----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-| Module : ParseEiffel Copyright : (c) Daan Leijen 2003 License : BSD-style Maintainer : daan@cs.uu.nl Stability : provisional Portability : portable Parse the wxc Eiffel definition file. -} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module ParseEiffel( parseEiffel ) where import Char( digitToInt ) import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as P import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language import Types import System( getEnv ) {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Testing -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} test = do files <- getDefaultEiffelFiles defss <- mapM parseEiffel files let defs = concat defss haskellDefs = map show defs writeFile "../../wxh/Graphics/UI/WXH/WxcDefs.hs" (unlines haskellDefs) getDefaultEiffelFiles :: IO [FilePath] getDefaultEiffelFiles = do wxwin <- getEnv "WXWIN" `catch` \err -> return "" return [wxwin ++ "/wxc/include/wxc_defs.e" ,wxwin ++ "/wxc/ewxw/eiffel/spec/r_2_4/wx_defs.e"] {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parse Eiffel -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} parseEiffel :: FilePath -> IO [Def] parseEiffel fname = do putStrLn ("parsing: " ++ fname) input <- readFile fname defss <- mapM (parseDef fname) (lines input) -- putStrLn ("ok.") return (concat defss) parseDef :: FilePath -> String -> IO [Def] parseDef fname line = case parse pdef fname line of Left err -> do putStrLn ("ignore: parse error : " ++ line) return [] Right mbd -> case mbd of Just d -> return [d] Nothing -> return [] -- empty line {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parse a constant definition -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- parse a definition: return Nothing on an empty definition pdef :: Parser (Maybe Def) pdef = do whiteSpace x <- option Nothing (pconstDef <|> pignore) eof return x pconstDef :: Parser (Maybe Def) pconstDef = do name <- identifier symbol ":" tp <- pdefType reserved "is" (do x <- pdefValue return (Just (Def name x tp)) <|> return Nothing) -- external definition "constant definition" pignore = do{ reserved "external"; stringLiteral; return Nothing } <|> do{ reserved "alias"; stringLiteral; return Nothing } <|> do{ reserved "end"; return Nothing } <|> do{ reserved "class"; identifier; return Nothing } <|> do{ reserved "feature"; symbol "{"; reserved "NONE"; symbol "}"; return Nothing } "" pdefType :: Parser DefType pdefType = do reserved "BIT" bits <- natural return DefMask <|> do reserved "INTEGER" return DefInt "integer type" pdefValue :: Parser Int pdefValue = lexeme $ do sign <- option id (do{ symbol "-"; return negate }) ds <- many1 digit base <- option 10 (do{char 'B'; return 2}) return (sign (convertNum base ds)) where convertNum :: Int -> String -> Int convertNum base digits = foldl convert 0 digits where convert x c = base*x + digitToInt c {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The lexer -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} lexer :: P.TokenParser () lexer = P.makeTokenParser $ emptyDef { commentStart = "/*" , commentEnd = "*/" , commentLine = "--" -- ignore pre-processor stuff, but fail to recognise "//" , nestedComments = True , identStart = letter <|> char '_' , identLetter = alphaNum <|> oneOf "_'" , caseSensitive = True , reservedNames = ["is","feature","class","end","NONE","BIT","INTEGER","external","alias"] } whiteSpace = P.whiteSpace lexer lexeme = P.lexeme lexer symbol = P.symbol lexer parens = P.parens lexer semi = P.semi lexer comma = P.comma lexer commaSep = P.commaSep lexer identifier = P.identifier lexer natural = P.natural lexer reserved = P.reserved lexer stringLiteral = lexeme $ do char '"' many stringChar char '"' return () stringChar = noneOf "\"%\n\v" <|> do{ char '%'; anyChar }