{-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This program implements the "goodbye" demo as posted by John Meacham on the Haskell GUI mailing list. The program is specified as: I propose a simple program which pops up a window saying 'Hello World' with a button saying 'Bye' which you click and it changes the message to 'Goodbye'. if you click the button again the program exits. When the button is clicked the first time, it calls "onCommand1". This function changes the text of the label and installs another event handler on the button that closes the main frame. (by default, wxWindows exits the gui when all windows are closed). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------} module Main where import Graphics.UI.WXCore main :: IO () main = run gui gui :: IO () gui = do -- create top frame f <- frameCreateTopFrame "Bye demo" windowSetBackgroundColour f white -- panel for automatic tab management and the nice background p <- panelCreate f idAny rectNull 0 -- create text and button control t <- staticTextCreate p idAny "Hello World" rectNull 0 b <- buttonCreate p idAny "Bye" rectNull 0 -- press spacebar to invoke the button by default panelSetDefaultItem p b -- set the layout windowSetLayout f (fill (container p (margin 5 (column 5 [widget t, widget b])))) -- set command handler on the button buttonOnCommand b (onCommand1 f t b) -- show the frame windowShow f windowRaise f return () where -- call on the first click onCommand1 f t b = do controlSetLabel t "Goodbye!" buttonOnCommand b (onCommand2 f) return () -- call on the second click onCommand2 f = do windowClose f False {- can veto -} return ()