{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-| Module : Layout Copyright : (c) Daan Leijen & Wijnand van Suijlen 2003 License : wxWindows Maintainer : daan@cs.uu.nl Stability : provisional Portability : portable Combinators to specify layout. (These combinators use wxWindows 'Sizer' objects). Layout can be specified using 'windowSetLayout'. For example: > do f <- frameCreateTopFrame "Test" > ok <- buttonCreate f idAny "Bye" rectNull 0 > windowSetLayout f (widget ok) > ... The 'windowSetLayout' function takes 'Layout' as its argument. The 'widget' combinator creates a layout from a window. The 'space' combinator creates an empty layout with a specific width and height. Furthermore, we have the 'label' combinator to create a static label label and 'boxed' to create a labeled border around a layout. The 'grid' combinator lays out elements in a table with a given space between the elements. Here is for example a layout for retrieving an /x/ and /y/ coordinate from the user, with 5 pixels space between the controls: > boxed "coordinates" (grid 5 5 [[label "x", widget xinput] > ,[label "y", widget yinput]]) Combinators like 'row' and 'column' are specific instances of grids. We can use these combinator to good effect to add an /ok/ and /cancel/ button at the bottom of our dialog: > column 5 [ boxed "coordinates" (grid 5 5 [[label "x", widget xinput] > ,[label "y", widget yinput]]) > , row 5 [widget ok, widget cancel]] Layout /tranformers/ influence attributes of a layout. The 'margin' combinator adds a margin around a layout. The /align/ combinators specify how a combinator is aligned when the assigned area is larger than the layout itself. We can use these transformers to add a margin around our dialog and to align the buttons to the bottom right (instead of the default top-left): > margin 10 $ column 5 [ boxed "coordinates" (grid 5 5 [[label "x", widget xinput] > ,[label "y", widget yinput]]) > , alignBottomRight $ row 5 [widget ok, widget cancel]] Besides aligning a layout in its assigned area, we can also specify that a layout should expand to fill the assigned area. The 'shaped' combinator fills an area while maintaining the original proportions (or aspect ratio) of a layout. The 'expand' combinator always tries to fill the entire area (and alignment is ignored). The final attribute is the /stretch/ of a layout. A stretchable layout may get a larger area assigned than the minimally required area. This can be used to fill out the entire parent area -- this happens for example when a user enlarges a dialog. The default stretch and expansion mode of layout containers, like 'grid' and 'boxed', depends on the stretch of the child layouts. A column of a /grid/ is only stretchable when all elements of that column have horizontal stretch. The same holds for rows with vertical stretch. When any column or row is stretchable, the grid itself will also be stretchable in that direction and the grid will 'expand' to fill the assigned area by default (instead of being 'static'). Just like a grid, other containers, like 'container', 'boxed', 'tabs', 'row', and 'column', will also propagate the stretch and expansion mode of their child layouts. Armed with the 'stretch' combinators we can make our dialog resizeable. We let the input widgets resize horizontally. Furthermore, the button row will resize vertically and horizontally with the buttons aligned to the bottom right. Due to the stretch propagation rules, the 'grid' and 'boxed' stretch horizontally and 'expand' to fill the assigned area. The horizontal 'row' does /not/ stretch by default (and we need to use an explicit 'stretch') and it does /not/ expand into the assigned area by default (and therefore alignment works properly). > margin 10 $ column 5 [ boxed "coordinates" (grid 5 5 [[label "x", hstretch $ expand $ widget xinput] > ,[label "y", hstretch $ expand $ widget yinput]]) > , stretch $ alignBottomRight $ row 5 [widget ok, widget cancel]] There are some common uses of stretchable combinators. The 'fill' combinators combine stretch and expansion. For example, 'hfill' is defined as (@hstretch . expand@). The /float/ combinators combine alignment and 'stretch'. For example, 'floatBottomRight' is defined as (@stretch . alignBottomRight@). There are also horizontal and vertical float combinators, like 'hfloatCentre' and 'vfloatBottom'. Here is the above example using 'fill' and float: > margin 10 $ column 5 [ boxed "coordinates" (grid 5 5 [[label "x", hfill $ widget xinput] > ,[label "y", hfill $ widget yinput]]) > , floatBottomRight $ row 5 [widget ok, widget cancel]] The 'glue' combinators are stretchable empty space. For example, 'hglue' is defined as (@hstretch (space 0 0)@). We can use glue to mimic alignment. Here is the above layout specified with glue. Note that we use 'hspace' to manually insert space between the elements or otherwise there would be space between the glue and the /ok/ button. > margin 10 $ column 5 [ boxed "coordinates" (grid 5 5 [[label "x", hfill $ widget xinput] > ,[label "y", hfill $ widget yinput]]) > , glue > , row 0 [hglue, widget ok, hspace 5, widget cancel]] Splitter windows can also be specified with layout; you get somewhat less functionality but it is quite convenient for most applications. A horizontal split is done using 'hsplit' while a vertical split is specified with a 'vsplit'. The layout for notebooks is specified with the 'tabs' combinator. The following example shows this (and note also how we use 'container' to set the layout of panels): > nbook <- notebookCreate ... > panel1 <- panelCreate nbook ... > ... > panel2 <- panelCreate nbook ... > ... > windowSetLayout frame > (tabs nbook [tab "page one" $ container panel1 $ margin 10 $ floatCentre $ widget ok > ,tab "page two" $ container panel2 $ margin 10 $ hfill $ widget quit]) The pages /always/ need to be embedded inside a 'container' (normally a 'Panel'). The title of the pages is determined from the label of the container widget. Note: /At the moment, extra space is divided evenly among stretchable layouts. We plan to add a (/@proportion :: Int -> Layout -> Layout@/) combinator in the future to stretch layouts according to a relative weight, but unfortunately, that entails implementing a better /'FlexGrid'/ sizer for wxWindows./ -} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Graphics.UI.WXCore.Layout( -- * Types Layout, sizerFromLayout -- * Window , windowSetLayout, layoutFromWindow , windowReFit, windowReFitMinimal , windowReLayout, windowReLayoutMinimal -- * Layouts -- ** Widgets , Widget, widget, label, rule, hrule, vrule, sizer -- ** Containers , row, column , grid, boxed, container, tab, imageTab, tabs , hsplit, vsplit -- ** Glue , glue, hglue, vglue -- ** Whitespace , space, hspace, vspace, empty -- * Transformers , dynamic -- ** Stretch , static, stretch, hstretch, vstretch, minsize -- ** Expansion , rigid, shaped, expand -- ** Fill , fill, hfill, vfill -- ** Margin , margin, marginWidth, marginNone , marginLeft, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom -- ** Floating alignment , floatTopLeft, floatTop, floatTopRight , floatLeft, floatCentre, floatCenter, floatRight , floatBottomLeft, floatBottom, floatBottomRight -- ** Horizontal floating alignment , hfloatLeft, hfloatCentre, hfloatCenter, hfloatRight -- ** Vertical floating alignment , vfloatTop, vfloatCentre, vfloatCenter, vfloatBottom -- ** Alignment , centre , alignTopLeft, alignTop, alignTopRight , alignLeft, alignCentre, alignCenter, alignRight , alignBottomLeft, alignBottom, alignBottomRight -- ** Horizontal alignment , halignLeft, halignCentre, halignCenter, halignRight -- ** Vertical alignment , valignTop, valignCentre, valignCenter, valignBottom ) where import Data.List( transpose ) import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcTypes import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcDefs import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcClasses import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcClassInfo import Graphics.UI.WXCore.Types import Graphics.UI.WXCore.Frame import Graphics.UI.WXCore.Defines {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Anything in the widget class can be layed out. class Widget w where -- | Create a layout from a widget. widget :: w -> Layout instance Widget Layout where widget layout = layout instance Widget (Window a) where widget w = layoutFromWindow w {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstractions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} {- -- | Layout elements horizontally with no space between the elements. row :: [Layout] -> Layout row = horizontal 0 -- | Layout elements vertically with no space between the elements. column :: [Layout] -> Layout column = vertical 0 -- | Layout elements in a 'grid' with no space between the elements. matrix :: [[Layout]] -> Layout matrix = grid 0 0 -- | Create a border. (= @'boxed' \"\"@). border :: Layout -> Layout border = boxed "" -} -- | The layout is stretchable and expands into the assigned area. (see also 'stretch' and 'expand'). fill :: Layout -> Layout fill = stretch . expand -- | The layout is horizontally stretchable and expands into the assigned area. (see also 'hstretch' and 'expand'). hfill :: Layout -> Layout hfill = hstretch . expand -- | The layout is vertically stretchable and expands into the assigned area. (see also 'vstretch' and 'expand'). vfill :: Layout -> Layout vfill = vstretch . expand -- | Layout elements in a horizontal direction with a certain amount of space between the elements. row :: Int -> [Layout] -> Layout row w row = grid w 0 [row] -- | Layout elements in a vertical direction with a certain amount of space between the elements. column :: Int -> [Layout] -> Layout column h col = grid 0 h (map (\x -> [x]) col) {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Float -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Make the layout stretchable and align it in the center of the assigned area. floatCenter :: Layout -> Layout floatCenter = floatCentre -- | Make the layout stretchable and align it in the center of the assigned area. floatCentre :: Layout -> Layout floatCentre = stretch . alignCentre -- | Make the layout stretchable and align it in the top-left corner of the assigned area (default). floatTopLeft :: Layout -> Layout floatTopLeft = stretch . alignTopLeft -- | Make the layout stretchable and align it centered on the top of the assigned area. floatTop :: Layout -> Layout floatTop = stretch . alignTop -- | Make the layout stretchable and align it to the top-right of the assigned area. floatTopRight :: Layout -> Layout floatTopRight = stretch . alignTopRight -- | Make the layout stretchable and align it centered to the left of the assigned area. floatLeft :: Layout -> Layout floatLeft = stretch . alignLeft -- | Make the layout stretchable and align it centered to the right of the assigned area. floatRight :: Layout -> Layout floatRight = stretch . alignRight -- | Make the layout stretchable and align it to the bottom-left of the assigned area. floatBottomLeft :: Layout -> Layout floatBottomLeft = stretch . alignBottomLeft -- | Make the layout stretchable and align it centered on the bottom of the assigned area. floatBottom :: Layout -> Layout floatBottom = stretch . alignBottom -- | Make the layout stretchable and align it to the bottom-right of the assigned area. floatBottomRight :: Layout -> Layout floatBottomRight = stretch . alignBottomRight -- | Make the layout horizontally stretchable and align to the center. hfloatCenter :: Layout -> Layout hfloatCenter = hfloatCentre -- | Make the layout horizontally stretchable and align to the center. hfloatCentre :: Layout -> Layout hfloatCentre = hstretch . alignCentre -- | Make the layout horizontally stretchable and align to the left. hfloatLeft :: Layout -> Layout hfloatLeft = hstretch . alignLeft -- | Make the layout horizontally stretchable and align to the right. hfloatRight :: Layout -> Layout hfloatRight = hstretch . alignRight -- | Make the layout vertically stretchable and align to the center. vfloatCenter :: Layout -> Layout vfloatCenter = vfloatCentre -- | Make the layout vertically stretchable and align to the center. vfloatCentre :: Layout -> Layout vfloatCentre = vstretch . alignCentre -- | Make the layout vertically stretchable and align to the top. vfloatTop :: Layout -> Layout vfloatTop = vstretch . alignTop -- | Make the layout vertically stretchable and align to the bottom. vfloatBottom :: Layout -> Layout vfloatBottom = vstretch . alignBottom {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alignment -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Align the layout in the center of the assigned area. center :: Layout -> Layout center = centre -- | Align the layout in the center of the assigned area. centre :: Layout -> Layout centre = alignCentre -- | Align the layout in the center of the assigned area. alignCenter :: Layout -> Layout alignCenter = alignCentre -- | Align the layout in the center of the assigned area. alignCentre :: Layout -> Layout alignCentre = halignCentre . valignCentre -- | Align the layout in the top-left corner of the assigned area (default). alignTopLeft :: Layout -> Layout alignTopLeft = valignTop . halignLeft -- | Align the layout centered on the top of the assigned area. alignTop :: Layout -> Layout alignTop = valignTop . halignCentre -- | Align the layout to the top-right of the assigned area. alignTopRight :: Layout -> Layout alignTopRight = valignTop . halignRight -- | Align the layout centered to the left of the assigned area. alignLeft :: Layout -> Layout alignLeft = valignCentre . halignLeft -- | Align the layout centered to the right of the assigned area. alignRight :: Layout -> Layout alignRight = valignCentre . halignRight -- | Align the layout to the bottom-left of the assigned area. alignBottomLeft :: Layout -> Layout alignBottomLeft = valignBottom . halignLeft -- | Align the layout centered on the bottom of the assigned area. alignBottom :: Layout -> Layout alignBottom = valignBottom . halignCentre -- | Align the layout to the bottom-right of the assigned area. alignBottomRight :: Layout -> Layout alignBottomRight = valignBottom . halignRight {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whitespace -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | An empty layout that stretchable in all directions. glue :: Layout glue = stretch empty -- | An empty layout that is vertically stretchable. vglue :: Layout vglue = vstretch empty -- | An empty layout that is horizontally stretchable. hglue :: Layout hglue = hstretch empty -- | An empty layout. (see also 'space'). empty :: Layout empty = space 0 0 -- | Horizontal 'space' of a certain width. hspace :: Int -> Layout hspace w = space w 0 -- | Vertical 'space' of a certain height. vspace :: Int -> Layout vspace h = space 0 h {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Primitive layout tranformers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | (primitive) Set the minimal size of a widget. minsize :: Size -> Layout -> Layout minsize sz layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ minSize = Just sz }) -- | (primitive) Never resize the layout, but align it in the assigned area -- (default, except for containers like 'grid' and 'boxed' where it depends on the child layouts). rigid :: Layout -> Layout rigid layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ fillMode = FillNone }) -- | (primitive) Expand the layout to fill the assigned area but maintain the original proportions -- of the layout. Note that the layout can still be aligned in a horizontal or vertical direction. shaped :: Layout -> Layout shaped layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ fillMode = FillShaped }) -- | (primitive) Expand the layout to fill the assigned area entirely, even when the original proportions can not -- be maintained. Note that alignment will have no effect on such layout. See also 'fill'. expand :: Layout -> Layout expand layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ fillMode = Fill }) -- | (primitive) The layout is not stretchable. In a 'grid', the row and column that contain this layout will -- not be resizeable. Note that a 'static' layout can still be assigned an area that is larger -- than its preferred size due to grid alignment constraints. -- (default, except for containers like 'grid' and 'boxed' where it depends on the child layouts). static :: Layout -> Layout static layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ stretchV = False, stretchH = False }) -- | (primitive) The layout is stretchable and can be assigned a larger area in both the horizontal and vertical -- direction. See also combinators like 'fill' and 'floatCentre'. stretch :: Layout -> Layout stretch layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ stretchV = True, stretchH = True }) -- | (primitive) The layout is stretchable in the vertical direction. See also combinators like 'vfill' and 'vfloatCentre'. vstretch :: Layout -> Layout vstretch layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ stretchV = True, stretchH = False }) -- | (primitive) The layout is stretchable in the horizontal direction. See also combinators like 'hfill' and 'hfloatCentre'. hstretch :: Layout -> Layout hstretch layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ stretchH = True, stretchV = False }) -- | Add a margin of a certain width around the entire layout. margin :: Int -> Layout -> Layout margin i layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ margins = [MarginLeft,MarginRight,MarginTop,MarginBottom], marginW = i }) -- | (primitive) Set the width of the margin (default is 10 pixels). marginWidth :: Int -> Layout -> Layout marginWidth w layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ marginW = w }) -- | (primitive) Remove the margin of a layout (default). marginNone :: Layout -> Layout marginNone layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ margins = [] }) -- | (primitive) Add a margin to the left. marginLeft :: Layout -> Layout marginLeft layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ margins = MarginLeft:margins options }) -- | (primitive) Add a right margin. marginRight :: Layout -> Layout marginRight layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ margins = MarginRight:margins options }) -- | (primitive) Add a margin to the top. marginTop :: Layout -> Layout marginTop layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ margins = MarginTop:margins options }) -- | (primitive) Add a margin to the bottom. marginBottom :: Layout -> Layout marginBottom layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ margins = MarginBottom:margins options }) -- | (primitive) Align horizontally to the left when the layout is assigned to a larger area (default). halignLeft :: Layout -> Layout halignLeft layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ alignH = AlignLeft }) -- | (primitive) Align horizontally to the right when the layout is assigned to a larger area. halignRight :: Layout -> Layout halignRight layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ alignH = AlignRight }) -- | (primitive) Center horizontally when assigned to a larger area. halignCenter :: Layout -> Layout halignCenter = halignCentre -- | (primitive) Center horizontally when assigned to a larger area. halignCentre :: Layout -> Layout halignCentre layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ alignH = AlignHCentre }) -- | (primitive) Align vertically to the top when the layout is assigned to a larger area (default). valignTop :: Layout -> Layout valignTop layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ alignV = AlignTop }) -- | (primitive) Align vertically to the bottom when the layout is assigned to a larger area. valignBottom :: Layout -> Layout valignBottom layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ alignV = AlignBottom }) -- | (primitive) Center vertically when the layout is assigned to a larger area. valignCenter :: Layout -> Layout valignCenter layout = valignCentre layout -- | (primitive) Center vertically when the layout is assigned to a larger area. valignCentre :: Layout -> Layout valignCentre layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ alignV = AlignVCentre }) -- | Adjust the minimal size of a control dynamically when the content changes. -- This is used for example to correctly layout static text or buttons when the -- text or label changes at runtime. This property is automatically set for -- 'StaticText', 'label's, and 'button's. dynamic :: Layout -> Layout dynamic layout = updateOptions layout (\options -> options{ adjustMinSize = True }) updateOptions :: Layout -> (LayoutOptions -> LayoutOptions) -> Layout updateOptions layout f = layout{ options = f (options layout) } {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- primitive layouts -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | (primitive) Create a labeled border around a layout (= 'StaticBox'). -- Just like a 'grid', the horizontal or vertical stretch of the child layout determines -- the stretch and expansion mode of the box. boxed :: String -> Layout -> Layout boxed txt content = TextBox optionsDefault{ stretchV = hasvstretch, stretchH = hashstretch , fillMode = hasfill, adjustMinSize = True } txt (extramargin content) where hasvstretch = stretchV (options content) hashstretch = stretchH (options content) hasfill = if (hasvstretch || hashstretch) then Fill else FillNone extramargin | null (margins (options content)) = marginWidth 5 . marginTop | otherwise = id -- | (primitive) Create a static label label (= 'StaticText'). label :: String -> Layout label txt = Label optionsDefault txt -- | (primitive) The expression (@grid w h rows@) creates a grid of @rows@. The @w@ argument -- is the extra horizontal space between elements and @h@ the extra vertical space between elements. -- (implemented using the 'FlexGrid' sizer). -- -- Only when /all/ elements of a column have horizontal stretch (see 'stretch' and 'hstretch'), the entire -- column will stretch horizontally, and the same holds for rows with vertical stretch. -- When any column or row in a grid can stretch, the grid itself will also stretch in that direction -- and the grid will 'expand' to fill the assigned area by default (instead of being 'static'). grid :: Int -> Int -> [[Layout]] -> Layout grid w h rows = Grid optionsDefault{ stretchV = hasvstretch, stretchH = hashstretch, fillMode = hasfill } (sz w h) rows where hasvstretch = any (all (stretchV.options)) rows hashstretch = any (all (stretchH.options)) (transpose rows) hasfill = if (hasvstretch || hashstretch) then Fill else FillNone -- | (primitive) Add a container widget (for example, a 'Panel'). -- Just like a 'grid', the horizontal or vertical stretch of the child layout determines -- the stretch and expansion mode of the container. container :: Window a -> Layout -> Layout container window layout = WidgetContainer optionsDefault{ stretchV = hasvstretch, stretchH = hashstretch, fillMode = hasfill } (downcastWindow window) layout where hasvstretch = stretchV (options layout) hashstretch = stretchH (options layout) hasfill = if (hasvstretch || hashstretch) then Fill else FillNone -- | (primitive) Lift a basic control to a 'Layout'. layoutFromWindow :: Window a -> Layout layoutFromWindow window = Widget optionsDefault{ adjustMinSize = adjust } (downcastWindow window) where adjust = instanceOf window classButton || instanceOf window classStaticText -- | (primitive) Empty layout with a given width and height. space :: Int -> Int -> Layout space w h = Spacer optionsDefault (Size w h) -- | (primitive) A line with a given width and height rule :: Int -> Int -> Layout rule w h = Line optionsDefault (Size w h) -- | A vertical line with a given height. vrule :: Int -> Layout vrule h = rule 1 h -- | A horizontal line with a given width. hrule :: Int -> Layout hrule w = rule w 1 -- | (primitive) Create a 'Layout' from a 'Sizer' object. sizer :: Sizer a -> Layout sizer s = XSizer optionsDefault (downcastSizer s) -- | A tab page in a notebook: a title, a possible bitmap and a layout. type TabPage = (String,Bitmap (),Layout) -- | Create a simple tab page with a certain title and layout. tab :: String -> Layout -> TabPage tab title layout = (title,objectNull,layout) -- | Create a tab page with a certain title, icon, and layout. imageTab :: String -> Bitmap () -> Layout -> TabPage imageTab title bitmap layout = (title,bitmap,layout) -- | Create a notebook layout. -- The pages /always/ need to be embedded inside a 'container' (normally a 'Panel'). -- Just like a 'grid', the horizontal or vertical stretch of the child layout determines -- the stretch and expansion mode of the notebook. tabs :: Notebook a -> [TabPage] -> Layout tabs notebook pages = XNotebook optionsDefault{ stretchV = hasvstretch, stretchH = hashstretch, fillMode = hasfill } (downcastNotebook notebook) pages where hasvstretch = all stretchV [options layout | (_,_,layout) <- pages] hashstretch = all stretchH [options layout | (_,_,layout) <- pages] hasfill = if (hasvstretch || hashstretch) then Fill else FillNone -- | Add a horizontal sash bar between two windows. The two integer -- arguments specify the width of the sash bar (5) and the initial -- height of the top pane respectively. hsplit :: SplitterWindow a -> Int -> Int -> Layout -> Layout -> Layout hsplit = split True -- | Add a vertical sash bar between two windows. The two integer -- arguments specify the width of the sash bar (5) and the initial -- width of the left pane respectively. vsplit :: SplitterWindow a -> Int -> Int -> Layout -> Layout -> Layout vsplit = split False split :: Bool -> SplitterWindow a -> Int -> Int -> Layout -> Layout -> Layout split splitHorizontal splitter sashWidth paneWidth pane1 pane2 = Splitter optionsDefault (downcastSplitterWindow splitter) pane1 pane2 splitHorizontal sashWidth paneWidth optionsDefault :: LayoutOptions optionsDefault = LayoutOptions False False [] 10 AlignLeft AlignTop FillNone Nothing False {----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Layout algorithm -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Abstract data type that represents the layout of controls in a window. data Layout = Grid { options :: LayoutOptions, gap :: Size, rows :: [[Layout]] } | Widget { options :: LayoutOptions, win :: Window () } | Spacer { options :: LayoutOptions, spacesize :: Size } | Label { options :: LayoutOptions, txt :: String } | TextBox { options :: LayoutOptions, txt :: String, content :: Layout } | Line { options :: LayoutOptions, linesize :: Size } | XSizer { options :: LayoutOptions, xsizer :: Sizer () } | WidgetContainer{ options :: LayoutOptions, win :: Window (), content :: Layout } | XNotebook { options :: LayoutOptions, nbook :: Notebook (), pages :: [(String,Bitmap (),Layout)] } | Splitter { options :: LayoutOptions, splitter :: SplitterWindow () , pane1 :: Layout, pane2 :: Layout , splitHorizontal :: Bool, sashWidth :: Int, paneWidth :: Int } data LayoutOptions = LayoutOptions{ stretchH :: Bool, stretchV :: Bool , margins :: [Margin], marginW :: Int , alignH :: HAlign, alignV :: VAlign , fillMode :: FillMode , minSize :: Maybe Size , adjustMinSize :: Bool } data FillMode = FillNone | FillShaped | Fill data HAlign = AlignLeft | AlignRight | AlignHCentre data VAlign = AlignTop | AlignBottom | AlignVCentre data Margin = MarginTop | MarginLeft | MarginRight | MarginBottom -- | Fits a widget properly by calling 'windowReLayout' on -- the parent frame or dialog ('windowGetFrameParent'). windowReFit :: Window a -> IO () windowReFit w = do p <- windowGetFrameParent w windowReLayout p -- | Fits a widget properly by calling 'windowReLayout' on -- the parent frame or dialog ('windowGetFrameParent'). windowReFitMinimal :: Window a -> IO () windowReFitMinimal w = do p <- windowGetFrameParent w windowReLayoutMinimal p -- | Re-invoke layout algorithm to fit a window around its -- children. It will enlarge when the current -- client size is too small, but not shrink when the window -- is already large enough. (in contrast, 'windowReLayoutMinimal' will -- also shrink a window so that it always minimally sized). windowReLayout :: Window a -> IO () windowReLayout w = do windowLayout w old <- windowGetClientSize w szr <- windowGetSizer w when (not (objectIsNull szr)) (sizerSetSizeHints szr w) windowFit w new <- windowGetClientSize w windowSetClientSize w (sizeMax old new) -- | Re-invoke layout algorithm to fit a window around its -- children. It will resize the window to its minimal -- acceptable size ('windowFit'). windowReLayoutMinimal :: Window a -> IO () windowReLayoutMinimal w = do windowLayout w szr <- windowGetSizer w when (not (objectIsNull szr)) (sizerSetSizeHints szr w) windowFit w -- | Set the layout of a window (automatically calls 'sizerFromLayout'). windowSetLayout :: Window a -> Layout -> IO () windowSetLayout window layout = do sizer <- sizerFromLayout window layout windowSetAutoLayout window True windowSetSizer window sizer sizerSetSizeHints sizer window return () -- | Create a 'Sizer' from a 'Layout' and a parent window. sizerFromLayout :: Window a -> Layout -> IO (Sizer ()) sizerFromLayout parent layout = insert objectNull (grid 0 0 [[stretch layout]]) where insert :: Sizer () -> Layout -> IO (Sizer ()) insert container (Spacer options sz) = do sizerAddWithOptions 0 (sizerAdd container sz) (\sz -> return ()) options return container insert container (Widget options win) = do sizerAddWindowWithOptions container win options return container insert container (Grid goptions gap rows) = do g <- flexGridSizerCreate (length rows) (maximum (map length rows)) (sizeH gap) (sizeW gap) mapM_ (stretchRow g) (zip [0..] (map (all (stretchV.options)) rows)) mapM_ (stretchCol g) (zip [0..] (map (all (stretchH.options)) (transpose rows))) mapM_ (insert (downcastSizer g)) (concat rows) when (container /= objectNull) (sizerAddSizerWithOptions container g goptions) return (downcastSizer g) insert container (Label options txt) = do t <- staticTextCreate parent idAny txt rectNull 0 sizerAddWindowWithOptions container t options return container insert container (TextBox options txt layout) = do box <- staticBoxCreate parent idAny txt rectNull (wxCLIP_CHILDREN .+. wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) sizer <- staticBoxSizerCreate box wxVERTICAL insert (downcastSizer sizer) layout when (container /= objectNull) (sizerAddSizerWithOptions container sizer options) return (downcastSizer sizer) insert container (Line options (Size w h)) = do l <- staticLineCreate parent idAny (rectNull{ rectWidth = w, rectHeight = h }) (if (w >= h) then wxHORIZONTAL else wxVERTICAL) sizerAddWindowWithOptions container l options return container insert container (XSizer options sizer) = do sizerAddSizerWithOptions container sizer options return container insert container (WidgetContainer options win layout) = do windowSetLayout win layout -- recursively set the layout in the window itself sizerAddWindowWithOptions container win options return container insert container (Splitter options splitter pane1 pane2 splitHorizontal sashWidth paneWidth) = do splitterWindowSetMinimumPaneSize splitter 20 splitterWindowSetSashSize splitter sashWidth sizerAddWindowWithOptions container splitter options if splitHorizontal then splitterWindowSplitHorizontally splitter win1 win2 paneWidth else splitterWindowSplitVertically splitter win1 win2 paneWidth paneSetLayout pane1 paneSetLayout pane2 return container where win1 = getWinFromLayout pane1 win2 = getWinFromLayout pane2 getWinFromLayout layout = case layout of Widget _ win -> downcastWindow win WidgetContainer _ win _ -> downcastWindow win Splitter _ splitter _ _ _ _ _ -> downcastWindow splitter other -> error "Layout: hsplit/vsplit need widgets or containers as arguments" paneSetLayout layout = case layout of Widget _ win -> return () WidgetContainer options win layout -> windowSetLayout win layout Splitter options splitter pane1 pane2 splitHorizontal sashWidth paneWidth -> do splitterWindowSetMinimumPaneSize splitter 20 splitterWindowSetSashSize splitter sashWidth -- sizerAddWindowWithOptions container splitter options let win1 = getWinFromLayout pane1 win2 = getWinFromLayout pane2 if splitHorizontal then splitterWindowSplitHorizontally splitter win1 win2 paneWidth else splitterWindowSplitVertically splitter win1 win2 paneWidth paneSetLayout pane1 paneSetLayout pane2 return () other -> error "Layout: hsplit/vsplit need widgets or containers as arguments" insert container (XNotebook options nbook pages) = do pages' <- addImages objectNull pages mapM_ addPage pages' if (div wxVersion 100) < 26 then do nbsizer <- notebookSizerCreate nbook sizerAddSizerWithOptions container nbsizer options else sizerAddWindowWithOptions container nbook options return container where addPage (title,idx,WidgetContainer options win layout) = do pagetitle <- if (null title) then windowGetLabel win else return title notebookAddPage nbook win pagetitle False idx windowSetLayout win layout -- recursively set layout addPage (title,idx,other) = error "Graphics.UI.WXCore.sizerFromLayout: notebook page needs to be a 'container' layout!" addImages il [] = if (objectIsNull il) then return [] else do notebookAssignImageList nbook il return [] addImages il ((title,bm,layout):xs) | objectIsNull bm = do xs' <- addImages il xs return ((title,-1,layout):xs') addImages il ((title,bm,layout):xs) = do il' <- addImage il bm i <- imageListGetImageCount il' xs' <- addImages il' xs return ((title,i,layout):xs') addImage il bm = if (objectIsNull il) then do w <- bitmapGetWidth bm h <- bitmapGetHeight bm il <- imageListCreate (sz w h) False 1 imageListAddBitmap il bm objectNull return il else do imageListAddBitmap il bm objectNull return il stretchRow g (i,stretch) = when stretch (flexGridSizerAddGrowableRow g i) stretchCol g (i,stretch) = when stretch (flexGridSizerAddGrowableCol g i) sizerAddWindowWithOptions :: Sizer a -> Window b -> LayoutOptions -> IO () sizerAddWindowWithOptions container window options = sizerAddWithOptions (flagsAdjustMinSize window options) (sizerAddWindow container window) (sizerSetItemMinSizeWindow container window) options sizerAddSizerWithOptions :: Sizer a -> Sizer b -> LayoutOptions -> IO () sizerAddSizerWithOptions container sizer options = sizerAddWithOptions 0 (sizerAddSizer container sizer) (sizerSetItemMinSizeSizer container sizer) options sizerAddWithOptions :: Int -> (Int -> Int -> Int -> Ptr p -> IO ()) -> (Size -> IO ()) -> LayoutOptions -> IO () sizerAddWithOptions miscflags addSizer setMinSize options = do addSizer 1 (flags options .+. miscflags) (marginW options) ptrNull case minSize options of Nothing -> return () Just sz -> setMinSize sz flags options = flagsFillMode (fillMode options) .+. flagsMargins (margins options) .+. flagsHAlign (alignH options) .+. flagsVAlign (alignV options) flagsFillMode fillMode = case fillMode of FillNone -> 0 FillShaped -> wxSHAPED Fill -> wxEXPAND flagsHAlign halign = case halign of AlignLeft -> wxALIGN_LEFT AlignRight -> wxALIGN_RIGHT AlignHCentre -> wxALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL flagsVAlign valign = case valign of AlignTop -> wxALIGN_TOP AlignBottom -> wxALIGN_BOTTOM AlignVCentre -> wxALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL flagsMargins margins = bits (map flagsMargin margins) flagsMargin margin = case margin of MarginTop -> wxTOP MarginLeft -> wxLEFT MarginBottom -> wxBOTTOM MarginRight -> wxRIGHT flagsAdjustMinSize window options = if (adjustMinSize options) then wxADJUST_MINSIZE else 0 {- case minSize options of Nothing | -- dleijen: unfortunately, wxADJUST_MINSIZE has bugs for certain controls: not ( instanceOf window classGauge || instanceOf window classGauge95 || instanceOf window classGaugeMSW || instanceOf window classSlider || instanceOf window classSlider95 || instanceOf window classSliderMSW ) -> wxADJUST_MINSIZE other -> 0 -}