{-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bouncing Balls demo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------} module Main where import Graphics.UI.WX main = start ballsFrame ballsFrame = do -- a list of balls, where each ball is represented by a list of all future Y positions. vballs <- varCreate [] -- create a non-user-resizable top-level (orphan) frame. f <- frameFixed [text := "Bouncing balls"] -- create a panel to draw in. p <- panel f [on paint := paintBalls vballs] -- create a timer that updates the ball positions t <- timer f [interval := 20, on command := nextBalls vballs p] -- react on user input set p [on click := dropBall vballs p -- drop ball ,on clickRight := (\pt -> ballsFrame) -- new window ,on (charKey 'p') := set t [enabled :~ not] -- pause ,on (charKey '-') := set t [interval :~ \i -> i*2] -- increase interval ,on (charKey '+') := set t [interval :~ \i -> max 1 (i `div` 2)] -- decrease interval ] -- put the panel in the frame set f [layout := minsize (sz maxX maxY) $ widget p] return () where -- drop a new ball dropBall vballs p pt = do varUpdate vballs (bouncing pt:) repaint p -- calculate all future positions bouncing (Point x y) = map (\h -> Point x (maxH-h)) (bounce (maxH-y) 0) bounce h v | h <= 0 && v == 0 = replicate 20 0 -- keep still for 20 frames | h <= 0 && v < 0 = bounce 0 ((-v)-2) | otherwise = h : bounce (h+v) (v-1) -- advance all the balls to their next position nextBalls vballs p = do varUpdate vballs (filter (not.null) . map (drop 1)) repaint p -- paint the balls paintBalls vballs dc view = do balls <- varGet vballs set dc [brushColor := red, brushKind := BrushSolid] mapM_ (drawBall dc) (map head (filter (not.null) balls)) drawBall dc pt = circle dc pt radius [] -- radius the ball, and the maximal x and y coordinates radius, maxX, maxY :: Int maxY = 300 maxX = 300 radius = 10 -- the max. height is at most max. y minus the radius of a ball. maxH :: Int maxH = maxY - radius