized -- ** RadioBox ,radioBoxCreate ,radioBoxEnableItem ,radioBoxFindString ,radioBoxGetItemLabel ,radioBoxGetNumberOfRowsOrCols ,radioBoxGetSelection ,radioBoxGetStringSelection ,radioBoxNumber ,radioBoxSetItemBitmap ,radioBoxSetItemLabel ,radioBoxSetNumberOfRowsOrCols ,radioBoxSetSelection ,radioBoxSetStringSelection ,radioBoxShowItem -- ** RadioButton ,radioButtonCreate ,radioButtonGetValue ,radioButtonSetValue -- ** Region ,regionAssign ,regionClear ,regionContainsPoint ,regionContainsRect ,regionCreateDefault ,regionCreateFromRect ,regionDelete ,regionEmpty ,regionGetBox ,regionIntersectRect ,regionIntersectRegion ,regionSubtractRect ,regionSubtractRegion ,regionUnionRect ,regionUnionRegion ,regionXorRect ,regionXorRegion -- ** RegionIterator ,regionIteratorCreate ,regionIteratorCreateFromRegion ,regionIteratorDelete ,regionIteratorGetHeight ,regionIteratorGetWidth ,regionIteratorGetX ,regionIteratorGetY ,regionIteratorHaveRects ,regionIteratorNext ,regionIteratorReset ,regionIteratorResetToRegion -- ** SashEvent ,sashEventCreate ,sashEventGetDragRect ,sashEventGetDragStatus ,sashEventGetEdge ,sashEventSetDragRect ,sashEventSetDragStatus ,sashEventSetEdge -- ** SashLayoutWindow ,sashLayoutWindowCreate ,sashLayoutWindowGetAlignment ,sashLayoutWindowGetOrientation ,sashLayoutWindowSetAlignment ,sashLayoutWindowSetDefaultSize ,sashLayoutWindowSetOrientation -- ** SashWindow ,sashWindowCreate ,sashWindowGetDefaultBorderSize ,sashWindowGetEdgeMargin ,sashWindowGetExtraBorderSize ,sashWindowGetMaximumSizeX ,sashWindowGetMaximumSizeY ,sashWindowGetMinimumSizeX ,sashWindowGetMinimumSizeY ,sashWindowGetSashVisible ,sashWindowHasBorder ,sashWindowSetDefaultBorderSize ,sashWindowSetExtraBorderSize ,sashWindowSetMaximumSizeX ,sashWindowSetMaximumSizeY ,sashWindowSetMinimumSizeX ,sashWindowSetMinimumSizeY ,sashWindowSetSashBorder ,sashWindowSetSashVisible -- ** ScreenDC ,screenDCCreate ,screenDCDelete ,screenDCEndDrawingOnTop ,screenDCStartDrawingOnTop ,screenDCStartDrawingOnTopOfWin -- ** ScrollBar ,scrollBarCreate ,scrollBarGetPageSize ,scrollBarGetRange ,scrollBarGetThumbPosition ,scrollBarGetThumbSize ,scrollBarSetScrollbar ,scrollBarSetThumbPosition -- ** ScrollEvent ,scrollEventGetOrientation ,scrollEventGetPosition -- ** ScrollWinEvent ,scrollWinEventGetOrientation ,scrollWinEventGetPosition ,scrollWinEventSetOrientation ,scrollWinEventSetPosition -- ** ScrolledWindow ,scrolledWindowAdjustScrollbars ,scrolledWindowCalcScrolledPosition ,scrolledWindowCalcUnscrolledPosition ,scrolledWindowCreate ,scrolledWindowEnableScrolling ,scrolledWindowGetScaleX ,scrolledWindowGetScaleY ,scrolledWindowGetScrollPageSize ,scrolledWindowGetScrollPixelsPerUnit ,scrolledWindowGetTargetWindow ,scrolledWindowGetViewStart ,scrolledWindowGetVirtualSize ,scrolledWindowOnDraw ,scrolledWindowPrepareDC ,scrolledWindowScroll ,scrolledWindowSetScale ,scrolledWindowSetScrollPageSize ,scrolledWindowSetScrollRate ,scrolledWindowSetScrollbars ,scrolledWindowSetTargetWindow ,scrolledWindowViewStart -- ** SetCursorEvent ,setCursorEventGetCursor ,setCursorEventGetX ,setCursorEventGetY ,setCursorEventHasCursor ,setCursorEventSetCursor -- ** ShowEvent ,showEventCopyObject ,showEventGetShow ,showEventSetShow -- ** SimpleHelpProvider ,simpleHelpProviderCreate -- ** SingleInstanceChecker ,singleInstanceCheckerCreate ,singleInstanceCheckerCreateDefault ,singleInstanceCheckerDelete ,singleInstanceCheckerIsAnotherRunning -- ** SizeEvent ,sizeEventCopyObject ,sizeEventGetSize -- ** Sizer ,sizerAdd ,sizerAddSizer ,sizerAddWindow ,sizerCalcMin ,sizerFit ,sizerGetChildren ,sizerGetMinSize ,sizerGetPosition ,sizerGetSize ,sizerInsert ,sizerInsertSizer ,sizerInsertWindow ,sizerLayout ,sizerPrepend ,sizerPrependSizer ,sizerPrependWindow ,sizerRecalcSizes ,sizerRemove ,sizerRemoveSizer ,sizerRemoveWindow ,sizerSetDimension ,sizerSetItemMinSize ,sizerSetItemMinSizeSizer ,sizerSetItemMinSizeWindow ,sizerSetMinSize ,sizerSetSizeHints -- ** SizerItem ,sizerItemCalcMin ,sizerItemCreate ,sizerItemCreateInSizer ,sizerItemCreateInWindow 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,spinButtonSetValue -- ** SpinCtrl ,spinCtrlCreate ,spinCtrlGetMax ,spinCtrlGetMin ,spinCtrlGetValue ,spinCtrlSetRange ,spinCtrlSetValue -- ** SpinEvent ,spinEventGetPosition ,spinEventSetPosition -- ** SplitterWindow ,splitterWindowCreate ,splitterWindowGetBorderSize ,splitterWindowGetMinimumPaneSize ,splitterWindowGetSashPosition ,splitterWindowGetSashSize ,splitterWindowGetSplitMode ,splitterWindowGetWindow1 ,splitterWindowGetWindow2 ,splitterWindowInitialize ,splitterWindowIsSplit ,splitterWindowReplaceWindow ,splitterWindowSetBorderSize ,splitterWindowSetMinimumPaneSize ,splitterWindowSetSashPosition ,splitterWindowSetSashSize ,splitterWindowSetSplitMode ,splitterWindowSplitHorizontally ,splitterWindowSplitVertically ,splitterWindowUnsplit -- ** StaticBitmap ,staticBitmapCreate ,staticBitmapDelete ,staticBitmapGetBitmap ,staticBitmapGetIcon ,staticBitmapSetBitmap ,staticBitmapSetIcon -- ** StaticBox ,staticBoxCreate -- ** StaticBoxSizer ,staticBoxSizerCalcMin ,staticBoxSizerCreate ,staticBoxSizerGetStaticBox ,staticBoxSizerRecalcSizes -- ** StaticLine ,staticLineCreate ,staticLineGetDefaultSize ,staticLineIsVertical -- ** StaticText ,staticTextCreate -- ** StatusBar ,statusBarCreate ,statusBarGetBorderX ,statusBarGetBorderY ,statusBarGetFieldsCount ,statusBarGetStatusText ,statusBarSetFieldsCount ,statusBarSetMinHeight ,statusBarSetStatusText ,statusBarSetStatusWidths -- ** StopWatch ,stopWatchCreate ,stopWatchDelete ,stopWatchPause ,stopWatchResume ,stopWatchStart ,stopWatchTime -- ** StreamBase ,streamBaseDelete ,streamBaseGetLastError ,streamBaseGetSize ,streamBaseIsOk -- ** StyledTextCtrl ,styledTextCtrlAddRefDocument ,styledTextCtrlAddStyledText ,styledTextCtrlAddText ,styledTextCtrlAppendText ,styledTextCtrlAutoCompActive ,styledTextCtrlAutoCompCancel ,styledTextCtrlAutoCompComplete ,styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetAutoHide ,styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetCancelAtStart ,styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetChooseSingle ,styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetDropRestOfWord 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,styledTextEventGetDragResult ,styledTextEventGetDragText ,styledTextEventGetFoldLevelNow ,styledTextEventGetFoldLevelPrev ,styledTextEventGetKey ,styledTextEventGetLParam ,styledTextEventGetLength ,styledTextEventGetLine ,styledTextEventGetLinesAdded ,styledTextEventGetListType ,styledTextEventGetMargin ,styledTextEventGetMessage ,styledTextEventGetModificationType ,styledTextEventGetModifiers ,styledTextEventGetPosition ,styledTextEventGetShift ,styledTextEventGetText ,styledTextEventGetWParam ,styledTextEventGetX ,styledTextEventGetY ,styledTextEventSetDragAllowMove ,styledTextEventSetDragResult ,styledTextEventSetDragText ,styledTextEventSetFoldLevelNow ,styledTextEventSetFoldLevelPrev ,styledTextEventSetKey ,styledTextEventSetLParam ,styledTextEventSetLength ,styledTextEventSetLine ,styledTextEventSetLinesAdded ,styledTextEventSetListType ,styledTextEventSetMargin ,styledTextEventSetMessage ,styledTextEventSetModificationType ,styledTextEventSetModifiers 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,textCtrlGetLineLength ,textCtrlGetLineText ,textCtrlGetNumberOfLines ,textCtrlGetRange ,textCtrlGetSelection ,textCtrlGetStringSelection ,textCtrlGetValue ,textCtrlIsEditable ,textCtrlIsModified ,textCtrlIsMultiLine ,textCtrlIsSingleLine ,textCtrlLoadFile ,textCtrlPaste ,textCtrlPositionToXY ,textCtrlRedo ,textCtrlRemove ,textCtrlReplace ,textCtrlSaveFile ,textCtrlSetDefaultStyle ,textCtrlSetEditable ,textCtrlSetInsertionPoint ,textCtrlSetInsertionPointEnd ,textCtrlSetMaxLength ,textCtrlSetSelection ,textCtrlSetStyle ,textCtrlSetValue ,textCtrlShowPosition ,textCtrlUndo ,textCtrlWriteText ,textCtrlXYToPosition -- ** TextInputStream ,textInputStreamCreate ,textInputStreamDelete ,textInputStreamReadLine -- ** TextOutputStream ,textOutputStreamCreate ,textOutputStreamDelete ,textOutputStreamWriteString -- ** TextValidator ,textValidatorCreate ,textValidatorGetExcludeList ,textValidatorGetIncludeList ,textValidatorGetStyle ,textValidatorOnChar ,textValidatorSetExcludeList ,textValidatorSetIncludeList ,textValidatorSetStyle -- ** Timer ,timerCreate ,timerDelete ,timerGetInterval ,timerIsOneShot ,timerIsRuning ,timerStart ,timerStop -- ** TimerEvent ,timerEventGetInterval -- ** TimerEx ,timerExConnect ,timerExCreate ,timerExGetClosure -- ** TipWindow ,tipWindowClose ,tipWindowCreate ,tipWindowSetBoundingRect ,tipWindowSetTipWindowPtr -- ** ToolBar ,toolBarAddControl ,toolBarAddSeparator ,toolBarAddTool ,toolBarAddTool2 ,toolBarAddToolEx ,toolBarCreate ,toolBarDelete ,toolBarDeleteTool ,toolBarDeleteToolByPos ,toolBarEnableTool ,toolBarGetMargins ,toolBarGetToolBitmapSize ,toolBarGetToolClientData ,toolBarGetToolEnabled ,toolBarGetToolLongHelp ,toolBarGetToolPacking ,toolBarGetToolShortHelp ,toolBarGetToolSize ,toolBarGetToolState ,toolBarInsertControl ,toolBarInsertSeparator ,toolBarInsertTool ,toolBarRealize ,toolBarRemoveTool ,toolBarSetMargins ,toolBarSetToolBitmapSize ,toolBarSetToolClientData ,toolBarSetToolLongHelp ,toolBarSetToolPacking ,toolBarSetToolSeparation ,toolBarSetToolShortHelp ,toolBarToggleTool -- ** TreeCtrl ,treeCtrlAddRoot ,treeCtrlAppendItem ,treeCtrlAssignImageList ,treeCtrlAssignStateImageList ,treeCtrlCollapse ,treeCtrlCollapseAndReset ,treeCtrlCreate ,treeCtrlCreate2 ,treeCtrlDelete ,treeCtrlDeleteAllItems ,treeCtrlDeleteChildren ,treeCtrlEditLabel ,treeCtrlEndEditLabel ,treeCtrlEnsureVisible ,treeCtrlExpand ,treeCtrlGetBoundingRect ,treeCtrlGetChildrenCount ,treeCtrlGetCount ,treeCtrlGetEditControl ,treeCtrlGetFirstChild ,treeCtrlGetFirstVisibleItem ,treeCtrlGetImageList ,treeCtrlGetIndent ,treeCtrlGetItemClientClosure ,treeCtrlGetItemData ,treeCtrlGetItemImage ,treeCtrlGetItemText ,treeCtrlGetLastChild ,treeCtrlGetNextChild ,treeCtrlGetNextSibling ,treeCtrlGetNextVisible ,treeCtrlGetParent ,treeCtrlGetPrevSibling ,treeCtrlGetPrevVisible ,treeCtrlGetRootItem ,treeCtrlGetSelection ,treeCtrlGetSelections ,treeCtrlGetSpacing ,treeCtrlGetStateImageList ,treeCtrlHitTest ,treeCtrlInsertItem ,treeCtrlInsertItem2 ,treeCtrlInsertItemByIndex ,treeCtrlInsertItemByIndex2 ,treeCtrlIsBold ,treeCtrlIsExpanded ,treeCtrlIsSelected ,treeCtrlIsVisible ,treeCtrlItemHasChildren ,treeCtrlOnCompareItems ,treeCtrlPrependItem ,treeCtrlScrollTo ,treeCtrlSelectItem ,treeCtrlSetImageList ,treeCtrlSetIndent ,treeCtrlSetItemBackgroundColour ,treeCtrlSetItemBold ,treeCtrlSetItemClientClosure ,treeCtrlSetItemData ,treeCtrlSetItemDropHighlight ,treeCtrlSetItemFont ,treeCtrlSetItemHasChildren ,treeCtrlSetItemImage ,treeCtrlSetItemText ,treeCtrlSetItemTextColour ,treeCtrlSetSpacing ,treeCtrlSetStateImageList ,treeCtrlSortChildren ,treeCtrlToggle ,treeCtrlUnselect ,treeCtrlUnselectAll -- ** TreeEvent ,treeEventAllow ,treeEventGetCode ,treeEventGetItem ,treeEventGetKeyEvent ,treeEventGetLabel ,treeEventGetOldItem ,treeEventGetPoint ,treeEventIsEditCancelled -- ** UpdateUIEvent ,updateUIEventCheck ,updateUIEventCopyObject ,updateUIEventEnable ,updateUIEventGetChecked ,updateUIEventGetEnabled ,updateUIEventGetSetChecked ,updateUIEventGetSetEnabled ,updateUIEventGetSetText ,updateUIEventGetText ,updateUIEventSetText -- ** Validator ,validatorCreate ,validatorDelete ,validatorGetWindow ,validatorIsSilent ,validatorSetBellOnError ,validatorSetWindow ,validatorTransferFromWindow ,validatorTransferToWindow ,validatorValidate -- ** WXCApp ,wxcAppBell ,wxcAppCreateLogTarget ,wxcAppDispatch ,wxcAppDisplaySize ,wxcAppEnableTooltips ,wxcAppEnableTopLevelWindows ,wxcAppExecuteProcess ,wxcAppExit ,wxcAppExitMainLoop ,wxcAppFindWindowById ,wxcAppFindWindowByLabel ,wxcAppFindWindowByName ,wxcAppGetApp ,wxcAppGetAppName ,wxcAppGetClassName ,wxcAppGetExitOnFrameDelete ,wxcAppGetIdleInterval ,wxcAppGetOsDescription ,wxcAppGetOsVersion ,wxcAppGetTopWindow ,wxcAppGetUseBestVisual ,wxcAppGetUserHome ,wxcAppGetUserId ,wxcAppGetUserName ,wxcAppGetVendorName ,wxcAppInitAllImageHandlers ,wxcAppInitializeC ,wxcAppInitialized ,wxcAppIsTerminating ,wxcAppMainLoop ,wxcAppMousePosition ,wxcAppPending ,wxcAppSafeYield ,wxcAppSetAppName ,wxcAppSetClassName ,wxcAppSetExitOnFrameDelete ,wxcAppSetIdleInterval ,wxcAppSetPrintMode ,wxcAppSetTooltipDelay ,wxcAppSetTopWindow ,wxcAppSetUseBestVisual ,wxcAppSetVendorName ,wxcAppSleep ,wxcAppUSleep ,wxcAppYield -- ** WXCArtProv ,wxcArtProvCreate ,wxcArtProvRelease -- ** WXCDragDataObject ,wxcDragDataObjectCreate ,wxcDragDataObjectDelete -- ** WXCDropTarget ,wxcDropTargetCreate ,wxcDropTargetDelete ,wxcDropTargetSetOnData ,wxcDropTargetSetOnDragOver ,wxcDropTargetSetOnDrop ,wxcDropTargetSetOnEnter ,wxcDropTargetSetOnLeave -- ** WXCFileDropTarget ,wxcFileDropTargetCreate ,wxcFileDropTargetDelete ,wxcFileDropTargetSetOnData ,wxcFileDropTargetSetOnDragOver ,wxcFileDropTargetSetOnDrop ,wxcFileDropTargetSetOnEnter ,wxcFileDropTargetSetOnLeave -- ** WXCGridTable ,wxcGridTableCreate ,wxcGridTableDelete ,wxcGridTableGetView ,wxcGridTableSendTableMessage -- ** WXCHtmlEvent ,wxcHtmlEventGetHref ,wxcHtmlEventGetHtmlCell ,wxcHtmlEventGetHtmlCellId ,wxcHtmlEventGetLogicalPosition ,wxcHtmlEventGetMouseEvent ,wxcHtmlEventGetTarget -- ** WXCHtmlWindow ,wxcHtmlWindowCreate -- ** WXCLog ,wxcLogAddTraceMask ,wxcLogCreate ,wxcLogDelete ,wxcLogDontCreateOnDemand ,wxcLogEnableLogging ,wxcLogFlush ,wxcLogFlushActive ,wxcLogGetActiveTarget ,wxcLogGetTimestamp ,wxcLogGetTraceMask ,wxcLogGetVerbose ,wxcLogHasPendingMessages ,wxcLogIsAllowedTraceMask ,wxcLogIsEnabled ,wxcLogOnLog ,wxcLogRemoveTraceMask ,wxcLogResume ,wxcLogSetActiveTarget ,wxcLogSetTimestamp ,wxcLogSetTraceMask ,wxcLogSetVerbose ,wxcLogSuspend -- ** WXCPreviewControlBar ,wxcPreviewControlBarCreate -- ** WXCPreviewFrame ,wxcPreviewFrameCreate ,wxcPreviewFrameGetControlBar ,wxcPreviewFrameGetPreviewCanvas ,wxcPreviewFrameGetPrintPreview ,wxcPreviewFrameInitialize ,wxcPreviewFrameSetControlBar ,wxcPreviewFrameSetPreviewCanvas ,wxcPreviewFrameSetPrintPreview -- ** WXCPrintEvent ,wxcPrintEventGetContinue ,wxcPrintEventGetEndPage ,wxcPrintEventGetPage ,wxcPrintEventGetPrintout ,wxcPrintEventSetContinue ,wxcPrintEventSetPageLimits -- ** WXCPrintout ,wxcPrintoutCreate ,wxcPrintoutDelete ,wxcPrintoutGetEvtHandler ,wxcPrintoutSetPageLimits -- ** WXCTextDropTarget ,wxcTextDropTargetCreate ,wxcTextDropTargetDelete ,wxcTextDropTargetSetOnData ,wxcTextDropTargetSetOnDragOver ,wxcTextDropTargetSetOnDrop ,wxcTextDropTargetSetOnEnter ,wxcTextDropTargetSetOnLeave -- ** WXCTextValidator ,wxcTextValidatorCreate -- ** WXCTreeItemData ,wxcTreeItemDataCreate ,wxcTreeItemDataGetClientClosure ,wxcTreeItemDataSetClientClosure -- ** Window ,windowAddChild ,windowAddConstraintReference ,windowCaptureMouse ,windowCenter ,windowCenterOnParent ,windowClear ,windowClientToScreen ,windowClose ,windowConvertDialogToPixels ,windowConvertDialogToPixelsEx ,windowConvertPixelsToDialog ,windowConvertPixelsToDialogEx ,windowCreate ,windowDeleteRelatedConstraints ,windowDestroy ,windowDestroyChildren ,windowDisable ,windowDoPhase ,windowEnable ,windowFindFocus ,windowFindWindow ,windowFit ,windowFitInside ,windowFreeze ,windowGetAdjustedBestSize ,windowGetAutoLayout ,windowGetBackgroundColour ,windowGetBestSize ,windowGetCaret ,windowGetCharHeight ,windowGetCharWidth ,windowGetChildren ,windowGetClientData ,windowGetClientSize ,windowGetClientSizeConstraint ,windowGetConstraints ,windowGetConstraintsInvolvedIn ,windowGetCursor ,windowGetDropTarget ,windowGetEventHandler ,windowGetFont ,windowGetForegroundColour ,windowGetHandle ,windowGetId ,windowGetLabel ,windowGetLabelEmpty ,windowGetMaxHeight ,windowGetMaxWidth ,windowGetMinHeight ,windowGetMinWidth ,windowGetName ,windowGetParent ,windowGetPosition ,windowGetPositionConstraint ,windowGetRect ,windowGetScrollPos ,windowGetScrollRange ,windowGetScrollThumb ,windowGetSize ,windowGetSizeConstraint ,windowGetSizer ,windowGetTextExtent ,windowGetToolTip ,windowGetUpdateRegion ,windowGetValidator ,windowGetVirtualSize ,windowGetWindowStyleFlag ,windowHasFlag ,windowHide ,windowInitDialog ,windowIsBeingDeleted ,windowIsEnabled ,windowIsExposed ,windowIsShown ,windowIsTopLevel ,windowLayout ,windowLayoutPhase1 ,windowLayoutPhase2 ,windowLower ,windowMakeModal ,windowMove ,windowMoveConstraint ,windowPopEventHandler ,windowPopupMenu ,windowPrepareDC ,windowPushEventHandler ,windowRaise ,windowRefresh ,windowRefreshRect ,windowReleaseMouse ,windowRemoveChild ,windowRemoveConstraintReference ,windowReparent ,windowResetConstraints ,windowScreenToClient ,windowScreenToClient2 ,windowScrollWindow ,windowScrollWindowRect ,windowSetAcceleratorTable ,windowSetAutoLayout ,windowSetBackgroundColour ,windowSetCaret ,windowSetClientData ,windowSetClientObject ,windowSetClientSize ,windowSetConstraintSizes ,windowSetConstraints ,windowSetCursor ,windowSetDropTarget ,windowSetExtraStyle ,windowSetFocus ,windowSetFont ,windowSetForegroundColour ,windowSetId ,windowSetLabel ,windowSetName ,windowSetScrollPos ,windowSetScrollbar ,windowSetSize ,windowSetSizeConstraint ,windowSetSizeHints ,windowSetSizer ,windowSetToolTip ,windowSetValidator ,windowSetVirtualSize ,windowSetWindowStyleFlag ,windowShow ,windowThaw ,windowTransferDataFromWindow ,windowTransferDataToWindow ,windowUnsetConstraints ,windowUpdateWindowUI ,windowValidate ,windowWarpPointer -- ** WindowCreateEvent ,windowCreateEventGetWindow -- ** WindowDC ,windowDCCreate ,windowDCDelete -- ** WindowDestroyEvent ,windowDestroyEventGetWindow -- ** Wizard ,wizardChain ,wizardCreate ,wizardGetCurrentPage ,wizardGetPageSize ,wizardRunWizard ,wizardSetPageSize -- ** WizardEvent ,wizardEventGetDirection -- ** WizardPageSimple ,wizardPageSimpleCreate ,wizardPageSimpleGetBitmap ,wizardPageSimpleGetNext ,wizardPageSimpleGetPrev ,wizardPageSimpleSetNext ,wizardPageSimpleSetPrev -- ** WxManagedPtr ,managedPtrCreateFromBitmap ,managedPtrCreateFromBrush ,managedPtrCreateFromColour ,managedPtrCreateFromCursor ,managedPtrCreateFromDateTime ,managedPtrCreateFromFont ,managedPtrCreateFromGridCellCoordsArray ,managedPtrCreateFromIcon ,managedPtrCreateFromObject ,managedPtrCreateFromPen ,managedPtrDelete ,managedPtrFinalize ,managedPtrGetDeleteFunction ,managedPtrGetPtr ,managedPtrNoFinalize -- ** WxObject ,objectGetClassInfo ,objectGetClientClosure ,objectIsKindOf ,objectIsScrolledWindow ,objectSafeDelete ,objectSetClientClosure ,wxobjectDelete ) where import System.IO.Unsafe( unsafePerformIO ) import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcTypes import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcClassTypes versionWxcClassesMZ :: String versionWxcClassesMZ = "2008-02-14 17:38:34.340081 UTC" -- | usage: (@managedPtrCreateFromBitmap obj@). managedPtrCreateFromBitmap :: Bitmap a -> IO (WxManagedPtr ()) managedPtrCreateFromBitmap obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr obj $ \cobj_obj -> wxManagedPtr_CreateFromBitmap cobj_obj foreign import ccall "wxManagedPtr_CreateFromBitmap" wxManagedPtr_CreateFromBitmap :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxManagedPtr ())) -- | usage: (@managedPtrCreateFromBrush obj@). managedPtrCreateFromBrush :: Brush a -> IO (WxManagedPtr ()) managedPtrCreateFromBrush obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr obj $ \cobj_obj -> wxManagedPtr_CreateFromBrush cobj_obj foreign import ccall "wxManagedPtr_CreateFromBrush" wxManagedPtr_CreateFromBrush :: Ptr (TBrush a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxManagedPtr ())) -- | usage: (@managedPtrCreateFromColour obj@). managedPtrCreateFromColour :: Color -> IO (WxManagedPtr ()) managedPtrCreateFromColour obj = withObjectResult $ withColourPtr obj $ \cobj_obj -> wxManagedPtr_CreateFromColour cobj_obj foreign import ccall "wxManagedPtr_CreateFromColour" wxManagedPtr_CreateFromColour :: Ptr (TColour a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxManagedPtr ())) -- | usage: (@managedPtrCreateFromCursor obj@). managedPtrCreateFromCursor :: Cursor a -> IO (WxManagedPtr ()) managedPtrCreateFromCursor obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr obj $ \cobj_obj -> wxManagedPtr_CreateFromCursor cobj_obj foreign import ccall "wxManagedPtr_CreateFromCursor" wxManagedPtr_CreateFromCursor :: Ptr (TCursor a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxManagedPtr ())) -- | usage: (@managedPtrCreateFromDateTime obj@). managedPtrCreateFromDateTime :: DateTime a -> IO (WxManagedPtr ()) managedPtrCreateFromDateTime obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr obj $ \cobj_obj -> wxManagedPtr_CreateFromDateTime cobj_obj foreign import ccall "wxManagedPtr_CreateFromDateTime" wxManagedPtr_CreateFromDateTime :: Ptr (TDateTime a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxManagedPtr ())) -- | usage: (@managedPtrCreateFromFont obj@). managedPtrCreateFromFont :: Font a -> IO (WxManagedPtr ()) managedPtrCreateFromFont obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr obj $ \cobj_obj -> wxManagedPtr_CreateFromFont cobj_obj foreign import ccall "wxManagedPtr_CreateFromFont" wxManagedPtr_CreateFromFont :: Ptr (TFont a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxManagedPtr ())) -- | usage: (@managedPtrCreateFromGridCellCoordsArray obj@). managedPtrCreateFromGridCellCoordsArray :: GridCellCoordsArray a -> IO (WxManagedPtr ()) managedPtrCreateFromGridCellCoordsArray obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr obj $ \cobj_obj -> wxManagedPtr_CreateFromGridCellCoordsArray cobj_obj foreign import ccall "wxManagedPtr_CreateFromGridCellCoordsArray" wxManagedPtr_CreateFromGridCellCoordsArray :: Ptr (TGridCellCoordsArray a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxManagedPtr ())) -- | usage: (@managedPtrCreateFromIcon obj@). managedPtrCreateFromIcon :: Icon a -> IO (WxManagedPtr ()) managedPtrCreateFromIcon obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr obj $ \cobj_obj -> wxManagedPtr_CreateFromIcon cobj_obj foreign import ccall "wxManagedPtr_CreateFromIcon" wxManagedPtr_CreateFromIcon :: Ptr (TIcon a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxManagedPtr ())) -- | usage: (@managedPtrCreateFromObject obj@). managedPtrCreateFromObject :: WxObject a -> IO (WxManagedPtr ()) managedPtrCreateFromObject obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr obj $ \cobj_obj -> wxManagedPtr_CreateFromObject cobj_obj foreign import ccall "wxManagedPtr_CreateFromObject" wxManagedPtr_CreateFromObject :: Ptr (TWxObject a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxManagedPtr ())) -- | usage: (@managedPtrCreateFromPen obj@). managedPtrCreateFromPen :: Pen a -> IO (WxManagedPtr ()) managedPtrCreateFromPen obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr obj $ \cobj_obj -> wxManagedPtr_CreateFromPen cobj_obj foreign import ccall "wxManagedPtr_CreateFromPen" wxManagedPtr_CreateFromPen :: Ptr (TPen a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxManagedPtr ())) -- | usage: (@managedPtrDelete self@). managedPtrDelete :: WxManagedPtr a -> IO () managedPtrDelete self = withObjectRef "managedPtrDelete" self $ \cobj_self -> wxManagedPtr_Delete cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxManagedPtr_Delete" wxManagedPtr_Delete :: Ptr (TWxManagedPtr a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@managedPtrFinalize self@). managedPtrFinalize :: WxManagedPtr a -> IO () managedPtrFinalize self = withObjectRef "managedPtrFinalize" self $ \cobj_self -> wxManagedPtr_Finalize cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxManagedPtr_Finalize" wxManagedPtr_Finalize :: Ptr (TWxManagedPtr a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@managedPtrGetDeleteFunction@). managedPtrGetDeleteFunction :: IO (Ptr ()) managedPtrGetDeleteFunction = wxManagedPtr_GetDeleteFunction foreign import ccall "wxManagedPtr_GetDeleteFunction" wxManagedPtr_GetDeleteFunction :: IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@managedPtrGetPtr self@). managedPtrGetPtr :: WxManagedPtr a -> IO (Ptr ()) managedPtrGetPtr self = withObjectRef "managedPtrGetPtr" self $ \cobj_self -> wxManagedPtr_GetPtr cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxManagedPtr_GetPtr" wxManagedPtr_GetPtr :: Ptr (TWxManagedPtr a) -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@managedPtrNoFinalize self@). managedPtrNoFinalize :: WxManagedPtr a -> IO () managedPtrNoFinalize self = withObjectRef "managedPtrNoFinalize" self $ \cobj_self -> wxManagedPtr_NoFinalize cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxManagedPtr_NoFinalize" wxManagedPtr_NoFinalize :: Ptr (TWxManagedPtr a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@maskCreate bitmap@). maskCreate :: Bitmap a -> IO (Mask ()) maskCreate bitmap = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr bitmap $ \cobj_bitmap -> wxMask_Create cobj_bitmap foreign import ccall "wxMask_Create" wxMask_Create :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> IO (Ptr (TMask ())) -- | usage: (@maskCreateColoured bitmap colour@). maskCreateColoured :: Bitmap a -> Color -> IO (Ptr ()) maskCreateColoured bitmap colour = withObjectPtr bitmap $ \cobj_bitmap -> withColourPtr colour $ \cobj_colour -> wxMask_CreateColoured cobj_bitmap cobj_colour foreign import ccall "wxMask_CreateColoured" wxMask_CreateColoured :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@mdiChildFrameActivate obj@). mdiChildFrameActivate :: MDIChildFrame a -> IO () mdiChildFrameActivate _obj = withObjectRef "mdiChildFrameActivate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMDIChildFrame_Activate cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMDIChildFrame_Activate" wxMDIChildFrame_Activate :: Ptr (TMDIChildFrame a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@mdiChildFrameCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt stl@). mdiChildFrameCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style -> IO (MDIChildFrame ()) mdiChildFrameCreate _prt _id _txt _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> withCWString _txt $ \cstr__txt -> wxMDIChildFrame_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) cstr__txt (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxMDIChildFrame_Create" wxMDIChildFrame_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CWString -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TMDIChildFrame ())) -- | usage: (@mdiParentFrameActivateNext obj@). mdiParentFrameActivateNext :: MDIParentFrame a -> IO () mdiParentFrameActivateNext _obj = withObjectRef "mdiParentFrameActivateNext" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMDIParentFrame_ActivateNext cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMDIParentFrame_ActivateNext" wxMDIParentFrame_ActivateNext :: Ptr (TMDIParentFrame a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@mdiParentFrameActivatePrevious obj@). mdiParentFrameActivatePrevious :: MDIParentFrame a -> IO () mdiParentFrameActivatePrevious _obj = withObjectRef "mdiParentFrameActivatePrevious" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMDIParentFrame_ActivatePrevious cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMDIParentFrame_ActivatePrevious" wxMDIParentFrame_ActivatePrevious :: Ptr (TMDIParentFrame a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@mdiParentFrameArrangeIcons obj@). mdiParentFrameArrangeIcons :: MDIParentFrame a -> IO () mdiParentFrameArrangeIcons _obj = withObjectRef "mdiParentFrameArrangeIcons" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMDIParentFrame_ArrangeIcons cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMDIParentFrame_ArrangeIcons" wxMDIParentFrame_ArrangeIcons :: Ptr (TMDIParentFrame a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@mdiParentFrameCascade obj@). mdiParentFrameCascade :: MDIParentFrame a -> IO () mdiParentFrameCascade _obj = withObjectRef "mdiParentFrameCascade" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMDIParentFrame_Cascade cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMDIParentFrame_Cascade" wxMDIParentFrame_Cascade :: Ptr (TMDIParentFrame a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@mdiParentFrameCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt stl@). mdiParentFrameCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style -> IO (MDIParentFrame ()) mdiParentFrameCreate _prt _id _txt _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> withCWString _txt $ \cstr__txt -> wxMDIParentFrame_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) cstr__txt (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxMDIParentFrame_Create" wxMDIParentFrame_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CWString -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TMDIParentFrame ())) -- | usage: (@mdiParentFrameGetActiveChild obj@). mdiParentFrameGetActiveChild :: MDIParentFrame a -> IO (MDIChildFrame ()) mdiParentFrameGetActiveChild _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "mdiParentFrameGetActiveChild" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMDIParentFrame_GetActiveChild cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMDIParentFrame_GetActiveChild" wxMDIParentFrame_GetActiveChild :: Ptr (TMDIParentFrame a) -> IO (Ptr (TMDIChildFrame ())) -- | usage: (@mdiParentFrameGetClientWindow obj@). mdiParentFrameGetClientWindow :: MDIParentFrame a -> IO (MDIClientWindow ()) mdiParentFrameGetClientWindow _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "mdiParentFrameGetClientWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMDIParentFrame_GetClientWindow cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMDIParentFrame_GetClientWindow" wxMDIParentFrame_GetClientWindow :: Ptr (TMDIParentFrame a) -> IO (Ptr (TMDIClientWindow ())) -- | usage: (@mdiParentFrameGetWindowMenu obj@). mdiParentFrameGetWindowMenu :: MDIParentFrame a -> IO (Menu ()) mdiParentFrameGetWindowMenu _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "mdiParentFrameGetWindowMenu" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMDIParentFrame_GetWindowMenu cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMDIParentFrame_GetWindowMenu" wxMDIParentFrame_GetWindowMenu :: Ptr (TMDIParentFrame a) -> IO (Ptr (TMenu ())) -- | usage: (@mdiParentFrameOnCreateClient obj@). mdiParentFrameOnCreateClient :: MDIParentFrame a -> IO (MDIClientWindow ()) mdiParentFrameOnCreateClient _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "mdiParentFrameOnCreateClient" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMDIParentFrame_OnCreateClient cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMDIParentFrame_OnCreateClient" wxMDIParentFrame_OnCreateClient :: Ptr (TMDIParentFrame a) -> IO (Ptr (TMDIClientWindow ())) -- | usage: (@mdiParentFrameSetWindowMenu obj menu@). mdiParentFrameSetWindowMenu :: MDIParentFrame a -> Menu b -> IO () mdiParentFrameSetWindowMenu _obj menu = withObjectRef "mdiParentFrameSetWindowMenu" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr menu $ \cobj_menu -> wxMDIParentFrame_SetWindowMenu cobj__obj cobj_menu foreign import ccall "wxMDIParentFrame_SetWindowMenu" wxMDIParentFrame_SetWindowMenu :: Ptr (TMDIParentFrame a) -> Ptr (TMenu b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@mdiParentFrameTile obj@). mdiParentFrameTile :: MDIParentFrame a -> IO () mdiParentFrameTile _obj = withObjectRef "mdiParentFrameTile" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMDIParentFrame_Tile cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMDIParentFrame_Tile" wxMDIParentFrame_Tile :: Ptr (TMDIParentFrame a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@mediaCtrlCreate parent windowID fileName xywh style szBackend name@). mediaCtrlCreate :: Window a -> Int -> String -> Rect -> Int -> String -> String -> IO (MediaCtrl ()) mediaCtrlCreate parent windowID fileName xywh style szBackend name = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> withStringPtr fileName $ \cobj_fileName -> withStringPtr szBackend $ \cobj_szBackend -> withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> wxMediaCtrl_Create cobj_parent (toCInt windowID) cobj_fileName (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh) (toCInt style) cobj_szBackend cobj_name foreign import ccall "wxMediaCtrl_Create" wxMediaCtrl_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString f) -> Ptr (TWxString g) -> IO (Ptr (TMediaCtrl ())) -- | usage: (@mediaCtrlDelete self@). mediaCtrlDelete :: MediaCtrl a -> IO () mediaCtrlDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@mediaCtrlGetBestSize self@). mediaCtrlGetBestSize :: MediaCtrl a -> IO Size mediaCtrlGetBestSize self = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "mediaCtrlGetBestSize" self $ \cobj_self -> wxMediaCtrl_GetBestSize cobj_self pw ph foreign import ccall "wxMediaCtrl_GetBestSize" wxMediaCtrl_GetBestSize :: Ptr (TMediaCtrl a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@mediaCtrlGetPlaybackRate self@). mediaCtrlGetPlaybackRate :: MediaCtrl a -> IO Double mediaCtrlGetPlaybackRate self = withObjectRef "mediaCtrlGetPlaybackRate" self $ \cobj_self -> wxMediaCtrl_GetPlaybackRate cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxMediaCtrl_GetPlaybackRate" wxMediaCtrl_GetPlaybackRate :: Ptr (TMediaCtrl a) -> IO Double -- | usage: (@mediaCtrlGetState self@). mediaCtrlGetState :: MediaCtrl a -> IO Int mediaCtrlGetState self = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "mediaCtrlGetState" self $ \cobj_self -> wxMediaCtrl_GetState cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxMediaCtrl_GetState" wxMediaCtrl_GetState :: Ptr (TMediaCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@mediaCtrlGetVolume self@). mediaCtrlGetVolume :: MediaCtrl a -> IO Double mediaCtrlGetVolume self = withObjectRef "mediaCtrlGetVolume" self $ \cobj_self -> wxMediaCtrl_GetVolume cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxMediaCtrl_GetVolume" wxMediaCtrl_GetVolume :: Ptr (TMediaCtrl a) -> IO Double -- | usage: (@mediaCtrlLength self@). mediaCtrlLength :: MediaCtrl a -> IO Int mediaCtrlLength self = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "mediaCtrlLength" self $ \cobj_self -> wxMediaCtrl_Length cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxMediaCtrl_Length" wxMediaCtrl_Length :: Ptr (TMediaCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@mediaCtrlLoad self fileName@). mediaCtrlLoad :: MediaCtrl a -> String -> IO Bool mediaCtrlLoad self fileName = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mediaCtrlLoad" self $ \cobj_self -> withStringPtr fileName $ \cobj_fileName -> wxMediaCtrl_Load cobj_self cobj_fileName foreign import ccall "wxMediaCtrl_Load" wxMediaCtrl_Load :: Ptr (TMediaCtrl a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mediaCtrlLoadURI self uri@). mediaCtrlLoadURI :: MediaCtrl a -> String -> IO Bool mediaCtrlLoadURI self uri = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mediaCtrlLoadURI" self $ \cobj_self -> withStringPtr uri $ \cobj_uri -> wxMediaCtrl_LoadURI cobj_self cobj_uri foreign import ccall "wxMediaCtrl_LoadURI" wxMediaCtrl_LoadURI :: Ptr (TMediaCtrl a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mediaCtrlLoadURIWithProxy self uri proxy@). mediaCtrlLoadURIWithProxy :: MediaCtrl a -> String -> String -> IO Bool mediaCtrlLoadURIWithProxy self uri proxy = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mediaCtrlLoadURIWithProxy" self $ \cobj_self -> withStringPtr uri $ \cobj_uri -> withStringPtr proxy $ \cobj_proxy -> wxMediaCtrl_LoadURIWithProxy cobj_self cobj_uri cobj_proxy foreign import ccall "wxMediaCtrl_LoadURIWithProxy" wxMediaCtrl_LoadURIWithProxy :: Ptr (TMediaCtrl a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mediaCtrlPause self@). mediaCtrlPause :: MediaCtrl a -> IO Bool mediaCtrlPause self = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mediaCtrlPause" self $ \cobj_self -> wxMediaCtrl_Pause cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxMediaCtrl_Pause" wxMediaCtrl_Pause :: Ptr (TMediaCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mediaCtrlPlay self@). mediaCtrlPlay :: MediaCtrl a -> IO Bool mediaCtrlPlay self = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mediaCtrlPlay" self $ \cobj_self -> wxMediaCtrl_Play cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxMediaCtrl_Play" wxMediaCtrl_Play :: Ptr (TMediaCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mediaCtrlSeek self offsetWhere mode@). mediaCtrlSeek :: MediaCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int mediaCtrlSeek self offsetWhere mode = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "mediaCtrlSeek" self $ \cobj_self -> wxMediaCtrl_Seek cobj_self (toCInt offsetWhere) (toCInt mode) foreign import ccall "wxMediaCtrl_Seek" wxMediaCtrl_Seek :: Ptr (TMediaCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@mediaCtrlSetPlaybackRate self dRate@). mediaCtrlSetPlaybackRate :: MediaCtrl a -> Double -> IO Bool mediaCtrlSetPlaybackRate self dRate = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mediaCtrlSetPlaybackRate" self $ \cobj_self -> wxMediaCtrl_SetPlaybackRate cobj_self dRate foreign import ccall "wxMediaCtrl_SetPlaybackRate" wxMediaCtrl_SetPlaybackRate :: Ptr (TMediaCtrl a) -> Double -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mediaCtrlSetVolume self dVolume@). mediaCtrlSetVolume :: MediaCtrl a -> Double -> IO Bool mediaCtrlSetVolume self dVolume = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mediaCtrlSetVolume" self $ \cobj_self -> wxMediaCtrl_SetVolume cobj_self dVolume foreign import ccall "wxMediaCtrl_SetVolume" wxMediaCtrl_SetVolume :: Ptr (TMediaCtrl a) -> Double -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mediaCtrlShowPlayerControls self flags@). mediaCtrlShowPlayerControls :: MediaCtrl a -> Int -> IO Bool mediaCtrlShowPlayerControls self flags = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mediaCtrlShowPlayerControls" self $ \cobj_self -> wxMediaCtrl_ShowPlayerControls cobj_self (toCInt flags) foreign import ccall "wxMediaCtrl_ShowPlayerControls" wxMediaCtrl_ShowPlayerControls :: Ptr (TMediaCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mediaCtrlStop self@). mediaCtrlStop :: MediaCtrl a -> IO Bool mediaCtrlStop self = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mediaCtrlStop" self $ \cobj_self -> wxMediaCtrl_Stop cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxMediaCtrl_Stop" wxMediaCtrl_Stop :: Ptr (TMediaCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mediaCtrlTell self@). mediaCtrlTell :: MediaCtrl a -> IO Int mediaCtrlTell self = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "mediaCtrlTell" self $ \cobj_self -> wxMediaCtrl_Tell cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxMediaCtrl_Tell" wxMediaCtrl_Tell :: Ptr (TMediaCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@memoryDCCreate@). memoryDCCreate :: IO (MemoryDC ()) memoryDCCreate = withObjectResult $ wxMemoryDC_Create foreign import ccall "wxMemoryDC_Create" wxMemoryDC_Create :: IO (Ptr (TMemoryDC ())) -- | usage: (@memoryDCCreateCompatible dc@). memoryDCCreateCompatible :: DC a -> IO (MemoryDC ()) memoryDCCreateCompatible dc = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> wxMemoryDC_CreateCompatible cobj_dc foreign import ccall "wxMemoryDC_CreateCompatible" wxMemoryDC_CreateCompatible :: Ptr (TDC a) -> IO (Ptr (TMemoryDC ())) -- | usage: (@memoryDCDelete obj@). memoryDCDelete :: MemoryDC a -> IO () memoryDCDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@memoryDCSelectObject obj bitmap@). memoryDCSelectObject :: MemoryDC a -> Bitmap b -> IO () memoryDCSelectObject _obj bitmap = withObjectRef "memoryDCSelectObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr bitmap $ \cobj_bitmap -> wxMemoryDC_SelectObject cobj__obj cobj_bitmap foreign import ccall "wxMemoryDC_SelectObject" wxMemoryDC_SelectObject :: Ptr (TMemoryDC a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuAppend obj id text help isCheckable@). menuAppend :: Menu a -> Id -> String -> String -> Bool -> IO () menuAppend _obj id text help isCheckable = withObjectRef "menuAppend" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> withCWString help $ \cstr_help -> wxMenu_Append cobj__obj (toCInt id) cstr_text cstr_help (toCBool isCheckable) foreign import ccall "wxMenu_Append" wxMenu_Append :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> CWString -> CWString -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuAppendItem obj itm@). menuAppendItem :: Menu a -> MenuItem b -> IO () menuAppendItem _obj _itm = withObjectRef "menuAppendItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr _itm $ \cobj__itm -> wxMenu_AppendItem cobj__obj cobj__itm foreign import ccall "wxMenu_AppendItem" wxMenu_AppendItem :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> Ptr (TMenuItem b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuAppendRadioItem self id text help@). menuAppendRadioItem :: Menu a -> Id -> String -> String -> IO () menuAppendRadioItem self id text help = withObjectRef "menuAppendRadioItem" self $ \cobj_self -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> withCWString help $ \cstr_help -> wxMenu_AppendRadioItem cobj_self (toCInt id) cstr_text cstr_help foreign import ccall "wxMenu_AppendRadioItem" wxMenu_AppendRadioItem :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> CWString -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuAppendSeparator obj@). menuAppendSeparator :: Menu a -> IO () menuAppendSeparator _obj = withObjectRef "menuAppendSeparator" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_AppendSeparator cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenu_AppendSeparator" wxMenu_AppendSeparator :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuAppendSub obj id text submenu help@). menuAppendSub :: Menu a -> Id -> String -> Menu d -> String -> IO () menuAppendSub _obj id text submenu help = withObjectRef "menuAppendSub" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> withObjectPtr submenu $ \cobj_submenu -> withCWString help $ \cstr_help -> wxMenu_AppendSub cobj__obj (toCInt id) cstr_text cobj_submenu cstr_help foreign import ccall "wxMenu_AppendSub" wxMenu_AppendSub :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> CWString -> Ptr (TMenu d) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuBarAppend obj menu title@). menuBarAppend :: MenuBar a -> Menu b -> String -> IO Int menuBarAppend _obj menu title = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "menuBarAppend" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr menu $ \cobj_menu -> withCWString title $ \cstr_title -> wxMenuBar_Append cobj__obj cobj_menu cstr_title foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_Append" wxMenuBar_Append :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> Ptr (TMenu b) -> CWString -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuBarCheck obj id check@). menuBarCheck :: MenuBar a -> Id -> Bool -> IO () menuBarCheck _obj id check = withObjectRef "menuBarCheck" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuBar_Check cobj__obj (toCInt id) (toCBool check) foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_Check" wxMenuBar_Check :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuBarCreate style@). menuBarCreate :: Int -> IO (MenuBar ()) menuBarCreate _style = withObjectResult $ wxMenuBar_Create (toCInt _style) foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_Create" wxMenuBar_Create :: CInt -> IO (Ptr (TMenuBar ())) -- | usage: (@menuBarDeletePointer obj@). menuBarDeletePointer :: MenuBar a -> IO () menuBarDeletePointer _obj = withObjectRef "menuBarDeletePointer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuBar_DeletePointer cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_DeletePointer" wxMenuBar_DeletePointer :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuBarEnable obj enable@). menuBarEnable :: MenuBar a -> Bool -> IO Int menuBarEnable _obj enable = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "menuBarEnable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuBar_Enable cobj__obj (toCBool enable) foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_Enable" wxMenuBar_Enable :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CBool -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuBarEnableItem obj id enable@). menuBarEnableItem :: MenuBar a -> Id -> Bool -> IO () menuBarEnableItem _obj id enable = withObjectRef "menuBarEnableItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuBar_EnableItem cobj__obj (toCInt id) (toCBool enable) foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_EnableItem" wxMenuBar_EnableItem :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuBarEnableTop obj pos enable@). menuBarEnableTop :: MenuBar a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () menuBarEnableTop _obj pos enable = withObjectRef "menuBarEnableTop" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuBar_EnableTop cobj__obj (toCInt pos) (toCBool enable) foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_EnableTop" wxMenuBar_EnableTop :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuBarFindItem obj id menu@). menuBarFindItem :: MenuBar a -> Id -> Menu c -> IO (Ptr ()) menuBarFindItem _obj id menu = withObjectRef "menuBarFindItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr menu $ \cobj_menu -> wxMenuBar_FindItem cobj__obj (toCInt id) cobj_menu foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_FindItem" wxMenuBar_FindItem :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TMenu c) -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@menuBarFindMenu obj title@). menuBarFindMenu :: MenuBar a -> String -> IO Int menuBarFindMenu _obj title = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "menuBarFindMenu" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString title $ \cstr_title -> wxMenuBar_FindMenu cobj__obj cstr_title foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_FindMenu" wxMenuBar_FindMenu :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CWString -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuBarFindMenuItem obj menuString itemString@). menuBarFindMenuItem :: MenuBar a -> String -> String -> IO Int menuBarFindMenuItem _obj menuString itemString = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "menuBarFindMenuItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString menuString $ \cstr_menuString -> withCWString itemString $ \cstr_itemString -> wxMenuBar_FindMenuItem cobj__obj cstr_menuString cstr_itemString foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_FindMenuItem" wxMenuBar_FindMenuItem :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CWString -> CWString -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuBarGetFrame obj@). menuBarGetFrame :: MenuBar a -> IO (Frame ()) menuBarGetFrame _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "menuBarGetFrame" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuBar_GetFrame cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_GetFrame" wxMenuBar_GetFrame :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> IO (Ptr (TFrame ())) -- | usage: (@menuBarGetHelpString obj id@). menuBarGetHelpString :: MenuBar a -> Id -> IO String menuBarGetHelpString _obj id = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "menuBarGetHelpString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuBar_GetHelpString cobj__obj (toCInt id) buffer foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_GetHelpString" wxMenuBar_GetHelpString :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuBarGetLabel obj id@). menuBarGetLabel :: MenuBar a -> Id -> IO String menuBarGetLabel _obj id = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "menuBarGetLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuBar_GetLabel cobj__obj (toCInt id) buffer foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_GetLabel" wxMenuBar_GetLabel :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuBarGetLabelTop obj pos@). menuBarGetLabelTop :: MenuBar a -> Int -> IO String menuBarGetLabelTop _obj pos = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "menuBarGetLabelTop" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuBar_GetLabelTop cobj__obj (toCInt pos) buffer foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_GetLabelTop" wxMenuBar_GetLabelTop :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuBarGetMenu obj pos@). menuBarGetMenu :: MenuBar a -> Int -> IO (Menu ()) menuBarGetMenu _obj pos = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "menuBarGetMenu" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuBar_GetMenu cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_GetMenu" wxMenuBar_GetMenu :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TMenu ())) -- | usage: (@menuBarGetMenuCount obj@). menuBarGetMenuCount :: MenuBar a -> IO Int menuBarGetMenuCount _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "menuBarGetMenuCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuBar_GetMenuCount cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_GetMenuCount" wxMenuBar_GetMenuCount :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuBarInsert obj pos menu title@). menuBarInsert :: MenuBar a -> Int -> Menu c -> String -> IO Int menuBarInsert _obj pos menu title = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "menuBarInsert" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr menu $ \cobj_menu -> withCWString title $ \cstr_title -> wxMenuBar_Insert cobj__obj (toCInt pos) cobj_menu cstr_title foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_Insert" wxMenuBar_Insert :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TMenu c) -> CWString -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuBarIsChecked obj id@). menuBarIsChecked :: MenuBar a -> Id -> IO Bool menuBarIsChecked _obj id = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "menuBarIsChecked" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuBar_IsChecked cobj__obj (toCInt id) foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_IsChecked" wxMenuBar_IsChecked :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@menuBarIsEnabled obj id@). menuBarIsEnabled :: MenuBar a -> Id -> IO Bool menuBarIsEnabled _obj id = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "menuBarIsEnabled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuBar_IsEnabled cobj__obj (toCInt id) foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_IsEnabled" wxMenuBar_IsEnabled :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@menuBarRemove obj pos@). menuBarRemove :: MenuBar a -> Int -> IO (Ptr ()) menuBarRemove _obj pos = withObjectRef "menuBarRemove" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuBar_Remove cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_Remove" wxMenuBar_Remove :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@menuBarReplace obj pos menu title@). menuBarReplace :: MenuBar a -> Int -> Menu c -> String -> IO (Ptr ()) menuBarReplace _obj pos menu title = withObjectRef "menuBarReplace" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr menu $ \cobj_menu -> withCWString title $ \cstr_title -> wxMenuBar_Replace cobj__obj (toCInt pos) cobj_menu cstr_title foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_Replace" wxMenuBar_Replace :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TMenu c) -> CWString -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@menuBarSetHelpString obj id helpString@). menuBarSetHelpString :: MenuBar a -> Id -> String -> IO () menuBarSetHelpString _obj id helpString = withObjectRef "menuBarSetHelpString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString helpString $ \cstr_helpString -> wxMenuBar_SetHelpString cobj__obj (toCInt id) cstr_helpString foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_SetHelpString" wxMenuBar_SetHelpString :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuBarSetItemLabel obj id label@). menuBarSetItemLabel :: MenuBar a -> Id -> String -> IO () menuBarSetItemLabel _obj id label = withObjectRef "menuBarSetItemLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString label $ \cstr_label -> wxMenuBar_SetItemLabel cobj__obj (toCInt id) cstr_label foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_SetItemLabel" wxMenuBar_SetItemLabel :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuBarSetLabel obj s@). menuBarSetLabel :: MenuBar a -> String -> IO () menuBarSetLabel _obj s = withObjectRef "menuBarSetLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString s $ \cstr_s -> wxMenuBar_SetLabel cobj__obj cstr_s foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_SetLabel" wxMenuBar_SetLabel :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuBarSetLabelTop obj pos label@). menuBarSetLabelTop :: MenuBar a -> Int -> String -> IO () menuBarSetLabelTop _obj pos label = withObjectRef "menuBarSetLabelTop" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString label $ \cstr_label -> wxMenuBar_SetLabelTop cobj__obj (toCInt pos) cstr_label foreign import ccall "wxMenuBar_SetLabelTop" wxMenuBar_SetLabelTop :: Ptr (TMenuBar a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuBreak obj@). menuBreak :: Menu a -> IO () menuBreak _obj = withObjectRef "menuBreak" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_Break cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenu_Break" wxMenu_Break :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuCheck obj id check@). menuCheck :: Menu a -> Id -> Bool -> IO () menuCheck _obj id check = withObjectRef "menuCheck" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_Check cobj__obj (toCInt id) (toCBool check) foreign import ccall "wxMenu_Check" wxMenu_Check :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuCreate title style@). menuCreate :: String -> Int -> IO (Menu ()) menuCreate title style = withObjectResult $ withCWString title $ \cstr_title -> wxMenu_Create cstr_title (toCInt style) foreign import ccall "wxMenu_Create" wxMenu_Create :: CWString -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TMenu ())) -- | usage: (@menuDeleteById obj id@). menuDeleteById :: Menu a -> Id -> IO () menuDeleteById _obj id = withObjectRef "menuDeleteById" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_DeleteById cobj__obj (toCInt id) foreign import ccall "wxMenu_DeleteById" wxMenu_DeleteById :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuDeleteByItem obj itm@). menuDeleteByItem :: Menu a -> MenuItem b -> IO () menuDeleteByItem _obj _itm = withObjectRef "menuDeleteByItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr _itm $ \cobj__itm -> wxMenu_DeleteByItem cobj__obj cobj__itm foreign import ccall "wxMenu_DeleteByItem" wxMenu_DeleteByItem :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> Ptr (TMenuItem b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuDeletePointer obj@). menuDeletePointer :: Menu a -> IO () menuDeletePointer _obj = withObjectRef "menuDeletePointer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_DeletePointer cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenu_DeletePointer" wxMenu_DeletePointer :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuDestroyById obj id@). menuDestroyById :: Menu a -> Id -> IO () menuDestroyById _obj id = withObjectRef "menuDestroyById" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_DestroyById cobj__obj (toCInt id) foreign import ccall "wxMenu_DestroyById" wxMenu_DestroyById :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuDestroyByItem obj itm@). menuDestroyByItem :: Menu a -> MenuItem b -> IO () menuDestroyByItem _obj _itm = withObjectRef "menuDestroyByItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr _itm $ \cobj__itm -> wxMenu_DestroyByItem cobj__obj cobj__itm foreign import ccall "wxMenu_DestroyByItem" wxMenu_DestroyByItem :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> Ptr (TMenuItem b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuEnable obj id enable@). menuEnable :: Menu a -> Id -> Bool -> IO () menuEnable _obj id enable = withObjectRef "menuEnable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_Enable cobj__obj (toCInt id) (toCBool enable) foreign import ccall "wxMenu_Enable" wxMenu_Enable :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuEventCopyObject obj obj@). menuEventCopyObject :: MenuEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO () menuEventCopyObject _obj obj = withObjectRef "menuEventCopyObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuEvent_CopyObject cobj__obj obj foreign import ccall "wxMenuEvent_CopyObject" wxMenuEvent_CopyObject :: Ptr (TMenuEvent a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuEventGetMenuId obj@). menuEventGetMenuId :: MenuEvent a -> IO Int menuEventGetMenuId _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "menuEventGetMenuId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuEvent_GetMenuId cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenuEvent_GetMenuId" wxMenuEvent_GetMenuId :: Ptr (TMenuEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuFindItem obj id menu@). menuFindItem :: Menu a -> Id -> Ptr (Ptr (TMenu c)) -> IO (MenuItem ()) menuFindItem _obj id menu = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "menuFindItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_FindItem cobj__obj (toCInt id) menu foreign import ccall "wxMenu_FindItem" wxMenu_FindItem :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> Ptr (Ptr (TMenu c)) -> IO (Ptr (TMenuItem ())) -- | usage: (@menuFindItemByLabel obj itemString@). menuFindItemByLabel :: Menu a -> String -> IO Int menuFindItemByLabel _obj itemString = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "menuFindItemByLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString itemString $ \cstr_itemString -> wxMenu_FindItemByLabel cobj__obj cstr_itemString foreign import ccall "wxMenu_FindItemByLabel" wxMenu_FindItemByLabel :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CWString -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuGetClientData obj@). menuGetClientData :: Menu a -> IO (ClientData ()) menuGetClientData _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "menuGetClientData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_GetClientData cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenu_GetClientData" wxMenu_GetClientData :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> IO (Ptr (TClientData ())) -- | usage: (@menuGetHelpString obj id@). menuGetHelpString :: Menu a -> Id -> IO String menuGetHelpString _obj id = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "menuGetHelpString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_GetHelpString cobj__obj (toCInt id) buffer foreign import ccall "wxMenu_GetHelpString" wxMenu_GetHelpString :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuGetInvokingWindow obj@). menuGetInvokingWindow :: Menu a -> IO (Window ()) menuGetInvokingWindow _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "menuGetInvokingWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_GetInvokingWindow cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenu_GetInvokingWindow" wxMenu_GetInvokingWindow :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ())) -- | usage: (@menuGetLabel obj id@). menuGetLabel :: Menu a -> Id -> IO String menuGetLabel _obj id = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "menuGetLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_GetLabel cobj__obj (toCInt id) buffer foreign import ccall "wxMenu_GetLabel" wxMenu_GetLabel :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuGetMenuBar obj@). menuGetMenuBar :: Menu a -> IO (MenuBar ()) menuGetMenuBar _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "menuGetMenuBar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_GetMenuBar cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenu_GetMenuBar" wxMenu_GetMenuBar :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> IO (Ptr (TMenuBar ())) -- | usage: (@menuGetMenuItemCount obj@). menuGetMenuItemCount :: Menu a -> IO Int menuGetMenuItemCount _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "menuGetMenuItemCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_GetMenuItemCount cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenu_GetMenuItemCount" wxMenu_GetMenuItemCount :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuGetMenuItems obj lst@). menuGetMenuItems :: Menu a -> List b -> IO Int menuGetMenuItems _obj _lst = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "menuGetMenuItems" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr _lst $ \cobj__lst -> wxMenu_GetMenuItems cobj__obj cobj__lst foreign import ccall "wxMenu_GetMenuItems" wxMenu_GetMenuItems :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> Ptr (TList b) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuGetParent obj@). menuGetParent :: Menu a -> IO (Menu ()) menuGetParent _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "menuGetParent" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_GetParent cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenu_GetParent" wxMenu_GetParent :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> IO (Ptr (TMenu ())) -- | usage: (@menuGetStyle obj@). menuGetStyle :: Menu a -> IO Int menuGetStyle _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "menuGetStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_GetStyle cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenu_GetStyle" wxMenu_GetStyle :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuGetTitle obj@). menuGetTitle :: Menu a -> IO String menuGetTitle _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "menuGetTitle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_GetTitle cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "wxMenu_GetTitle" wxMenu_GetTitle :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuInsert obj pos id text help isCheckable@). menuInsert :: Menu a -> Int -> Id -> String -> String -> Bool -> IO () menuInsert _obj pos id text help isCheckable = withObjectRef "menuInsert" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> withCWString help $ \cstr_help -> wxMenu_Insert cobj__obj (toCInt pos) (toCInt id) cstr_text cstr_help (toCBool isCheckable) foreign import ccall "wxMenu_Insert" wxMenu_Insert :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CWString -> CWString -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuInsertItem obj pos itm@). menuInsertItem :: Menu a -> Int -> MenuItem c -> IO () menuInsertItem _obj pos _itm = withObjectRef "menuInsertItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr _itm $ \cobj__itm -> wxMenu_InsertItem cobj__obj (toCInt pos) cobj__itm foreign import ccall "wxMenu_InsertItem" wxMenu_InsertItem :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TMenuItem c) -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuInsertSub obj pos id text submenu help@). menuInsertSub :: Menu a -> Int -> Id -> String -> Menu e -> String -> IO () menuInsertSub _obj pos id text submenu help = withObjectRef "menuInsertSub" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> withObjectPtr submenu $ \cobj_submenu -> withCWString help $ \cstr_help -> wxMenu_InsertSub cobj__obj (toCInt pos) (toCInt id) cstr_text cobj_submenu cstr_help foreign import ccall "wxMenu_InsertSub" wxMenu_InsertSub :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CWString -> Ptr (TMenu e) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuIsAttached obj@). menuIsAttached :: Menu a -> IO Bool menuIsAttached _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "menuIsAttached" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_IsAttached cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenu_IsAttached" wxMenu_IsAttached :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@menuIsChecked obj id@). menuIsChecked :: Menu a -> Id -> IO Bool menuIsChecked _obj id = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "menuIsChecked" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_IsChecked cobj__obj (toCInt id) foreign import ccall "wxMenu_IsChecked" wxMenu_IsChecked :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@menuIsEnabled obj id@). menuIsEnabled :: Menu a -> Id -> IO Bool menuIsEnabled _obj id = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "menuIsEnabled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_IsEnabled cobj__obj (toCInt id) foreign import ccall "wxMenu_IsEnabled" wxMenu_IsEnabled :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@menuItemCheck obj check@). menuItemCheck :: MenuItem a -> Bool -> IO () menuItemCheck _obj check = withObjectRef "menuItemCheck" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuItem_Check cobj__obj (toCBool check) foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_Check" wxMenuItem_Check :: Ptr (TMenuItem a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuItemCreate@). menuItemCreate :: IO (MenuItem ()) menuItemCreate = withObjectResult $ wxMenuItem_Create foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_Create" wxMenuItem_Create :: IO (Ptr (TMenuItem ())) -- | usage: (@menuItemCreateEx id label help itemkind submenu@). menuItemCreateEx :: Id -> String -> String -> Int -> Menu e -> IO (MenuItem ()) menuItemCreateEx id label help itemkind submenu = withObjectResult $ withCWString label $ \cstr_label -> withCWString help $ \cstr_help -> withObjectPtr submenu $ \cobj_submenu -> wxMenuItem_CreateEx (toCInt id) cstr_label cstr_help (toCInt itemkind) cobj_submenu foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_CreateEx" wxMenuItem_CreateEx :: CInt -> CWString -> CWString -> CInt -> Ptr (TMenu e) -> IO (Ptr (TMenuItem ())) -- | usage: (@menuItemCreateSeparator@). menuItemCreateSeparator :: IO (MenuItem ()) menuItemCreateSeparator = withObjectResult $ wxMenuItem_CreateSeparator foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_CreateSeparator" wxMenuItem_CreateSeparator :: IO (Ptr (TMenuItem ())) -- | usage: (@menuItemDelete obj@). menuItemDelete :: MenuItem a -> IO () menuItemDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@menuItemEnable obj enable@). menuItemEnable :: MenuItem a -> Bool -> IO () menuItemEnable _obj enable = withObjectRef "menuItemEnable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuItem_Enable cobj__obj (toCBool enable) foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_Enable" wxMenuItem_Enable :: Ptr (TMenuItem a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuItemGetHelp obj@). menuItemGetHelp :: MenuItem a -> IO String menuItemGetHelp _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "menuItemGetHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuItem_GetHelp cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_GetHelp" wxMenuItem_GetHelp :: Ptr (TMenuItem a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuItemGetId obj@). menuItemGetId :: MenuItem a -> IO Int menuItemGetId _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "menuItemGetId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuItem_GetId cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_GetId" wxMenuItem_GetId :: Ptr (TMenuItem a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuItemGetLabel obj@). menuItemGetLabel :: MenuItem a -> IO String menuItemGetLabel _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "menuItemGetLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuItem_GetLabel cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_GetLabel" wxMenuItem_GetLabel :: Ptr (TMenuItem a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuItemGetLabelFromText text@). menuItemGetLabelFromText :: String -> IO String menuItemGetLabelFromText text = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxMenuItem_GetLabelFromText cstr_text buffer foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_GetLabelFromText" wxMenuItem_GetLabelFromText :: CWString -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuItemGetMenu obj@). menuItemGetMenu :: MenuItem a -> IO (Menu ()) menuItemGetMenu _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "menuItemGetMenu" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuItem_GetMenu cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_GetMenu" wxMenuItem_GetMenu :: Ptr (TMenuItem a) -> IO (Ptr (TMenu ())) -- | usage: (@menuItemGetSubMenu obj@). menuItemGetSubMenu :: MenuItem a -> IO (Ptr ()) menuItemGetSubMenu _obj = withObjectRef "menuItemGetSubMenu" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuItem_GetSubMenu cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_GetSubMenu" wxMenuItem_GetSubMenu :: Ptr (TMenuItem a) -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@menuItemGetText obj@). menuItemGetText :: MenuItem a -> IO String menuItemGetText _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "menuItemGetText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuItem_GetText cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_GetText" wxMenuItem_GetText :: Ptr (TMenuItem a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@menuItemIsCheckable obj@). menuItemIsCheckable :: MenuItem a -> IO Bool menuItemIsCheckable _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "menuItemIsCheckable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuItem_IsCheckable cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_IsCheckable" wxMenuItem_IsCheckable :: Ptr (TMenuItem a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@menuItemIsChecked obj@). menuItemIsChecked :: MenuItem a -> IO Bool menuItemIsChecked _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "menuItemIsChecked" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuItem_IsChecked cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_IsChecked" wxMenuItem_IsChecked :: Ptr (TMenuItem a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@menuItemIsEnabled obj@). menuItemIsEnabled :: MenuItem a -> IO Bool menuItemIsEnabled _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "menuItemIsEnabled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuItem_IsEnabled cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_IsEnabled" wxMenuItem_IsEnabled :: Ptr (TMenuItem a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@menuItemIsSeparator obj@). menuItemIsSeparator :: MenuItem a -> IO Bool menuItemIsSeparator _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "menuItemIsSeparator" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuItem_IsSeparator cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_IsSeparator" wxMenuItem_IsSeparator :: Ptr (TMenuItem a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@menuItemIsSubMenu obj@). menuItemIsSubMenu :: MenuItem a -> IO Bool menuItemIsSubMenu _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "menuItemIsSubMenu" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuItem_IsSubMenu cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_IsSubMenu" wxMenuItem_IsSubMenu :: Ptr (TMenuItem a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@menuItemSetCheckable obj checkable@). menuItemSetCheckable :: MenuItem a -> Int -> IO () menuItemSetCheckable _obj checkable = withObjectRef "menuItemSetCheckable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuItem_SetCheckable cobj__obj (toCInt checkable) foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_SetCheckable" wxMenuItem_SetCheckable :: Ptr (TMenuItem a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuItemSetHelp obj str@). menuItemSetHelp :: MenuItem a -> String -> IO () menuItemSetHelp _obj str = withObjectRef "menuItemSetHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString str $ \cstr_str -> wxMenuItem_SetHelp cobj__obj cstr_str foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_SetHelp" wxMenuItem_SetHelp :: Ptr (TMenuItem a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuItemSetId obj id@). menuItemSetId :: MenuItem a -> Id -> IO () menuItemSetId _obj id = withObjectRef "menuItemSetId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenuItem_SetId cobj__obj (toCInt id) foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_SetId" wxMenuItem_SetId :: Ptr (TMenuItem a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuItemSetSubMenu obj menu@). menuItemSetSubMenu :: MenuItem a -> Menu b -> IO () menuItemSetSubMenu _obj menu = withObjectRef "menuItemSetSubMenu" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr menu $ \cobj_menu -> wxMenuItem_SetSubMenu cobj__obj cobj_menu foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_SetSubMenu" wxMenuItem_SetSubMenu :: Ptr (TMenuItem a) -> Ptr (TMenu b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuItemSetText obj str@). menuItemSetText :: MenuItem a -> String -> IO () menuItemSetText _obj str = withObjectRef "menuItemSetText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString str $ \cstr_str -> wxMenuItem_SetText cobj__obj cstr_str foreign import ccall "wxMenuItem_SetText" wxMenuItem_SetText :: Ptr (TMenuItem a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuPrepend obj id text help isCheckable@). menuPrepend :: Menu a -> Id -> String -> String -> Bool -> IO () menuPrepend _obj id text help isCheckable = withObjectRef "menuPrepend" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> withCWString help $ \cstr_help -> wxMenu_Prepend cobj__obj (toCInt id) cstr_text cstr_help (toCBool isCheckable) foreign import ccall "wxMenu_Prepend" wxMenu_Prepend :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> CWString -> CWString -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuPrependItem obj itm@). menuPrependItem :: Menu a -> MenuItem b -> IO () menuPrependItem _obj _itm = withObjectRef "menuPrependItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr _itm $ \cobj__itm -> wxMenu_PrependItem cobj__obj cobj__itm foreign import ccall "wxMenu_PrependItem" wxMenu_PrependItem :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> Ptr (TMenuItem b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuPrependSub obj id text submenu help@). menuPrependSub :: Menu a -> Id -> String -> Menu d -> String -> IO () menuPrependSub _obj id text submenu help = withObjectRef "menuPrependSub" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> withObjectPtr submenu $ \cobj_submenu -> withCWString help $ \cstr_help -> wxMenu_PrependSub cobj__obj (toCInt id) cstr_text cobj_submenu cstr_help foreign import ccall "wxMenu_PrependSub" wxMenu_PrependSub :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> CWString -> Ptr (TMenu d) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuRemoveById obj id itm@). menuRemoveById :: Menu a -> Id -> MenuItem c -> IO () menuRemoveById _obj id _itm = withObjectRef "menuRemoveById" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr _itm $ \cobj__itm -> wxMenu_RemoveById cobj__obj (toCInt id) cobj__itm foreign import ccall "wxMenu_RemoveById" wxMenu_RemoveById :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TMenuItem c) -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuRemoveByItem obj item@). menuRemoveByItem :: Menu a -> Ptr b -> IO () menuRemoveByItem _obj item = withObjectRef "menuRemoveByItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_RemoveByItem cobj__obj item foreign import ccall "wxMenu_RemoveByItem" wxMenu_RemoveByItem :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuSetClientData obj clientData@). menuSetClientData :: Menu a -> ClientData b -> IO () menuSetClientData _obj clientData = withObjectRef "menuSetClientData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr clientData $ \cobj_clientData -> wxMenu_SetClientData cobj__obj cobj_clientData foreign import ccall "wxMenu_SetClientData" wxMenu_SetClientData :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> Ptr (TClientData b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuSetEventHandler obj handler@). menuSetEventHandler :: Menu a -> EvtHandler b -> IO () menuSetEventHandler _obj handler = withObjectRef "menuSetEventHandler" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr handler $ \cobj_handler -> wxMenu_SetEventHandler cobj__obj cobj_handler foreign import ccall "wxMenu_SetEventHandler" wxMenu_SetEventHandler :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> Ptr (TEvtHandler b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuSetHelpString obj id helpString@). menuSetHelpString :: Menu a -> Id -> String -> IO () menuSetHelpString _obj id helpString = withObjectRef "menuSetHelpString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString helpString $ \cstr_helpString -> wxMenu_SetHelpString cobj__obj (toCInt id) cstr_helpString foreign import ccall "wxMenu_SetHelpString" wxMenu_SetHelpString :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuSetInvokingWindow obj win@). menuSetInvokingWindow :: Menu a -> Window b -> IO () menuSetInvokingWindow _obj win = withObjectRef "menuSetInvokingWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr win $ \cobj_win -> wxMenu_SetInvokingWindow cobj__obj cobj_win foreign import ccall "wxMenu_SetInvokingWindow" wxMenu_SetInvokingWindow :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuSetLabel obj id label@). menuSetLabel :: Menu a -> Id -> String -> IO () menuSetLabel _obj id label = withObjectRef "menuSetLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString label $ \cstr_label -> wxMenu_SetLabel cobj__obj (toCInt id) cstr_label foreign import ccall "wxMenu_SetLabel" wxMenu_SetLabel :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuSetParent obj parent@). menuSetParent :: Menu a -> Window b -> IO () menuSetParent _obj parent = withObjectRef "menuSetParent" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> wxMenu_SetParent cobj__obj cobj_parent foreign import ccall "wxMenu_SetParent" wxMenu_SetParent :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuSetTitle obj title@). menuSetTitle :: Menu a -> String -> IO () menuSetTitle _obj title = withObjectRef "menuSetTitle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString title $ \cstr_title -> wxMenu_SetTitle cobj__obj cstr_title foreign import ccall "wxMenu_SetTitle" wxMenu_SetTitle :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@menuUpdateUI obj source@). menuUpdateUI :: Menu a -> Ptr b -> IO () menuUpdateUI _obj source = withObjectRef "menuUpdateUI" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMenu_UpdateUI cobj__obj source foreign import ccall "wxMenu_UpdateUI" wxMenu_UpdateUI :: Ptr (TMenu a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@messageDialogCreate prt msg cap stl@). messageDialogCreate :: Window a -> String -> String -> Style -> IO (MessageDialog ()) messageDialogCreate _prt _msg _cap _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> withCWString _msg $ \cstr__msg -> withCWString _cap $ \cstr__cap -> wxMessageDialog_Create cobj__prt cstr__msg cstr__cap (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxMessageDialog_Create" wxMessageDialog_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CWString -> CWString -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TMessageDialog ())) -- | usage: (@messageDialogDelete obj@). messageDialogDelete :: MessageDialog a -> IO () messageDialogDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@messageDialogShowModal obj@). messageDialogShowModal :: MessageDialog a -> IO Int messageDialogShowModal _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "messageDialogShowModal" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMessageDialog_ShowModal cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMessageDialog_ShowModal" wxMessageDialog_ShowModal :: Ptr (TMessageDialog a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@metafileCreate file@). metafileCreate :: String -> IO (Metafile ()) metafileCreate _file = withObjectResult $ withCWString _file $ \cstr__file -> wxMetafile_Create cstr__file foreign import ccall "wxMetafile_Create" wxMetafile_Create :: CWString -> IO (Ptr (TMetafile ())) -- | usage: (@metafileDCClose obj@). metafileDCClose :: MetafileDC a -> IO (Ptr ()) metafileDCClose _obj = withObjectRef "metafileDCClose" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMetafileDC_Close cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMetafileDC_Close" wxMetafileDC_Close :: Ptr (TMetafileDC a) -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@metafileDCCreate file@). metafileDCCreate :: String -> IO (MetafileDC ()) metafileDCCreate _file = withObjectResult $ withCWString _file $ \cstr__file -> wxMetafileDC_Create cstr__file foreign import ccall "wxMetafileDC_Create" wxMetafileDC_Create :: CWString -> IO (Ptr (TMetafileDC ())) -- | usage: (@metafileDCDelete obj@). metafileDCDelete :: MetafileDC a -> IO () metafileDCDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@metafileDelete obj@). metafileDelete :: Metafile a -> IO () metafileDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@metafileOk obj@). metafileOk :: Metafile a -> IO Bool metafileOk _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "metafileOk" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMetafile_Ok cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMetafile_Ok" wxMetafile_Ok :: Ptr (TMetafile a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@metafilePlay obj dc@). metafilePlay :: Metafile a -> DC b -> IO Bool metafilePlay _obj _dc = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "metafilePlay" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr _dc $ \cobj__dc -> wxMetafile_Play cobj__obj cobj__dc foreign import ccall "wxMetafile_Play" wxMetafile_Play :: Ptr (TMetafile a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@metafileSetClipboard obj widthheight@). metafileSetClipboard :: Metafile a -> Size -> IO Bool metafileSetClipboard _obj widthheight = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "metafileSetClipboard" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMetafile_SetClipboard cobj__obj (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight) foreign import ccall "wxMetafile_SetClipboard" wxMetafile_SetClipboard :: Ptr (TMetafile a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mimeTypesManagerAddFallbacks obj types@). mimeTypesManagerAddFallbacks :: MimeTypesManager a -> Ptr b -> IO () mimeTypesManagerAddFallbacks _obj _types = withObjectRef "mimeTypesManagerAddFallbacks" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMimeTypesManager_AddFallbacks cobj__obj _types foreign import ccall "wxMimeTypesManager_AddFallbacks" wxMimeTypesManager_AddFallbacks :: Ptr (TMimeTypesManager a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@mimeTypesManagerCreate@). mimeTypesManagerCreate :: IO (MimeTypesManager ()) mimeTypesManagerCreate = withObjectResult $ wxMimeTypesManager_Create foreign import ccall "wxMimeTypesManager_Create" wxMimeTypesManager_Create :: IO (Ptr (TMimeTypesManager ())) -- | usage: (@mimeTypesManagerEnumAllFileTypes obj lst@). mimeTypesManagerEnumAllFileTypes :: MimeTypesManager a -> List b -> IO Int mimeTypesManagerEnumAllFileTypes _obj _lst = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "mimeTypesManagerEnumAllFileTypes" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr _lst $ \cobj__lst -> wxMimeTypesManager_EnumAllFileTypes cobj__obj cobj__lst foreign import ccall "wxMimeTypesManager_EnumAllFileTypes" wxMimeTypesManager_EnumAllFileTypes :: Ptr (TMimeTypesManager a) -> Ptr (TList b) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@mimeTypesManagerGetFileTypeFromExtension obj ext@). mimeTypesManagerGetFileTypeFromExtension :: MimeTypesManager a -> Ptr b -> IO (Ptr ()) mimeTypesManagerGetFileTypeFromExtension _obj _ext = withObjectRef "mimeTypesManagerGetFileTypeFromExtension" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMimeTypesManager_GetFileTypeFromExtension cobj__obj _ext foreign import ccall "wxMimeTypesManager_GetFileTypeFromExtension" wxMimeTypesManager_GetFileTypeFromExtension :: Ptr (TMimeTypesManager a) -> Ptr b -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@mimeTypesManagerGetFileTypeFromMimeType obj name@). mimeTypesManagerGetFileTypeFromMimeType :: MimeTypesManager a -> String -> IO (Ptr ()) mimeTypesManagerGetFileTypeFromMimeType _obj _name = withObjectRef "mimeTypesManagerGetFileTypeFromMimeType" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString _name $ \cstr__name -> wxMimeTypesManager_GetFileTypeFromMimeType cobj__obj cstr__name foreign import ccall "wxMimeTypesManager_GetFileTypeFromMimeType" wxMimeTypesManager_GetFileTypeFromMimeType :: Ptr (TMimeTypesManager a) -> CWString -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@mimeTypesManagerIsOfType obj wxtype wildcard@). mimeTypesManagerIsOfType :: MimeTypesManager a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO Bool mimeTypesManagerIsOfType _obj _type _wildcard = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mimeTypesManagerIsOfType" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMimeTypesManager_IsOfType cobj__obj _type _wildcard foreign import ccall "wxMimeTypesManager_IsOfType" wxMimeTypesManager_IsOfType :: Ptr (TMimeTypesManager a) -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mimeTypesManagerReadMailcap obj file fb@). mimeTypesManagerReadMailcap :: MimeTypesManager a -> Ptr b -> Int -> IO Int mimeTypesManagerReadMailcap _obj _file _fb = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "mimeTypesManagerReadMailcap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMimeTypesManager_ReadMailcap cobj__obj _file (toCInt _fb) foreign import ccall "wxMimeTypesManager_ReadMailcap" wxMimeTypesManager_ReadMailcap :: Ptr (TMimeTypesManager a) -> Ptr b -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@mimeTypesManagerReadMimeTypes obj file@). mimeTypesManagerReadMimeTypes :: MimeTypesManager a -> Ptr b -> IO Int mimeTypesManagerReadMimeTypes _obj _file = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "mimeTypesManagerReadMimeTypes" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMimeTypesManager_ReadMimeTypes cobj__obj _file foreign import ccall "wxMimeTypesManager_ReadMimeTypes" wxMimeTypesManager_ReadMimeTypes :: Ptr (TMimeTypesManager a) -> Ptr b -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@miniFrameCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt stl@). miniFrameCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style -> IO (MiniFrame ()) miniFrameCreate _prt _id _txt _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> withCWString _txt $ \cstr__txt -> wxMiniFrame_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) cstr__txt (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxMiniFrame_Create" wxMiniFrame_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CWString -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TMiniFrame ())) -- | usage: (@mouseEventAltDown obj@). mouseEventAltDown :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventAltDown _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventAltDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_AltDown cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_AltDown" wxMouseEvent_AltDown :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventButton obj but@). mouseEventButton :: MouseEvent a -> Int -> IO Int mouseEventButton _obj but = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_Button cobj__obj (toCInt but) foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_Button" wxMouseEvent_Button :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@mouseEventButtonDClick obj but@). mouseEventButtonDClick :: MouseEvent a -> Int -> IO Bool mouseEventButtonDClick _obj but = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventButtonDClick" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_ButtonDClick cobj__obj (toCInt but) foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_ButtonDClick" wxMouseEvent_ButtonDClick :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventButtonDown obj but@). mouseEventButtonDown :: MouseEvent a -> Int -> IO Bool mouseEventButtonDown _obj but = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventButtonDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_ButtonDown cobj__obj (toCInt but) foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_ButtonDown" wxMouseEvent_ButtonDown :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventButtonIsDown obj but@). mouseEventButtonIsDown :: MouseEvent a -> Int -> IO Bool mouseEventButtonIsDown _obj but = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventButtonIsDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_ButtonIsDown cobj__obj (toCInt but) foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_ButtonIsDown" wxMouseEvent_ButtonIsDown :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventButtonUp obj but@). mouseEventButtonUp :: MouseEvent a -> Int -> IO Bool mouseEventButtonUp _obj but = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventButtonUp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_ButtonUp cobj__obj (toCInt but) foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_ButtonUp" wxMouseEvent_ButtonUp :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventControlDown obj@). mouseEventControlDown :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventControlDown _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventControlDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_ControlDown cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_ControlDown" wxMouseEvent_ControlDown :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventCopyObject obj objectdest@). mouseEventCopyObject :: MouseEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO () mouseEventCopyObject _obj objectdest = withObjectRef "mouseEventCopyObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_CopyObject cobj__obj objectdest foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_CopyObject" wxMouseEvent_CopyObject :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@mouseEventDragging obj@). mouseEventDragging :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventDragging _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventDragging" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_Dragging cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_Dragging" wxMouseEvent_Dragging :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventEntering obj@). mouseEventEntering :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventEntering _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventEntering" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_Entering cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_Entering" wxMouseEvent_Entering :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventGetButton obj@). mouseEventGetButton :: MouseEvent a -> IO Int mouseEventGetButton _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventGetButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_GetButton cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_GetButton" wxMouseEvent_GetButton :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@mouseEventGetLogicalPosition obj dc@). mouseEventGetLogicalPosition :: MouseEvent a -> DC b -> IO Point mouseEventGetLogicalPosition _obj dc = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "mouseEventGetLogicalPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> wxMouseEvent_GetLogicalPosition cobj__obj cobj_dc px py foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_GetLogicalPosition" wxMouseEvent_GetLogicalPosition :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@mouseEventGetPosition obj@). mouseEventGetPosition :: MouseEvent a -> IO Point mouseEventGetPosition _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "mouseEventGetPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_GetPosition cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_GetPosition" wxMouseEvent_GetPosition :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@mouseEventGetWheelDelta obj@). mouseEventGetWheelDelta :: MouseEvent a -> IO Int mouseEventGetWheelDelta _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventGetWheelDelta" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_GetWheelDelta cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_GetWheelDelta" wxMouseEvent_GetWheelDelta :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@mouseEventGetWheelRotation obj@). mouseEventGetWheelRotation :: MouseEvent a -> IO Int mouseEventGetWheelRotation _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventGetWheelRotation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_GetWheelRotation cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_GetWheelRotation" wxMouseEvent_GetWheelRotation :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@mouseEventGetX obj@). mouseEventGetX :: MouseEvent a -> IO Int mouseEventGetX _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventGetX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_GetX cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_GetX" wxMouseEvent_GetX :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@mouseEventGetY obj@). mouseEventGetY :: MouseEvent a -> IO Int mouseEventGetY _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventGetY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_GetY cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_GetY" wxMouseEvent_GetY :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@mouseEventIsButton obj@). mouseEventIsButton :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventIsButton _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventIsButton" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_IsButton cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_IsButton" wxMouseEvent_IsButton :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventLeaving obj@). mouseEventLeaving :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventLeaving _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventLeaving" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_Leaving cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_Leaving" wxMouseEvent_Leaving :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventLeftDClick obj@). mouseEventLeftDClick :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventLeftDClick _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventLeftDClick" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_LeftDClick cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_LeftDClick" wxMouseEvent_LeftDClick :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventLeftDown obj@). mouseEventLeftDown :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventLeftDown _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventLeftDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_LeftDown cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_LeftDown" wxMouseEvent_LeftDown :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventLeftIsDown obj@). mouseEventLeftIsDown :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventLeftIsDown _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventLeftIsDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_LeftIsDown cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_LeftIsDown" wxMouseEvent_LeftIsDown :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventLeftUp obj@). mouseEventLeftUp :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventLeftUp _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventLeftUp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_LeftUp cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_LeftUp" wxMouseEvent_LeftUp :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventMetaDown obj@). mouseEventMetaDown :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventMetaDown _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventMetaDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_MetaDown cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_MetaDown" wxMouseEvent_MetaDown :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventMiddleDClick obj@). mouseEventMiddleDClick :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventMiddleDClick _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventMiddleDClick" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_MiddleDClick cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_MiddleDClick" wxMouseEvent_MiddleDClick :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventMiddleDown obj@). mouseEventMiddleDown :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventMiddleDown _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventMiddleDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_MiddleDown cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_MiddleDown" wxMouseEvent_MiddleDown :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventMiddleIsDown obj@). mouseEventMiddleIsDown :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventMiddleIsDown _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventMiddleIsDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_MiddleIsDown cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_MiddleIsDown" wxMouseEvent_MiddleIsDown :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventMiddleUp obj@). mouseEventMiddleUp :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventMiddleUp _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventMiddleUp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_MiddleUp cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_MiddleUp" wxMouseEvent_MiddleUp :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventMoving obj@). mouseEventMoving :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventMoving _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventMoving" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_Moving cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_Moving" wxMouseEvent_Moving :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventRightDClick obj@). mouseEventRightDClick :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventRightDClick _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventRightDClick" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_RightDClick cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_RightDClick" wxMouseEvent_RightDClick :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventRightDown obj@). mouseEventRightDown :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventRightDown _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventRightDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_RightDown cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_RightDown" wxMouseEvent_RightDown :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventRightIsDown obj@). mouseEventRightIsDown :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventRightIsDown _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventRightIsDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_RightIsDown cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_RightIsDown" wxMouseEvent_RightIsDown :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventRightUp obj@). mouseEventRightUp :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventRightUp _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventRightUp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_RightUp cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_RightUp" wxMouseEvent_RightUp :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@mouseEventShiftDown obj@). mouseEventShiftDown :: MouseEvent a -> IO Bool mouseEventShiftDown _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "mouseEventShiftDown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMouseEvent_ShiftDown cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxMouseEvent_ShiftDown" wxMouseEvent_ShiftDown :: Ptr (TMouseEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@moveEventCopyObject obj obj@). moveEventCopyObject :: MoveEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO () moveEventCopyObject _obj obj = withObjectRef "moveEventCopyObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMoveEvent_CopyObject cobj__obj obj foreign import ccall "wxMoveEvent_CopyObject" wxMoveEvent_CopyObject :: Ptr (TMoveEvent a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@moveEventGetPosition obj@). moveEventGetPosition :: MoveEvent a -> IO Point moveEventGetPosition _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "moveEventGetPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxMoveEvent_GetPosition cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxMoveEvent_GetPosition" wxMoveEvent_GetPosition :: Ptr (TMoveEvent a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@navigationKeyEventGetCurrentFocus obj@). navigationKeyEventGetCurrentFocus :: NavigationKeyEvent a -> IO (Ptr ()) navigationKeyEventGetCurrentFocus _obj = withObjectRef "navigationKeyEventGetCurrentFocus" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNavigationKeyEvent_GetCurrentFocus cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxNavigationKeyEvent_GetCurrentFocus" wxNavigationKeyEvent_GetCurrentFocus :: Ptr (TNavigationKeyEvent a) -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@navigationKeyEventGetDirection obj@). navigationKeyEventGetDirection :: NavigationKeyEvent a -> IO Int navigationKeyEventGetDirection _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "navigationKeyEventGetDirection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNavigationKeyEvent_GetDirection cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxNavigationKeyEvent_GetDirection" wxNavigationKeyEvent_GetDirection :: Ptr (TNavigationKeyEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@navigationKeyEventIsWindowChange obj@). navigationKeyEventIsWindowChange :: NavigationKeyEvent a -> IO Bool navigationKeyEventIsWindowChange _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "navigationKeyEventIsWindowChange" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNavigationKeyEvent_IsWindowChange cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxNavigationKeyEvent_IsWindowChange" wxNavigationKeyEvent_IsWindowChange :: Ptr (TNavigationKeyEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@navigationKeyEventSetCurrentFocus obj win@). navigationKeyEventSetCurrentFocus :: NavigationKeyEvent a -> Window b -> IO () navigationKeyEventSetCurrentFocus _obj win = withObjectRef "navigationKeyEventSetCurrentFocus" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr win $ \cobj_win -> wxNavigationKeyEvent_SetCurrentFocus cobj__obj cobj_win foreign import ccall "wxNavigationKeyEvent_SetCurrentFocus" wxNavigationKeyEvent_SetCurrentFocus :: Ptr (TNavigationKeyEvent a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@navigationKeyEventSetDirection obj bForward@). navigationKeyEventSetDirection :: NavigationKeyEvent a -> Int -> IO () navigationKeyEventSetDirection _obj bForward = withObjectRef "navigationKeyEventSetDirection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNavigationKeyEvent_SetDirection cobj__obj (toCInt bForward) foreign import ccall "wxNavigationKeyEvent_SetDirection" wxNavigationKeyEvent_SetDirection :: Ptr (TNavigationKeyEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@navigationKeyEventSetWindowChange obj bIs@). navigationKeyEventSetWindowChange :: NavigationKeyEvent a -> Int -> IO () navigationKeyEventSetWindowChange _obj bIs = withObjectRef "navigationKeyEventSetWindowChange" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNavigationKeyEvent_SetWindowChange cobj__obj (toCInt bIs) foreign import ccall "wxNavigationKeyEvent_SetWindowChange" wxNavigationKeyEvent_SetWindowChange :: Ptr (TNavigationKeyEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@navigationKeyEventShouldPropagate obj@). navigationKeyEventShouldPropagate :: NavigationKeyEvent a -> IO Int navigationKeyEventShouldPropagate _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "navigationKeyEventShouldPropagate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNavigationKeyEvent_ShouldPropagate cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxNavigationKeyEvent_ShouldPropagate" wxNavigationKeyEvent_ShouldPropagate :: Ptr (TNavigationKeyEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@notebookAddPage obj pPage strText bSelect imageId@). notebookAddPage :: Notebook a -> Window b -> String -> Bool -> Int -> IO Int notebookAddPage _obj pPage strText bSelect imageId = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "notebookAddPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr pPage $ \cobj_pPage -> withCWString strText $ \cstr_strText -> wxNotebook_AddPage cobj__obj cobj_pPage cstr_strText (toCBool bSelect) (toCInt imageId) foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_AddPage" wxNotebook_AddPage :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> CWString -> CBool -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@notebookAdvanceSelection obj bForward@). notebookAdvanceSelection :: Notebook a -> Bool -> IO () notebookAdvanceSelection _obj bForward = withObjectRef "notebookAdvanceSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotebook_AdvanceSelection cobj__obj (toCBool bForward) foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_AdvanceSelection" wxNotebook_AdvanceSelection :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@notebookAssignImageList obj imageList@). notebookAssignImageList :: Notebook a -> ImageList b -> IO () notebookAssignImageList _obj imageList = withObjectRef "notebookAssignImageList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr imageList $ \cobj_imageList -> wxNotebook_AssignImageList cobj__obj cobj_imageList foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_AssignImageList" wxNotebook_AssignImageList :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> Ptr (TImageList b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@notebookCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl@). notebookCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (Notebook ()) notebookCreate _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wxNotebook_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_Create" wxNotebook_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TNotebook ())) -- | usage: (@notebookDeleteAllPages obj@). notebookDeleteAllPages :: Notebook a -> IO Int notebookDeleteAllPages _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "notebookDeleteAllPages" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotebook_DeleteAllPages cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_DeleteAllPages" wxNotebook_DeleteAllPages :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@notebookDeletePage obj nPage@). notebookDeletePage :: Notebook a -> Int -> IO Int notebookDeletePage _obj nPage = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "notebookDeletePage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotebook_DeletePage cobj__obj (toCInt nPage) foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_DeletePage" wxNotebook_DeletePage :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@notebookGetImageList obj@). notebookGetImageList :: Notebook a -> IO (ImageList ()) notebookGetImageList _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "notebookGetImageList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotebook_GetImageList cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_GetImageList" wxNotebook_GetImageList :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> IO (Ptr (TImageList ())) -- | usage: (@notebookGetPage obj nPage@). notebookGetPage :: Notebook a -> Int -> IO (Window ()) notebookGetPage _obj nPage = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "notebookGetPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotebook_GetPage cobj__obj (toCInt nPage) foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_GetPage" wxNotebook_GetPage :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ())) -- | usage: (@notebookGetPageCount obj@). notebookGetPageCount :: Notebook a -> IO Int notebookGetPageCount _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "notebookGetPageCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotebook_GetPageCount cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_GetPageCount" wxNotebook_GetPageCount :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@notebookGetPageImage obj nPage@). notebookGetPageImage :: Notebook a -> Int -> IO Int notebookGetPageImage _obj nPage = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "notebookGetPageImage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotebook_GetPageImage cobj__obj (toCInt nPage) foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_GetPageImage" wxNotebook_GetPageImage :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@notebookGetPageText obj nPage@). notebookGetPageText :: Notebook a -> Int -> IO String notebookGetPageText _obj nPage = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "notebookGetPageText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotebook_GetPageText cobj__obj (toCInt nPage) buffer foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_GetPageText" wxNotebook_GetPageText :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> CInt -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@notebookGetRowCount obj@). notebookGetRowCount :: Notebook a -> IO Int notebookGetRowCount _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "notebookGetRowCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotebook_GetRowCount cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_GetRowCount" wxNotebook_GetRowCount :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@notebookGetSelection obj@). notebookGetSelection :: Notebook a -> IO Int notebookGetSelection _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "notebookGetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotebook_GetSelection cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_GetSelection" wxNotebook_GetSelection :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@notebookInsertPage obj nPage pPage strText bSelect imageId@). notebookInsertPage :: Notebook a -> Int -> Window c -> String -> Bool -> Int -> IO Int notebookInsertPage _obj nPage pPage strText bSelect imageId = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "notebookInsertPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr pPage $ \cobj_pPage -> withCWString strText $ \cstr_strText -> wxNotebook_InsertPage cobj__obj (toCInt nPage) cobj_pPage cstr_strText (toCBool bSelect) (toCInt imageId) foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_InsertPage" wxNotebook_InsertPage :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> CWString -> CBool -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@notebookRemovePage obj nPage@). notebookRemovePage :: Notebook a -> Int -> IO Int notebookRemovePage _obj nPage = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "notebookRemovePage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotebook_RemovePage cobj__obj (toCInt nPage) foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_RemovePage" wxNotebook_RemovePage :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@notebookSetImageList obj imageList@). notebookSetImageList :: Notebook a -> ImageList b -> IO () notebookSetImageList _obj imageList = withObjectRef "notebookSetImageList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr imageList $ \cobj_imageList -> wxNotebook_SetImageList cobj__obj cobj_imageList foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_SetImageList" wxNotebook_SetImageList :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> Ptr (TImageList b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@notebookSetPadding obj wh@). notebookSetPadding :: Notebook a -> Size -> IO () notebookSetPadding _obj _wh = withObjectRef "notebookSetPadding" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotebook_SetPadding cobj__obj (toCIntSizeW _wh) (toCIntSizeH _wh) foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_SetPadding" wxNotebook_SetPadding :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@notebookSetPageImage obj nPage nImage@). notebookSetPageImage :: Notebook a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int notebookSetPageImage _obj nPage nImage = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "notebookSetPageImage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotebook_SetPageImage cobj__obj (toCInt nPage) (toCInt nImage) foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_SetPageImage" wxNotebook_SetPageImage :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@notebookSetPageSize obj wh@). notebookSetPageSize :: Notebook a -> Size -> IO () notebookSetPageSize _obj _wh = withObjectRef "notebookSetPageSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotebook_SetPageSize cobj__obj (toCIntSizeW _wh) (toCIntSizeH _wh) foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_SetPageSize" wxNotebook_SetPageSize :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@notebookSetPageText obj nPage strText@). notebookSetPageText :: Notebook a -> Int -> String -> IO Int notebookSetPageText _obj nPage strText = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "notebookSetPageText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString strText $ \cstr_strText -> wxNotebook_SetPageText cobj__obj (toCInt nPage) cstr_strText foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_SetPageText" wxNotebook_SetPageText :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@notebookSetSelection obj nPage@). notebookSetSelection :: Notebook a -> Int -> IO Int notebookSetSelection _obj nPage = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "notebookSetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotebook_SetSelection cobj__obj (toCInt nPage) foreign import ccall "wxNotebook_SetSelection" wxNotebook_SetSelection :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@notebookSizerCalcMin obj@). notebookSizerCalcMin :: NotebookSizer a -> IO Size notebookSizerCalcMin _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "notebookSizerCalcMin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotebookSizer_CalcMin cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxNotebookSizer_CalcMin" wxNotebookSizer_CalcMin :: Ptr (TNotebookSizer a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@notebookSizerCreate nb@). notebookSizerCreate :: Notebook a -> IO (NotebookSizer ()) notebookSizerCreate nb = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr nb $ \cobj_nb -> wxNotebookSizer_Create cobj_nb foreign import ccall "wxNotebookSizer_Create" wxNotebookSizer_Create :: Ptr (TNotebook a) -> IO (Ptr (TNotebookSizer ())) -- | usage: (@notebookSizerGetNotebook obj@). notebookSizerGetNotebook :: NotebookSizer a -> IO (Notebook ()) notebookSizerGetNotebook _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "notebookSizerGetNotebook" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotebookSizer_GetNotebook cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxNotebookSizer_GetNotebook" wxNotebookSizer_GetNotebook :: Ptr (TNotebookSizer a) -> IO (Ptr (TNotebook ())) -- | usage: (@notebookSizerRecalcSizes obj@). notebookSizerRecalcSizes :: NotebookSizer a -> IO () notebookSizerRecalcSizes _obj = withObjectRef "notebookSizerRecalcSizes" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotebookSizer_RecalcSizes cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxNotebookSizer_RecalcSizes" wxNotebookSizer_RecalcSizes :: Ptr (TNotebookSizer a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@notifyEventAllow obj@). notifyEventAllow :: NotifyEvent a -> IO () notifyEventAllow _obj = withObjectRef "notifyEventAllow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotifyEvent_Allow cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxNotifyEvent_Allow" wxNotifyEvent_Allow :: Ptr (TNotifyEvent a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@notifyEventCopyObject obj objectdest@). notifyEventCopyObject :: NotifyEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO () notifyEventCopyObject _obj objectdest = withObjectRef "notifyEventCopyObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotifyEvent_CopyObject cobj__obj objectdest foreign import ccall "wxNotifyEvent_CopyObject" wxNotifyEvent_CopyObject :: Ptr (TNotifyEvent a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@notifyEventIsAllowed obj@). notifyEventIsAllowed :: NotifyEvent a -> IO Bool notifyEventIsAllowed _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "notifyEventIsAllowed" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotifyEvent_IsAllowed cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxNotifyEvent_IsAllowed" wxNotifyEvent_IsAllowed :: Ptr (TNotifyEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@notifyEventVeto obj@). notifyEventVeto :: NotifyEvent a -> IO () notifyEventVeto _obj = withObjectRef "notifyEventVeto" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxNotifyEvent_Veto cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxNotifyEvent_Veto" wxNotifyEvent_Veto :: Ptr (TNotifyEvent a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@nullAcceleratorTable@). nullAcceleratorTable :: AcceleratorTable () nullAcceleratorTable = unsafePerformIO $ withObjectResult $ wx_Null_AcceleratorTable foreign import ccall "Null_AcceleratorTable" wx_Null_AcceleratorTable :: IO (Ptr (TAcceleratorTable ())) -- | usage: (@nullBitmap@). nullBitmap :: Bitmap () nullBitmap = unsafePerformIO $ withManagedBitmapResult $ wx_Null_Bitmap foreign import ccall "Null_Bitmap" wx_Null_Bitmap :: IO (Ptr (TBitmap ())) -- | usage: (@nullBrush@). nullBrush :: Brush () nullBrush = unsafePerformIO $ withManagedBrushResult $ wx_Null_Brush foreign import ccall "Null_Brush" wx_Null_Brush :: IO (Ptr (TBrush ())) -- | usage: (@nullColour@). nullColour :: Color nullColour = unsafePerformIO $ withManagedColourResult $ wx_Null_Colour foreign import ccall "Null_Colour" wx_Null_Colour :: IO (Ptr (TColour ())) -- | usage: (@nullCursor@). nullCursor :: Cursor () nullCursor = unsafePerformIO $ withManagedCursorResult $ wx_Null_Cursor foreign import ccall "Null_Cursor" wx_Null_Cursor :: IO (Ptr (TCursor ())) -- | usage: (@nullFont@). nullFont :: Font () nullFont = unsafePerformIO $ withManagedFontResult $ wx_Null_Font foreign import ccall "Null_Font" wx_Null_Font :: IO (Ptr (TFont ())) -- | usage: (@nullHDBC@). nullHDBC :: HDBC () nullHDBC = unsafePerformIO $ withObjectResult $ wx_Null_HDBC foreign import ccall "Null_HDBC" wx_Null_HDBC :: IO (Ptr (THDBC ())) -- | usage: (@nullHENV@). nullHENV :: HENV () nullHENV = unsafePerformIO $ withObjectResult $ wx_Null_HENV foreign import ccall "Null_HENV" wx_Null_HENV :: IO (Ptr (THENV ())) -- | usage: (@nullHSTMT@). nullHSTMT :: HSTMT () nullHSTMT = unsafePerformIO $ withObjectResult $ wx_Null_HSTMT foreign import ccall "Null_HSTMT" wx_Null_HSTMT :: IO (Ptr (THSTMT ())) -- | usage: (@nullIcon@). nullIcon :: Icon () nullIcon = unsafePerformIO $ withManagedIconResult $ wx_Null_Icon foreign import ccall "Null_Icon" wx_Null_Icon :: IO (Ptr (TIcon ())) -- | usage: (@nullPalette@). nullPalette :: Palette () nullPalette = unsafePerformIO $ withObjectResult $ wx_Null_Palette foreign import ccall "Null_Palette" wx_Null_Palette :: IO (Ptr (TPalette ())) -- | usage: (@nullPen@). nullPen :: Pen () nullPen = unsafePerformIO $ withManagedPenResult $ wx_Null_Pen foreign import ccall "Null_Pen" wx_Null_Pen :: IO (Ptr (TPen ())) -- | usage: (@objectGetClassInfo obj@). objectGetClassInfo :: WxObject a -> IO (ClassInfo ()) objectGetClassInfo _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "objectGetClassInfo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxObject_GetClassInfo cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxObject_GetClassInfo" wxObject_GetClassInfo :: Ptr (TWxObject a) -> IO (Ptr (TClassInfo ())) {- | Get the reference data of an object as a closure: only works if properly initialized. Use 'closureGetData' to get to the actual data. -} objectGetClientClosure :: WxObject a -> IO (Closure ()) objectGetClientClosure _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "objectGetClientClosure" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxObject_GetClientClosure cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxObject_GetClientClosure" wxObject_GetClientClosure :: Ptr (TWxObject a) -> IO (Ptr (TClosure ())) -- | usage: (@objectIsKindOf obj classInfo@). objectIsKindOf :: WxObject a -> ClassInfo b -> IO Bool objectIsKindOf _obj classInfo = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "objectIsKindOf" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr classInfo $ \cobj_classInfo -> wxObject_IsKindOf cobj__obj cobj_classInfo foreign import ccall "wxObject_IsKindOf" wxObject_IsKindOf :: Ptr (TWxObject a) -> Ptr (TClassInfo b) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@objectIsScrolledWindow obj@). objectIsScrolledWindow :: WxObject a -> IO Bool objectIsScrolledWindow _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "objectIsScrolledWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxObject_IsScrolledWindow cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxObject_IsScrolledWindow" wxObject_IsScrolledWindow :: Ptr (TWxObject a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@objectSafeDelete self@). objectSafeDelete :: WxObject a -> IO () objectSafeDelete self = withObjectPtr self $ \cobj_self -> wxObject_SafeDelete cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxObject_SafeDelete" wxObject_SafeDelete :: Ptr (TWxObject a) -> IO () {- | Set the reference data of an object as a closure. The closure data contains the data while the function is called on deletion. Returns 'True' on success. Only works if the reference data is unused by wxWindows! -} objectSetClientClosure :: WxObject a -> Closure b -> IO () objectSetClientClosure _obj closure = withObjectRef "objectSetClientClosure" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr closure $ \cobj_closure -> wxObject_SetClientClosure cobj__obj cobj_closure foreign import ccall "wxObject_SetClientClosure" wxObject_SetClientClosure :: Ptr (TWxObject a) -> Ptr (TClosure b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@outputStreamDelete obj@). outputStreamDelete :: OutputStream a -> IO () outputStreamDelete _obj = withObjectRef "outputStreamDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxOutputStream_Delete cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxOutputStream_Delete" wxOutputStream_Delete :: Ptr (TOutputStream a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@outputStreamLastWrite obj@). outputStreamLastWrite :: OutputStream a -> IO Int outputStreamLastWrite _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "outputStreamLastWrite" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxOutputStream_LastWrite cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxOutputStream_LastWrite" wxOutputStream_LastWrite :: Ptr (TOutputStream a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@outputStreamPutC obj c@). outputStreamPutC :: OutputStream a -> Char -> IO () outputStreamPutC _obj c = withObjectRef "outputStreamPutC" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxOutputStream_PutC cobj__obj (toCWchar c) foreign import ccall "wxOutputStream_PutC" wxOutputStream_PutC :: Ptr (TOutputStream a) -> CWchar -> IO () -- | usage: (@outputStreamSeek obj pos mode@). outputStreamSeek :: OutputStream a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int outputStreamSeek _obj pos mode = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "outputStreamSeek" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxOutputStream_Seek cobj__obj (toCInt pos) (toCInt mode) foreign import ccall "wxOutputStream_Seek" wxOutputStream_Seek :: Ptr (TOutputStream a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@outputStreamSync obj@). outputStreamSync :: OutputStream a -> IO () outputStreamSync _obj = withObjectRef "outputStreamSync" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxOutputStream_Sync cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxOutputStream_Sync" wxOutputStream_Sync :: Ptr (TOutputStream a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@outputStreamTell obj@). outputStreamTell :: OutputStream a -> IO Int outputStreamTell _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "outputStreamTell" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxOutputStream_Tell cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxOutputStream_Tell" wxOutputStream_Tell :: Ptr (TOutputStream a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@outputStreamWrite obj buffer size@). outputStreamWrite :: OutputStream a -> Ptr b -> Int -> IO () outputStreamWrite _obj buffer size = withObjectRef "outputStreamWrite" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxOutputStream_Write cobj__obj buffer (toCInt size) foreign import ccall "wxOutputStream_Write" wxOutputStream_Write :: Ptr (TOutputStream a) -> Ptr b -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogCreate parent wxdata@). pageSetupDialogCreate :: Window a -> PageSetupDialogData b -> IO (PageSetupDialog ()) pageSetupDialogCreate parent wxdata = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> wxPageSetupDialog_Create cobj_parent cobj_wxdata foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialog_Create" wxPageSetupDialog_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData b) -> IO (Ptr (TPageSetupDialog ())) -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataAssign obj@). pageSetupDialogDataAssign :: PageSetupDialogData a -> IO (PageSetupDialogData ()) pageSetupDialogDataAssign _obj = withRefPageSetupDialogData $ \pref -> withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataAssign" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_Assign cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_Assign" wxPageSetupDialogData_Assign :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataAssignData obj printData@). pageSetupDialogDataAssignData :: PageSetupDialogData a -> PrintData b -> IO () pageSetupDialogDataAssignData _obj printData = withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataAssignData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr printData $ \cobj_printData -> wxPageSetupDialogData_AssignData cobj__obj cobj_printData foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_AssignData" wxPageSetupDialogData_AssignData :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> Ptr (TPrintData b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataCalculateIdFromPaperSize obj@). pageSetupDialogDataCalculateIdFromPaperSize :: PageSetupDialogData a -> IO () pageSetupDialogDataCalculateIdFromPaperSize _obj = withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataCalculateIdFromPaperSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_CalculateIdFromPaperSize cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_CalculateIdFromPaperSize" wxPageSetupDialogData_CalculateIdFromPaperSize :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataCalculatePaperSizeFromId obj@). pageSetupDialogDataCalculatePaperSizeFromId :: PageSetupDialogData a -> IO () pageSetupDialogDataCalculatePaperSizeFromId _obj = withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataCalculatePaperSizeFromId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_CalculatePaperSizeFromId cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_CalculatePaperSizeFromId" wxPageSetupDialogData_CalculatePaperSizeFromId :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataCreate@). pageSetupDialogDataCreate :: IO (PageSetupDialogData ()) pageSetupDialogDataCreate = withManagedObjectResult $ wxPageSetupDialogData_Create foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_Create" wxPageSetupDialogData_Create :: IO (Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData ())) -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataCreateFromData printData@). pageSetupDialogDataCreateFromData :: PrintData a -> IO (PageSetupDialogData ()) pageSetupDialogDataCreateFromData printData = withManagedObjectResult $ withObjectPtr printData $ \cobj_printData -> wxPageSetupDialogData_CreateFromData cobj_printData foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_CreateFromData" wxPageSetupDialogData_CreateFromData :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> IO (Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData ())) -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataDelete obj@). pageSetupDialogDataDelete :: PageSetupDialogData a -> IO () pageSetupDialogDataDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataEnableHelp obj flag@). pageSetupDialogDataEnableHelp :: PageSetupDialogData a -> Bool -> IO () pageSetupDialogDataEnableHelp _obj flag = withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataEnableHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_EnableHelp cobj__obj (toCBool flag) foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_EnableHelp" wxPageSetupDialogData_EnableHelp :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataEnableMargins obj flag@). pageSetupDialogDataEnableMargins :: PageSetupDialogData a -> Bool -> IO () pageSetupDialogDataEnableMargins _obj flag = withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataEnableMargins" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_EnableMargins cobj__obj (toCBool flag) foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_EnableMargins" wxPageSetupDialogData_EnableMargins :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataEnableOrientation obj flag@). pageSetupDialogDataEnableOrientation :: PageSetupDialogData a -> Bool -> IO () pageSetupDialogDataEnableOrientation _obj flag = withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataEnableOrientation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_EnableOrientation cobj__obj (toCBool flag) foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_EnableOrientation" wxPageSetupDialogData_EnableOrientation :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataEnablePaper obj flag@). pageSetupDialogDataEnablePaper :: PageSetupDialogData a -> Bool -> IO () pageSetupDialogDataEnablePaper _obj flag = withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataEnablePaper" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_EnablePaper cobj__obj (toCBool flag) foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_EnablePaper" wxPageSetupDialogData_EnablePaper :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataEnablePrinter obj flag@). pageSetupDialogDataEnablePrinter :: PageSetupDialogData a -> Bool -> IO () pageSetupDialogDataEnablePrinter _obj flag = withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataEnablePrinter" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_EnablePrinter cobj__obj (toCBool flag) foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_EnablePrinter" wxPageSetupDialogData_EnablePrinter :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataGetDefaultInfo obj@). pageSetupDialogDataGetDefaultInfo :: PageSetupDialogData a -> IO Bool pageSetupDialogDataGetDefaultInfo _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataGetDefaultInfo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_GetDefaultInfo cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_GetDefaultInfo" wxPageSetupDialogData_GetDefaultInfo :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataGetDefaultMinMargins obj@). pageSetupDialogDataGetDefaultMinMargins :: PageSetupDialogData a -> IO Bool pageSetupDialogDataGetDefaultMinMargins _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataGetDefaultMinMargins" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_GetDefaultMinMargins cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_GetDefaultMinMargins" wxPageSetupDialogData_GetDefaultMinMargins :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataGetEnableHelp obj@). pageSetupDialogDataGetEnableHelp :: PageSetupDialogData a -> IO Bool pageSetupDialogDataGetEnableHelp _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataGetEnableHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_GetEnableHelp cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_GetEnableHelp" wxPageSetupDialogData_GetEnableHelp :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataGetEnableMargins obj@). pageSetupDialogDataGetEnableMargins :: PageSetupDialogData a -> IO Bool pageSetupDialogDataGetEnableMargins _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataGetEnableMargins" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_GetEnableMargins cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_GetEnableMargins" wxPageSetupDialogData_GetEnableMargins :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataGetEnableOrientation obj@). pageSetupDialogDataGetEnableOrientation :: PageSetupDialogData a -> IO Bool pageSetupDialogDataGetEnableOrientation _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataGetEnableOrientation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_GetEnableOrientation cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_GetEnableOrientation" wxPageSetupDialogData_GetEnableOrientation :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataGetEnablePaper obj@). pageSetupDialogDataGetEnablePaper :: PageSetupDialogData a -> IO Bool pageSetupDialogDataGetEnablePaper _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataGetEnablePaper" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_GetEnablePaper cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_GetEnablePaper" wxPageSetupDialogData_GetEnablePaper :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataGetEnablePrinter obj@). pageSetupDialogDataGetEnablePrinter :: PageSetupDialogData a -> IO Bool pageSetupDialogDataGetEnablePrinter _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataGetEnablePrinter" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_GetEnablePrinter cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_GetEnablePrinter" wxPageSetupDialogData_GetEnablePrinter :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataGetMarginBottomRight obj@). pageSetupDialogDataGetMarginBottomRight :: PageSetupDialogData a -> IO Point pageSetupDialogDataGetMarginBottomRight _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataGetMarginBottomRight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_GetMarginBottomRight cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_GetMarginBottomRight" wxPageSetupDialogData_GetMarginBottomRight :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataGetMarginTopLeft obj@). pageSetupDialogDataGetMarginTopLeft :: PageSetupDialogData a -> IO Point pageSetupDialogDataGetMarginTopLeft _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataGetMarginTopLeft" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_GetMarginTopLeft cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_GetMarginTopLeft" wxPageSetupDialogData_GetMarginTopLeft :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataGetMinMarginBottomRight obj@). pageSetupDialogDataGetMinMarginBottomRight :: PageSetupDialogData a -> IO Point pageSetupDialogDataGetMinMarginBottomRight _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataGetMinMarginBottomRight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_GetMinMarginBottomRight cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_GetMinMarginBottomRight" wxPageSetupDialogData_GetMinMarginBottomRight :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataGetMinMarginTopLeft obj@). pageSetupDialogDataGetMinMarginTopLeft :: PageSetupDialogData a -> IO Point pageSetupDialogDataGetMinMarginTopLeft _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataGetMinMarginTopLeft" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_GetMinMarginTopLeft cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_GetMinMarginTopLeft" wxPageSetupDialogData_GetMinMarginTopLeft :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataGetPaperId obj@). pageSetupDialogDataGetPaperId :: PageSetupDialogData a -> IO Int pageSetupDialogDataGetPaperId _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataGetPaperId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_GetPaperId cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_GetPaperId" wxPageSetupDialogData_GetPaperId :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataGetPaperSize obj@). pageSetupDialogDataGetPaperSize :: PageSetupDialogData a -> IO Size pageSetupDialogDataGetPaperSize _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataGetPaperSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_GetPaperSize cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_GetPaperSize" wxPageSetupDialogData_GetPaperSize :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataGetPrintData obj@). pageSetupDialogDataGetPrintData :: PageSetupDialogData a -> IO (PrintData ()) pageSetupDialogDataGetPrintData _obj = withRefPrintData $ \pref -> withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataGetPrintData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_GetPrintData cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_GetPrintData" wxPageSetupDialogData_GetPrintData :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> Ptr (TPrintData ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataSetDefaultInfo obj flag@). pageSetupDialogDataSetDefaultInfo :: PageSetupDialogData a -> Bool -> IO () pageSetupDialogDataSetDefaultInfo _obj flag = withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataSetDefaultInfo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_SetDefaultInfo cobj__obj (toCBool flag) foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_SetDefaultInfo" wxPageSetupDialogData_SetDefaultInfo :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataSetDefaultMinMargins obj flag@). pageSetupDialogDataSetDefaultMinMargins :: PageSetupDialogData a -> Int -> IO () pageSetupDialogDataSetDefaultMinMargins _obj flag = withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataSetDefaultMinMargins" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_SetDefaultMinMargins cobj__obj (toCInt flag) foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_SetDefaultMinMargins" wxPageSetupDialogData_SetDefaultMinMargins :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataSetMarginBottomRight obj xy@). pageSetupDialogDataSetMarginBottomRight :: PageSetupDialogData a -> Point -> IO () pageSetupDialogDataSetMarginBottomRight _obj xy = withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataSetMarginBottomRight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_SetMarginBottomRight cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_SetMarginBottomRight" wxPageSetupDialogData_SetMarginBottomRight :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataSetMarginTopLeft obj xy@). pageSetupDialogDataSetMarginTopLeft :: PageSetupDialogData a -> Point -> IO () pageSetupDialogDataSetMarginTopLeft _obj xy = withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataSetMarginTopLeft" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_SetMarginTopLeft cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_SetMarginTopLeft" wxPageSetupDialogData_SetMarginTopLeft :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataSetMinMarginBottomRight obj xy@). pageSetupDialogDataSetMinMarginBottomRight :: PageSetupDialogData a -> Point -> IO () pageSetupDialogDataSetMinMarginBottomRight _obj xy = withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataSetMinMarginBottomRight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_SetMinMarginBottomRight cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_SetMinMarginBottomRight" wxPageSetupDialogData_SetMinMarginBottomRight :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataSetMinMarginTopLeft obj xy@). pageSetupDialogDataSetMinMarginTopLeft :: PageSetupDialogData a -> Point -> IO () pageSetupDialogDataSetMinMarginTopLeft _obj xy = withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataSetMinMarginTopLeft" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_SetMinMarginTopLeft cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_SetMinMarginTopLeft" wxPageSetupDialogData_SetMinMarginTopLeft :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataSetPaperId obj id@). pageSetupDialogDataSetPaperId :: PageSetupDialogData a -> Ptr b -> IO () pageSetupDialogDataSetPaperId _obj id = withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataSetPaperId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_SetPaperId cobj__obj id foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_SetPaperId" wxPageSetupDialogData_SetPaperId :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataSetPaperSize obj wh@). pageSetupDialogDataSetPaperSize :: PageSetupDialogData a -> Size -> IO () pageSetupDialogDataSetPaperSize _obj wh = withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataSetPaperSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_SetPaperSize cobj__obj (toCIntSizeW wh) (toCIntSizeH wh) foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_SetPaperSize" wxPageSetupDialogData_SetPaperSize :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataSetPaperSizeId obj id@). pageSetupDialogDataSetPaperSizeId :: PageSetupDialogData a -> Id -> IO () pageSetupDialogDataSetPaperSizeId _obj id = withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataSetPaperSizeId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialogData_SetPaperSizeId cobj__obj (toCInt id) foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_SetPaperSizeId" wxPageSetupDialogData_SetPaperSizeId :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogDataSetPrintData obj printData@). pageSetupDialogDataSetPrintData :: PageSetupDialogData a -> PrintData b -> IO () pageSetupDialogDataSetPrintData _obj printData = withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogDataSetPrintData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr printData $ \cobj_printData -> wxPageSetupDialogData_SetPrintData cobj__obj cobj_printData foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialogData_SetPrintData" wxPageSetupDialogData_SetPrintData :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData a) -> Ptr (TPrintData b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@pageSetupDialogGetPageSetupData obj@). pageSetupDialogGetPageSetupData :: PageSetupDialog a -> IO (PageSetupDialogData ()) pageSetupDialogGetPageSetupData _obj = withRefPageSetupDialogData $ \pref -> withObjectRef "pageSetupDialogGetPageSetupData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPageSetupDialog_GetPageSetupData cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxPageSetupDialog_GetPageSetupData" wxPageSetupDialog_GetPageSetupData :: Ptr (TPageSetupDialog a) -> Ptr (TPageSetupDialogData ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@paintDCCreate win@). paintDCCreate :: Window a -> IO (PaintDC ()) paintDCCreate win = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr win $ \cobj_win -> wxPaintDC_Create cobj_win foreign import ccall "wxPaintDC_Create" wxPaintDC_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TPaintDC ())) -- | usage: (@paintDCDelete obj@). paintDCDelete :: PaintDC a -> IO () paintDCDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@paletteAssign obj palette@). paletteAssign :: Palette a -> Palette b -> IO () paletteAssign _obj palette = withObjectRef "paletteAssign" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr palette $ \cobj_palette -> wxPalette_Assign cobj__obj cobj_palette foreign import ccall "wxPalette_Assign" wxPalette_Assign :: Ptr (TPalette a) -> Ptr (TPalette b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@paletteChangedEventCopyObject obj obj@). paletteChangedEventCopyObject :: PaletteChangedEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO () paletteChangedEventCopyObject _obj obj = withObjectRef "paletteChangedEventCopyObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPaletteChangedEvent_CopyObject cobj__obj obj foreign import ccall "wxPaletteChangedEvent_CopyObject" wxPaletteChangedEvent_CopyObject :: Ptr (TPaletteChangedEvent a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@paletteChangedEventGetChangedWindow obj@). paletteChangedEventGetChangedWindow :: PaletteChangedEvent a -> IO (Ptr ()) paletteChangedEventGetChangedWindow _obj = withObjectRef "paletteChangedEventGetChangedWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPaletteChangedEvent_GetChangedWindow cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPaletteChangedEvent_GetChangedWindow" wxPaletteChangedEvent_GetChangedWindow :: Ptr (TPaletteChangedEvent a) -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@paletteChangedEventSetChangedWindow obj win@). paletteChangedEventSetChangedWindow :: PaletteChangedEvent a -> Window b -> IO () paletteChangedEventSetChangedWindow _obj win = withObjectRef "paletteChangedEventSetChangedWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr win $ \cobj_win -> wxPaletteChangedEvent_SetChangedWindow cobj__obj cobj_win foreign import ccall "wxPaletteChangedEvent_SetChangedWindow" wxPaletteChangedEvent_SetChangedWindow :: Ptr (TPaletteChangedEvent a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@paletteCreateDefault@). paletteCreateDefault :: IO (Palette ()) paletteCreateDefault = withObjectResult $ wxPalette_CreateDefault foreign import ccall "wxPalette_CreateDefault" wxPalette_CreateDefault :: IO (Ptr (TPalette ())) -- | usage: (@paletteCreateRGB n red green blue@). paletteCreateRGB :: Int -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> IO (Palette ()) paletteCreateRGB n red green blue = withObjectResult $ wxPalette_CreateRGB (toCInt n) red green blue foreign import ccall "wxPalette_CreateRGB" wxPalette_CreateRGB :: CInt -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> IO (Ptr (TPalette ())) -- | usage: (@paletteDelete obj@). paletteDelete :: Palette a -> IO () paletteDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@paletteGetPixel obj redgreenblue@). paletteGetPixel :: Palette a -> Color -> IO Int paletteGetPixel _obj redgreenblue = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "paletteGetPixel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPalette_GetPixel cobj__obj (toCCharColorRed redgreenblue) (toCCharColorGreen redgreenblue) (toCCharColorBlue redgreenblue) foreign import ccall "wxPalette_GetPixel" wxPalette_GetPixel :: Ptr (TPalette a) -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@paletteGetRGB obj pixel red green blue@). paletteGetRGB :: Palette a -> Int -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Ptr e -> IO Bool paletteGetRGB _obj pixel red green blue = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "paletteGetRGB" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPalette_GetRGB cobj__obj (toCInt pixel) red green blue foreign import ccall "wxPalette_GetRGB" wxPalette_GetRGB :: Ptr (TPalette a) -> CInt -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Ptr e -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@paletteIsEqual obj palette@). paletteIsEqual :: Palette a -> Palette b -> IO Bool paletteIsEqual _obj palette = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "paletteIsEqual" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr palette $ \cobj_palette -> wxPalette_IsEqual cobj__obj cobj_palette foreign import ccall "wxPalette_IsEqual" wxPalette_IsEqual :: Ptr (TPalette a) -> Ptr (TPalette b) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@paletteOk obj@). paletteOk :: Palette a -> IO Bool paletteOk _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "paletteOk" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPalette_Ok cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPalette_Ok" wxPalette_Ok :: Ptr (TPalette a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@panelCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl@). panelCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (Panel ()) panelCreate _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wxPanel_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxPanel_Create" wxPanel_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TPanel ())) -- | usage: (@panelGetDefaultItem obj@). panelGetDefaultItem :: Panel a -> IO (Button ()) panelGetDefaultItem _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "panelGetDefaultItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPanel_GetDefaultItem cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPanel_GetDefaultItem" wxPanel_GetDefaultItem :: Ptr (TPanel a) -> IO (Ptr (TButton ())) -- | usage: (@panelInitDialog obj@). panelInitDialog :: Panel a -> IO () panelInitDialog _obj = withObjectRef "panelInitDialog" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPanel_InitDialog cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPanel_InitDialog" wxPanel_InitDialog :: Ptr (TPanel a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@panelSetDefaultItem obj btn@). panelSetDefaultItem :: Panel a -> Button b -> IO () panelSetDefaultItem _obj btn = withObjectRef "panelSetDefaultItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr btn $ \cobj_btn -> wxPanel_SetDefaultItem cobj__obj cobj_btn foreign import ccall "wxPanel_SetDefaultItem" wxPanel_SetDefaultItem :: Ptr (TPanel a) -> Ptr (TButton b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@penAssign obj pen@). penAssign :: Pen a -> Pen b -> IO () penAssign _obj pen = withObjectRef "penAssign" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr pen $ \cobj_pen -> wxPen_Assign cobj__obj cobj_pen foreign import ccall "wxPen_Assign" wxPen_Assign :: Ptr (TPen a) -> Ptr (TPen b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@penCreateDefault@). penCreateDefault :: IO (Pen ()) penCreateDefault = withManagedPenResult $ wxPen_CreateDefault foreign import ccall "wxPen_CreateDefault" wxPen_CreateDefault :: IO (Ptr (TPen ())) -- | usage: (@penCreateFromBitmap stipple width@). penCreateFromBitmap :: Bitmap a -> Int -> IO (Pen ()) penCreateFromBitmap stipple width = withManagedPenResult $ withObjectPtr stipple $ \cobj_stipple -> wxPen_CreateFromBitmap cobj_stipple (toCInt width) foreign import ccall "wxPen_CreateFromBitmap" wxPen_CreateFromBitmap :: Ptr (TBitmap a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TPen ())) -- | usage: (@penCreateFromColour col width style@). penCreateFromColour :: Color -> Int -> Int -> IO (Pen ()) penCreateFromColour col width style = withManagedPenResult $ withColourPtr col $ \cobj_col -> wxPen_CreateFromColour cobj_col (toCInt width) (toCInt style) foreign import ccall "wxPen_CreateFromColour" wxPen_CreateFromColour :: Ptr (TColour a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TPen ())) -- | usage: (@penCreateFromStock id@). penCreateFromStock :: Id -> IO (Pen ()) penCreateFromStock id = withManagedPenResult $ wxPen_CreateFromStock (toCInt id) foreign import ccall "wxPen_CreateFromStock" wxPen_CreateFromStock :: CInt -> IO (Ptr (TPen ())) -- | usage: (@penDelete obj@). penDelete :: Pen a -> IO () penDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@penGetCap obj@). penGetCap :: Pen a -> IO Int penGetCap _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "penGetCap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPen_GetCap cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPen_GetCap" wxPen_GetCap :: Ptr (TPen a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@penGetColour obj@). penGetColour :: Pen a -> IO (Color) penGetColour _obj = withRefColour $ \pref -> withObjectRef "penGetColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPen_GetColour cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxPen_GetColour" wxPen_GetColour :: Ptr (TPen a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@penGetDashes obj ptr@). penGetDashes :: Pen a -> Ptr b -> IO Int penGetDashes _obj ptr = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "penGetDashes" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPen_GetDashes cobj__obj ptr foreign import ccall "wxPen_GetDashes" wxPen_GetDashes :: Ptr (TPen a) -> Ptr b -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@penGetJoin obj@). penGetJoin :: Pen a -> IO Int penGetJoin _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "penGetJoin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPen_GetJoin cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPen_GetJoin" wxPen_GetJoin :: Ptr (TPen a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@penGetStipple obj@). penGetStipple :: Pen a -> IO (Bitmap ()) penGetStipple _obj = withRefBitmap $ \pref -> withObjectRef "penGetStipple" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPen_GetStipple cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxPen_GetStipple" wxPen_GetStipple :: Ptr (TPen a) -> Ptr (TBitmap ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@penGetStyle obj@). penGetStyle :: Pen a -> IO Int penGetStyle _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "penGetStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPen_GetStyle cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPen_GetStyle" wxPen_GetStyle :: Ptr (TPen a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@penGetWidth obj@). penGetWidth :: Pen a -> IO Int penGetWidth _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "penGetWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPen_GetWidth cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPen_GetWidth" wxPen_GetWidth :: Ptr (TPen a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@penIsEqual obj pen@). penIsEqual :: Pen a -> Pen b -> IO Bool penIsEqual _obj pen = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "penIsEqual" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr pen $ \cobj_pen -> wxPen_IsEqual cobj__obj cobj_pen foreign import ccall "wxPen_IsEqual" wxPen_IsEqual :: Ptr (TPen a) -> Ptr (TPen b) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@penIsStatic self@). penIsStatic :: Pen a -> IO Bool penIsStatic self = withBoolResult $ withObjectPtr self $ \cobj_self -> wxPen_IsStatic cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxPen_IsStatic" wxPen_IsStatic :: Ptr (TPen a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@penOk obj@). penOk :: Pen a -> IO Bool penOk _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "penOk" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPen_Ok cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPen_Ok" wxPen_Ok :: Ptr (TPen a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@penSafeDelete self@). penSafeDelete :: Pen a -> IO () penSafeDelete self = withObjectPtr self $ \cobj_self -> wxPen_SafeDelete cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxPen_SafeDelete" wxPen_SafeDelete :: Ptr (TPen a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@penSetCap obj cap@). penSetCap :: Pen a -> Int -> IO () penSetCap _obj cap = withObjectRef "penSetCap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPen_SetCap cobj__obj (toCInt cap) foreign import ccall "wxPen_SetCap" wxPen_SetCap :: Ptr (TPen a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@penSetColour obj col@). penSetColour :: Pen a -> Color -> IO () penSetColour _obj col = withObjectRef "penSetColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withColourPtr col $ \cobj_col -> wxPen_SetColour cobj__obj cobj_col foreign import ccall "wxPen_SetColour" wxPen_SetColour :: Ptr (TPen a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@penSetColourSingle obj r g b@). penSetColourSingle :: Pen a -> Char -> Char -> Char -> IO () penSetColourSingle _obj r g b = withObjectRef "penSetColourSingle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPen_SetColourSingle cobj__obj (toCWchar r) (toCWchar g) (toCWchar b) foreign import ccall "wxPen_SetColourSingle" wxPen_SetColourSingle :: Ptr (TPen a) -> CWchar -> CWchar -> CWchar -> IO () -- | usage: (@penSetDashes obj nbdashes dash@). penSetDashes :: Pen a -> Int -> Ptr c -> IO () penSetDashes _obj nbdashes dash = withObjectRef "penSetDashes" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPen_SetDashes cobj__obj (toCInt nbdashes) dash foreign import ccall "wxPen_SetDashes" wxPen_SetDashes :: Ptr (TPen a) -> CInt -> Ptr c -> IO () -- | usage: (@penSetJoin obj join@). penSetJoin :: Pen a -> Int -> IO () penSetJoin _obj join = withObjectRef "penSetJoin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPen_SetJoin cobj__obj (toCInt join) foreign import ccall "wxPen_SetJoin" wxPen_SetJoin :: Ptr (TPen a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@penSetStipple obj stipple@). penSetStipple :: Pen a -> Bitmap b -> IO () penSetStipple _obj stipple = withObjectRef "penSetStipple" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr stipple $ \cobj_stipple -> wxPen_SetStipple cobj__obj cobj_stipple foreign import ccall "wxPen_SetStipple" wxPen_SetStipple :: Ptr (TPen a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@penSetStyle obj style@). penSetStyle :: Pen a -> Int -> IO () penSetStyle _obj style = withObjectRef "penSetStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPen_SetStyle cobj__obj (toCInt style) foreign import ccall "wxPen_SetStyle" wxPen_SetStyle :: Ptr (TPen a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@penSetWidth obj width@). penSetWidth :: Pen a -> Int -> IO () penSetWidth _obj width = withObjectRef "penSetWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPen_SetWidth cobj__obj (toCInt width) foreign import ccall "wxPen_SetWidth" wxPen_SetWidth :: Ptr (TPen a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@popProvider@). popProvider :: IO Int popProvider = withIntResult $ wx_PopProvider foreign import ccall "PopProvider" wx_PopProvider :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@postScriptPrintNativeDataCreate@). postScriptPrintNativeDataCreate :: IO (PostScriptPrintNativeData ()) postScriptPrintNativeDataCreate = withObjectResult $ wxPostScriptPrintNativeData_Create foreign import ccall "wxPostScriptPrintNativeData_Create" wxPostScriptPrintNativeData_Create :: IO (Ptr (TPostScriptPrintNativeData ())) -- | usage: (@postScriptPrintNativeDataDelete obj@). postScriptPrintNativeDataDelete :: PostScriptPrintNativeData a -> IO () postScriptPrintNativeDataDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@previewCanvasCreate preview parent xywh style@). previewCanvasCreate :: PrintPreview a -> Window b -> Rect -> Int -> IO (PreviewCanvas ()) previewCanvasCreate preview parent xywh style = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr preview $ \cobj_preview -> withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> wxPreviewCanvas_Create cobj_preview cobj_parent (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh) (toCInt style) foreign import ccall "wxPreviewCanvas_Create" wxPreviewCanvas_Create :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TPreviewCanvas ())) {- | Usage: @previewFrameCreate printPreview parent title rect name @. * -} previewFrameCreate :: PrintPreview a -> Frame b -> String -> Rect -> Int -> String -> IO (PreviewFrame ()) previewFrameCreate preview parent title xywidthheight style name = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr preview $ \cobj_preview -> withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> withStringPtr title $ \cobj_title -> withStringPtr name $ \cobj_name -> wxPreviewFrame_Create cobj_preview cobj_parent cobj_title (toCIntRectX xywidthheight) (toCIntRectY xywidthheight)(toCIntRectW xywidthheight) (toCIntRectH xywidthheight) (toCInt style) cobj_name foreign import ccall "wxPreviewFrame_Create" wxPreviewFrame_Create :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> Ptr (TFrame b) -> Ptr (TWxString c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxString f) -> IO (Ptr (TPreviewFrame ())) -- | usage: (@previewFrameDelete self@). previewFrameDelete :: PreviewFrame a -> IO () previewFrameDelete = objectDelete {- | Usage: @previewFrameInitialize self@, call this before showing the frame. * -} previewFrameInitialize :: PreviewFrame a -> IO () previewFrameInitialize self = withObjectRef "previewFrameInitialize" self $ \cobj_self -> wxPreviewFrame_Initialize cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxPreviewFrame_Initialize" wxPreviewFrame_Initialize :: Ptr (TPreviewFrame a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataAssign obj wxdata@). printDataAssign :: PrintData a -> PrintData b -> IO () printDataAssign _obj wxdata = withObjectRef "printDataAssign" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> wxPrintData_Assign cobj__obj cobj_wxdata foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_Assign" wxPrintData_Assign :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> Ptr (TPrintData b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataCreate@). printDataCreate :: IO (PrintData ()) printDataCreate = withManagedObjectResult $ wxPrintData_Create foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_Create" wxPrintData_Create :: IO (Ptr (TPrintData ())) -- | usage: (@printDataDelete obj@). printDataDelete :: PrintData a -> IO () printDataDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@printDataGetCollate obj@). printDataGetCollate :: PrintData a -> IO Bool printDataGetCollate _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "printDataGetCollate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_GetCollate cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_GetCollate" wxPrintData_GetCollate :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@printDataGetColour obj@). printDataGetColour :: PrintData a -> IO Bool printDataGetColour _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "printDataGetColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_GetColour cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_GetColour" wxPrintData_GetColour :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@printDataGetDuplex obj@). printDataGetDuplex :: PrintData a -> IO Int printDataGetDuplex _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "printDataGetDuplex" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_GetDuplex cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_GetDuplex" wxPrintData_GetDuplex :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDataGetFilename obj@). printDataGetFilename :: PrintData a -> IO String printDataGetFilename _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "printDataGetFilename" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_GetFilename cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_GetFilename" wxPrintData_GetFilename :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDataGetFontMetricPath obj@). printDataGetFontMetricPath :: PrintData a -> IO String printDataGetFontMetricPath _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "printDataGetFontMetricPath" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_GetFontMetricPath cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_GetFontMetricPath" wxPrintData_GetFontMetricPath :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDataGetNoCopies obj@). printDataGetNoCopies :: PrintData a -> IO Int printDataGetNoCopies _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "printDataGetNoCopies" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_GetNoCopies cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_GetNoCopies" wxPrintData_GetNoCopies :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDataGetOrientation obj@). printDataGetOrientation :: PrintData a -> IO Int printDataGetOrientation _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "printDataGetOrientation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_GetOrientation cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_GetOrientation" wxPrintData_GetOrientation :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDataGetPaperId obj@). printDataGetPaperId :: PrintData a -> IO Int printDataGetPaperId _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "printDataGetPaperId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_GetPaperId cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_GetPaperId" wxPrintData_GetPaperId :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDataGetPaperSize obj@). printDataGetPaperSize :: PrintData a -> IO Size printDataGetPaperSize _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "printDataGetPaperSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_GetPaperSize cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_GetPaperSize" wxPrintData_GetPaperSize :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataGetPreviewCommand obj@). printDataGetPreviewCommand :: PrintData a -> IO String printDataGetPreviewCommand _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "printDataGetPreviewCommand" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_GetPreviewCommand cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_GetPreviewCommand" wxPrintData_GetPreviewCommand :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDataGetPrintMode obj@). printDataGetPrintMode :: PrintData a -> IO Int printDataGetPrintMode _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "printDataGetPrintMode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_GetPrintMode cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_GetPrintMode" wxPrintData_GetPrintMode :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDataGetPrinterCommand obj@). printDataGetPrinterCommand :: PrintData a -> IO String printDataGetPrinterCommand _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "printDataGetPrinterCommand" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_GetPrinterCommand cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_GetPrinterCommand" wxPrintData_GetPrinterCommand :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDataGetPrinterName obj@). printDataGetPrinterName :: PrintData a -> IO String printDataGetPrinterName _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "printDataGetPrinterName" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_GetPrinterName cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_GetPrinterName" wxPrintData_GetPrinterName :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDataGetPrinterOptions obj@). printDataGetPrinterOptions :: PrintData a -> IO String printDataGetPrinterOptions _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "printDataGetPrinterOptions" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_GetPrinterOptions cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_GetPrinterOptions" wxPrintData_GetPrinterOptions :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDataGetPrinterScaleX obj@). printDataGetPrinterScaleX :: PrintData a -> IO Double printDataGetPrinterScaleX _obj = withObjectRef "printDataGetPrinterScaleX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_GetPrinterScaleX cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_GetPrinterScaleX" wxPrintData_GetPrinterScaleX :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> IO Double -- | usage: (@printDataGetPrinterScaleY obj@). printDataGetPrinterScaleY :: PrintData a -> IO Double printDataGetPrinterScaleY _obj = withObjectRef "printDataGetPrinterScaleY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_GetPrinterScaleY cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_GetPrinterScaleY" wxPrintData_GetPrinterScaleY :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> IO Double -- | usage: (@printDataGetPrinterTranslateX obj@). printDataGetPrinterTranslateX :: PrintData a -> IO Int printDataGetPrinterTranslateX _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "printDataGetPrinterTranslateX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_GetPrinterTranslateX cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_GetPrinterTranslateX" wxPrintData_GetPrinterTranslateX :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDataGetPrinterTranslateY obj@). printDataGetPrinterTranslateY :: PrintData a -> IO Int printDataGetPrinterTranslateY _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "printDataGetPrinterTranslateY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_GetPrinterTranslateY cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_GetPrinterTranslateY" wxPrintData_GetPrinterTranslateY :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDataGetQuality obj@). printDataGetQuality :: PrintData a -> IO Int printDataGetQuality _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "printDataGetQuality" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_GetQuality cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_GetQuality" wxPrintData_GetQuality :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDataSetCollate obj flag@). printDataSetCollate :: PrintData a -> Bool -> IO () printDataSetCollate _obj flag = withObjectRef "printDataSetCollate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_SetCollate cobj__obj (toCBool flag) foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetCollate" wxPrintData_SetCollate :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetColour obj colour@). printDataSetColour :: PrintData a -> Bool -> IO () printDataSetColour _obj colour = withObjectRef "printDataSetColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_SetColour cobj__obj (toCBool colour) foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetColour" wxPrintData_SetColour :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetDuplex obj duplex@). printDataSetDuplex :: PrintData a -> Int -> IO () printDataSetDuplex _obj duplex = withObjectRef "printDataSetDuplex" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_SetDuplex cobj__obj (toCInt duplex) foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetDuplex" wxPrintData_SetDuplex :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetFilename obj filename@). printDataSetFilename :: PrintData a -> String -> IO () printDataSetFilename _obj filename = withObjectRef "printDataSetFilename" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString filename $ \cstr_filename -> wxPrintData_SetFilename cobj__obj cstr_filename foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetFilename" wxPrintData_SetFilename :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetFontMetricPath obj path@). printDataSetFontMetricPath :: PrintData a -> String -> IO () printDataSetFontMetricPath _obj path = withObjectRef "printDataSetFontMetricPath" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString path $ \cstr_path -> wxPrintData_SetFontMetricPath cobj__obj cstr_path foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetFontMetricPath" wxPrintData_SetFontMetricPath :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetNoCopies obj v@). printDataSetNoCopies :: PrintData a -> Int -> IO () printDataSetNoCopies _obj v = withObjectRef "printDataSetNoCopies" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_SetNoCopies cobj__obj (toCInt v) foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetNoCopies" wxPrintData_SetNoCopies :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetOrientation obj orient@). printDataSetOrientation :: PrintData a -> Int -> IO () printDataSetOrientation _obj orient = withObjectRef "printDataSetOrientation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_SetOrientation cobj__obj (toCInt orient) foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetOrientation" wxPrintData_SetOrientation :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetPaperId obj sizeId@). printDataSetPaperId :: PrintData a -> Int -> IO () printDataSetPaperId _obj sizeId = withObjectRef "printDataSetPaperId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_SetPaperId cobj__obj (toCInt sizeId) foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetPaperId" wxPrintData_SetPaperId :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetPaperSize obj wh@). printDataSetPaperSize :: PrintData a -> Size -> IO () printDataSetPaperSize _obj wh = withObjectRef "printDataSetPaperSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_SetPaperSize cobj__obj (toCIntSizeW wh) (toCIntSizeH wh) foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetPaperSize" wxPrintData_SetPaperSize :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetPreviewCommand obj command@). printDataSetPreviewCommand :: PrintData a -> Command b -> IO () printDataSetPreviewCommand _obj command = withObjectRef "printDataSetPreviewCommand" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr command $ \cobj_command -> wxPrintData_SetPreviewCommand cobj__obj cobj_command foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetPreviewCommand" wxPrintData_SetPreviewCommand :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> Ptr (TCommand b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetPrintMode obj printMode@). printDataSetPrintMode :: PrintData a -> Int -> IO () printDataSetPrintMode _obj printMode = withObjectRef "printDataSetPrintMode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_SetPrintMode cobj__obj (toCInt printMode) foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetPrintMode" wxPrintData_SetPrintMode :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetPrinterCommand obj command@). printDataSetPrinterCommand :: PrintData a -> Command b -> IO () printDataSetPrinterCommand _obj command = withObjectRef "printDataSetPrinterCommand" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr command $ \cobj_command -> wxPrintData_SetPrinterCommand cobj__obj cobj_command foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetPrinterCommand" wxPrintData_SetPrinterCommand :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> Ptr (TCommand b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetPrinterName obj name@). printDataSetPrinterName :: PrintData a -> String -> IO () printDataSetPrinterName _obj name = withObjectRef "printDataSetPrinterName" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString name $ \cstr_name -> wxPrintData_SetPrinterName cobj__obj cstr_name foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetPrinterName" wxPrintData_SetPrinterName :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetPrinterOptions obj options@). printDataSetPrinterOptions :: PrintData a -> String -> IO () printDataSetPrinterOptions _obj options = withObjectRef "printDataSetPrinterOptions" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString options $ \cstr_options -> wxPrintData_SetPrinterOptions cobj__obj cstr_options foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetPrinterOptions" wxPrintData_SetPrinterOptions :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetPrinterScaleX obj x@). printDataSetPrinterScaleX :: PrintData a -> Double -> IO () printDataSetPrinterScaleX _obj x = withObjectRef "printDataSetPrinterScaleX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_SetPrinterScaleX cobj__obj x foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetPrinterScaleX" wxPrintData_SetPrinterScaleX :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> Double -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetPrinterScaleY obj y@). printDataSetPrinterScaleY :: PrintData a -> Double -> IO () printDataSetPrinterScaleY _obj y = withObjectRef "printDataSetPrinterScaleY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_SetPrinterScaleY cobj__obj y foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetPrinterScaleY" wxPrintData_SetPrinterScaleY :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> Double -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetPrinterScaling obj x y@). printDataSetPrinterScaling :: PrintData a -> Double -> Double -> IO () printDataSetPrinterScaling _obj x y = withObjectRef "printDataSetPrinterScaling" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_SetPrinterScaling cobj__obj x y foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetPrinterScaling" wxPrintData_SetPrinterScaling :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> Double -> Double -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetPrinterTranslateX obj x@). printDataSetPrinterTranslateX :: PrintData a -> Int -> IO () printDataSetPrinterTranslateX _obj x = withObjectRef "printDataSetPrinterTranslateX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_SetPrinterTranslateX cobj__obj (toCInt x) foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetPrinterTranslateX" wxPrintData_SetPrinterTranslateX :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetPrinterTranslateY obj y@). printDataSetPrinterTranslateY :: PrintData a -> Int -> IO () printDataSetPrinterTranslateY _obj y = withObjectRef "printDataSetPrinterTranslateY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_SetPrinterTranslateY cobj__obj (toCInt y) foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetPrinterTranslateY" wxPrintData_SetPrinterTranslateY :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetPrinterTranslation obj xy@). printDataSetPrinterTranslation :: PrintData a -> Point -> IO () printDataSetPrinterTranslation _obj xy = withObjectRef "printDataSetPrinterTranslation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_SetPrinterTranslation cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetPrinterTranslation" wxPrintData_SetPrinterTranslation :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDataSetQuality obj quality@). printDataSetQuality :: PrintData a -> Int -> IO () printDataSetQuality _obj quality = withObjectRef "printDataSetQuality" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintData_SetQuality cobj__obj (toCInt quality) foreign import ccall "wxPrintData_SetQuality" wxPrintData_SetQuality :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDialogCreate parent wxdata@). printDialogCreate :: Window a -> PrintDialogData b -> IO (PrintDialog ()) printDialogCreate parent wxdata = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> wxPrintDialog_Create cobj_parent cobj_wxdata foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialog_Create" wxPrintDialog_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TPrintDialogData b) -> IO (Ptr (TPrintDialog ())) -- | usage: (@printDialogDataAssign obj wxdata@). printDialogDataAssign :: PrintDialogData a -> PrintDialogData b -> IO () printDialogDataAssign _obj wxdata = withObjectRef "printDialogDataAssign" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> wxPrintDialogData_Assign cobj__obj cobj_wxdata foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_Assign" wxPrintDialogData_Assign :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> Ptr (TPrintDialogData b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDialogDataAssignData obj wxdata@). printDialogDataAssignData :: PrintDialogData a -> PrintData b -> IO () printDialogDataAssignData _obj wxdata = withObjectRef "printDialogDataAssignData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> wxPrintDialogData_AssignData cobj__obj cobj_wxdata foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_AssignData" wxPrintDialogData_AssignData :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> Ptr (TPrintData b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDialogDataCreateDefault@). printDialogDataCreateDefault :: IO (PrintDialogData ()) printDialogDataCreateDefault = withManagedObjectResult $ wxPrintDialogData_CreateDefault foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_CreateDefault" wxPrintDialogData_CreateDefault :: IO (Ptr (TPrintDialogData ())) -- | usage: (@printDialogDataCreateFromData printData@). printDialogDataCreateFromData :: PrintData a -> IO (PrintDialogData ()) printDialogDataCreateFromData printData = withManagedObjectResult $ withObjectPtr printData $ \cobj_printData -> wxPrintDialogData_CreateFromData cobj_printData foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_CreateFromData" wxPrintDialogData_CreateFromData :: Ptr (TPrintData a) -> IO (Ptr (TPrintDialogData ())) -- | usage: (@printDialogDataDelete obj@). printDialogDataDelete :: PrintDialogData a -> IO () printDialogDataDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@printDialogDataEnableHelp obj flag@). printDialogDataEnableHelp :: PrintDialogData a -> Bool -> IO () printDialogDataEnableHelp _obj flag = withObjectRef "printDialogDataEnableHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_EnableHelp cobj__obj (toCBool flag) foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_EnableHelp" wxPrintDialogData_EnableHelp :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDialogDataEnablePageNumbers obj flag@). printDialogDataEnablePageNumbers :: PrintDialogData a -> Bool -> IO () printDialogDataEnablePageNumbers _obj flag = withObjectRef "printDialogDataEnablePageNumbers" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_EnablePageNumbers cobj__obj (toCBool flag) foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_EnablePageNumbers" wxPrintDialogData_EnablePageNumbers :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDialogDataEnablePrintToFile obj flag@). printDialogDataEnablePrintToFile :: PrintDialogData a -> Bool -> IO () printDialogDataEnablePrintToFile _obj flag = withObjectRef "printDialogDataEnablePrintToFile" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_EnablePrintToFile cobj__obj (toCBool flag) foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_EnablePrintToFile" wxPrintDialogData_EnablePrintToFile :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDialogDataEnableSelection obj flag@). printDialogDataEnableSelection :: PrintDialogData a -> Bool -> IO () printDialogDataEnableSelection _obj flag = withObjectRef "printDialogDataEnableSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_EnableSelection cobj__obj (toCBool flag) foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_EnableSelection" wxPrintDialogData_EnableSelection :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDialogDataGetAllPages obj@). printDialogDataGetAllPages :: PrintDialogData a -> IO Int printDialogDataGetAllPages _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "printDialogDataGetAllPages" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_GetAllPages cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_GetAllPages" wxPrintDialogData_GetAllPages :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDialogDataGetCollate obj@). printDialogDataGetCollate :: PrintDialogData a -> IO Bool printDialogDataGetCollate _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "printDialogDataGetCollate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_GetCollate cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_GetCollate" wxPrintDialogData_GetCollate :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@printDialogDataGetEnableHelp obj@). printDialogDataGetEnableHelp :: PrintDialogData a -> IO Bool printDialogDataGetEnableHelp _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "printDialogDataGetEnableHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_GetEnableHelp cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_GetEnableHelp" wxPrintDialogData_GetEnableHelp :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@printDialogDataGetEnablePageNumbers obj@). printDialogDataGetEnablePageNumbers :: PrintDialogData a -> IO Bool printDialogDataGetEnablePageNumbers _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "printDialogDataGetEnablePageNumbers" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_GetEnablePageNumbers cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_GetEnablePageNumbers" wxPrintDialogData_GetEnablePageNumbers :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@printDialogDataGetEnablePrintToFile obj@). printDialogDataGetEnablePrintToFile :: PrintDialogData a -> IO Bool printDialogDataGetEnablePrintToFile _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "printDialogDataGetEnablePrintToFile" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_GetEnablePrintToFile cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_GetEnablePrintToFile" wxPrintDialogData_GetEnablePrintToFile :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@printDialogDataGetEnableSelection obj@). printDialogDataGetEnableSelection :: PrintDialogData a -> IO Bool printDialogDataGetEnableSelection _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "printDialogDataGetEnableSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_GetEnableSelection cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_GetEnableSelection" wxPrintDialogData_GetEnableSelection :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@printDialogDataGetFromPage obj@). printDialogDataGetFromPage :: PrintDialogData a -> IO Int printDialogDataGetFromPage _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "printDialogDataGetFromPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_GetFromPage cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_GetFromPage" wxPrintDialogData_GetFromPage :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDialogDataGetMaxPage obj@). printDialogDataGetMaxPage :: PrintDialogData a -> IO Int printDialogDataGetMaxPage _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "printDialogDataGetMaxPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_GetMaxPage cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_GetMaxPage" wxPrintDialogData_GetMaxPage :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDialogDataGetMinPage obj@). printDialogDataGetMinPage :: PrintDialogData a -> IO Int printDialogDataGetMinPage _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "printDialogDataGetMinPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_GetMinPage cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_GetMinPage" wxPrintDialogData_GetMinPage :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDialogDataGetNoCopies obj@). printDialogDataGetNoCopies :: PrintDialogData a -> IO Int printDialogDataGetNoCopies _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "printDialogDataGetNoCopies" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_GetNoCopies cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_GetNoCopies" wxPrintDialogData_GetNoCopies :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDialogDataGetPrintData obj@). printDialogDataGetPrintData :: PrintDialogData a -> IO (PrintData ()) printDialogDataGetPrintData _obj = withRefPrintData $ \pref -> withObjectRef "printDialogDataGetPrintData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_GetPrintData cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_GetPrintData" wxPrintDialogData_GetPrintData :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> Ptr (TPrintData ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDialogDataGetPrintToFile obj@). printDialogDataGetPrintToFile :: PrintDialogData a -> IO Bool printDialogDataGetPrintToFile _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "printDialogDataGetPrintToFile" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_GetPrintToFile cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_GetPrintToFile" wxPrintDialogData_GetPrintToFile :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@printDialogDataGetSelection obj@). printDialogDataGetSelection :: PrintDialogData a -> IO Bool printDialogDataGetSelection _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "printDialogDataGetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_GetSelection cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_GetSelection" wxPrintDialogData_GetSelection :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@printDialogDataGetToPage obj@). printDialogDataGetToPage :: PrintDialogData a -> IO Int printDialogDataGetToPage _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "printDialogDataGetToPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_GetToPage cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_GetToPage" wxPrintDialogData_GetToPage :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printDialogDataSetAllPages obj flag@). printDialogDataSetAllPages :: PrintDialogData a -> Bool -> IO () printDialogDataSetAllPages _obj flag = withObjectRef "printDialogDataSetAllPages" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_SetAllPages cobj__obj (toCBool flag) foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_SetAllPages" wxPrintDialogData_SetAllPages :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDialogDataSetCollate obj flag@). printDialogDataSetCollate :: PrintDialogData a -> Bool -> IO () printDialogDataSetCollate _obj flag = withObjectRef "printDialogDataSetCollate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_SetCollate cobj__obj (toCBool flag) foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_SetCollate" wxPrintDialogData_SetCollate :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDialogDataSetFromPage obj v@). printDialogDataSetFromPage :: PrintDialogData a -> Int -> IO () printDialogDataSetFromPage _obj v = withObjectRef "printDialogDataSetFromPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_SetFromPage cobj__obj (toCInt v) foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_SetFromPage" wxPrintDialogData_SetFromPage :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDialogDataSetMaxPage obj v@). printDialogDataSetMaxPage :: PrintDialogData a -> Int -> IO () printDialogDataSetMaxPage _obj v = withObjectRef "printDialogDataSetMaxPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_SetMaxPage cobj__obj (toCInt v) foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_SetMaxPage" wxPrintDialogData_SetMaxPage :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDialogDataSetMinPage obj v@). printDialogDataSetMinPage :: PrintDialogData a -> Int -> IO () printDialogDataSetMinPage _obj v = withObjectRef "printDialogDataSetMinPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_SetMinPage cobj__obj (toCInt v) foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_SetMinPage" wxPrintDialogData_SetMinPage :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDialogDataSetNoCopies obj v@). printDialogDataSetNoCopies :: PrintDialogData a -> Int -> IO () printDialogDataSetNoCopies _obj v = withObjectRef "printDialogDataSetNoCopies" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_SetNoCopies cobj__obj (toCInt v) foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_SetNoCopies" wxPrintDialogData_SetNoCopies :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDialogDataSetPrintData obj printData@). printDialogDataSetPrintData :: PrintDialogData a -> PrintData b -> IO () printDialogDataSetPrintData _obj printData = withObjectRef "printDialogDataSetPrintData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr printData $ \cobj_printData -> wxPrintDialogData_SetPrintData cobj__obj cobj_printData foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_SetPrintData" wxPrintDialogData_SetPrintData :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> Ptr (TPrintData b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDialogDataSetPrintToFile obj flag@). printDialogDataSetPrintToFile :: PrintDialogData a -> Bool -> IO () printDialogDataSetPrintToFile _obj flag = withObjectRef "printDialogDataSetPrintToFile" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_SetPrintToFile cobj__obj (toCBool flag) foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_SetPrintToFile" wxPrintDialogData_SetPrintToFile :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDialogDataSetSelection obj flag@). printDialogDataSetSelection :: PrintDialogData a -> Bool -> IO () printDialogDataSetSelection _obj flag = withObjectRef "printDialogDataSetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_SetSelection cobj__obj (toCBool flag) foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_SetSelection" wxPrintDialogData_SetSelection :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDialogDataSetToPage obj v@). printDialogDataSetToPage :: PrintDialogData a -> Int -> IO () printDialogDataSetToPage _obj v = withObjectRef "printDialogDataSetToPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialogData_SetToPage cobj__obj (toCInt v) foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialogData_SetToPage" wxPrintDialogData_SetToPage :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDialogGetPrintDC obj@). printDialogGetPrintDC :: PrintDialog a -> IO (DC ()) printDialogGetPrintDC _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "printDialogGetPrintDC" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialog_GetPrintDC cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialog_GetPrintDC" wxPrintDialog_GetPrintDC :: Ptr (TPrintDialog a) -> IO (Ptr (TDC ())) -- | usage: (@printDialogGetPrintData obj@). printDialogGetPrintData :: PrintDialog a -> IO (PrintData ()) printDialogGetPrintData _obj = withRefPrintData $ \pref -> withObjectRef "printDialogGetPrintData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialog_GetPrintData cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialog_GetPrintData" wxPrintDialog_GetPrintData :: Ptr (TPrintDialog a) -> Ptr (TPrintData ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@printDialogGetPrintDialogData obj@). printDialogGetPrintDialogData :: PrintDialog a -> IO (PrintDialogData ()) printDialogGetPrintDialogData _obj = withManagedObjectResult $ withObjectRef "printDialogGetPrintDialogData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintDialog_GetPrintDialogData cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintDialog_GetPrintDialogData" wxPrintDialog_GetPrintDialogData :: Ptr (TPrintDialog a) -> IO (Ptr (TPrintDialogData ())) -- | usage: (@printPreviewCreateFromData printout printoutForPrinting wxdata@). printPreviewCreateFromData :: Printout a -> Printout b -> PrintData c -> IO (PrintPreview ()) printPreviewCreateFromData printout printoutForPrinting wxdata = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr printout $ \cobj_printout -> withObjectPtr printoutForPrinting $ \cobj_printoutForPrinting -> withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> wxPrintPreview_CreateFromData cobj_printout cobj_printoutForPrinting cobj_wxdata foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_CreateFromData" wxPrintPreview_CreateFromData :: Ptr (TPrintout a) -> Ptr (TPrintout b) -> Ptr (TPrintData c) -> IO (Ptr (TPrintPreview ())) -- | usage: (@printPreviewCreateFromDialogData printout printoutForPrinting wxdata@). printPreviewCreateFromDialogData :: Printout a -> Printout b -> PrintDialogData c -> IO (PrintPreview ()) printPreviewCreateFromDialogData printout printoutForPrinting wxdata = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr printout $ \cobj_printout -> withObjectPtr printoutForPrinting $ \cobj_printoutForPrinting -> withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> wxPrintPreview_CreateFromDialogData cobj_printout cobj_printoutForPrinting cobj_wxdata foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_CreateFromDialogData" wxPrintPreview_CreateFromDialogData :: Ptr (TPrintout a) -> Ptr (TPrintout b) -> Ptr (TPrintDialogData c) -> IO (Ptr (TPrintPreview ())) -- | usage: (@printPreviewDelete obj@). printPreviewDelete :: PrintPreview a -> IO () printPreviewDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@printPreviewDetermineScaling obj@). printPreviewDetermineScaling :: PrintPreview a -> IO () printPreviewDetermineScaling _obj = withObjectRef "printPreviewDetermineScaling" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintPreview_DetermineScaling cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_DetermineScaling" wxPrintPreview_DetermineScaling :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@printPreviewDrawBlankPage obj canvas dc@). printPreviewDrawBlankPage :: PrintPreview a -> PreviewCanvas b -> DC c -> IO Bool printPreviewDrawBlankPage _obj canvas dc = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "printPreviewDrawBlankPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr canvas $ \cobj_canvas -> withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> wxPrintPreview_DrawBlankPage cobj__obj cobj_canvas cobj_dc foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_DrawBlankPage" wxPrintPreview_DrawBlankPage :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> Ptr (TPreviewCanvas b) -> Ptr (TDC c) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@printPreviewGetCanvas obj@). printPreviewGetCanvas :: PrintPreview a -> IO (PreviewCanvas ()) printPreviewGetCanvas _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "printPreviewGetCanvas" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintPreview_GetCanvas cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_GetCanvas" wxPrintPreview_GetCanvas :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> IO (Ptr (TPreviewCanvas ())) -- | usage: (@printPreviewGetCurrentPage obj@). printPreviewGetCurrentPage :: PrintPreview a -> IO Int printPreviewGetCurrentPage _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "printPreviewGetCurrentPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintPreview_GetCurrentPage cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_GetCurrentPage" wxPrintPreview_GetCurrentPage :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printPreviewGetFrame obj@). printPreviewGetFrame :: PrintPreview a -> IO (Frame ()) printPreviewGetFrame _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "printPreviewGetFrame" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintPreview_GetFrame cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_GetFrame" wxPrintPreview_GetFrame :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> IO (Ptr (TFrame ())) -- | usage: (@printPreviewGetMaxPage obj@). printPreviewGetMaxPage :: PrintPreview a -> IO Int printPreviewGetMaxPage _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "printPreviewGetMaxPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintPreview_GetMaxPage cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_GetMaxPage" wxPrintPreview_GetMaxPage :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printPreviewGetMinPage obj@). printPreviewGetMinPage :: PrintPreview a -> IO Int printPreviewGetMinPage _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "printPreviewGetMinPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintPreview_GetMinPage cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_GetMinPage" wxPrintPreview_GetMinPage :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printPreviewGetPrintDialogData obj@). printPreviewGetPrintDialogData :: PrintPreview a -> IO (PrintDialogData ()) printPreviewGetPrintDialogData _obj = withRefPrintDialogData $ \pref -> withObjectRef "printPreviewGetPrintDialogData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintPreview_GetPrintDialogData cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_GetPrintDialogData" wxPrintPreview_GetPrintDialogData :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> Ptr (TPrintDialogData ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@printPreviewGetPrintout obj@). printPreviewGetPrintout :: PrintPreview a -> IO (Printout ()) printPreviewGetPrintout _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "printPreviewGetPrintout" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintPreview_GetPrintout cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_GetPrintout" wxPrintPreview_GetPrintout :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> IO (Ptr (TPrintout ())) -- | usage: (@printPreviewGetPrintoutForPrinting obj@). printPreviewGetPrintoutForPrinting :: PrintPreview a -> IO (Printout ()) printPreviewGetPrintoutForPrinting _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "printPreviewGetPrintoutForPrinting" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintPreview_GetPrintoutForPrinting cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_GetPrintoutForPrinting" wxPrintPreview_GetPrintoutForPrinting :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> IO (Ptr (TPrintout ())) -- | usage: (@printPreviewGetZoom obj@). printPreviewGetZoom :: PrintPreview a -> IO Int printPreviewGetZoom _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "printPreviewGetZoom" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintPreview_GetZoom cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_GetZoom" wxPrintPreview_GetZoom :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printPreviewOk obj@). printPreviewOk :: PrintPreview a -> IO Bool printPreviewOk _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "printPreviewOk" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintPreview_Ok cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_Ok" wxPrintPreview_Ok :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@printPreviewPaintPage obj canvas dc@). printPreviewPaintPage :: PrintPreview a -> PrintPreview b -> DC c -> IO Bool printPreviewPaintPage _obj canvas dc = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "printPreviewPaintPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr canvas $ \cobj_canvas -> withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> wxPrintPreview_PaintPage cobj__obj cobj_canvas cobj_dc foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_PaintPage" wxPrintPreview_PaintPage :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> Ptr (TPrintPreview b) -> Ptr (TDC c) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@printPreviewPrint obj interactive@). printPreviewPrint :: PrintPreview a -> Bool -> IO Bool printPreviewPrint _obj interactive = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "printPreviewPrint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintPreview_Print cobj__obj (toCBool interactive) foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_Print" wxPrintPreview_Print :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> CBool -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@printPreviewRenderPage obj pageNum@). printPreviewRenderPage :: PrintPreview a -> Int -> IO Bool printPreviewRenderPage _obj pageNum = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "printPreviewRenderPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintPreview_RenderPage cobj__obj (toCInt pageNum) foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_RenderPage" wxPrintPreview_RenderPage :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@printPreviewSetCanvas obj canvas@). printPreviewSetCanvas :: PrintPreview a -> PreviewCanvas b -> IO () printPreviewSetCanvas _obj canvas = withObjectRef "printPreviewSetCanvas" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr canvas $ \cobj_canvas -> wxPrintPreview_SetCanvas cobj__obj cobj_canvas foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_SetCanvas" wxPrintPreview_SetCanvas :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> Ptr (TPreviewCanvas b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@printPreviewSetCurrentPage obj pageNum@). printPreviewSetCurrentPage :: PrintPreview a -> Int -> IO Bool printPreviewSetCurrentPage _obj pageNum = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "printPreviewSetCurrentPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintPreview_SetCurrentPage cobj__obj (toCInt pageNum) foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_SetCurrentPage" wxPrintPreview_SetCurrentPage :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@printPreviewSetFrame obj frame@). printPreviewSetFrame :: PrintPreview a -> Frame b -> IO () printPreviewSetFrame _obj frame = withObjectRef "printPreviewSetFrame" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr frame $ \cobj_frame -> wxPrintPreview_SetFrame cobj__obj cobj_frame foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_SetFrame" wxPrintPreview_SetFrame :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> Ptr (TFrame b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@printPreviewSetOk obj ok@). printPreviewSetOk :: PrintPreview a -> Bool -> IO () printPreviewSetOk _obj ok = withObjectRef "printPreviewSetOk" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintPreview_SetOk cobj__obj (toCBool ok) foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_SetOk" wxPrintPreview_SetOk :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@printPreviewSetPrintout obj printout@). printPreviewSetPrintout :: PrintPreview a -> Printout b -> IO () printPreviewSetPrintout _obj printout = withObjectRef "printPreviewSetPrintout" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr printout $ \cobj_printout -> wxPrintPreview_SetPrintout cobj__obj cobj_printout foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_SetPrintout" wxPrintPreview_SetPrintout :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> Ptr (TPrintout b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@printPreviewSetZoom obj percent@). printPreviewSetZoom :: PrintPreview a -> Int -> IO () printPreviewSetZoom _obj percent = withObjectRef "printPreviewSetZoom" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintPreview_SetZoom cobj__obj (toCInt percent) foreign import ccall "wxPrintPreview_SetZoom" wxPrintPreview_SetZoom :: Ptr (TPrintPreview a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printerCreate wxdata@). printerCreate :: PrintDialogData a -> IO (Printer ()) printerCreate wxdata = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> wxPrinter_Create cobj_wxdata foreign import ccall "wxPrinter_Create" wxPrinter_Create :: Ptr (TPrintDialogData a) -> IO (Ptr (TPrinter ())) -- | usage: (@printerCreateAbortWindow obj parent printout@). printerCreateAbortWindow :: Printer a -> Window b -> Printout c -> IO (Window ()) printerCreateAbortWindow _obj parent printout = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "printerCreateAbortWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> withObjectPtr printout $ \cobj_printout -> wxPrinter_CreateAbortWindow cobj__obj cobj_parent cobj_printout foreign import ccall "wxPrinter_CreateAbortWindow" wxPrinter_CreateAbortWindow :: Ptr (TPrinter a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TPrintout c) -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ())) -- | usage: (@printerDelete obj@). printerDelete :: Printer a -> IO () printerDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@printerGetAbort obj@). printerGetAbort :: Printer a -> IO Bool printerGetAbort _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "printerGetAbort" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrinter_GetAbort cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrinter_GetAbort" wxPrinter_GetAbort :: Ptr (TPrinter a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@printerGetLastError obj@). printerGetLastError :: Printer a -> IO Int printerGetLastError _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "printerGetLastError" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrinter_GetLastError cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrinter_GetLastError" wxPrinter_GetLastError :: Ptr (TPrinter a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printerGetPrintDialogData obj@). printerGetPrintDialogData :: Printer a -> IO (PrintDialogData ()) printerGetPrintDialogData _obj = withRefPrintDialogData $ \pref -> withObjectRef "printerGetPrintDialogData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrinter_GetPrintDialogData cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxPrinter_GetPrintDialogData" wxPrinter_GetPrintDialogData :: Ptr (TPrinter a) -> Ptr (TPrintDialogData ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@printerPrint obj parent printout prompt@). printerPrint :: Printer a -> Window b -> Printout c -> Bool -> IO Bool printerPrint _obj parent printout prompt = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "printerPrint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> withObjectPtr printout $ \cobj_printout -> wxPrinter_Print cobj__obj cobj_parent cobj_printout (toCBool prompt) foreign import ccall "wxPrinter_Print" wxPrinter_Print :: Ptr (TPrinter a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TPrintout c) -> CBool -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@printerPrintDialog obj parent@). printerPrintDialog :: Printer a -> Window b -> IO (DC ()) printerPrintDialog _obj parent = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "printerPrintDialog" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> wxPrinter_PrintDialog cobj__obj cobj_parent foreign import ccall "wxPrinter_PrintDialog" wxPrinter_PrintDialog :: Ptr (TPrinter a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO (Ptr (TDC ())) -- | usage: (@printerReportError obj parent printout message@). printerReportError :: Printer a -> Window b -> Printout c -> String -> IO () printerReportError _obj parent printout message = withObjectRef "printerReportError" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> withObjectPtr printout $ \cobj_printout -> withCWString message $ \cstr_message -> wxPrinter_ReportError cobj__obj cobj_parent cobj_printout cstr_message foreign import ccall "wxPrinter_ReportError" wxPrinter_ReportError :: Ptr (TPrinter a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TPrintout c) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@printerSetup obj parent@). printerSetup :: Printer a -> Window b -> IO Bool printerSetup _obj parent = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "printerSetup" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> wxPrinter_Setup cobj__obj cobj_parent foreign import ccall "wxPrinter_Setup" wxPrinter_Setup :: Ptr (TPrinter a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@printoutGetDC obj@). printoutGetDC :: Printout a -> IO (DC ()) printoutGetDC _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "printoutGetDC" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintout_GetDC cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintout_GetDC" wxPrintout_GetDC :: Ptr (TPrintout a) -> IO (Ptr (TDC ())) -- | usage: (@printoutGetPPIPrinter obj@). printoutGetPPIPrinter :: Printout a -> IO Point printoutGetPPIPrinter _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "printoutGetPPIPrinter" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintout_GetPPIPrinter cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxPrintout_GetPPIPrinter" wxPrintout_GetPPIPrinter :: Ptr (TPrintout a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printoutGetPPIScreen obj@). printoutGetPPIScreen :: Printout a -> IO Point printoutGetPPIScreen _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "printoutGetPPIScreen" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintout_GetPPIScreen cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxPrintout_GetPPIScreen" wxPrintout_GetPPIScreen :: Ptr (TPrintout a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printoutGetPageSizeMM obj@). printoutGetPageSizeMM :: Printout a -> IO Size printoutGetPageSizeMM _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "printoutGetPageSizeMM" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintout_GetPageSizeMM cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxPrintout_GetPageSizeMM" wxPrintout_GetPageSizeMM :: Ptr (TPrintout a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printoutGetPageSizePixels obj@). printoutGetPageSizePixels :: Printout a -> IO Size printoutGetPageSizePixels _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "printoutGetPageSizePixels" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintout_GetPageSizePixels cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxPrintout_GetPageSizePixels" wxPrintout_GetPageSizePixels :: Ptr (TPrintout a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printoutGetTitle obj@). printoutGetTitle :: Printout a -> IO String printoutGetTitle _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "printoutGetTitle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintout_GetTitle cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "wxPrintout_GetTitle" wxPrintout_GetTitle :: Ptr (TPrintout a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@printoutIsPreview obj@). printoutIsPreview :: Printout a -> IO Bool printoutIsPreview _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "printoutIsPreview" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintout_IsPreview cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxPrintout_IsPreview" wxPrintout_IsPreview :: Ptr (TPrintout a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@printoutSetDC obj dc@). printoutSetDC :: Printout a -> DC b -> IO () printoutSetDC _obj dc = withObjectRef "printoutSetDC" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> wxPrintout_SetDC cobj__obj cobj_dc foreign import ccall "wxPrintout_SetDC" wxPrintout_SetDC :: Ptr (TPrintout a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@printoutSetIsPreview obj p@). printoutSetIsPreview :: Printout a -> Bool -> IO () printoutSetIsPreview _obj p = withObjectRef "printoutSetIsPreview" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintout_SetIsPreview cobj__obj (toCBool p) foreign import ccall "wxPrintout_SetIsPreview" wxPrintout_SetIsPreview :: Ptr (TPrintout a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@printoutSetPPIPrinter obj xy@). printoutSetPPIPrinter :: Printout a -> Point -> IO () printoutSetPPIPrinter _obj xy = withObjectRef "printoutSetPPIPrinter" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintout_SetPPIPrinter cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) foreign import ccall "wxPrintout_SetPPIPrinter" wxPrintout_SetPPIPrinter :: Ptr (TPrintout a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printoutSetPPIScreen obj xy@). printoutSetPPIScreen :: Printout a -> Point -> IO () printoutSetPPIScreen _obj xy = withObjectRef "printoutSetPPIScreen" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintout_SetPPIScreen cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) foreign import ccall "wxPrintout_SetPPIScreen" wxPrintout_SetPPIScreen :: Ptr (TPrintout a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printoutSetPageSizeMM obj wh@). printoutSetPageSizeMM :: Printout a -> Size -> IO () printoutSetPageSizeMM _obj wh = withObjectRef "printoutSetPageSizeMM" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintout_SetPageSizeMM cobj__obj (toCIntSizeW wh) (toCIntSizeH wh) foreign import ccall "wxPrintout_SetPageSizeMM" wxPrintout_SetPageSizeMM :: Ptr (TPrintout a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@printoutSetPageSizePixels obj wh@). printoutSetPageSizePixels :: Printout a -> Size -> IO () printoutSetPageSizePixels _obj wh = withObjectRef "printoutSetPageSizePixels" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxPrintout_SetPageSizePixels cobj__obj (toCIntSizeW wh) (toCIntSizeH wh) foreign import ccall "wxPrintout_SetPageSizePixels" wxPrintout_SetPageSizePixels :: Ptr (TPrintout a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@processCloseOutput obj@). processCloseOutput :: Process a -> IO () processCloseOutput _obj = withObjectRef "processCloseOutput" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxProcess_CloseOutput cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxProcess_CloseOutput" wxProcess_CloseOutput :: Ptr (TProcess a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@processCreateDefault prt id@). processCreateDefault :: Window a -> Id -> IO (Process ()) processCreateDefault _prt _id = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wxProcess_CreateDefault cobj__prt (toCInt _id) foreign import ccall "wxProcess_CreateDefault" wxProcess_CreateDefault :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TProcess ())) -- | usage: (@processCreateRedirect prt rdr@). processCreateRedirect :: Window a -> Bool -> IO (Process ()) processCreateRedirect _prt _rdr = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wxProcess_CreateRedirect cobj__prt (toCBool _rdr) foreign import ccall "wxProcess_CreateRedirect" wxProcess_CreateRedirect :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TProcess ())) -- | usage: (@processDelete obj@). processDelete :: Process a -> IO () processDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@processDetach obj@). processDetach :: Process a -> IO () processDetach _obj = withObjectRef "processDetach" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxProcess_Detach cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxProcess_Detach" wxProcess_Detach :: Ptr (TProcess a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@processEventGetExitCode obj@). processEventGetExitCode :: ProcessEvent a -> IO Int processEventGetExitCode _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "processEventGetExitCode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxProcessEvent_GetExitCode cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxProcessEvent_GetExitCode" wxProcessEvent_GetExitCode :: Ptr (TProcessEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@processEventGetPid obj@). processEventGetPid :: ProcessEvent a -> IO Int processEventGetPid _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "processEventGetPid" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxProcessEvent_GetPid cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxProcessEvent_GetPid" wxProcessEvent_GetPid :: Ptr (TProcessEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@processGetErrorStream obj@). processGetErrorStream :: Process a -> IO (InputStream ()) processGetErrorStream _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "processGetErrorStream" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxProcess_GetErrorStream cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxProcess_GetErrorStream" wxProcess_GetErrorStream :: Ptr (TProcess a) -> IO (Ptr (TInputStream ())) -- | usage: (@processGetInputStream obj@). processGetInputStream :: Process a -> IO (InputStream ()) processGetInputStream _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "processGetInputStream" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxProcess_GetInputStream cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxProcess_GetInputStream" wxProcess_GetInputStream :: Ptr (TProcess a) -> IO (Ptr (TInputStream ())) -- | usage: (@processGetOutputStream obj@). processGetOutputStream :: Process a -> IO (OutputStream ()) processGetOutputStream _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "processGetOutputStream" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxProcess_GetOutputStream cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxProcess_GetOutputStream" wxProcess_GetOutputStream :: Ptr (TProcess a) -> IO (Ptr (TOutputStream ())) -- | usage: (@processIsErrorAvailable obj@). processIsErrorAvailable :: Process a -> IO Bool processIsErrorAvailable _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "processIsErrorAvailable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxProcess_IsErrorAvailable cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxProcess_IsErrorAvailable" wxProcess_IsErrorAvailable :: Ptr (TProcess a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@processIsInputAvailable obj@). processIsInputAvailable :: Process a -> IO Bool processIsInputAvailable _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "processIsInputAvailable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxProcess_IsInputAvailable cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxProcess_IsInputAvailable" wxProcess_IsInputAvailable :: Ptr (TProcess a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@processIsInputOpened obj@). processIsInputOpened :: Process a -> IO Bool processIsInputOpened _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "processIsInputOpened" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxProcess_IsInputOpened cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxProcess_IsInputOpened" wxProcess_IsInputOpened :: Ptr (TProcess a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@processIsRedirected obj@). processIsRedirected :: Process a -> IO Bool processIsRedirected _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "processIsRedirected" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxProcess_IsRedirected cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxProcess_IsRedirected" wxProcess_IsRedirected :: Ptr (TProcess a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@processOpen cmd flags@). processOpen :: String -> Int -> IO (Process ()) processOpen cmd flags = withObjectResult $ withCWString cmd $ \cstr_cmd -> wxProcess_Open cstr_cmd (toCInt flags) foreign import ccall "wxProcess_Open" wxProcess_Open :: CWString -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TProcess ())) -- | usage: (@processRedirect obj@). processRedirect :: Process a -> IO () processRedirect _obj = withObjectRef "processRedirect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxProcess_Redirect cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxProcess_Redirect" wxProcess_Redirect :: Ptr (TProcess a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@progressDialogCreate title message max parent style@). progressDialogCreate :: String -> String -> Int -> Window d -> Int -> IO (ProgressDialog ()) progressDialogCreate title message max parent style = withObjectResult $ withCWString title $ \cstr_title -> withCWString message $ \cstr_message -> withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> wxProgressDialog_Create cstr_title cstr_message (toCInt max) cobj_parent (toCInt style) foreign import ccall "wxProgressDialog_Create" wxProgressDialog_Create :: CWString -> CWString -> CInt -> Ptr (TWindow d) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TProgressDialog ())) -- | usage: (@progressDialogResume obj@). progressDialogResume :: ProgressDialog a -> IO () progressDialogResume obj = withObjectRef "progressDialogResume" obj $ \cobj_obj -> wxProgressDialog_Resume cobj_obj foreign import ccall "wxProgressDialog_Resume" wxProgressDialog_Resume :: Ptr (TProgressDialog a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@progressDialogUpdate obj value@). progressDialogUpdate :: ProgressDialog a -> Int -> IO Int progressDialogUpdate obj value = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "progressDialogUpdate" obj $ \cobj_obj -> wxProgressDialog_Update cobj_obj (toCInt value) foreign import ccall "wxProgressDialog_Update" wxProgressDialog_Update :: Ptr (TProgressDialog a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@progressDialogUpdateWithMessage obj value message@). progressDialogUpdateWithMessage :: ProgressDialog a -> Int -> String -> IO Int progressDialogUpdateWithMessage obj value message = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "progressDialogUpdateWithMessage" obj $ \cobj_obj -> withCWString message $ \cstr_message -> wxProgressDialog_UpdateWithMessage cobj_obj (toCInt value) cstr_message foreign import ccall "wxProgressDialog_UpdateWithMessage" wxProgressDialog_UpdateWithMessage :: Ptr (TProgressDialog a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@pushProvider provider@). pushProvider :: ArtProvider a -> IO () pushProvider provider = withObjectPtr provider $ \cobj_provider -> wx_PushProvider cobj_provider foreign import ccall "PushProvider" wx_PushProvider :: Ptr (TArtProvider a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@quantize src dest desiredNoColours eightBitData flags@). quantize :: Image a -> Image b -> Int -> Ptr d -> Int -> IO Bool quantize src dest desiredNoColours eightBitData flags = withBoolResult $ withObjectPtr src $ \cobj_src -> withObjectPtr dest $ \cobj_dest -> wx_Quantize cobj_src cobj_dest (toCInt desiredNoColours) eightBitData (toCInt flags) foreign import ccall "Quantize" wx_Quantize :: Ptr (TImage a) -> Ptr (TImage b) -> CInt -> Ptr d -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@quantizePalette src dest pPalette desiredNoColours eightBitData flags@). quantizePalette :: Image a -> Image b -> Ptr c -> Int -> Ptr e -> Int -> IO Bool quantizePalette src dest pPalette desiredNoColours eightBitData flags = withBoolResult $ withObjectPtr src $ \cobj_src -> withObjectPtr dest $ \cobj_dest -> wx_QuantizePalette cobj_src cobj_dest pPalette (toCInt desiredNoColours) eightBitData (toCInt flags) foreign import ccall "QuantizePalette" wx_QuantizePalette :: Ptr (TImage a) -> Ptr (TImage b) -> Ptr c -> CInt -> Ptr e -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@queryLayoutInfoEventCreate id@). queryLayoutInfoEventCreate :: Id -> IO (QueryLayoutInfoEvent ()) queryLayoutInfoEventCreate id = withObjectResult $ wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_Create (toCInt id) foreign import ccall "wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_Create" wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_Create :: CInt -> IO (Ptr (TQueryLayoutInfoEvent ())) -- | usage: (@queryLayoutInfoEventGetAlignment obj@). queryLayoutInfoEventGetAlignment :: QueryLayoutInfoEvent a -> IO Int queryLayoutInfoEventGetAlignment _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "queryLayoutInfoEventGetAlignment" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_GetAlignment cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_GetAlignment" wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_GetAlignment :: Ptr (TQueryLayoutInfoEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@queryLayoutInfoEventGetFlags obj@). queryLayoutInfoEventGetFlags :: QueryLayoutInfoEvent a -> IO Int queryLayoutInfoEventGetFlags _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "queryLayoutInfoEventGetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_GetFlags cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_GetFlags" wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_GetFlags :: Ptr (TQueryLayoutInfoEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@queryLayoutInfoEventGetOrientation obj@). queryLayoutInfoEventGetOrientation :: QueryLayoutInfoEvent a -> IO Int queryLayoutInfoEventGetOrientation _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "queryLayoutInfoEventGetOrientation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_GetOrientation cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_GetOrientation" wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_GetOrientation :: Ptr (TQueryLayoutInfoEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@queryLayoutInfoEventGetRequestedLength obj@). queryLayoutInfoEventGetRequestedLength :: QueryLayoutInfoEvent a -> IO Int queryLayoutInfoEventGetRequestedLength _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "queryLayoutInfoEventGetRequestedLength" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_GetRequestedLength cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_GetRequestedLength" wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_GetRequestedLength :: Ptr (TQueryLayoutInfoEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@queryLayoutInfoEventGetSize obj@). queryLayoutInfoEventGetSize :: QueryLayoutInfoEvent a -> IO Size queryLayoutInfoEventGetSize _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "queryLayoutInfoEventGetSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_GetSize cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_GetSize" wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_GetSize :: Ptr (TQueryLayoutInfoEvent a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@queryLayoutInfoEventSetAlignment obj align@). queryLayoutInfoEventSetAlignment :: QueryLayoutInfoEvent a -> Int -> IO () queryLayoutInfoEventSetAlignment _obj align = withObjectRef "queryLayoutInfoEventSetAlignment" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_SetAlignment cobj__obj (toCInt align) foreign import ccall "wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_SetAlignment" wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_SetAlignment :: Ptr (TQueryLayoutInfoEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@queryLayoutInfoEventSetFlags obj flags@). queryLayoutInfoEventSetFlags :: QueryLayoutInfoEvent a -> Int -> IO () queryLayoutInfoEventSetFlags _obj flags = withObjectRef "queryLayoutInfoEventSetFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_SetFlags cobj__obj (toCInt flags) foreign import ccall "wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_SetFlags" wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_SetFlags :: Ptr (TQueryLayoutInfoEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@queryLayoutInfoEventSetOrientation obj orient@). queryLayoutInfoEventSetOrientation :: QueryLayoutInfoEvent a -> Int -> IO () queryLayoutInfoEventSetOrientation _obj orient = withObjectRef "queryLayoutInfoEventSetOrientation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_SetOrientation cobj__obj (toCInt orient) foreign import ccall "wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_SetOrientation" wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_SetOrientation :: Ptr (TQueryLayoutInfoEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@queryLayoutInfoEventSetRequestedLength obj length@). queryLayoutInfoEventSetRequestedLength :: QueryLayoutInfoEvent a -> Int -> IO () queryLayoutInfoEventSetRequestedLength _obj length = withObjectRef "queryLayoutInfoEventSetRequestedLength" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_SetRequestedLength cobj__obj (toCInt length) foreign import ccall "wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_SetRequestedLength" wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_SetRequestedLength :: Ptr (TQueryLayoutInfoEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@queryLayoutInfoEventSetSize obj wh@). queryLayoutInfoEventSetSize :: QueryLayoutInfoEvent a -> Size -> IO () queryLayoutInfoEventSetSize _obj wh = withObjectRef "queryLayoutInfoEventSetSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_SetSize cobj__obj (toCIntSizeW wh) (toCIntSizeH wh) foreign import ccall "wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_SetSize" wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent_SetSize :: Ptr (TQueryLayoutInfoEvent a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@queryNewPaletteEventCopyObject obj obj@). queryNewPaletteEventCopyObject :: QueryNewPaletteEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO () queryNewPaletteEventCopyObject _obj obj = withObjectRef "queryNewPaletteEventCopyObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxQueryNewPaletteEvent_CopyObject cobj__obj obj foreign import ccall "wxQueryNewPaletteEvent_CopyObject" wxQueryNewPaletteEvent_CopyObject :: Ptr (TQueryNewPaletteEvent a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@queryNewPaletteEventGetPaletteRealized obj@). queryNewPaletteEventGetPaletteRealized :: QueryNewPaletteEvent a -> IO Int queryNewPaletteEventGetPaletteRealized _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "queryNewPaletteEventGetPaletteRealized" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxQueryNewPaletteEvent_GetPaletteRealized cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxQueryNewPaletteEvent_GetPaletteRealized" wxQueryNewPaletteEvent_GetPaletteRealized :: Ptr (TQueryNewPaletteEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@queryNewPaletteEventSetPaletteRealized obj realized@). queryNewPaletteEventSetPaletteRealized :: QueryNewPaletteEvent a -> Int -> IO () queryNewPaletteEventSetPaletteRealized _obj realized = withObjectRef "queryNewPaletteEventSetPaletteRealized" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxQueryNewPaletteEvent_SetPaletteRealized cobj__obj (toCInt realized) foreign import ccall "wxQueryNewPaletteEvent_SetPaletteRealized" wxQueryNewPaletteEvent_SetPaletteRealized :: Ptr (TQueryNewPaletteEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@radioBoxCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt nstr dim stl@). radioBoxCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> [String] -> Int -> Style -> IO (RadioBox ()) radioBoxCreate _prt _id _txt _lfttopwdthgt nstr _dim _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> withCWString _txt $ \cstr__txt -> withArrayWString nstr $ \carrlen_nstr carr_nstr -> wxRadioBox_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) cstr__txt (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) carrlen_nstr carr_nstr (toCInt _dim) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxRadioBox_Create" wxRadioBox_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CWString -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CWchar) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TRadioBox ())) -- | usage: (@radioBoxEnableItem obj item enable@). radioBoxEnableItem :: RadioBox a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () radioBoxEnableItem _obj item enable = withObjectRef "radioBoxEnableItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRadioBox_EnableItem cobj__obj (toCInt item) (toCBool enable) foreign import ccall "wxRadioBox_EnableItem" wxRadioBox_EnableItem :: Ptr (TRadioBox a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@radioBoxFindString obj s@). radioBoxFindString :: RadioBox a -> String -> IO Int radioBoxFindString _obj s = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "radioBoxFindString" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString s $ \cstr_s -> wxRadioBox_FindString cobj__obj cstr_s foreign import ccall "wxRadioBox_FindString" wxRadioBox_FindString :: Ptr (TRadioBox a) -> CWString -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@radioBoxGetItemLabel obj item@). radioBoxGetItemLabel :: RadioBox a -> Int -> IO String radioBoxGetItemLabel _obj item = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "radioBoxGetItemLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRadioBox_GetItemLabel cobj__obj (toCInt item) buffer foreign import ccall "wxRadioBox_GetItemLabel" wxRadioBox_GetItemLabel :: Ptr (TRadioBox a) -> CInt -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@radioBoxGetNumberOfRowsOrCols obj@). radioBoxGetNumberOfRowsOrCols :: RadioBox a -> IO Int radioBoxGetNumberOfRowsOrCols _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "radioBoxGetNumberOfRowsOrCols" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRadioBox_GetNumberOfRowsOrCols cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxRadioBox_GetNumberOfRowsOrCols" wxRadioBox_GetNumberOfRowsOrCols :: Ptr (TRadioBox a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@radioBoxGetSelection obj@). radioBoxGetSelection :: RadioBox a -> IO Int radioBoxGetSelection _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "radioBoxGetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRadioBox_GetSelection cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxRadioBox_GetSelection" wxRadioBox_GetSelection :: Ptr (TRadioBox a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@radioBoxGetStringSelection obj@). radioBoxGetStringSelection :: RadioBox a -> IO String radioBoxGetStringSelection _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "radioBoxGetStringSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRadioBox_GetStringSelection cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "wxRadioBox_GetStringSelection" wxRadioBox_GetStringSelection :: Ptr (TRadioBox a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@radioBoxNumber obj@). radioBoxNumber :: RadioBox a -> IO Int radioBoxNumber _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "radioBoxNumber" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRadioBox_Number cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxRadioBox_Number" wxRadioBox_Number :: Ptr (TRadioBox a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@radioBoxSetItemBitmap obj item bitmap@). radioBoxSetItemBitmap :: RadioBox a -> Int -> Bitmap c -> IO () radioBoxSetItemBitmap _obj item bitmap = withObjectRef "radioBoxSetItemBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr bitmap $ \cobj_bitmap -> wxRadioBox_SetItemBitmap cobj__obj (toCInt item) cobj_bitmap foreign import ccall "wxRadioBox_SetItemBitmap" wxRadioBox_SetItemBitmap :: Ptr (TRadioBox a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TBitmap c) -> IO () -- | usage: (@radioBoxSetItemLabel obj item label@). radioBoxSetItemLabel :: RadioBox a -> Int -> String -> IO () radioBoxSetItemLabel _obj item label = withObjectRef "radioBoxSetItemLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString label $ \cstr_label -> wxRadioBox_SetItemLabel cobj__obj (toCInt item) cstr_label foreign import ccall "wxRadioBox_SetItemLabel" wxRadioBox_SetItemLabel :: Ptr (TRadioBox a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@radioBoxSetNumberOfRowsOrCols obj n@). radioBoxSetNumberOfRowsOrCols :: RadioBox a -> Int -> IO () radioBoxSetNumberOfRowsOrCols _obj n = withObjectRef "radioBoxSetNumberOfRowsOrCols" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRadioBox_SetNumberOfRowsOrCols cobj__obj (toCInt n) foreign import ccall "wxRadioBox_SetNumberOfRowsOrCols" wxRadioBox_SetNumberOfRowsOrCols :: Ptr (TRadioBox a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@radioBoxSetSelection obj n@). radioBoxSetSelection :: RadioBox a -> Int -> IO () radioBoxSetSelection _obj _n = withObjectRef "radioBoxSetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRadioBox_SetSelection cobj__obj (toCInt _n) foreign import ccall "wxRadioBox_SetSelection" wxRadioBox_SetSelection :: Ptr (TRadioBox a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@radioBoxSetStringSelection obj s@). radioBoxSetStringSelection :: RadioBox a -> String -> IO () radioBoxSetStringSelection _obj s = withObjectRef "radioBoxSetStringSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString s $ \cstr_s -> wxRadioBox_SetStringSelection cobj__obj cstr_s foreign import ccall "wxRadioBox_SetStringSelection" wxRadioBox_SetStringSelection :: Ptr (TRadioBox a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@radioBoxShowItem obj item show@). radioBoxShowItem :: RadioBox a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () radioBoxShowItem _obj item show = withObjectRef "radioBoxShowItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRadioBox_ShowItem cobj__obj (toCInt item) (toCBool show) foreign import ccall "wxRadioBox_ShowItem" wxRadioBox_ShowItem :: Ptr (TRadioBox a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@radioButtonCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt stl@). radioButtonCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style -> IO (RadioButton ()) radioButtonCreate _prt _id _txt _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> withCWString _txt $ \cstr__txt -> wxRadioButton_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) cstr__txt (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxRadioButton_Create" wxRadioButton_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CWString -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TRadioButton ())) -- | usage: (@radioButtonGetValue obj@). radioButtonGetValue :: RadioButton a -> IO Int radioButtonGetValue _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "radioButtonGetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRadioButton_GetValue cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxRadioButton_GetValue" wxRadioButton_GetValue :: Ptr (TRadioButton a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@radioButtonSetValue obj value@). radioButtonSetValue :: RadioButton a -> Int -> IO () radioButtonSetValue _obj value = withObjectRef "radioButtonSetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRadioButton_SetValue cobj__obj (toCInt value) foreign import ccall "wxRadioButton_SetValue" wxRadioButton_SetValue :: Ptr (TRadioButton a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@regionAssign obj region@). regionAssign :: Region a -> Region b -> IO () regionAssign _obj region = withObjectRef "regionAssign" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr region $ \cobj_region -> wxRegion_Assign cobj__obj cobj_region foreign import ccall "wxRegion_Assign" wxRegion_Assign :: Ptr (TRegion a) -> Ptr (TRegion b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@regionClear obj@). regionClear :: Region a -> IO () regionClear _obj = withObjectRef "regionClear" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRegion_Clear cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxRegion_Clear" wxRegion_Clear :: Ptr (TRegion a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@regionContainsPoint obj xy@). regionContainsPoint :: Region a -> Point -> IO Bool regionContainsPoint _obj xy = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "regionContainsPoint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRegion_ContainsPoint cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) foreign import ccall "wxRegion_ContainsPoint" wxRegion_ContainsPoint :: Ptr (TRegion a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@regionContainsRect obj xywidthheight@). regionContainsRect :: Region a -> Rect -> IO Bool regionContainsRect _obj xywidthheight = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "regionContainsRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRegion_ContainsRect cobj__obj (toCIntRectX xywidthheight) (toCIntRectY xywidthheight)(toCIntRectW xywidthheight) (toCIntRectH xywidthheight) foreign import ccall "wxRegion_ContainsRect" wxRegion_ContainsRect :: Ptr (TRegion a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@regionCreateDefault@). regionCreateDefault :: IO (Region ()) regionCreateDefault = withObjectResult $ wxRegion_CreateDefault foreign import ccall "wxRegion_CreateDefault" wxRegion_CreateDefault :: IO (Ptr (TRegion ())) -- | usage: (@regionCreateFromRect xywh@). regionCreateFromRect :: Rect -> IO (Region ()) regionCreateFromRect xywh = withObjectResult $ wxRegion_CreateFromRect (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh) foreign import ccall "wxRegion_CreateFromRect" wxRegion_CreateFromRect :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TRegion ())) -- | usage: (@regionDelete obj@). regionDelete :: Region a -> IO () regionDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@regionEmpty obj@). regionEmpty :: Region a -> IO Int regionEmpty _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "regionEmpty" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRegion_Empty cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxRegion_Empty" wxRegion_Empty :: Ptr (TRegion a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@regionGetBox obj@). regionGetBox :: Region a -> IO Rect regionGetBox _obj = withRectResult $ \px py pw ph -> withObjectRef "regionGetBox" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRegion_GetBox cobj__obj px py pw ph foreign import ccall "wxRegion_GetBox" wxRegion_GetBox :: Ptr (TRegion a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@regionIntersectRect obj xywidthheight@). regionIntersectRect :: Region a -> Rect -> IO Int regionIntersectRect _obj xywidthheight = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "regionIntersectRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRegion_IntersectRect cobj__obj (toCIntRectX xywidthheight) (toCIntRectY xywidthheight)(toCIntRectW xywidthheight) (toCIntRectH xywidthheight) foreign import ccall "wxRegion_IntersectRect" wxRegion_IntersectRect :: Ptr (TRegion a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@regionIntersectRegion obj region@). regionIntersectRegion :: Region a -> Region b -> IO Int regionIntersectRegion _obj region = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "regionIntersectRegion" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr region $ \cobj_region -> wxRegion_IntersectRegion cobj__obj cobj_region foreign import ccall "wxRegion_IntersectRegion" wxRegion_IntersectRegion :: Ptr (TRegion a) -> Ptr (TRegion b) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@regionIteratorCreate@). regionIteratorCreate :: IO (RegionIterator ()) regionIteratorCreate = withObjectResult $ wxRegionIterator_Create foreign import ccall "wxRegionIterator_Create" wxRegionIterator_Create :: IO (Ptr (TRegionIterator ())) -- | usage: (@regionIteratorCreateFromRegion region@). regionIteratorCreateFromRegion :: Region a -> IO (RegionIterator ()) regionIteratorCreateFromRegion region = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr region $ \cobj_region -> wxRegionIterator_CreateFromRegion cobj_region foreign import ccall "wxRegionIterator_CreateFromRegion" wxRegionIterator_CreateFromRegion :: Ptr (TRegion a) -> IO (Ptr (TRegionIterator ())) -- | usage: (@regionIteratorDelete obj@). regionIteratorDelete :: RegionIterator a -> IO () regionIteratorDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@regionIteratorGetHeight obj@). regionIteratorGetHeight :: RegionIterator a -> IO Int regionIteratorGetHeight _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "regionIteratorGetHeight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRegionIterator_GetHeight cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxRegionIterator_GetHeight" wxRegionIterator_GetHeight :: Ptr (TRegionIterator a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@regionIteratorGetWidth obj@). regionIteratorGetWidth :: RegionIterator a -> IO Int regionIteratorGetWidth _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "regionIteratorGetWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRegionIterator_GetWidth cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxRegionIterator_GetWidth" wxRegionIterator_GetWidth :: Ptr (TRegionIterator a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@regionIteratorGetX obj@). regionIteratorGetX :: RegionIterator a -> IO Int regionIteratorGetX _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "regionIteratorGetX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRegionIterator_GetX cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxRegionIterator_GetX" wxRegionIterator_GetX :: Ptr (TRegionIterator a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@regionIteratorGetY obj@). regionIteratorGetY :: RegionIterator a -> IO Int regionIteratorGetY _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "regionIteratorGetY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRegionIterator_GetY cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxRegionIterator_GetY" wxRegionIterator_GetY :: Ptr (TRegionIterator a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@regionIteratorHaveRects obj@). regionIteratorHaveRects :: RegionIterator a -> IO Int regionIteratorHaveRects _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "regionIteratorHaveRects" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRegionIterator_HaveRects cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxRegionIterator_HaveRects" wxRegionIterator_HaveRects :: Ptr (TRegionIterator a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@regionIteratorNext obj@). regionIteratorNext :: RegionIterator a -> IO () regionIteratorNext _obj = withObjectRef "regionIteratorNext" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRegionIterator_Next cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxRegionIterator_Next" wxRegionIterator_Next :: Ptr (TRegionIterator a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@regionIteratorReset obj@). regionIteratorReset :: RegionIterator a -> IO () regionIteratorReset _obj = withObjectRef "regionIteratorReset" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRegionIterator_Reset cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxRegionIterator_Reset" wxRegionIterator_Reset :: Ptr (TRegionIterator a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@regionIteratorResetToRegion obj region@). regionIteratorResetToRegion :: RegionIterator a -> Region b -> IO () regionIteratorResetToRegion _obj region = withObjectRef "regionIteratorResetToRegion" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr region $ \cobj_region -> wxRegionIterator_ResetToRegion cobj__obj cobj_region foreign import ccall "wxRegionIterator_ResetToRegion" wxRegionIterator_ResetToRegion :: Ptr (TRegionIterator a) -> Ptr (TRegion b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@regionSubtractRect obj xywidthheight@). regionSubtractRect :: Region a -> Rect -> IO Int regionSubtractRect _obj xywidthheight = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "regionSubtractRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRegion_SubtractRect cobj__obj (toCIntRectX xywidthheight) (toCIntRectY xywidthheight)(toCIntRectW xywidthheight) (toCIntRectH xywidthheight) foreign import ccall "wxRegion_SubtractRect" wxRegion_SubtractRect :: Ptr (TRegion a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@regionSubtractRegion obj region@). regionSubtractRegion :: Region a -> Region b -> IO Int regionSubtractRegion _obj region = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "regionSubtractRegion" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr region $ \cobj_region -> wxRegion_SubtractRegion cobj__obj cobj_region foreign import ccall "wxRegion_SubtractRegion" wxRegion_SubtractRegion :: Ptr (TRegion a) -> Ptr (TRegion b) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@regionUnionRect obj xywidthheight@). regionUnionRect :: Region a -> Rect -> IO Int regionUnionRect _obj xywidthheight = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "regionUnionRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRegion_UnionRect cobj__obj (toCIntRectX xywidthheight) (toCIntRectY xywidthheight)(toCIntRectW xywidthheight) (toCIntRectH xywidthheight) foreign import ccall "wxRegion_UnionRect" wxRegion_UnionRect :: Ptr (TRegion a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@regionUnionRegion obj region@). regionUnionRegion :: Region a -> Region b -> IO Int regionUnionRegion _obj region = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "regionUnionRegion" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr region $ \cobj_region -> wxRegion_UnionRegion cobj__obj cobj_region foreign import ccall "wxRegion_UnionRegion" wxRegion_UnionRegion :: Ptr (TRegion a) -> Ptr (TRegion b) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@regionXorRect obj xywidthheight@). regionXorRect :: Region a -> Rect -> IO Int regionXorRect _obj xywidthheight = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "regionXorRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxRegion_XorRect cobj__obj (toCIntRectX xywidthheight) (toCIntRectY xywidthheight)(toCIntRectW xywidthheight) (toCIntRectH xywidthheight) foreign import ccall "wxRegion_XorRect" wxRegion_XorRect :: Ptr (TRegion a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@regionXorRegion obj region@). regionXorRegion :: Region a -> Region b -> IO Int regionXorRegion _obj region = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "regionXorRegion" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr region $ \cobj_region -> wxRegion_XorRegion cobj__obj cobj_region foreign import ccall "wxRegion_XorRegion" wxRegion_XorRegion :: Ptr (TRegion a) -> Ptr (TRegion b) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@removeProvider provider@). removeProvider :: ArtProvider a -> IO Bool removeProvider provider = withBoolResult $ withObjectPtr provider $ \cobj_provider -> wx_RemoveProvider cobj_provider foreign import ccall "RemoveProvider" wx_RemoveProvider :: Ptr (TArtProvider a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@sashEventCreate id edge@). sashEventCreate :: Id -> Int -> IO (SashEvent ()) sashEventCreate id edge = withObjectResult $ wxSashEvent_Create (toCInt id) (toCInt edge) foreign import ccall "wxSashEvent_Create" wxSashEvent_Create :: CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TSashEvent ())) -- | usage: (@sashEventGetDragRect obj@). sashEventGetDragRect :: SashEvent a -> IO Rect sashEventGetDragRect _obj = withRectResult $ \px py pw ph -> withObjectRef "sashEventGetDragRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashEvent_GetDragRect cobj__obj px py pw ph foreign import ccall "wxSashEvent_GetDragRect" wxSashEvent_GetDragRect :: Ptr (TSashEvent a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sashEventGetDragStatus obj@). sashEventGetDragStatus :: SashEvent a -> IO Int sashEventGetDragStatus _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sashEventGetDragStatus" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashEvent_GetDragStatus cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSashEvent_GetDragStatus" wxSashEvent_GetDragStatus :: Ptr (TSashEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sashEventGetEdge obj@). sashEventGetEdge :: SashEvent a -> IO Int sashEventGetEdge _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sashEventGetEdge" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashEvent_GetEdge cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSashEvent_GetEdge" wxSashEvent_GetEdge :: Ptr (TSashEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sashEventSetDragRect obj xywh@). sashEventSetDragRect :: SashEvent a -> Rect -> IO () sashEventSetDragRect _obj xywh = withObjectRef "sashEventSetDragRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashEvent_SetDragRect cobj__obj (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh) foreign import ccall "wxSashEvent_SetDragRect" wxSashEvent_SetDragRect :: Ptr (TSashEvent a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sashEventSetDragStatus obj status@). sashEventSetDragStatus :: SashEvent a -> Int -> IO () sashEventSetDragStatus _obj status = withObjectRef "sashEventSetDragStatus" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashEvent_SetDragStatus cobj__obj (toCInt status) foreign import ccall "wxSashEvent_SetDragStatus" wxSashEvent_SetDragStatus :: Ptr (TSashEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sashEventSetEdge obj edge@). sashEventSetEdge :: SashEvent a -> Int -> IO () sashEventSetEdge _obj edge = withObjectRef "sashEventSetEdge" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashEvent_SetEdge cobj__obj (toCInt edge) foreign import ccall "wxSashEvent_SetEdge" wxSashEvent_SetEdge :: Ptr (TSashEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sashLayoutWindowCreate par id xywh stl@). sashLayoutWindowCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (SashLayoutWindow ()) sashLayoutWindowCreate _par _id _xywh _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _par $ \cobj__par -> wxSashLayoutWindow_Create cobj__par (toCInt _id) (toCIntRectX _xywh) (toCIntRectY _xywh)(toCIntRectW _xywh) (toCIntRectH _xywh) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxSashLayoutWindow_Create" wxSashLayoutWindow_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TSashLayoutWindow ())) -- | usage: (@sashLayoutWindowGetAlignment obj@). sashLayoutWindowGetAlignment :: SashLayoutWindow a -> IO Int sashLayoutWindowGetAlignment _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sashLayoutWindowGetAlignment" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashLayoutWindow_GetAlignment cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSashLayoutWindow_GetAlignment" wxSashLayoutWindow_GetAlignment :: Ptr (TSashLayoutWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sashLayoutWindowGetOrientation obj@). sashLayoutWindowGetOrientation :: SashLayoutWindow a -> IO Int sashLayoutWindowGetOrientation _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sashLayoutWindowGetOrientation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashLayoutWindow_GetOrientation cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSashLayoutWindow_GetOrientation" wxSashLayoutWindow_GetOrientation :: Ptr (TSashLayoutWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sashLayoutWindowSetAlignment obj align@). sashLayoutWindowSetAlignment :: SashLayoutWindow a -> Int -> IO () sashLayoutWindowSetAlignment _obj align = withObjectRef "sashLayoutWindowSetAlignment" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashLayoutWindow_SetAlignment cobj__obj (toCInt align) foreign import ccall "wxSashLayoutWindow_SetAlignment" wxSashLayoutWindow_SetAlignment :: Ptr (TSashLayoutWindow a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sashLayoutWindowSetDefaultSize obj wh@). sashLayoutWindowSetDefaultSize :: SashLayoutWindow a -> Size -> IO () sashLayoutWindowSetDefaultSize _obj wh = withObjectRef "sashLayoutWindowSetDefaultSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashLayoutWindow_SetDefaultSize cobj__obj (toCIntSizeW wh) (toCIntSizeH wh) foreign import ccall "wxSashLayoutWindow_SetDefaultSize" wxSashLayoutWindow_SetDefaultSize :: Ptr (TSashLayoutWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sashLayoutWindowSetOrientation obj orient@). sashLayoutWindowSetOrientation :: SashLayoutWindow a -> Int -> IO () sashLayoutWindowSetOrientation _obj orient = withObjectRef "sashLayoutWindowSetOrientation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashLayoutWindow_SetOrientation cobj__obj (toCInt orient) foreign import ccall "wxSashLayoutWindow_SetOrientation" wxSashLayoutWindow_SetOrientation :: Ptr (TSashLayoutWindow a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sashWindowCreate par id xywh stl@). sashWindowCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (SashWindow ()) sashWindowCreate _par _id _xywh _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _par $ \cobj__par -> wxSashWindow_Create cobj__par (toCInt _id) (toCIntRectX _xywh) (toCIntRectY _xywh)(toCIntRectW _xywh) (toCIntRectH _xywh) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxSashWindow_Create" wxSashWindow_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TSashWindow ())) -- | usage: (@sashWindowGetDefaultBorderSize obj@). sashWindowGetDefaultBorderSize :: SashWindow a -> IO Int sashWindowGetDefaultBorderSize _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sashWindowGetDefaultBorderSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashWindow_GetDefaultBorderSize cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSashWindow_GetDefaultBorderSize" wxSashWindow_GetDefaultBorderSize :: Ptr (TSashWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sashWindowGetEdgeMargin obj edge@). sashWindowGetEdgeMargin :: SashWindow a -> Int -> IO Int sashWindowGetEdgeMargin _obj edge = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sashWindowGetEdgeMargin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashWindow_GetEdgeMargin cobj__obj (toCInt edge) foreign import ccall "wxSashWindow_GetEdgeMargin" wxSashWindow_GetEdgeMargin :: Ptr (TSashWindow a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sashWindowGetExtraBorderSize obj@). sashWindowGetExtraBorderSize :: SashWindow a -> IO Int sashWindowGetExtraBorderSize _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sashWindowGetExtraBorderSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashWindow_GetExtraBorderSize cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSashWindow_GetExtraBorderSize" wxSashWindow_GetExtraBorderSize :: Ptr (TSashWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sashWindowGetMaximumSizeX obj@). sashWindowGetMaximumSizeX :: SashWindow a -> IO Int sashWindowGetMaximumSizeX _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sashWindowGetMaximumSizeX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashWindow_GetMaximumSizeX cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSashWindow_GetMaximumSizeX" wxSashWindow_GetMaximumSizeX :: Ptr (TSashWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sashWindowGetMaximumSizeY obj@). sashWindowGetMaximumSizeY :: SashWindow a -> IO Int sashWindowGetMaximumSizeY _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sashWindowGetMaximumSizeY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashWindow_GetMaximumSizeY cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSashWindow_GetMaximumSizeY" wxSashWindow_GetMaximumSizeY :: Ptr (TSashWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sashWindowGetMinimumSizeX obj@). sashWindowGetMinimumSizeX :: SashWindow a -> IO Int sashWindowGetMinimumSizeX _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sashWindowGetMinimumSizeX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashWindow_GetMinimumSizeX cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSashWindow_GetMinimumSizeX" wxSashWindow_GetMinimumSizeX :: Ptr (TSashWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sashWindowGetMinimumSizeY obj@). sashWindowGetMinimumSizeY :: SashWindow a -> IO Int sashWindowGetMinimumSizeY _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sashWindowGetMinimumSizeY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashWindow_GetMinimumSizeY cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSashWindow_GetMinimumSizeY" wxSashWindow_GetMinimumSizeY :: Ptr (TSashWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sashWindowGetSashVisible obj edge@). sashWindowGetSashVisible :: SashWindow a -> Int -> IO Int sashWindowGetSashVisible _obj edge = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sashWindowGetSashVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashWindow_GetSashVisible cobj__obj (toCInt edge) foreign import ccall "wxSashWindow_GetSashVisible" wxSashWindow_GetSashVisible :: Ptr (TSashWindow a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sashWindowHasBorder obj edge@). sashWindowHasBorder :: SashWindow a -> Int -> IO Bool sashWindowHasBorder _obj edge = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "sashWindowHasBorder" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashWindow_HasBorder cobj__obj (toCInt edge) foreign import ccall "wxSashWindow_HasBorder" wxSashWindow_HasBorder :: Ptr (TSashWindow a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@sashWindowSetDefaultBorderSize obj width@). sashWindowSetDefaultBorderSize :: SashWindow a -> Int -> IO () sashWindowSetDefaultBorderSize _obj width = withObjectRef "sashWindowSetDefaultBorderSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashWindow_SetDefaultBorderSize cobj__obj (toCInt width) foreign import ccall "wxSashWindow_SetDefaultBorderSize" wxSashWindow_SetDefaultBorderSize :: Ptr (TSashWindow a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sashWindowSetExtraBorderSize obj width@). sashWindowSetExtraBorderSize :: SashWindow a -> Int -> IO () sashWindowSetExtraBorderSize _obj width = withObjectRef "sashWindowSetExtraBorderSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashWindow_SetExtraBorderSize cobj__obj (toCInt width) foreign import ccall "wxSashWindow_SetExtraBorderSize" wxSashWindow_SetExtraBorderSize :: Ptr (TSashWindow a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sashWindowSetMaximumSizeX obj max@). sashWindowSetMaximumSizeX :: SashWindow a -> Int -> IO () sashWindowSetMaximumSizeX _obj max = withObjectRef "sashWindowSetMaximumSizeX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashWindow_SetMaximumSizeX cobj__obj (toCInt max) foreign import ccall "wxSashWindow_SetMaximumSizeX" wxSashWindow_SetMaximumSizeX :: Ptr (TSashWindow a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sashWindowSetMaximumSizeY obj max@). sashWindowSetMaximumSizeY :: SashWindow a -> Int -> IO () sashWindowSetMaximumSizeY _obj max = withObjectRef "sashWindowSetMaximumSizeY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashWindow_SetMaximumSizeY cobj__obj (toCInt max) foreign import ccall "wxSashWindow_SetMaximumSizeY" wxSashWindow_SetMaximumSizeY :: Ptr (TSashWindow a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sashWindowSetMinimumSizeX obj min@). sashWindowSetMinimumSizeX :: SashWindow a -> Int -> IO () sashWindowSetMinimumSizeX _obj min = withObjectRef "sashWindowSetMinimumSizeX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashWindow_SetMinimumSizeX cobj__obj (toCInt min) foreign import ccall "wxSashWindow_SetMinimumSizeX" wxSashWindow_SetMinimumSizeX :: Ptr (TSashWindow a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sashWindowSetMinimumSizeY obj min@). sashWindowSetMinimumSizeY :: SashWindow a -> Int -> IO () sashWindowSetMinimumSizeY _obj min = withObjectRef "sashWindowSetMinimumSizeY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashWindow_SetMinimumSizeY cobj__obj (toCInt min) foreign import ccall "wxSashWindow_SetMinimumSizeY" wxSashWindow_SetMinimumSizeY :: Ptr (TSashWindow a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sashWindowSetSashBorder obj edge border@). sashWindowSetSashBorder :: SashWindow a -> Int -> Int -> IO () sashWindowSetSashBorder _obj edge border = withObjectRef "sashWindowSetSashBorder" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashWindow_SetSashBorder cobj__obj (toCInt edge) (toCInt border) foreign import ccall "wxSashWindow_SetSashBorder" wxSashWindow_SetSashBorder :: Ptr (TSashWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sashWindowSetSashVisible obj edge sash@). sashWindowSetSashVisible :: SashWindow a -> Int -> Int -> IO () sashWindowSetSashVisible _obj edge sash = withObjectRef "sashWindowSetSashVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSashWindow_SetSashVisible cobj__obj (toCInt edge) (toCInt sash) foreign import ccall "wxSashWindow_SetSashVisible" wxSashWindow_SetSashVisible :: Ptr (TSashWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@screenDCCreate@). screenDCCreate :: IO (ScreenDC ()) screenDCCreate = withObjectResult $ wxScreenDC_Create foreign import ccall "wxScreenDC_Create" wxScreenDC_Create :: IO (Ptr (TScreenDC ())) -- | usage: (@screenDCDelete obj@). screenDCDelete :: ScreenDC a -> IO () screenDCDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@screenDCEndDrawingOnTop obj@). screenDCEndDrawingOnTop :: ScreenDC a -> IO Int screenDCEndDrawingOnTop _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "screenDCEndDrawingOnTop" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScreenDC_EndDrawingOnTop cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxScreenDC_EndDrawingOnTop" wxScreenDC_EndDrawingOnTop :: Ptr (TScreenDC a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@screenDCStartDrawingOnTop obj l t wh@). screenDCStartDrawingOnTop :: ScreenDC a -> Int -> Int -> Size -> IO Int screenDCStartDrawingOnTop _obj l t wh = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "screenDCStartDrawingOnTop" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScreenDC_StartDrawingOnTop cobj__obj (toCInt l) (toCInt t) (toCIntSizeW wh) (toCIntSizeH wh) foreign import ccall "wxScreenDC_StartDrawingOnTop" wxScreenDC_StartDrawingOnTop :: Ptr (TScreenDC a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@screenDCStartDrawingOnTopOfWin obj win@). screenDCStartDrawingOnTopOfWin :: ScreenDC a -> Window b -> IO Int screenDCStartDrawingOnTopOfWin _obj win = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "screenDCStartDrawingOnTopOfWin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr win $ \cobj_win -> wxScreenDC_StartDrawingOnTopOfWin cobj__obj cobj_win foreign import ccall "wxScreenDC_StartDrawingOnTopOfWin" wxScreenDC_StartDrawingOnTopOfWin :: Ptr (TScreenDC a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@scrollBarCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl@). scrollBarCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (ScrollBar ()) scrollBarCreate _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wxScrollBar_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxScrollBar_Create" wxScrollBar_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TScrollBar ())) -- | usage: (@scrollBarGetPageSize obj@). scrollBarGetPageSize :: ScrollBar a -> IO Int scrollBarGetPageSize _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "scrollBarGetPageSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrollBar_GetPageSize cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxScrollBar_GetPageSize" wxScrollBar_GetPageSize :: Ptr (TScrollBar a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@scrollBarGetRange obj@). scrollBarGetRange :: ScrollBar a -> IO Int scrollBarGetRange _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "scrollBarGetRange" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrollBar_GetRange cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxScrollBar_GetRange" wxScrollBar_GetRange :: Ptr (TScrollBar a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@scrollBarGetThumbPosition obj@). scrollBarGetThumbPosition :: ScrollBar a -> IO Int scrollBarGetThumbPosition _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "scrollBarGetThumbPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrollBar_GetThumbPosition cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxScrollBar_GetThumbPosition" wxScrollBar_GetThumbPosition :: Ptr (TScrollBar a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@scrollBarGetThumbSize obj@). scrollBarGetThumbSize :: ScrollBar a -> IO Int scrollBarGetThumbSize _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "scrollBarGetThumbSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrollBar_GetThumbSize cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxScrollBar_GetThumbSize" wxScrollBar_GetThumbSize :: Ptr (TScrollBar a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@scrollBarSetScrollbar obj position thumbSize range pageSize refresh@). scrollBarSetScrollbar :: ScrollBar a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO () scrollBarSetScrollbar _obj position thumbSize range pageSize refresh = withObjectRef "scrollBarSetScrollbar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrollBar_SetScrollbar cobj__obj (toCInt position) (toCInt thumbSize) (toCInt range) (toCInt pageSize) (toCBool refresh) foreign import ccall "wxScrollBar_SetScrollbar" wxScrollBar_SetScrollbar :: Ptr (TScrollBar a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@scrollBarSetThumbPosition obj viewStart@). scrollBarSetThumbPosition :: ScrollBar a -> Int -> IO () scrollBarSetThumbPosition _obj viewStart = withObjectRef "scrollBarSetThumbPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrollBar_SetThumbPosition cobj__obj (toCInt viewStart) foreign import ccall "wxScrollBar_SetThumbPosition" wxScrollBar_SetThumbPosition :: Ptr (TScrollBar a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@scrollEventGetOrientation obj@). scrollEventGetOrientation :: ScrollEvent a -> IO Int scrollEventGetOrientation _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "scrollEventGetOrientation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrollEvent_GetOrientation cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxScrollEvent_GetOrientation" wxScrollEvent_GetOrientation :: Ptr (TScrollEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@scrollEventGetPosition obj@). scrollEventGetPosition :: ScrollEvent a -> IO Int scrollEventGetPosition _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "scrollEventGetPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrollEvent_GetPosition cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxScrollEvent_GetPosition" wxScrollEvent_GetPosition :: Ptr (TScrollEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@scrollWinEventGetOrientation obj@). scrollWinEventGetOrientation :: ScrollWinEvent a -> IO Int scrollWinEventGetOrientation _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "scrollWinEventGetOrientation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrollWinEvent_GetOrientation cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxScrollWinEvent_GetOrientation" wxScrollWinEvent_GetOrientation :: Ptr (TScrollWinEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@scrollWinEventGetPosition obj@). scrollWinEventGetPosition :: ScrollWinEvent a -> IO Int scrollWinEventGetPosition _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "scrollWinEventGetPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrollWinEvent_GetPosition cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxScrollWinEvent_GetPosition" wxScrollWinEvent_GetPosition :: Ptr (TScrollWinEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@scrollWinEventSetOrientation obj orient@). scrollWinEventSetOrientation :: ScrollWinEvent a -> Int -> IO () scrollWinEventSetOrientation _obj orient = withObjectRef "scrollWinEventSetOrientation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrollWinEvent_SetOrientation cobj__obj (toCInt orient) foreign import ccall "wxScrollWinEvent_SetOrientation" wxScrollWinEvent_SetOrientation :: Ptr (TScrollWinEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@scrollWinEventSetPosition obj pos@). scrollWinEventSetPosition :: ScrollWinEvent a -> Int -> IO () scrollWinEventSetPosition _obj pos = withObjectRef "scrollWinEventSetPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrollWinEvent_SetPosition cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxScrollWinEvent_SetPosition" wxScrollWinEvent_SetPosition :: Ptr (TScrollWinEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowAdjustScrollbars obj@). scrolledWindowAdjustScrollbars :: ScrolledWindow a -> IO () scrolledWindowAdjustScrollbars _obj = withObjectRef "scrolledWindowAdjustScrollbars" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrolledWindow_AdjustScrollbars cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_AdjustScrollbars" wxScrolledWindow_AdjustScrollbars :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowCalcScrolledPosition obj xy@). scrolledWindowCalcScrolledPosition :: ScrolledWindow a -> Point -> IO Point scrolledWindowCalcScrolledPosition _obj xy = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "scrolledWindowCalcScrolledPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrolledWindow_CalcScrolledPosition cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) px py foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_CalcScrolledPosition" wxScrolledWindow_CalcScrolledPosition :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowCalcUnscrolledPosition obj xy@). scrolledWindowCalcUnscrolledPosition :: ScrolledWindow a -> Point -> IO Point scrolledWindowCalcUnscrolledPosition _obj xy = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "scrolledWindowCalcUnscrolledPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrolledWindow_CalcUnscrolledPosition cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) px py foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_CalcUnscrolledPosition" wxScrolledWindow_CalcUnscrolledPosition :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl@). scrolledWindowCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (ScrolledWindow ()) scrolledWindowCreate _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wxScrolledWindow_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_Create" wxScrolledWindow_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TScrolledWindow ())) -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowEnableScrolling obj xscrolling yscrolling@). scrolledWindowEnableScrolling :: ScrolledWindow a -> Bool -> Bool -> IO () scrolledWindowEnableScrolling _obj xscrolling yscrolling = withObjectRef "scrolledWindowEnableScrolling" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrolledWindow_EnableScrolling cobj__obj (toCBool xscrolling) (toCBool yscrolling) foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_EnableScrolling" wxScrolledWindow_EnableScrolling :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> CBool -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowGetScaleX obj@). scrolledWindowGetScaleX :: ScrolledWindow a -> IO Double scrolledWindowGetScaleX _obj = withObjectRef "scrolledWindowGetScaleX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrolledWindow_GetScaleX cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_GetScaleX" wxScrolledWindow_GetScaleX :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> IO Double -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowGetScaleY obj@). scrolledWindowGetScaleY :: ScrolledWindow a -> IO Double scrolledWindowGetScaleY _obj = withObjectRef "scrolledWindowGetScaleY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrolledWindow_GetScaleY cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_GetScaleY" wxScrolledWindow_GetScaleY :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> IO Double -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowGetScrollPageSize obj orient@). scrolledWindowGetScrollPageSize :: ScrolledWindow a -> Int -> IO Int scrolledWindowGetScrollPageSize _obj orient = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "scrolledWindowGetScrollPageSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrolledWindow_GetScrollPageSize cobj__obj (toCInt orient) foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_GetScrollPageSize" wxScrolledWindow_GetScrollPageSize :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowGetScrollPixelsPerUnit obj@). scrolledWindowGetScrollPixelsPerUnit :: ScrolledWindow a -> IO Point scrolledWindowGetScrollPixelsPerUnit _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "scrolledWindowGetScrollPixelsPerUnit" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrolledWindow_GetScrollPixelsPerUnit cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_GetScrollPixelsPerUnit" wxScrolledWindow_GetScrollPixelsPerUnit :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowGetTargetWindow obj@). scrolledWindowGetTargetWindow :: ScrolledWindow a -> IO (Window ()) scrolledWindowGetTargetWindow _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "scrolledWindowGetTargetWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrolledWindow_GetTargetWindow cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_GetTargetWindow" wxScrolledWindow_GetTargetWindow :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ())) -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowGetViewStart obj@). scrolledWindowGetViewStart :: ScrolledWindow a -> IO Point scrolledWindowGetViewStart _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "scrolledWindowGetViewStart" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrolledWindow_GetViewStart cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_GetViewStart" wxScrolledWindow_GetViewStart :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowGetVirtualSize obj@). scrolledWindowGetVirtualSize :: ScrolledWindow a -> IO Size scrolledWindowGetVirtualSize _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "scrolledWindowGetVirtualSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrolledWindow_GetVirtualSize cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_GetVirtualSize" wxScrolledWindow_GetVirtualSize :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowOnDraw obj dc@). scrolledWindowOnDraw :: ScrolledWindow a -> DC b -> IO () scrolledWindowOnDraw _obj dc = withObjectRef "scrolledWindowOnDraw" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> wxScrolledWindow_OnDraw cobj__obj cobj_dc foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_OnDraw" wxScrolledWindow_OnDraw :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowPrepareDC obj dc@). scrolledWindowPrepareDC :: ScrolledWindow a -> DC b -> IO () scrolledWindowPrepareDC _obj dc = withObjectRef "scrolledWindowPrepareDC" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> wxScrolledWindow_PrepareDC cobj__obj cobj_dc foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_PrepareDC" wxScrolledWindow_PrepareDC :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowScroll obj xposypos@). scrolledWindowScroll :: ScrolledWindow a -> Point -> IO () scrolledWindowScroll _obj xposypos = withObjectRef "scrolledWindowScroll" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrolledWindow_Scroll cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xposypos) (toCIntPointY xposypos) foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_Scroll" wxScrolledWindow_Scroll :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowSetScale obj xs ys@). scrolledWindowSetScale :: ScrolledWindow a -> Double -> Double -> IO () scrolledWindowSetScale _obj xs ys = withObjectRef "scrolledWindowSetScale" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrolledWindow_SetScale cobj__obj xs ys foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_SetScale" wxScrolledWindow_SetScale :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> Double -> Double -> IO () -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowSetScrollPageSize obj orient pageSize@). scrolledWindowSetScrollPageSize :: ScrolledWindow a -> Int -> Int -> IO () scrolledWindowSetScrollPageSize _obj orient pageSize = withObjectRef "scrolledWindowSetScrollPageSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrolledWindow_SetScrollPageSize cobj__obj (toCInt orient) (toCInt pageSize) foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_SetScrollPageSize" wxScrolledWindow_SetScrollPageSize :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowSetScrollRate obj xstep ystep@). scrolledWindowSetScrollRate :: ScrolledWindow a -> Int -> Int -> IO () scrolledWindowSetScrollRate _obj xstep ystep = withObjectRef "scrolledWindowSetScrollRate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrolledWindow_SetScrollRate cobj__obj (toCInt xstep) (toCInt ystep) foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_SetScrollRate" wxScrolledWindow_SetScrollRate :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowSetScrollbars obj pixelsPerUnitX pixelsPerUnitY noUnitsX noUnitsY xPos yPos noRefresh@). scrolledWindowSetScrollbars :: ScrolledWindow a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO () scrolledWindowSetScrollbars _obj pixelsPerUnitX pixelsPerUnitY noUnitsX noUnitsY xPos yPos noRefresh = withObjectRef "scrolledWindowSetScrollbars" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrolledWindow_SetScrollbars cobj__obj (toCInt pixelsPerUnitX) (toCInt pixelsPerUnitY) (toCInt noUnitsX) (toCInt noUnitsY) (toCInt xPos) (toCInt yPos) (toCBool noRefresh) foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_SetScrollbars" wxScrolledWindow_SetScrollbars :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowSetTargetWindow obj target@). scrolledWindowSetTargetWindow :: ScrolledWindow a -> Window b -> IO () scrolledWindowSetTargetWindow _obj target = withObjectRef "scrolledWindowSetTargetWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr target $ \cobj_target -> wxScrolledWindow_SetTargetWindow cobj__obj cobj_target foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_SetTargetWindow" wxScrolledWindow_SetTargetWindow :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@scrolledWindowViewStart obj@). scrolledWindowViewStart :: ScrolledWindow a -> IO Point scrolledWindowViewStart _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "scrolledWindowViewStart" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxScrolledWindow_ViewStart cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxScrolledWindow_ViewStart" wxScrolledWindow_ViewStart :: Ptr (TScrolledWindow a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@setCursorEventGetCursor obj@). setCursorEventGetCursor :: SetCursorEvent a -> IO (Cursor ()) setCursorEventGetCursor _obj = withManagedCursorResult $ withObjectRef "setCursorEventGetCursor" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSetCursorEvent_GetCursor cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSetCursorEvent_GetCursor" wxSetCursorEvent_GetCursor :: Ptr (TSetCursorEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TCursor ())) -- | usage: (@setCursorEventGetX obj@). setCursorEventGetX :: SetCursorEvent a -> IO Int setCursorEventGetX _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "setCursorEventGetX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSetCursorEvent_GetX cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSetCursorEvent_GetX" wxSetCursorEvent_GetX :: Ptr (TSetCursorEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@setCursorEventGetY obj@). setCursorEventGetY :: SetCursorEvent a -> IO Int setCursorEventGetY _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "setCursorEventGetY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSetCursorEvent_GetY cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSetCursorEvent_GetY" wxSetCursorEvent_GetY :: Ptr (TSetCursorEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@setCursorEventHasCursor obj@). setCursorEventHasCursor :: SetCursorEvent a -> IO Bool setCursorEventHasCursor _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "setCursorEventHasCursor" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSetCursorEvent_HasCursor cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSetCursorEvent_HasCursor" wxSetCursorEvent_HasCursor :: Ptr (TSetCursorEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@setCursorEventSetCursor obj cursor@). setCursorEventSetCursor :: SetCursorEvent a -> Cursor b -> IO () setCursorEventSetCursor _obj cursor = withObjectRef "setCursorEventSetCursor" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr cursor $ \cobj_cursor -> wxSetCursorEvent_SetCursor cobj__obj cobj_cursor foreign import ccall "wxSetCursorEvent_SetCursor" wxSetCursorEvent_SetCursor :: Ptr (TSetCursorEvent a) -> Ptr (TCursor b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@showEventCopyObject obj obj@). showEventCopyObject :: ShowEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO () showEventCopyObject _obj obj = withObjectRef "showEventCopyObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxShowEvent_CopyObject cobj__obj obj foreign import ccall "wxShowEvent_CopyObject" wxShowEvent_CopyObject :: Ptr (TShowEvent a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@showEventGetShow obj@). showEventGetShow :: ShowEvent a -> IO Int showEventGetShow _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "showEventGetShow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxShowEvent_GetShow cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxShowEvent_GetShow" wxShowEvent_GetShow :: Ptr (TShowEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@showEventSetShow obj show@). showEventSetShow :: ShowEvent a -> Int -> IO () showEventSetShow _obj show = withObjectRef "showEventSetShow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxShowEvent_SetShow cobj__obj (toCInt show) foreign import ccall "wxShowEvent_SetShow" wxShowEvent_SetShow :: Ptr (TShowEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@simpleHelpProviderCreate@). simpleHelpProviderCreate :: IO (SimpleHelpProvider ()) simpleHelpProviderCreate = withObjectResult $ wxSimpleHelpProvider_Create foreign import ccall "wxSimpleHelpProvider_Create" wxSimpleHelpProvider_Create :: IO (Ptr (TSimpleHelpProvider ())) -- | usage: (@singleInstanceCheckerCreate obj name path@). singleInstanceCheckerCreate :: Ptr a -> String -> String -> IO Int singleInstanceCheckerCreate _obj name path = withIntResult $ withCWString name $ \cstr_name -> withCWString path $ \cstr_path -> wxSingleInstanceChecker_Create _obj cstr_name cstr_path foreign import ccall "wxSingleInstanceChecker_Create" wxSingleInstanceChecker_Create :: Ptr a -> CWString -> CWString -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@singleInstanceCheckerCreateDefault@). singleInstanceCheckerCreateDefault :: IO (SingleInstanceChecker ()) singleInstanceCheckerCreateDefault = withObjectResult $ wxSingleInstanceChecker_CreateDefault foreign import ccall "wxSingleInstanceChecker_CreateDefault" wxSingleInstanceChecker_CreateDefault :: IO (Ptr (TSingleInstanceChecker ())) -- | usage: (@singleInstanceCheckerDelete obj@). singleInstanceCheckerDelete :: SingleInstanceChecker a -> IO () singleInstanceCheckerDelete _obj = withObjectRef "singleInstanceCheckerDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSingleInstanceChecker_Delete cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSingleInstanceChecker_Delete" wxSingleInstanceChecker_Delete :: Ptr (TSingleInstanceChecker a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@singleInstanceCheckerIsAnotherRunning obj@). singleInstanceCheckerIsAnotherRunning :: SingleInstanceChecker a -> IO Bool singleInstanceCheckerIsAnotherRunning _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "singleInstanceCheckerIsAnotherRunning" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSingleInstanceChecker_IsAnotherRunning cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSingleInstanceChecker_IsAnotherRunning" wxSingleInstanceChecker_IsAnotherRunning :: Ptr (TSingleInstanceChecker a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@sizeEventCopyObject obj obj@). sizeEventCopyObject :: SizeEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO () sizeEventCopyObject _obj obj = withObjectRef "sizeEventCopyObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizeEvent_CopyObject cobj__obj obj foreign import ccall "wxSizeEvent_CopyObject" wxSizeEvent_CopyObject :: Ptr (TSizeEvent a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizeEventGetSize obj@). sizeEventGetSize :: SizeEvent a -> IO Size sizeEventGetSize _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "sizeEventGetSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizeEvent_GetSize cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxSizeEvent_GetSize" wxSizeEvent_GetSize :: Ptr (TSizeEvent a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerAdd obj widthheight option flag border userData@). sizerAdd :: Sizer a -> Size -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Ptr f -> IO () sizerAdd _obj widthheight option flag border userData = withObjectRef "sizerAdd" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizer_Add cobj__obj (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight) (toCInt option) (toCInt flag) (toCInt border) userData foreign import ccall "wxSizer_Add" wxSizer_Add :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr f -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerAddSizer obj sizer option flag border userData@). sizerAddSizer :: Sizer a -> Sizer b -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Ptr f -> IO () sizerAddSizer _obj sizer option flag border userData = withObjectRef "sizerAddSizer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr sizer $ \cobj_sizer -> wxSizer_AddSizer cobj__obj cobj_sizer (toCInt option) (toCInt flag) (toCInt border) userData foreign import ccall "wxSizer_AddSizer" wxSizer_AddSizer :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> Ptr (TSizer b) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr f -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerAddWindow obj window option flag border userData@). sizerAddWindow :: Sizer a -> Window b -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Ptr f -> IO () sizerAddWindow _obj window option flag border userData = withObjectRef "sizerAddWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> wxSizer_AddWindow cobj__obj cobj_window (toCInt option) (toCInt flag) (toCInt border) userData foreign import ccall "wxSizer_AddWindow" wxSizer_AddWindow :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr f -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerCalcMin obj@). sizerCalcMin :: Sizer a -> IO Size sizerCalcMin _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "sizerCalcMin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizer_CalcMin cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxSizer_CalcMin" wxSizer_CalcMin :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerFit obj window@). sizerFit :: Sizer a -> Window b -> IO () sizerFit _obj window = withObjectRef "sizerFit" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> wxSizer_Fit cobj__obj cobj_window foreign import ccall "wxSizer_Fit" wxSizer_Fit :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerGetChildren obj res cnt@). sizerGetChildren :: Sizer a -> Ptr b -> Int -> IO Int sizerGetChildren _obj _res _cnt = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sizerGetChildren" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizer_GetChildren cobj__obj _res (toCInt _cnt) foreign import ccall "wxSizer_GetChildren" wxSizer_GetChildren :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> Ptr b -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sizerGetMinSize obj@). sizerGetMinSize :: Sizer a -> IO Size sizerGetMinSize _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "sizerGetMinSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizer_GetMinSize cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxSizer_GetMinSize" wxSizer_GetMinSize :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerGetPosition obj@). sizerGetPosition :: Sizer a -> IO Point sizerGetPosition _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "sizerGetPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizer_GetPosition cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxSizer_GetPosition" wxSizer_GetPosition :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerGetSize obj@). sizerGetSize :: Sizer a -> IO Size sizerGetSize _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "sizerGetSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizer_GetSize cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxSizer_GetSize" wxSizer_GetSize :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerInsert obj before widthheight option flag border userData@). sizerInsert :: Sizer a -> Int -> Size -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Ptr g -> IO () sizerInsert _obj before widthheight option flag border userData = withObjectRef "sizerInsert" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizer_Insert cobj__obj (toCInt before) (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight) (toCInt option) (toCInt flag) (toCInt border) userData foreign import ccall "wxSizer_Insert" wxSizer_Insert :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr g -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerInsertSizer obj before sizer option flag border userData@). sizerInsertSizer :: Sizer a -> Int -> Sizer c -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Ptr g -> IO () sizerInsertSizer _obj before sizer option flag border userData = withObjectRef "sizerInsertSizer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr sizer $ \cobj_sizer -> wxSizer_InsertSizer cobj__obj (toCInt before) cobj_sizer (toCInt option) (toCInt flag) (toCInt border) userData foreign import ccall "wxSizer_InsertSizer" wxSizer_InsertSizer :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TSizer c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr g -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerInsertWindow obj before window option flag border userData@). sizerInsertWindow :: Sizer a -> Int -> Window c -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Ptr g -> IO () sizerInsertWindow _obj before window option flag border userData = withObjectRef "sizerInsertWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> wxSizer_InsertWindow cobj__obj (toCInt before) cobj_window (toCInt option) (toCInt flag) (toCInt border) userData foreign import ccall "wxSizer_InsertWindow" wxSizer_InsertWindow :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr g -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerItemCalcMin obj@). sizerItemCalcMin :: SizerItem a -> IO Size sizerItemCalcMin _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "sizerItemCalcMin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_CalcMin cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_CalcMin" wxSizerItem_CalcMin :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerItemCreate widthheight option flag border userData@). sizerItemCreate :: Size -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Ptr e -> IO (SizerItem ()) sizerItemCreate widthheight option flag border userData = withObjectResult $ wxSizerItem_Create (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight) (toCInt option) (toCInt flag) (toCInt border) userData foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_Create" wxSizerItem_Create :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr e -> IO (Ptr (TSizerItem ())) -- | usage: (@sizerItemCreateInSizer sizer option flag border userData@). sizerItemCreateInSizer :: Sizer a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Ptr e -> IO (Ptr ()) sizerItemCreateInSizer sizer option flag border userData = withObjectPtr sizer $ \cobj_sizer -> wxSizerItem_CreateInSizer cobj_sizer (toCInt option) (toCInt flag) (toCInt border) userData foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_CreateInSizer" wxSizerItem_CreateInSizer :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr e -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@sizerItemCreateInWindow window option flag border userData@). sizerItemCreateInWindow :: Window a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Ptr e -> IO (Ptr ()) sizerItemCreateInWindow window option flag border userData = withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> wxSizerItem_CreateInWindow cobj_window (toCInt option) (toCInt flag) (toCInt border) userData foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_CreateInWindow" wxSizerItem_CreateInWindow :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr e -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@sizerItemGetBorder obj@). sizerItemGetBorder :: SizerItem a -> IO Int sizerItemGetBorder _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sizerItemGetBorder" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_GetBorder cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_GetBorder" wxSizerItem_GetBorder :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sizerItemGetFlag obj@). sizerItemGetFlag :: SizerItem a -> IO Int sizerItemGetFlag _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sizerItemGetFlag" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_GetFlag cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_GetFlag" wxSizerItem_GetFlag :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sizerItemGetMinSize obj@). sizerItemGetMinSize :: SizerItem a -> IO Size sizerItemGetMinSize _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "sizerItemGetMinSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_GetMinSize cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_GetMinSize" wxSizerItem_GetMinSize :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerItemGetOption obj@). sizerItemGetOption :: SizerItem a -> IO Int sizerItemGetOption _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sizerItemGetOption" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_GetOption cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_GetOption" wxSizerItem_GetOption :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sizerItemGetPosition obj@). sizerItemGetPosition :: SizerItem a -> IO Point sizerItemGetPosition _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "sizerItemGetPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_GetPosition cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_GetPosition" wxSizerItem_GetPosition :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerItemGetRatio obj@). sizerItemGetRatio :: SizerItem a -> IO Float sizerItemGetRatio _obj = withObjectRef "sizerItemGetRatio" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_GetRatio cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_GetRatio" wxSizerItem_GetRatio :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> IO Float -- | usage: (@sizerItemGetSize obj@). sizerItemGetSize :: SizerItem a -> IO Size sizerItemGetSize _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "sizerItemGetSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_GetSize cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_GetSize" wxSizerItem_GetSize :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerItemGetSizer obj@). sizerItemGetSizer :: SizerItem a -> IO (Sizer ()) sizerItemGetSizer _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "sizerItemGetSizer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_GetSizer cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_GetSizer" wxSizerItem_GetSizer :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> IO (Ptr (TSizer ())) -- | usage: (@sizerItemGetUserData obj@). sizerItemGetUserData :: SizerItem a -> IO (Ptr ()) sizerItemGetUserData _obj = withObjectRef "sizerItemGetUserData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_GetUserData cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_GetUserData" wxSizerItem_GetUserData :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@sizerItemGetWindow obj@). sizerItemGetWindow :: SizerItem a -> IO (Window ()) sizerItemGetWindow _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "sizerItemGetWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_GetWindow cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_GetWindow" wxSizerItem_GetWindow :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ())) -- | usage: (@sizerItemIsSizer obj@). sizerItemIsSizer :: SizerItem a -> IO Bool sizerItemIsSizer _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "sizerItemIsSizer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_IsSizer cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_IsSizer" wxSizerItem_IsSizer :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@sizerItemIsSpacer obj@). sizerItemIsSpacer :: SizerItem a -> IO Bool sizerItemIsSpacer _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "sizerItemIsSpacer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_IsSpacer cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_IsSpacer" wxSizerItem_IsSpacer :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@sizerItemIsWindow obj@). sizerItemIsWindow :: SizerItem a -> IO Bool sizerItemIsWindow _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "sizerItemIsWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_IsWindow cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_IsWindow" wxSizerItem_IsWindow :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@sizerItemSetBorder obj border@). sizerItemSetBorder :: SizerItem a -> Int -> IO () sizerItemSetBorder _obj border = withObjectRef "sizerItemSetBorder" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_SetBorder cobj__obj (toCInt border) foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_SetBorder" wxSizerItem_SetBorder :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerItemSetDimension obj xywh@). sizerItemSetDimension :: SizerItem a -> Rect -> IO () sizerItemSetDimension _obj _xywh = withObjectRef "sizerItemSetDimension" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_SetDimension cobj__obj (toCIntRectX _xywh) (toCIntRectY _xywh)(toCIntRectW _xywh) (toCIntRectH _xywh) foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_SetDimension" wxSizerItem_SetDimension :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerItemSetFlag obj flag@). sizerItemSetFlag :: SizerItem a -> Int -> IO () sizerItemSetFlag _obj flag = withObjectRef "sizerItemSetFlag" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_SetFlag cobj__obj (toCInt flag) foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_SetFlag" wxSizerItem_SetFlag :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerItemSetFloatRatio obj ratio@). sizerItemSetFloatRatio :: SizerItem a -> Float -> IO () sizerItemSetFloatRatio _obj ratio = withObjectRef "sizerItemSetFloatRatio" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_SetFloatRatio cobj__obj ratio foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_SetFloatRatio" wxSizerItem_SetFloatRatio :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> Float -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerItemSetInitSize obj xy@). sizerItemSetInitSize :: SizerItem a -> Point -> IO () sizerItemSetInitSize _obj xy = withObjectRef "sizerItemSetInitSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_SetInitSize cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_SetInitSize" wxSizerItem_SetInitSize :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerItemSetOption obj option@). sizerItemSetOption :: SizerItem a -> Int -> IO () sizerItemSetOption _obj option = withObjectRef "sizerItemSetOption" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_SetOption cobj__obj (toCInt option) foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_SetOption" wxSizerItem_SetOption :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerItemSetRatio obj widthheight@). sizerItemSetRatio :: SizerItem a -> Size -> IO () sizerItemSetRatio _obj widthheight = withObjectRef "sizerItemSetRatio" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizerItem_SetRatio cobj__obj (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight) foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_SetRatio" wxSizerItem_SetRatio :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerItemSetSizer obj sizer@). sizerItemSetSizer :: SizerItem a -> Sizer b -> IO () sizerItemSetSizer _obj sizer = withObjectRef "sizerItemSetSizer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr sizer $ \cobj_sizer -> wxSizerItem_SetSizer cobj__obj cobj_sizer foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_SetSizer" wxSizerItem_SetSizer :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> Ptr (TSizer b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerItemSetWindow obj window@). sizerItemSetWindow :: SizerItem a -> Window b -> IO () sizerItemSetWindow _obj window = withObjectRef "sizerItemSetWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> wxSizerItem_SetWindow cobj__obj cobj_window foreign import ccall "wxSizerItem_SetWindow" wxSizerItem_SetWindow :: Ptr (TSizerItem a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerLayout obj@). sizerLayout :: Sizer a -> IO () sizerLayout _obj = withObjectRef "sizerLayout" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizer_Layout cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSizer_Layout" wxSizer_Layout :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerPrepend obj widthheight option flag border userData@). sizerPrepend :: Sizer a -> Size -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Ptr f -> IO () sizerPrepend _obj widthheight option flag border userData = withObjectRef "sizerPrepend" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizer_Prepend cobj__obj (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight) (toCInt option) (toCInt flag) (toCInt border) userData foreign import ccall "wxSizer_Prepend" wxSizer_Prepend :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr f -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerPrependSizer obj sizer option flag border userData@). sizerPrependSizer :: Sizer a -> Sizer b -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Ptr f -> IO () sizerPrependSizer _obj sizer option flag border userData = withObjectRef "sizerPrependSizer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr sizer $ \cobj_sizer -> wxSizer_PrependSizer cobj__obj cobj_sizer (toCInt option) (toCInt flag) (toCInt border) userData foreign import ccall "wxSizer_PrependSizer" wxSizer_PrependSizer :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> Ptr (TSizer b) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr f -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerPrependWindow obj window option flag border userData@). sizerPrependWindow :: Sizer a -> Window b -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Ptr f -> IO () sizerPrependWindow _obj window option flag border userData = withObjectRef "sizerPrependWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> wxSizer_PrependWindow cobj__obj cobj_window (toCInt option) (toCInt flag) (toCInt border) userData foreign import ccall "wxSizer_PrependWindow" wxSizer_PrependWindow :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr f -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerRecalcSizes obj@). sizerRecalcSizes :: Sizer a -> IO () sizerRecalcSizes _obj = withObjectRef "sizerRecalcSizes" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizer_RecalcSizes cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSizer_RecalcSizes" wxSizer_RecalcSizes :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerRemove obj pos@). sizerRemove :: Sizer a -> Int -> IO Int sizerRemove _obj pos = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sizerRemove" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizer_Remove cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxSizer_Remove" wxSizer_Remove :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sizerRemoveSizer obj sizer@). sizerRemoveSizer :: Sizer a -> Sizer b -> IO Int sizerRemoveSizer _obj sizer = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sizerRemoveSizer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr sizer $ \cobj_sizer -> wxSizer_RemoveSizer cobj__obj cobj_sizer foreign import ccall "wxSizer_RemoveSizer" wxSizer_RemoveSizer :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> Ptr (TSizer b) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sizerRemoveWindow obj window@). sizerRemoveWindow :: Sizer a -> Window b -> IO Int sizerRemoveWindow _obj window = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sizerRemoveWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> wxSizer_RemoveWindow cobj__obj cobj_window foreign import ccall "wxSizer_RemoveWindow" wxSizer_RemoveWindow :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sizerSetDimension obj xywidthheight@). sizerSetDimension :: Sizer a -> Rect -> IO () sizerSetDimension _obj xywidthheight = withObjectRef "sizerSetDimension" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizer_SetDimension cobj__obj (toCIntRectX xywidthheight) (toCIntRectY xywidthheight)(toCIntRectW xywidthheight) (toCIntRectH xywidthheight) foreign import ccall "wxSizer_SetDimension" wxSizer_SetDimension :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerSetItemMinSize obj pos widthheight@). sizerSetItemMinSize :: Sizer a -> Int -> Size -> IO () sizerSetItemMinSize _obj pos widthheight = withObjectRef "sizerSetItemMinSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizer_SetItemMinSize cobj__obj (toCInt pos) (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight) foreign import ccall "wxSizer_SetItemMinSize" wxSizer_SetItemMinSize :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerSetItemMinSizeSizer obj sizer widthheight@). sizerSetItemMinSizeSizer :: Sizer a -> Sizer b -> Size -> IO () sizerSetItemMinSizeSizer _obj sizer widthheight = withObjectRef "sizerSetItemMinSizeSizer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr sizer $ \cobj_sizer -> wxSizer_SetItemMinSizeSizer cobj__obj cobj_sizer (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight) foreign import ccall "wxSizer_SetItemMinSizeSizer" wxSizer_SetItemMinSizeSizer :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> Ptr (TSizer b) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerSetItemMinSizeWindow obj window widthheight@). sizerSetItemMinSizeWindow :: Sizer a -> Window b -> Size -> IO () sizerSetItemMinSizeWindow _obj window widthheight = withObjectRef "sizerSetItemMinSizeWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> wxSizer_SetItemMinSizeWindow cobj__obj cobj_window (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight) foreign import ccall "wxSizer_SetItemMinSizeWindow" wxSizer_SetItemMinSizeWindow :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerSetMinSize obj widthheight@). sizerSetMinSize :: Sizer a -> Size -> IO () sizerSetMinSize _obj widthheight = withObjectRef "sizerSetMinSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSizer_SetMinSize cobj__obj (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight) foreign import ccall "wxSizer_SetMinSize" wxSizer_SetMinSize :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sizerSetSizeHints obj window@). sizerSetSizeHints :: Sizer a -> Window b -> IO () sizerSetSizeHints _obj window = withObjectRef "sizerSetSizeHints" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> wxSizer_SetSizeHints cobj__obj cobj_window foreign import ccall "wxSizer_SetSizeHints" wxSizer_SetSizeHints :: Ptr (TSizer a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@sliderClearSel obj@). sliderClearSel :: Slider a -> IO () sliderClearSel _obj = withObjectRef "sliderClearSel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSlider_ClearSel cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSlider_ClearSel" wxSlider_ClearSel :: Ptr (TSlider a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@sliderClearTicks obj@). sliderClearTicks :: Slider a -> IO () sliderClearTicks _obj = withObjectRef "sliderClearTicks" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSlider_ClearTicks cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSlider_ClearTicks" wxSlider_ClearTicks :: Ptr (TSlider a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@sliderCreate prt id wxinit min max lfttopwdthgt stl@). sliderCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Rect -> Style -> IO (Slider ()) sliderCreate _prt _id _init _min _max _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wxSlider_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) (toCInt _init) (toCInt _min) (toCInt _max) (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxSlider_Create" wxSlider_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TSlider ())) -- | usage: (@sliderGetLineSize obj@). sliderGetLineSize :: Slider a -> IO Int sliderGetLineSize _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sliderGetLineSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSlider_GetLineSize cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSlider_GetLineSize" wxSlider_GetLineSize :: Ptr (TSlider a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sliderGetMax obj@). sliderGetMax :: Slider a -> IO Int sliderGetMax _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sliderGetMax" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSlider_GetMax cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSlider_GetMax" wxSlider_GetMax :: Ptr (TSlider a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sliderGetMin obj@). sliderGetMin :: Slider a -> IO Int sliderGetMin _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sliderGetMin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSlider_GetMin cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSlider_GetMin" wxSlider_GetMin :: Ptr (TSlider a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sliderGetPageSize obj@). sliderGetPageSize :: Slider a -> IO Int sliderGetPageSize _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sliderGetPageSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSlider_GetPageSize cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSlider_GetPageSize" wxSlider_GetPageSize :: Ptr (TSlider a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sliderGetSelEnd obj@). sliderGetSelEnd :: Slider a -> IO Int sliderGetSelEnd _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sliderGetSelEnd" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSlider_GetSelEnd cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSlider_GetSelEnd" wxSlider_GetSelEnd :: Ptr (TSlider a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sliderGetSelStart obj@). sliderGetSelStart :: Slider a -> IO Int sliderGetSelStart _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sliderGetSelStart" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSlider_GetSelStart cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSlider_GetSelStart" wxSlider_GetSelStart :: Ptr (TSlider a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sliderGetThumbLength obj@). sliderGetThumbLength :: Slider a -> IO Int sliderGetThumbLength _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sliderGetThumbLength" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSlider_GetThumbLength cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSlider_GetThumbLength" wxSlider_GetThumbLength :: Ptr (TSlider a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sliderGetTickFreq obj@). sliderGetTickFreq :: Slider a -> IO Int sliderGetTickFreq _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sliderGetTickFreq" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSlider_GetTickFreq cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSlider_GetTickFreq" wxSlider_GetTickFreq :: Ptr (TSlider a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sliderGetValue obj@). sliderGetValue :: Slider a -> IO Int sliderGetValue _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "sliderGetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSlider_GetValue cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSlider_GetValue" wxSlider_GetValue :: Ptr (TSlider a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@sliderSetLineSize obj lineSize@). sliderSetLineSize :: Slider a -> Int -> IO () sliderSetLineSize _obj lineSize = withObjectRef "sliderSetLineSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSlider_SetLineSize cobj__obj (toCInt lineSize) foreign import ccall "wxSlider_SetLineSize" wxSlider_SetLineSize :: Ptr (TSlider a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sliderSetPageSize obj pageSize@). sliderSetPageSize :: Slider a -> Int -> IO () sliderSetPageSize _obj pageSize = withObjectRef "sliderSetPageSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSlider_SetPageSize cobj__obj (toCInt pageSize) foreign import ccall "wxSlider_SetPageSize" wxSlider_SetPageSize :: Ptr (TSlider a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sliderSetRange obj minValue maxValue@). sliderSetRange :: Slider a -> Int -> Int -> IO () sliderSetRange _obj minValue maxValue = withObjectRef "sliderSetRange" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSlider_SetRange cobj__obj (toCInt minValue) (toCInt maxValue) foreign import ccall "wxSlider_SetRange" wxSlider_SetRange :: Ptr (TSlider a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sliderSetSelection obj minPos maxPos@). sliderSetSelection :: Slider a -> Int -> Int -> IO () sliderSetSelection _obj minPos maxPos = withObjectRef "sliderSetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSlider_SetSelection cobj__obj (toCInt minPos) (toCInt maxPos) foreign import ccall "wxSlider_SetSelection" wxSlider_SetSelection :: Ptr (TSlider a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sliderSetThumbLength obj len@). sliderSetThumbLength :: Slider a -> Int -> IO () sliderSetThumbLength _obj len = withObjectRef "sliderSetThumbLength" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSlider_SetThumbLength cobj__obj (toCInt len) foreign import ccall "wxSlider_SetThumbLength" wxSlider_SetThumbLength :: Ptr (TSlider a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sliderSetTick obj tickPos@). sliderSetTick :: Slider a -> Int -> IO () sliderSetTick _obj tickPos = withObjectRef "sliderSetTick" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSlider_SetTick cobj__obj (toCInt tickPos) foreign import ccall "wxSlider_SetTick" wxSlider_SetTick :: Ptr (TSlider a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sliderSetTickFreq obj n pos@). sliderSetTickFreq :: Slider a -> Int -> Int -> IO () sliderSetTickFreq _obj n pos = withObjectRef "sliderSetTickFreq" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSlider_SetTickFreq cobj__obj (toCInt n) (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxSlider_SetTickFreq" wxSlider_SetTickFreq :: Ptr (TSlider a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@sliderSetValue obj value@). sliderSetValue :: Slider a -> Int -> IO () sliderSetValue _obj value = withObjectRef "sliderSetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSlider_SetValue cobj__obj (toCInt value) foreign import ccall "wxSlider_SetValue" wxSlider_SetValue :: Ptr (TSlider a) -> CInt -> IO () {- | Usage: @soundCreate fileName isResource@. As yet (Nov 2003) unsupported on MacOS X * -} soundCreate :: String -> Bool -> IO (Sound ()) soundCreate fileName isResource = withObjectResult $ withStringPtr fileName $ \cobj_fileName -> wxSound_Create cobj_fileName (toCBool isResource) foreign import ccall "wxSound_Create" wxSound_Create :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr (TSound ())) -- | usage: (@soundDelete self@). soundDelete :: Sound a -> IO () soundDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@soundIsOk self@). soundIsOk :: Sound a -> IO Bool soundIsOk self = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "soundIsOk" self $ \cobj_self -> wxSound_IsOk cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxSound_IsOk" wxSound_IsOk :: Ptr (TSound a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@soundPlay self flag@). soundPlay :: Sound a -> Int -> IO Bool soundPlay self flag = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "soundPlay" self $ \cobj_self -> wxSound_Play cobj_self (toCInt flag) foreign import ccall "wxSound_Play" wxSound_Play :: Ptr (TSound a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@soundPlayCompatible self async looped@). soundPlayCompatible :: Sound a -> Bool -> Bool -> IO Bool soundPlayCompatible self async looped = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "soundPlayCompatible" self $ \cobj_self -> wxSound_PlayCompatible cobj_self (toCBool async) (toCBool looped) foreign import ccall "wxSound_PlayCompatible" wxSound_PlayCompatible :: Ptr (TSound a) -> CBool -> CBool -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@spinButtonCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl@). spinButtonCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (SpinButton ()) spinButtonCreate _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wxSpinButton_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxSpinButton_Create" wxSpinButton_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TSpinButton ())) -- | usage: (@spinButtonGetMax obj@). spinButtonGetMax :: SpinButton a -> IO Int spinButtonGetMax _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "spinButtonGetMax" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSpinButton_GetMax cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSpinButton_GetMax" wxSpinButton_GetMax :: Ptr (TSpinButton a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@spinButtonGetMin obj@). spinButtonGetMin :: SpinButton a -> IO Int spinButtonGetMin _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "spinButtonGetMin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSpinButton_GetMin cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSpinButton_GetMin" wxSpinButton_GetMin :: Ptr (TSpinButton a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@spinButtonGetValue obj@). spinButtonGetValue :: SpinButton a -> IO Int spinButtonGetValue _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "spinButtonGetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSpinButton_GetValue cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSpinButton_GetValue" wxSpinButton_GetValue :: Ptr (TSpinButton a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@spinButtonSetRange obj minVal maxVal@). spinButtonSetRange :: SpinButton a -> Int -> Int -> IO () spinButtonSetRange _obj minVal maxVal = withObjectRef "spinButtonSetRange" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSpinButton_SetRange cobj__obj (toCInt minVal) (toCInt maxVal) foreign import ccall "wxSpinButton_SetRange" wxSpinButton_SetRange :: Ptr (TSpinButton a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@spinButtonSetValue obj val@). spinButtonSetValue :: SpinButton a -> Int -> IO () spinButtonSetValue _obj val = withObjectRef "spinButtonSetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSpinButton_SetValue cobj__obj (toCInt val) foreign import ccall "wxSpinButton_SetValue" wxSpinButton_SetValue :: Ptr (TSpinButton a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@spinCtrlCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt stl min max wxinit@). spinCtrlCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO (SpinCtrl ()) spinCtrlCreate _prt _id _txt _lfttopwdthgt _stl _min _max _init = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> withCWString _txt $ \cstr__txt -> wxSpinCtrl_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) cstr__txt (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) (toCInt _min) (toCInt _max) (toCInt _init) foreign import ccall "wxSpinCtrl_Create" wxSpinCtrl_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CWString -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TSpinCtrl ())) -- | usage: (@spinCtrlGetMax obj@). spinCtrlGetMax :: SpinCtrl a -> IO Int spinCtrlGetMax _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "spinCtrlGetMax" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSpinCtrl_GetMax cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSpinCtrl_GetMax" wxSpinCtrl_GetMax :: Ptr (TSpinCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@spinCtrlGetMin obj@). spinCtrlGetMin :: SpinCtrl a -> IO Int spinCtrlGetMin _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "spinCtrlGetMin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSpinCtrl_GetMin cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSpinCtrl_GetMin" wxSpinCtrl_GetMin :: Ptr (TSpinCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@spinCtrlGetValue obj@). spinCtrlGetValue :: SpinCtrl a -> IO Int spinCtrlGetValue _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "spinCtrlGetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSpinCtrl_GetValue cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSpinCtrl_GetValue" wxSpinCtrl_GetValue :: Ptr (TSpinCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@spinCtrlSetRange obj minval maxval@). spinCtrlSetRange :: SpinCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () spinCtrlSetRange _obj minval maxval = withObjectRef "spinCtrlSetRange" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSpinCtrl_SetRange cobj__obj (toCInt minval) (toCInt maxval) foreign import ccall "wxSpinCtrl_SetRange" wxSpinCtrl_SetRange :: Ptr (TSpinCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@spinCtrlSetValue obj val@). spinCtrlSetValue :: SpinCtrl a -> Int -> IO () spinCtrlSetValue _obj val = withObjectRef "spinCtrlSetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSpinCtrl_SetValue cobj__obj (toCInt val) foreign import ccall "wxSpinCtrl_SetValue" wxSpinCtrl_SetValue :: Ptr (TSpinCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@spinEventGetPosition obj@). spinEventGetPosition :: SpinEvent a -> IO Int spinEventGetPosition _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "spinEventGetPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSpinEvent_GetPosition cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSpinEvent_GetPosition" wxSpinEvent_GetPosition :: Ptr (TSpinEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@spinEventSetPosition obj pos@). spinEventSetPosition :: SpinEvent a -> Int -> IO () spinEventSetPosition _obj pos = withObjectRef "spinEventSetPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSpinEvent_SetPosition cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxSpinEvent_SetPosition" wxSpinEvent_SetPosition :: Ptr (TSpinEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@splitterWindowCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl@). splitterWindowCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (SplitterWindow ()) splitterWindowCreate _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wxSplitterWindow_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxSplitterWindow_Create" wxSplitterWindow_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TSplitterWindow ())) -- | usage: (@splitterWindowGetBorderSize obj@). splitterWindowGetBorderSize :: SplitterWindow a -> IO Int splitterWindowGetBorderSize _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "splitterWindowGetBorderSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSplitterWindow_GetBorderSize cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSplitterWindow_GetBorderSize" wxSplitterWindow_GetBorderSize :: Ptr (TSplitterWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@splitterWindowGetMinimumPaneSize obj@). splitterWindowGetMinimumPaneSize :: SplitterWindow a -> IO Int splitterWindowGetMinimumPaneSize _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "splitterWindowGetMinimumPaneSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSplitterWindow_GetMinimumPaneSize cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSplitterWindow_GetMinimumPaneSize" wxSplitterWindow_GetMinimumPaneSize :: Ptr (TSplitterWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@splitterWindowGetSashPosition obj@). splitterWindowGetSashPosition :: SplitterWindow a -> IO Int splitterWindowGetSashPosition _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "splitterWindowGetSashPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSplitterWindow_GetSashPosition cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSplitterWindow_GetSashPosition" wxSplitterWindow_GetSashPosition :: Ptr (TSplitterWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@splitterWindowGetSashSize obj@). splitterWindowGetSashSize :: SplitterWindow a -> IO Int splitterWindowGetSashSize _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "splitterWindowGetSashSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSplitterWindow_GetSashSize cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSplitterWindow_GetSashSize" wxSplitterWindow_GetSashSize :: Ptr (TSplitterWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@splitterWindowGetSplitMode obj@). splitterWindowGetSplitMode :: SplitterWindow a -> IO Int splitterWindowGetSplitMode _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "splitterWindowGetSplitMode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSplitterWindow_GetSplitMode cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSplitterWindow_GetSplitMode" wxSplitterWindow_GetSplitMode :: Ptr (TSplitterWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@splitterWindowGetWindow1 obj@). splitterWindowGetWindow1 :: SplitterWindow a -> IO (Window ()) splitterWindowGetWindow1 _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "splitterWindowGetWindow1" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSplitterWindow_GetWindow1 cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSplitterWindow_GetWindow1" wxSplitterWindow_GetWindow1 :: Ptr (TSplitterWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ())) -- | usage: (@splitterWindowGetWindow2 obj@). splitterWindowGetWindow2 :: SplitterWindow a -> IO (Window ()) splitterWindowGetWindow2 _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "splitterWindowGetWindow2" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSplitterWindow_GetWindow2 cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSplitterWindow_GetWindow2" wxSplitterWindow_GetWindow2 :: Ptr (TSplitterWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ())) -- | usage: (@splitterWindowInitialize obj window@). splitterWindowInitialize :: SplitterWindow a -> Window b -> IO () splitterWindowInitialize _obj window = withObjectRef "splitterWindowInitialize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr window $ \cobj_window -> wxSplitterWindow_Initialize cobj__obj cobj_window foreign import ccall "wxSplitterWindow_Initialize" wxSplitterWindow_Initialize :: Ptr (TSplitterWindow a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@splitterWindowIsSplit obj@). splitterWindowIsSplit :: SplitterWindow a -> IO Bool splitterWindowIsSplit _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "splitterWindowIsSplit" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSplitterWindow_IsSplit cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxSplitterWindow_IsSplit" wxSplitterWindow_IsSplit :: Ptr (TSplitterWindow a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@splitterWindowReplaceWindow obj winOld winNew@). splitterWindowReplaceWindow :: SplitterWindow a -> Window b -> Window c -> IO Bool splitterWindowReplaceWindow _obj winOld winNew = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "splitterWindowReplaceWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr winOld $ \cobj_winOld -> withObjectPtr winNew $ \cobj_winNew -> wxSplitterWindow_ReplaceWindow cobj__obj cobj_winOld cobj_winNew foreign import ccall "wxSplitterWindow_ReplaceWindow" wxSplitterWindow_ReplaceWindow :: Ptr (TSplitterWindow a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@splitterWindowSetBorderSize obj width@). splitterWindowSetBorderSize :: SplitterWindow a -> Int -> IO () splitterWindowSetBorderSize _obj width = withObjectRef "splitterWindowSetBorderSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSplitterWindow_SetBorderSize cobj__obj (toCInt width) foreign import ccall "wxSplitterWindow_SetBorderSize" wxSplitterWindow_SetBorderSize :: Ptr (TSplitterWindow a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@splitterWindowSetMinimumPaneSize obj min@). splitterWindowSetMinimumPaneSize :: SplitterWindow a -> Int -> IO () splitterWindowSetMinimumPaneSize _obj min = withObjectRef "splitterWindowSetMinimumPaneSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSplitterWindow_SetMinimumPaneSize cobj__obj (toCInt min) foreign import ccall "wxSplitterWindow_SetMinimumPaneSize" wxSplitterWindow_SetMinimumPaneSize :: Ptr (TSplitterWindow a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@splitterWindowSetSashPosition obj position redraw@). splitterWindowSetSashPosition :: SplitterWindow a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () splitterWindowSetSashPosition _obj position redraw = withObjectRef "splitterWindowSetSashPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSplitterWindow_SetSashPosition cobj__obj (toCInt position) (toCBool redraw) foreign import ccall "wxSplitterWindow_SetSashPosition" wxSplitterWindow_SetSashPosition :: Ptr (TSplitterWindow a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@splitterWindowSetSashSize obj width@). splitterWindowSetSashSize :: SplitterWindow a -> Int -> IO () splitterWindowSetSashSize _obj width = withObjectRef "splitterWindowSetSashSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSplitterWindow_SetSashSize cobj__obj (toCInt width) foreign import ccall "wxSplitterWindow_SetSashSize" wxSplitterWindow_SetSashSize :: Ptr (TSplitterWindow a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@splitterWindowSetSplitMode obj mode@). splitterWindowSetSplitMode :: SplitterWindow a -> Int -> IO () splitterWindowSetSplitMode _obj mode = withObjectRef "splitterWindowSetSplitMode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxSplitterWindow_SetSplitMode cobj__obj (toCInt mode) foreign import ccall "wxSplitterWindow_SetSplitMode" wxSplitterWindow_SetSplitMode :: Ptr (TSplitterWindow a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@splitterWindowSplitHorizontally obj window1 window2 sashPosition@). splitterWindowSplitHorizontally :: SplitterWindow a -> Window b -> Window c -> Int -> IO Bool splitterWindowSplitHorizontally _obj window1 window2 sashPosition = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "splitterWindowSplitHorizontally" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr window1 $ \cobj_window1 -> withObjectPtr window2 $ \cobj_window2 -> wxSplitterWindow_SplitHorizontally cobj__obj cobj_window1 cobj_window2 (toCInt sashPosition) foreign import ccall "wxSplitterWindow_SplitHorizontally" wxSplitterWindow_SplitHorizontally :: Ptr (TSplitterWindow a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@splitterWindowSplitVertically obj window1 window2 sashPosition@). splitterWindowSplitVertically :: SplitterWindow a -> Window b -> Window c -> Int -> IO Bool splitterWindowSplitVertically _obj window1 window2 sashPosition = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "splitterWindowSplitVertically" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr window1 $ \cobj_window1 -> withObjectPtr window2 $ \cobj_window2 -> wxSplitterWindow_SplitVertically cobj__obj cobj_window1 cobj_window2 (toCInt sashPosition) foreign import ccall "wxSplitterWindow_SplitVertically" wxSplitterWindow_SplitVertically :: Ptr (TSplitterWindow a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@splitterWindowUnsplit obj toRemove@). splitterWindowUnsplit :: SplitterWindow a -> Window b -> IO Bool splitterWindowUnsplit _obj toRemove = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "splitterWindowUnsplit" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr toRemove $ \cobj_toRemove -> wxSplitterWindow_Unsplit cobj__obj cobj_toRemove foreign import ccall "wxSplitterWindow_Unsplit" wxSplitterWindow_Unsplit :: Ptr (TSplitterWindow a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@staticBitmapCreate prt id bitmap lfttopwdthgt stl@). staticBitmapCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Bitmap c -> Rect -> Style -> IO (StaticBitmap ()) staticBitmapCreate _prt _id bitmap _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> withObjectPtr bitmap $ \cobj_bitmap -> wxStaticBitmap_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) cobj_bitmap (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxStaticBitmap_Create" wxStaticBitmap_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TBitmap c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TStaticBitmap ())) -- | usage: (@staticBitmapDelete obj@). staticBitmapDelete :: StaticBitmap a -> IO () staticBitmapDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@staticBitmapGetBitmap obj@). staticBitmapGetBitmap :: StaticBitmap a -> IO (Bitmap ()) staticBitmapGetBitmap _obj = withRefBitmap $ \pref -> withObjectRef "staticBitmapGetBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStaticBitmap_GetBitmap cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxStaticBitmap_GetBitmap" wxStaticBitmap_GetBitmap :: Ptr (TStaticBitmap a) -> Ptr (TBitmap ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@staticBitmapGetIcon obj@). staticBitmapGetIcon :: StaticBitmap a -> IO (Icon ()) staticBitmapGetIcon _obj = withRefIcon $ \pref -> withObjectRef "staticBitmapGetIcon" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStaticBitmap_GetIcon cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxStaticBitmap_GetIcon" wxStaticBitmap_GetIcon :: Ptr (TStaticBitmap a) -> Ptr (TIcon ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@staticBitmapSetBitmap obj bitmap@). staticBitmapSetBitmap :: StaticBitmap a -> Bitmap b -> IO () staticBitmapSetBitmap _obj bitmap = withObjectRef "staticBitmapSetBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr bitmap $ \cobj_bitmap -> wxStaticBitmap_SetBitmap cobj__obj cobj_bitmap foreign import ccall "wxStaticBitmap_SetBitmap" wxStaticBitmap_SetBitmap :: Ptr (TStaticBitmap a) -> Ptr (TBitmap b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@staticBitmapSetIcon obj icon@). staticBitmapSetIcon :: StaticBitmap a -> Icon b -> IO () staticBitmapSetIcon _obj icon = withObjectRef "staticBitmapSetIcon" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr icon $ \cobj_icon -> wxStaticBitmap_SetIcon cobj__obj cobj_icon foreign import ccall "wxStaticBitmap_SetIcon" wxStaticBitmap_SetIcon :: Ptr (TStaticBitmap a) -> Ptr (TIcon b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@staticBoxCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt stl@). staticBoxCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style -> IO (StaticBox ()) staticBoxCreate _prt _id _txt _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> withCWString _txt $ \cstr__txt -> wxStaticBox_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) cstr__txt (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxStaticBox_Create" wxStaticBox_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CWString -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TStaticBox ())) -- | usage: (@staticBoxSizerCalcMin obj@). staticBoxSizerCalcMin :: StaticBoxSizer a -> IO Size staticBoxSizerCalcMin _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "staticBoxSizerCalcMin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStaticBoxSizer_CalcMin cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxStaticBoxSizer_CalcMin" wxStaticBoxSizer_CalcMin :: Ptr (TStaticBoxSizer a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@staticBoxSizerCreate box orient@). staticBoxSizerCreate :: StaticBox a -> Int -> IO (StaticBoxSizer ()) staticBoxSizerCreate box orient = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr box $ \cobj_box -> wxStaticBoxSizer_Create cobj_box (toCInt orient) foreign import ccall "wxStaticBoxSizer_Create" wxStaticBoxSizer_Create :: Ptr (TStaticBox a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TStaticBoxSizer ())) -- | usage: (@staticBoxSizerGetStaticBox obj@). staticBoxSizerGetStaticBox :: StaticBoxSizer a -> IO (StaticBox ()) staticBoxSizerGetStaticBox _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "staticBoxSizerGetStaticBox" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStaticBoxSizer_GetStaticBox cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStaticBoxSizer_GetStaticBox" wxStaticBoxSizer_GetStaticBox :: Ptr (TStaticBoxSizer a) -> IO (Ptr (TStaticBox ())) -- | usage: (@staticBoxSizerRecalcSizes obj@). staticBoxSizerRecalcSizes :: StaticBoxSizer a -> IO () staticBoxSizerRecalcSizes _obj = withObjectRef "staticBoxSizerRecalcSizes" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStaticBoxSizer_RecalcSizes cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStaticBoxSizer_RecalcSizes" wxStaticBoxSizer_RecalcSizes :: Ptr (TStaticBoxSizer a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@staticLineCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl@). staticLineCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (StaticLine ()) staticLineCreate _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wxStaticLine_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxStaticLine_Create" wxStaticLine_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TStaticLine ())) -- | usage: (@staticLineGetDefaultSize obj@). staticLineGetDefaultSize :: StaticLine a -> IO Int staticLineGetDefaultSize _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "staticLineGetDefaultSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStaticLine_GetDefaultSize cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStaticLine_GetDefaultSize" wxStaticLine_GetDefaultSize :: Ptr (TStaticLine a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@staticLineIsVertical obj@). staticLineIsVertical :: StaticLine a -> IO Bool staticLineIsVertical _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "staticLineIsVertical" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStaticLine_IsVertical cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStaticLine_IsVertical" wxStaticLine_IsVertical :: Ptr (TStaticLine a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@staticTextCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt stl@). staticTextCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style -> IO (StaticText ()) staticTextCreate _prt _id _txt _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> withCWString _txt $ \cstr__txt -> wxStaticText_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) cstr__txt (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxStaticText_Create" wxStaticText_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CWString -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TStaticText ())) -- | usage: (@statusBarCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl@). statusBarCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (StatusBar ()) statusBarCreate _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wxStatusBar_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxStatusBar_Create" wxStatusBar_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TStatusBar ())) -- | usage: (@statusBarGetBorderX obj@). statusBarGetBorderX :: StatusBar a -> IO Int statusBarGetBorderX _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "statusBarGetBorderX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStatusBar_GetBorderX cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStatusBar_GetBorderX" wxStatusBar_GetBorderX :: Ptr (TStatusBar a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@statusBarGetBorderY obj@). statusBarGetBorderY :: StatusBar a -> IO Int statusBarGetBorderY _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "statusBarGetBorderY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStatusBar_GetBorderY cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStatusBar_GetBorderY" wxStatusBar_GetBorderY :: Ptr (TStatusBar a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@statusBarGetFieldsCount obj@). statusBarGetFieldsCount :: StatusBar a -> IO Int statusBarGetFieldsCount _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "statusBarGetFieldsCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStatusBar_GetFieldsCount cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStatusBar_GetFieldsCount" wxStatusBar_GetFieldsCount :: Ptr (TStatusBar a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@statusBarGetStatusText obj number@). statusBarGetStatusText :: StatusBar a -> Int -> IO String statusBarGetStatusText _obj number = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "statusBarGetStatusText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStatusBar_GetStatusText cobj__obj (toCInt number) buffer foreign import ccall "wxStatusBar_GetStatusText" wxStatusBar_GetStatusText :: Ptr (TStatusBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@statusBarSetFieldsCount obj number widths@). statusBarSetFieldsCount :: StatusBar a -> Int -> Ptr CInt -> IO () statusBarSetFieldsCount _obj number widths = withObjectRef "statusBarSetFieldsCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStatusBar_SetFieldsCount cobj__obj (toCInt number) widths foreign import ccall "wxStatusBar_SetFieldsCount" wxStatusBar_SetFieldsCount :: Ptr (TStatusBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@statusBarSetMinHeight obj height@). statusBarSetMinHeight :: StatusBar a -> Int -> IO () statusBarSetMinHeight _obj height = withObjectRef "statusBarSetMinHeight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStatusBar_SetMinHeight cobj__obj (toCInt height) foreign import ccall "wxStatusBar_SetMinHeight" wxStatusBar_SetMinHeight :: Ptr (TStatusBar a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@statusBarSetStatusText obj text number@). statusBarSetStatusText :: StatusBar a -> String -> Int -> IO () statusBarSetStatusText _obj text number = withObjectRef "statusBarSetStatusText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxStatusBar_SetStatusText cobj__obj cstr_text (toCInt number) foreign import ccall "wxStatusBar_SetStatusText" wxStatusBar_SetStatusText :: Ptr (TStatusBar a) -> CWString -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@statusBarSetStatusWidths obj n widths@). statusBarSetStatusWidths :: StatusBar a -> Int -> Ptr CInt -> IO () statusBarSetStatusWidths _obj n widths = withObjectRef "statusBarSetStatusWidths" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStatusBar_SetStatusWidths cobj__obj (toCInt n) widths foreign import ccall "wxStatusBar_SetStatusWidths" wxStatusBar_SetStatusWidths :: Ptr (TStatusBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@stopWatchCreate@). stopWatchCreate :: IO (StopWatch ()) stopWatchCreate = withObjectResult $ wxStopWatch_Create foreign import ccall "wxStopWatch_Create" wxStopWatch_Create :: IO (Ptr (TStopWatch ())) -- | usage: (@stopWatchDelete obj@). stopWatchDelete :: StopWatch a -> IO () stopWatchDelete _obj = withObjectRef "stopWatchDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStopWatch_Delete cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStopWatch_Delete" wxStopWatch_Delete :: Ptr (TStopWatch a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@stopWatchPause obj@). stopWatchPause :: StopWatch a -> IO () stopWatchPause _obj = withObjectRef "stopWatchPause" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStopWatch_Pause cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStopWatch_Pause" wxStopWatch_Pause :: Ptr (TStopWatch a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@stopWatchResume obj@). stopWatchResume :: StopWatch a -> IO () stopWatchResume _obj = withObjectRef "stopWatchResume" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStopWatch_Resume cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStopWatch_Resume" wxStopWatch_Resume :: Ptr (TStopWatch a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@stopWatchStart obj msec@). stopWatchStart :: StopWatch a -> Int -> IO () stopWatchStart _obj msec = withObjectRef "stopWatchStart" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStopWatch_Start cobj__obj (toCInt msec) foreign import ccall "wxStopWatch_Start" wxStopWatch_Start :: Ptr (TStopWatch a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@stopWatchTime obj@). stopWatchTime :: StopWatch a -> IO Int stopWatchTime _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "stopWatchTime" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStopWatch_Time cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStopWatch_Time" wxStopWatch_Time :: Ptr (TStopWatch a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@streamBaseDelete obj@). streamBaseDelete :: StreamBase a -> IO () streamBaseDelete obj = withObjectRef "streamBaseDelete" obj $ \cobj_obj -> wxStreamBase_Delete cobj_obj foreign import ccall "wxStreamBase_Delete" wxStreamBase_Delete :: Ptr (TStreamBase a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@streamBaseGetLastError obj@). streamBaseGetLastError :: StreamBase a -> IO Int streamBaseGetLastError _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "streamBaseGetLastError" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStreamBase_GetLastError cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStreamBase_GetLastError" wxStreamBase_GetLastError :: Ptr (TStreamBase a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@streamBaseGetSize obj@). streamBaseGetSize :: StreamBase a -> IO Int streamBaseGetSize _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "streamBaseGetSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStreamBase_GetSize cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStreamBase_GetSize" wxStreamBase_GetSize :: Ptr (TStreamBase a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@streamBaseIsOk obj@). streamBaseIsOk :: StreamBase a -> IO Bool streamBaseIsOk _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "streamBaseIsOk" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStreamBase_IsOk cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStreamBase_IsOk" wxStreamBase_IsOk :: Ptr (TStreamBase a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAddRefDocument obj docPointer@). styledTextCtrlAddRefDocument :: StyledTextCtrl a -> STCDoc b -> IO () styledTextCtrlAddRefDocument _obj docPointer = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAddRefDocument" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr docPointer $ \cobj_docPointer -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AddRefDocument cobj__obj cobj_docPointer foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AddRefDocument" wxStyledTextCtrl_AddRefDocument :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> Ptr (TSTCDoc b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAddStyledText obj wxdata@). styledTextCtrlAddStyledText :: StyledTextCtrl a -> MemoryBuffer b -> IO () styledTextCtrlAddStyledText _obj wxdata = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAddStyledText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AddStyledText cobj__obj cobj_wxdata foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AddStyledText" wxStyledTextCtrl_AddStyledText :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> Ptr (TMemoryBuffer b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAddText obj text@). styledTextCtrlAddText :: StyledTextCtrl a -> String -> IO () styledTextCtrlAddText _obj text = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAddText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AddText cobj__obj cstr_text foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AddText" wxStyledTextCtrl_AddText :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAppendText obj text@). styledTextCtrlAppendText :: StyledTextCtrl a -> String -> IO () styledTextCtrlAppendText _obj text = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAppendText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AppendText cobj__obj cstr_text foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AppendText" wxStyledTextCtrl_AppendText :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompActive obj@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompActive :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlAutoCompActive _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompActive" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompActive cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompActive" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompActive :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompCancel obj@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompCancel :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlAutoCompCancel _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompCancel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompCancel cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompCancel" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompCancel :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompComplete obj@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompComplete :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlAutoCompComplete _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompComplete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompComplete cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompComplete" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompComplete :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetAutoHide obj@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetAutoHide :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetAutoHide _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetAutoHide" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetAutoHide cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetAutoHide" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetAutoHide :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetCancelAtStart obj@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetCancelAtStart :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetCancelAtStart _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetCancelAtStart" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetCancelAtStart cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetCancelAtStart" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetCancelAtStart :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetChooseSingle obj@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetChooseSingle :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetChooseSingle _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetChooseSingle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetChooseSingle cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetChooseSingle" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetChooseSingle :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetDropRestOfWord obj@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetDropRestOfWord :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetDropRestOfWord _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetDropRestOfWord" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetDropRestOfWord cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetDropRestOfWord" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetDropRestOfWord :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetIgnoreCase obj@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetIgnoreCase :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetIgnoreCase _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetIgnoreCase" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetIgnoreCase cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetIgnoreCase" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetIgnoreCase :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetSeparator obj@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetSeparator :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetSeparator _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetSeparator" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetSeparator cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetSeparator" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetSeparator :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetTypeSeparator obj@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetTypeSeparator :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetTypeSeparator _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompGetTypeSeparator" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetTypeSeparator cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetTypeSeparator" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompGetTypeSeparator :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompPosStart obj@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompPosStart :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlAutoCompPosStart _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompPosStart" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompPosStart cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompPosStart" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompPosStart :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompSelect obj text@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompSelect :: StyledTextCtrl a -> String -> IO () styledTextCtrlAutoCompSelect _obj text = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompSelect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSelect cobj__obj cstr_text foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSelect" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSelect :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetAutoHide obj autoHide@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetAutoHide :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetAutoHide _obj autoHide = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetAutoHide" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetAutoHide cobj__obj (toCBool autoHide) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetAutoHide" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetAutoHide :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetCancelAtStart obj cancel@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetCancelAtStart :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetCancelAtStart _obj cancel = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetCancelAtStart" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetCancelAtStart cobj__obj (toCBool cancel) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetCancelAtStart" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetCancelAtStart :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetChooseSingle obj chooseSingle@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetChooseSingle :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetChooseSingle _obj chooseSingle = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetChooseSingle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetChooseSingle cobj__obj (toCBool chooseSingle) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetChooseSingle" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetChooseSingle :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetDropRestOfWord obj dropRestOfWord@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetDropRestOfWord :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetDropRestOfWord _obj dropRestOfWord = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetDropRestOfWord" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetDropRestOfWord cobj__obj (toCBool dropRestOfWord) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetDropRestOfWord" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetDropRestOfWord :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetFillUps obj characterSet@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetFillUps :: StyledTextCtrl a -> String -> IO () styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetFillUps _obj characterSet = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetFillUps" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString characterSet $ \cstr_characterSet -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetFillUps cobj__obj cstr_characterSet foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetFillUps" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetFillUps :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetIgnoreCase obj ignoreCase@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetIgnoreCase :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetIgnoreCase _obj ignoreCase = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetIgnoreCase" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetIgnoreCase cobj__obj (toCBool ignoreCase) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetIgnoreCase" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetIgnoreCase :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetSeparator obj separatorCharacter@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetSeparator :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetSeparator _obj separatorCharacter = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetSeparator" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetSeparator cobj__obj (toCInt separatorCharacter) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetSeparator" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetSeparator :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetTypeSeparator obj separatorCharacter@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetTypeSeparator :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetTypeSeparator _obj separatorCharacter = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompSetTypeSeparator" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetTypeSeparator cobj__obj (toCInt separatorCharacter) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetTypeSeparator" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompSetTypeSeparator :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompShow obj lenEntered itemList@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompShow :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> String -> IO () styledTextCtrlAutoCompShow _obj lenEntered itemList = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompShow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString itemList $ \cstr_itemList -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompShow cobj__obj (toCInt lenEntered) cstr_itemList foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompShow" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompShow :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlAutoCompStops obj characterSet@). styledTextCtrlAutoCompStops :: StyledTextCtrl a -> String -> IO () styledTextCtrlAutoCompStops _obj characterSet = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlAutoCompStops" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString characterSet $ \cstr_characterSet -> wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompStops cobj__obj cstr_characterSet foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompStops" wxStyledTextCtrl_AutoCompStops :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlBeginUndoAction obj@). styledTextCtrlBeginUndoAction :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlBeginUndoAction _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlBeginUndoAction" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_BeginUndoAction cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_BeginUndoAction" wxStyledTextCtrl_BeginUndoAction :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlBraceBadLight obj pos@). styledTextCtrlBraceBadLight :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlBraceBadLight _obj pos = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlBraceBadLight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_BraceBadLight cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_BraceBadLight" wxStyledTextCtrl_BraceBadLight :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlBraceHighlight obj pos1 pos2@). styledTextCtrlBraceHighlight :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlBraceHighlight _obj pos1 pos2 = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlBraceHighlight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_BraceHighlight cobj__obj (toCInt pos1) (toCInt pos2) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_BraceHighlight" wxStyledTextCtrl_BraceHighlight :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlBraceMatch obj pos@). styledTextCtrlBraceMatch :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlBraceMatch _obj pos = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlBraceMatch" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_BraceMatch cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_BraceMatch" wxStyledTextCtrl_BraceMatch :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCallTipActive obj@). styledTextCtrlCallTipActive :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlCallTipActive _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCallTipActive" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipActive cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipActive" wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipActive :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCallTipCancel obj@). styledTextCtrlCallTipCancel :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlCallTipCancel _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCallTipCancel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipCancel cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipCancel" wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipCancel :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCallTipPosAtStart obj@). styledTextCtrlCallTipPosAtStart :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlCallTipPosAtStart _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCallTipPosAtStart" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipPosAtStart cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipPosAtStart" wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipPosAtStart :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCallTipSetBackground obj backrbackgbackb@). styledTextCtrlCallTipSetBackground :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlCallTipSetBackground _obj backrbackgbackb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCallTipSetBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipSetBackground cobj__obj (toCCharColorRed backrbackgbackb) (toCCharColorGreen backrbackgbackb) (toCCharColorBlue backrbackgbackb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipSetBackground" wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipSetBackground :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCallTipSetForeground obj forerforegforeb@). styledTextCtrlCallTipSetForeground :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlCallTipSetForeground _obj forerforegforeb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCallTipSetForeground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipSetForeground cobj__obj (toCCharColorRed forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorGreen forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorBlue forerforegforeb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipSetForeground" wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipSetForeground :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCallTipSetForegroundHighlight obj forerforegforeb@). styledTextCtrlCallTipSetForegroundHighlight :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlCallTipSetForegroundHighlight _obj forerforegforeb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCallTipSetForegroundHighlight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipSetForegroundHighlight cobj__obj (toCCharColorRed forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorGreen forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorBlue forerforegforeb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipSetForegroundHighlight" wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipSetForegroundHighlight :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCallTipSetHighlight obj start end@). styledTextCtrlCallTipSetHighlight :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlCallTipSetHighlight _obj start end = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCallTipSetHighlight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipSetHighlight cobj__obj (toCInt start) (toCInt end) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipSetHighlight" wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipSetHighlight :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCallTipShow obj pos definition@). styledTextCtrlCallTipShow :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> String -> IO () styledTextCtrlCallTipShow _obj pos definition = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCallTipShow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString definition $ \cstr_definition -> wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipShow cobj__obj (toCInt pos) cstr_definition foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipShow" wxStyledTextCtrl_CallTipShow :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCanPaste obj@). styledTextCtrlCanPaste :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlCanPaste _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCanPaste" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_CanPaste cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_CanPaste" wxStyledTextCtrl_CanPaste :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCanRedo obj@). styledTextCtrlCanRedo :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlCanRedo _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCanRedo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_CanRedo cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_CanRedo" wxStyledTextCtrl_CanRedo :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCanUndo obj@). styledTextCtrlCanUndo :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlCanUndo _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCanUndo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_CanUndo cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_CanUndo" wxStyledTextCtrl_CanUndo :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlChooseCaretX obj@). styledTextCtrlChooseCaretX :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlChooseCaretX _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlChooseCaretX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_ChooseCaretX cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_ChooseCaretX" wxStyledTextCtrl_ChooseCaretX :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlClear obj@). styledTextCtrlClear :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlClear _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlClear" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_Clear cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_Clear" wxStyledTextCtrl_Clear :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlClearAll obj@). styledTextCtrlClearAll :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlClearAll _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlClearAll" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_ClearAll cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_ClearAll" wxStyledTextCtrl_ClearAll :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlClearDocumentStyle obj@). styledTextCtrlClearDocumentStyle :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlClearDocumentStyle _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlClearDocumentStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_ClearDocumentStyle cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_ClearDocumentStyle" wxStyledTextCtrl_ClearDocumentStyle :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlClearRegisteredImages obj@). styledTextCtrlClearRegisteredImages :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlClearRegisteredImages _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlClearRegisteredImages" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_ClearRegisteredImages cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_ClearRegisteredImages" wxStyledTextCtrl_ClearRegisteredImages :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCmdKeyAssign obj key modifiers cmd@). styledTextCtrlCmdKeyAssign :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlCmdKeyAssign _obj key modifiers cmd = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCmdKeyAssign" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_CmdKeyAssign cobj__obj (toCInt key) (toCInt modifiers) (toCInt cmd) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_CmdKeyAssign" wxStyledTextCtrl_CmdKeyAssign :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCmdKeyClear obj key modifiers@). styledTextCtrlCmdKeyClear :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlCmdKeyClear _obj key modifiers = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCmdKeyClear" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_CmdKeyClear cobj__obj (toCInt key) (toCInt modifiers) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_CmdKeyClear" wxStyledTextCtrl_CmdKeyClear :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCmdKeyClearAll obj@). styledTextCtrlCmdKeyClearAll :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlCmdKeyClearAll _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCmdKeyClearAll" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_CmdKeyClearAll cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_CmdKeyClearAll" wxStyledTextCtrl_CmdKeyClearAll :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCmdKeyExecute obj cmd@). styledTextCtrlCmdKeyExecute :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlCmdKeyExecute _obj cmd = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCmdKeyExecute" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_CmdKeyExecute cobj__obj (toCInt cmd) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_CmdKeyExecute" wxStyledTextCtrl_CmdKeyExecute :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlColourise obj start end@). styledTextCtrlColourise :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlColourise _obj start end = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlColourise" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_Colourise cobj__obj (toCInt start) (toCInt end) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_Colourise" wxStyledTextCtrl_Colourise :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlConvertEOLs obj eolMode@). styledTextCtrlConvertEOLs :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlConvertEOLs _obj eolMode = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlConvertEOLs" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_ConvertEOLs cobj__obj (toCInt eolMode) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_ConvertEOLs" wxStyledTextCtrl_ConvertEOLs :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCopy obj@). styledTextCtrlCopy :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlCopy _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCopy" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_Copy cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_Copy" wxStyledTextCtrl_Copy :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCopyRange obj start end@). styledTextCtrlCopyRange :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlCopyRange _obj start end = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCopyRange" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_CopyRange cobj__obj (toCInt start) (toCInt end) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_CopyRange" wxStyledTextCtrl_CopyRange :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCopyText obj length text@). styledTextCtrlCopyText :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> String -> IO () styledTextCtrlCopyText _obj length text = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCopyText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxStyledTextCtrl_CopyText cobj__obj (toCInt length) cstr_text foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_CopyText" wxStyledTextCtrl_CopyText :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt style@). styledTextCtrlCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Int -> IO (StyledTextCtrl ()) styledTextCtrlCreate _prt _id _txt _lfttopwdthgt style = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> withCWString _txt $ \cstr__txt -> wxStyledTextCtrl_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) cstr__txt (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt style) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_Create" wxStyledTextCtrl_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CWString -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl ())) -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCreateDocument obj@). styledTextCtrlCreateDocument :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO (STCDoc ()) styledTextCtrlCreateDocument _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCreateDocument" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_CreateDocument cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_CreateDocument" wxStyledTextCtrl_CreateDocument :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO (Ptr (TSTCDoc ())) -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlCut obj@). styledTextCtrlCut :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlCut _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlCut" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_Cut cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_Cut" wxStyledTextCtrl_Cut :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlDelLineLeft obj@). styledTextCtrlDelLineLeft :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlDelLineLeft _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlDelLineLeft" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_DelLineLeft cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_DelLineLeft" wxStyledTextCtrl_DelLineLeft :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlDelLineRight obj@). styledTextCtrlDelLineRight :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlDelLineRight _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlDelLineRight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_DelLineRight cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_DelLineRight" wxStyledTextCtrl_DelLineRight :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlDocLineFromVisible obj lineDisplay@). styledTextCtrlDocLineFromVisible :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlDocLineFromVisible _obj lineDisplay = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlDocLineFromVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_DocLineFromVisible cobj__obj (toCInt lineDisplay) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_DocLineFromVisible" wxStyledTextCtrl_DocLineFromVisible :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlEmptyUndoBuffer obj@). styledTextCtrlEmptyUndoBuffer :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlEmptyUndoBuffer _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlEmptyUndoBuffer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_EmptyUndoBuffer cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_EmptyUndoBuffer" wxStyledTextCtrl_EmptyUndoBuffer :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlEndUndoAction obj@). styledTextCtrlEndUndoAction :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlEndUndoAction _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlEndUndoAction" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_EndUndoAction cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_EndUndoAction" wxStyledTextCtrl_EndUndoAction :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlEnsureCaretVisible obj@). styledTextCtrlEnsureCaretVisible :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlEnsureCaretVisible _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlEnsureCaretVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_EnsureCaretVisible cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_EnsureCaretVisible" wxStyledTextCtrl_EnsureCaretVisible :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlEnsureVisible obj line@). styledTextCtrlEnsureVisible :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlEnsureVisible _obj line = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlEnsureVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_EnsureVisible cobj__obj (toCInt line) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_EnsureVisible" wxStyledTextCtrl_EnsureVisible :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlEnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy obj line@). styledTextCtrlEnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlEnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy _obj line = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlEnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_EnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy cobj__obj (toCInt line) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_EnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy" wxStyledTextCtrl_EnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlFindText obj minPos maxPos text flags@). styledTextCtrlFindText :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> String -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlFindText _obj minPos maxPos text flags = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlFindText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxStyledTextCtrl_FindText cobj__obj (toCInt minPos) (toCInt maxPos) cstr_text (toCInt flags) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_FindText" wxStyledTextCtrl_FindText :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CWString -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlFormatRange obj doDraw startPos endPos draw target renderRect pageRect@). styledTextCtrlFormatRange :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> Int -> Int -> DC e -> DC f -> WxRect g -> WxRect h -> IO Int styledTextCtrlFormatRange _obj doDraw startPos endPos draw target renderRect pageRect = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlFormatRange" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr draw $ \cobj_draw -> withObjectPtr target $ \cobj_target -> withObjectPtr renderRect $ \cobj_renderRect -> withObjectPtr pageRect $ \cobj_pageRect -> wxStyledTextCtrl_FormatRange cobj__obj (toCBool doDraw) (toCInt startPos) (toCInt endPos) cobj_draw cobj_target cobj_renderRect cobj_pageRect foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_FormatRange" wxStyledTextCtrl_FormatRange :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TDC e) -> Ptr (TDC f) -> Ptr (TWxRect g) -> Ptr (TWxRect h) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetAnchor obj@). styledTextCtrlGetAnchor :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetAnchor _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetAnchor" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetAnchor cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetAnchor" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetAnchor :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetBackSpaceUnIndents obj@). styledTextCtrlGetBackSpaceUnIndents :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetBackSpaceUnIndents _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetBackSpaceUnIndents" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetBackSpaceUnIndents cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetBackSpaceUnIndents" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetBackSpaceUnIndents :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetBufferedDraw obj@). styledTextCtrlGetBufferedDraw :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetBufferedDraw _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetBufferedDraw" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetBufferedDraw cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetBufferedDraw" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetBufferedDraw :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetCaretForeground obj@). styledTextCtrlGetCaretForeground :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO (Color) styledTextCtrlGetCaretForeground _obj = withManagedColourResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetCaretForeground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCaretForeground cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCaretForeground" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCaretForeground :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO (Ptr (TColour ())) -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetCaretLineBackground obj@). styledTextCtrlGetCaretLineBackground :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO (Color) styledTextCtrlGetCaretLineBackground _obj = withManagedColourResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetCaretLineBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCaretLineBackground cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCaretLineBackground" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCaretLineBackground :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO (Ptr (TColour ())) -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetCaretLineVisible obj@). styledTextCtrlGetCaretLineVisible :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetCaretLineVisible _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetCaretLineVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCaretLineVisible cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCaretLineVisible" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCaretLineVisible :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetCaretPeriod obj@). styledTextCtrlGetCaretPeriod :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetCaretPeriod _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetCaretPeriod" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCaretPeriod cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCaretPeriod" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCaretPeriod :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetCaretWidth obj@). styledTextCtrlGetCaretWidth :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetCaretWidth _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetCaretWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCaretWidth cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCaretWidth" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCaretWidth :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetCharAt obj pos@). styledTextCtrlGetCharAt :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetCharAt _obj pos = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetCharAt" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCharAt cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCharAt" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCharAt :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetCodePage obj@). styledTextCtrlGetCodePage :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetCodePage _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetCodePage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCodePage cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCodePage" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCodePage :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetColumn obj pos@). styledTextCtrlGetColumn :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetColumn _obj pos = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetColumn" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetColumn cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetColumn" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetColumn :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetControlCharSymbol obj@). styledTextCtrlGetControlCharSymbol :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetControlCharSymbol _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetControlCharSymbol" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetControlCharSymbol cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetControlCharSymbol" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetControlCharSymbol :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetCurrentLine obj@). styledTextCtrlGetCurrentLine :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetCurrentLine _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetCurrentLine" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCurrentLine cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCurrentLine" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCurrentLine :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetCurrentPos obj@). styledTextCtrlGetCurrentPos :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetCurrentPos _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetCurrentPos" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCurrentPos cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCurrentPos" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetCurrentPos :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetDocPointer obj@). styledTextCtrlGetDocPointer :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO (STCDoc ()) styledTextCtrlGetDocPointer _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetDocPointer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetDocPointer cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetDocPointer" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetDocPointer :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO (Ptr (TSTCDoc ())) -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetEOLMode obj@). styledTextCtrlGetEOLMode :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetEOLMode _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetEOLMode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetEOLMode cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetEOLMode" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetEOLMode :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetEdgeColour obj@). styledTextCtrlGetEdgeColour :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO (Color) styledTextCtrlGetEdgeColour _obj = withManagedColourResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetEdgeColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetEdgeColour cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetEdgeColour" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetEdgeColour :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO (Ptr (TColour ())) -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetEdgeColumn obj@). styledTextCtrlGetEdgeColumn :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetEdgeColumn _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetEdgeColumn" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetEdgeColumn cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetEdgeColumn" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetEdgeColumn :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetEdgeMode obj@). styledTextCtrlGetEdgeMode :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetEdgeMode _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetEdgeMode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetEdgeMode cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetEdgeMode" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetEdgeMode :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetEndAtLastLine obj@). styledTextCtrlGetEndAtLastLine :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetEndAtLastLine _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetEndAtLastLine" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetEndAtLastLine cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetEndAtLastLine" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetEndAtLastLine :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetEndStyled obj@). styledTextCtrlGetEndStyled :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetEndStyled _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetEndStyled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetEndStyled cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetEndStyled" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetEndStyled :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetFirstVisibleLine obj@). styledTextCtrlGetFirstVisibleLine :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetFirstVisibleLine _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetFirstVisibleLine" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetFirstVisibleLine cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetFirstVisibleLine" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetFirstVisibleLine :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetFoldExpanded obj line@). styledTextCtrlGetFoldExpanded :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetFoldExpanded _obj line = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetFoldExpanded" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetFoldExpanded cobj__obj (toCInt line) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetFoldExpanded" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetFoldExpanded :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetFoldLevel obj line@). styledTextCtrlGetFoldLevel :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetFoldLevel _obj line = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetFoldLevel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetFoldLevel cobj__obj (toCInt line) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetFoldLevel" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetFoldLevel :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetFoldParent obj line@). styledTextCtrlGetFoldParent :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetFoldParent _obj line = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetFoldParent" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetFoldParent cobj__obj (toCInt line) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetFoldParent" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetFoldParent :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetHighlightGuide obj@). styledTextCtrlGetHighlightGuide :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetHighlightGuide _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetHighlightGuide" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetHighlightGuide cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetHighlightGuide" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetHighlightGuide :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetIndent obj@). styledTextCtrlGetIndent :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetIndent _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetIndent" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetIndent cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetIndent" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetIndent :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetIndentationGuides obj@). styledTextCtrlGetIndentationGuides :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetIndentationGuides _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetIndentationGuides" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetIndentationGuides cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetIndentationGuides" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetIndentationGuides :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetLastChild obj line level@). styledTextCtrlGetLastChild :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetLastChild _obj line level = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetLastChild" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLastChild cobj__obj (toCInt line) (toCInt level) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLastChild" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLastChild :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetLastKeydownProcessed obj@). styledTextCtrlGetLastKeydownProcessed :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetLastKeydownProcessed _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetLastKeydownProcessed" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLastKeydownProcessed cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLastKeydownProcessed" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLastKeydownProcessed :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetLayoutCache obj@). styledTextCtrlGetLayoutCache :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetLayoutCache _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetLayoutCache" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLayoutCache cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLayoutCache" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLayoutCache :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetLength obj@). styledTextCtrlGetLength :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetLength _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetLength" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLength cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLength" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLength :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetLexer obj@). styledTextCtrlGetLexer :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetLexer _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetLexer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLexer cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLexer" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLexer :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetLine obj line@). styledTextCtrlGetLine :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO (String) styledTextCtrlGetLine _obj line = withManagedStringResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetLine" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLine cobj__obj (toCInt line) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLine" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLine :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ())) -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetLineCount obj@). styledTextCtrlGetLineCount :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetLineCount _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetLineCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLineCount cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLineCount" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLineCount :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetLineEndPosition obj line@). styledTextCtrlGetLineEndPosition :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetLineEndPosition _obj line = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetLineEndPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLineEndPosition cobj__obj (toCInt line) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLineEndPosition" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLineEndPosition :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetLineIndentPosition obj line@). styledTextCtrlGetLineIndentPosition :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetLineIndentPosition _obj line = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetLineIndentPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLineIndentPosition cobj__obj (toCInt line) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLineIndentPosition" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLineIndentPosition :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetLineIndentation obj line@). styledTextCtrlGetLineIndentation :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetLineIndentation _obj line = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetLineIndentation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLineIndentation cobj__obj (toCInt line) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLineIndentation" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLineIndentation :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetLineState obj line@). styledTextCtrlGetLineState :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetLineState _obj line = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetLineState" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLineState cobj__obj (toCInt line) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLineState" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLineState :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetLineVisible obj line@). styledTextCtrlGetLineVisible :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetLineVisible _obj line = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetLineVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLineVisible cobj__obj (toCInt line) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLineVisible" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetLineVisible :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetMarginLeft obj@). styledTextCtrlGetMarginLeft :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetMarginLeft _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetMarginLeft" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMarginLeft cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMarginLeft" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMarginLeft :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetMarginMask obj margin@). styledTextCtrlGetMarginMask :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetMarginMask _obj margin = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetMarginMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMarginMask cobj__obj (toCInt margin) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMarginMask" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMarginMask :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetMarginRight obj@). styledTextCtrlGetMarginRight :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetMarginRight _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetMarginRight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMarginRight cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMarginRight" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMarginRight :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetMarginSensitive obj margin@). styledTextCtrlGetMarginSensitive :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetMarginSensitive _obj margin = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetMarginSensitive" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMarginSensitive cobj__obj (toCInt margin) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMarginSensitive" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMarginSensitive :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetMarginType obj margin@). styledTextCtrlGetMarginType :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetMarginType _obj margin = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetMarginType" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMarginType cobj__obj (toCInt margin) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMarginType" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMarginType :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetMarginWidth obj margin@). styledTextCtrlGetMarginWidth :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetMarginWidth _obj margin = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetMarginWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMarginWidth cobj__obj (toCInt margin) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMarginWidth" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMarginWidth :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetMaxLineState obj@). styledTextCtrlGetMaxLineState :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetMaxLineState _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetMaxLineState" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMaxLineState cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMaxLineState" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMaxLineState :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetModEventMask obj@). styledTextCtrlGetModEventMask :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetModEventMask _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetModEventMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetModEventMask cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetModEventMask" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetModEventMask :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetModify obj@). styledTextCtrlGetModify :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetModify _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetModify" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetModify cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetModify" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetModify :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetMouseDownCaptures obj@). styledTextCtrlGetMouseDownCaptures :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetMouseDownCaptures _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetMouseDownCaptures" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMouseDownCaptures cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMouseDownCaptures" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMouseDownCaptures :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetMouseDwellTime obj@). styledTextCtrlGetMouseDwellTime :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetMouseDwellTime _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetMouseDwellTime" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMouseDwellTime cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMouseDwellTime" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetMouseDwellTime :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetOvertype obj@). styledTextCtrlGetOvertype :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetOvertype _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetOvertype" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetOvertype cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetOvertype" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetOvertype :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetPrintColourMode obj@). styledTextCtrlGetPrintColourMode :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetPrintColourMode _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetPrintColourMode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetPrintColourMode cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetPrintColourMode" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetPrintColourMode :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetPrintMagnification obj@). styledTextCtrlGetPrintMagnification :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetPrintMagnification _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetPrintMagnification" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetPrintMagnification cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetPrintMagnification" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetPrintMagnification :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetPrintWrapMode obj@). styledTextCtrlGetPrintWrapMode :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetPrintWrapMode _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetPrintWrapMode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetPrintWrapMode cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetPrintWrapMode" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetPrintWrapMode :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetReadOnly obj@). styledTextCtrlGetReadOnly :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetReadOnly _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetReadOnly" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetReadOnly cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetReadOnly" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetReadOnly :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetSTCCursor obj@). styledTextCtrlGetSTCCursor :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetSTCCursor _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetSTCCursor" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSTCCursor cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSTCCursor" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSTCCursor :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetSTCFocus obj@). styledTextCtrlGetSTCFocus :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetSTCFocus _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetSTCFocus" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSTCFocus cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSTCFocus" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSTCFocus :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetScrollWidth obj@). styledTextCtrlGetScrollWidth :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetScrollWidth _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetScrollWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetScrollWidth cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetScrollWidth" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetScrollWidth :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetSearchFlags obj@). styledTextCtrlGetSearchFlags :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetSearchFlags _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetSearchFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSearchFlags cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSearchFlags" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSearchFlags :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetSelectedText obj@). styledTextCtrlGetSelectedText :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO (String) styledTextCtrlGetSelectedText _obj = withManagedStringResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetSelectedText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSelectedText cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSelectedText" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSelectedText :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ())) -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetSelection obj startPos endPos@). styledTextCtrlGetSelection :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () styledTextCtrlGetSelection _obj startPos endPos = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSelection cobj__obj startPos endPos foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSelection" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSelection :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetSelectionEnd obj@). styledTextCtrlGetSelectionEnd :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetSelectionEnd _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetSelectionEnd" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSelectionEnd cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSelectionEnd" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSelectionEnd :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetSelectionStart obj@). styledTextCtrlGetSelectionStart :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetSelectionStart _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetSelectionStart" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSelectionStart cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSelectionStart" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetSelectionStart :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetStatus obj@). styledTextCtrlGetStatus :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetStatus _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetStatus" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetStatus cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetStatus" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetStatus :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetStyleAt obj pos@). styledTextCtrlGetStyleAt :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetStyleAt _obj pos = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetStyleAt" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetStyleAt cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetStyleAt" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetStyleAt :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetStyleBits obj@). styledTextCtrlGetStyleBits :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetStyleBits _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetStyleBits" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetStyleBits cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetStyleBits" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetStyleBits :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetTabIndents obj@). styledTextCtrlGetTabIndents :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetTabIndents _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetTabIndents" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTabIndents cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTabIndents" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTabIndents :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetTabWidth obj@). styledTextCtrlGetTabWidth :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetTabWidth _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetTabWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTabWidth cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTabWidth" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTabWidth :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetTargetEnd obj@). styledTextCtrlGetTargetEnd :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetTargetEnd _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetTargetEnd" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTargetEnd cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTargetEnd" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTargetEnd :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetTargetStart obj@). styledTextCtrlGetTargetStart :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetTargetStart _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetTargetStart" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTargetStart cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTargetStart" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTargetStart :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetText obj@). styledTextCtrlGetText :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO (String) styledTextCtrlGetText _obj = withManagedStringResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetText cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetText" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetText :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ())) -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetTextLength obj@). styledTextCtrlGetTextLength :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetTextLength _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetTextLength" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTextLength cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTextLength" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTextLength :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetTextRange obj startPos endPos@). styledTextCtrlGetTextRange :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO (String) styledTextCtrlGetTextRange _obj startPos endPos = withManagedStringResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetTextRange" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTextRange cobj__obj (toCInt startPos) (toCInt endPos) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTextRange" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTextRange :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ())) -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetTwoPhaseDraw obj@). styledTextCtrlGetTwoPhaseDraw :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetTwoPhaseDraw _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetTwoPhaseDraw" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTwoPhaseDraw cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTwoPhaseDraw" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetTwoPhaseDraw :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetUndoCollection obj@). styledTextCtrlGetUndoCollection :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetUndoCollection _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetUndoCollection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetUndoCollection cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetUndoCollection" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetUndoCollection :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetUseHorizontalScrollBar obj@). styledTextCtrlGetUseHorizontalScrollBar :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetUseHorizontalScrollBar _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetUseHorizontalScrollBar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetUseHorizontalScrollBar cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetUseHorizontalScrollBar" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetUseHorizontalScrollBar :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetUseTabs obj@). styledTextCtrlGetUseTabs :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetUseTabs _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetUseTabs" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetUseTabs cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetUseTabs" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetUseTabs :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetUseVerticalScrollBar obj@). styledTextCtrlGetUseVerticalScrollBar :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetUseVerticalScrollBar _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetUseVerticalScrollBar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetUseVerticalScrollBar cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetUseVerticalScrollBar" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetUseVerticalScrollBar :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetViewEOL obj@). styledTextCtrlGetViewEOL :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlGetViewEOL _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetViewEOL" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetViewEOL cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetViewEOL" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetViewEOL :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetViewWhiteSpace obj@). styledTextCtrlGetViewWhiteSpace :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetViewWhiteSpace _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetViewWhiteSpace" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetViewWhiteSpace cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetViewWhiteSpace" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetViewWhiteSpace :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetWrapMode obj@). styledTextCtrlGetWrapMode :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetWrapMode _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetWrapMode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetWrapMode cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetWrapMode" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetWrapMode :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetXOffset obj@). styledTextCtrlGetXOffset :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetXOffset _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetXOffset" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetXOffset cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetXOffset" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetXOffset :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGetZoom obj@). styledTextCtrlGetZoom :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlGetZoom _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGetZoom" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GetZoom cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GetZoom" wxStyledTextCtrl_GetZoom :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGotoLine obj line@). styledTextCtrlGotoLine :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlGotoLine _obj line = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGotoLine" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GotoLine cobj__obj (toCInt line) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GotoLine" wxStyledTextCtrl_GotoLine :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlGotoPos obj pos@). styledTextCtrlGotoPos :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlGotoPos _obj pos = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlGotoPos" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_GotoPos cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_GotoPos" wxStyledTextCtrl_GotoPos :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlHideLines obj lineStart lineEnd@). styledTextCtrlHideLines :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlHideLines _obj lineStart lineEnd = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlHideLines" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_HideLines cobj__obj (toCInt lineStart) (toCInt lineEnd) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_HideLines" wxStyledTextCtrl_HideLines :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlHideSelection obj normal@). styledTextCtrlHideSelection :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlHideSelection _obj normal = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlHideSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_HideSelection cobj__obj (toCBool normal) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_HideSelection" wxStyledTextCtrl_HideSelection :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlHomeDisplay obj@). styledTextCtrlHomeDisplay :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlHomeDisplay _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlHomeDisplay" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_HomeDisplay cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_HomeDisplay" wxStyledTextCtrl_HomeDisplay :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlHomeDisplayExtend obj@). styledTextCtrlHomeDisplayExtend :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlHomeDisplayExtend _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlHomeDisplayExtend" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_HomeDisplayExtend cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_HomeDisplayExtend" wxStyledTextCtrl_HomeDisplayExtend :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlIndicatorGetForeground obj indic@). styledTextCtrlIndicatorGetForeground :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO (Color) styledTextCtrlIndicatorGetForeground _obj indic = withManagedColourResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlIndicatorGetForeground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_IndicatorGetForeground cobj__obj (toCInt indic) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_IndicatorGetForeground" wxStyledTextCtrl_IndicatorGetForeground :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TColour ())) -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlIndicatorGetStyle obj indic@). styledTextCtrlIndicatorGetStyle :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlIndicatorGetStyle _obj indic = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlIndicatorGetStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_IndicatorGetStyle cobj__obj (toCInt indic) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_IndicatorGetStyle" wxStyledTextCtrl_IndicatorGetStyle :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlIndicatorSetForeground obj indic forerforegforeb@). styledTextCtrlIndicatorSetForeground :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlIndicatorSetForeground _obj indic forerforegforeb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlIndicatorSetForeground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_IndicatorSetForeground cobj__obj (toCInt indic) (toCCharColorRed forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorGreen forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorBlue forerforegforeb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_IndicatorSetForeground" wxStyledTextCtrl_IndicatorSetForeground :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlIndicatorSetStyle obj indic style@). styledTextCtrlIndicatorSetStyle :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlIndicatorSetStyle _obj indic style = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlIndicatorSetStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_IndicatorSetStyle cobj__obj (toCInt indic) (toCInt style) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_IndicatorSetStyle" wxStyledTextCtrl_IndicatorSetStyle :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlInsertText obj pos text@). styledTextCtrlInsertText :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> String -> IO () styledTextCtrlInsertText _obj pos text = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlInsertText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxStyledTextCtrl_InsertText cobj__obj (toCInt pos) cstr_text foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_InsertText" wxStyledTextCtrl_InsertText :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlLineCopy obj@). styledTextCtrlLineCopy :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlLineCopy _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlLineCopy" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_LineCopy cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_LineCopy" wxStyledTextCtrl_LineCopy :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlLineDuplicate obj@). styledTextCtrlLineDuplicate :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlLineDuplicate _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlLineDuplicate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_LineDuplicate cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_LineDuplicate" wxStyledTextCtrl_LineDuplicate :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlLineEndDisplay obj@). styledTextCtrlLineEndDisplay :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlLineEndDisplay _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlLineEndDisplay" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_LineEndDisplay cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_LineEndDisplay" wxStyledTextCtrl_LineEndDisplay :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlLineEndDisplayExtend obj@). styledTextCtrlLineEndDisplayExtend :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlLineEndDisplayExtend _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlLineEndDisplayExtend" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_LineEndDisplayExtend cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_LineEndDisplayExtend" wxStyledTextCtrl_LineEndDisplayExtend :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlLineFromPosition obj pos@). styledTextCtrlLineFromPosition :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlLineFromPosition _obj pos = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlLineFromPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_LineFromPosition cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_LineFromPosition" wxStyledTextCtrl_LineFromPosition :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlLineLength obj line@). styledTextCtrlLineLength :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlLineLength _obj line = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlLineLength" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_LineLength cobj__obj (toCInt line) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_LineLength" wxStyledTextCtrl_LineLength :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlLineScroll obj columns lines@). styledTextCtrlLineScroll :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlLineScroll _obj columns lines = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlLineScroll" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_LineScroll cobj__obj (toCInt columns) (toCInt lines) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_LineScroll" wxStyledTextCtrl_LineScroll :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlLinesJoin obj@). styledTextCtrlLinesJoin :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlLinesJoin _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlLinesJoin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_LinesJoin cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_LinesJoin" wxStyledTextCtrl_LinesJoin :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlLinesOnScreen obj@). styledTextCtrlLinesOnScreen :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Int styledTextCtrlLinesOnScreen _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlLinesOnScreen" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_LinesOnScreen cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_LinesOnScreen" wxStyledTextCtrl_LinesOnScreen :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlLinesSplit obj pixelWidth@). styledTextCtrlLinesSplit :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlLinesSplit _obj pixelWidth = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlLinesSplit" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_LinesSplit cobj__obj (toCInt pixelWidth) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_LinesSplit" wxStyledTextCtrl_LinesSplit :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlLoadFile obj filename@). styledTextCtrlLoadFile :: StyledTextCtrl a -> String -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlLoadFile _obj filename = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlLoadFile" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString filename $ \cstr_filename -> wxStyledTextCtrl_LoadFile cobj__obj cstr_filename foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_LoadFile" wxStyledTextCtrl_LoadFile :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlMarkerAdd obj line markerNumber@). styledTextCtrlMarkerAdd :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlMarkerAdd _obj line markerNumber = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlMarkerAdd" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerAdd cobj__obj (toCInt line) (toCInt markerNumber) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerAdd" wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerAdd :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlMarkerDefine obj markerNumber markerSymbol foregroundrforegroundgforegroundb backgroundrbackgroundgbackgroundb@). styledTextCtrlMarkerDefine :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> Color -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlMarkerDefine _obj markerNumber markerSymbol foregroundrforegroundgforegroundb backgroundrbackgroundgbackgroundb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlMarkerDefine" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerDefine cobj__obj (toCInt markerNumber) (toCInt markerSymbol) (toCCharColorRed foregroundrforegroundgforegroundb) (toCCharColorGreen foregroundrforegroundgforegroundb) (toCCharColorBlue foregroundrforegroundgforegroundb) (toCCharColorRed backgroundrbackgroundgbackgroundb) (toCCharColorGreen backgroundrbackgroundgbackgroundb) (toCCharColorBlue backgroundrbackgroundgbackgroundb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerDefine" wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerDefine :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlMarkerDefineBitmap obj markerNumber bmp@). styledTextCtrlMarkerDefineBitmap :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Bitmap c -> IO () styledTextCtrlMarkerDefineBitmap _obj markerNumber bmp = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlMarkerDefineBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr bmp $ \cobj_bmp -> wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerDefineBitmap cobj__obj (toCInt markerNumber) cobj_bmp foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerDefineBitmap" wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerDefineBitmap :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TBitmap c) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlMarkerDelete obj line markerNumber@). styledTextCtrlMarkerDelete :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlMarkerDelete _obj line markerNumber = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlMarkerDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerDelete cobj__obj (toCInt line) (toCInt markerNumber) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerDelete" wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerDelete :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlMarkerDeleteAll obj markerNumber@). styledTextCtrlMarkerDeleteAll :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlMarkerDeleteAll _obj markerNumber = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlMarkerDeleteAll" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerDeleteAll cobj__obj (toCInt markerNumber) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerDeleteAll" wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerDeleteAll :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlMarkerDeleteHandle obj handle@). styledTextCtrlMarkerDeleteHandle :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlMarkerDeleteHandle _obj handle = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlMarkerDeleteHandle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerDeleteHandle cobj__obj (toCInt handle) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerDeleteHandle" wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerDeleteHandle :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlMarkerGet obj line@). styledTextCtrlMarkerGet :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlMarkerGet _obj line = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlMarkerGet" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerGet cobj__obj (toCInt line) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerGet" wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerGet :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlMarkerLineFromHandle obj handle@). styledTextCtrlMarkerLineFromHandle :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlMarkerLineFromHandle _obj handle = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlMarkerLineFromHandle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerLineFromHandle cobj__obj (toCInt handle) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerLineFromHandle" wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerLineFromHandle :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlMarkerNext obj lineStart markerMask@). styledTextCtrlMarkerNext :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlMarkerNext _obj lineStart markerMask = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlMarkerNext" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerNext cobj__obj (toCInt lineStart) (toCInt markerMask) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerNext" wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerNext :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlMarkerPrevious obj lineStart markerMask@). styledTextCtrlMarkerPrevious :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlMarkerPrevious _obj lineStart markerMask = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlMarkerPrevious" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerPrevious cobj__obj (toCInt lineStart) (toCInt markerMask) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerPrevious" wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerPrevious :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlMarkerSetBackground obj markerNumber backrbackgbackb@). styledTextCtrlMarkerSetBackground :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlMarkerSetBackground _obj markerNumber backrbackgbackb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlMarkerSetBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerSetBackground cobj__obj (toCInt markerNumber) (toCCharColorRed backrbackgbackb) (toCCharColorGreen backrbackgbackb) (toCCharColorBlue backrbackgbackb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerSetBackground" wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerSetBackground :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlMarkerSetForeground obj markerNumber forerforegforeb@). styledTextCtrlMarkerSetForeground :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlMarkerSetForeground _obj markerNumber forerforegforeb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlMarkerSetForeground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerSetForeground cobj__obj (toCInt markerNumber) (toCCharColorRed forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorGreen forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorBlue forerforegforeb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerSetForeground" wxStyledTextCtrl_MarkerSetForeground :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlMoveCaretInsideView obj@). styledTextCtrlMoveCaretInsideView :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlMoveCaretInsideView _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlMoveCaretInsideView" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_MoveCaretInsideView cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_MoveCaretInsideView" wxStyledTextCtrl_MoveCaretInsideView :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlPaste obj@). styledTextCtrlPaste :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlPaste _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlPaste" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_Paste cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_Paste" wxStyledTextCtrl_Paste :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlPointFromPosition obj@). styledTextCtrlPointFromPosition :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO (WxPoint ()) styledTextCtrlPointFromPosition _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlPointFromPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_PointFromPosition cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_PointFromPosition" wxStyledTextCtrl_PointFromPosition :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxPoint ())) -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlPositionAfter obj pos@). styledTextCtrlPositionAfter :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlPositionAfter _obj pos = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlPositionAfter" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_PositionAfter cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_PositionAfter" wxStyledTextCtrl_PositionAfter :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlPositionBefore obj pos@). styledTextCtrlPositionBefore :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlPositionBefore _obj pos = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlPositionBefore" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_PositionBefore cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_PositionBefore" wxStyledTextCtrl_PositionBefore :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlPositionFromLine obj line@). styledTextCtrlPositionFromLine :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlPositionFromLine _obj line = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlPositionFromLine" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_PositionFromLine cobj__obj (toCInt line) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_PositionFromLine" wxStyledTextCtrl_PositionFromLine :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlPositionFromPoint obj ptxpty@). styledTextCtrlPositionFromPoint :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Point -> IO Int styledTextCtrlPositionFromPoint _obj ptxpty = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlPositionFromPoint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_PositionFromPoint cobj__obj (toCIntPointX ptxpty) (toCIntPointY ptxpty) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_PositionFromPoint" wxStyledTextCtrl_PositionFromPoint :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlPositionFromPointClose obj xy@). styledTextCtrlPositionFromPointClose :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Point -> IO Int styledTextCtrlPositionFromPointClose _obj xy = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlPositionFromPointClose" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_PositionFromPointClose cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_PositionFromPointClose" wxStyledTextCtrl_PositionFromPointClose :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlRedo obj@). styledTextCtrlRedo :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlRedo _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlRedo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_Redo cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_Redo" wxStyledTextCtrl_Redo :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlRegisterImage obj wxtype bmp@). styledTextCtrlRegisterImage :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Bitmap c -> IO () styledTextCtrlRegisterImage _obj wxtype bmp = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlRegisterImage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr bmp $ \cobj_bmp -> wxStyledTextCtrl_RegisterImage cobj__obj (toCInt wxtype) cobj_bmp foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_RegisterImage" wxStyledTextCtrl_RegisterImage :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TBitmap c) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlReleaseDocument obj docPointer@). styledTextCtrlReleaseDocument :: StyledTextCtrl a -> STCDoc b -> IO () styledTextCtrlReleaseDocument _obj docPointer = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlReleaseDocument" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr docPointer $ \cobj_docPointer -> wxStyledTextCtrl_ReleaseDocument cobj__obj cobj_docPointer foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_ReleaseDocument" wxStyledTextCtrl_ReleaseDocument :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> Ptr (TSTCDoc b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlReplaceSelection obj text@). styledTextCtrlReplaceSelection :: StyledTextCtrl a -> String -> IO () styledTextCtrlReplaceSelection _obj text = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlReplaceSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxStyledTextCtrl_ReplaceSelection cobj__obj cstr_text foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_ReplaceSelection" wxStyledTextCtrl_ReplaceSelection :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlReplaceTarget obj text@). styledTextCtrlReplaceTarget :: StyledTextCtrl a -> String -> IO Int styledTextCtrlReplaceTarget _obj text = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlReplaceTarget" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxStyledTextCtrl_ReplaceTarget cobj__obj cstr_text foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_ReplaceTarget" wxStyledTextCtrl_ReplaceTarget :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlReplaceTargetRE obj text@). styledTextCtrlReplaceTargetRE :: StyledTextCtrl a -> String -> IO Int styledTextCtrlReplaceTargetRE _obj text = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlReplaceTargetRE" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxStyledTextCtrl_ReplaceTargetRE cobj__obj cstr_text foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_ReplaceTargetRE" wxStyledTextCtrl_ReplaceTargetRE :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSaveFile obj filename@). styledTextCtrlSaveFile :: StyledTextCtrl a -> String -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlSaveFile _obj filename = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSaveFile" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString filename $ \cstr_filename -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SaveFile cobj__obj cstr_filename foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SaveFile" wxStyledTextCtrl_SaveFile :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlScrollToColumn obj column@). styledTextCtrlScrollToColumn :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlScrollToColumn _obj column = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlScrollToColumn" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_ScrollToColumn cobj__obj (toCInt column) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_ScrollToColumn" wxStyledTextCtrl_ScrollToColumn :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlScrollToLine obj line@). styledTextCtrlScrollToLine :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlScrollToLine _obj line = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlScrollToLine" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_ScrollToLine cobj__obj (toCInt line) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_ScrollToLine" wxStyledTextCtrl_ScrollToLine :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSearchAnchor obj@). styledTextCtrlSearchAnchor :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlSearchAnchor _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSearchAnchor" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SearchAnchor cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SearchAnchor" wxStyledTextCtrl_SearchAnchor :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSearchInTarget obj text@). styledTextCtrlSearchInTarget :: StyledTextCtrl a -> String -> IO Int styledTextCtrlSearchInTarget _obj text = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSearchInTarget" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SearchInTarget cobj__obj cstr_text foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SearchInTarget" wxStyledTextCtrl_SearchInTarget :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSearchNext obj flags text@). styledTextCtrlSearchNext :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> String -> IO Int styledTextCtrlSearchNext _obj flags text = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSearchNext" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SearchNext cobj__obj (toCInt flags) cstr_text foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SearchNext" wxStyledTextCtrl_SearchNext :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSearchPrev obj flags text@). styledTextCtrlSearchPrev :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> String -> IO Int styledTextCtrlSearchPrev _obj flags text = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSearchPrev" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SearchPrev cobj__obj (toCInt flags) cstr_text foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SearchPrev" wxStyledTextCtrl_SearchPrev :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSelectAll obj@). styledTextCtrlSelectAll :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlSelectAll _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSelectAll" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SelectAll cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SelectAll" wxStyledTextCtrl_SelectAll :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSelectionIsRectangle obj@). styledTextCtrlSelectionIsRectangle :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO Bool styledTextCtrlSelectionIsRectangle _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSelectionIsRectangle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SelectionIsRectangle cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SelectionIsRectangle" wxStyledTextCtrl_SelectionIsRectangle :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetAnchor obj posAnchor@). styledTextCtrlSetAnchor :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetAnchor _obj posAnchor = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetAnchor" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetAnchor cobj__obj (toCInt posAnchor) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetAnchor" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetAnchor :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetBackSpaceUnIndents obj bsUnIndents@). styledTextCtrlSetBackSpaceUnIndents :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetBackSpaceUnIndents _obj bsUnIndents = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetBackSpaceUnIndents" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetBackSpaceUnIndents cobj__obj (toCBool bsUnIndents) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetBackSpaceUnIndents" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetBackSpaceUnIndents :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetBufferedDraw obj buffered@). styledTextCtrlSetBufferedDraw :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetBufferedDraw _obj buffered = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetBufferedDraw" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetBufferedDraw cobj__obj (toCBool buffered) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetBufferedDraw" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetBufferedDraw :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetCaretForeground obj forerforegforeb@). styledTextCtrlSetCaretForeground :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetCaretForeground _obj forerforegforeb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetCaretForeground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCaretForeground cobj__obj (toCCharColorRed forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorGreen forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorBlue forerforegforeb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCaretForeground" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCaretForeground :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetCaretLineBackground obj backrbackgbackb@). styledTextCtrlSetCaretLineBackground :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetCaretLineBackground _obj backrbackgbackb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetCaretLineBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCaretLineBackground cobj__obj (toCCharColorRed backrbackgbackb) (toCCharColorGreen backrbackgbackb) (toCCharColorBlue backrbackgbackb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCaretLineBackground" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCaretLineBackground :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetCaretLineVisible obj show@). styledTextCtrlSetCaretLineVisible :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetCaretLineVisible _obj show = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetCaretLineVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCaretLineVisible cobj__obj (toCBool show) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCaretLineVisible" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCaretLineVisible :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetCaretPeriod obj periodMilliseconds@). styledTextCtrlSetCaretPeriod :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetCaretPeriod _obj periodMilliseconds = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetCaretPeriod" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCaretPeriod cobj__obj (toCInt periodMilliseconds) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCaretPeriod" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCaretPeriod :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetCaretWidth obj pixelWidth@). styledTextCtrlSetCaretWidth :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetCaretWidth _obj pixelWidth = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetCaretWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCaretWidth cobj__obj (toCInt pixelWidth) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCaretWidth" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCaretWidth :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetCodePage obj codePage@). styledTextCtrlSetCodePage :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetCodePage _obj codePage = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetCodePage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCodePage cobj__obj (toCInt codePage) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCodePage" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCodePage :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetControlCharSymbol obj symbol@). styledTextCtrlSetControlCharSymbol :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetControlCharSymbol _obj symbol = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetControlCharSymbol" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetControlCharSymbol cobj__obj (toCInt symbol) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetControlCharSymbol" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetControlCharSymbol :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetCurrentPos obj pos@). styledTextCtrlSetCurrentPos :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetCurrentPos _obj pos = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetCurrentPos" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCurrentPos cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCurrentPos" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetCurrentPos :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetDocPointer obj docPointer@). styledTextCtrlSetDocPointer :: StyledTextCtrl a -> STCDoc b -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetDocPointer _obj docPointer = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetDocPointer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr docPointer $ \cobj_docPointer -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetDocPointer cobj__obj cobj_docPointer foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetDocPointer" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetDocPointer :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> Ptr (TSTCDoc b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetEOLMode obj eolMode@). styledTextCtrlSetEOLMode :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetEOLMode _obj eolMode = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetEOLMode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetEOLMode cobj__obj (toCInt eolMode) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetEOLMode" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetEOLMode :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetEdgeColour obj edgeColourredgeColourgedgeColourb@). styledTextCtrlSetEdgeColour :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetEdgeColour _obj edgeColourredgeColourgedgeColourb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetEdgeColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetEdgeColour cobj__obj (toCCharColorRed edgeColourredgeColourgedgeColourb) (toCCharColorGreen edgeColourredgeColourgedgeColourb) (toCCharColorBlue edgeColourredgeColourgedgeColourb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetEdgeColour" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetEdgeColour :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetEdgeColumn obj column@). styledTextCtrlSetEdgeColumn :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetEdgeColumn _obj column = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetEdgeColumn" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetEdgeColumn cobj__obj (toCInt column) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetEdgeColumn" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetEdgeColumn :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetEdgeMode obj mode@). styledTextCtrlSetEdgeMode :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetEdgeMode _obj mode = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetEdgeMode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetEdgeMode cobj__obj (toCInt mode) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetEdgeMode" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetEdgeMode :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetEndAtLastLine obj endAtLastLine@). styledTextCtrlSetEndAtLastLine :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetEndAtLastLine _obj endAtLastLine = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetEndAtLastLine" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetEndAtLastLine cobj__obj (toCBool endAtLastLine) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetEndAtLastLine" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetEndAtLastLine :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetFoldExpanded obj line expanded@). styledTextCtrlSetFoldExpanded :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetFoldExpanded _obj line expanded = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetFoldExpanded" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetFoldExpanded cobj__obj (toCInt line) (toCBool expanded) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetFoldExpanded" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetFoldExpanded :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetFoldFlags obj flags@). styledTextCtrlSetFoldFlags :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetFoldFlags _obj flags = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetFoldFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetFoldFlags cobj__obj (toCInt flags) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetFoldFlags" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetFoldFlags :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetFoldLevel obj line level@). styledTextCtrlSetFoldLevel :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetFoldLevel _obj line level = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetFoldLevel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetFoldLevel cobj__obj (toCInt line) (toCInt level) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetFoldLevel" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetFoldLevel :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetFoldMarginColour obj useSetting backrbackgbackb@). styledTextCtrlSetFoldMarginColour :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetFoldMarginColour _obj useSetting backrbackgbackb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetFoldMarginColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetFoldMarginColour cobj__obj (toCBool useSetting) (toCCharColorRed backrbackgbackb) (toCCharColorGreen backrbackgbackb) (toCCharColorBlue backrbackgbackb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetFoldMarginColour" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetFoldMarginColour :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetFoldMarginHiColour obj useSetting forerforegforeb@). styledTextCtrlSetFoldMarginHiColour :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetFoldMarginHiColour _obj useSetting forerforegforeb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetFoldMarginHiColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetFoldMarginHiColour cobj__obj (toCBool useSetting) (toCCharColorRed forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorGreen forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorBlue forerforegforeb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetFoldMarginHiColour" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetFoldMarginHiColour :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetHScrollBar obj bar@). styledTextCtrlSetHScrollBar :: StyledTextCtrl a -> ScrollBar b -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetHScrollBar _obj bar = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetHScrollBar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr bar $ \cobj_bar -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetHScrollBar cobj__obj cobj_bar foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetHScrollBar" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetHScrollBar :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> Ptr (TScrollBar b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetHighlightGuide obj column@). styledTextCtrlSetHighlightGuide :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetHighlightGuide _obj column = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetHighlightGuide" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetHighlightGuide cobj__obj (toCInt column) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetHighlightGuide" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetHighlightGuide :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetHotspotActiveBackground obj useSetting backrbackgbackb@). styledTextCtrlSetHotspotActiveBackground :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetHotspotActiveBackground _obj useSetting backrbackgbackb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetHotspotActiveBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetHotspotActiveBackground cobj__obj (toCBool useSetting) (toCCharColorRed backrbackgbackb) (toCCharColorGreen backrbackgbackb) (toCCharColorBlue backrbackgbackb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetHotspotActiveBackground" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetHotspotActiveBackground :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetHotspotActiveForeground obj useSetting forerforegforeb@). styledTextCtrlSetHotspotActiveForeground :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetHotspotActiveForeground _obj useSetting forerforegforeb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetHotspotActiveForeground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetHotspotActiveForeground cobj__obj (toCBool useSetting) (toCCharColorRed forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorGreen forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorBlue forerforegforeb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetHotspotActiveForeground" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetHotspotActiveForeground :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetHotspotActiveUnderline obj underline@). styledTextCtrlSetHotspotActiveUnderline :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetHotspotActiveUnderline _obj underline = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetHotspotActiveUnderline" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetHotspotActiveUnderline cobj__obj (toCBool underline) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetHotspotActiveUnderline" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetHotspotActiveUnderline :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetIndent obj indentSize@). styledTextCtrlSetIndent :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetIndent _obj indentSize = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetIndent" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetIndent cobj__obj (toCInt indentSize) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetIndent" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetIndent :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetIndentationGuides obj show@). styledTextCtrlSetIndentationGuides :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetIndentationGuides _obj show = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetIndentationGuides" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetIndentationGuides cobj__obj (toCBool show) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetIndentationGuides" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetIndentationGuides :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetKeyWords obj keywordSet keyWords@). styledTextCtrlSetKeyWords :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> String -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetKeyWords _obj keywordSet keyWords = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetKeyWords" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString keyWords $ \cstr_keyWords -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetKeyWords cobj__obj (toCInt keywordSet) cstr_keyWords foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetKeyWords" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetKeyWords :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetLastKeydownProcessed obj val@). styledTextCtrlSetLastKeydownProcessed :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetLastKeydownProcessed _obj val = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetLastKeydownProcessed" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetLastKeydownProcessed cobj__obj (toCBool val) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetLastKeydownProcessed" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetLastKeydownProcessed :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetLayoutCache obj mode@). styledTextCtrlSetLayoutCache :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetLayoutCache _obj mode = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetLayoutCache" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetLayoutCache cobj__obj (toCInt mode) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetLayoutCache" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetLayoutCache :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetLexer obj lexer@). styledTextCtrlSetLexer :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetLexer _obj lexer = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetLexer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetLexer cobj__obj (toCInt lexer) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetLexer" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetLexer :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetLexerLanguage obj language@). styledTextCtrlSetLexerLanguage :: StyledTextCtrl a -> String -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetLexerLanguage _obj language = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetLexerLanguage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString language $ \cstr_language -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetLexerLanguage cobj__obj cstr_language foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetLexerLanguage" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetLexerLanguage :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetLineIndentation obj line indentSize@). styledTextCtrlSetLineIndentation :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetLineIndentation _obj line indentSize = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetLineIndentation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetLineIndentation cobj__obj (toCInt line) (toCInt indentSize) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetLineIndentation" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetLineIndentation :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetLineState obj line state@). styledTextCtrlSetLineState :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetLineState _obj line state = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetLineState" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetLineState cobj__obj (toCInt line) (toCInt state) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetLineState" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetLineState :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetMarginLeft obj pixelWidth@). styledTextCtrlSetMarginLeft :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetMarginLeft _obj pixelWidth = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetMarginLeft" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMarginLeft cobj__obj (toCInt pixelWidth) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMarginLeft" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMarginLeft :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetMarginMask obj margin mask@). styledTextCtrlSetMarginMask :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetMarginMask _obj margin mask = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetMarginMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMarginMask cobj__obj (toCInt margin) (toCInt mask) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMarginMask" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMarginMask :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetMarginRight obj pixelWidth@). styledTextCtrlSetMarginRight :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetMarginRight _obj pixelWidth = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetMarginRight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMarginRight cobj__obj (toCInt pixelWidth) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMarginRight" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMarginRight :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetMarginSensitive obj margin sensitive@). styledTextCtrlSetMarginSensitive :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetMarginSensitive _obj margin sensitive = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetMarginSensitive" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMarginSensitive cobj__obj (toCInt margin) (toCBool sensitive) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMarginSensitive" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMarginSensitive :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetMarginType obj margin marginType@). styledTextCtrlSetMarginType :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetMarginType _obj margin marginType = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetMarginType" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMarginType cobj__obj (toCInt margin) (toCInt marginType) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMarginType" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMarginType :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetMarginWidth obj margin pixelWidth@). styledTextCtrlSetMarginWidth :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetMarginWidth _obj margin pixelWidth = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetMarginWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMarginWidth cobj__obj (toCInt margin) (toCInt pixelWidth) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMarginWidth" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMarginWidth :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetMargins obj left right@). styledTextCtrlSetMargins :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetMargins _obj left right = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetMargins" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMargins cobj__obj (toCInt left) (toCInt right) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMargins" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMargins :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetModEventMask obj mask@). styledTextCtrlSetModEventMask :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetModEventMask _obj mask = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetModEventMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetModEventMask cobj__obj (toCInt mask) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetModEventMask" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetModEventMask :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetMouseDownCaptures obj captures@). styledTextCtrlSetMouseDownCaptures :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetMouseDownCaptures _obj captures = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetMouseDownCaptures" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMouseDownCaptures cobj__obj (toCBool captures) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMouseDownCaptures" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMouseDownCaptures :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetMouseDwellTime obj periodMilliseconds@). styledTextCtrlSetMouseDwellTime :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetMouseDwellTime _obj periodMilliseconds = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetMouseDwellTime" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMouseDwellTime cobj__obj (toCInt periodMilliseconds) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMouseDwellTime" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetMouseDwellTime :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetOvertype obj overtype@). styledTextCtrlSetOvertype :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetOvertype _obj overtype = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetOvertype" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetOvertype cobj__obj (toCBool overtype) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetOvertype" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetOvertype :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetPrintColourMode obj mode@). styledTextCtrlSetPrintColourMode :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetPrintColourMode _obj mode = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetPrintColourMode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetPrintColourMode cobj__obj (toCInt mode) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetPrintColourMode" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetPrintColourMode :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetPrintMagnification obj magnification@). styledTextCtrlSetPrintMagnification :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetPrintMagnification _obj magnification = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetPrintMagnification" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetPrintMagnification cobj__obj (toCInt magnification) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetPrintMagnification" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetPrintMagnification :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetPrintWrapMode obj mode@). styledTextCtrlSetPrintWrapMode :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetPrintWrapMode _obj mode = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetPrintWrapMode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetPrintWrapMode cobj__obj (toCInt mode) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetPrintWrapMode" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetPrintWrapMode :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetProperty obj key value@). styledTextCtrlSetProperty :: StyledTextCtrl a -> String -> String -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetProperty _obj key value = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetProperty" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString key $ \cstr_key -> withCWString value $ \cstr_value -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetProperty cobj__obj cstr_key cstr_value foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetProperty" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetProperty :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetReadOnly obj readOnly@). styledTextCtrlSetReadOnly :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetReadOnly _obj readOnly = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetReadOnly" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetReadOnly cobj__obj (toCBool readOnly) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetReadOnly" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetReadOnly :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetSTCCursor obj cursorType@). styledTextCtrlSetSTCCursor :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetSTCCursor _obj cursorType = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetSTCCursor" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSTCCursor cobj__obj (toCInt cursorType) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSTCCursor" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSTCCursor :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetSTCFocus obj focus@). styledTextCtrlSetSTCFocus :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetSTCFocus _obj focus = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetSTCFocus" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSTCFocus cobj__obj (toCBool focus) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSTCFocus" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSTCFocus :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetSavePoint obj@). styledTextCtrlSetSavePoint :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetSavePoint _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetSavePoint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSavePoint cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSavePoint" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSavePoint :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetScrollWidth obj pixelWidth@). styledTextCtrlSetScrollWidth :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetScrollWidth _obj pixelWidth = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetScrollWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetScrollWidth cobj__obj (toCInt pixelWidth) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetScrollWidth" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetScrollWidth :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetSearchFlags obj flags@). styledTextCtrlSetSearchFlags :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetSearchFlags _obj flags = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetSearchFlags" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSearchFlags cobj__obj (toCInt flags) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSearchFlags" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSearchFlags :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetSelBackground obj useSetting backrbackgbackb@). styledTextCtrlSetSelBackground :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetSelBackground _obj useSetting backrbackgbackb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetSelBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSelBackground cobj__obj (toCBool useSetting) (toCCharColorRed backrbackgbackb) (toCCharColorGreen backrbackgbackb) (toCCharColorBlue backrbackgbackb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSelBackground" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSelBackground :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetSelForeground obj useSetting forerforegforeb@). styledTextCtrlSetSelForeground :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetSelForeground _obj useSetting forerforegforeb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetSelForeground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSelForeground cobj__obj (toCBool useSetting) (toCCharColorRed forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorGreen forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorBlue forerforegforeb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSelForeground" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSelForeground :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetSelection obj start end@). styledTextCtrlSetSelection :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetSelection _obj start end = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSelection cobj__obj (toCInt start) (toCInt end) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSelection" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSelection :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetSelectionEnd obj pos@). styledTextCtrlSetSelectionEnd :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetSelectionEnd _obj pos = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetSelectionEnd" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSelectionEnd cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSelectionEnd" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSelectionEnd :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetSelectionStart obj pos@). styledTextCtrlSetSelectionStart :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetSelectionStart _obj pos = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetSelectionStart" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSelectionStart cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSelectionStart" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetSelectionStart :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetStatus obj statusCode@). styledTextCtrlSetStatus :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetStatus _obj statusCode = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetStatus" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetStatus cobj__obj (toCInt statusCode) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetStatus" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetStatus :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetStyleBits obj bits@). styledTextCtrlSetStyleBits :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetStyleBits _obj bits = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetStyleBits" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetStyleBits cobj__obj (toCInt bits) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetStyleBits" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetStyleBits :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetStyleBytes obj length styleBytes@). styledTextCtrlSetStyleBytes :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> String -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetStyleBytes _obj length styleBytes = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetStyleBytes" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString styleBytes $ \cstr_styleBytes -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetStyleBytes cobj__obj (toCInt length) cstr_styleBytes foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetStyleBytes" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetStyleBytes :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetStyling obj length style@). styledTextCtrlSetStyling :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetStyling _obj length style = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetStyling" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetStyling cobj__obj (toCInt length) (toCInt style) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetStyling" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetStyling :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetTabIndents obj tabIndents@). styledTextCtrlSetTabIndents :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetTabIndents _obj tabIndents = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetTabIndents" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetTabIndents cobj__obj (toCBool tabIndents) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetTabIndents" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetTabIndents :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetTabWidth obj tabWidth@). styledTextCtrlSetTabWidth :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetTabWidth _obj tabWidth = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetTabWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetTabWidth cobj__obj (toCInt tabWidth) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetTabWidth" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetTabWidth :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetTargetEnd obj pos@). styledTextCtrlSetTargetEnd :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetTargetEnd _obj pos = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetTargetEnd" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetTargetEnd cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetTargetEnd" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetTargetEnd :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetTargetStart obj pos@). styledTextCtrlSetTargetStart :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetTargetStart _obj pos = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetTargetStart" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetTargetStart cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetTargetStart" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetTargetStart :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetText obj text@). styledTextCtrlSetText :: StyledTextCtrl a -> String -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetText _obj text = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetText cobj__obj cstr_text foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetText" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetText :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetTwoPhaseDraw obj twoPhase@). styledTextCtrlSetTwoPhaseDraw :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetTwoPhaseDraw _obj twoPhase = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetTwoPhaseDraw" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetTwoPhaseDraw cobj__obj (toCBool twoPhase) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetTwoPhaseDraw" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetTwoPhaseDraw :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetUndoCollection obj collectUndo@). styledTextCtrlSetUndoCollection :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetUndoCollection _obj collectUndo = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetUndoCollection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetUndoCollection cobj__obj (toCBool collectUndo) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetUndoCollection" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetUndoCollection :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetUseHorizontalScrollBar obj show@). styledTextCtrlSetUseHorizontalScrollBar :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetUseHorizontalScrollBar _obj show = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetUseHorizontalScrollBar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetUseHorizontalScrollBar cobj__obj (toCBool show) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetUseHorizontalScrollBar" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetUseHorizontalScrollBar :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetUseTabs obj useTabs@). styledTextCtrlSetUseTabs :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetUseTabs _obj useTabs = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetUseTabs" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetUseTabs cobj__obj (toCBool useTabs) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetUseTabs" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetUseTabs :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetUseVerticalScrollBar obj show@). styledTextCtrlSetUseVerticalScrollBar :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetUseVerticalScrollBar _obj show = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetUseVerticalScrollBar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetUseVerticalScrollBar cobj__obj (toCBool show) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetUseVerticalScrollBar" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetUseVerticalScrollBar :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetVScrollBar obj bar@). styledTextCtrlSetVScrollBar :: StyledTextCtrl a -> ScrollBar b -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetVScrollBar _obj bar = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetVScrollBar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr bar $ \cobj_bar -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetVScrollBar cobj__obj cobj_bar foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetVScrollBar" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetVScrollBar :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> Ptr (TScrollBar b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetViewEOL obj visible@). styledTextCtrlSetViewEOL :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetViewEOL _obj visible = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetViewEOL" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetViewEOL cobj__obj (toCBool visible) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetViewEOL" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetViewEOL :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetViewWhiteSpace obj viewWS@). styledTextCtrlSetViewWhiteSpace :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetViewWhiteSpace _obj viewWS = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetViewWhiteSpace" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetViewWhiteSpace cobj__obj (toCInt viewWS) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetViewWhiteSpace" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetViewWhiteSpace :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetVisiblePolicy obj visiblePolicy visibleSlop@). styledTextCtrlSetVisiblePolicy :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetVisiblePolicy _obj visiblePolicy visibleSlop = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetVisiblePolicy" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetVisiblePolicy cobj__obj (toCInt visiblePolicy) (toCInt visibleSlop) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetVisiblePolicy" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetVisiblePolicy :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetWhitespaceBackground obj useSetting backrbackgbackb@). styledTextCtrlSetWhitespaceBackground :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetWhitespaceBackground _obj useSetting backrbackgbackb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetWhitespaceBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetWhitespaceBackground cobj__obj (toCBool useSetting) (toCCharColorRed backrbackgbackb) (toCCharColorGreen backrbackgbackb) (toCCharColorBlue backrbackgbackb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetWhitespaceBackground" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetWhitespaceBackground :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetWhitespaceForeground obj useSetting forerforegforeb@). styledTextCtrlSetWhitespaceForeground :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetWhitespaceForeground _obj useSetting forerforegforeb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetWhitespaceForeground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetWhitespaceForeground cobj__obj (toCBool useSetting) (toCCharColorRed forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorGreen forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorBlue forerforegforeb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetWhitespaceForeground" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetWhitespaceForeground :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetWordChars obj characters@). styledTextCtrlSetWordChars :: StyledTextCtrl a -> String -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetWordChars _obj characters = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetWordChars" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString characters $ \cstr_characters -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetWordChars cobj__obj cstr_characters foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetWordChars" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetWordChars :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetWrapMode obj mode@). styledTextCtrlSetWrapMode :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetWrapMode _obj mode = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetWrapMode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetWrapMode cobj__obj (toCInt mode) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetWrapMode" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetWrapMode :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetXCaretPolicy obj caretPolicy caretSlop@). styledTextCtrlSetXCaretPolicy :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetXCaretPolicy _obj caretPolicy caretSlop = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetXCaretPolicy" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetXCaretPolicy cobj__obj (toCInt caretPolicy) (toCInt caretSlop) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetXCaretPolicy" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetXCaretPolicy :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetXOffset obj newOffset@). styledTextCtrlSetXOffset :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetXOffset _obj newOffset = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetXOffset" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetXOffset cobj__obj (toCInt newOffset) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetXOffset" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetXOffset :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetYCaretPolicy obj caretPolicy caretSlop@). styledTextCtrlSetYCaretPolicy :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetYCaretPolicy _obj caretPolicy caretSlop = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetYCaretPolicy" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetYCaretPolicy cobj__obj (toCInt caretPolicy) (toCInt caretSlop) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetYCaretPolicy" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetYCaretPolicy :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlSetZoom obj zoom@). styledTextCtrlSetZoom :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlSetZoom _obj zoom = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlSetZoom" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_SetZoom cobj__obj (toCInt zoom) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_SetZoom" wxStyledTextCtrl_SetZoom :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlShowLines obj lineStart lineEnd@). styledTextCtrlShowLines :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlShowLines _obj lineStart lineEnd = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlShowLines" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_ShowLines cobj__obj (toCInt lineStart) (toCInt lineEnd) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_ShowLines" wxStyledTextCtrl_ShowLines :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStartRecord obj@). styledTextCtrlStartRecord :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlStartRecord _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStartRecord" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StartRecord cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StartRecord" wxStyledTextCtrl_StartRecord :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStartStyling obj pos mask@). styledTextCtrlStartStyling :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlStartStyling _obj pos mask = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStartStyling" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StartStyling cobj__obj (toCInt pos) (toCInt mask) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StartStyling" wxStyledTextCtrl_StartStyling :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStopRecord obj@). styledTextCtrlStopRecord :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlStopRecord _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStopRecord" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StopRecord cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StopRecord" wxStyledTextCtrl_StopRecord :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStyleClearAll obj@). styledTextCtrlStyleClearAll :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlStyleClearAll _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStyleClearAll" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleClearAll cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleClearAll" wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleClearAll :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStyleResetDefault obj@). styledTextCtrlStyleResetDefault :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlStyleResetDefault _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStyleResetDefault" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleResetDefault cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleResetDefault" wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleResetDefault :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStyleSetBackground obj style backrbackgbackb@). styledTextCtrlStyleSetBackground :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlStyleSetBackground _obj style backrbackgbackb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStyleSetBackground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetBackground cobj__obj (toCInt style) (toCCharColorRed backrbackgbackb) (toCCharColorGreen backrbackgbackb) (toCCharColorBlue backrbackgbackb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetBackground" wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetBackground :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStyleSetBold obj style bold@). styledTextCtrlStyleSetBold :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlStyleSetBold _obj style bold = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStyleSetBold" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetBold cobj__obj (toCInt style) (toCBool bold) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetBold" wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetBold :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStyleSetCase obj style caseForce@). styledTextCtrlStyleSetCase :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlStyleSetCase _obj style caseForce = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStyleSetCase" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetCase cobj__obj (toCInt style) (toCInt caseForce) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetCase" wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetCase :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStyleSetChangeable obj style changeable@). styledTextCtrlStyleSetChangeable :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlStyleSetChangeable _obj style changeable = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStyleSetChangeable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetChangeable cobj__obj (toCInt style) (toCBool changeable) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetChangeable" wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetChangeable :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStyleSetCharacterSet obj style characterSet@). styledTextCtrlStyleSetCharacterSet :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlStyleSetCharacterSet _obj style characterSet = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStyleSetCharacterSet" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetCharacterSet cobj__obj (toCInt style) (toCInt characterSet) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetCharacterSet" wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetCharacterSet :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStyleSetEOLFilled obj style filled@). styledTextCtrlStyleSetEOLFilled :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlStyleSetEOLFilled _obj style filled = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStyleSetEOLFilled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetEOLFilled cobj__obj (toCInt style) (toCBool filled) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetEOLFilled" wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetEOLFilled :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStyleSetFaceName obj style fontName@). styledTextCtrlStyleSetFaceName :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> String -> IO () styledTextCtrlStyleSetFaceName _obj style fontName = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStyleSetFaceName" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString fontName $ \cstr_fontName -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetFaceName cobj__obj (toCInt style) cstr_fontName foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetFaceName" wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetFaceName :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStyleSetFont obj styleNum font@). styledTextCtrlStyleSetFont :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Font c -> IO () styledTextCtrlStyleSetFont _obj styleNum font = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStyleSetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr font $ \cobj_font -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetFont cobj__obj (toCInt styleNum) cobj_font foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetFont" wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetFont :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TFont c) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStyleSetFontAttr obj styleNum size faceName bold italic underline@). styledTextCtrlStyleSetFontAttr :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> String -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlStyleSetFontAttr _obj styleNum size faceName bold italic underline = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStyleSetFontAttr" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString faceName $ \cstr_faceName -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetFontAttr cobj__obj (toCInt styleNum) (toCInt size) cstr_faceName (toCBool bold) (toCBool italic) (toCBool underline) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetFontAttr" wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetFontAttr :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CWString -> CBool -> CBool -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStyleSetForeground obj style forerforegforeb@). styledTextCtrlStyleSetForeground :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Color -> IO () styledTextCtrlStyleSetForeground _obj style forerforegforeb = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStyleSetForeground" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetForeground cobj__obj (toCInt style) (toCCharColorRed forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorGreen forerforegforeb) (toCCharColorBlue forerforegforeb) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetForeground" wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetForeground :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CChar -> CChar -> CChar -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStyleSetHotSpot obj style hotspot@). styledTextCtrlStyleSetHotSpot :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlStyleSetHotSpot _obj style hotspot = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStyleSetHotSpot" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetHotSpot cobj__obj (toCInt style) (toCBool hotspot) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetHotSpot" wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetHotSpot :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStyleSetItalic obj style italic@). styledTextCtrlStyleSetItalic :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlStyleSetItalic _obj style italic = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStyleSetItalic" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetItalic cobj__obj (toCInt style) (toCBool italic) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetItalic" wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetItalic :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStyleSetSize obj style sizePoints@). styledTextCtrlStyleSetSize :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlStyleSetSize _obj style sizePoints = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStyleSetSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetSize cobj__obj (toCInt style) (toCInt sizePoints) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetSize" wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetSize :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStyleSetSpec obj styleNum spec@). styledTextCtrlStyleSetSpec :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> String -> IO () styledTextCtrlStyleSetSpec _obj styleNum spec = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStyleSetSpec" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString spec $ \cstr_spec -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetSpec cobj__obj (toCInt styleNum) cstr_spec foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetSpec" wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetSpec :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStyleSetUnderline obj style underline@). styledTextCtrlStyleSetUnderline :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlStyleSetUnderline _obj style underline = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStyleSetUnderline" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetUnderline cobj__obj (toCInt style) (toCBool underline) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetUnderline" wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetUnderline :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlStyleSetVisible obj style visible@). styledTextCtrlStyleSetVisible :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlStyleSetVisible _obj style visible = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlStyleSetVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetVisible cobj__obj (toCInt style) (toCBool visible) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetVisible" wxStyledTextCtrl_StyleSetVisible :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlTargetFromSelection obj@). styledTextCtrlTargetFromSelection :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlTargetFromSelection _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlTargetFromSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_TargetFromSelection cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_TargetFromSelection" wxStyledTextCtrl_TargetFromSelection :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlTextHeight obj line@). styledTextCtrlTextHeight :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlTextHeight _obj line = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlTextHeight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_TextHeight cobj__obj (toCInt line) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_TextHeight" wxStyledTextCtrl_TextHeight :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlTextWidth obj style text@). styledTextCtrlTextWidth :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> String -> IO Int styledTextCtrlTextWidth _obj style text = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlTextWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxStyledTextCtrl_TextWidth cobj__obj (toCInt style) cstr_text foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_TextWidth" wxStyledTextCtrl_TextWidth :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlToggleFold obj line@). styledTextCtrlToggleFold :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () styledTextCtrlToggleFold _obj line = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlToggleFold" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_ToggleFold cobj__obj (toCInt line) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_ToggleFold" wxStyledTextCtrl_ToggleFold :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlUndo obj@). styledTextCtrlUndo :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlUndo _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlUndo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_Undo cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_Undo" wxStyledTextCtrl_Undo :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlUsePopUp obj allowPopUp@). styledTextCtrlUsePopUp :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextCtrlUsePopUp _obj allowPopUp = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlUsePopUp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_UsePopUp cobj__obj (toCBool allowPopUp) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_UsePopUp" wxStyledTextCtrl_UsePopUp :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlUserListShow obj listType itemList@). styledTextCtrlUserListShow :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> String -> IO () styledTextCtrlUserListShow _obj listType itemList = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlUserListShow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString itemList $ \cstr_itemList -> wxStyledTextCtrl_UserListShow cobj__obj (toCInt listType) cstr_itemList foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_UserListShow" wxStyledTextCtrl_UserListShow :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlVisibleFromDocLine obj line@). styledTextCtrlVisibleFromDocLine :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int styledTextCtrlVisibleFromDocLine _obj line = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlVisibleFromDocLine" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_VisibleFromDocLine cobj__obj (toCInt line) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_VisibleFromDocLine" wxStyledTextCtrl_VisibleFromDocLine :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlWordEndPosition obj pos onlyWordCharacters@). styledTextCtrlWordEndPosition :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Bool -> IO Int styledTextCtrlWordEndPosition _obj pos onlyWordCharacters = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlWordEndPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_WordEndPosition cobj__obj (toCInt pos) (toCBool onlyWordCharacters) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_WordEndPosition" wxStyledTextCtrl_WordEndPosition :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlWordPartLeft obj@). styledTextCtrlWordPartLeft :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlWordPartLeft _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlWordPartLeft" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_WordPartLeft cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_WordPartLeft" wxStyledTextCtrl_WordPartLeft :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlWordPartLeftExtend obj@). styledTextCtrlWordPartLeftExtend :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlWordPartLeftExtend _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlWordPartLeftExtend" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_WordPartLeftExtend cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_WordPartLeftExtend" wxStyledTextCtrl_WordPartLeftExtend :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlWordPartRight obj@). styledTextCtrlWordPartRight :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlWordPartRight _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlWordPartRight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_WordPartRight cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_WordPartRight" wxStyledTextCtrl_WordPartRight :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlWordPartRightExtend obj@). styledTextCtrlWordPartRightExtend :: StyledTextCtrl a -> IO () styledTextCtrlWordPartRightExtend _obj = withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlWordPartRightExtend" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_WordPartRightExtend cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_WordPartRightExtend" wxStyledTextCtrl_WordPartRightExtend :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextCtrlWordStartPosition obj pos onlyWordCharacters@). styledTextCtrlWordStartPosition :: StyledTextCtrl a -> Int -> Bool -> IO Int styledTextCtrlWordStartPosition _obj pos onlyWordCharacters = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextCtrlWordStartPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextCtrl_WordStartPosition cobj__obj (toCInt pos) (toCBool onlyWordCharacters) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextCtrl_WordStartPosition" wxStyledTextCtrl_WordStartPosition :: Ptr (TStyledTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextEventClone obj@). styledTextEventClone :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO (StyledTextEvent ()) styledTextEventClone _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventClone" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_Clone cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_Clone" wxStyledTextEvent_Clone :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TStyledTextEvent ())) -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetAlt obj@). styledTextEventGetAlt :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Bool styledTextEventGetAlt _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetAlt" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetAlt cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetAlt" wxStyledTextEvent_GetAlt :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetControl obj@). styledTextEventGetControl :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Bool styledTextEventGetControl _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetControl" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetControl cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetControl" wxStyledTextEvent_GetControl :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetDragAllowMove obj@). styledTextEventGetDragAllowMove :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Bool styledTextEventGetDragAllowMove _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetDragAllowMove" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetDragAllowMove cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetDragAllowMove" wxStyledTextEvent_GetDragAllowMove :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetDragResult obj@). styledTextEventGetDragResult :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Int styledTextEventGetDragResult _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetDragResult" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetDragResult cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetDragResult" wxStyledTextEvent_GetDragResult :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetDragText obj@). styledTextEventGetDragText :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO (String) styledTextEventGetDragText _obj = withManagedStringResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetDragText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetDragText cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetDragText" wxStyledTextEvent_GetDragText :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ())) -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetFoldLevelNow obj@). styledTextEventGetFoldLevelNow :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Int styledTextEventGetFoldLevelNow _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetFoldLevelNow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetFoldLevelNow cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetFoldLevelNow" wxStyledTextEvent_GetFoldLevelNow :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetFoldLevelPrev obj@). styledTextEventGetFoldLevelPrev :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Int styledTextEventGetFoldLevelPrev _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetFoldLevelPrev" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetFoldLevelPrev cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetFoldLevelPrev" wxStyledTextEvent_GetFoldLevelPrev :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetKey obj@). styledTextEventGetKey :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Int styledTextEventGetKey _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetKey" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetKey cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetKey" wxStyledTextEvent_GetKey :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetLParam obj@). styledTextEventGetLParam :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Int styledTextEventGetLParam _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetLParam" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetLParam cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetLParam" wxStyledTextEvent_GetLParam :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetLength obj@). styledTextEventGetLength :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Int styledTextEventGetLength _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetLength" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetLength cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetLength" wxStyledTextEvent_GetLength :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetLine obj@). styledTextEventGetLine :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Int styledTextEventGetLine _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetLine" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetLine cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetLine" wxStyledTextEvent_GetLine :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetLinesAdded obj@). styledTextEventGetLinesAdded :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Int styledTextEventGetLinesAdded _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetLinesAdded" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetLinesAdded cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetLinesAdded" wxStyledTextEvent_GetLinesAdded :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetListType obj@). styledTextEventGetListType :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Int styledTextEventGetListType _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetListType" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetListType cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetListType" wxStyledTextEvent_GetListType :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetMargin obj@). styledTextEventGetMargin :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Int styledTextEventGetMargin _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetMargin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetMargin cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetMargin" wxStyledTextEvent_GetMargin :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetMessage obj@). styledTextEventGetMessage :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Int styledTextEventGetMessage _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetMessage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetMessage cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetMessage" wxStyledTextEvent_GetMessage :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetModificationType obj@). styledTextEventGetModificationType :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Int styledTextEventGetModificationType _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetModificationType" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetModificationType cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetModificationType" wxStyledTextEvent_GetModificationType :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetModifiers obj@). styledTextEventGetModifiers :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Int styledTextEventGetModifiers _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetModifiers" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetModifiers cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetModifiers" wxStyledTextEvent_GetModifiers :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetPosition obj@). styledTextEventGetPosition :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Int styledTextEventGetPosition _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetPosition cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetPosition" wxStyledTextEvent_GetPosition :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetShift obj@). styledTextEventGetShift :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Bool styledTextEventGetShift _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetShift" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetShift cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetShift" wxStyledTextEvent_GetShift :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetText obj@). styledTextEventGetText :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO (String) styledTextEventGetText _obj = withManagedStringResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetText cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetText" wxStyledTextEvent_GetText :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ())) -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetWParam obj@). styledTextEventGetWParam :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Int styledTextEventGetWParam _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetWParam" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetWParam cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetWParam" wxStyledTextEvent_GetWParam :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetX obj@). styledTextEventGetX :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Int styledTextEventGetX _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetX cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetX" wxStyledTextEvent_GetX :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextEventGetY obj@). styledTextEventGetY :: StyledTextEvent a -> IO Int styledTextEventGetY _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "styledTextEventGetY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_GetY cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_GetY" wxStyledTextEvent_GetY :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetDragAllowMove obj val@). styledTextEventSetDragAllowMove :: StyledTextEvent a -> Bool -> IO () styledTextEventSetDragAllowMove _obj val = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetDragAllowMove" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetDragAllowMove cobj__obj (toCBool val) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetDragAllowMove" wxStyledTextEvent_SetDragAllowMove :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetDragResult obj val@). styledTextEventSetDragResult :: StyledTextEvent a -> Int -> IO () styledTextEventSetDragResult _obj val = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetDragResult" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetDragResult cobj__obj (toCInt val) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetDragResult" wxStyledTextEvent_SetDragResult :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetDragText obj val@). styledTextEventSetDragText :: StyledTextEvent a -> String -> IO () styledTextEventSetDragText _obj val = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetDragText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withStringPtr val $ \cobj_val -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetDragText cobj__obj cobj_val foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetDragText" wxStyledTextEvent_SetDragText :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetFoldLevelNow obj val@). styledTextEventSetFoldLevelNow :: StyledTextEvent a -> Int -> IO () styledTextEventSetFoldLevelNow _obj val = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetFoldLevelNow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetFoldLevelNow cobj__obj (toCInt val) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetFoldLevelNow" wxStyledTextEvent_SetFoldLevelNow :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetFoldLevelPrev obj val@). styledTextEventSetFoldLevelPrev :: StyledTextEvent a -> Int -> IO () styledTextEventSetFoldLevelPrev _obj val = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetFoldLevelPrev" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetFoldLevelPrev cobj__obj (toCInt val) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetFoldLevelPrev" wxStyledTextEvent_SetFoldLevelPrev :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetKey obj k@). styledTextEventSetKey :: StyledTextEvent a -> Int -> IO () styledTextEventSetKey _obj k = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetKey" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetKey cobj__obj (toCInt k) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetKey" wxStyledTextEvent_SetKey :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetLParam obj val@). styledTextEventSetLParam :: StyledTextEvent a -> Int -> IO () styledTextEventSetLParam _obj val = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetLParam" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetLParam cobj__obj (toCInt val) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetLParam" wxStyledTextEvent_SetLParam :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetLength obj len@). styledTextEventSetLength :: StyledTextEvent a -> Int -> IO () styledTextEventSetLength _obj len = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetLength" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetLength cobj__obj (toCInt len) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetLength" wxStyledTextEvent_SetLength :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetLine obj val@). styledTextEventSetLine :: StyledTextEvent a -> Int -> IO () styledTextEventSetLine _obj val = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetLine" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetLine cobj__obj (toCInt val) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetLine" wxStyledTextEvent_SetLine :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetLinesAdded obj num@). styledTextEventSetLinesAdded :: StyledTextEvent a -> Int -> IO () styledTextEventSetLinesAdded _obj num = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetLinesAdded" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetLinesAdded cobj__obj (toCInt num) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetLinesAdded" wxStyledTextEvent_SetLinesAdded :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetListType obj val@). styledTextEventSetListType :: StyledTextEvent a -> Int -> IO () styledTextEventSetListType _obj val = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetListType" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetListType cobj__obj (toCInt val) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetListType" wxStyledTextEvent_SetListType :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetMargin obj val@). styledTextEventSetMargin :: StyledTextEvent a -> Int -> IO () styledTextEventSetMargin _obj val = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetMargin" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetMargin cobj__obj (toCInt val) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetMargin" wxStyledTextEvent_SetMargin :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetMessage obj val@). styledTextEventSetMessage :: StyledTextEvent a -> Int -> IO () styledTextEventSetMessage _obj val = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetMessage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetMessage cobj__obj (toCInt val) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetMessage" wxStyledTextEvent_SetMessage :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetModificationType obj t@). styledTextEventSetModificationType :: StyledTextEvent a -> Int -> IO () styledTextEventSetModificationType _obj t = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetModificationType" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetModificationType cobj__obj (toCInt t) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetModificationType" wxStyledTextEvent_SetModificationType :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetModifiers obj m@). styledTextEventSetModifiers :: StyledTextEvent a -> Int -> IO () styledTextEventSetModifiers _obj m = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetModifiers" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetModifiers cobj__obj (toCInt m) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetModifiers" wxStyledTextEvent_SetModifiers :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetPosition obj pos@). styledTextEventSetPosition :: StyledTextEvent a -> Int -> IO () styledTextEventSetPosition _obj pos = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetPosition cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetPosition" wxStyledTextEvent_SetPosition :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetText obj t@). styledTextEventSetText :: StyledTextEvent a -> String -> IO () styledTextEventSetText _obj t = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withStringPtr t $ \cobj_t -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetText cobj__obj cobj_t foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetText" wxStyledTextEvent_SetText :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetWParam obj val@). styledTextEventSetWParam :: StyledTextEvent a -> Int -> IO () styledTextEventSetWParam _obj val = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetWParam" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetWParam cobj__obj (toCInt val) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetWParam" wxStyledTextEvent_SetWParam :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetX obj val@). styledTextEventSetX :: StyledTextEvent a -> Int -> IO () styledTextEventSetX _obj val = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetX" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetX cobj__obj (toCInt val) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetX" wxStyledTextEvent_SetX :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@styledTextEventSetY obj val@). styledTextEventSetY :: StyledTextEvent a -> Int -> IO () styledTextEventSetY _obj val = withObjectRef "styledTextEventSetY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxStyledTextEvent_SetY cobj__obj (toCInt val) foreign import ccall "wxStyledTextEvent_SetY" wxStyledTextEvent_SetY :: Ptr (TStyledTextEvent a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@systemSettingsGetSystemColour index@). systemSettingsGetSystemColour :: Int -> IO (Color) systemSettingsGetSystemColour index = withRefColour $ \pref -> wxSystemSettings_GetSystemColour (toCInt index) pref foreign import ccall "wxSystemSettings_GetSystemColour" wxSystemSettings_GetSystemColour :: CInt -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@systemSettingsGetSystemFont index@). systemSettingsGetSystemFont :: Int -> IO (Font ()) systemSettingsGetSystemFont index = withRefFont $ \pref -> wxSystemSettings_GetSystemFont (toCInt index) pref foreign import ccall "wxSystemSettings_GetSystemFont" wxSystemSettings_GetSystemFont :: CInt -> Ptr (TFont ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@systemSettingsGetSystemMetric index@). systemSettingsGetSystemMetric :: Int -> IO Int systemSettingsGetSystemMetric index = withIntResult $ wxSystemSettings_GetSystemMetric (toCInt index) foreign import ccall "wxSystemSettings_GetSystemMetric" wxSystemSettings_GetSystemMetric :: CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@taskBarIconCreate@). taskBarIconCreate :: IO (TaskBarIcon ()) taskBarIconCreate = withObjectResult $ wxTaskBarIcon_Create foreign import ccall "wxTaskBarIcon_Create" wxTaskBarIcon_Create :: IO (Ptr (TTaskBarIcon ())) -- | usage: (@taskBarIconDelete obj@). taskBarIconDelete :: TaskBarIcon a -> IO () taskBarIconDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@taskBarIconIsIconInstalled obj@). taskBarIconIsIconInstalled :: TaskBarIcon a -> IO Bool taskBarIconIsIconInstalled _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "taskBarIconIsIconInstalled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTaskBarIcon_IsIconInstalled cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTaskBarIcon_IsIconInstalled" wxTaskBarIcon_IsIconInstalled :: Ptr (TTaskBarIcon a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@taskBarIconIsOk obj@). taskBarIconIsOk :: TaskBarIcon a -> IO Bool taskBarIconIsOk _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "taskBarIconIsOk" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTaskBarIcon_IsOk cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTaskBarIcon_IsOk" wxTaskBarIcon_IsOk :: Ptr (TTaskBarIcon a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@taskBarIconPopupMenu obj menu@). taskBarIconPopupMenu :: TaskBarIcon a -> Menu b -> IO Bool taskBarIconPopupMenu _obj menu = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "taskBarIconPopupMenu" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr menu $ \cobj_menu -> wxTaskBarIcon_PopupMenu cobj__obj cobj_menu foreign import ccall "wxTaskBarIcon_PopupMenu" wxTaskBarIcon_PopupMenu :: Ptr (TTaskBarIcon a) -> Ptr (TMenu b) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@taskBarIconRemoveIcon obj@). taskBarIconRemoveIcon :: TaskBarIcon a -> IO Bool taskBarIconRemoveIcon _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "taskBarIconRemoveIcon" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTaskBarIcon_RemoveIcon cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTaskBarIcon_RemoveIcon" wxTaskBarIcon_RemoveIcon :: Ptr (TTaskBarIcon a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@taskBarIconSetIcon obj icon text@). taskBarIconSetIcon :: TaskBarIcon a -> Icon b -> String -> IO Bool taskBarIconSetIcon _obj icon text = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "taskBarIconSetIcon" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr icon $ \cobj_icon -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxTaskBarIcon_SetIcon cobj__obj cobj_icon cstr_text foreign import ccall "wxTaskBarIcon_SetIcon" wxTaskBarIcon_SetIcon :: Ptr (TTaskBarIcon a) -> Ptr (TIcon b) -> CWString -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@textAttrCreate colText colBack font@). textAttrCreate :: Color -> Color -> Font c -> IO (TextAttr ()) textAttrCreate colText colBack font = withObjectResult $ withColourPtr colText $ \cobj_colText -> withColourPtr colBack $ \cobj_colBack -> withObjectPtr font $ \cobj_font -> wxTextAttr_Create cobj_colText cobj_colBack cobj_font foreign import ccall "wxTextAttr_Create" wxTextAttr_Create :: Ptr (TColour a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> Ptr (TFont c) -> IO (Ptr (TTextAttr ())) -- | usage: (@textAttrCreateDefault@). textAttrCreateDefault :: IO (TextAttr ()) textAttrCreateDefault = withObjectResult $ wxTextAttr_CreateDefault foreign import ccall "wxTextAttr_CreateDefault" wxTextAttr_CreateDefault :: IO (Ptr (TTextAttr ())) -- | usage: (@textAttrDelete obj@). textAttrDelete :: TextAttr a -> IO () textAttrDelete _obj = withObjectRef "textAttrDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextAttr_Delete cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextAttr_Delete" wxTextAttr_Delete :: Ptr (TTextAttr a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textAttrGetBackgroundColour obj@). textAttrGetBackgroundColour :: TextAttr a -> IO (Color) textAttrGetBackgroundColour _obj = withRefColour $ \pref -> withObjectRef "textAttrGetBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextAttr_GetBackgroundColour cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxTextAttr_GetBackgroundColour" wxTextAttr_GetBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TTextAttr a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textAttrGetFont obj@). textAttrGetFont :: TextAttr a -> IO (Font ()) textAttrGetFont _obj = withRefFont $ \pref -> withObjectRef "textAttrGetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextAttr_GetFont cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxTextAttr_GetFont" wxTextAttr_GetFont :: Ptr (TTextAttr a) -> Ptr (TFont ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textAttrGetTextColour obj@). textAttrGetTextColour :: TextAttr a -> IO (Color) textAttrGetTextColour _obj = withRefColour $ \pref -> withObjectRef "textAttrGetTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextAttr_GetTextColour cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxTextAttr_GetTextColour" wxTextAttr_GetTextColour :: Ptr (TTextAttr a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textAttrHasBackgroundColour obj@). textAttrHasBackgroundColour :: TextAttr a -> IO Bool textAttrHasBackgroundColour _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "textAttrHasBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextAttr_HasBackgroundColour cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextAttr_HasBackgroundColour" wxTextAttr_HasBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TTextAttr a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@textAttrHasFont obj@). textAttrHasFont :: TextAttr a -> IO Bool textAttrHasFont _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "textAttrHasFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextAttr_HasFont cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextAttr_HasFont" wxTextAttr_HasFont :: Ptr (TTextAttr a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@textAttrHasTextColour obj@). textAttrHasTextColour :: TextAttr a -> IO Bool textAttrHasTextColour _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "textAttrHasTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextAttr_HasTextColour cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextAttr_HasTextColour" wxTextAttr_HasTextColour :: Ptr (TTextAttr a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@textAttrIsDefault obj@). textAttrIsDefault :: TextAttr a -> IO Bool textAttrIsDefault _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "textAttrIsDefault" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextAttr_IsDefault cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextAttr_IsDefault" wxTextAttr_IsDefault :: Ptr (TTextAttr a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@textAttrSetBackgroundColour obj colour@). textAttrSetBackgroundColour :: TextAttr a -> Color -> IO () textAttrSetBackgroundColour _obj colour = withObjectRef "textAttrSetBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withColourPtr colour $ \cobj_colour -> wxTextAttr_SetBackgroundColour cobj__obj cobj_colour foreign import ccall "wxTextAttr_SetBackgroundColour" wxTextAttr_SetBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TTextAttr a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textAttrSetFont obj font@). textAttrSetFont :: TextAttr a -> Font b -> IO () textAttrSetFont _obj font = withObjectRef "textAttrSetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr font $ \cobj_font -> wxTextAttr_SetFont cobj__obj cobj_font foreign import ccall "wxTextAttr_SetFont" wxTextAttr_SetFont :: Ptr (TTextAttr a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textAttrSetTextColour obj colour@). textAttrSetTextColour :: TextAttr a -> Color -> IO () textAttrSetTextColour _obj colour = withObjectRef "textAttrSetTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withColourPtr colour $ \cobj_colour -> wxTextAttr_SetTextColour cobj__obj cobj_colour foreign import ccall "wxTextAttr_SetTextColour" wxTextAttr_SetTextColour :: Ptr (TTextAttr a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlAppendText obj text@). textCtrlAppendText :: TextCtrl a -> String -> IO () textCtrlAppendText _obj text = withObjectRef "textCtrlAppendText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxTextCtrl_AppendText cobj__obj cstr_text foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_AppendText" wxTextCtrl_AppendText :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlCanCopy obj@). textCtrlCanCopy :: TextCtrl a -> IO Bool textCtrlCanCopy _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlCanCopy" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_CanCopy cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_CanCopy" wxTextCtrl_CanCopy :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@textCtrlCanCut obj@). textCtrlCanCut :: TextCtrl a -> IO Bool textCtrlCanCut _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlCanCut" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_CanCut cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_CanCut" wxTextCtrl_CanCut :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@textCtrlCanPaste obj@). textCtrlCanPaste :: TextCtrl a -> IO Bool textCtrlCanPaste _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlCanPaste" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_CanPaste cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_CanPaste" wxTextCtrl_CanPaste :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@textCtrlCanRedo obj@). textCtrlCanRedo :: TextCtrl a -> IO Bool textCtrlCanRedo _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlCanRedo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_CanRedo cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_CanRedo" wxTextCtrl_CanRedo :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@textCtrlCanUndo obj@). textCtrlCanUndo :: TextCtrl a -> IO Bool textCtrlCanUndo _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlCanUndo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_CanUndo cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_CanUndo" wxTextCtrl_CanUndo :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@textCtrlClear obj@). textCtrlClear :: TextCtrl a -> IO () textCtrlClear _obj = withObjectRef "textCtrlClear" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_Clear cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_Clear" wxTextCtrl_Clear :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlCopy obj@). textCtrlCopy :: TextCtrl a -> IO () textCtrlCopy _obj = withObjectRef "textCtrlCopy" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_Copy cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_Copy" wxTextCtrl_Copy :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlCreate prt id txt lfttopwdthgt stl@). textCtrlCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Rect -> Style -> IO (TextCtrl ()) textCtrlCreate _prt _id _txt _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> withCWString _txt $ \cstr__txt -> wxTextCtrl_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) cstr__txt (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_Create" wxTextCtrl_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CWString -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TTextCtrl ())) -- | usage: (@textCtrlCut obj@). textCtrlCut :: TextCtrl a -> IO () textCtrlCut _obj = withObjectRef "textCtrlCut" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_Cut cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_Cut" wxTextCtrl_Cut :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlDiscardEdits obj@). textCtrlDiscardEdits :: TextCtrl a -> IO () textCtrlDiscardEdits _obj = withObjectRef "textCtrlDiscardEdits" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_DiscardEdits cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_DiscardEdits" wxTextCtrl_DiscardEdits :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlEmulateKeyPress obj keyevent@). textCtrlEmulateKeyPress :: TextCtrl a -> KeyEvent b -> IO Bool textCtrlEmulateKeyPress _obj keyevent = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlEmulateKeyPress" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr keyevent $ \cobj_keyevent -> wxTextCtrl_EmulateKeyPress cobj__obj cobj_keyevent foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_EmulateKeyPress" wxTextCtrl_EmulateKeyPress :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> Ptr (TKeyEvent b) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@textCtrlGetDefaultStyle obj@). textCtrlGetDefaultStyle :: TextCtrl a -> IO (TextAttr ()) textCtrlGetDefaultStyle _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlGetDefaultStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_GetDefaultStyle cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_GetDefaultStyle" wxTextCtrl_GetDefaultStyle :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO (Ptr (TTextAttr ())) -- | usage: (@textCtrlGetInsertionPoint obj@). textCtrlGetInsertionPoint :: TextCtrl a -> IO Int textCtrlGetInsertionPoint _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlGetInsertionPoint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_GetInsertionPoint cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_GetInsertionPoint" wxTextCtrl_GetInsertionPoint :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@textCtrlGetLastPosition obj@). textCtrlGetLastPosition :: TextCtrl a -> IO Int textCtrlGetLastPosition _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlGetLastPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_GetLastPosition cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_GetLastPosition" wxTextCtrl_GetLastPosition :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@textCtrlGetLineLength obj lineNo@). textCtrlGetLineLength :: TextCtrl a -> Int -> IO Int textCtrlGetLineLength _obj lineNo = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlGetLineLength" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_GetLineLength cobj__obj (toCInt lineNo) foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_GetLineLength" wxTextCtrl_GetLineLength :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@textCtrlGetLineText obj lineNo@). textCtrlGetLineText :: TextCtrl a -> Int -> IO String textCtrlGetLineText _obj lineNo = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "textCtrlGetLineText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_GetLineText cobj__obj (toCInt lineNo) buffer foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_GetLineText" wxTextCtrl_GetLineText :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@textCtrlGetNumberOfLines obj@). textCtrlGetNumberOfLines :: TextCtrl a -> IO Int textCtrlGetNumberOfLines _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlGetNumberOfLines" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_GetNumberOfLines cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_GetNumberOfLines" wxTextCtrl_GetNumberOfLines :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@textCtrlGetRange obj from to@). textCtrlGetRange :: TextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO String textCtrlGetRange _obj from to = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "textCtrlGetRange" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_GetRange cobj__obj (toCInt from) (toCInt to) buffer foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_GetRange" wxTextCtrl_GetRange :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@textCtrlGetSelection obj from to@). textCtrlGetSelection :: TextCtrl a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO () textCtrlGetSelection _obj from to = withObjectRef "textCtrlGetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_GetSelection cobj__obj from to foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_GetSelection" wxTextCtrl_GetSelection :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlGetStringSelection obj@). textCtrlGetStringSelection :: TextCtrl a -> IO String textCtrlGetStringSelection _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "textCtrlGetStringSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_GetStringSelection cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_GetStringSelection" wxTextCtrl_GetStringSelection :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@textCtrlGetValue obj@). textCtrlGetValue :: TextCtrl a -> IO String textCtrlGetValue _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "textCtrlGetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_GetValue cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_GetValue" wxTextCtrl_GetValue :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@textCtrlIsEditable obj@). textCtrlIsEditable :: TextCtrl a -> IO Bool textCtrlIsEditable _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlIsEditable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_IsEditable cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_IsEditable" wxTextCtrl_IsEditable :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@textCtrlIsModified obj@). textCtrlIsModified :: TextCtrl a -> IO Bool textCtrlIsModified _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlIsModified" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_IsModified cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_IsModified" wxTextCtrl_IsModified :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@textCtrlIsMultiLine obj@). textCtrlIsMultiLine :: TextCtrl a -> IO Bool textCtrlIsMultiLine _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlIsMultiLine" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_IsMultiLine cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_IsMultiLine" wxTextCtrl_IsMultiLine :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@textCtrlIsSingleLine obj@). textCtrlIsSingleLine :: TextCtrl a -> IO Bool textCtrlIsSingleLine _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlIsSingleLine" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_IsSingleLine cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_IsSingleLine" wxTextCtrl_IsSingleLine :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@textCtrlLoadFile obj file@). textCtrlLoadFile :: TextCtrl a -> String -> IO Int textCtrlLoadFile _obj file = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlLoadFile" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString file $ \cstr_file -> wxTextCtrl_LoadFile cobj__obj cstr_file foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_LoadFile" wxTextCtrl_LoadFile :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@textCtrlPaste obj@). textCtrlPaste :: TextCtrl a -> IO () textCtrlPaste _obj = withObjectRef "textCtrlPaste" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_Paste cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_Paste" wxTextCtrl_Paste :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlPositionToXY obj pos x y@). textCtrlPositionToXY :: TextCtrl a -> Int -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO Int textCtrlPositionToXY _obj pos x y = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlPositionToXY" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_PositionToXY cobj__obj (toCInt pos) x y foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_PositionToXY" wxTextCtrl_PositionToXY :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@textCtrlRedo obj@). textCtrlRedo :: TextCtrl a -> IO () textCtrlRedo _obj = withObjectRef "textCtrlRedo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_Redo cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_Redo" wxTextCtrl_Redo :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlRemove obj from to@). textCtrlRemove :: TextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () textCtrlRemove _obj from to = withObjectRef "textCtrlRemove" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_Remove cobj__obj (toCInt from) (toCInt to) foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_Remove" wxTextCtrl_Remove :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlReplace obj from to value@). textCtrlReplace :: TextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO () textCtrlReplace _obj from to value = withObjectRef "textCtrlReplace" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString value $ \cstr_value -> wxTextCtrl_Replace cobj__obj (toCInt from) (toCInt to) cstr_value foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_Replace" wxTextCtrl_Replace :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlSaveFile obj file@). textCtrlSaveFile :: TextCtrl a -> String -> IO Int textCtrlSaveFile _obj file = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlSaveFile" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString file $ \cstr_file -> wxTextCtrl_SaveFile cobj__obj cstr_file foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_SaveFile" wxTextCtrl_SaveFile :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@textCtrlSetDefaultStyle obj style@). textCtrlSetDefaultStyle :: TextCtrl a -> TextAttr b -> IO Bool textCtrlSetDefaultStyle _obj style = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlSetDefaultStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr style $ \cobj_style -> wxTextCtrl_SetDefaultStyle cobj__obj cobj_style foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_SetDefaultStyle" wxTextCtrl_SetDefaultStyle :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTextAttr b) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@textCtrlSetEditable obj editable@). textCtrlSetEditable :: TextCtrl a -> Bool -> IO () textCtrlSetEditable _obj editable = withObjectRef "textCtrlSetEditable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_SetEditable cobj__obj (toCBool editable) foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_SetEditable" wxTextCtrl_SetEditable :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlSetInsertionPoint obj pos@). textCtrlSetInsertionPoint :: TextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () textCtrlSetInsertionPoint _obj pos = withObjectRef "textCtrlSetInsertionPoint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_SetInsertionPoint cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_SetInsertionPoint" wxTextCtrl_SetInsertionPoint :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlSetInsertionPointEnd obj@). textCtrlSetInsertionPointEnd :: TextCtrl a -> IO () textCtrlSetInsertionPointEnd _obj = withObjectRef "textCtrlSetInsertionPointEnd" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_SetInsertionPointEnd cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_SetInsertionPointEnd" wxTextCtrl_SetInsertionPointEnd :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlSetMaxLength obj len@). textCtrlSetMaxLength :: TextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () textCtrlSetMaxLength _obj len = withObjectRef "textCtrlSetMaxLength" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_SetMaxLength cobj__obj (toCInt len) foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_SetMaxLength" wxTextCtrl_SetMaxLength :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlSetSelection obj from to@). textCtrlSetSelection :: TextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> IO () textCtrlSetSelection _obj from to = withObjectRef "textCtrlSetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_SetSelection cobj__obj (toCInt from) (toCInt to) foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_SetSelection" wxTextCtrl_SetSelection :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlSetStyle obj start end style@). textCtrlSetStyle :: TextCtrl a -> Int -> Int -> TextAttr d -> IO Bool textCtrlSetStyle _obj start end style = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlSetStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr style $ \cobj_style -> wxTextCtrl_SetStyle cobj__obj (toCInt start) (toCInt end) cobj_style foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_SetStyle" wxTextCtrl_SetStyle :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TTextAttr d) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@textCtrlSetValue obj value@). textCtrlSetValue :: TextCtrl a -> String -> IO () textCtrlSetValue _obj value = withObjectRef "textCtrlSetValue" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString value $ \cstr_value -> wxTextCtrl_SetValue cobj__obj cstr_value foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_SetValue" wxTextCtrl_SetValue :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlShowPosition obj pos@). textCtrlShowPosition :: TextCtrl a -> Int -> IO () textCtrlShowPosition _obj pos = withObjectRef "textCtrlShowPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_ShowPosition cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_ShowPosition" wxTextCtrl_ShowPosition :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlUndo obj@). textCtrlUndo :: TextCtrl a -> IO () textCtrlUndo _obj = withObjectRef "textCtrlUndo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_Undo cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_Undo" wxTextCtrl_Undo :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlWriteText obj text@). textCtrlWriteText :: TextCtrl a -> String -> IO () textCtrlWriteText _obj text = withObjectRef "textCtrlWriteText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxTextCtrl_WriteText cobj__obj cstr_text foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_WriteText" wxTextCtrl_WriteText :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@textCtrlXYToPosition obj xy@). textCtrlXYToPosition :: TextCtrl a -> Point -> IO Int textCtrlXYToPosition _obj xy = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "textCtrlXYToPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextCtrl_XYToPosition cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) foreign import ccall "wxTextCtrl_XYToPosition" wxTextCtrl_XYToPosition :: Ptr (TTextCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@textDataObjectCreate txt@). textDataObjectCreate :: String -> IO (TextDataObject ()) textDataObjectCreate _txt = withObjectResult $ withCWString _txt $ \cstr__txt -> wx_TextDataObject_Create cstr__txt foreign import ccall "TextDataObject_Create" wx_TextDataObject_Create :: CWString -> IO (Ptr (TTextDataObject ())) -- | usage: (@textDataObjectDelete obj@). textDataObjectDelete :: TextDataObject a -> IO () textDataObjectDelete _obj = withObjectPtr _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_TextDataObject_Delete cobj__obj foreign import ccall "TextDataObject_Delete" wx_TextDataObject_Delete :: Ptr (TTextDataObject a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textDataObjectGetText obj@). textDataObjectGetText :: TextDataObject a -> IO String textDataObjectGetText _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectPtr _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_TextDataObject_GetText cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "TextDataObject_GetText" wx_TextDataObject_GetText :: Ptr (TTextDataObject a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@textDataObjectGetTextLength obj@). textDataObjectGetTextLength :: TextDataObject a -> IO Int textDataObjectGetTextLength _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectPtr _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_TextDataObject_GetTextLength cobj__obj foreign import ccall "TextDataObject_GetTextLength" wx_TextDataObject_GetTextLength :: Ptr (TTextDataObject a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@textDataObjectSetText obj text@). textDataObjectSetText :: TextDataObject a -> String -> IO () textDataObjectSetText _obj text = withObjectPtr _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wx_TextDataObject_SetText cobj__obj cstr_text foreign import ccall "TextDataObject_SetText" wx_TextDataObject_SetText :: Ptr (TTextDataObject a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@textInputStreamCreate inputStream sep@). textInputStreamCreate :: InputStream a -> String -> IO (TextInputStream ()) textInputStreamCreate inputStream sep = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr inputStream $ \cobj_inputStream -> withStringPtr sep $ \cobj_sep -> wxTextInputStream_Create cobj_inputStream cobj_sep foreign import ccall "wxTextInputStream_Create" wxTextInputStream_Create :: Ptr (TInputStream a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO (Ptr (TTextInputStream ())) -- | usage: (@textInputStreamDelete self@). textInputStreamDelete :: TextInputStream a -> IO () textInputStreamDelete self = withObjectRef "textInputStreamDelete" self $ \cobj_self -> wxTextInputStream_Delete cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxTextInputStream_Delete" wxTextInputStream_Delete :: Ptr (TTextInputStream a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textInputStreamReadLine self@). textInputStreamReadLine :: TextInputStream a -> IO (String) textInputStreamReadLine self = withManagedStringResult $ withObjectRef "textInputStreamReadLine" self $ \cobj_self -> wxTextInputStream_ReadLine cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxTextInputStream_ReadLine" wxTextInputStream_ReadLine :: Ptr (TTextInputStream a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ())) -- | usage: (@textOutputStreamCreate outputStream mode@). textOutputStreamCreate :: OutputStream a -> Int -> IO (TextOutputStream ()) textOutputStreamCreate outputStream mode = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr outputStream $ \cobj_outputStream -> wxTextOutputStream_Create cobj_outputStream (toCInt mode) foreign import ccall "wxTextOutputStream_Create" wxTextOutputStream_Create :: Ptr (TOutputStream a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TTextOutputStream ())) -- | usage: (@textOutputStreamDelete self@). textOutputStreamDelete :: TextOutputStream a -> IO () textOutputStreamDelete self = withObjectRef "textOutputStreamDelete" self $ \cobj_self -> wxTextOutputStream_Delete cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxTextOutputStream_Delete" wxTextOutputStream_Delete :: Ptr (TTextOutputStream a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textOutputStreamWriteString self txt@). textOutputStreamWriteString :: TextOutputStream a -> String -> IO () textOutputStreamWriteString self txt = withObjectRef "textOutputStreamWriteString" self $ \cobj_self -> withStringPtr txt $ \cobj_txt -> wxTextOutputStream_WriteString cobj_self cobj_txt foreign import ccall "wxTextOutputStream_WriteString" wxTextOutputStream_WriteString :: Ptr (TTextOutputStream a) -> Ptr (TWxString b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textValidatorCreate style val@). textValidatorCreate :: Int -> Ptr b -> IO (TextValidator ()) textValidatorCreate style val = withObjectResult $ wxTextValidator_Create (toCInt style) val foreign import ccall "wxTextValidator_Create" wxTextValidator_Create :: CInt -> Ptr b -> IO (Ptr (TTextValidator ())) -- | usage: (@textValidatorGetExcludeList obj@). textValidatorGetExcludeList :: TextValidator a -> IO [String] textValidatorGetExcludeList _obj = withArrayWStringResult $ \arr -> withObjectRef "textValidatorGetExcludeList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextValidator_GetExcludeList cobj__obj arr foreign import ccall "wxTextValidator_GetExcludeList" wxTextValidator_GetExcludeList :: Ptr (TTextValidator a) -> Ptr (Ptr CWchar) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@textValidatorGetIncludeList obj@). textValidatorGetIncludeList :: TextValidator a -> IO [String] textValidatorGetIncludeList _obj = withArrayWStringResult $ \arr -> withObjectRef "textValidatorGetIncludeList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextValidator_GetIncludeList cobj__obj arr foreign import ccall "wxTextValidator_GetIncludeList" wxTextValidator_GetIncludeList :: Ptr (TTextValidator a) -> Ptr (Ptr CWchar) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@textValidatorGetStyle obj@). textValidatorGetStyle :: TextValidator a -> IO Int textValidatorGetStyle _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "textValidatorGetStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextValidator_GetStyle cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTextValidator_GetStyle" wxTextValidator_GetStyle :: Ptr (TTextValidator a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@textValidatorOnChar obj event@). textValidatorOnChar :: TextValidator a -> Event b -> IO () textValidatorOnChar _obj event = withObjectRef "textValidatorOnChar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr event $ \cobj_event -> wxTextValidator_OnChar cobj__obj cobj_event foreign import ccall "wxTextValidator_OnChar" wxTextValidator_OnChar :: Ptr (TTextValidator a) -> Ptr (TEvent b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@textValidatorSetExcludeList obj list count@). textValidatorSetExcludeList :: TextValidator a -> List b -> Int -> IO () textValidatorSetExcludeList _obj list count = withObjectRef "textValidatorSetExcludeList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr list $ \cobj_list -> wxTextValidator_SetExcludeList cobj__obj cobj_list (toCInt count) foreign import ccall "wxTextValidator_SetExcludeList" wxTextValidator_SetExcludeList :: Ptr (TTextValidator a) -> Ptr (TList b) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@textValidatorSetIncludeList obj list count@). textValidatorSetIncludeList :: TextValidator a -> List b -> Int -> IO () textValidatorSetIncludeList _obj list count = withObjectRef "textValidatorSetIncludeList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr list $ \cobj_list -> wxTextValidator_SetIncludeList cobj__obj cobj_list (toCInt count) foreign import ccall "wxTextValidator_SetIncludeList" wxTextValidator_SetIncludeList :: Ptr (TTextValidator a) -> Ptr (TList b) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@textValidatorSetStyle obj style@). textValidatorSetStyle :: TextValidator a -> Int -> IO () textValidatorSetStyle _obj style = withObjectRef "textValidatorSetStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTextValidator_SetStyle cobj__obj (toCInt style) foreign import ccall "wxTextValidator_SetStyle" wxTextValidator_SetStyle :: Ptr (TTextValidator a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@timerCreate prt id@). timerCreate :: Window a -> Id -> IO (Timer ()) timerCreate _prt _id = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wxTimer_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) foreign import ccall "wxTimer_Create" wxTimer_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TTimer ())) -- | usage: (@timerDelete obj@). timerDelete :: Timer a -> IO () timerDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@timerEventGetInterval obj@). timerEventGetInterval :: TimerEvent a -> IO Int timerEventGetInterval _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "timerEventGetInterval" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTimerEvent_GetInterval cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTimerEvent_GetInterval" wxTimerEvent_GetInterval :: Ptr (TTimerEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@timerExConnect obj closure@). timerExConnect :: TimerEx a -> Closure b -> IO () timerExConnect _obj closure = withObjectRef "timerExConnect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr closure $ \cobj_closure -> wxTimerEx_Connect cobj__obj cobj_closure foreign import ccall "wxTimerEx_Connect" wxTimerEx_Connect :: Ptr (TTimerEx a) -> Ptr (TClosure b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@timerExCreate@). timerExCreate :: IO (TimerEx ()) timerExCreate = withObjectResult $ wxTimerEx_Create foreign import ccall "wxTimerEx_Create" wxTimerEx_Create :: IO (Ptr (TTimerEx ())) -- | usage: (@timerExGetClosure obj@). timerExGetClosure :: TimerEx a -> IO (Closure ()) timerExGetClosure _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "timerExGetClosure" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTimerEx_GetClosure cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTimerEx_GetClosure" wxTimerEx_GetClosure :: Ptr (TTimerEx a) -> IO (Ptr (TClosure ())) -- | usage: (@timerGetInterval obj@). timerGetInterval :: Timer a -> IO Int timerGetInterval _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "timerGetInterval" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTimer_GetInterval cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTimer_GetInterval" wxTimer_GetInterval :: Ptr (TTimer a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@timerIsOneShot obj@). timerIsOneShot :: Timer a -> IO Bool timerIsOneShot _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "timerIsOneShot" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTimer_IsOneShot cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTimer_IsOneShot" wxTimer_IsOneShot :: Ptr (TTimer a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@timerIsRuning obj@). timerIsRuning :: Timer a -> IO Bool timerIsRuning _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "timerIsRuning" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTimer_IsRuning cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTimer_IsRuning" wxTimer_IsRuning :: Ptr (TTimer a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@timerStart obj wxint one@). timerStart :: Timer a -> Int -> Bool -> IO Bool timerStart _obj _int _one = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "timerStart" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTimer_Start cobj__obj (toCInt _int) (toCBool _one) foreign import ccall "wxTimer_Start" wxTimer_Start :: Ptr (TTimer a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@timerStop obj@). timerStop :: Timer a -> IO () timerStop _obj = withObjectRef "timerStop" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTimer_Stop cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTimer_Stop" wxTimer_Stop :: Ptr (TTimer a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@tipWindowClose obj@). tipWindowClose :: TipWindow a -> IO () tipWindowClose _obj = withObjectRef "tipWindowClose" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTipWindow_Close cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTipWindow_Close" wxTipWindow_Close :: Ptr (TTipWindow a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@tipWindowCreate parent text maxLength@). tipWindowCreate :: Window a -> String -> Int -> IO (TipWindow ()) tipWindowCreate parent text maxLength = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxTipWindow_Create cobj_parent cstr_text (toCInt maxLength) foreign import ccall "wxTipWindow_Create" wxTipWindow_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CWString -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TTipWindow ())) -- | usage: (@tipWindowSetBoundingRect obj xywh@). tipWindowSetBoundingRect :: TipWindow a -> Rect -> IO () tipWindowSetBoundingRect _obj xywh = withObjectRef "tipWindowSetBoundingRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTipWindow_SetBoundingRect cobj__obj (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh) foreign import ccall "wxTipWindow_SetBoundingRect" wxTipWindow_SetBoundingRect :: Ptr (TTipWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@tipWindowSetTipWindowPtr obj windowPtr@). tipWindowSetTipWindowPtr :: TipWindow a -> Ptr b -> IO () tipWindowSetTipWindowPtr _obj windowPtr = withObjectRef "tipWindowSetTipWindowPtr" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTipWindow_SetTipWindowPtr cobj__obj windowPtr foreign import ccall "wxTipWindow_SetTipWindowPtr" wxTipWindow_SetTipWindowPtr :: Ptr (TTipWindow a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarAddControl obj ctrl@). toolBarAddControl :: ToolBar a -> Control b -> IO Bool toolBarAddControl _obj ctrl = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "toolBarAddControl" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr ctrl $ \cobj_ctrl -> wxToolBar_AddControl cobj__obj cobj_ctrl foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_AddControl" wxToolBar_AddControl :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> Ptr (TControl b) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@toolBarAddSeparator obj@). toolBarAddSeparator :: ToolBar a -> IO () toolBarAddSeparator _obj = withObjectRef "toolBarAddSeparator" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_AddSeparator cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_AddSeparator" wxToolBar_AddSeparator :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarAddTool obj id bmp shelp lhelp@). toolBarAddTool :: ToolBar a -> Id -> Bitmap c -> String -> String -> IO () toolBarAddTool _obj id bmp shelp lhelp = withObjectRef "toolBarAddTool" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr bmp $ \cobj_bmp -> withCWString shelp $ \cstr_shelp -> withCWString lhelp $ \cstr_lhelp -> wxToolBar_AddTool cobj__obj (toCInt id) cobj_bmp cstr_shelp cstr_lhelp foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_AddTool" wxToolBar_AddTool :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TBitmap c) -> CWString -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarAddTool2 obj toolId label bmp bmpDisabled itemKind shortHelp longHelp@). toolBarAddTool2 :: ToolBar a -> Int -> String -> Bitmap d -> Bitmap e -> Int -> String -> String -> IO () toolBarAddTool2 _obj toolId label bmp bmpDisabled itemKind shortHelp longHelp = withObjectRef "toolBarAddTool2" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString label $ \cstr_label -> withObjectPtr bmp $ \cobj_bmp -> withObjectPtr bmpDisabled $ \cobj_bmpDisabled -> withCWString shortHelp $ \cstr_shortHelp -> withCWString longHelp $ \cstr_longHelp -> wxToolBar_AddTool2 cobj__obj (toCInt toolId) cstr_label cobj_bmp cobj_bmpDisabled (toCInt itemKind) cstr_shortHelp cstr_longHelp foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_AddTool2" wxToolBar_AddTool2 :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> CWString -> Ptr (TBitmap d) -> Ptr (TBitmap e) -> CInt -> CWString -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarAddToolEx obj id bmp1 bmp2 isToggle xy wxdata shelp lhelp@). toolBarAddToolEx :: ToolBar a -> Id -> Bitmap c -> Bitmap d -> Bool -> Point -> WxObject g -> String -> String -> IO () toolBarAddToolEx _obj id bmp1 bmp2 isToggle xy wxdata shelp lhelp = withObjectRef "toolBarAddToolEx" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr bmp1 $ \cobj_bmp1 -> withObjectPtr bmp2 $ \cobj_bmp2 -> withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> withCWString shelp $ \cstr_shelp -> withCWString lhelp $ \cstr_lhelp -> wxToolBar_AddToolEx cobj__obj (toCInt id) cobj_bmp1 cobj_bmp2 (toCBool isToggle) (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) cobj_wxdata cstr_shelp cstr_lhelp foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_AddToolEx" wxToolBar_AddToolEx :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TBitmap c) -> Ptr (TBitmap d) -> CBool -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxObject g) -> CWString -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl@). toolBarCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (ToolBar ()) toolBarCreate _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wxToolBar_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_Create" wxToolBar_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TToolBar ())) -- | usage: (@toolBarDelete obj@). toolBarDelete :: ToolBar a -> IO () toolBarDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@toolBarDeleteTool obj id@). toolBarDeleteTool :: ToolBar a -> Id -> IO Bool toolBarDeleteTool _obj id = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "toolBarDeleteTool" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_DeleteTool cobj__obj (toCInt id) foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_DeleteTool" wxToolBar_DeleteTool :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@toolBarDeleteToolByPos obj pos@). toolBarDeleteToolByPos :: ToolBar a -> Int -> IO Bool toolBarDeleteToolByPos _obj pos = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "toolBarDeleteToolByPos" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_DeleteToolByPos cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_DeleteToolByPos" wxToolBar_DeleteToolByPos :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@toolBarEnableTool obj id enable@). toolBarEnableTool :: ToolBar a -> Id -> Bool -> IO () toolBarEnableTool _obj id enable = withObjectRef "toolBarEnableTool" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_EnableTool cobj__obj (toCInt id) (toCBool enable) foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_EnableTool" wxToolBar_EnableTool :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarGetMargins obj@). toolBarGetMargins :: ToolBar a -> IO Point toolBarGetMargins _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "toolBarGetMargins" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_GetMargins cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_GetMargins" wxToolBar_GetMargins :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarGetToolBitmapSize obj@). toolBarGetToolBitmapSize :: ToolBar a -> IO Size toolBarGetToolBitmapSize _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "toolBarGetToolBitmapSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_GetToolBitmapSize cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_GetToolBitmapSize" wxToolBar_GetToolBitmapSize :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarGetToolClientData obj id@). toolBarGetToolClientData :: ToolBar a -> Id -> IO (WxObject ()) toolBarGetToolClientData _obj id = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "toolBarGetToolClientData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_GetToolClientData cobj__obj (toCInt id) foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_GetToolClientData" wxToolBar_GetToolClientData :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWxObject ())) -- | usage: (@toolBarGetToolEnabled obj id@). toolBarGetToolEnabled :: ToolBar a -> Id -> IO Bool toolBarGetToolEnabled _obj id = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "toolBarGetToolEnabled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_GetToolEnabled cobj__obj (toCInt id) foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_GetToolEnabled" wxToolBar_GetToolEnabled :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@toolBarGetToolLongHelp obj id@). toolBarGetToolLongHelp :: ToolBar a -> Id -> IO String toolBarGetToolLongHelp _obj id = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "toolBarGetToolLongHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_GetToolLongHelp cobj__obj (toCInt id) buffer foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_GetToolLongHelp" wxToolBar_GetToolLongHelp :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@toolBarGetToolPacking obj@). toolBarGetToolPacking :: ToolBar a -> IO Int toolBarGetToolPacking _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "toolBarGetToolPacking" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_GetToolPacking cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_GetToolPacking" wxToolBar_GetToolPacking :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@toolBarGetToolShortHelp obj id@). toolBarGetToolShortHelp :: ToolBar a -> Id -> IO String toolBarGetToolShortHelp _obj id = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "toolBarGetToolShortHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_GetToolShortHelp cobj__obj (toCInt id) buffer foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_GetToolShortHelp" wxToolBar_GetToolShortHelp :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@toolBarGetToolSize obj@). toolBarGetToolSize :: ToolBar a -> IO Point toolBarGetToolSize _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "toolBarGetToolSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_GetToolSize cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_GetToolSize" wxToolBar_GetToolSize :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarGetToolState obj id@). toolBarGetToolState :: ToolBar a -> Id -> IO Bool toolBarGetToolState _obj id = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "toolBarGetToolState" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_GetToolState cobj__obj (toCInt id) foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_GetToolState" wxToolBar_GetToolState :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@toolBarInsertControl obj pos ctrl@). toolBarInsertControl :: ToolBar a -> Int -> Control c -> IO () toolBarInsertControl _obj pos ctrl = withObjectRef "toolBarInsertControl" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr ctrl $ \cobj_ctrl -> wxToolBar_InsertControl cobj__obj (toCInt pos) cobj_ctrl foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_InsertControl" wxToolBar_InsertControl :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TControl c) -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarInsertSeparator obj pos@). toolBarInsertSeparator :: ToolBar a -> Int -> IO () toolBarInsertSeparator _obj pos = withObjectRef "toolBarInsertSeparator" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_InsertSeparator cobj__obj (toCInt pos) foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_InsertSeparator" wxToolBar_InsertSeparator :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarInsertTool obj pos id bmp1 bmp2 isToggle wxdata shelp lhelp@). toolBarInsertTool :: ToolBar a -> Int -> Id -> Bitmap d -> Bitmap e -> Bool -> WxObject g -> String -> String -> IO () toolBarInsertTool _obj pos id bmp1 bmp2 isToggle wxdata shelp lhelp = withObjectRef "toolBarInsertTool" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr bmp1 $ \cobj_bmp1 -> withObjectPtr bmp2 $ \cobj_bmp2 -> withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> withCWString shelp $ \cstr_shelp -> withCWString lhelp $ \cstr_lhelp -> wxToolBar_InsertTool cobj__obj (toCInt pos) (toCInt id) cobj_bmp1 cobj_bmp2 (toCBool isToggle) cobj_wxdata cstr_shelp cstr_lhelp foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_InsertTool" wxToolBar_InsertTool :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TBitmap d) -> Ptr (TBitmap e) -> CBool -> Ptr (TWxObject g) -> CWString -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarRealize obj@). toolBarRealize :: ToolBar a -> IO Bool toolBarRealize _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "toolBarRealize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_Realize cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_Realize" wxToolBar_Realize :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@toolBarRemoveTool obj id@). toolBarRemoveTool :: ToolBar a -> Id -> IO () toolBarRemoveTool _obj id = withObjectRef "toolBarRemoveTool" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_RemoveTool cobj__obj (toCInt id) foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_RemoveTool" wxToolBar_RemoveTool :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarSetMargins obj xy@). toolBarSetMargins :: ToolBar a -> Point -> IO () toolBarSetMargins _obj xy = withObjectRef "toolBarSetMargins" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_SetMargins cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_SetMargins" wxToolBar_SetMargins :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarSetToolBitmapSize obj xy@). toolBarSetToolBitmapSize :: ToolBar a -> Size -> IO () toolBarSetToolBitmapSize _obj xy = withObjectRef "toolBarSetToolBitmapSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_SetToolBitmapSize cobj__obj (toCIntSizeW xy) (toCIntSizeH xy) foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_SetToolBitmapSize" wxToolBar_SetToolBitmapSize :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarSetToolClientData obj id wxdata@). toolBarSetToolClientData :: ToolBar a -> Id -> WxObject c -> IO () toolBarSetToolClientData _obj id wxdata = withObjectRef "toolBarSetToolClientData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> wxToolBar_SetToolClientData cobj__obj (toCInt id) cobj_wxdata foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_SetToolClientData" wxToolBar_SetToolClientData :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> Ptr (TWxObject c) -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarSetToolLongHelp obj id str@). toolBarSetToolLongHelp :: ToolBar a -> Id -> String -> IO () toolBarSetToolLongHelp _obj id str = withObjectRef "toolBarSetToolLongHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString str $ \cstr_str -> wxToolBar_SetToolLongHelp cobj__obj (toCInt id) cstr_str foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_SetToolLongHelp" wxToolBar_SetToolLongHelp :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarSetToolPacking obj packing@). toolBarSetToolPacking :: ToolBar a -> Int -> IO () toolBarSetToolPacking _obj packing = withObjectRef "toolBarSetToolPacking" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_SetToolPacking cobj__obj (toCInt packing) foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_SetToolPacking" wxToolBar_SetToolPacking :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarSetToolSeparation obj separation@). toolBarSetToolSeparation :: ToolBar a -> Int -> IO () toolBarSetToolSeparation _obj separation = withObjectRef "toolBarSetToolSeparation" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_SetToolSeparation cobj__obj (toCInt separation) foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_SetToolSeparation" wxToolBar_SetToolSeparation :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarSetToolShortHelp obj id str@). toolBarSetToolShortHelp :: ToolBar a -> Id -> String -> IO () toolBarSetToolShortHelp _obj id str = withObjectRef "toolBarSetToolShortHelp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString str $ \cstr_str -> wxToolBar_SetToolShortHelp cobj__obj (toCInt id) cstr_str foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_SetToolShortHelp" wxToolBar_SetToolShortHelp :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@toolBarToggleTool obj id toggle@). toolBarToggleTool :: ToolBar a -> Id -> Bool -> IO () toolBarToggleTool _obj id toggle = withObjectRef "toolBarToggleTool" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxToolBar_ToggleTool cobj__obj (toCInt id) (toCBool toggle) foreign import ccall "wxToolBar_ToggleTool" wxToolBar_ToggleTool :: Ptr (TToolBar a) -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlAddRoot obj text image selectedImage wxdata@). treeCtrlAddRoot :: TreeCtrl a -> String -> Int -> Int -> TreeItemData e -> IO (TreeItem) treeCtrlAddRoot _obj text image selectedImage wxdata = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlAddRoot" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> wxTreeCtrl_AddRoot cobj__obj cstr_text (toCInt image) (toCInt selectedImage) cobj_wxdata pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_AddRoot" wxTreeCtrl_AddRoot :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> CWString -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TTreeItemData e) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlAppendItem obj parent text image selectedImage wxdata@). treeCtrlAppendItem :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> String -> Int -> Int -> TreeItemData f -> IO (TreeItem) treeCtrlAppendItem _obj parent text image selectedImage wxdata = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlAppendItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> wxTreeCtrl_AppendItem cobj__obj cobj_parent cstr_text (toCInt image) (toCInt selectedImage) cobj_wxdata pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_AppendItem" wxTreeCtrl_AppendItem :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> CWString -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TTreeItemData f) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlAssignImageList obj imageList@). treeCtrlAssignImageList :: TreeCtrl a -> ImageList b -> IO () treeCtrlAssignImageList _obj imageList = withObjectRef "treeCtrlAssignImageList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr imageList $ \cobj_imageList -> wxTreeCtrl_AssignImageList cobj__obj cobj_imageList foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_AssignImageList" wxTreeCtrl_AssignImageList :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TImageList b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlAssignStateImageList obj imageList@). treeCtrlAssignStateImageList :: TreeCtrl a -> ImageList b -> IO () treeCtrlAssignStateImageList _obj imageList = withObjectRef "treeCtrlAssignStateImageList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr imageList $ \cobj_imageList -> wxTreeCtrl_AssignStateImageList cobj__obj cobj_imageList foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_AssignStateImageList" wxTreeCtrl_AssignStateImageList :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TImageList b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlCollapse obj item@). treeCtrlCollapse :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO () treeCtrlCollapse _obj item = withObjectRef "treeCtrlCollapse" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_Collapse cobj__obj cobj_item foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_Collapse" wxTreeCtrl_Collapse :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlCollapseAndReset obj item@). treeCtrlCollapseAndReset :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO () treeCtrlCollapseAndReset _obj item = withObjectRef "treeCtrlCollapseAndReset" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_CollapseAndReset cobj__obj cobj_item foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_CollapseAndReset" wxTreeCtrl_CollapseAndReset :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlCreate obj cmp prt id lfttopwdthgt stl@). treeCtrlCreate :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> Window c -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (TreeCtrl ()) treeCtrlCreate _obj _cmp _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wxTreeCtrl_Create _obj _cmp cobj__prt (toCInt _id) (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_Create" wxTreeCtrl_Create :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TTreeCtrl ())) -- | usage: (@treeCtrlCreate2 prt id lfttopwdthgt stl@). treeCtrlCreate2 :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (TreeCtrl ()) treeCtrlCreate2 _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wxTreeCtrl_Create2 cobj__prt (toCInt _id) (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_Create2" wxTreeCtrl_Create2 :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TTreeCtrl ())) -- | usage: (@treeCtrlDelete obj item@). treeCtrlDelete :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO () treeCtrlDelete _obj item = withObjectRef "treeCtrlDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_Delete cobj__obj cobj_item foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_Delete" wxTreeCtrl_Delete :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlDeleteAllItems obj@). treeCtrlDeleteAllItems :: TreeCtrl a -> IO () treeCtrlDeleteAllItems _obj = withObjectRef "treeCtrlDeleteAllItems" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeCtrl_DeleteAllItems cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_DeleteAllItems" wxTreeCtrl_DeleteAllItems :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlDeleteChildren obj item@). treeCtrlDeleteChildren :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO () treeCtrlDeleteChildren _obj item = withObjectRef "treeCtrlDeleteChildren" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_DeleteChildren cobj__obj cobj_item foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_DeleteChildren" wxTreeCtrl_DeleteChildren :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlEditLabel obj item@). treeCtrlEditLabel :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO () treeCtrlEditLabel _obj item = withObjectRef "treeCtrlEditLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_EditLabel cobj__obj cobj_item foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_EditLabel" wxTreeCtrl_EditLabel :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlEndEditLabel obj item discardChanges@). treeCtrlEndEditLabel :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> Bool -> IO () treeCtrlEndEditLabel _obj item discardChanges = withObjectRef "treeCtrlEndEditLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_EndEditLabel cobj__obj cobj_item (toCBool discardChanges) foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_EndEditLabel" wxTreeCtrl_EndEditLabel :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlEnsureVisible obj item@). treeCtrlEnsureVisible :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO () treeCtrlEnsureVisible _obj item = withObjectRef "treeCtrlEnsureVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_EnsureVisible cobj__obj cobj_item foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_EnsureVisible" wxTreeCtrl_EnsureVisible :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlExpand obj item@). treeCtrlExpand :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO () treeCtrlExpand _obj item = withObjectRef "treeCtrlExpand" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_Expand cobj__obj cobj_item foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_Expand" wxTreeCtrl_Expand :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetBoundingRect obj item textOnly@). treeCtrlGetBoundingRect :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> Bool -> IO Rect treeCtrlGetBoundingRect _obj item textOnly = withRectResult $ \px py pw ph -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetBoundingRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_GetBoundingRect cobj__obj cobj_item (toCBool textOnly) px py pw ph foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetBoundingRect" wxTreeCtrl_GetBoundingRect :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> CBool -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetChildrenCount obj item recursively@). treeCtrlGetChildrenCount :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> Bool -> IO Int treeCtrlGetChildrenCount _obj item recursively = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetChildrenCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_GetChildrenCount cobj__obj cobj_item (toCBool recursively) foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetChildrenCount" wxTreeCtrl_GetChildrenCount :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> CBool -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetCount obj@). treeCtrlGetCount :: TreeCtrl a -> IO Int treeCtrlGetCount _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetCount" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeCtrl_GetCount cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetCount" wxTreeCtrl_GetCount :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetEditControl obj@). treeCtrlGetEditControl :: TreeCtrl a -> IO (TextCtrl ()) treeCtrlGetEditControl _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetEditControl" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeCtrl_GetEditControl cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetEditControl" wxTreeCtrl_GetEditControl :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> IO (Ptr (TTextCtrl ())) -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetFirstChild obj item cookie@). treeCtrlGetFirstChild :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> Ptr CInt -> IO (TreeItem) treeCtrlGetFirstChild _obj item cookie = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetFirstChild" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_GetFirstChild cobj__obj cobj_item cookie pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetFirstChild" wxTreeCtrl_GetFirstChild :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetFirstVisibleItem obj item@). treeCtrlGetFirstVisibleItem :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO (TreeItem) treeCtrlGetFirstVisibleItem _obj item = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetFirstVisibleItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_GetFirstVisibleItem cobj__obj cobj_item pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetFirstVisibleItem" wxTreeCtrl_GetFirstVisibleItem :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetImageList obj@). treeCtrlGetImageList :: TreeCtrl a -> IO (ImageList ()) treeCtrlGetImageList _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetImageList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeCtrl_GetImageList cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetImageList" wxTreeCtrl_GetImageList :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> IO (Ptr (TImageList ())) -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetIndent obj@). treeCtrlGetIndent :: TreeCtrl a -> IO Int treeCtrlGetIndent _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetIndent" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeCtrl_GetIndent cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetIndent" wxTreeCtrl_GetIndent :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetItemClientClosure obj item@). treeCtrlGetItemClientClosure :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO (Closure ()) treeCtrlGetItemClientClosure _obj item = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetItemClientClosure" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_GetItemClientClosure cobj__obj cobj_item foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetItemClientClosure" wxTreeCtrl_GetItemClientClosure :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO (Ptr (TClosure ())) -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetItemData obj item@). treeCtrlGetItemData :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO (Ptr ()) treeCtrlGetItemData _obj item = withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetItemData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_GetItemData cobj__obj cobj_item foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetItemData" wxTreeCtrl_GetItemData :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetItemImage obj item which@). treeCtrlGetItemImage :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> Int -> IO Int treeCtrlGetItemImage _obj item which = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetItemImage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_GetItemImage cobj__obj cobj_item (toCInt which) foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetItemImage" wxTreeCtrl_GetItemImage :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetItemText obj item@). treeCtrlGetItemText :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO String treeCtrlGetItemText _obj item = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetItemText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_GetItemText cobj__obj cobj_item buffer foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetItemText" wxTreeCtrl_GetItemText :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetLastChild obj item@). treeCtrlGetLastChild :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO (TreeItem) treeCtrlGetLastChild _obj item = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetLastChild" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_GetLastChild cobj__obj cobj_item pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetLastChild" wxTreeCtrl_GetLastChild :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetNextChild obj item cookie@). treeCtrlGetNextChild :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> Ptr CInt -> IO (TreeItem) treeCtrlGetNextChild _obj item cookie = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetNextChild" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_GetNextChild cobj__obj cobj_item cookie pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetNextChild" wxTreeCtrl_GetNextChild :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetNextSibling obj item@). treeCtrlGetNextSibling :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO (TreeItem) treeCtrlGetNextSibling _obj item = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetNextSibling" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_GetNextSibling cobj__obj cobj_item pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetNextSibling" wxTreeCtrl_GetNextSibling :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetNextVisible obj item@). treeCtrlGetNextVisible :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO (TreeItem) treeCtrlGetNextVisible _obj item = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetNextVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_GetNextVisible cobj__obj cobj_item pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetNextVisible" wxTreeCtrl_GetNextVisible :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetParent obj item@). treeCtrlGetParent :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO (TreeItem) treeCtrlGetParent _obj item = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetParent" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_GetParent cobj__obj cobj_item pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetParent" wxTreeCtrl_GetParent :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetPrevSibling obj item@). treeCtrlGetPrevSibling :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO (TreeItem) treeCtrlGetPrevSibling _obj item = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetPrevSibling" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_GetPrevSibling cobj__obj cobj_item pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetPrevSibling" wxTreeCtrl_GetPrevSibling :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetPrevVisible obj item@). treeCtrlGetPrevVisible :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO (TreeItem) treeCtrlGetPrevVisible _obj item = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetPrevVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_GetPrevVisible cobj__obj cobj_item pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetPrevVisible" wxTreeCtrl_GetPrevVisible :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetRootItem obj@). treeCtrlGetRootItem :: TreeCtrl a -> IO (TreeItem) treeCtrlGetRootItem _obj = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetRootItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeCtrl_GetRootItem cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetRootItem" wxTreeCtrl_GetRootItem :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetSelection obj@). treeCtrlGetSelection :: TreeCtrl a -> IO (TreeItem) treeCtrlGetSelection _obj = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetSelection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeCtrl_GetSelection cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetSelection" wxTreeCtrl_GetSelection :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetSelections obj@). treeCtrlGetSelections :: TreeCtrl a -> IO [Int] treeCtrlGetSelections _obj = withArrayIntResult $ \arr -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetSelections" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeCtrl_GetSelections cobj__obj arr foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetSelections" wxTreeCtrl_GetSelections :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetSpacing obj@). treeCtrlGetSpacing :: TreeCtrl a -> IO Int treeCtrlGetSpacing _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetSpacing" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeCtrl_GetSpacing cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetSpacing" wxTreeCtrl_GetSpacing :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@treeCtrlGetStateImageList obj@). treeCtrlGetStateImageList :: TreeCtrl a -> IO (ImageList ()) treeCtrlGetStateImageList _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "treeCtrlGetStateImageList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeCtrl_GetStateImageList cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_GetStateImageList" wxTreeCtrl_GetStateImageList :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> IO (Ptr (TImageList ())) -- | usage: (@treeCtrlHitTest obj xy flags@). treeCtrlHitTest :: TreeCtrl a -> Point -> Ptr CInt -> IO (TreeItem) treeCtrlHitTest _obj _xy flags = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlHitTest" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeCtrl_HitTest cobj__obj (toCIntPointX _xy) (toCIntPointY _xy) flags pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_HitTest" wxTreeCtrl_HitTest :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlInsertItem obj parent idPrevious text image selectedImage wxdata@). treeCtrlInsertItem :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> TreeItem -> String -> Int -> Int -> Ptr g -> IO (TreeItem) treeCtrlInsertItem _obj parent idPrevious text image selectedImage wxdata = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlInsertItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> withTreeItemIdPtr idPrevious $ \cobj_idPrevious -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxTreeCtrl_InsertItem cobj__obj cobj_parent cobj_idPrevious cstr_text (toCInt image) (toCInt selectedImage) wxdata pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_InsertItem" wxTreeCtrl_InsertItem :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId c) -> CWString -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr g -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlInsertItem2 obj parent idPrevious text image selectedImage closure@). treeCtrlInsertItem2 :: TreeCtrl a -> Window b -> TreeItem -> String -> Int -> Int -> Closure g -> IO (TreeItem) treeCtrlInsertItem2 _obj parent idPrevious text image selectedImage closure = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlInsertItem2" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> withTreeItemIdPtr idPrevious $ \cobj_idPrevious -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> withObjectPtr closure $ \cobj_closure -> wxTreeCtrl_InsertItem2 cobj__obj cobj_parent cobj_idPrevious cstr_text (toCInt image) (toCInt selectedImage) cobj_closure pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_InsertItem2" wxTreeCtrl_InsertItem2 :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId c) -> CWString -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TClosure g) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlInsertItemByIndex obj parent index text image selectedImage wxdata@). treeCtrlInsertItemByIndex :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> Int -> String -> Int -> Int -> Ptr g -> IO (TreeItem) treeCtrlInsertItemByIndex _obj parent index text image selectedImage wxdata = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlInsertItemByIndex" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxTreeCtrl_InsertItemByIndex cobj__obj cobj_parent (toCInt index) cstr_text (toCInt image) (toCInt selectedImage) wxdata pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_InsertItemByIndex" wxTreeCtrl_InsertItemByIndex :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> CInt -> CWString -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr g -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlInsertItemByIndex2 obj parent index text image selectedImage closure@). treeCtrlInsertItemByIndex2 :: TreeCtrl a -> Window b -> Int -> String -> Int -> Int -> Closure g -> IO (TreeItem) treeCtrlInsertItemByIndex2 _obj parent index text image selectedImage closure = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlInsertItemByIndex2" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> withObjectPtr closure $ \cobj_closure -> wxTreeCtrl_InsertItemByIndex2 cobj__obj cobj_parent (toCInt index) cstr_text (toCInt image) (toCInt selectedImage) cobj_closure pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_InsertItemByIndex2" wxTreeCtrl_InsertItemByIndex2 :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> CInt -> CWString -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr (TClosure g) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlIsBold obj item@). treeCtrlIsBold :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO Bool treeCtrlIsBold _obj item = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "treeCtrlIsBold" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_IsBold cobj__obj cobj_item foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_IsBold" wxTreeCtrl_IsBold :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@treeCtrlIsExpanded obj item@). treeCtrlIsExpanded :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO Bool treeCtrlIsExpanded _obj item = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "treeCtrlIsExpanded" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_IsExpanded cobj__obj cobj_item foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_IsExpanded" wxTreeCtrl_IsExpanded :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@treeCtrlIsSelected obj item@). treeCtrlIsSelected :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO Bool treeCtrlIsSelected _obj item = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "treeCtrlIsSelected" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_IsSelected cobj__obj cobj_item foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_IsSelected" wxTreeCtrl_IsSelected :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@treeCtrlIsVisible obj item@). treeCtrlIsVisible :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO Bool treeCtrlIsVisible _obj item = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "treeCtrlIsVisible" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_IsVisible cobj__obj cobj_item foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_IsVisible" wxTreeCtrl_IsVisible :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@treeCtrlItemHasChildren obj item@). treeCtrlItemHasChildren :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO Int treeCtrlItemHasChildren _obj item = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "treeCtrlItemHasChildren" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_ItemHasChildren cobj__obj cobj_item foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_ItemHasChildren" wxTreeCtrl_ItemHasChildren :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@treeCtrlOnCompareItems obj item1 item2@). treeCtrlOnCompareItems :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> TreeItem -> IO Int treeCtrlOnCompareItems _obj item1 item2 = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "treeCtrlOnCompareItems" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item1 $ \cobj_item1 -> withTreeItemIdPtr item2 $ \cobj_item2 -> wxTreeCtrl_OnCompareItems cobj__obj cobj_item1 cobj_item2 foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_OnCompareItems" wxTreeCtrl_OnCompareItems :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId c) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@treeCtrlPrependItem obj parent text image selectedImage wxdata@). treeCtrlPrependItem :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> String -> Int -> Int -> Ptr f -> IO (TreeItem) treeCtrlPrependItem _obj parent text image selectedImage wxdata = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeCtrlPrependItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxTreeCtrl_PrependItem cobj__obj cobj_parent cstr_text (toCInt image) (toCInt selectedImage) wxdata pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_PrependItem" wxTreeCtrl_PrependItem :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> CWString -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr f -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlScrollTo obj item@). treeCtrlScrollTo :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO () treeCtrlScrollTo _obj item = withObjectRef "treeCtrlScrollTo" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_ScrollTo cobj__obj cobj_item foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_ScrollTo" wxTreeCtrl_ScrollTo :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlSelectItem obj item@). treeCtrlSelectItem :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO () treeCtrlSelectItem _obj item = withObjectRef "treeCtrlSelectItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_SelectItem cobj__obj cobj_item foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_SelectItem" wxTreeCtrl_SelectItem :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlSetImageList obj imageList@). treeCtrlSetImageList :: TreeCtrl a -> ImageList b -> IO () treeCtrlSetImageList _obj imageList = withObjectRef "treeCtrlSetImageList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr imageList $ \cobj_imageList -> wxTreeCtrl_SetImageList cobj__obj cobj_imageList foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_SetImageList" wxTreeCtrl_SetImageList :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TImageList b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlSetIndent obj indent@). treeCtrlSetIndent :: TreeCtrl a -> Int -> IO () treeCtrlSetIndent _obj indent = withObjectRef "treeCtrlSetIndent" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeCtrl_SetIndent cobj__obj (toCInt indent) foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_SetIndent" wxTreeCtrl_SetIndent :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlSetItemBackgroundColour obj item col@). treeCtrlSetItemBackgroundColour :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> Color -> IO () treeCtrlSetItemBackgroundColour _obj item col = withObjectRef "treeCtrlSetItemBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> withColourPtr col $ \cobj_col -> wxTreeCtrl_SetItemBackgroundColour cobj__obj cobj_item cobj_col foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_SetItemBackgroundColour" wxTreeCtrl_SetItemBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> Ptr (TColour c) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlSetItemBold obj item bold@). treeCtrlSetItemBold :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> Bool -> IO () treeCtrlSetItemBold _obj item bold = withObjectRef "treeCtrlSetItemBold" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_SetItemBold cobj__obj cobj_item (toCBool bold) foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_SetItemBold" wxTreeCtrl_SetItemBold :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlSetItemClientClosure obj item closure@). treeCtrlSetItemClientClosure :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> Closure c -> IO () treeCtrlSetItemClientClosure _obj item closure = withObjectRef "treeCtrlSetItemClientClosure" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> withObjectPtr closure $ \cobj_closure -> wxTreeCtrl_SetItemClientClosure cobj__obj cobj_item cobj_closure foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_SetItemClientClosure" wxTreeCtrl_SetItemClientClosure :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> Ptr (TClosure c) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlSetItemData obj item wxdata@). treeCtrlSetItemData :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> Ptr c -> IO () treeCtrlSetItemData _obj item wxdata = withObjectRef "treeCtrlSetItemData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_SetItemData cobj__obj cobj_item wxdata foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_SetItemData" wxTreeCtrl_SetItemData :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> Ptr c -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlSetItemDropHighlight obj item highlight@). treeCtrlSetItemDropHighlight :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> Bool -> IO () treeCtrlSetItemDropHighlight _obj item highlight = withObjectRef "treeCtrlSetItemDropHighlight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_SetItemDropHighlight cobj__obj cobj_item (toCBool highlight) foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_SetItemDropHighlight" wxTreeCtrl_SetItemDropHighlight :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlSetItemFont obj item font@). treeCtrlSetItemFont :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> Font c -> IO () treeCtrlSetItemFont _obj item font = withObjectRef "treeCtrlSetItemFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> withObjectPtr font $ \cobj_font -> wxTreeCtrl_SetItemFont cobj__obj cobj_item cobj_font foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_SetItemFont" wxTreeCtrl_SetItemFont :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> Ptr (TFont c) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlSetItemHasChildren obj item hasChildren@). treeCtrlSetItemHasChildren :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> Bool -> IO () treeCtrlSetItemHasChildren _obj item hasChildren = withObjectRef "treeCtrlSetItemHasChildren" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_SetItemHasChildren cobj__obj cobj_item (toCBool hasChildren) foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_SetItemHasChildren" wxTreeCtrl_SetItemHasChildren :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlSetItemImage obj item image which@). treeCtrlSetItemImage :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> Int -> Int -> IO () treeCtrlSetItemImage _obj item image which = withObjectRef "treeCtrlSetItemImage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_SetItemImage cobj__obj cobj_item (toCInt image) (toCInt which) foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_SetItemImage" wxTreeCtrl_SetItemImage :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlSetItemText obj item text@). treeCtrlSetItemText :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> String -> IO () treeCtrlSetItemText _obj item text = withObjectRef "treeCtrlSetItemText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxTreeCtrl_SetItemText cobj__obj cobj_item cstr_text foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_SetItemText" wxTreeCtrl_SetItemText :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlSetItemTextColour obj item col@). treeCtrlSetItemTextColour :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> Color -> IO () treeCtrlSetItemTextColour _obj item col = withObjectRef "treeCtrlSetItemTextColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> withColourPtr col $ \cobj_col -> wxTreeCtrl_SetItemTextColour cobj__obj cobj_item cobj_col foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_SetItemTextColour" wxTreeCtrl_SetItemTextColour :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> Ptr (TColour c) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlSetSpacing obj spacing@). treeCtrlSetSpacing :: TreeCtrl a -> Int -> IO () treeCtrlSetSpacing _obj spacing = withObjectRef "treeCtrlSetSpacing" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeCtrl_SetSpacing cobj__obj (toCInt spacing) foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_SetSpacing" wxTreeCtrl_SetSpacing :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlSetStateImageList obj imageList@). treeCtrlSetStateImageList :: TreeCtrl a -> ImageList b -> IO () treeCtrlSetStateImageList _obj imageList = withObjectRef "treeCtrlSetStateImageList" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr imageList $ \cobj_imageList -> wxTreeCtrl_SetStateImageList cobj__obj cobj_imageList foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_SetStateImageList" wxTreeCtrl_SetStateImageList :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TImageList b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlSortChildren obj item@). treeCtrlSortChildren :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO () treeCtrlSortChildren _obj item = withObjectRef "treeCtrlSortChildren" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_SortChildren cobj__obj cobj_item foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_SortChildren" wxTreeCtrl_SortChildren :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlToggle obj item@). treeCtrlToggle :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeItem -> IO () treeCtrlToggle _obj item = withObjectRef "treeCtrlToggle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withTreeItemIdPtr item $ \cobj_item -> wxTreeCtrl_Toggle cobj__obj cobj_item foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_Toggle" wxTreeCtrl_Toggle :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlUnselect obj@). treeCtrlUnselect :: TreeCtrl a -> IO () treeCtrlUnselect _obj = withObjectRef "treeCtrlUnselect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeCtrl_Unselect cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_Unselect" wxTreeCtrl_Unselect :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeCtrlUnselectAll obj@). treeCtrlUnselectAll :: TreeCtrl a -> IO () treeCtrlUnselectAll _obj = withObjectRef "treeCtrlUnselectAll" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeCtrl_UnselectAll cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTreeCtrl_UnselectAll" wxTreeCtrl_UnselectAll :: Ptr (TTreeCtrl a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeEventAllow obj@). treeEventAllow :: TreeEvent a -> IO () treeEventAllow _obj = withObjectRef "treeEventAllow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeEvent_Allow cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTreeEvent_Allow" wxTreeEvent_Allow :: Ptr (TTreeEvent a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeEventGetCode obj@). treeEventGetCode :: TreeEvent a -> IO Int treeEventGetCode _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "treeEventGetCode" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeEvent_GetCode cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTreeEvent_GetCode" wxTreeEvent_GetCode :: Ptr (TTreeEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@treeEventGetItem obj@). treeEventGetItem :: TreeEvent a -> IO (TreeItem) treeEventGetItem _obj = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeEventGetItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeEvent_GetItem cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeEvent_GetItem" wxTreeEvent_GetItem :: Ptr (TTreeEvent a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeEventGetKeyEvent obj@). treeEventGetKeyEvent :: TreeEvent a -> IO (KeyEvent ()) treeEventGetKeyEvent _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "treeEventGetKeyEvent" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeEvent_GetKeyEvent cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTreeEvent_GetKeyEvent" wxTreeEvent_GetKeyEvent :: Ptr (TTreeEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TKeyEvent ())) -- | usage: (@treeEventGetLabel obj@). treeEventGetLabel :: TreeEvent a -> IO String treeEventGetLabel _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "treeEventGetLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeEvent_GetLabel cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "wxTreeEvent_GetLabel" wxTreeEvent_GetLabel :: Ptr (TTreeEvent a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@treeEventGetOldItem obj@). treeEventGetOldItem :: TreeEvent a -> IO (TreeItem) treeEventGetOldItem _obj = withRefTreeItemId $ \pref -> withObjectRef "treeEventGetOldItem" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeEvent_GetOldItem cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxTreeEvent_GetOldItem" wxTreeEvent_GetOldItem :: Ptr (TTreeEvent a) -> Ptr (TTreeItemId ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeEventGetPoint obj@). treeEventGetPoint :: TreeEvent a -> IO Point treeEventGetPoint _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "treeEventGetPoint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeEvent_GetPoint cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxTreeEvent_GetPoint" wxTreeEvent_GetPoint :: Ptr (TTreeEvent a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@treeEventIsEditCancelled obj@). treeEventIsEditCancelled :: TreeEvent a -> IO Bool treeEventIsEditCancelled _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "treeEventIsEditCancelled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxTreeEvent_IsEditCancelled cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxTreeEvent_IsEditCancelled" wxTreeEvent_IsEditCancelled :: Ptr (TTreeEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@updateUIEventCheck obj check@). updateUIEventCheck :: UpdateUIEvent a -> Bool -> IO () updateUIEventCheck _obj check = withObjectRef "updateUIEventCheck" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxUpdateUIEvent_Check cobj__obj (toCBool check) foreign import ccall "wxUpdateUIEvent_Check" wxUpdateUIEvent_Check :: Ptr (TUpdateUIEvent a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@updateUIEventCopyObject obj obj@). updateUIEventCopyObject :: UpdateUIEvent a -> Ptr b -> IO () updateUIEventCopyObject _obj obj = withObjectRef "updateUIEventCopyObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxUpdateUIEvent_CopyObject cobj__obj obj foreign import ccall "wxUpdateUIEvent_CopyObject" wxUpdateUIEvent_CopyObject :: Ptr (TUpdateUIEvent a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@updateUIEventEnable obj enable@). updateUIEventEnable :: UpdateUIEvent a -> Bool -> IO () updateUIEventEnable _obj enable = withObjectRef "updateUIEventEnable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxUpdateUIEvent_Enable cobj__obj (toCBool enable) foreign import ccall "wxUpdateUIEvent_Enable" wxUpdateUIEvent_Enable :: Ptr (TUpdateUIEvent a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@updateUIEventGetChecked obj@). updateUIEventGetChecked :: UpdateUIEvent a -> IO Bool updateUIEventGetChecked _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "updateUIEventGetChecked" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxUpdateUIEvent_GetChecked cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxUpdateUIEvent_GetChecked" wxUpdateUIEvent_GetChecked :: Ptr (TUpdateUIEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@updateUIEventGetEnabled obj@). updateUIEventGetEnabled :: UpdateUIEvent a -> IO Bool updateUIEventGetEnabled _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "updateUIEventGetEnabled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxUpdateUIEvent_GetEnabled cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxUpdateUIEvent_GetEnabled" wxUpdateUIEvent_GetEnabled :: Ptr (TUpdateUIEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@updateUIEventGetSetChecked obj@). updateUIEventGetSetChecked :: UpdateUIEvent a -> IO Int updateUIEventGetSetChecked _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "updateUIEventGetSetChecked" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxUpdateUIEvent_GetSetChecked cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxUpdateUIEvent_GetSetChecked" wxUpdateUIEvent_GetSetChecked :: Ptr (TUpdateUIEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@updateUIEventGetSetEnabled obj@). updateUIEventGetSetEnabled :: UpdateUIEvent a -> IO Int updateUIEventGetSetEnabled _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "updateUIEventGetSetEnabled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxUpdateUIEvent_GetSetEnabled cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxUpdateUIEvent_GetSetEnabled" wxUpdateUIEvent_GetSetEnabled :: Ptr (TUpdateUIEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@updateUIEventGetSetText obj@). updateUIEventGetSetText :: UpdateUIEvent a -> IO Int updateUIEventGetSetText _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "updateUIEventGetSetText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxUpdateUIEvent_GetSetText cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxUpdateUIEvent_GetSetText" wxUpdateUIEvent_GetSetText :: Ptr (TUpdateUIEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@updateUIEventGetText obj@). updateUIEventGetText :: UpdateUIEvent a -> IO String updateUIEventGetText _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "updateUIEventGetText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxUpdateUIEvent_GetText cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "wxUpdateUIEvent_GetText" wxUpdateUIEvent_GetText :: Ptr (TUpdateUIEvent a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@updateUIEventSetText obj text@). updateUIEventSetText :: UpdateUIEvent a -> String -> IO () updateUIEventSetText _obj text = withObjectRef "updateUIEventSetText" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString text $ \cstr_text -> wxUpdateUIEvent_SetText cobj__obj cstr_text foreign import ccall "wxUpdateUIEvent_SetText" wxUpdateUIEvent_SetText :: Ptr (TUpdateUIEvent a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@validatorCreate@). validatorCreate :: IO (Validator ()) validatorCreate = withObjectResult $ wxValidator_Create foreign import ccall "wxValidator_Create" wxValidator_Create :: IO (Ptr (TValidator ())) -- | usage: (@validatorDelete obj@). validatorDelete :: Validator a -> IO () validatorDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@validatorGetWindow obj@). validatorGetWindow :: Validator a -> IO (Window ()) validatorGetWindow _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "validatorGetWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxValidator_GetWindow cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxValidator_GetWindow" wxValidator_GetWindow :: Ptr (TValidator a) -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ())) -- | usage: (@validatorIsSilent@). validatorIsSilent :: IO Bool validatorIsSilent = withBoolResult $ wxValidator_IsSilent foreign import ccall "wxValidator_IsSilent" wxValidator_IsSilent :: IO CBool -- | usage: (@validatorSetBellOnError doIt@). validatorSetBellOnError :: Bool -> IO () validatorSetBellOnError doIt = wxValidator_SetBellOnError (toCBool doIt) foreign import ccall "wxValidator_SetBellOnError" wxValidator_SetBellOnError :: CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@validatorSetWindow obj win@). validatorSetWindow :: Validator a -> Window b -> IO () validatorSetWindow _obj win = withObjectRef "validatorSetWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr win $ \cobj_win -> wxValidator_SetWindow cobj__obj cobj_win foreign import ccall "wxValidator_SetWindow" wxValidator_SetWindow :: Ptr (TValidator a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@validatorTransferFromWindow obj@). validatorTransferFromWindow :: Validator a -> IO Int validatorTransferFromWindow _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "validatorTransferFromWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxValidator_TransferFromWindow cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxValidator_TransferFromWindow" wxValidator_TransferFromWindow :: Ptr (TValidator a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@validatorTransferToWindow obj@). validatorTransferToWindow :: Validator a -> IO Int validatorTransferToWindow _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "validatorTransferToWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxValidator_TransferToWindow cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxValidator_TransferToWindow" wxValidator_TransferToWindow :: Ptr (TValidator a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@validatorValidate obj parent@). validatorValidate :: Validator a -> Window b -> IO Bool validatorValidate _obj parent = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "validatorValidate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> wxValidator_Validate cobj__obj cobj_parent foreign import ccall "wxValidator_Validate" wxValidator_Validate :: Ptr (TValidator a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO CBool {- | Get the version number of wxWindows as a number composed of the major version times 1000, minor version times 100, and the release number. For example, release 2.1.15 becomes 2115. -} versionNumber :: IO Int versionNumber = withIntResult $ wx_wxVersionNumber foreign import ccall "wxVersionNumber" wx_wxVersionNumber :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowAddChild obj child@). windowAddChild :: Window a -> Window b -> IO () windowAddChild _obj child = withObjectRef "windowAddChild" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr child $ \cobj_child -> wxWindow_AddChild cobj__obj cobj_child foreign import ccall "wxWindow_AddChild" wxWindow_AddChild :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowAddConstraintReference obj otherWin@). windowAddConstraintReference :: Window a -> Window b -> IO () windowAddConstraintReference _obj otherWin = withObjectRef "windowAddConstraintReference" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr otherWin $ \cobj_otherWin -> wxWindow_AddConstraintReference cobj__obj cobj_otherWin foreign import ccall "wxWindow_AddConstraintReference" wxWindow_AddConstraintReference :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowCaptureMouse obj@). windowCaptureMouse :: Window a -> IO () windowCaptureMouse _obj = withObjectRef "windowCaptureMouse" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_CaptureMouse cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_CaptureMouse" wxWindow_CaptureMouse :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowCenter obj direction@). windowCenter :: Window a -> Int -> IO () windowCenter _obj direction = withObjectRef "windowCenter" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_Center cobj__obj (toCInt direction) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_Center" wxWindow_Center :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowCenterOnParent obj dir@). windowCenterOnParent :: Window a -> Int -> IO () windowCenterOnParent _obj dir = withObjectRef "windowCenterOnParent" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_CenterOnParent cobj__obj (toCInt dir) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_CenterOnParent" wxWindow_CenterOnParent :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowClear obj@). windowClear :: Window a -> IO () windowClear _obj = withObjectRef "windowClear" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_Clear cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_Clear" wxWindow_Clear :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowClientToScreen self xy@). windowClientToScreen :: Window a -> Point -> IO Point windowClientToScreen self xy = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "windowClientToScreen" self $ \cobj_self -> wxWindow_ClientToScreen cobj_self (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) px py foreign import ccall "wxWindow_ClientToScreen" wxWindow_ClientToScreen :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowClose obj force@). windowClose :: Window a -> Bool -> IO Bool windowClose _obj _force = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "windowClose" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_Close cobj__obj (toCBool _force) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_Close" wxWindow_Close :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CBool -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@windowConvertDialogToPixels obj@). windowConvertDialogToPixels :: Window a -> IO Point windowConvertDialogToPixels _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "windowConvertDialogToPixels" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_ConvertDialogToPixels cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxWindow_ConvertDialogToPixels" wxWindow_ConvertDialogToPixels :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowConvertDialogToPixelsEx obj xy@). windowConvertDialogToPixelsEx :: Window a -> Point -> IO Point windowConvertDialogToPixelsEx _obj xy = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "windowConvertDialogToPixelsEx" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_ConvertDialogToPixelsEx cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) px py foreign import ccall "wxWindow_ConvertDialogToPixelsEx" wxWindow_ConvertDialogToPixelsEx :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowConvertPixelsToDialog obj@). windowConvertPixelsToDialog :: Window a -> IO Point windowConvertPixelsToDialog _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "windowConvertPixelsToDialog" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_ConvertPixelsToDialog cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxWindow_ConvertPixelsToDialog" wxWindow_ConvertPixelsToDialog :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowConvertPixelsToDialogEx obj xy@). windowConvertPixelsToDialogEx :: Window a -> Point -> IO Point windowConvertPixelsToDialogEx _obj xy = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "windowConvertPixelsToDialogEx" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_ConvertPixelsToDialogEx cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) px py foreign import ccall "wxWindow_ConvertPixelsToDialogEx" wxWindow_ConvertPixelsToDialogEx :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowCreate prt id xywh stl@). windowCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> IO (Window ()) windowCreate _prt _id _xywh _stl = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wxWindow_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) (toCIntRectX _xywh) (toCIntRectY _xywh)(toCIntRectW _xywh) (toCIntRectH _xywh) (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_Create" wxWindow_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ())) -- | usage: (@windowCreateEventGetWindow obj@). windowCreateEventGetWindow :: WindowCreateEvent a -> IO (Window ()) windowCreateEventGetWindow _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "windowCreateEventGetWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindowCreateEvent_GetWindow cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindowCreateEvent_GetWindow" wxWindowCreateEvent_GetWindow :: Ptr (TWindowCreateEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ())) -- | usage: (@windowDCCreate win@). windowDCCreate :: Window a -> IO (WindowDC ()) windowDCCreate win = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr win $ \cobj_win -> wxWindowDC_Create cobj_win foreign import ccall "wxWindowDC_Create" wxWindowDC_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TWindowDC ())) -- | usage: (@windowDCDelete obj@). windowDCDelete :: WindowDC a -> IO () windowDCDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@windowDeleteRelatedConstraints obj@). windowDeleteRelatedConstraints :: Window a -> IO () windowDeleteRelatedConstraints _obj = withObjectRef "windowDeleteRelatedConstraints" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_DeleteRelatedConstraints cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_DeleteRelatedConstraints" wxWindow_DeleteRelatedConstraints :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowDestroy obj@). windowDestroy :: Window a -> IO Bool windowDestroy _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "windowDestroy" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_Destroy cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_Destroy" wxWindow_Destroy :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@windowDestroyChildren obj@). windowDestroyChildren :: Window a -> IO Bool windowDestroyChildren _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "windowDestroyChildren" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_DestroyChildren cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_DestroyChildren" wxWindow_DestroyChildren :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@windowDestroyEventGetWindow obj@). windowDestroyEventGetWindow :: WindowDestroyEvent a -> IO (Window ()) windowDestroyEventGetWindow _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "windowDestroyEventGetWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindowDestroyEvent_GetWindow cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindowDestroyEvent_GetWindow" wxWindowDestroyEvent_GetWindow :: Ptr (TWindowDestroyEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ())) -- | usage: (@windowDisable obj@). windowDisable :: Window a -> IO Bool windowDisable _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "windowDisable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_Disable cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_Disable" wxWindow_Disable :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@windowDoPhase obj phase@). windowDoPhase :: Window a -> Int -> IO Int windowDoPhase _obj phase = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowDoPhase" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_DoPhase cobj__obj (toCInt phase) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_DoPhase" wxWindow_DoPhase :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowEnable obj@). windowEnable :: Window a -> IO Bool windowEnable _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "windowEnable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_Enable cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_Enable" wxWindow_Enable :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@windowFindFocus obj@). windowFindFocus :: Window a -> IO (Window ()) windowFindFocus _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "windowFindFocus" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_FindFocus cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_FindFocus" wxWindow_FindFocus :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ())) -- | usage: (@windowFindWindow obj name@). windowFindWindow :: Window a -> String -> IO (Window ()) windowFindWindow _obj name = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "windowFindWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString name $ \cstr_name -> wxWindow_FindWindow cobj__obj cstr_name foreign import ccall "wxWindow_FindWindow" wxWindow_FindWindow :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CWString -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ())) -- | usage: (@windowFit obj@). windowFit :: Window a -> IO () windowFit _obj = withObjectRef "windowFit" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_Fit cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_Fit" wxWindow_Fit :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowFitInside obj@). windowFitInside :: Window a -> IO () windowFitInside _obj = withObjectRef "windowFitInside" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_FitInside cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_FitInside" wxWindow_FitInside :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowFreeze obj@). windowFreeze :: Window a -> IO () windowFreeze _obj = withObjectRef "windowFreeze" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_Freeze cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_Freeze" wxWindow_Freeze :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowGetAdjustedBestSize obj@). windowGetAdjustedBestSize :: Window a -> IO Size windowGetAdjustedBestSize _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "windowGetAdjustedBestSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetAdjustedBestSize cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetAdjustedBestSize" wxWindow_GetAdjustedBestSize :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowGetAutoLayout obj@). windowGetAutoLayout :: Window a -> IO Int windowGetAutoLayout _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetAutoLayout" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetAutoLayout cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetAutoLayout" wxWindow_GetAutoLayout :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowGetBackgroundColour obj@). windowGetBackgroundColour :: Window a -> IO (Color) windowGetBackgroundColour _obj = withRefColour $ \pref -> withObjectRef "windowGetBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetBackgroundColour cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetBackgroundColour" wxWindow_GetBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowGetBestSize obj@). windowGetBestSize :: Window a -> IO Size windowGetBestSize _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "windowGetBestSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetBestSize cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetBestSize" wxWindow_GetBestSize :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowGetCaret obj@). windowGetCaret :: Window a -> IO (Caret ()) windowGetCaret _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetCaret" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetCaret cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetCaret" wxWindow_GetCaret :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TCaret ())) -- | usage: (@windowGetCharHeight obj@). windowGetCharHeight :: Window a -> IO Int windowGetCharHeight _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetCharHeight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetCharHeight cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetCharHeight" wxWindow_GetCharHeight :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowGetCharWidth obj@). windowGetCharWidth :: Window a -> IO Int windowGetCharWidth _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetCharWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetCharWidth cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetCharWidth" wxWindow_GetCharWidth :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowGetChildren obj res cnt@). windowGetChildren :: Window a -> Ptr b -> Int -> IO Int windowGetChildren _obj _res _cnt = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetChildren" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetChildren cobj__obj _res (toCInt _cnt) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetChildren" wxWindow_GetChildren :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr b -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowGetClientData obj@). windowGetClientData :: Window a -> IO (ClientData ()) windowGetClientData _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetClientData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetClientData cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetClientData" wxWindow_GetClientData :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TClientData ())) -- | usage: (@windowGetClientSize obj@). windowGetClientSize :: Window a -> IO Size windowGetClientSize _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "windowGetClientSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetClientSize cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetClientSize" wxWindow_GetClientSize :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowGetClientSizeConstraint obj@). windowGetClientSizeConstraint :: Window a -> IO Size windowGetClientSizeConstraint _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "windowGetClientSizeConstraint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetClientSizeConstraint cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetClientSizeConstraint" wxWindow_GetClientSizeConstraint :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowGetConstraints obj@). windowGetConstraints :: Window a -> IO (LayoutConstraints ()) windowGetConstraints _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetConstraints" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetConstraints cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetConstraints" wxWindow_GetConstraints :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TLayoutConstraints ())) -- | usage: (@windowGetConstraintsInvolvedIn obj@). windowGetConstraintsInvolvedIn :: Window a -> IO (Ptr ()) windowGetConstraintsInvolvedIn _obj = withObjectRef "windowGetConstraintsInvolvedIn" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetConstraintsInvolvedIn cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetConstraintsInvolvedIn" wxWindow_GetConstraintsInvolvedIn :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@windowGetCursor obj@). windowGetCursor :: Window a -> IO (Cursor ()) windowGetCursor _obj = withManagedCursorResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetCursor" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetCursor cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetCursor" wxWindow_GetCursor :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TCursor ())) -- | usage: (@windowGetDropTarget obj@). windowGetDropTarget :: Window a -> IO (DropTarget ()) windowGetDropTarget _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetDropTarget" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetDropTarget cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetDropTarget" wxWindow_GetDropTarget :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TDropTarget ())) -- | usage: (@windowGetEventHandler obj@). windowGetEventHandler :: Window a -> IO (EvtHandler ()) windowGetEventHandler _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetEventHandler" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetEventHandler cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetEventHandler" wxWindow_GetEventHandler :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TEvtHandler ())) -- | usage: (@windowGetFont obj@). windowGetFont :: Window a -> IO (Font ()) windowGetFont _obj = withRefFont $ \pref -> withObjectRef "windowGetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetFont cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetFont" wxWindow_GetFont :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TFont ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowGetForegroundColour obj@). windowGetForegroundColour :: Window a -> IO (Color) windowGetForegroundColour _obj = withRefColour $ \pref -> withObjectRef "windowGetForegroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetForegroundColour cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetForegroundColour" wxWindow_GetForegroundColour :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TColour ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowGetHandle obj@). windowGetHandle :: Window a -> IO (Ptr ()) windowGetHandle _obj = withObjectRef "windowGetHandle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetHandle cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetHandle" wxWindow_GetHandle :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@windowGetId obj@). windowGetId :: Window a -> IO Int windowGetId _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetId cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetId" wxWindow_GetId :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowGetLabel obj@). windowGetLabel :: Window a -> IO String windowGetLabel _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "windowGetLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetLabel cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetLabel" wxWindow_GetLabel :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowGetLabelEmpty obj@). windowGetLabelEmpty :: Window a -> IO Int windowGetLabelEmpty _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetLabelEmpty" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetLabelEmpty cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetLabelEmpty" wxWindow_GetLabelEmpty :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowGetMaxHeight obj@). windowGetMaxHeight :: Window a -> IO Int windowGetMaxHeight _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetMaxHeight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetMaxHeight cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetMaxHeight" wxWindow_GetMaxHeight :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowGetMaxWidth obj@). windowGetMaxWidth :: Window a -> IO Int windowGetMaxWidth _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetMaxWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetMaxWidth cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetMaxWidth" wxWindow_GetMaxWidth :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowGetMinHeight obj@). windowGetMinHeight :: Window a -> IO Int windowGetMinHeight _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetMinHeight" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetMinHeight cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetMinHeight" wxWindow_GetMinHeight :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowGetMinWidth obj@). windowGetMinWidth :: Window a -> IO Int windowGetMinWidth _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetMinWidth" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetMinWidth cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetMinWidth" wxWindow_GetMinWidth :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowGetName obj@). windowGetName :: Window a -> IO String windowGetName _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "windowGetName" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetName cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetName" wxWindow_GetName :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowGetParent obj@). windowGetParent :: Window a -> IO (Window ()) windowGetParent _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetParent" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetParent cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetParent" wxWindow_GetParent :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ())) -- | usage: (@windowGetPosition obj@). windowGetPosition :: Window a -> IO Point windowGetPosition _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "windowGetPosition" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetPosition cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetPosition" wxWindow_GetPosition :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowGetPositionConstraint obj@). windowGetPositionConstraint :: Window a -> IO Point windowGetPositionConstraint _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "windowGetPositionConstraint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetPositionConstraint cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetPositionConstraint" wxWindow_GetPositionConstraint :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowGetRect obj@). windowGetRect :: Window a -> IO Rect windowGetRect _obj = withRectResult $ \px py pw ph -> withObjectRef "windowGetRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetRect cobj__obj px py pw ph foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetRect" wxWindow_GetRect :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowGetScrollPos obj orient@). windowGetScrollPos :: Window a -> Int -> IO Int windowGetScrollPos _obj orient = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetScrollPos" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetScrollPos cobj__obj (toCInt orient) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetScrollPos" wxWindow_GetScrollPos :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowGetScrollRange obj orient@). windowGetScrollRange :: Window a -> Int -> IO Int windowGetScrollRange _obj orient = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetScrollRange" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetScrollRange cobj__obj (toCInt orient) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetScrollRange" wxWindow_GetScrollRange :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowGetScrollThumb obj orient@). windowGetScrollThumb :: Window a -> Int -> IO Int windowGetScrollThumb _obj orient = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetScrollThumb" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetScrollThumb cobj__obj (toCInt orient) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetScrollThumb" wxWindow_GetScrollThumb :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowGetSize obj@). windowGetSize :: Window a -> IO Size windowGetSize _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "windowGetSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetSize cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetSize" wxWindow_GetSize :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowGetSizeConstraint obj@). windowGetSizeConstraint :: Window a -> IO Size windowGetSizeConstraint _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "windowGetSizeConstraint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetSizeConstraint cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetSizeConstraint" wxWindow_GetSizeConstraint :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowGetSizer obj@). windowGetSizer :: Window a -> IO (Sizer ()) windowGetSizer _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetSizer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetSizer cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetSizer" wxWindow_GetSizer :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TSizer ())) -- | usage: (@windowGetTextExtent obj string x y descent externalLeading theFont@). windowGetTextExtent :: Window a -> String -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Font g -> IO () windowGetTextExtent _obj string x y descent externalLeading theFont = withObjectRef "windowGetTextExtent" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString string $ \cstr_string -> withObjectPtr theFont $ \cobj_theFont -> wxWindow_GetTextExtent cobj__obj cstr_string x y descent externalLeading cobj_theFont foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetTextExtent" wxWindow_GetTextExtent :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CWString -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (TFont g) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowGetToolTip obj@). windowGetToolTip :: Window a -> IO String windowGetToolTip _obj = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> withObjectRef "windowGetToolTip" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetToolTip cobj__obj buffer foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetToolTip" wxWindow_GetToolTip :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowGetUpdateRegion obj@). windowGetUpdateRegion :: Window a -> IO (Region ()) windowGetUpdateRegion _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetUpdateRegion" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetUpdateRegion cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetUpdateRegion" wxWindow_GetUpdateRegion :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TRegion ())) -- | usage: (@windowGetValidator obj@). windowGetValidator :: Window a -> IO (Validator ()) windowGetValidator _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetValidator" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetValidator cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetValidator" wxWindow_GetValidator :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO (Ptr (TValidator ())) -- | usage: (@windowGetVirtualSize obj@). windowGetVirtualSize :: Window a -> IO Size windowGetVirtualSize _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "windowGetVirtualSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetVirtualSize cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetVirtualSize" wxWindow_GetVirtualSize :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowGetWindowStyleFlag obj@). windowGetWindowStyleFlag :: Window a -> IO Int windowGetWindowStyleFlag _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowGetWindowStyleFlag" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_GetWindowStyleFlag cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_GetWindowStyleFlag" wxWindow_GetWindowStyleFlag :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowHasFlag obj flag@). windowHasFlag :: Window a -> Int -> IO Bool windowHasFlag _obj flag = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "windowHasFlag" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_HasFlag cobj__obj (toCInt flag) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_HasFlag" wxWindow_HasFlag :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@windowHide obj@). windowHide :: Window a -> IO Bool windowHide _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "windowHide" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_Hide cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_Hide" wxWindow_Hide :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@windowInitDialog obj@). windowInitDialog :: Window a -> IO () windowInitDialog _obj = withObjectRef "windowInitDialog" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_InitDialog cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_InitDialog" wxWindow_InitDialog :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowIsBeingDeleted obj@). windowIsBeingDeleted :: Window a -> IO Bool windowIsBeingDeleted _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "windowIsBeingDeleted" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_IsBeingDeleted cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_IsBeingDeleted" wxWindow_IsBeingDeleted :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@windowIsEnabled obj@). windowIsEnabled :: Window a -> IO Bool windowIsEnabled _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "windowIsEnabled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_IsEnabled cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_IsEnabled" wxWindow_IsEnabled :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@windowIsExposed obj xywh@). windowIsExposed :: Window a -> Rect -> IO Bool windowIsExposed _obj xywh = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "windowIsExposed" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_IsExposed cobj__obj (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_IsExposed" wxWindow_IsExposed :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@windowIsShown obj@). windowIsShown :: Window a -> IO Bool windowIsShown _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "windowIsShown" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_IsShown cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_IsShown" wxWindow_IsShown :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@windowIsTopLevel obj@). windowIsTopLevel :: Window a -> IO Bool windowIsTopLevel _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "windowIsTopLevel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_IsTopLevel cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_IsTopLevel" wxWindow_IsTopLevel :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@windowLayout obj@). windowLayout :: Window a -> IO Int windowLayout _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowLayout" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_Layout cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_Layout" wxWindow_Layout :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowLayoutPhase1 obj noChanges@). windowLayoutPhase1 :: Window a -> Ptr CInt -> IO Int windowLayoutPhase1 _obj noChanges = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowLayoutPhase1" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_LayoutPhase1 cobj__obj noChanges foreign import ccall "wxWindow_LayoutPhase1" wxWindow_LayoutPhase1 :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowLayoutPhase2 obj noChanges@). windowLayoutPhase2 :: Window a -> Ptr CInt -> IO Int windowLayoutPhase2 _obj noChanges = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowLayoutPhase2" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_LayoutPhase2 cobj__obj noChanges foreign import ccall "wxWindow_LayoutPhase2" wxWindow_LayoutPhase2 :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowLower obj@). windowLower :: Window a -> IO () windowLower _obj = withObjectRef "windowLower" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_Lower cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_Lower" wxWindow_Lower :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowMakeModal obj modal@). windowMakeModal :: Window a -> Bool -> IO () windowMakeModal _obj modal = withObjectRef "windowMakeModal" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_MakeModal cobj__obj (toCBool modal) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_MakeModal" wxWindow_MakeModal :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowMove obj xy@). windowMove :: Window a -> Point -> IO () windowMove _obj xy = withObjectRef "windowMove" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_Move cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_Move" wxWindow_Move :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowMoveConstraint obj xy@). windowMoveConstraint :: Window a -> Point -> IO () windowMoveConstraint _obj xy = withObjectRef "windowMoveConstraint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_MoveConstraint cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_MoveConstraint" wxWindow_MoveConstraint :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowPopEventHandler obj deleteHandler@). windowPopEventHandler :: Window a -> Bool -> IO (Ptr ()) windowPopEventHandler _obj deleteHandler = withObjectRef "windowPopEventHandler" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_PopEventHandler cobj__obj (toCBool deleteHandler) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_PopEventHandler" wxWindow_PopEventHandler :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CBool -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@windowPopupMenu obj menu xy@). windowPopupMenu :: Window a -> Menu b -> Point -> IO Int windowPopupMenu _obj menu xy = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowPopupMenu" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr menu $ \cobj_menu -> wxWindow_PopupMenu cobj__obj cobj_menu (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_PopupMenu" wxWindow_PopupMenu :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TMenu b) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowPrepareDC obj dc@). windowPrepareDC :: Window a -> DC b -> IO () windowPrepareDC _obj dc = withObjectRef "windowPrepareDC" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr dc $ \cobj_dc -> wxWindow_PrepareDC cobj__obj cobj_dc foreign import ccall "wxWindow_PrepareDC" wxWindow_PrepareDC :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TDC b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowPushEventHandler obj handler@). windowPushEventHandler :: Window a -> EvtHandler b -> IO () windowPushEventHandler _obj handler = withObjectRef "windowPushEventHandler" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr handler $ \cobj_handler -> wxWindow_PushEventHandler cobj__obj cobj_handler foreign import ccall "wxWindow_PushEventHandler" wxWindow_PushEventHandler :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TEvtHandler b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowRaise obj@). windowRaise :: Window a -> IO () windowRaise _obj = withObjectRef "windowRaise" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_Raise cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_Raise" wxWindow_Raise :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowRefresh obj eraseBackground@). windowRefresh :: Window a -> Bool -> IO () windowRefresh _obj eraseBackground = withObjectRef "windowRefresh" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_Refresh cobj__obj (toCBool eraseBackground) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_Refresh" wxWindow_Refresh :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowRefreshRect obj eraseBackground xywh@). windowRefreshRect :: Window a -> Bool -> Rect -> IO () windowRefreshRect _obj eraseBackground xywh = withObjectRef "windowRefreshRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_RefreshRect cobj__obj (toCBool eraseBackground) (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_RefreshRect" wxWindow_RefreshRect :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CBool -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowReleaseMouse obj@). windowReleaseMouse :: Window a -> IO () windowReleaseMouse _obj = withObjectRef "windowReleaseMouse" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_ReleaseMouse cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_ReleaseMouse" wxWindow_ReleaseMouse :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowRemoveChild obj child@). windowRemoveChild :: Window a -> Window b -> IO () windowRemoveChild _obj child = withObjectRef "windowRemoveChild" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr child $ \cobj_child -> wxWindow_RemoveChild cobj__obj cobj_child foreign import ccall "wxWindow_RemoveChild" wxWindow_RemoveChild :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowRemoveConstraintReference obj otherWin@). windowRemoveConstraintReference :: Window a -> Window b -> IO () windowRemoveConstraintReference _obj otherWin = withObjectRef "windowRemoveConstraintReference" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr otherWin $ \cobj_otherWin -> wxWindow_RemoveConstraintReference cobj__obj cobj_otherWin foreign import ccall "wxWindow_RemoveConstraintReference" wxWindow_RemoveConstraintReference :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowReparent obj par@). windowReparent :: Window a -> Window b -> IO Int windowReparent _obj _par = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowReparent" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr _par $ \cobj__par -> wxWindow_Reparent cobj__obj cobj__par foreign import ccall "wxWindow_Reparent" wxWindow_Reparent :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowResetConstraints obj@). windowResetConstraints :: Window a -> IO () windowResetConstraints _obj = withObjectRef "windowResetConstraints" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_ResetConstraints cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_ResetConstraints" wxWindow_ResetConstraints :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowScreenToClient obj@). windowScreenToClient :: Window a -> IO Point windowScreenToClient _obj = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "windowScreenToClient" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_ScreenToClient cobj__obj px py foreign import ccall "wxWindow_ScreenToClient" wxWindow_ScreenToClient :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowScreenToClient2 self xy@). windowScreenToClient2 :: Window a -> Point -> IO Point windowScreenToClient2 self xy = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "windowScreenToClient2" self $ \cobj_self -> wxWindow_ScreenToClient2 cobj_self (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) px py foreign import ccall "wxWindow_ScreenToClient2" wxWindow_ScreenToClient2 :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowScrollWindow obj dxdy@). windowScrollWindow :: Window a -> Vector -> IO () windowScrollWindow _obj dxdy = withObjectRef "windowScrollWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_ScrollWindow cobj__obj (toCIntVectorX dxdy) (toCIntVectorY dxdy) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_ScrollWindow" wxWindow_ScrollWindow :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowScrollWindowRect obj dxdy xywh@). windowScrollWindowRect :: Window a -> Vector -> Rect -> IO () windowScrollWindowRect _obj dxdy xywh = withObjectRef "windowScrollWindowRect" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_ScrollWindowRect cobj__obj (toCIntVectorX dxdy) (toCIntVectorY dxdy) (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_ScrollWindowRect" wxWindow_ScrollWindowRect :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetAcceleratorTable obj accel@). windowSetAcceleratorTable :: Window a -> AcceleratorTable b -> IO () windowSetAcceleratorTable _obj accel = withObjectRef "windowSetAcceleratorTable" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr accel $ \cobj_accel -> wxWindow_SetAcceleratorTable cobj__obj cobj_accel foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetAcceleratorTable" wxWindow_SetAcceleratorTable :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TAcceleratorTable b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetAutoLayout obj autoLayout@). windowSetAutoLayout :: Window a -> Bool -> IO () windowSetAutoLayout _obj autoLayout = withObjectRef "windowSetAutoLayout" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_SetAutoLayout cobj__obj (toCBool autoLayout) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetAutoLayout" wxWindow_SetAutoLayout :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetBackgroundColour obj colour@). windowSetBackgroundColour :: Window a -> Color -> IO Int windowSetBackgroundColour _obj colour = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowSetBackgroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withColourPtr colour $ \cobj_colour -> wxWindow_SetBackgroundColour cobj__obj cobj_colour foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetBackgroundColour" wxWindow_SetBackgroundColour :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowSetCaret obj caret@). windowSetCaret :: Window a -> Caret b -> IO () windowSetCaret _obj caret = withObjectRef "windowSetCaret" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr caret $ \cobj_caret -> wxWindow_SetCaret cobj__obj cobj_caret foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetCaret" wxWindow_SetCaret :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TCaret b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetClientData obj wxdata@). windowSetClientData :: Window a -> ClientData b -> IO () windowSetClientData _obj wxdata = withObjectRef "windowSetClientData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> wxWindow_SetClientData cobj__obj cobj_wxdata foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetClientData" wxWindow_SetClientData :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TClientData b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetClientObject obj wxdata@). windowSetClientObject :: Window a -> ClientData b -> IO () windowSetClientObject _obj wxdata = withObjectRef "windowSetClientObject" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr wxdata $ \cobj_wxdata -> wxWindow_SetClientObject cobj__obj cobj_wxdata foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetClientObject" wxWindow_SetClientObject :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TClientData b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetClientSize obj widthheight@). windowSetClientSize :: Window a -> Size -> IO () windowSetClientSize _obj widthheight = withObjectRef "windowSetClientSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_SetClientSize cobj__obj (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetClientSize" wxWindow_SetClientSize :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetConstraintSizes obj recurse@). windowSetConstraintSizes :: Window a -> Int -> IO () windowSetConstraintSizes _obj recurse = withObjectRef "windowSetConstraintSizes" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_SetConstraintSizes cobj__obj (toCInt recurse) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetConstraintSizes" wxWindow_SetConstraintSizes :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetConstraints obj constraints@). windowSetConstraints :: Window a -> LayoutConstraints b -> IO () windowSetConstraints _obj constraints = withObjectRef "windowSetConstraints" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr constraints $ \cobj_constraints -> wxWindow_SetConstraints cobj__obj cobj_constraints foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetConstraints" wxWindow_SetConstraints :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TLayoutConstraints b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetCursor obj cursor@). windowSetCursor :: Window a -> Cursor b -> IO Int windowSetCursor _obj cursor = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowSetCursor" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr cursor $ \cobj_cursor -> wxWindow_SetCursor cobj__obj cobj_cursor foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetCursor" wxWindow_SetCursor :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TCursor b) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowSetDropTarget obj dropTarget@). windowSetDropTarget :: Window a -> DropTarget b -> IO () windowSetDropTarget _obj dropTarget = withObjectRef "windowSetDropTarget" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr dropTarget $ \cobj_dropTarget -> wxWindow_SetDropTarget cobj__obj cobj_dropTarget foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetDropTarget" wxWindow_SetDropTarget :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TDropTarget b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetExtraStyle obj exStyle@). windowSetExtraStyle :: Window a -> Int -> IO () windowSetExtraStyle _obj exStyle = withObjectRef "windowSetExtraStyle" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_SetExtraStyle cobj__obj (toCInt exStyle) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetExtraStyle" wxWindow_SetExtraStyle :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetFocus obj@). windowSetFocus :: Window a -> IO () windowSetFocus _obj = withObjectRef "windowSetFocus" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_SetFocus cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetFocus" wxWindow_SetFocus :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetFont obj font@). windowSetFont :: Window a -> Font b -> IO Int windowSetFont _obj font = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowSetFont" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr font $ \cobj_font -> wxWindow_SetFont cobj__obj cobj_font foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetFont" wxWindow_SetFont :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TFont b) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowSetForegroundColour obj colour@). windowSetForegroundColour :: Window a -> Color -> IO Int windowSetForegroundColour _obj colour = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "windowSetForegroundColour" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withColourPtr colour $ \cobj_colour -> wxWindow_SetForegroundColour cobj__obj cobj_colour foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetForegroundColour" wxWindow_SetForegroundColour :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TColour b) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@windowSetId obj id@). windowSetId :: Window a -> Id -> IO () windowSetId _obj _id = withObjectRef "windowSetId" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_SetId cobj__obj (toCInt _id) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetId" wxWindow_SetId :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetLabel obj title@). windowSetLabel :: Window a -> String -> IO () windowSetLabel _obj _title = withObjectRef "windowSetLabel" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString _title $ \cstr__title -> wxWindow_SetLabel cobj__obj cstr__title foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetLabel" wxWindow_SetLabel :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetName obj name@). windowSetName :: Window a -> String -> IO () windowSetName _obj _name = withObjectRef "windowSetName" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString _name $ \cstr__name -> wxWindow_SetName cobj__obj cstr__name foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetName" wxWindow_SetName :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetScrollPos obj orient pos refresh@). windowSetScrollPos :: Window a -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO () windowSetScrollPos _obj orient pos refresh = withObjectRef "windowSetScrollPos" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_SetScrollPos cobj__obj (toCInt orient) (toCInt pos) (toCBool refresh) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetScrollPos" wxWindow_SetScrollPos :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetScrollbar obj orient pos thumbVisible range refresh@). windowSetScrollbar :: Window a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> IO () windowSetScrollbar _obj orient pos thumbVisible range refresh = withObjectRef "windowSetScrollbar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_SetScrollbar cobj__obj (toCInt orient) (toCInt pos) (toCInt thumbVisible) (toCInt range) (toCBool refresh) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetScrollbar" wxWindow_SetScrollbar :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetSize obj xywidthheight sizeFlags@). windowSetSize :: Window a -> Rect -> Int -> IO () windowSetSize _obj xywidthheight sizeFlags = withObjectRef "windowSetSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_SetSize cobj__obj (toCIntRectX xywidthheight) (toCIntRectY xywidthheight)(toCIntRectW xywidthheight) (toCIntRectH xywidthheight) (toCInt sizeFlags) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetSize" wxWindow_SetSize :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetSizeConstraint obj xywh@). windowSetSizeConstraint :: Window a -> Rect -> IO () windowSetSizeConstraint _obj xywh = withObjectRef "windowSetSizeConstraint" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_SetSizeConstraint cobj__obj (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetSizeConstraint" wxWindow_SetSizeConstraint :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetSizeHints obj minW minH maxW maxH incW incH@). windowSetSizeHints :: Window a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () windowSetSizeHints _obj minW minH maxW maxH incW incH = withObjectRef "windowSetSizeHints" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_SetSizeHints cobj__obj (toCInt minW) (toCInt minH) (toCInt maxW) (toCInt maxH) (toCInt incW) (toCInt incH) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetSizeHints" wxWindow_SetSizeHints :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetSizer obj sizer@). windowSetSizer :: Window a -> Sizer b -> IO () windowSetSizer _obj sizer = withObjectRef "windowSetSizer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr sizer $ \cobj_sizer -> wxWindow_SetSizer cobj__obj cobj_sizer foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetSizer" wxWindow_SetSizer :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TSizer b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetToolTip obj tip@). windowSetToolTip :: Window a -> String -> IO () windowSetToolTip _obj tip = withObjectRef "windowSetToolTip" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString tip $ \cstr_tip -> wxWindow_SetToolTip cobj__obj cstr_tip foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetToolTip" wxWindow_SetToolTip :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetValidator obj validator@). windowSetValidator :: Window a -> Validator b -> IO () windowSetValidator _obj validator = withObjectRef "windowSetValidator" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr validator $ \cobj_validator -> wxWindow_SetValidator cobj__obj cobj_validator foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetValidator" wxWindow_SetValidator :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr (TValidator b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetVirtualSize obj wh@). windowSetVirtualSize :: Window a -> Size -> IO () windowSetVirtualSize _obj wh = withObjectRef "windowSetVirtualSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_SetVirtualSize cobj__obj (toCIntSizeW wh) (toCIntSizeH wh) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetVirtualSize" wxWindow_SetVirtualSize :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowSetWindowStyleFlag obj style@). windowSetWindowStyleFlag :: Window a -> Int -> IO () windowSetWindowStyleFlag _obj style = withObjectRef "windowSetWindowStyleFlag" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_SetWindowStyleFlag cobj__obj (toCInt style) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_SetWindowStyleFlag" wxWindow_SetWindowStyleFlag :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowShow obj@). windowShow :: Window a -> IO Bool windowShow _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "windowShow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_Show cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_Show" wxWindow_Show :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@windowThaw obj@). windowThaw :: Window a -> IO () windowThaw _obj = withObjectRef "windowThaw" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_Thaw cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_Thaw" wxWindow_Thaw :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowTransferDataFromWindow obj@). windowTransferDataFromWindow :: Window a -> IO Bool windowTransferDataFromWindow _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "windowTransferDataFromWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_TransferDataFromWindow cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_TransferDataFromWindow" wxWindow_TransferDataFromWindow :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@windowTransferDataToWindow obj@). windowTransferDataToWindow :: Window a -> IO Bool windowTransferDataToWindow _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "windowTransferDataToWindow" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_TransferDataToWindow cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_TransferDataToWindow" wxWindow_TransferDataToWindow :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@windowUnsetConstraints obj c@). windowUnsetConstraints :: Window a -> Ptr b -> IO () windowUnsetConstraints _obj c = withObjectRef "windowUnsetConstraints" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_UnsetConstraints cobj__obj c foreign import ccall "wxWindow_UnsetConstraints" wxWindow_UnsetConstraints :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowUpdateWindowUI obj@). windowUpdateWindowUI :: Window a -> IO () windowUpdateWindowUI _obj = withObjectRef "windowUpdateWindowUI" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_UpdateWindowUI cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_UpdateWindowUI" wxWindow_UpdateWindowUI :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@windowValidate obj@). windowValidate :: Window a -> IO Bool windowValidate _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "windowValidate" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_Validate cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWindow_Validate" wxWindow_Validate :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@windowWarpPointer obj xy@). windowWarpPointer :: Window a -> Point -> IO () windowWarpPointer _obj xy = withObjectRef "windowWarpPointer" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWindow_WarpPointer cobj__obj (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) foreign import ccall "wxWindow_WarpPointer" wxWindow_WarpPointer :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wizardChain f s@). wizardChain :: WizardPageSimple a -> WizardPageSimple b -> IO () wizardChain f s = withObjectPtr f $ \cobj_f -> withObjectPtr s $ \cobj_s -> wxWizard_Chain cobj_f cobj_s foreign import ccall "wxWizard_Chain" wxWizard_Chain :: Ptr (TWizardPageSimple a) -> Ptr (TWizardPageSimple b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wizardCreate prt id txt bmp lfttopwdthgt@). wizardCreate :: Window a -> Id -> String -> Bitmap d -> Rect -> IO (Wizard ()) wizardCreate _prt _id _txt _bmp _lfttopwdthgt = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> withCWString _txt $ \cstr__txt -> withObjectPtr _bmp $ \cobj__bmp -> wxWizard_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) cstr__txt cobj__bmp (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) foreign import ccall "wxWizard_Create" wxWizard_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CWString -> Ptr (TBitmap d) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWizard ())) -- | usage: (@wizardEventGetDirection obj@). wizardEventGetDirection :: WizardEvent a -> IO Int wizardEventGetDirection _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "wizardEventGetDirection" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWizardEvent_GetDirection cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWizardEvent_GetDirection" wxWizardEvent_GetDirection :: Ptr (TWizardEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@wizardGetCurrentPage obj@). wizardGetCurrentPage :: Wizard a -> IO (WizardPage ()) wizardGetCurrentPage _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "wizardGetCurrentPage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWizard_GetCurrentPage cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWizard_GetCurrentPage" wxWizard_GetCurrentPage :: Ptr (TWizard a) -> IO (Ptr (TWizardPage ())) -- | usage: (@wizardGetPageSize obj@). wizardGetPageSize :: Wizard a -> IO Size wizardGetPageSize _obj = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> withObjectRef "wizardGetPageSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWizard_GetPageSize cobj__obj pw ph foreign import ccall "wxWizard_GetPageSize" wxWizard_GetPageSize :: Ptr (TWizard a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wizardPageSimpleCreate prt@). wizardPageSimpleCreate :: Wizard a -> IO (WizardPageSimple ()) wizardPageSimpleCreate _prt = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wxWizardPageSimple_Create cobj__prt foreign import ccall "wxWizardPageSimple_Create" wxWizardPageSimple_Create :: Ptr (TWizard a) -> IO (Ptr (TWizardPageSimple ())) -- | usage: (@wizardPageSimpleGetBitmap obj@). wizardPageSimpleGetBitmap :: WizardPageSimple a -> IO (Bitmap ()) wizardPageSimpleGetBitmap _obj = withRefBitmap $ \pref -> withObjectRef "wizardPageSimpleGetBitmap" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWizardPageSimple_GetBitmap cobj__obj pref foreign import ccall "wxWizardPageSimple_GetBitmap" wxWizardPageSimple_GetBitmap :: Ptr (TWizardPageSimple a) -> Ptr (TBitmap ()) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wizardPageSimpleGetNext obj@). wizardPageSimpleGetNext :: WizardPageSimple a -> IO (WizardPageSimple ()) wizardPageSimpleGetNext _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "wizardPageSimpleGetNext" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWizardPageSimple_GetNext cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWizardPageSimple_GetNext" wxWizardPageSimple_GetNext :: Ptr (TWizardPageSimple a) -> IO (Ptr (TWizardPageSimple ())) -- | usage: (@wizardPageSimpleGetPrev obj@). wizardPageSimpleGetPrev :: WizardPageSimple a -> IO (WizardPageSimple ()) wizardPageSimpleGetPrev _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "wizardPageSimpleGetPrev" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWizardPageSimple_GetPrev cobj__obj foreign import ccall "wxWizardPageSimple_GetPrev" wxWizardPageSimple_GetPrev :: Ptr (TWizardPageSimple a) -> IO (Ptr (TWizardPageSimple ())) -- | usage: (@wizardPageSimpleSetNext obj next@). wizardPageSimpleSetNext :: WizardPageSimple a -> WizardPageSimple b -> IO () wizardPageSimpleSetNext _obj next = withObjectRef "wizardPageSimpleSetNext" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr next $ \cobj_next -> wxWizardPageSimple_SetNext cobj__obj cobj_next foreign import ccall "wxWizardPageSimple_SetNext" wxWizardPageSimple_SetNext :: Ptr (TWizardPageSimple a) -> Ptr (TWizardPageSimple b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wizardPageSimpleSetPrev obj prev@). wizardPageSimpleSetPrev :: WizardPageSimple a -> WizardPageSimple b -> IO () wizardPageSimpleSetPrev _obj prev = withObjectRef "wizardPageSimpleSetPrev" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr prev $ \cobj_prev -> wxWizardPageSimple_SetPrev cobj__obj cobj_prev foreign import ccall "wxWizardPageSimple_SetPrev" wxWizardPageSimple_SetPrev :: Ptr (TWizardPageSimple a) -> Ptr (TWizardPageSimple b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wizardRunWizard obj firstPage@). wizardRunWizard :: Wizard a -> WizardPage b -> IO Int wizardRunWizard _obj firstPage = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "wizardRunWizard" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr firstPage $ \cobj_firstPage -> wxWizard_RunWizard cobj__obj cobj_firstPage foreign import ccall "wxWizard_RunWizard" wxWizard_RunWizard :: Ptr (TWizard a) -> Ptr (TWizardPage b) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@wizardSetPageSize obj wh@). wizardSetPageSize :: Wizard a -> Size -> IO () wizardSetPageSize _obj wh = withObjectRef "wizardSetPageSize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wxWizard_SetPageSize cobj__obj (toCIntSizeW wh) (toCIntSizeH wh) foreign import ccall "wxWizard_SetPageSize" wxWizard_SetPageSize :: Ptr (TWizard a) -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxEVT_ACTIVATE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_ACTIVATE #-} wxEVT_ACTIVATE :: EventId wxEVT_ACTIVATE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_ACTIVATE foreign import ccall "expEVT_ACTIVATE" wx_expEVT_ACTIVATE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_ACTIVATE_APP@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_ACTIVATE_APP #-} wxEVT_ACTIVATE_APP :: EventId wxEVT_ACTIVATE_APP = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_ACTIVATE_APP foreign import ccall "expEVT_ACTIVATE_APP" wx_expEVT_ACTIVATE_APP :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_CALENDAR_DAY_CHANGED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_CALENDAR_DAY_CHANGED #-} wxEVT_CALENDAR_DAY_CHANGED :: EventId wxEVT_CALENDAR_DAY_CHANGED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_CALENDAR_DAY_CHANGED foreign import ccall "expEVT_CALENDAR_DAY_CHANGED" wx_expEVT_CALENDAR_DAY_CHANGED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_CALENDAR_DOUBLECLICKED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_CALENDAR_DOUBLECLICKED #-} wxEVT_CALENDAR_DOUBLECLICKED :: EventId wxEVT_CALENDAR_DOUBLECLICKED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_CALENDAR_DOUBLECLICKED foreign import ccall "expEVT_CALENDAR_DOUBLECLICKED" wx_expEVT_CALENDAR_DOUBLECLICKED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_CALENDAR_MONTH_CHANGED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_CALENDAR_MONTH_CHANGED #-} wxEVT_CALENDAR_MONTH_CHANGED :: EventId wxEVT_CALENDAR_MONTH_CHANGED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_CALENDAR_MONTH_CHANGED foreign import ccall "expEVT_CALENDAR_MONTH_CHANGED" wx_expEVT_CALENDAR_MONTH_CHANGED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_CALENDAR_SEL_CHANGED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_CALENDAR_SEL_CHANGED #-} wxEVT_CALENDAR_SEL_CHANGED :: EventId wxEVT_CALENDAR_SEL_CHANGED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_CALENDAR_SEL_CHANGED foreign import ccall "expEVT_CALENDAR_SEL_CHANGED" wx_expEVT_CALENDAR_SEL_CHANGED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_CALENDAR_WEEKDAY_CLICKED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_CALENDAR_WEEKDAY_CLICKED #-} wxEVT_CALENDAR_WEEKDAY_CLICKED :: EventId wxEVT_CALENDAR_WEEKDAY_CLICKED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_CALENDAR_WEEKDAY_CLICKED foreign import ccall "expEVT_CALENDAR_WEEKDAY_CLICKED" wx_expEVT_CALENDAR_WEEKDAY_CLICKED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_CALENDAR_YEAR_CHANGED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_CALENDAR_YEAR_CHANGED #-} wxEVT_CALENDAR_YEAR_CHANGED :: EventId wxEVT_CALENDAR_YEAR_CHANGED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_CALENDAR_YEAR_CHANGED foreign import ccall "expEVT_CALENDAR_YEAR_CHANGED" wx_expEVT_CALENDAR_YEAR_CHANGED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_CHAR@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_CHAR #-} wxEVT_CHAR :: EventId wxEVT_CHAR = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_CHAR foreign import ccall "expEVT_CHAR" wx_expEVT_CHAR :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK #-} wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK :: EventId wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_CHAR_HOOK foreign import ccall "expEVT_CHAR_HOOK" wx_expEVT_CHAR_HOOK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW #-} wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW :: EventId wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW foreign import ccall "expEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW" wx_expEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKLISTBOX_TOGGLED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKLISTBOX_TOGGLED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKLISTBOX_TOGGLED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKLISTBOX_TOGGLED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_CHECKLISTBOX_TOGGLED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_CHECKLISTBOX_TOGGLED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_CHECKLISTBOX_TOGGLED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_CHOICE_SELECTED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_CHOICE_SELECTED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_CHOICE_SELECTED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_CHOICE_SELECTED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_CHOICE_SELECTED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_CHOICE_SELECTED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_CHOICE_SELECTED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_ENTER@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_ENTER #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_ENTER :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_ENTER = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_ENTER foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_ENTER" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_ENTER :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_FIND foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_FIND" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_FIND :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_CLOSE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_CLOSE #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_CLOSE :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_CLOSE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_FIND_CLOSE foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_FIND_CLOSE" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_FIND_CLOSE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_NEXT@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_NEXT #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_NEXT :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_NEXT = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_FIND_NEXT foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_FIND_NEXT" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_FIND_NEXT :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE_ALL@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE_ALL #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE_ALL :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE_ALL = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE_ALL foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE_ALL" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_FIND_REPLACE_ALL :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_KILL_FOCUS@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_KILL_FOCUS #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_KILL_FOCUS :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_KILL_FOCUS = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_KILL_FOCUS foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_KILL_FOCUS" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_KILL_FOCUS :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LEFT_CLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LEFT_CLICK #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LEFT_CLICK :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LEFT_CLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LEFT_CLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LEFT_CLICK" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LEFT_CLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LEFT_DCLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LEFT_DCLICK #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LEFT_DCLICK :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LEFT_DCLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LEFT_DCLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LEFT_DCLICK" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LEFT_DCLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_DOUBLECLICKED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_DOUBLECLICKED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_DOUBLECLICKED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_DOUBLECLICKED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_DOUBLECLICKED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_DOUBLECLICKED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_DOUBLECLICKED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_SELECTED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_SELECTED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_SELECTED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_SELECTED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_SELECTED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_SELECTED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_SELECTED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_DRAG@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_DRAG #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_DRAG :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_DRAG = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_DRAG foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_DRAG" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_DRAG :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_RDRAG@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_RDRAG #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_RDRAG :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_RDRAG = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_RDRAG foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_RDRAG" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_BEGIN_RDRAG :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_CACHE_HINT@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_CACHE_HINT #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_CACHE_HINT :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_CACHE_HINT = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_CACHE_HINT foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_CACHE_HINT" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_CACHE_HINT :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_BEGIN_DRAG@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_BEGIN_DRAG #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_BEGIN_DRAG :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_BEGIN_DRAG = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_BEGIN_DRAG foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_BEGIN_DRAG" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_BEGIN_DRAG :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_CLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_CLICK #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_CLICK :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_CLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_CLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_CLICK" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_CLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_DRAGGING@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_DRAGGING #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_DRAGGING :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_DRAGGING = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_DRAGGING foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_DRAGGING" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_DRAGGING :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_END_DRAG@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_END_DRAG #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_END_DRAG :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_END_DRAG = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_END_DRAG foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_END_DRAG" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_END_DRAG :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_RIGHT_CLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_RIGHT_CLICK #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_RIGHT_CLICK :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_RIGHT_CLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_RIGHT_CLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_RIGHT_CLICK" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_COL_RIGHT_CLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_DELETE_ALL_ITEMS@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_DELETE_ALL_ITEMS #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_DELETE_ALL_ITEMS :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_DELETE_ALL_ITEMS = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_DELETE_ALL_ITEMS foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_DELETE_ALL_ITEMS" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_DELETE_ALL_ITEMS :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_DELETE_ITEM@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_DELETE_ITEM #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_DELETE_ITEM :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_DELETE_ITEM = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_DELETE_ITEM foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_DELETE_ITEM" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_DELETE_ITEM :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_END_LABEL_EDIT :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_INSERT_ITEM@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_INSERT_ITEM #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_INSERT_ITEM :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_INSERT_ITEM = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_INSERT_ITEM foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_INSERT_ITEM" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_INSERT_ITEM :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_FOCUSED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_FOCUSED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_FOCUSED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_FOCUSED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_FOCUSED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_FOCUSED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_FOCUSED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_KEY_DOWN@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_KEY_DOWN #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_KEY_DOWN :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_LIST_KEY_DOWN = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_KEY_DOWN foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_KEY_DOWN" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_LIST_KEY_DOWN :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBOX_SELECTED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBOX_SELECTED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBOX_SELECTED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBOX_SELECTED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBOX_SELECTED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBOX_SELECTED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBOX_SELECTED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBUTTON_SELECTED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBUTTON_SELECTED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBUTTON_SELECTED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBUTTON_SELECTED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBUTTON_SELECTED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBUTTON_SELECTED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBUTTON_SELECTED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_CLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_CLICK #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_CLICK :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_CLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_CLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_CLICK" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_CLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_DCLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_DCLICK #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_DCLICK :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_DCLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_DCLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_DCLICK" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_DCLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_SCROLLBAR_UPDATED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_SCROLLBAR_UPDATED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_SCROLLBAR_UPDATED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_SCROLLBAR_UPDATED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_SCROLLBAR_UPDATED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_SCROLLBAR_UPDATED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_SCROLLBAR_UPDATED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_SET_FOCUS@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_SET_FOCUS #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_SET_FOCUS :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_SET_FOCUS = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_SET_FOCUS foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_SET_FOCUS" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_SET_FOCUS :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_SLIDER_UPDATED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_SLIDER_UPDATED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_SLIDER_UPDATED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_SLIDER_UPDATED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_SLIDER_UPDATED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_SLIDER_UPDATED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_SLIDER_UPDATED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRL_UPDATED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRL_UPDATED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRL_UPDATED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRL_UPDATED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRL_UPDATED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRL_UPDATED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_SPINCTRL_UPDATED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_DOUBLECLICKED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_DOUBLECLICKED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_DOUBLECLICKED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_DOUBLECLICKED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_DOUBLECLICKED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_DOUBLECLICKED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_DOUBLECLICKED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGING@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGING #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGING :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGING = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGING foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGING" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGING :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_UNSPLIT@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_UNSPLIT #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_UNSPLIT :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_UNSPLIT = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_UNSPLIT foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_UNSPLIT" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_UNSPLIT :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGING@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGING #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGING :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGING = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGING foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGING" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TAB_SEL_CHANGING :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_ENTER@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_ENTER #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_ENTER :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_ENTER = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_ENTER foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_ENTER" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_ENTER :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_RCLICKED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_RCLICKED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_RCLICKED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_RCLICKED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_RCLICKED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_RCLICKED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_RCLICKED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_DRAG@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_DRAG #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_DRAG :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_DRAG = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_DRAG foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_DRAG" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_DRAG :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_RDRAG@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_RDRAG #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_RDRAG :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_RDRAG = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_RDRAG foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_RDRAG" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_BEGIN_RDRAG :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_DELETE_ITEM@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_DELETE_ITEM #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_DELETE_ITEM :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_DELETE_ITEM = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_DELETE_ITEM foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_DELETE_ITEM" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_DELETE_ITEM :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_DRAG@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_DRAG #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_DRAG :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_DRAG = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_DRAG foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_DRAG" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_DRAG :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_GET_INFO@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_GET_INFO #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_GET_INFO :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_GET_INFO = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_GET_INFO foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_GET_INFO" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_GET_INFO :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSING@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSING #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSING :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSING = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSING foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSING" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSING :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDING@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDING #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDING :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDING = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDING foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDING" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDING :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_MIDDLE_CLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_KEY_DOWN@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_KEY_DOWN #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_KEY_DOWN :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_KEY_DOWN = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_KEY_DOWN foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_KEY_DOWN" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_KEY_DOWN :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGING@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGING #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGING :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGING = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGING foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGING" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGING :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SET_INFO@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SET_INFO #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SET_INFO :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SET_INFO = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SET_INFO foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SET_INFO" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SET_INFO :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMMAND_VLBOX_SELECTED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMMAND_VLBOX_SELECTED #-} wxEVT_COMMAND_VLBOX_SELECTED :: EventId wxEVT_COMMAND_VLBOX_SELECTED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMMAND_VLBOX_SELECTED foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMMAND_VLBOX_SELECTED" wx_expEVT_COMMAND_VLBOX_SELECTED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_COMPARE_ITEM@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_COMPARE_ITEM #-} wxEVT_COMPARE_ITEM :: EventId wxEVT_COMPARE_ITEM = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_COMPARE_ITEM foreign import ccall "expEVT_COMPARE_ITEM" wx_expEVT_COMPARE_ITEM :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_CONTEXT_MENU@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_CONTEXT_MENU #-} wxEVT_CONTEXT_MENU :: EventId wxEVT_CONTEXT_MENU = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_CONTEXT_MENU foreign import ccall "expEVT_CONTEXT_MENU" wx_expEVT_CONTEXT_MENU :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_CREATE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_CREATE #-} wxEVT_CREATE :: EventId wxEVT_CREATE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_CREATE foreign import ccall "expEVT_CREATE" wx_expEVT_CREATE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_DELETE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_DELETE #-} wxEVT_DELETE :: EventId wxEVT_DELETE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_DELETE foreign import ccall "expEVT_DELETE" wx_expEVT_DELETE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_DESTROY@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_DESTROY #-} wxEVT_DESTROY :: EventId wxEVT_DESTROY = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_DESTROY foreign import ccall "expEVT_DESTROY" wx_expEVT_DESTROY :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_DETAILED_HELP@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_DETAILED_HELP #-} wxEVT_DETAILED_HELP :: EventId wxEVT_DETAILED_HELP = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_DETAILED_HELP foreign import ccall "expEVT_DETAILED_HELP" wx_expEVT_DETAILED_HELP :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_DIALUP_CONNECTED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_DIALUP_CONNECTED #-} wxEVT_DIALUP_CONNECTED :: EventId wxEVT_DIALUP_CONNECTED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_DIALUP_CONNECTED foreign import ccall "expEVT_DIALUP_CONNECTED" wx_expEVT_DIALUP_CONNECTED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_DIALUP_DISCONNECTED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_DIALUP_DISCONNECTED #-} wxEVT_DIALUP_DISCONNECTED :: EventId wxEVT_DIALUP_DISCONNECTED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_DIALUP_DISCONNECTED foreign import ccall "expEVT_DIALUP_DISCONNECTED" wx_expEVT_DIALUP_DISCONNECTED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_DRAW_ITEM@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_DRAW_ITEM #-} wxEVT_DRAW_ITEM :: EventId wxEVT_DRAW_ITEM = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_DRAW_ITEM foreign import ccall "expEVT_DRAW_ITEM" wx_expEVT_DRAW_ITEM :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_DROP_FILES@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_DROP_FILES #-} wxEVT_DROP_FILES :: EventId wxEVT_DROP_FILES = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_DROP_FILES foreign import ccall "expEVT_DROP_FILES" wx_expEVT_DROP_FILES :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_END_PROCESS@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_END_PROCESS #-} wxEVT_END_PROCESS :: EventId wxEVT_END_PROCESS = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_END_PROCESS foreign import ccall "expEVT_END_PROCESS" wx_expEVT_END_PROCESS :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_END_SESSION@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_END_SESSION #-} wxEVT_END_SESSION :: EventId wxEVT_END_SESSION = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_END_SESSION foreign import ccall "expEVT_END_SESSION" wx_expEVT_END_SESSION :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW #-} wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW :: EventId wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_ENTER_WINDOW foreign import ccall "expEVT_ENTER_WINDOW" wx_expEVT_ENTER_WINDOW :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND #-} wxEVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND :: EventId wxEVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND foreign import ccall "expEVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND" wx_expEVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE #-} wxEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE :: EventId wxEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE foreign import ccall "expEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE" wx_expEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK #-} wxEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK :: EventId wxEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK" wx_expEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK #-} wxEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK :: EventId wxEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK" wx_expEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK #-} wxEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK :: EventId wxEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK" wx_expEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_DCLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_DCLICK #-} wxEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_DCLICK :: EventId wxEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_DCLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_DCLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_DCLICK" wx_expEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_DCLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_GRID_COL_SIZE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_GRID_COL_SIZE #-} wxEVT_GRID_COL_SIZE :: EventId wxEVT_GRID_COL_SIZE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_GRID_COL_SIZE foreign import ccall "expEVT_GRID_COL_SIZE" wx_expEVT_GRID_COL_SIZE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_CREATED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_CREATED #-} wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_CREATED :: EventId wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_CREATED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_GRID_EDITOR_CREATED foreign import ccall "expEVT_GRID_EDITOR_CREATED" wx_expEVT_GRID_EDITOR_CREATED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN #-} wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN :: EventId wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN foreign import ccall "expEVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN" wx_expEVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN #-} wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN :: EventId wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN foreign import ccall "expEVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN" wx_expEVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK #-} wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK :: EventId wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK" wx_expEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK #-} wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK :: EventId wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK" wx_expEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK #-} wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK :: EventId wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK" wx_expEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_DCLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_DCLICK #-} wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_DCLICK :: EventId wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_DCLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_DCLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_DCLICK" wx_expEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_DCLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_GRID_RANGE_SELECT@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_GRID_RANGE_SELECT #-} wxEVT_GRID_RANGE_SELECT :: EventId wxEVT_GRID_RANGE_SELECT = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_GRID_RANGE_SELECT foreign import ccall "expEVT_GRID_RANGE_SELECT" wx_expEVT_GRID_RANGE_SELECT :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_GRID_ROW_SIZE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_GRID_ROW_SIZE #-} wxEVT_GRID_ROW_SIZE :: EventId wxEVT_GRID_ROW_SIZE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_GRID_ROW_SIZE foreign import ccall "expEVT_GRID_ROW_SIZE" wx_expEVT_GRID_ROW_SIZE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL #-} wxEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL :: EventId wxEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL foreign import ccall "expEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL" wx_expEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_HELP@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_HELP #-} wxEVT_HELP :: EventId wxEVT_HELP = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_HELP foreign import ccall "expEVT_HELP" wx_expEVT_HELP :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_HTML_CELL_CLICKED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_HTML_CELL_CLICKED #-} wxEVT_HTML_CELL_CLICKED :: EventId wxEVT_HTML_CELL_CLICKED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_HTML_CELL_CLICKED foreign import ccall "expEVT_HTML_CELL_CLICKED" wx_expEVT_HTML_CELL_CLICKED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_HTML_CELL_MOUSE_HOVER@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_HTML_CELL_MOUSE_HOVER #-} wxEVT_HTML_CELL_MOUSE_HOVER :: EventId wxEVT_HTML_CELL_MOUSE_HOVER = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_HTML_CELL_MOUSE_HOVER foreign import ccall "expEVT_HTML_CELL_MOUSE_HOVER" wx_expEVT_HTML_CELL_MOUSE_HOVER :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_HTML_LINK_CLICKED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_HTML_LINK_CLICKED #-} wxEVT_HTML_LINK_CLICKED :: EventId wxEVT_HTML_LINK_CLICKED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_HTML_LINK_CLICKED foreign import ccall "expEVT_HTML_LINK_CLICKED" wx_expEVT_HTML_LINK_CLICKED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_HTML_SET_TITLE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_HTML_SET_TITLE #-} wxEVT_HTML_SET_TITLE :: EventId wxEVT_HTML_SET_TITLE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_HTML_SET_TITLE foreign import ccall "expEVT_HTML_SET_TITLE" wx_expEVT_HTML_SET_TITLE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_ICONIZE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_ICONIZE #-} wxEVT_ICONIZE :: EventId wxEVT_ICONIZE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_ICONIZE foreign import ccall "expEVT_ICONIZE" wx_expEVT_ICONIZE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_IDLE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_IDLE #-} wxEVT_IDLE :: EventId wxEVT_IDLE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_IDLE foreign import ccall "expEVT_IDLE" wx_expEVT_IDLE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_INIT_DIALOG@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_INIT_DIALOG #-} wxEVT_INIT_DIALOG :: EventId wxEVT_INIT_DIALOG = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_INIT_DIALOG foreign import ccall "expEVT_INIT_DIALOG" wx_expEVT_INIT_DIALOG :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_INPUT_SINK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_INPUT_SINK #-} wxEVT_INPUT_SINK :: EventId wxEVT_INPUT_SINK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_INPUT_SINK foreign import ccall "expEVT_INPUT_SINK" wx_expEVT_INPUT_SINK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_KEY_DOWN@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_KEY_DOWN #-} wxEVT_KEY_DOWN :: EventId wxEVT_KEY_DOWN = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_KEY_DOWN foreign import ccall "expEVT_KEY_DOWN" wx_expEVT_KEY_DOWN :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_KEY_UP@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_KEY_UP #-} wxEVT_KEY_UP :: EventId wxEVT_KEY_UP = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_KEY_UP foreign import ccall "expEVT_KEY_UP" wx_expEVT_KEY_UP :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS #-} wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS :: EventId wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_KILL_FOCUS foreign import ccall "expEVT_KILL_FOCUS" wx_expEVT_KILL_FOCUS :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW #-} wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW :: EventId wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW foreign import ccall "expEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW" wx_expEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK #-} wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK :: EventId wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_LEFT_DCLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_LEFT_DCLICK" wx_expEVT_LEFT_DCLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN #-} wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN :: EventId wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_LEFT_DOWN foreign import ccall "expEVT_LEFT_DOWN" wx_expEVT_LEFT_DOWN :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_LEFT_UP@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_LEFT_UP #-} wxEVT_LEFT_UP :: EventId wxEVT_LEFT_UP = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_LEFT_UP foreign import ccall "expEVT_LEFT_UP" wx_expEVT_LEFT_UP :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_MAXIMIZE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_MAXIMIZE #-} wxEVT_MAXIMIZE :: EventId wxEVT_MAXIMIZE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_MAXIMIZE foreign import ccall "expEVT_MAXIMIZE" wx_expEVT_MAXIMIZE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_MEASURE_ITEM@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_MEASURE_ITEM #-} wxEVT_MEASURE_ITEM :: EventId wxEVT_MEASURE_ITEM = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_MEASURE_ITEM foreign import ccall "expEVT_MEASURE_ITEM" wx_expEVT_MEASURE_ITEM :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_MENU_CHAR@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_MENU_CHAR #-} wxEVT_MENU_CHAR :: EventId wxEVT_MENU_CHAR = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_MENU_CHAR foreign import ccall "expEVT_MENU_CHAR" wx_expEVT_MENU_CHAR :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT #-} wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT :: EventId wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT foreign import ccall "expEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT" wx_expEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_MENU_INIT@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_MENU_INIT #-} wxEVT_MENU_INIT :: EventId wxEVT_MENU_INIT = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_MENU_INIT foreign import ccall "expEVT_MENU_INIT" wx_expEVT_MENU_INIT :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK #-} wxEVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK :: EventId wxEVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK" wx_expEVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN #-} wxEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN :: EventId wxEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN foreign import ccall "expEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN" wx_expEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_MIDDLE_UP@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_MIDDLE_UP #-} wxEVT_MIDDLE_UP :: EventId wxEVT_MIDDLE_UP = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_MIDDLE_UP foreign import ccall "expEVT_MIDDLE_UP" wx_expEVT_MIDDLE_UP :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_MOTION@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_MOTION #-} wxEVT_MOTION :: EventId wxEVT_MOTION = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_MOTION foreign import ccall "expEVT_MOTION" wx_expEVT_MOTION :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL #-} wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL :: EventId wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_MOUSEWHEEL foreign import ccall "expEVT_MOUSEWHEEL" wx_expEVT_MOUSEWHEEL :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_CHANGED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_CHANGED #-} wxEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_CHANGED :: EventId wxEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_CHANGED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_CHANGED foreign import ccall "expEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_CHANGED" wx_expEVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_CHANGED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_MOVE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_MOVE #-} wxEVT_MOVE :: EventId wxEVT_MOVE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_MOVE foreign import ccall "expEVT_MOVE" wx_expEVT_MOVE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_NAVIGATION_KEY@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_NAVIGATION_KEY #-} wxEVT_NAVIGATION_KEY :: EventId wxEVT_NAVIGATION_KEY = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_NAVIGATION_KEY foreign import ccall "expEVT_NAVIGATION_KEY" wx_expEVT_NAVIGATION_KEY :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_NC_ENTER_WINDOW@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_NC_ENTER_WINDOW #-} wxEVT_NC_ENTER_WINDOW :: EventId wxEVT_NC_ENTER_WINDOW = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_NC_ENTER_WINDOW foreign import ccall "expEVT_NC_ENTER_WINDOW" wx_expEVT_NC_ENTER_WINDOW :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_NC_LEAVE_WINDOW@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_NC_LEAVE_WINDOW #-} wxEVT_NC_LEAVE_WINDOW :: EventId wxEVT_NC_LEAVE_WINDOW = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_NC_LEAVE_WINDOW foreign import ccall "expEVT_NC_LEAVE_WINDOW" wx_expEVT_NC_LEAVE_WINDOW :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_NC_LEFT_DCLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_NC_LEFT_DCLICK #-} wxEVT_NC_LEFT_DCLICK :: EventId wxEVT_NC_LEFT_DCLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_NC_LEFT_DCLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_NC_LEFT_DCLICK" wx_expEVT_NC_LEFT_DCLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_NC_LEFT_DOWN@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_NC_LEFT_DOWN #-} wxEVT_NC_LEFT_DOWN :: EventId wxEVT_NC_LEFT_DOWN = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_NC_LEFT_DOWN foreign import ccall "expEVT_NC_LEFT_DOWN" wx_expEVT_NC_LEFT_DOWN :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_NC_LEFT_UP@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_NC_LEFT_UP #-} wxEVT_NC_LEFT_UP :: EventId wxEVT_NC_LEFT_UP = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_NC_LEFT_UP foreign import ccall "expEVT_NC_LEFT_UP" wx_expEVT_NC_LEFT_UP :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_NC_MIDDLE_DCLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_NC_MIDDLE_DCLICK #-} wxEVT_NC_MIDDLE_DCLICK :: EventId wxEVT_NC_MIDDLE_DCLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_NC_MIDDLE_DCLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_NC_MIDDLE_DCLICK" wx_expEVT_NC_MIDDLE_DCLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_NC_MIDDLE_DOWN@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_NC_MIDDLE_DOWN #-} wxEVT_NC_MIDDLE_DOWN :: EventId wxEVT_NC_MIDDLE_DOWN = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_NC_MIDDLE_DOWN foreign import ccall "expEVT_NC_MIDDLE_DOWN" wx_expEVT_NC_MIDDLE_DOWN :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_NC_MIDDLE_UP@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_NC_MIDDLE_UP #-} wxEVT_NC_MIDDLE_UP :: EventId wxEVT_NC_MIDDLE_UP = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_NC_MIDDLE_UP foreign import ccall "expEVT_NC_MIDDLE_UP" wx_expEVT_NC_MIDDLE_UP :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_NC_MOTION@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_NC_MOTION #-} wxEVT_NC_MOTION :: EventId wxEVT_NC_MOTION = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_NC_MOTION foreign import ccall "expEVT_NC_MOTION" wx_expEVT_NC_MOTION :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_NC_PAINT@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_NC_PAINT #-} wxEVT_NC_PAINT :: EventId wxEVT_NC_PAINT = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_NC_PAINT foreign import ccall "expEVT_NC_PAINT" wx_expEVT_NC_PAINT :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_NC_RIGHT_DCLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_NC_RIGHT_DCLICK #-} wxEVT_NC_RIGHT_DCLICK :: EventId wxEVT_NC_RIGHT_DCLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_NC_RIGHT_DCLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_NC_RIGHT_DCLICK" wx_expEVT_NC_RIGHT_DCLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_NC_RIGHT_DOWN@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_NC_RIGHT_DOWN #-} wxEVT_NC_RIGHT_DOWN :: EventId wxEVT_NC_RIGHT_DOWN = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_NC_RIGHT_DOWN foreign import ccall "expEVT_NC_RIGHT_DOWN" wx_expEVT_NC_RIGHT_DOWN :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_NC_RIGHT_UP@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_NC_RIGHT_UP #-} wxEVT_NC_RIGHT_UP :: EventId wxEVT_NC_RIGHT_UP = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_NC_RIGHT_UP foreign import ccall "expEVT_NC_RIGHT_UP" wx_expEVT_NC_RIGHT_UP :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_PAINT@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_PAINT #-} wxEVT_PAINT :: EventId wxEVT_PAINT = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_PAINT foreign import ccall "expEVT_PAINT" wx_expEVT_PAINT :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_PAINT_ICON@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_PAINT_ICON #-} wxEVT_PAINT_ICON :: EventId wxEVT_PAINT_ICON = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_PAINT_ICON foreign import ccall "expEVT_PAINT_ICON" wx_expEVT_PAINT_ICON :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_PALETTE_CHANGED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_PALETTE_CHANGED #-} wxEVT_PALETTE_CHANGED :: EventId wxEVT_PALETTE_CHANGED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_PALETTE_CHANGED foreign import ccall "expEVT_PALETTE_CHANGED" wx_expEVT_PALETTE_CHANGED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_POPUP_MENU_INIT@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_POPUP_MENU_INIT #-} wxEVT_POPUP_MENU_INIT :: EventId wxEVT_POPUP_MENU_INIT = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_POPUP_MENU_INIT foreign import ccall "expEVT_POPUP_MENU_INIT" wx_expEVT_POPUP_MENU_INIT :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_POWER@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_POWER #-} wxEVT_POWER :: EventId wxEVT_POWER = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_POWER foreign import ccall "expEVT_POWER" wx_expEVT_POWER :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_POWER_RESUME@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_POWER_RESUME #-} wxEVT_POWER_RESUME :: EventId wxEVT_POWER_RESUME = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_POWER_RESUME foreign import ccall "expEVT_POWER_RESUME" wx_expEVT_POWER_RESUME :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_POWER_SUSPENDED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_POWER_SUSPENDED #-} wxEVT_POWER_SUSPENDED :: EventId wxEVT_POWER_SUSPENDED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_POWER_SUSPENDED foreign import ccall "expEVT_POWER_SUSPENDED" wx_expEVT_POWER_SUSPENDED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_POWER_SUSPENDING@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_POWER_SUSPENDING #-} wxEVT_POWER_SUSPENDING :: EventId wxEVT_POWER_SUSPENDING = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_POWER_SUSPENDING foreign import ccall "expEVT_POWER_SUSPENDING" wx_expEVT_POWER_SUSPENDING :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_POWER_SUSPEND_CANCEL@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_POWER_SUSPEND_CANCEL #-} wxEVT_POWER_SUSPEND_CANCEL :: EventId wxEVT_POWER_SUSPEND_CANCEL = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_POWER_SUSPEND_CANCEL foreign import ccall "expEVT_POWER_SUSPEND_CANCEL" wx_expEVT_POWER_SUSPEND_CANCEL :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_PRINT_BEGIN@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_PRINT_BEGIN #-} wxEVT_PRINT_BEGIN :: EventId wxEVT_PRINT_BEGIN = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_PRINT_BEGIN foreign import ccall "expEVT_PRINT_BEGIN" wx_expEVT_PRINT_BEGIN :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_PRINT_BEGIN_DOC@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_PRINT_BEGIN_DOC #-} wxEVT_PRINT_BEGIN_DOC :: EventId wxEVT_PRINT_BEGIN_DOC = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_PRINT_BEGIN_DOC foreign import ccall "expEVT_PRINT_BEGIN_DOC" wx_expEVT_PRINT_BEGIN_DOC :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_PRINT_END@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_PRINT_END #-} wxEVT_PRINT_END :: EventId wxEVT_PRINT_END = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_PRINT_END foreign import ccall "expEVT_PRINT_END" wx_expEVT_PRINT_END :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_PRINT_END_DOC@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_PRINT_END_DOC #-} wxEVT_PRINT_END_DOC :: EventId wxEVT_PRINT_END_DOC = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_PRINT_END_DOC foreign import ccall "expEVT_PRINT_END_DOC" wx_expEVT_PRINT_END_DOC :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_PRINT_PAGE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_PRINT_PAGE #-} wxEVT_PRINT_PAGE :: EventId wxEVT_PRINT_PAGE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_PRINT_PAGE foreign import ccall "expEVT_PRINT_PAGE" wx_expEVT_PRINT_PAGE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_PRINT_PREPARE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_PRINT_PREPARE #-} wxEVT_PRINT_PREPARE :: EventId wxEVT_PRINT_PREPARE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_PRINT_PREPARE foreign import ccall "expEVT_PRINT_PREPARE" wx_expEVT_PRINT_PREPARE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_QUERY_END_SESSION@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_QUERY_END_SESSION #-} wxEVT_QUERY_END_SESSION :: EventId wxEVT_QUERY_END_SESSION = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_QUERY_END_SESSION foreign import ccall "expEVT_QUERY_END_SESSION" wx_expEVT_QUERY_END_SESSION :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_QUERY_NEW_PALETTE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_QUERY_NEW_PALETTE #-} wxEVT_QUERY_NEW_PALETTE :: EventId wxEVT_QUERY_NEW_PALETTE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_QUERY_NEW_PALETTE foreign import ccall "expEVT_QUERY_NEW_PALETTE" wx_expEVT_QUERY_NEW_PALETTE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK #-} wxEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK :: EventId wxEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK" wx_expEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN #-} wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN :: EventId wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_RIGHT_DOWN foreign import ccall "expEVT_RIGHT_DOWN" wx_expEVT_RIGHT_DOWN :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_RIGHT_UP@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_RIGHT_UP #-} wxEVT_RIGHT_UP :: EventId wxEVT_RIGHT_UP = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_RIGHT_UP foreign import ccall "expEVT_RIGHT_UP" wx_expEVT_RIGHT_UP :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM #-} wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM :: EventId wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM foreign import ccall "expEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM" wx_expEVT_SCROLLWIN_BOTTOM :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN #-} wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN :: EventId wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN foreign import ccall "expEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN" wx_expEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP #-} wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP :: EventId wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP foreign import ccall "expEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP" wx_expEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN #-} wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN :: EventId wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN foreign import ccall "expEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN" wx_expEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP #-} wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP :: EventId wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP foreign import ccall "expEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP" wx_expEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBRELEASE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBRELEASE #-} wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBRELEASE :: EventId wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBRELEASE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBRELEASE foreign import ccall "expEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBRELEASE" wx_expEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBRELEASE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBTRACK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBTRACK #-} wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBTRACK :: EventId wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBTRACK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBTRACK foreign import ccall "expEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBTRACK" wx_expEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBTRACK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP #-} wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP :: EventId wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP foreign import ccall "expEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP" wx_expEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SCROLL_BOTTOM@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SCROLL_BOTTOM #-} wxEVT_SCROLL_BOTTOM :: EventId wxEVT_SCROLL_BOTTOM = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SCROLL_BOTTOM foreign import ccall "expEVT_SCROLL_BOTTOM" wx_expEVT_SCROLL_BOTTOM :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEDOWN@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEDOWN #-} wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEDOWN :: EventId wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEDOWN = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SCROLL_LINEDOWN foreign import ccall "expEVT_SCROLL_LINEDOWN" wx_expEVT_SCROLL_LINEDOWN :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEUP@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEUP #-} wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEUP :: EventId wxEVT_SCROLL_LINEUP = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SCROLL_LINEUP foreign import ccall "expEVT_SCROLL_LINEUP" wx_expEVT_SCROLL_LINEUP :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEDOWN@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEDOWN #-} wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEDOWN :: EventId wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEDOWN = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SCROLL_PAGEDOWN foreign import ccall "expEVT_SCROLL_PAGEDOWN" wx_expEVT_SCROLL_PAGEDOWN :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEUP@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEUP #-} wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEUP :: EventId wxEVT_SCROLL_PAGEUP = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SCROLL_PAGEUP foreign import ccall "expEVT_SCROLL_PAGEUP" wx_expEVT_SCROLL_PAGEUP :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SCROLL_THUMBRELEASE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SCROLL_THUMBRELEASE #-} wxEVT_SCROLL_THUMBRELEASE :: EventId wxEVT_SCROLL_THUMBRELEASE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SCROLL_THUMBRELEASE foreign import ccall "expEVT_SCROLL_THUMBRELEASE" wx_expEVT_SCROLL_THUMBRELEASE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SCROLL_THUMBTRACK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SCROLL_THUMBTRACK #-} wxEVT_SCROLL_THUMBTRACK :: EventId wxEVT_SCROLL_THUMBTRACK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SCROLL_THUMBTRACK foreign import ccall "expEVT_SCROLL_THUMBTRACK" wx_expEVT_SCROLL_THUMBTRACK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SCROLL_TOP@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SCROLL_TOP #-} wxEVT_SCROLL_TOP :: EventId wxEVT_SCROLL_TOP = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SCROLL_TOP foreign import ccall "expEVT_SCROLL_TOP" wx_expEVT_SCROLL_TOP :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SETTING_CHANGED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SETTING_CHANGED #-} wxEVT_SETTING_CHANGED :: EventId wxEVT_SETTING_CHANGED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SETTING_CHANGED foreign import ccall "expEVT_SETTING_CHANGED" wx_expEVT_SETTING_CHANGED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SET_CURSOR@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SET_CURSOR #-} wxEVT_SET_CURSOR :: EventId wxEVT_SET_CURSOR = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SET_CURSOR foreign import ccall "expEVT_SET_CURSOR" wx_expEVT_SET_CURSOR :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SET_FOCUS@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SET_FOCUS #-} wxEVT_SET_FOCUS :: EventId wxEVT_SET_FOCUS = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SET_FOCUS foreign import ccall "expEVT_SET_FOCUS" wx_expEVT_SET_FOCUS :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SHOW@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SHOW #-} wxEVT_SHOW :: EventId wxEVT_SHOW = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SHOW foreign import ccall "expEVT_SHOW" wx_expEVT_SHOW :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SIZE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SIZE #-} wxEVT_SIZE :: EventId wxEVT_SIZE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SIZE foreign import ccall "expEVT_SIZE" wx_expEVT_SIZE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SOCKET@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SOCKET #-} wxEVT_SOCKET :: EventId wxEVT_SOCKET = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SOCKET foreign import ccall "expEVT_SOCKET" wx_expEVT_SOCKET :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SORT@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SORT #-} wxEVT_SORT :: EventId wxEVT_SORT = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SORT foreign import ccall "expEVT_SORT" wx_expEVT_SORT :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_AUTOCOMP_SELECTION@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_AUTOCOMP_SELECTION #-} wxEVT_STC_AUTOCOMP_SELECTION :: EventId wxEVT_STC_AUTOCOMP_SELECTION = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_AUTOCOMP_SELECTION foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_AUTOCOMP_SELECTION" wx_expEVT_STC_AUTOCOMP_SELECTION :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_CALLTIP_CLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_CALLTIP_CLICK #-} wxEVT_STC_CALLTIP_CLICK :: EventId wxEVT_STC_CALLTIP_CLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_CALLTIP_CLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_CALLTIP_CLICK" wx_expEVT_STC_CALLTIP_CLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_CHANGE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_CHANGE #-} wxEVT_STC_CHANGE :: EventId wxEVT_STC_CHANGE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_CHANGE foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_CHANGE" wx_expEVT_STC_CHANGE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_CHARADDED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_CHARADDED #-} wxEVT_STC_CHARADDED :: EventId wxEVT_STC_CHARADDED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_CHARADDED foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_CHARADDED" wx_expEVT_STC_CHARADDED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_DOUBLECLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_DOUBLECLICK #-} wxEVT_STC_DOUBLECLICK :: EventId wxEVT_STC_DOUBLECLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_DOUBLECLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_DOUBLECLICK" wx_expEVT_STC_DOUBLECLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_DO_DROP@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_DO_DROP #-} wxEVT_STC_DO_DROP :: EventId wxEVT_STC_DO_DROP = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_DO_DROP foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_DO_DROP" wx_expEVT_STC_DO_DROP :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_DRAG_OVER@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_DRAG_OVER #-} wxEVT_STC_DRAG_OVER :: EventId wxEVT_STC_DRAG_OVER = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_DRAG_OVER foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_DRAG_OVER" wx_expEVT_STC_DRAG_OVER :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_DWELLEND@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_DWELLEND #-} wxEVT_STC_DWELLEND :: EventId wxEVT_STC_DWELLEND = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_DWELLEND foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_DWELLEND" wx_expEVT_STC_DWELLEND :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_DWELLSTART@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_DWELLSTART #-} wxEVT_STC_DWELLSTART :: EventId wxEVT_STC_DWELLSTART = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_DWELLSTART foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_DWELLSTART" wx_expEVT_STC_DWELLSTART :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_CLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_CLICK #-} wxEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_CLICK :: EventId wxEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_CLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_CLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_CLICK" wx_expEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_CLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_DCLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_DCLICK #-} wxEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_DCLICK :: EventId wxEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_DCLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_DCLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_DCLICK" wx_expEVT_STC_HOTSPOT_DCLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_KEY@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_KEY #-} wxEVT_STC_KEY :: EventId wxEVT_STC_KEY = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_KEY foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_KEY" wx_expEVT_STC_KEY :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_MACRORECORD@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_MACRORECORD #-} wxEVT_STC_MACRORECORD :: EventId wxEVT_STC_MACRORECORD = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_MACRORECORD foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_MACRORECORD" wx_expEVT_STC_MACRORECORD :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_MARGINCLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_MARGINCLICK #-} wxEVT_STC_MARGINCLICK :: EventId wxEVT_STC_MARGINCLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_MARGINCLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_MARGINCLICK" wx_expEVT_STC_MARGINCLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_MODIFIED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_MODIFIED #-} wxEVT_STC_MODIFIED :: EventId wxEVT_STC_MODIFIED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_MODIFIED foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_MODIFIED" wx_expEVT_STC_MODIFIED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_NEEDSHOWN@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_NEEDSHOWN #-} wxEVT_STC_NEEDSHOWN :: EventId wxEVT_STC_NEEDSHOWN = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_NEEDSHOWN foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_NEEDSHOWN" wx_expEVT_STC_NEEDSHOWN :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_PAINTED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_PAINTED #-} wxEVT_STC_PAINTED :: EventId wxEVT_STC_PAINTED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_PAINTED foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_PAINTED" wx_expEVT_STC_PAINTED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_ROMODIFYATTEMPT@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_ROMODIFYATTEMPT #-} wxEVT_STC_ROMODIFYATTEMPT :: EventId wxEVT_STC_ROMODIFYATTEMPT = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_ROMODIFYATTEMPT foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_ROMODIFYATTEMPT" wx_expEVT_STC_ROMODIFYATTEMPT :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTLEFT@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTLEFT #-} wxEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTLEFT :: EventId wxEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTLEFT = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTLEFT foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTLEFT" wx_expEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTLEFT :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTREACHED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTREACHED #-} wxEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTREACHED :: EventId wxEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTREACHED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTREACHED foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTREACHED" wx_expEVT_STC_SAVEPOINTREACHED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_START_DRAG@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_START_DRAG #-} wxEVT_STC_START_DRAG :: EventId wxEVT_STC_START_DRAG = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_START_DRAG foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_START_DRAG" wx_expEVT_STC_START_DRAG :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_STYLENEEDED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_STYLENEEDED #-} wxEVT_STC_STYLENEEDED :: EventId wxEVT_STC_STYLENEEDED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_STYLENEEDED foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_STYLENEEDED" wx_expEVT_STC_STYLENEEDED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_UPDATEUI@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_UPDATEUI #-} wxEVT_STC_UPDATEUI :: EventId wxEVT_STC_UPDATEUI = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_UPDATEUI foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_UPDATEUI" wx_expEVT_STC_UPDATEUI :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_URIDROPPED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_URIDROPPED #-} wxEVT_STC_URIDROPPED :: EventId wxEVT_STC_URIDROPPED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_URIDROPPED foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_URIDROPPED" wx_expEVT_STC_URIDROPPED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_USERLISTSELECTION@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_USERLISTSELECTION #-} wxEVT_STC_USERLISTSELECTION :: EventId wxEVT_STC_USERLISTSELECTION = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_USERLISTSELECTION foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_USERLISTSELECTION" wx_expEVT_STC_USERLISTSELECTION :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_STC_ZOOM@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_STC_ZOOM #-} wxEVT_STC_ZOOM :: EventId wxEVT_STC_ZOOM = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_STC_ZOOM foreign import ccall "expEVT_STC_ZOOM" wx_expEVT_STC_ZOOM :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED #-} wxEVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED :: EventId wxEVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED foreign import ccall "expEVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED" wx_expEVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DCLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DCLICK #-} wxEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DCLICK :: EventId wxEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DCLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DCLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DCLICK" wx_expEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DCLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN #-} wxEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN :: EventId wxEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN foreign import ccall "expEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN" wx_expEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_UP@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_UP #-} wxEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_UP :: EventId wxEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_UP = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_UP foreign import ccall "expEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_UP" wx_expEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_UP :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_TASKBAR_MOVE@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_TASKBAR_MOVE #-} wxEVT_TASKBAR_MOVE :: EventId wxEVT_TASKBAR_MOVE = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_TASKBAR_MOVE foreign import ccall "expEVT_TASKBAR_MOVE" wx_expEVT_TASKBAR_MOVE :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DCLICK@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DCLICK #-} wxEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DCLICK :: EventId wxEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DCLICK = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DCLICK foreign import ccall "expEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DCLICK" wx_expEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DCLICK :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DOWN@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DOWN #-} wxEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DOWN :: EventId wxEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DOWN = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DOWN foreign import ccall "expEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DOWN" wx_expEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DOWN :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_UP@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_UP #-} wxEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_UP :: EventId wxEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_UP = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_UP foreign import ccall "expEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_UP" wx_expEVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_UP :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_TIMER@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_TIMER #-} wxEVT_TIMER :: EventId wxEVT_TIMER = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_TIMER foreign import ccall "expEVT_TIMER" wx_expEVT_TIMER :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_UPDATE_UI@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_UPDATE_UI #-} wxEVT_UPDATE_UI :: EventId wxEVT_UPDATE_UI = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_UPDATE_UI foreign import ccall "expEVT_UPDATE_UI" wx_expEVT_UPDATE_UI :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_WIZARD_CANCEL@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_WIZARD_CANCEL #-} wxEVT_WIZARD_CANCEL :: EventId wxEVT_WIZARD_CANCEL = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_WIZARD_CANCEL foreign import ccall "expEVT_WIZARD_CANCEL" wx_expEVT_WIZARD_CANCEL :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED #-} wxEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED :: EventId wxEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED foreign import ccall "expEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED" wx_expEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING@). {-# NOINLINE wxEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING #-} wxEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING :: EventId wxEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING = unsafePerformIO $ withIntResult $ wx_expEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING foreign import ccall "expEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING" wx_expEVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcAppBell@). wxcAppBell :: IO () wxcAppBell = wx_ELJApp_Bell foreign import ccall "ELJApp_Bell" wx_ELJApp_Bell :: IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppCreateLogTarget@). wxcAppCreateLogTarget :: IO (WXCLog ()) wxcAppCreateLogTarget = withObjectResult $ wx_ELJApp_CreateLogTarget foreign import ccall "ELJApp_CreateLogTarget" wx_ELJApp_CreateLogTarget :: IO (Ptr (TWXCLog ())) -- | usage: (@wxcAppDispatch@). wxcAppDispatch :: IO () wxcAppDispatch = wx_ELJApp_Dispatch foreign import ccall "ELJApp_Dispatch" wx_ELJApp_Dispatch :: IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppDisplaySize@). wxcAppDisplaySize :: IO Size wxcAppDisplaySize = withSizeResult $ \pw ph -> wx_ELJApp_DisplaySize pw ph foreign import ccall "ELJApp_DisplaySize" wx_ELJApp_DisplaySize :: Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppEnableTooltips enable@). wxcAppEnableTooltips :: Bool -> IO () wxcAppEnableTooltips _enable = wx_ELJApp_EnableTooltips (toCBool _enable) foreign import ccall "ELJApp_EnableTooltips" wx_ELJApp_EnableTooltips :: CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppEnableTopLevelWindows enb@). wxcAppEnableTopLevelWindows :: Int -> IO () wxcAppEnableTopLevelWindows _enb = wx_ELJApp_EnableTopLevelWindows (toCInt _enb) foreign import ccall "ELJApp_EnableTopLevelWindows" wx_ELJApp_EnableTopLevelWindows :: CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppExecuteProcess cmd snc prc@). wxcAppExecuteProcess :: String -> Int -> Process c -> IO Int wxcAppExecuteProcess _cmd _snc _prc = withIntResult $ withCWString _cmd $ \cstr__cmd -> withObjectPtr _prc $ \cobj__prc -> wx_ELJApp_ExecuteProcess cstr__cmd (toCInt _snc) cobj__prc foreign import ccall "ELJApp_ExecuteProcess" wx_ELJApp_ExecuteProcess :: CWString -> CInt -> Ptr (TProcess c) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcAppExit@). wxcAppExit :: IO () wxcAppExit = wx_ELJApp_Exit foreign import ccall "ELJApp_Exit" wx_ELJApp_Exit :: IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppExitMainLoop@). wxcAppExitMainLoop :: IO () wxcAppExitMainLoop = wx_ELJApp_ExitMainLoop foreign import ccall "ELJApp_ExitMainLoop" wx_ELJApp_ExitMainLoop :: IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppFindWindowById id prt@). wxcAppFindWindowById :: Id -> Window b -> IO (Ptr ()) wxcAppFindWindowById _id _prt = withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wx_ELJApp_FindWindowById (toCInt _id) cobj__prt foreign import ccall "ELJApp_FindWindowById" wx_ELJApp_FindWindowById :: CInt -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@wxcAppFindWindowByLabel lbl prt@). wxcAppFindWindowByLabel :: String -> Window b -> IO (Window ()) wxcAppFindWindowByLabel _lbl _prt = withObjectResult $ withCWString _lbl $ \cstr__lbl -> withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wx_ELJApp_FindWindowByLabel cstr__lbl cobj__prt foreign import ccall "ELJApp_FindWindowByLabel" wx_ELJApp_FindWindowByLabel :: CWString -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ())) -- | usage: (@wxcAppFindWindowByName lbl prt@). wxcAppFindWindowByName :: String -> Window b -> IO (Window ()) wxcAppFindWindowByName _lbl _prt = withObjectResult $ withCWString _lbl $ \cstr__lbl -> withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> wx_ELJApp_FindWindowByName cstr__lbl cobj__prt foreign import ccall "ELJApp_FindWindowByName" wx_ELJApp_FindWindowByName :: CWString -> Ptr (TWindow b) -> IO (Ptr (TWindow ())) -- | usage: (@wxcAppGetApp@). wxcAppGetApp :: IO (App ()) wxcAppGetApp = withObjectResult $ wx_ELJApp_GetApp foreign import ccall "ELJApp_GetApp" wx_ELJApp_GetApp :: IO (Ptr (TApp ())) -- | usage: (@wxcAppGetAppName@). wxcAppGetAppName :: IO String wxcAppGetAppName = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> wx_ELJApp_GetAppName buffer foreign import ccall "ELJApp_GetAppName" wx_ELJApp_GetAppName :: Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcAppGetClassName@). wxcAppGetClassName :: IO String wxcAppGetClassName = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> wx_ELJApp_GetClassName buffer foreign import ccall "ELJApp_GetClassName" wx_ELJApp_GetClassName :: Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcAppGetExitOnFrameDelete@). wxcAppGetExitOnFrameDelete :: IO Int wxcAppGetExitOnFrameDelete = withIntResult $ wx_ELJApp_GetExitOnFrameDelete foreign import ccall "ELJApp_GetExitOnFrameDelete" wx_ELJApp_GetExitOnFrameDelete :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcAppGetIdleInterval@). wxcAppGetIdleInterval :: IO Int wxcAppGetIdleInterval = withIntResult $ wx_ELJApp_GetIdleInterval foreign import ccall "ELJApp_GetIdleInterval" wx_ELJApp_GetIdleInterval :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcAppGetOsDescription@). wxcAppGetOsDescription :: IO String wxcAppGetOsDescription = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> wx_ELJApp_GetOsDescription buffer foreign import ccall "ELJApp_GetOsDescription" wx_ELJApp_GetOsDescription :: Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcAppGetOsVersion maj min@). wxcAppGetOsVersion :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> IO Int wxcAppGetOsVersion _maj _min = withIntResult $ wx_ELJApp_GetOsVersion _maj _min foreign import ccall "ELJApp_GetOsVersion" wx_ELJApp_GetOsVersion :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcAppGetTopWindow@). wxcAppGetTopWindow :: IO (Window ()) wxcAppGetTopWindow = withObjectResult $ wx_ELJApp_GetTopWindow foreign import ccall "ELJApp_GetTopWindow" wx_ELJApp_GetTopWindow :: IO (Ptr (TWindow ())) -- | usage: (@wxcAppGetUseBestVisual@). wxcAppGetUseBestVisual :: IO Int wxcAppGetUseBestVisual = withIntResult $ wx_ELJApp_GetUseBestVisual foreign import ccall "ELJApp_GetUseBestVisual" wx_ELJApp_GetUseBestVisual :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcAppGetUserHome usr@). wxcAppGetUserHome :: Ptr a -> IO String wxcAppGetUserHome _usr = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> wx_ELJApp_GetUserHome _usr buffer foreign import ccall "ELJApp_GetUserHome" wx_ELJApp_GetUserHome :: Ptr a -> Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcAppGetUserId@). wxcAppGetUserId :: IO String wxcAppGetUserId = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> wx_ELJApp_GetUserId buffer foreign import ccall "ELJApp_GetUserId" wx_ELJApp_GetUserId :: Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcAppGetUserName@). wxcAppGetUserName :: IO String wxcAppGetUserName = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> wx_ELJApp_GetUserName buffer foreign import ccall "ELJApp_GetUserName" wx_ELJApp_GetUserName :: Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcAppGetVendorName@). wxcAppGetVendorName :: IO String wxcAppGetVendorName = withWStringResult $ \buffer -> wx_ELJApp_GetVendorName buffer foreign import ccall "ELJApp_GetVendorName" wx_ELJApp_GetVendorName :: Ptr CWchar -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcAppInitAllImageHandlers@). wxcAppInitAllImageHandlers :: IO () wxcAppInitAllImageHandlers = wx_ELJApp_InitAllImageHandlers foreign import ccall "ELJApp_InitAllImageHandlers" wx_ELJApp_InitAllImageHandlers :: IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppInitializeC closure argc argv@). wxcAppInitializeC :: Closure a -> Int -> Ptr (Ptr CWchar) -> IO () wxcAppInitializeC closure _argc _argv = withObjectPtr closure $ \cobj_closure -> wx_ELJApp_InitializeC cobj_closure (toCInt _argc) _argv foreign import ccall "ELJApp_InitializeC" wx_ELJApp_InitializeC :: Ptr (TClosure a) -> CInt -> Ptr (Ptr CWchar) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppInitialized@). wxcAppInitialized :: IO Int wxcAppInitialized = withIntResult $ wx_ELJApp_Initialized foreign import ccall "ELJApp_Initialized" wx_ELJApp_Initialized :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcAppIsTerminating@). wxcAppIsTerminating :: IO Bool wxcAppIsTerminating = withBoolResult $ wx_ELJApp_IsTerminating foreign import ccall "ELJApp_IsTerminating" wx_ELJApp_IsTerminating :: IO CBool -- | usage: (@wxcAppMainLoop@). wxcAppMainLoop :: IO Int wxcAppMainLoop = withIntResult $ wx_ELJApp_MainLoop foreign import ccall "ELJApp_MainLoop" wx_ELJApp_MainLoop :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcAppMousePosition@). wxcAppMousePosition :: IO Point wxcAppMousePosition = withPointResult $ \px py -> wx_ELJApp_MousePosition px py foreign import ccall "ELJApp_MousePosition" wx_ELJApp_MousePosition :: Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppPending@). wxcAppPending :: IO Int wxcAppPending = withIntResult $ wx_ELJApp_Pending foreign import ccall "ELJApp_Pending" wx_ELJApp_Pending :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcAppSafeYield win@). wxcAppSafeYield :: Window a -> IO Int wxcAppSafeYield _win = withIntResult $ withObjectPtr _win $ \cobj__win -> wx_ELJApp_SafeYield cobj__win foreign import ccall "ELJApp_SafeYield" wx_ELJApp_SafeYield :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcAppSetAppName name@). wxcAppSetAppName :: String -> IO () wxcAppSetAppName name = withCWString name $ \cstr_name -> wx_ELJApp_SetAppName cstr_name foreign import ccall "ELJApp_SetAppName" wx_ELJApp_SetAppName :: CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppSetClassName name@). wxcAppSetClassName :: String -> IO () wxcAppSetClassName name = withCWString name $ \cstr_name -> wx_ELJApp_SetClassName cstr_name foreign import ccall "ELJApp_SetClassName" wx_ELJApp_SetClassName :: CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppSetExitOnFrameDelete flag@). wxcAppSetExitOnFrameDelete :: Int -> IO () wxcAppSetExitOnFrameDelete flag = wx_ELJApp_SetExitOnFrameDelete (toCInt flag) foreign import ccall "ELJApp_SetExitOnFrameDelete" wx_ELJApp_SetExitOnFrameDelete :: CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppSetIdleInterval interval@). wxcAppSetIdleInterval :: Int -> IO () wxcAppSetIdleInterval interval = wx_ELJApp_SetIdleInterval (toCInt interval) foreign import ccall "ELJApp_SetIdleInterval" wx_ELJApp_SetIdleInterval :: CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppSetPrintMode mode@). wxcAppSetPrintMode :: Int -> IO () wxcAppSetPrintMode mode = wx_ELJApp_SetPrintMode (toCInt mode) foreign import ccall "ELJApp_SetPrintMode" wx_ELJApp_SetPrintMode :: CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppSetTooltipDelay ms@). wxcAppSetTooltipDelay :: Int -> IO () wxcAppSetTooltipDelay _ms = wx_ELJApp_SetTooltipDelay (toCInt _ms) foreign import ccall "ELJApp_SetTooltipDelay" wx_ELJApp_SetTooltipDelay :: CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppSetTopWindow wnd@). wxcAppSetTopWindow :: Window a -> IO () wxcAppSetTopWindow _wnd = withObjectPtr _wnd $ \cobj__wnd -> wx_ELJApp_SetTopWindow cobj__wnd foreign import ccall "ELJApp_SetTopWindow" wx_ELJApp_SetTopWindow :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppSetUseBestVisual flag@). wxcAppSetUseBestVisual :: Int -> IO () wxcAppSetUseBestVisual flag = wx_ELJApp_SetUseBestVisual (toCInt flag) foreign import ccall "ELJApp_SetUseBestVisual" wx_ELJApp_SetUseBestVisual :: CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppSetVendorName name@). wxcAppSetVendorName :: String -> IO () wxcAppSetVendorName name = withCWString name $ \cstr_name -> wx_ELJApp_SetVendorName cstr_name foreign import ccall "ELJApp_SetVendorName" wx_ELJApp_SetVendorName :: CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppSleep scs@). wxcAppSleep :: Int -> IO () wxcAppSleep _scs = wx_ELJApp_Sleep (toCInt _scs) foreign import ccall "ELJApp_Sleep" wx_ELJApp_Sleep :: CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppUSleep mscs@). wxcAppUSleep :: Int -> IO () wxcAppUSleep _mscs = wx_ELJApp_USleep (toCInt _mscs) foreign import ccall "ELJApp_USleep" wx_ELJApp_USleep :: CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcAppYield@). wxcAppYield :: IO Int wxcAppYield = withIntResult $ wx_ELJApp_Yield foreign import ccall "ELJApp_Yield" wx_ELJApp_Yield :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcArtProvCreate obj clb@). wxcArtProvCreate :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> IO (WXCArtProv ()) wxcArtProvCreate _obj _clb = withObjectResult $ wx_ELJArtProv_Create _obj _clb foreign import ccall "ELJArtProv_Create" wx_ELJArtProv_Create :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> IO (Ptr (TWXCArtProv ())) -- | usage: (@wxcArtProvRelease obj@). wxcArtProvRelease :: WXCArtProv a -> IO () wxcArtProvRelease _obj = withObjectRef "wxcArtProvRelease" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJArtProv_Release cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJArtProv_Release" wx_ELJArtProv_Release :: Ptr (TWXCArtProv a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcBeginBusyCursor@). wxcBeginBusyCursor :: IO () wxcBeginBusyCursor = wx_wxcBeginBusyCursor foreign import ccall "wxcBeginBusyCursor" wx_wxcBeginBusyCursor :: IO () -- | usage: (@wxcBell@). wxcBell :: IO () wxcBell = wx_wxcBell foreign import ccall "wxcBell" wx_wxcBell :: IO () -- | usage: (@wxcDragDataObjectCreate obj fmt func1 func2 func3@). wxcDragDataObjectCreate :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Ptr e -> IO (WXCDragDataObject ()) wxcDragDataObjectCreate _obj _fmt _func1 _func2 _func3 = withObjectResult $ wx_ELJDragDataObject_Create _obj _fmt _func1 _func2 _func3 foreign import ccall "ELJDragDataObject_Create" wx_ELJDragDataObject_Create :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Ptr e -> IO (Ptr (TWXCDragDataObject ())) -- | usage: (@wxcDragDataObjectDelete obj@). wxcDragDataObjectDelete :: WXCDragDataObject a -> IO () wxcDragDataObjectDelete _obj = withObjectRef "wxcDragDataObjectDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJDragDataObject_Delete cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJDragDataObject_Delete" wx_ELJDragDataObject_Delete :: Ptr (TWXCDragDataObject a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcDropTargetCreate obj@). wxcDropTargetCreate :: Ptr a -> IO (WXCDropTarget ()) wxcDropTargetCreate _obj = withObjectResult $ wx_ELJDropTarget_Create _obj foreign import ccall "ELJDropTarget_Create" wx_ELJDropTarget_Create :: Ptr a -> IO (Ptr (TWXCDropTarget ())) -- | usage: (@wxcDropTargetDelete obj@). wxcDropTargetDelete :: WXCDropTarget a -> IO () wxcDropTargetDelete _obj = withObjectRef "wxcDropTargetDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJDropTarget_Delete cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJDropTarget_Delete" wx_ELJDropTarget_Delete :: Ptr (TWXCDropTarget a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcDropTargetSetOnData obj func@). wxcDropTargetSetOnData :: WXCDropTarget a -> Ptr b -> IO () wxcDropTargetSetOnData _obj _func = withObjectRef "wxcDropTargetSetOnData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJDropTarget_SetOnData cobj__obj _func foreign import ccall "ELJDropTarget_SetOnData" wx_ELJDropTarget_SetOnData :: Ptr (TWXCDropTarget a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcDropTargetSetOnDragOver obj func@). wxcDropTargetSetOnDragOver :: WXCDropTarget a -> Ptr b -> IO () wxcDropTargetSetOnDragOver _obj _func = withObjectRef "wxcDropTargetSetOnDragOver" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJDropTarget_SetOnDragOver cobj__obj _func foreign import ccall "ELJDropTarget_SetOnDragOver" wx_ELJDropTarget_SetOnDragOver :: Ptr (TWXCDropTarget a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcDropTargetSetOnDrop obj func@). wxcDropTargetSetOnDrop :: WXCDropTarget a -> Ptr b -> IO () wxcDropTargetSetOnDrop _obj _func = withObjectRef "wxcDropTargetSetOnDrop" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJDropTarget_SetOnDrop cobj__obj _func foreign import ccall "ELJDropTarget_SetOnDrop" wx_ELJDropTarget_SetOnDrop :: Ptr (TWXCDropTarget a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcDropTargetSetOnEnter obj func@). wxcDropTargetSetOnEnter :: WXCDropTarget a -> Ptr b -> IO () wxcDropTargetSetOnEnter _obj _func = withObjectRef "wxcDropTargetSetOnEnter" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJDropTarget_SetOnEnter cobj__obj _func foreign import ccall "ELJDropTarget_SetOnEnter" wx_ELJDropTarget_SetOnEnter :: Ptr (TWXCDropTarget a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcDropTargetSetOnLeave obj func@). wxcDropTargetSetOnLeave :: WXCDropTarget a -> Ptr b -> IO () wxcDropTargetSetOnLeave _obj _func = withObjectRef "wxcDropTargetSetOnLeave" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJDropTarget_SetOnLeave cobj__obj _func foreign import ccall "ELJDropTarget_SetOnLeave" wx_ELJDropTarget_SetOnLeave :: Ptr (TWXCDropTarget a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcEndBusyCursor@). wxcEndBusyCursor :: IO () wxcEndBusyCursor = wx_wxcEndBusyCursor foreign import ccall "wxcEndBusyCursor" wx_wxcEndBusyCursor :: IO () -- | usage: (@wxcFileDropTargetCreate obj func@). wxcFileDropTargetCreate :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> IO (WXCFileDropTarget ()) wxcFileDropTargetCreate _obj _func = withObjectResult $ wx_ELJFileDropTarget_Create _obj _func foreign import ccall "ELJFileDropTarget_Create" wx_ELJFileDropTarget_Create :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> IO (Ptr (TWXCFileDropTarget ())) -- | usage: (@wxcFileDropTargetDelete obj@). wxcFileDropTargetDelete :: WXCFileDropTarget a -> IO () wxcFileDropTargetDelete _obj = withObjectRef "wxcFileDropTargetDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJFileDropTarget_Delete cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJFileDropTarget_Delete" wx_ELJFileDropTarget_Delete :: Ptr (TWXCFileDropTarget a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcFileDropTargetSetOnData obj func@). wxcFileDropTargetSetOnData :: WXCFileDropTarget a -> Ptr b -> IO () wxcFileDropTargetSetOnData _obj _func = withObjectRef "wxcFileDropTargetSetOnData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJFileDropTarget_SetOnData cobj__obj _func foreign import ccall "ELJFileDropTarget_SetOnData" wx_ELJFileDropTarget_SetOnData :: Ptr (TWXCFileDropTarget a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcFileDropTargetSetOnDragOver obj func@). wxcFileDropTargetSetOnDragOver :: WXCFileDropTarget a -> Ptr b -> IO () wxcFileDropTargetSetOnDragOver _obj _func = withObjectRef "wxcFileDropTargetSetOnDragOver" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJFileDropTarget_SetOnDragOver cobj__obj _func foreign import ccall "ELJFileDropTarget_SetOnDragOver" wx_ELJFileDropTarget_SetOnDragOver :: Ptr (TWXCFileDropTarget a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcFileDropTargetSetOnDrop obj func@). wxcFileDropTargetSetOnDrop :: WXCFileDropTarget a -> Ptr b -> IO () wxcFileDropTargetSetOnDrop _obj _func = withObjectRef "wxcFileDropTargetSetOnDrop" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJFileDropTarget_SetOnDrop cobj__obj _func foreign import ccall "ELJFileDropTarget_SetOnDrop" wx_ELJFileDropTarget_SetOnDrop :: Ptr (TWXCFileDropTarget a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcFileDropTargetSetOnEnter obj func@). wxcFileDropTargetSetOnEnter :: WXCFileDropTarget a -> Ptr b -> IO () wxcFileDropTargetSetOnEnter _obj _func = withObjectRef "wxcFileDropTargetSetOnEnter" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJFileDropTarget_SetOnEnter cobj__obj _func foreign import ccall "ELJFileDropTarget_SetOnEnter" wx_ELJFileDropTarget_SetOnEnter :: Ptr (TWXCFileDropTarget a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcFileDropTargetSetOnLeave obj func@). wxcFileDropTargetSetOnLeave :: WXCFileDropTarget a -> Ptr b -> IO () wxcFileDropTargetSetOnLeave _obj _func = withObjectRef "wxcFileDropTargetSetOnLeave" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJFileDropTarget_SetOnLeave cobj__obj _func foreign import ccall "ELJFileDropTarget_SetOnLeave" wx_ELJFileDropTarget_SetOnLeave :: Ptr (TWXCFileDropTarget a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcFree p@). wxcFree :: Ptr a -> IO () wxcFree p = wx_wxcFree p foreign import ccall "wxcFree" wx_wxcFree :: Ptr a -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcGetMousePosition@). wxcGetMousePosition :: IO Point wxcGetMousePosition = withPointResult $ \px py -> wx_wxcGetMousePosition px py foreign import ccall "wxcGetMousePosition" wx_wxcGetMousePosition :: Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcGetPixelRGB buffer width xy@). wxcGetPixelRGB :: Ptr a -> Int -> Point -> IO Int wxcGetPixelRGB buffer width xy = withIntResult $ wx_wxcGetPixelRGB buffer (toCInt width) (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) foreign import ccall "wxcGetPixelRGB" wx_wxcGetPixelRGB :: Ptr a -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcGridTableCreate obj eifGetNumberRows eifGetNumberCols eifGetValue eifSetValue eifIsEmptyCell eifClear eifInsertRows eifAppendRows eifDeleteRows eifInsertCols eifAppendCols eifDeleteCols eifSetRowLabelValue eifSetColLabelValue eifGetRowLabelValue eifGetColLabelValue@). wxcGridTableCreate :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Ptr e -> Ptr f -> Ptr g -> Ptr h -> Ptr i -> Ptr j -> Ptr k -> Ptr l -> Ptr m -> Ptr n -> Ptr o -> Ptr p -> Ptr q -> IO (WXCGridTable ()) wxcGridTableCreate _obj _EifGetNumberRows _EifGetNumberCols _EifGetValue _EifSetValue _EifIsEmptyCell _EifClear _EifInsertRows _EifAppendRows _EifDeleteRows _EifInsertCols _EifAppendCols _EifDeleteCols _EifSetRowLabelValue _EifSetColLabelValue _EifGetRowLabelValue _EifGetColLabelValue = withObjectResult $ wx_ELJGridTable_Create _obj _EifGetNumberRows _EifGetNumberCols _EifGetValue _EifSetValue _EifIsEmptyCell _EifClear _EifInsertRows _EifAppendRows _EifDeleteRows _EifInsertCols _EifAppendCols _EifDeleteCols _EifSetRowLabelValue _EifSetColLabelValue _EifGetRowLabelValue _EifGetColLabelValue foreign import ccall "ELJGridTable_Create" wx_ELJGridTable_Create :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Ptr e -> Ptr f -> Ptr g -> Ptr h -> Ptr i -> Ptr j -> Ptr k -> Ptr l -> Ptr m -> Ptr n -> Ptr o -> Ptr p -> Ptr q -> IO (Ptr (TWXCGridTable ())) -- | usage: (@wxcGridTableDelete obj@). wxcGridTableDelete :: WXCGridTable a -> IO () wxcGridTableDelete = objectDelete -- | usage: (@wxcGridTableGetView obj@). wxcGridTableGetView :: WXCGridTable a -> IO (View ()) wxcGridTableGetView _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "wxcGridTableGetView" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJGridTable_GetView cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJGridTable_GetView" wx_ELJGridTable_GetView :: Ptr (TWXCGridTable a) -> IO (Ptr (TView ())) -- | usage: (@wxcGridTableSendTableMessage obj id val1 val2@). wxcGridTableSendTableMessage :: WXCGridTable a -> Id -> Int -> Int -> IO (Ptr ()) wxcGridTableSendTableMessage _obj id val1 val2 = withObjectRef "wxcGridTableSendTableMessage" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJGridTable_SendTableMessage cobj__obj (toCInt id) (toCInt val1) (toCInt val2) foreign import ccall "ELJGridTable_SendTableMessage" wx_ELJGridTable_SendTableMessage :: Ptr (TWXCGridTable a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr ()) {- | Return the /href/ attribute of the associated html anchor (if applicable) -} wxcHtmlEventGetHref :: WXCHtmlEvent a -> IO (String) wxcHtmlEventGetHref self = withManagedStringResult $ withObjectRef "wxcHtmlEventGetHref" self $ \cobj_self -> wxcHtmlEvent_GetHref cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxcHtmlEvent_GetHref" wxcHtmlEvent_GetHref :: Ptr (TWXCHtmlEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ())) -- | usage: (@wxcHtmlEventGetHtmlCell self@). wxcHtmlEventGetHtmlCell :: WXCHtmlEvent a -> IO (HtmlCell ()) wxcHtmlEventGetHtmlCell self = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "wxcHtmlEventGetHtmlCell" self $ \cobj_self -> wxcHtmlEvent_GetHtmlCell cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxcHtmlEvent_GetHtmlCell" wxcHtmlEvent_GetHtmlCell :: Ptr (TWXCHtmlEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (THtmlCell ())) {- | Return the /id/ attribute of the associated html cell (if applicable) * -} wxcHtmlEventGetHtmlCellId :: WXCHtmlEvent a -> IO (String) wxcHtmlEventGetHtmlCellId self = withManagedStringResult $ withObjectRef "wxcHtmlEventGetHtmlCellId" self $ \cobj_self -> wxcHtmlEvent_GetHtmlCellId cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxcHtmlEvent_GetHtmlCellId" wxcHtmlEvent_GetHtmlCellId :: Ptr (TWXCHtmlEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ())) -- | usage: (@wxcHtmlEventGetLogicalPosition self@). wxcHtmlEventGetLogicalPosition :: WXCHtmlEvent a -> IO Point wxcHtmlEventGetLogicalPosition self = withPointResult $ \px py -> withObjectRef "wxcHtmlEventGetLogicalPosition" self $ \cobj_self -> wxcHtmlEvent_GetLogicalPosition cobj_self px py foreign import ccall "wxcHtmlEvent_GetLogicalPosition" wxcHtmlEvent_GetLogicalPosition :: Ptr (TWXCHtmlEvent a) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcHtmlEventGetMouseEvent self@). wxcHtmlEventGetMouseEvent :: WXCHtmlEvent a -> IO (MouseEvent ()) wxcHtmlEventGetMouseEvent self = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "wxcHtmlEventGetMouseEvent" self $ \cobj_self -> wxcHtmlEvent_GetMouseEvent cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxcHtmlEvent_GetMouseEvent" wxcHtmlEvent_GetMouseEvent :: Ptr (TWXCHtmlEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TMouseEvent ())) -- | usage: (@wxcHtmlEventGetTarget self@). wxcHtmlEventGetTarget :: WXCHtmlEvent a -> IO (String) wxcHtmlEventGetTarget self = withManagedStringResult $ withObjectRef "wxcHtmlEventGetTarget" self $ \cobj_self -> wxcHtmlEvent_GetTarget cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxcHtmlEvent_GetTarget" wxcHtmlEvent_GetTarget :: Ptr (TWXCHtmlEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWxString ())) -- | usage: (@wxcHtmlWindowCreate prt id lfttopwdthgt stl txt@). wxcHtmlWindowCreate :: Window a -> Id -> Rect -> Style -> String -> IO (WXCHtmlWindow ()) wxcHtmlWindowCreate _prt _id _lfttopwdthgt _stl _txt = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr _prt $ \cobj__prt -> withCWString _txt $ \cstr__txt -> wxcHtmlWindow_Create cobj__prt (toCInt _id) (toCIntRectX _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectY _lfttopwdthgt)(toCIntRectW _lfttopwdthgt) (toCIntRectH _lfttopwdthgt) (toCInt _stl) cstr__txt foreign import ccall "wxcHtmlWindow_Create" wxcHtmlWindow_Create :: Ptr (TWindow a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CWString -> IO (Ptr (TWXCHtmlWindow ())) -- | usage: (@wxcInitPixelsRGB buffer widthheight rgb@). wxcInitPixelsRGB :: Ptr a -> Size -> Int -> IO () wxcInitPixelsRGB buffer widthheight rgb = wx_wxcInitPixelsRGB buffer (toCIntSizeW widthheight) (toCIntSizeH widthheight) (toCInt rgb) foreign import ccall "wxcInitPixelsRGB" wx_wxcInitPixelsRGB :: Ptr a -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcIsBusy@). wxcIsBusy :: IO () wxcIsBusy = wx_wxcIsBusy foreign import ccall "wxcIsBusy" wx_wxcIsBusy :: IO () -- | usage: (@wxcLogAddTraceMask obj str@). wxcLogAddTraceMask :: WXCLog a -> String -> IO () wxcLogAddTraceMask _obj str = withObjectRef "wxcLogAddTraceMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString str $ \cstr_str -> wx_ELJLog_AddTraceMask cobj__obj cstr_str foreign import ccall "ELJLog_AddTraceMask" wx_ELJLog_AddTraceMask :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcLogCreate obj fnc@). wxcLogCreate :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> IO (WXCLog ()) wxcLogCreate _obj _fnc = withObjectResult $ wx_ELJLog_Create _obj _fnc foreign import ccall "ELJLog_Create" wx_ELJLog_Create :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> IO (Ptr (TWXCLog ())) -- | usage: (@wxcLogDelete obj@). wxcLogDelete :: WXCLog a -> IO () wxcLogDelete _obj = withObjectRef "wxcLogDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJLog_Delete cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJLog_Delete" wx_ELJLog_Delete :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcLogDontCreateOnDemand obj@). wxcLogDontCreateOnDemand :: WXCLog a -> IO () wxcLogDontCreateOnDemand _obj = withObjectRef "wxcLogDontCreateOnDemand" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJLog_DontCreateOnDemand cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJLog_DontCreateOnDemand" wx_ELJLog_DontCreateOnDemand :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcLogEnableLogging obj doIt@). wxcLogEnableLogging :: WXCLog a -> Bool -> IO Int wxcLogEnableLogging _obj doIt = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "wxcLogEnableLogging" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJLog_EnableLogging cobj__obj (toCBool doIt) foreign import ccall "ELJLog_EnableLogging" wx_ELJLog_EnableLogging :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> CBool -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcLogFlush obj@). wxcLogFlush :: WXCLog a -> IO () wxcLogFlush _obj = withObjectRef "wxcLogFlush" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJLog_Flush cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJLog_Flush" wx_ELJLog_Flush :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcLogFlushActive obj@). wxcLogFlushActive :: WXCLog a -> IO () wxcLogFlushActive _obj = withObjectRef "wxcLogFlushActive" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJLog_FlushActive cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJLog_FlushActive" wx_ELJLog_FlushActive :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcLogGetActiveTarget@). wxcLogGetActiveTarget :: IO (Ptr ()) wxcLogGetActiveTarget = wx_ELJLog_GetActiveTarget foreign import ccall "ELJLog_GetActiveTarget" wx_ELJLog_GetActiveTarget :: IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@wxcLogGetTimestamp obj@). wxcLogGetTimestamp :: WXCLog a -> IO (Ptr ()) wxcLogGetTimestamp _obj = withObjectRef "wxcLogGetTimestamp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJLog_GetTimestamp cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJLog_GetTimestamp" wx_ELJLog_GetTimestamp :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@wxcLogGetTraceMask obj@). wxcLogGetTraceMask :: WXCLog a -> IO Int wxcLogGetTraceMask _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "wxcLogGetTraceMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJLog_GetTraceMask cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJLog_GetTraceMask" wx_ELJLog_GetTraceMask :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcLogGetVerbose obj@). wxcLogGetVerbose :: WXCLog a -> IO Int wxcLogGetVerbose _obj = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "wxcLogGetVerbose" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJLog_GetVerbose cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJLog_GetVerbose" wx_ELJLog_GetVerbose :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcLogHasPendingMessages obj@). wxcLogHasPendingMessages :: WXCLog a -> IO Bool wxcLogHasPendingMessages _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "wxcLogHasPendingMessages" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJLog_HasPendingMessages cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJLog_HasPendingMessages" wx_ELJLog_HasPendingMessages :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@wxcLogIsAllowedTraceMask obj mask@). wxcLogIsAllowedTraceMask :: WXCLog a -> Mask b -> IO Bool wxcLogIsAllowedTraceMask _obj mask = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "wxcLogIsAllowedTraceMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr mask $ \cobj_mask -> wx_ELJLog_IsAllowedTraceMask cobj__obj cobj_mask foreign import ccall "ELJLog_IsAllowedTraceMask" wx_ELJLog_IsAllowedTraceMask :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> Ptr (TMask b) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@wxcLogIsEnabled obj@). wxcLogIsEnabled :: WXCLog a -> IO Bool wxcLogIsEnabled _obj = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "wxcLogIsEnabled" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJLog_IsEnabled cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJLog_IsEnabled" wx_ELJLog_IsEnabled :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@wxcLogOnLog obj level szString t@). wxcLogOnLog :: WXCLog a -> Int -> Ptr c -> Int -> IO () wxcLogOnLog _obj level szString t = withObjectRef "wxcLogOnLog" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJLog_OnLog cobj__obj (toCInt level) szString (toCInt t) foreign import ccall "ELJLog_OnLog" wx_ELJLog_OnLog :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> CInt -> Ptr c -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcLogRemoveTraceMask obj str@). wxcLogRemoveTraceMask :: WXCLog a -> String -> IO () wxcLogRemoveTraceMask _obj str = withObjectRef "wxcLogRemoveTraceMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withCWString str $ \cstr_str -> wx_ELJLog_RemoveTraceMask cobj__obj cstr_str foreign import ccall "ELJLog_RemoveTraceMask" wx_ELJLog_RemoveTraceMask :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> CWString -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcLogResume obj@). wxcLogResume :: WXCLog a -> IO () wxcLogResume _obj = withObjectRef "wxcLogResume" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJLog_Resume cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJLog_Resume" wx_ELJLog_Resume :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcLogSetActiveTarget pLogger@). wxcLogSetActiveTarget :: WXCLog a -> IO (Ptr ()) wxcLogSetActiveTarget pLogger = withObjectRef "wxcLogSetActiveTarget" pLogger $ \cobj_pLogger -> wx_ELJLog_SetActiveTarget cobj_pLogger foreign import ccall "ELJLog_SetActiveTarget" wx_ELJLog_SetActiveTarget :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@wxcLogSetTimestamp obj ts@). wxcLogSetTimestamp :: WXCLog a -> Ptr b -> IO () wxcLogSetTimestamp _obj ts = withObjectRef "wxcLogSetTimestamp" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJLog_SetTimestamp cobj__obj ts foreign import ccall "ELJLog_SetTimestamp" wx_ELJLog_SetTimestamp :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcLogSetTraceMask obj ulMask@). wxcLogSetTraceMask :: WXCLog a -> Int -> IO () wxcLogSetTraceMask _obj ulMask = withObjectRef "wxcLogSetTraceMask" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJLog_SetTraceMask cobj__obj (toCInt ulMask) foreign import ccall "ELJLog_SetTraceMask" wx_ELJLog_SetTraceMask :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcLogSetVerbose obj bVerbose@). wxcLogSetVerbose :: WXCLog a -> Int -> IO () wxcLogSetVerbose _obj bVerbose = withObjectRef "wxcLogSetVerbose" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJLog_SetVerbose cobj__obj (toCInt bVerbose) foreign import ccall "ELJLog_SetVerbose" wx_ELJLog_SetVerbose :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcLogSuspend obj@). wxcLogSuspend :: WXCLog a -> IO () wxcLogSuspend _obj = withObjectRef "wxcLogSuspend" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJLog_Suspend cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJLog_Suspend" wx_ELJLog_Suspend :: Ptr (TWXCLog a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcMalloc size@). wxcMalloc :: Int -> IO (Ptr ()) wxcMalloc size = wx_wxcMalloc (toCInt size) foreign import ccall "wxcMalloc" wx_wxcMalloc :: CInt -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@wxcPreviewControlBarCreate preview buttons parent title xywh style@). wxcPreviewControlBarCreate :: Ptr a -> Int -> Window c -> Ptr d -> Rect -> Int -> IO (WXCPreviewControlBar ()) wxcPreviewControlBarCreate preview buttons parent title xywh style = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> wx_ELJPreviewControlBar_Create preview (toCInt buttons) cobj_parent title (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh) (toCInt style) foreign import ccall "ELJPreviewControlBar_Create" wx_ELJPreviewControlBar_Create :: Ptr a -> CInt -> Ptr (TWindow c) -> Ptr d -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWXCPreviewControlBar ())) -- | usage: (@wxcPreviewFrameCreate obj wxinit createcanvas createtoolbar preview parent title xywh style@). wxcPreviewFrameCreate :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Ptr e -> Window f -> Ptr g -> Rect -> Int -> IO (WXCPreviewFrame ()) wxcPreviewFrameCreate _obj _init _createcanvas _createtoolbar preview parent title xywh style = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr parent $ \cobj_parent -> wx_ELJPreviewFrame_Create _obj _init _createcanvas _createtoolbar preview cobj_parent title (toCIntRectX xywh) (toCIntRectY xywh)(toCIntRectW xywh) (toCIntRectH xywh) (toCInt style) foreign import ccall "ELJPreviewFrame_Create" wx_ELJPreviewFrame_Create :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> Ptr c -> Ptr d -> Ptr e -> Ptr (TWindow f) -> Ptr g -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWXCPreviewFrame ())) -- | usage: (@wxcPreviewFrameGetControlBar obj@). wxcPreviewFrameGetControlBar :: WXCPreviewFrame a -> IO (Ptr ()) wxcPreviewFrameGetControlBar _obj = withObjectRef "wxcPreviewFrameGetControlBar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJPreviewFrame_GetControlBar cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJPreviewFrame_GetControlBar" wx_ELJPreviewFrame_GetControlBar :: Ptr (TWXCPreviewFrame a) -> IO (Ptr ()) -- | usage: (@wxcPreviewFrameGetPreviewCanvas obj@). wxcPreviewFrameGetPreviewCanvas :: WXCPreviewFrame a -> IO (PreviewCanvas ()) wxcPreviewFrameGetPreviewCanvas _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "wxcPreviewFrameGetPreviewCanvas" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJPreviewFrame_GetPreviewCanvas cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJPreviewFrame_GetPreviewCanvas" wx_ELJPreviewFrame_GetPreviewCanvas :: Ptr (TWXCPreviewFrame a) -> IO (Ptr (TPreviewCanvas ())) -- | usage: (@wxcPreviewFrameGetPrintPreview obj@). wxcPreviewFrameGetPrintPreview :: WXCPreviewFrame a -> IO (PrintPreview ()) wxcPreviewFrameGetPrintPreview _obj = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "wxcPreviewFrameGetPrintPreview" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJPreviewFrame_GetPrintPreview cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJPreviewFrame_GetPrintPreview" wx_ELJPreviewFrame_GetPrintPreview :: Ptr (TWXCPreviewFrame a) -> IO (Ptr (TPrintPreview ())) -- | usage: (@wxcPreviewFrameInitialize obj@). wxcPreviewFrameInitialize :: WXCPreviewFrame a -> IO () wxcPreviewFrameInitialize _obj = withObjectRef "wxcPreviewFrameInitialize" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJPreviewFrame_Initialize cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJPreviewFrame_Initialize" wx_ELJPreviewFrame_Initialize :: Ptr (TWXCPreviewFrame a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcPreviewFrameSetControlBar obj obj@). wxcPreviewFrameSetControlBar :: WXCPreviewFrame a -> Ptr b -> IO () wxcPreviewFrameSetControlBar _obj obj = withObjectRef "wxcPreviewFrameSetControlBar" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJPreviewFrame_SetControlBar cobj__obj obj foreign import ccall "ELJPreviewFrame_SetControlBar" wx_ELJPreviewFrame_SetControlBar :: Ptr (TWXCPreviewFrame a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcPreviewFrameSetPreviewCanvas obj obj@). wxcPreviewFrameSetPreviewCanvas :: WXCPreviewFrame a -> PreviewCanvas b -> IO () wxcPreviewFrameSetPreviewCanvas _obj obj = withObjectRef "wxcPreviewFrameSetPreviewCanvas" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr obj $ \cobj_obj -> wx_ELJPreviewFrame_SetPreviewCanvas cobj__obj cobj_obj foreign import ccall "ELJPreviewFrame_SetPreviewCanvas" wx_ELJPreviewFrame_SetPreviewCanvas :: Ptr (TWXCPreviewFrame a) -> Ptr (TPreviewCanvas b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcPreviewFrameSetPrintPreview obj obj@). wxcPreviewFrameSetPrintPreview :: WXCPreviewFrame a -> PrintPreview b -> IO () wxcPreviewFrameSetPrintPreview _obj obj = withObjectRef "wxcPreviewFrameSetPrintPreview" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> withObjectPtr obj $ \cobj_obj -> wx_ELJPreviewFrame_SetPrintPreview cobj__obj cobj_obj foreign import ccall "ELJPreviewFrame_SetPrintPreview" wx_ELJPreviewFrame_SetPrintPreview :: Ptr (TWXCPreviewFrame a) -> Ptr (TPrintPreview b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcPrintEventGetContinue self@). wxcPrintEventGetContinue :: WXCPrintEvent a -> IO Bool wxcPrintEventGetContinue self = withBoolResult $ withObjectRef "wxcPrintEventGetContinue" self $ \cobj_self -> wxcPrintEvent_GetContinue cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxcPrintEvent_GetContinue" wxcPrintEvent_GetContinue :: Ptr (TWXCPrintEvent a) -> IO CBool -- | usage: (@wxcPrintEventGetEndPage self@). wxcPrintEventGetEndPage :: WXCPrintEvent a -> IO Int wxcPrintEventGetEndPage self = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "wxcPrintEventGetEndPage" self $ \cobj_self -> wxcPrintEvent_GetEndPage cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxcPrintEvent_GetEndPage" wxcPrintEvent_GetEndPage :: Ptr (TWXCPrintEvent a) -> IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcPrintEventGetPage self@). wxcPrintEventGetPage :: WXCPrintEvent a -> IO Int wxcPrintEventGetPage self = withIntResult $ withObjectRef "wxcPrintEventGetPage" self $ \cobj_self -> wxcPrintEvent_GetPage cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxcPrintEvent_GetPage" wxcPrintEvent_GetPage :: Ptr (TWXCPrintEvent a) -> IO CInt {- | Usage: @wxcPrintEventGetPrintout self@. Do not delete the associated printout! * -} wxcPrintEventGetPrintout :: WXCPrintEvent a -> IO (WXCPrintout ()) wxcPrintEventGetPrintout self = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "wxcPrintEventGetPrintout" self $ \cobj_self -> wxcPrintEvent_GetPrintout cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxcPrintEvent_GetPrintout" wxcPrintEvent_GetPrintout :: Ptr (TWXCPrintEvent a) -> IO (Ptr (TWXCPrintout ())) -- | usage: (@wxcPrintEventSetContinue self cont@). wxcPrintEventSetContinue :: WXCPrintEvent a -> Bool -> IO () wxcPrintEventSetContinue self cont = withObjectRef "wxcPrintEventSetContinue" self $ \cobj_self -> wxcPrintEvent_SetContinue cobj_self (toCBool cont) foreign import ccall "wxcPrintEvent_SetContinue" wxcPrintEvent_SetContinue :: Ptr (TWXCPrintEvent a) -> CBool -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcPrintEventSetPageLimits self startPage endPage fromPage toPage@). wxcPrintEventSetPageLimits :: WXCPrintEvent a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () wxcPrintEventSetPageLimits self startPage endPage fromPage toPage = withObjectRef "wxcPrintEventSetPageLimits" self $ \cobj_self -> wxcPrintEvent_SetPageLimits cobj_self (toCInt startPage) (toCInt endPage) (toCInt fromPage) (toCInt toPage) foreign import ccall "wxcPrintEvent_SetPageLimits" wxcPrintEvent_SetPageLimits :: Ptr (TWXCPrintEvent a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcPrintoutCreate title@). wxcPrintoutCreate :: String -> IO (WXCPrintout ()) wxcPrintoutCreate title = withObjectResult $ withStringPtr title $ \cobj_title -> wxcPrintout_Create cobj_title foreign import ccall "wxcPrintout_Create" wxcPrintout_Create :: Ptr (TWxString a) -> IO (Ptr (TWXCPrintout ())) -- | usage: (@wxcPrintoutDelete self@). wxcPrintoutDelete :: WXCPrintout a -> IO () wxcPrintoutDelete = objectDelete {- | Usage: @wxcPrintoutGetEvtHandler self@. Do not delete the associated event handler! * -} wxcPrintoutGetEvtHandler :: WXCPrintout a -> IO (WXCPrintoutHandler ()) wxcPrintoutGetEvtHandler self = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "wxcPrintoutGetEvtHandler" self $ \cobj_self -> wxcPrintout_GetEvtHandler cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxcPrintout_GetEvtHandler" wxcPrintout_GetEvtHandler :: Ptr (TWXCPrintout a) -> IO (Ptr (TWXCPrintoutHandler ())) -- | usage: (@wxcPrintoutSetPageLimits self startPage endPage fromPage toPage@). wxcPrintoutSetPageLimits :: WXCPrintout a -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () wxcPrintoutSetPageLimits self startPage endPage fromPage toPage = withObjectRef "wxcPrintoutSetPageLimits" self $ \cobj_self -> wxcPrintout_SetPageLimits cobj_self (toCInt startPage) (toCInt endPage) (toCInt fromPage) (toCInt toPage) foreign import ccall "wxcPrintout_SetPageLimits" wxcPrintout_SetPageLimits :: Ptr (TWXCPrintout a) -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcSetPixelRGB buffer width xy rgb@). wxcSetPixelRGB :: Ptr a -> Int -> Point -> Int -> IO () wxcSetPixelRGB buffer width xy rgb = wx_wxcSetPixelRGB buffer (toCInt width) (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) (toCInt rgb) foreign import ccall "wxcSetPixelRGB" wx_wxcSetPixelRGB :: Ptr a -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcSetPixelRowRGB buffer width xy rgbStart rgbEnd count@). wxcSetPixelRowRGB :: Ptr a -> Int -> Point -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () wxcSetPixelRowRGB buffer width xy rgbStart rgbEnd count = wx_wxcSetPixelRowRGB buffer (toCInt width) (toCIntPointX xy) (toCIntPointY xy) (toCInt rgbStart) (toCInt rgbEnd) (toCInt count) foreign import ccall "wxcSetPixelRowRGB" wx_wxcSetPixelRowRGB :: Ptr a -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcSysErrorCode@). wxcSysErrorCode :: IO Int wxcSysErrorCode = withIntResult $ wx_ELJSysErrorCode foreign import ccall "ELJSysErrorCode" wx_ELJSysErrorCode :: IO CInt -- | usage: (@wxcSysErrorMsg nErrCode@). wxcSysErrorMsg :: Int -> IO (Ptr ()) wxcSysErrorMsg nErrCode = wx_ELJSysErrorMsg (toCInt nErrCode) foreign import ccall "ELJSysErrorMsg" wx_ELJSysErrorMsg :: CInt -> IO (Ptr ()) {- | Create from system colour. * -} wxcSystemSettingsGetColour :: Int -> IO (Color) wxcSystemSettingsGetColour systemColour = withManagedColourResult $ wx_wxcSystemSettingsGetColour (toCInt systemColour) foreign import ccall "wxcSystemSettingsGetColour" wx_wxcSystemSettingsGetColour :: CInt -> IO (Ptr (TColour ())) -- | usage: (@wxcTextDropTargetCreate obj func@). wxcTextDropTargetCreate :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> IO (WXCTextDropTarget ()) wxcTextDropTargetCreate _obj _func = withObjectResult $ wx_ELJTextDropTarget_Create _obj _func foreign import ccall "ELJTextDropTarget_Create" wx_ELJTextDropTarget_Create :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> IO (Ptr (TWXCTextDropTarget ())) -- | usage: (@wxcTextDropTargetDelete obj@). wxcTextDropTargetDelete :: WXCTextDropTarget a -> IO () wxcTextDropTargetDelete _obj = withObjectRef "wxcTextDropTargetDelete" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJTextDropTarget_Delete cobj__obj foreign import ccall "ELJTextDropTarget_Delete" wx_ELJTextDropTarget_Delete :: Ptr (TWXCTextDropTarget a) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcTextDropTargetSetOnData obj func@). wxcTextDropTargetSetOnData :: WXCTextDropTarget a -> Ptr b -> IO () wxcTextDropTargetSetOnData _obj _func = withObjectRef "wxcTextDropTargetSetOnData" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJTextDropTarget_SetOnData cobj__obj _func foreign import ccall "ELJTextDropTarget_SetOnData" wx_ELJTextDropTarget_SetOnData :: Ptr (TWXCTextDropTarget a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcTextDropTargetSetOnDragOver obj func@). wxcTextDropTargetSetOnDragOver :: WXCTextDropTarget a -> Ptr b -> IO () wxcTextDropTargetSetOnDragOver _obj _func = withObjectRef "wxcTextDropTargetSetOnDragOver" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJTextDropTarget_SetOnDragOver cobj__obj _func foreign import ccall "ELJTextDropTarget_SetOnDragOver" wx_ELJTextDropTarget_SetOnDragOver :: Ptr (TWXCTextDropTarget a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcTextDropTargetSetOnDrop obj func@). wxcTextDropTargetSetOnDrop :: WXCTextDropTarget a -> Ptr b -> IO () wxcTextDropTargetSetOnDrop _obj _func = withObjectRef "wxcTextDropTargetSetOnDrop" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJTextDropTarget_SetOnDrop cobj__obj _func foreign import ccall "ELJTextDropTarget_SetOnDrop" wx_ELJTextDropTarget_SetOnDrop :: Ptr (TWXCTextDropTarget a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcTextDropTargetSetOnEnter obj func@). wxcTextDropTargetSetOnEnter :: WXCTextDropTarget a -> Ptr b -> IO () wxcTextDropTargetSetOnEnter _obj _func = withObjectRef "wxcTextDropTargetSetOnEnter" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJTextDropTarget_SetOnEnter cobj__obj _func foreign import ccall "ELJTextDropTarget_SetOnEnter" wx_ELJTextDropTarget_SetOnEnter :: Ptr (TWXCTextDropTarget a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcTextDropTargetSetOnLeave obj func@). wxcTextDropTargetSetOnLeave :: WXCTextDropTarget a -> Ptr b -> IO () wxcTextDropTargetSetOnLeave _obj _func = withObjectRef "wxcTextDropTargetSetOnLeave" _obj $ \cobj__obj -> wx_ELJTextDropTarget_SetOnLeave cobj__obj _func foreign import ccall "ELJTextDropTarget_SetOnLeave" wx_ELJTextDropTarget_SetOnLeave :: Ptr (TWXCTextDropTarget a) -> Ptr b -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcTextValidatorCreate obj fnc txt stl@). wxcTextValidatorCreate :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> String -> Style -> IO (WXCTextValidator ()) wxcTextValidatorCreate _obj _fnc _txt _stl = withObjectResult $ withCWString _txt $ \cstr__txt -> wx_ELJTextValidator_Create _obj _fnc cstr__txt (toCInt _stl) foreign import ccall "ELJTextValidator_Create" wx_ELJTextValidator_Create :: Ptr a -> Ptr b -> CWString -> CInt -> IO (Ptr (TWXCTextValidator ())) {- | Create tree item data with a closure. The closure data contains the data while the function is called on deletion. * -} wxcTreeItemDataCreate :: Closure a -> IO (WXCTreeItemData ()) wxcTreeItemDataCreate closure = withObjectResult $ withObjectPtr closure $ \cobj_closure -> wxcTreeItemData_Create cobj_closure foreign import ccall "wxcTreeItemData_Create" wxcTreeItemData_Create :: Ptr (TClosure a) -> IO (Ptr (TWXCTreeItemData ())) {- | Get the client data in the form of a closure. Use 'closureGetData' to get to the actual data.* -} wxcTreeItemDataGetClientClosure :: WXCTreeItemData a -> IO (Closure ()) wxcTreeItemDataGetClientClosure self = withObjectResult $ withObjectRef "wxcTreeItemDataGetClientClosure" self $ \cobj_self -> wxcTreeItemData_GetClientClosure cobj_self foreign import ccall "wxcTreeItemData_GetClientClosure" wxcTreeItemData_GetClientClosure :: Ptr (TWXCTreeItemData a) -> IO (Ptr (TClosure ())) {- | Set the tree item data with a closure. The closure data contains the data while the function is called on deletion. * -} wxcTreeItemDataSetClientClosure :: WXCTreeItemData a -> Closure b -> IO () wxcTreeItemDataSetClientClosure self closure = withObjectRef "wxcTreeItemDataSetClientClosure" self $ \cobj_self -> withObjectPtr closure $ \cobj_closure -> wxcTreeItemData_SetClientClosure cobj_self cobj_closure foreign import ccall "wxcTreeItemData_SetClientClosure" wxcTreeItemData_SetClientClosure :: Ptr (TWXCTreeItemData a) -> Ptr (TClosure b) -> IO () -- | usage: (@wxcWakeUpIdle@). wxcWakeUpIdle :: IO () wxcWakeUpIdle = wx_wxcWakeUpIdle foreign import ccall "wxcWakeUpIdle" wx_wxcWakeUpIdle :: IO () -- | usage: (@wxobjectDelete obj@). wxobjectDelete :: WxObject a -> IO () wxobjectDelete = objectDelete