    ,TypeSynonymInstances #-}

module Language.XDsp.Implementations.Csound (
  S (..)
 ,BusType (..)
 ,HostOut (..)
 ,module Language.XDsp.Semantics.CsoundExt


import           Language.XDsp.Semantics
import           Language.XDsp.Semantics.CsoundExt hiding (CsOscil (..), CsOscili (..), CsSum (..))
import qualified Language.XDsp.Semantics.CsoundExt as CSE

import           Data.Char
import           Data.Data
import           Data.List (intersperse, intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import           Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import           Data.TypeLevel.Num ((:>=:), Nat, toInt)
import           Control.Monad.RWS
import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Arrow

import           Text.Printf

-- ---------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------

-- |Initial csound pretty-printer

data CVar =
    Cnst Double
  | CStr String
  | CVar String
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

data VarType =
    A                  -- A-rate signal
  | K                  -- K-rate signal
  | I                  -- i-time value
  | F                  -- fsig
  | T                  -- function table
  | IC                 -- score i-statement
  | St                 -- String
  | U                  -- Unit
  | Tp VarType VarType -- tuple
  | T3 VarType VarType VarType         -- 3-tuple
  | T4 VarType VarType VarType VarType -- 4-element tuple
  | CList VarType      -- list
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

-- | get the initial character of a csound var from a VarType
mkChr :: VarType -> Char
mkChr T  = 'f'
mkChr IC = 'i'
mkChr St = 'i'  -- string type stored in ivals
mkChr x = toLower . head . show $ x

getLbl :: CVar -> String
getLbl (Cnst x)   = show x
getLbl (CStr s)   = show s
getLbl (CVar s)   = s

-- |Polyvariadic support for building argument lists
class ArgListBuilder r where
  appendToList :: [String] -> r

instance ArgListBuilder [String] where
  appendToList = reverse

instance (Varable a, ArgListBuilder r) => ArgListBuilder (a -> r) where
  appendToList arg = appendToList . (\acc a -> getVarLbl a : acc) arg

mkOp0 :: Varable out => String -> S n out
mkOp0 opname = do
  (out, outName) <- genName
  tellOrc $ printf "%s %s\n" outName opname
  return out

-- |helper function to create a 1-argument opcode instance.
-- I should make these with TH, but that would require having "genName" in scope
-- which means S would need to be in scope, but then all the S instances
-- would be orphans, which I don't want either...
mkOp1 :: (Varable a, Varable out) => String -> a -> S n out
mkOp1 opname a1 = do
  (out, outName) <- genName
  tellOrc $ printf "%s %s %s\n" outName opname (getVarLbl a1)
  return out

mkOp2 opname a1 a2 = do
  (out, outName) <- genName
  tellOrc $ printf "%s %s %s\n" outName opname
    (argCleaner $ appendToList [] a1 a2)
  return out

mkOp3 opname a1 a2 a3 = do
  (out, outName) <- genName
  tellOrc $ printf "%s %s %s\n" outName opname
    (argCleaner $ appendToList [] a1 a2 a3)
  return out

mkOp4 opname a1 a2 a3 a4 = do
  (out, outName) <- genName
  tellOrc $ printf "%s %s %s\n" outName opname
    (argCleaner $ appendToList [] a1 a2 a3 a4)
  return out

mkOp5 opname a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 = do
  (out, outName) <- genName
  tellOrc $ printf "%s %s %s\n" outName opname
    (argCleaner $ appendToList [] a1 a2 a3 a4 a5)
  return out

mkOp6 opname a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 = do
  (out, outName) <- genName
  tellOrc $ printf "%s %s %s\n" outName opname
    (argCleaner $ appendToList [] a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6)
  return out

mkOp7 opname a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 = do
  (out, outName) <- genName
  tellOrc $ printf "%s %s %s\n" outName opname
    (argCleaner $ appendToList [] a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7)
  return out

mkOp8 opname a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 = do
  (out, outName) <- genName
  tellOrc $ printf "%s %s %s\n" outName opname
    (argCleaner $ appendToList [] a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8)
  return out

mkOp9 opname a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 = do
  (out, outName) <- genName
  tellOrc $ printf "%s %s %s\n" outName opname
    (argCleaner $ appendToList [] a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9)
  return out

mkOp10 opname a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 = do
  (out, outName) <- genName
  tellOrc $ printf "%s %s %s\n" outName opname
    (argCleaner $ appendToList [] a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10)
  return out

mkOp11 opname a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 = do
  (out, outName) <- genName
  tellOrc $ printf "%s %s %s\n" outName opname
    (argCleaner $ appendToList [] a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11)
  return out

mkOp12 opname a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 = do
  (out, outName) <- genName
  tellOrc $ printf "%s %s %s\n" outName opname
    (argCleaner $ appendToList [] a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12)
  return out

mkOp13 opname a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 = do
  (out, outName) <- genName
  tellOrc $ printf "%s %s %s\n" outName opname
    (argCleaner $ appendToList [] a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13)
  return out

mkOp17 opname a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17 = do
  (out, outName) <- genName
  tellOrc $ printf "%s %s %s\n" outName opname
    (argCleaner $ appendToList [] a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17)
  return out

-- | remove null arguments; these appear when a list of arguments is empty.
argCleaner :: [String] -> String
argCleaner = intercalate ", " . filter (Prelude.not . null)

mkOp14 = error "mkOp14"
mkOp15 = error "mkOp15"
mkOp16 = error "mkOp16"
mkOp18 = error "mkOp18"
mkOp19 = error "mkOp19"
mkOp22 = error "mkOp22"
mkOp26 = error "mkOp26"
mkOp32 = error "mkOp32"
mkOp83 = error "mkOp83"
mkOp99 = error "mkOp99"
mkOp51 = error "mkOp51"
mkOp34 = error "mkOp34"
mkOp43 = error "mkOp43"

-- ------------------------------------------
-- ------------------------------------------
-- sco helpers

-- | A score item.  The "Card" name is old-school
data Card = Card VarType [String] deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

card2str :: Card -> String
card2str (Card typ args) = mkChr typ : unwords args ++ "\n"

writeCard :: Card -> S n ()
writeCard = tellSco . card2str

mkTbl :: Int -> Double -> Int -> Int -> [Double] -> Card
mkTbl nm time sz gen args = Card T $
  show nm:show time:show sz:show gen:map show args

-- |Create a 0-filled f-statement in the score section.
mkScoreBuf :: Int -> Int -> S n ()
mkScoreBuf nm sz = writeCard $ mkTbl nm 0 sz 17 [0,0]

-- | Holds data on a score item for memoization purposes.
data CardM = CardM VarType String String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

cacheBuf :: String -> Int -> CardM
cacheBuf lbl = CardM T lbl . show

-- ------------------------------------------
-- ------------------------------------------
-- external interface helpers

data BusType = KBus | TblBus Int deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- |Specifies details for a Host output described within the language.
-- First string is a host-specified label.  Second is an auto-generated
-- name (e.g. tablenum)
data HostOut = HostOut {
  busType :: BusType,
  busLbl  :: String,
  busName :: String } deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- ------------------------------------------
-- ------------------------------------------

data CacheKey =
 CKC CardM    -- score cache
 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

type WCache  = M.Map CacheKey CVar
type GenMap  = M.Map VarType Int
type ICache = S.Set Int
data SState  = SState {
  wcache :: WCache
 ,genMap :: GenMap
 ,iCache :: ICache}

type ScoType = TL.Text
type OrcType = TL.Text
type HostType = [HostOut]

type WType = (ScoType, OrcType, HostType)
type RType = (Integer, Integer) -- SR and ksmps

defaultRType = (44100,16)

newtype S n a = S { unS :: RWS RType WType SState a }
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, Typeable)

instance MonadFix (S n) where
  mfix f = S $ mfix (unS . f)

instance MonadState (S n) where
  type StateType (S n) = SState
  get = S get
  put = S . put

instance MonadWriter (S n) where
  type WriterType (S n) = WType
  tell   = S . tell
  listen = S . listen . unS
  pass   = S . pass . unS

instance MonadReader (S n) where
  type EnvType (S n) = RType
  ask   = S ask
  local f = S . local f . unS

csdHeader =

-- -------------------------
-- helpers for working with states

getGen :: S n GenMap
getGen = fmap genMap get

putGen :: GenMap -> S n ()
putGen newstate = modify (\ss -> ss {genMap = newstate})

cache  :: CacheKey -> CVar -> S n ()
cache key val = do
  SState cmap gen imap <- get
  put $ SState (M.insert key val cmap) gen imap

cacheInstr :: Int -> S n ()
cacheInstr n = modify (\ss -> let ic' = S.insert n (iCache ss) in ss { iCache = ic' })

instrInCache :: Int -> S n Bool
instrInCache n = do
  (SState _ _ imap) <- get
  return $ S.member n imap

tellOrc :: String -> S n ()
tellOrc s = tell (TL.pack s,mempty, mempty)

tellSco :: String -> S n ()
tellSco s = tell (mempty,TL.pack s,mempty)

tellHost :: HostOut -> S n ()
tellHost s = tell (mempty,mempty, [s])

runS :: S n a -> RType -> (a, SState, WType)
runS e rt = runRWS (unS e) rt (SState M.empty M.empty S.empty)

evalS :: S n a -> RType -> a
evalS e rt = let (a,_,_) = runS e rt in a

getWritten :: RType -> S n x -> WType
getWritten rt e = let (_,_,w) = runS e rt in w

-- |Creates a CSD formatted String from args and an x-dsp expression.
unifyCsd :: [String] -> RType -> S n x -> (TL.Text, [HostOut])
unifyCsd args r = unifyCsd' args . getWritten r

-- |Creates a CSD file from an argument list and Writer output
unifyCsd' :: [String] -> WType -> (TL.Text, [HostOut])
unifyCsd' args (orc, sco, host) = (csd, host)
  oH = TL.pack "<CsInstruments>\n"
  oF = TL.pack "\n</CsInstruments>\n"
  sH = TL.pack "<CsScore>\n"
  sF = TL.pack "\ne\n</CsScore>\n</CsoundSynthesizer>\n"

  csd = TL.concat [TL.pack (printf csdHeader (unwords args))
                  ,oH ,orc ,oF ,sH ,sco ,sF]

class Varable s where
  genName   :: S n (s, String)
  getVarLbl :: s -> String

instance Varable s => Var s where
  type VarRep s = String
  getVarRep s = getVarLbl s

class Varable s => PVar s where

class Varable s => KVar s where

-- |Create a new number of the appropriate type.
-- This can be made into a name by prepending the type character.
mkName :: VarType -> S n Int
mkName typ = do
  gen <- getGen
  let num = fromMaybe 1 $ M.lookup typ gen
  putGen $ M.alter (const $ Just (succ num)) typ gen
  return num

-- ---------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------
-- Instances

instance Dsp (S n) where
  data (ASig (S n)) = S_A CVar
  data (KSig (S n)) = S_K CVar
  data (INum (S n)) = S_I CVar
  getSr    = fst <$> ask
  getKsmps = snd <$> ask

instance Constants (S n) where
  cnst = return . S_I . Cnst
  ckig = return . S_K . Cnst
  csig = return . S_A . Cnst

instance Cast (S n) where
  ik ivar = mkOp1 "=" ivar
  ia ivar = mkOp1 "=" ivar
  ki kvar = do
    (out, outname) <- genName
    tellOrc $ printf "%s = i(%s)\n" outname (getVarLbl kvar)
    return out

instance Varable (ASig (S n)) where
  genName = do
    SState omap gen imap <- get
    let num = fromMaybe 1 $ M.lookup A gen
        nm  = 'a' : show num
    put $ SState omap (M.alter (const $ Just (succ num)) A gen) imap
    return (S_A $ CVar nm, nm)
  getVarLbl (S_A c) = getLbl c

instance PVar (ASig (S n)) where

instance Varable (KSig (S n)) where
  genName = do
    SState omap gen imap <- get
    let num = fromMaybe 1 $ M.lookup K gen
        nm  = 'k' : show num
    put $ SState omap (M.alter (const $ Just (succ num)) K gen) imap
    return (S_K $ CVar nm, nm)
  getVarLbl (S_K c) = getLbl c

instance PVar (KSig (S n)) where
instance KVar (KSig (S n)) where

instance Varable (INum (S n)) where
  genName = do
    SState omap gen imap <- get
    let num = fromMaybe 1 $ M.lookup I gen
        nm  = 'i' : show num
    put $ SState omap (M.alter (const $ Just (succ num)) I gen) imap
    return (S_I $ CVar nm, nm)
  getVarLbl (S_I c) = getLbl c

instance Varable () where
  genName            = return ((), "")
  getVarLbl _        = "()"

instance Varable String where
  genName = error "Can't call 'genName' on String directly"
  getVarLbl s = '"' : s ++ "\""

instance Varable (VString (S n)) where
  genName = do
    SState omap gen imap <- get
    let num = fromMaybe 1 $ M.lookup St gen
        nm  = 'S' : show num
    put $ SState omap (M.alter (const $ Just (succ num)) St gen) imap
    return (S_VS $ CVar nm, nm)
  getVarLbl (S_VS c) = getLbl c

instance KVar (VString (S n)) where

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => Varable (a,b) where
  genName = do
    (o1,nm1) <- genName
    (o2,nm2) <- genName
    return ((o1,o2), nm1 ++ ", " ++ nm2)
  getVarLbl (a,b)      = getVarLbl a ++ ", " ++ getVarLbl b

instance (Varable a, Varable b, Varable c) =>
 Varable (a,b,c) where
  genName = do
    (o1,nm1) <- genName
    (o2,nm2) <- genName
    (o3,nm3) <- genName
    return ((o1,o2,o3), intercalate ", " [nm1, nm2, nm3])
  getVarLbl (a,b,c) =
    intercalate ", " [getVarLbl a, getVarLbl b,getVarLbl c]

instance (Varable a, Varable b, Varable c, Varable d) => Varable (a,b,c,d) where
  genName = do
    (o1,nm1) <- genName
    (o2,nm2) <- genName
    (o3,nm3) <- genName
    (o4,nm4) <- genName
    return ((o1,o2,o3,o4), intercalate ", " [nm1, nm2, nm3, nm4])
  getVarLbl (a,b,c,d) =
    intercalate ", " [getVarLbl a, getVarLbl b,getVarLbl c, getVarLbl d]

instance Varable a => Varable [a] where
  genName             = error "Can't generate names for arbitrary lists"
  getVarLbl           = intercalate ", " . map getVarLbl

instance forall d a. (Varable a, Nat d) => Varable (TList d a) where
  genName = do
    outss <- replicateM (toInt (undefined :: d)) genName
    return (TList $ map fst outss, intercalate ", " $ map snd outss)
  getVarLbl           = intercalate ", " . map getVarLbl . unTList

instance KVar (INum (S n)) where

instance PVS (S n) where
  data FSig (S n) = S_FSig CVar

instance Varable (FSig (S n)) where
  genName = do
    SState omap gen imap <- get
    let num = fromMaybe 1 $ M.lookup F gen
        nm  = 'f' : show num
    put $ SState omap (M.alter (const $ Just (succ num)) F gen) imap
    return (S_FSig $ CVar nm, nm)
  getVarLbl (S_FSig c) = getLbl c

-- | need this to directly use numeric literals as arguments.
instance Varable Double where
  genName   = error "genName shouldn't be called with Doubles"
  getVarLbl = show

instance StringVar (S n) where
  data VString (S n) = S_VS CVar
  fromStr = S_VS . CStr

-- ---------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------
-- The csound class
instance CsoundClass (S n) where
  nchnls n   = tellOrc (printf "nchnls = %i\n" n) >> return n
  set0dbfs n = tellOrc (printf "0dbfs = %f\n" n) >> return n

instance CsFunctions (ASig (S n)) where
  octcps (S_A a) = S_A . CVar $ printf "(octcps(%s))" (getLbl a)
  octpch (S_A a) = S_A . CVar $ printf "(octpch(%s))" (getLbl a)
  cpspch (S_A a) = S_A . CVar $ printf "(cpspch(%s))" (getLbl a)
  cpsoct (S_A a) = S_A . CVar $ printf "(cpsoct(%s))" (getLbl a)
  pchoct (S_A a) = S_A . CVar $ printf "(pchoct(%s))" (getLbl a)
  pchcps (S_A a) = S_A . CVar $ printf "(pchcps(%s))" (getLbl a)

instance CsFunctions (KSig (S n)) where
  octcps (S_K a) = S_K . CVar $ printf "(octcps(%s))" (getLbl a)
  octpch (S_K a) = S_K . CVar $ printf "(octpch(%s))" (getLbl a)
  cpspch (S_K a) = S_K . CVar $ printf "(cpspch(%s))" (getLbl a)
  cpsoct (S_K a) = S_K . CVar $ printf "(cpsoct(%s))" (getLbl a)
  pchoct (S_K a) = S_K . CVar $ printf "(pchoct(%s))" (getLbl a)
  pchcps (S_K a) = S_K . CVar $ printf "(pchcps(%s))" (getLbl a)

instance CsFunctions (INum (S n)) where
  octcps (S_I a) = S_I . CVar $ printf "(octcps(%s))" (getLbl a)
  octpch (S_I a) = S_I . CVar $ printf "(octpch(%s))" (getLbl a)
  cpspch (S_I a) = S_I . CVar $ printf "(cpspch(%s))" (getLbl a)
  cpsoct (S_I a) = S_I . CVar $ printf "(cpsoct(%s))" (getLbl a)
  pchoct (S_I a) = S_I . CVar $ printf "(pchoct(%s))" (getLbl a)
  pchcps (S_I a) = S_I . CVar $ printf "(pchcps(%s))" (getLbl a)

-- ---------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------
-- Numeric support for signals
instance Show (ASig (S n)) where
  show (S_A s) = show s

instance Eq (ASig (S n)) where
  (S_A a) == (S_A b) = a == b

instance Num (ASig (S n)) where
  (S_A a) + (S_A b) = S_A . CVar $ printf "(%s + %s)" (getLbl a) (getLbl b)
  (S_A a) - (S_A b) = S_A . CVar $ printf "(%s - %s)" (getLbl a) (getLbl b)
  (S_A a) * (S_A b) = S_A . CVar $ printf "(%s * %s)" (getLbl a) (getLbl b)
  abs (S_A a)       = S_A . CVar $ printf "(abs %s)" (getLbl a)
  signum      = error "signum called on (ASig (S n))"
  fromInteger = S_A . Cnst . fromInteger

instance Fractional (ASig (S n)) where
  (S_A a) / (S_A b) = S_A . CVar $ printf "(%s / %s)" (getLbl a) (getLbl b)
  fromRational = S_A . Cnst . fromRational

instance Show (KSig (S n)) where
  show (S_K s) = show s

instance Eq (KSig (S n)) where
  (S_K a) == (S_K b) = a == b

instance Num (KSig (S n)) where
  (S_K a) + (S_K b) = S_K . CVar $ printf "(%s + %s)" (getLbl a) (getLbl b)
  (S_K a) - (S_K b) = S_K . CVar $ printf "(%s - %s)" (getLbl a) (getLbl b)
  (S_K a) * (S_K b) = S_K . CVar $ printf "(%s * %s)" (getLbl a) (getLbl b)
  abs (S_K a)       = S_K . CVar $ printf "(abs %s)" (getLbl a)
  signum      = error "signum called on (KSig (S n))"
  fromInteger = S_K . Cnst . fromInteger

instance Fractional (KSig (S n)) where
  (S_K a) / (S_K b) = S_K . CVar $ printf "(%s / %s)" (getLbl a) (getLbl b)
  fromRational = S_K . Cnst . fromRational

instance Show (INum (S n)) where
  show (S_I s) = show s

instance Eq (INum (S n)) where
  (S_I a) == (S_I b) = a == b

instance Num (INum (S n)) where
  (S_I (Cnst a)) + (S_I (Cnst b)) = S_I $ Cnst (a+b)
  (S_I a) + (S_I b) = S_I . CVar $ printf "(%s + %s)" (getLbl a) (getLbl b)
  (S_I (Cnst a)) - (S_I (Cnst b)) = S_I $ Cnst (a-b)
  (S_I a) - (S_I b) = S_I . CVar $ printf "(%s - %s)" (getLbl a) (getLbl b)
  (S_I (Cnst a)) * (S_I (Cnst b)) = S_I $ Cnst (a*b)
  (S_I a) * (S_I b) = S_I . CVar $ printf "(%s * %s)" (getLbl a) (getLbl b)
  abs (S_I a)        = S_I . CVar $ printf "(abs %s)" (getLbl a)
  signum      = error "signum called on (INum (S n))"
  fromInteger = S_I . Cnst . fromInteger

instance Fractional (INum (S n)) where
  (S_I (Cnst a)) / (S_I (Cnst b)) = S_I . Cnst $ a/b
  (S_I a) / (S_I b) = S_I . CVar $ printf "(%s / %s)" (getLbl a) (getLbl b)
  fromRational = S_I . Cnst . fromRational

instance Show s => Show ((S n) s) where
  show s = show $ evalS s defaultRType

instance Eq e => Eq ((S n) e) where
  e1 == e2 = evalS ((==) <$> e1 <*> e2) defaultRType

instance Num e => Num ((S n) e) where
  e1 + e2     = (+) <$> e1 <*> e2
  e1 - e2     = (-) <$> e1 <*> e2
  e1 * e2     = (*) <$> e1 <*> e2
  abs         = fmap Prelude.abs
  signum      = fmap signum
  fromInteger = pure . fromInteger

instance Fractional e => Fractional ((S n) e) where
  e1 / e2 = (/) <$> e1 <*> e2
  recip   = fmap recip
  fromRational = pure . fromRational

-- ---------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------
-- Csound functions

-- ---------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------
-- core language extensions

-- | supports assignment
instance Varable a => Asn (S n) a where
  asn = mkOp1 "="

-- | supports output
instance Out (S n) where
  out = tellOrc . printf "       out %s\n" . getVarLbl
  outs a1 a2 = do
    (tellOrc $ printf "       outs %s, %s\n" (getVarLbl a1) (getVarLbl a2))
  outq a1 a2 a3 a4 = do
    (tellOrc $ printf "       outs %s, %s, %s, %s\n"
      (getVarLbl a1) (getVarLbl a2) (getVarLbl a3) (getVarLbl a4))
  outo a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 = do
    (tellOrc $ printf "       outs %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n"
      (getVarLbl a1) (getVarLbl a2) (getVarLbl a3) (getVarLbl a4)
      (getVarLbl a5) (getVarLbl a6) (getVarLbl a7) (getVarLbl a8))

-- ---------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------
-- Buffers (function tables)

-- | creation of buffers
instance Buffer (S n) where
  type Buf (S n) = INum (S n)
  emptyBuffer sz = do
    bufNum <- mkName T
    mkScoreBuf bufNum sz
    return $ fromIntegral bufNum

instance (Varable a) => BufferR (S n) a a where
  lookupAt = flip (mkOp2 "tablei")

-- | creation of host-variable buffers
instance VBuf (S n) where
  vbuf lbl sz = do
    (SState cmap gen imap) <- get
    case M.lookup (CKC $ cacheBuf lbl sz) cmap of
      Just nm -> return $ S_I nm
      Nothing -> do
        bufNum <- mkName T
        mkScoreBuf bufNum sz
        tellHost . HostOut (TblBus sz) lbl $ show bufNum
        let res = Cnst $ fromIntegral bufNum
        cache (CKC $ cacheBuf lbl sz) res
        return $ S_I res

mkOp str l r = printf ("(%s " ++ str ++ " %s)") (getLbl l) (getLbl r)

instance RCmpr (KSig (S n)) where
  data RBool (KSig (S n)) = K_Bool String
  req (S_K l) (S_K r) = K_Bool $ mkOp "==" l r
  rne (S_K l) (S_K r) = K_Bool $ mkOp "!=" l r
  rlt (S_K l) (S_K r) = K_Bool $ mkOp "<" l r
  rle (S_K l) (S_K r) = K_Bool $ mkOp "<=" l r
  rgt (S_K l) (S_K r) = K_Bool $ mkOp ">" l r
  rge (S_K l) (S_K r) = K_Bool $ mkOp ">=" l r

instance RCmpr (INum (S n)) where
  data RBool (INum (S n)) = I_Bool String
  req (S_I l) (S_I r) = I_Bool $ mkOp "==" l r
  rne (S_I l) (S_I r) = I_Bool $ mkOp "!=" l r
  rlt (S_I l) (S_I r) = I_Bool $ mkOp "<" l r
  rle (S_I l) (S_I r) = I_Bool $ mkOp "<=" l r
  rgt (S_I l) (S_I r) = I_Bool $ mkOp ">" l r
  rge (S_I l) (S_I r) = I_Bool $ mkOp ">=" l r

instance Varable a => RCtrl (S n) (KSig (S n)) a where
  rIf (K_Bool b) m = runIf1 b m
  rIfElse (K_Bool b) m1 m2 = runIf b m1 m2

instance Varable a => RCtrl (S n) (INum (S n)) a where
  rIf (I_Bool b) m = runIf1 b m
  rIfElse (I_Bool b) m1 m2 = runIf b m1 m2

runIf1 test m1 = do
  tellOrc $ printf "if %s then\n" test
  a <- m1
  tellOrc "endif\n"
  return a

runIf test m1 m2 = do
  tellOrc $ printf "if %s then\n" test
  a <- m1
  let aLbl = getVarRep a
  tellOrc "else\n"
  b <- m2
  let bLbl = getVarRep b
  tellOrc $ printf "%s = %s\n" aLbl bLbl
  tellOrc "endif\n"
  return a

-- ---------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------
-- Instruments

instance (Nat m, Nat n, Show n, m :>=: n) => NumArgs S m n where
  getArg n = return . S_I . CVar $ 'p': show n

-- | Labelled blocks (basic instrument creation)
instance LblBlock (S n) where
  type ArgTag (S n) = n
  type ArgTyp (S n) = Either String Double
  data Block (S n) = Instr Int
  lblBlock num e = do
    isCached <- instrInCache num
    when (Prelude.not isCached) $ do
      tellOrc (printf "instr %d\n" num) >> e >> tellOrc "endin\n\n"
      cacheInstr num
    return $ Instr num
  runBlock = runBlock'

getArgVal :: Either String Double -> String
getArgVal = either show show

makeInstrument :: S n () -> S n (Block (S n))
makeInstrument e = do
  SState _ _ imap <- get
  maybe (lblBlock 1 e) (\(n, _) -> lblBlock (n+1) e) $ S.maxView imap

-- | After labelling a block (csound instr), we need to clear the opcode
-- caches, otherwise code could be invalidly shared between instruments.
-- We can clear the name generator too (except for table nums).
clearBlockData :: S n ()
clearBlockData = do
  (SState cmap genmap imap) <- get
  let cmap' = M.mapMaybeWithKey cmf cmap
      genmap' = M.mapMaybeWithKey gmf genmap
  put $ SState cmap' genmap' imap
  cmf k       v = Just v
  gmf T n       = Just n
  gmf _ _       = Nothing

-- | Runs a block (instr).
runBlock' ::
  Block (S n)
  -> Double
  -> Double
  -> TList m (Either String Double)
  -> S n ()
runBlock' (Instr blkLbl) startIn dur args =
  writeCard . Card IC $ [show blkLbl, show startIn, show dur]
                        ++ map getArgVal (unTList args)

-- runBlock' should have the constraint (n :>=: m), but that doesn't work
-- because the constraint isn't passed through the LblBlock class.
-- It's not a problem because the constraint is enforced by "getArg", so
-- only valid arguments will be used.

-- | Writes the header data
writeHeader :: Int -> Double -> S n ()
writeHeader nc dbfs = do
  (sr,ksmps) <- ask
  setSR sr
  setKSmps ksmps
  nchnls nc
  set0dbfs dbfs
  return ()

setSR n       = tellOrc (printf "sr = %i\n" n) >> return n
setKSmps n    = tellOrc (printf "ksmps = %i\n" n) >> return n

-- ---------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------
-- Math ops

instance Math (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  log2  (S_A a) = asn $ S_A . CVar $ printf "(logbtwo(%s))" (getLbl a)
  sqrt  (S_A a) = asn $ S_A . CVar $ printf "(sqrt(%s))" (getLbl a)
  int   (S_A a) = asn $ S_A . CVar $ printf "(int(%s))" (getLbl a)
  frac  (S_A a) = asn $ S_A . CVar $ printf "(frac(%s))" (getLbl a)
  floor (S_A a) = asn $ S_A . CVar $ printf "(floor(%s))" (getLbl a)

instance Math (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  log2  (S_K a) = asn $ S_K . CVar $ printf "(logbtwo(%s))" (getLbl a)
  sqrt  (S_K a) = asn $ S_K . CVar $ printf "(sqrt(%s))" (getLbl a)
  int   (S_K a) = asn $ S_K . CVar $ printf "(int(%s))" (getLbl a)
  frac  (S_K a) = asn $ S_K . CVar $ printf "(frac(%s))" (getLbl a)
  floor (S_K a) = asn $ S_K . CVar $ printf "(floor(%s))" (getLbl a)

instance Math (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  log2  (S_I a) = asn $ S_I . CVar $ printf "(logbtwo(%s))" (getLbl a)
  sqrt  (S_I a) = asn $ S_I . CVar $ printf "(sqrt(%s))" (getLbl a)
  int   (S_I a) = asn $ S_I . CVar $ printf "(int(%s))" (getLbl a)
  frac  (S_I a) = asn $ S_I . CVar $ printf "(frac(%s))" (getLbl a)
  floor (S_I a) = asn $ S_I . CVar $ printf "(floor(%s))" (getLbl a)

-- ---------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------
-- phasor
instance Phasor (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  phasor = mkOp1 "phasor"

instance (Varable a) => Phasor (S n) (ASig (S n)) a where
  phasor = mkOp1 "phasor"

-- oscillators

-- | Supports table-lookup oscillators
instance (Varable a, Varable b, PVar out) => Oscil (S n) out a b where
  oscil   = mkOp3 "oscil3"
  oscil'  = mkOp4 "oscil3"

-- ---------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------
-- delays
instance Delay (S n) where
  delaySamp = mkOp1 "delay1"
  vdelay3   = mkOp3 "vdelay3"

-- delay networks
instance DelayNet (S n) where
  type DelayN (S n) = SDelay n
  runDelay  = runDelay'
  tapA      = tap'
  tapK      = tap'
  tapI      = tap'

newtype SDelay n a = SDelay { unDelay :: S n a }
  deriving (Functor)

instance Applicative (SDelay n) where
  pure = SDelay . pure
  (SDelay a) <*> (SDelay b) = SDelay (a <*> b)

runDelay' :: INum (S n) -> ASig (S n) -> SDelay n a -> S n a
runDelay' maxdel insig dl = do
  tellOrc $ printf "aNull delayr %s\n" (getVarLbl maxdel)
  v <- unDelay dl
  tellOrc $ printf "    delayw %s\n" (getVarLbl insig)
  return v

tap' :: Varable b => b -> SDelay n (ASig (S n))
tap' dtime = SDelay $ mkOp1 "deltap3" dtime

-- ---------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------
-- test instruments

-- | very basic block
t1 = do
  v <- csig 1000
  outs v v

-- | delay networks

-- | simple delay with constant signal
t3 = do
  so <- runDelay 1 1000 (tapK 1)
  outs so so

-- | It's necessary to use monadic sequencing (here implicit in makeInstruments)
-- to chain instruments together
all1 = mapM makeInstrument [t1,t3]
instance  CsATSadd (S n)  where
  aTSadd = mkOp5 "aTSadd"
  aTSadd' = mkOp8 "aTSadd"

instance  CsATSaddnz (S n)  where
  aTSaddnz = mkOp3 "aTSaddnz"
  aTSaddnz' = mkOp5 "aTSaddnz"

instance  CsATSbufread (S n)  where
  aTSbufread = mkOp4 "aTSbufread"
  aTSbufread' = mkOp6 "aTSbufread"

instance  CsATScross (S n)  where
  aTScross = mkOp7 "aTScross"
  aTScross' = mkOp11 "aTScross"

instance  CsATSinfo (S n)  where
  aTSinfo = mkOp2 "aTSinfo"

instance  CsATSinterpread (S n)  where
  aTSinterpread = mkOp1 "aTSinterpread"

instance  CsATSpartialtap (S n)  where
  aTSpartialtap = mkOp1 "aTSpartialtap"

instance  CsATSread (S n)  where
  aTSread = mkOp3 "aTSread"

instance  CsATSreadnz (S n)  where
  aTSreadnz = mkOp3 "aTSreadnz"

instance  CsATSsinnoi (S n)  where
  aTSsinnoi = mkOp6 "aTSsinnoi"
  aTSsinnoi' = mkOp8 "aTSsinnoi"

instance  CsMixerClear (S n)  where
  mixerClear = mkOp0 "mixerClear"

instance  CsMixerGetLevel (S n)  where
  mixerGetLevel = mkOp2 "mixerGetLevel"

instance  CsMixerReceive (S n)  where
  mixerReceive = mkOp2 "mixerReceive"

instance  CsMixerSend (S n)  where
  mixerSend = mkOp4 "mixerSend"

instance  CsMixerSetLevel (S n)  where
  mixerSetLevel = mkOp3 "mixerSetLevel"

instance  CsMixerSetLevel_i (S n)  where
  mixerSetLevel_i = mkOp3 "mixerSetLevel_i"

instance  CsACS (S n)  where
  aCS = mkOp1 "aCS"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsAdd (S n) (ASig (S n)) a b where
  add = mkOp2 "add"

instance  CsAdd (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  add = mkOp2 "add"

instance  CsAdd (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  add = mkOp2 "add"

instance (PVar out) => CsAdsr (S n) out where
  adsr = mkOp4 "adsr"
  adsr' = mkOp5 "adsr"

instance  CsAdsyn (S n)  where
  adsyn = mkOp4 "adsyn"
  adsyn' = mkOp5 "adsyn"

instance  CsAdsynt (S n)  where
  adsynt = mkOp6 "adsynt"
  adsynt' = mkOp7 "adsynt"

instance  CsAdsynt2 (S n)  where
  adsynt2 = mkOp6 "adsynt2"
  adsynt2' = mkOp7 "adsynt2"

instance  CsAftouch (S n)  where
  aftouch = mkOp0 "aftouch"
  aftouch' = mkOp2 "aftouch"

instance  CsAlpass (S n)  where
  alpass = mkOp3 "alpass"
  alpass' = mkOp5 "alpass"

instance  CsAlwayson (S n)  where
  alwayson = mkOp2 "alwayson"

instance  CsAmpdb (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  ampdb = mkOp1 "ampdb"

instance  CsAmpdb (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  ampdb = mkOp1 "ampdb"

instance  CsAmpdb (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  ampdb = mkOp1 "ampdb"

instance  CsAmpdbfs (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  ampdbfs = mkOp1 "ampdbfs"

instance  CsAmpdbfs (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  ampdbfs = mkOp1 "ampdbfs"

instance  CsAmpdbfs (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  ampdbfs = mkOp1 "ampdbfs"

instance  CsAmpmidi (S n)  where
  ampmidi = mkOp1 "ampmidi"
  ampmidi' = mkOp2 "ampmidi"

instance  CsAmpmidid (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  ampmidid = mkOp2 "ampmidid"

instance  CsAmpmidid (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  ampmidid = mkOp2 "ampmidid"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsAnd (S n) (ASig (S n)) a b where
  and = mkOp2 "and"

instance  CsAnd (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  and = mkOp2 "and"

instance  CsAnd (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  and = mkOp2 "and"

instance  CsAreson (S n)  where
  areson = mkOp3 "areson"
  areson' = mkOp5 "areson"

instance  CsAresonk (S n)  where
  aresonk = mkOp3 "aresonk"
  aresonk' = mkOp5 "aresonk"

instance  CsAtone (S n)  where
  atone = mkOp2 "atone"
  atone' = mkOp3 "atone"

instance  CsAtonek (S n)  where
  atonek = mkOp2 "atonek"
  atonek' = mkOp3 "atonek"

instance  CsAtonex (S n)  where
  atonex = mkOp2 "atonex"
  atonex' = mkOp4 "atonex"

instance  CsBabo (S n)  where
  babo = mkOp7 "babo"
  babo' = mkOp9 "babo"

instance  CsBalance (S n)  where
  balance = mkOp2 "balance"
  balance' = mkOp4 "balance"

instance  CsBamboo (S n)  where
  bamboo = mkOp2 "bamboo"
  bamboo' = mkOp8 "bamboo"

instance  CsBarmodel (S n)  where
  barmodel = mkOp9 "barmodel"

instance  CsBbcutm (S n)  where
  bbcutm = mkOp6 "bbcutm"
  bbcutm' = mkOp9 "bbcutm"

instance  CsBbcuts (S n)  where
  bbcuts = mkOp7 "bbcuts"
  bbcuts' = mkOp10 "bbcuts"

instance  CsBetarand (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  betarand = mkOp3 "betarand"

instance  CsBetarand (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  betarand = mkOp3 "betarand"

instance  CsBetarand (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  betarand = mkOp3 "betarand"

instance  CsBexprnd (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  bexprnd = mkOp1 "bexprnd"

instance  CsBexprnd (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  bexprnd = mkOp1 "bexprnd"

instance  CsBexprnd (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  bexprnd = mkOp1 "bexprnd"

instance (Nat d) => CsBformdec (S n) d where
  bformdec = mkOp5 "bformdec"

instance (Nat d) => CsBformdec1 (S n) d where
  bformdec1 = mkOp2 "bformdec1"

instance (Nat d) => CsBformenc1 (S n) d where
  bformenc1 = mkOp3 "bformenc1"

instance  CsBinit (S n)  where
  binit = mkOp2 "binit"

instance  CsBiquad (S n)  where
  biquad = mkOp7 "biquad"
  biquad' = mkOp8 "biquad"

instance  CsBiquada (S n)  where
  biquada = mkOp7 "biquada"
  biquada' = mkOp8 "biquada"

instance  CsBirnd (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  birnd = mkOp1 "birnd"

instance  CsBirnd (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  birnd = mkOp1 "birnd"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsBqrez (S n) a b where
  bqrez = mkOp3 "bqrez"
  bqrez' = mkOp5 "bqrez"

instance  CsButbp (S n)  where
  butbp = mkOp3 "butbp"
  butbp' = mkOp4 "butbp"

instance  CsButbr (S n)  where
  butbr = mkOp3 "butbr"
  butbr' = mkOp4 "butbr"

instance  CsButhp (S n)  where
  buthp = mkOp2 "buthp"
  buthp' = mkOp3 "buthp"

instance  CsButlp (S n)  where
  butlp = mkOp2 "butlp"
  butlp' = mkOp3 "butlp"

instance  CsButterbp (S n)  where
  butterbp = mkOp3 "butterbp"
  butterbp' = mkOp4 "butterbp"

instance  CsButterbr (S n)  where
  butterbr = mkOp3 "butterbr"
  butterbr' = mkOp4 "butterbr"

instance  CsButterhp (S n)  where
  butterhp = mkOp2 "butterhp"
  butterhp' = mkOp3 "butterhp"

instance  CsButterlp (S n)  where
  butterlp = mkOp2 "butterlp"
  butterlp' = mkOp3 "butterlp"

instance  CsButton (S n)  where
  button = mkOp1 "button"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsBuzz (S n) a b where
  buzz = mkOp4 "buzz"
  buzz' = mkOp5 "buzz"

instance  CsCabasa (S n)  where
  cabasa = mkOp2 "cabasa"
  cabasa' = mkOp5 "cabasa"

instance  CsCauchy (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  cauchy = mkOp1 "cauchy"

instance  CsCauchy (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  cauchy = mkOp1 "cauchy"

instance  CsCauchy (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  cauchy = mkOp1 "cauchy"

instance  CsCeil (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  ceil = mkOp1 "ceil"

instance  CsCeil (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  ceil = mkOp1 "ceil"

instance  CsCeil (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  ceil = mkOp1 "ceil"

instance  CsCent (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  cent = mkOp1 "cent"

instance  CsCent (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  cent = mkOp1 "cent"

instance  CsCent (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  cent = mkOp1 "cent"

instance  CsChanctrl (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  chanctrl = mkOp2 "chanctrl"
  chanctrl' = mkOp4 "chanctrl"

instance  CsChanctrl (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  chanctrl = mkOp2 "chanctrl"
  chanctrl' = mkOp4 "chanctrl"

instance  CsChanged (S n)  where
  changed = mkOp1 "changed"

instance  CsChani (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  chani = mkOp1 "chani"

instance  CsChani (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  chani = mkOp1 "chani"

instance (Varable a) => CsChano (S n) a where
  chano = mkOp2 "chano"

instance  CsChebyshevpoly (S n)  where
  chebyshevpoly = mkOp2 "chebyshevpoly"

instance  CsCheckbox (S n)  where
  checkbox = mkOp1 "checkbox"

instance  CsChn_S (S n)  where
  chn_S = mkOp2 "chn_S"

instance  CsChn_a (S n)  where
  chn_a = mkOp2 "chn_a"

instance  CsChn_k (S n)  where
  chn_k = mkOp2 "chn_k"
  chn_k' = mkOp6 "chn_k"

instance  CsChnclear (S n)  where
  chnclear = mkOp1 "chnclear"

instance  CsChnexport (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  chnexport = mkOp2 "chnexport"

instance  CsChnexport (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  chnexport = mkOp2 "chnexport"

instance  CsChnexport (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  chnexport = mkOp2 "chnexport"

instance  CsChnexport (S n) (VString (S n)) where
  chnexport = mkOp2 "chnexport"

instance  CsChnget (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  chnget = mkOp1 "chnget"

instance  CsChnget (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  chnget = mkOp1 "chnget"

instance  CsChnget (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  chnget = mkOp1 "chnget"

instance  CsChnget (S n) (VString (S n)) where
  chnget = mkOp1 "chnget"

instance  CsChnmix (S n)  where
  chnmix = mkOp2 "chnmix"

instance  CsChnrecv (S n)  where
  chnrecv = mkOp1 "chnrecv"
  chnrecv' = mkOp2 "chnrecv"

instance  CsChnsend (S n)  where
  chnsend = mkOp1 "chnsend"
  chnsend' = mkOp2 "chnsend"

instance (Varable a) => CsChnset (S n) a where
  chnset = mkOp2 "chnset"

instance  CsClear (S n)  where
  clear = mkOp1 "clear"

instance  CsClfilt (S n)  where
  clfilt = mkOp4 "clfilt"
  clfilt' = mkOp8 "clfilt"

instance  CsClip (S n)  where
  clip = mkOp3 "clip"
  clip' = mkOp4 "clip"

instance  CsClockoff (S n)  where
  clockoff = mkOp1 "clockoff"

instance  CsClockon (S n)  where
  clockon = mkOp1 "clockon"

instance  CsComb (S n)  where
  comb = mkOp3 "comb"
  comb' = mkOp5 "comb"

instance  CsCompress (S n)  where
  compress = mkOp9 "compress"

instance  CsConnect (S n)  where
  connect = mkOp4 "connect"

instance  CsControl (S n)  where
  control = mkOp1 "control"

instance (Nat d) => CsConvle (S n) d where
  convle = mkOp2 "convle"
  convle' = mkOp3 "convle"

instance (Nat d) => CsConvolve (S n) d where
  convolve = mkOp2 "convolve"
  convolve' = mkOp3 "convolve"

instance  CsCos (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  cos = mkOp1 "cos"

instance  CsCos (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  cos = mkOp1 "cos"

instance  CsCos (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  cos = mkOp1 "cos"

instance  CsCosh (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  cosh = mkOp1 "cosh"

instance  CsCosh (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  cosh = mkOp1 "cosh"

instance  CsCosh (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  cosh = mkOp1 "cosh"

instance  CsCosinv (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  cosinv = mkOp1 "cosinv"

instance  CsCosinv (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  cosinv = mkOp1 "cosinv"

instance  CsCosinv (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  cosinv = mkOp1 "cosinv"

instance  CsCps2pch (S n)  where
  cps2pch = mkOp2 "cps2pch"

instance  CsCpsmidi (S n)  where
  cpsmidi = mkOp0 "cpsmidi"

instance  CsCpsmidib (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  cpsmidib = mkOp0 "cpsmidib"
  cpsmidib' = mkOp1 "cpsmidib"

instance  CsCpsmidib (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  cpsmidib = mkOp0 "cpsmidib"
  cpsmidib' = mkOp1 "cpsmidib"

instance  CsCpsmidinn (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  cpsmidinn = mkOp1 "cpsmidinn"

instance  CsCpsmidinn (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  cpsmidinn = mkOp1 "cpsmidinn"

instance  CsCpstmid (S n)  where
  cpstmid = mkOp1 "cpstmid"

instance  CsCpstun (S n)  where
  cpstun = mkOp3 "cpstun"

instance  CsCpstuni (S n)  where
  cpstuni = mkOp2 "cpstuni"

instance  CsCpsxpch (S n)  where
  cpsxpch = mkOp4 "cpsxpch"

instance  CsCpuprc (S n)  where
  cpuprc = mkOp2 "cpuprc"

instance  CsCross2 (S n)  where
  cross2 = mkOp6 "cross2"

instance (Varable a, Varable b, Varable c, Varable d) => CsCrossfm (S n) a b c d where
  crossfm = mkOp7 "crossfm"
  crossfm' = mkOp9 "crossfm"

instance (Varable a, Varable b, Varable c, Varable d) => CsCrossfmi (S n) a b c d where
  crossfmi = mkOp7 "crossfmi"
  crossfmi' = mkOp9 "crossfmi"

instance (Varable a, Varable b, Varable c, Varable d) => CsCrossfmpm (S n) a b c d where
  crossfmpm = mkOp7 "crossfmpm"
  crossfmpm' = mkOp9 "crossfmpm"

instance (Varable a, Varable b, Varable c, Varable d) => CsCrossfmpmi (S n) a b c d where
  crossfmpmi = mkOp7 "crossfmpmi"
  crossfmpmi' = mkOp9 "crossfmpmi"

instance (Varable a, Varable b, Varable c, Varable d) => CsCrosspm (S n) a b c d where
  crosspm = mkOp7 "crosspm"
  crosspm' = mkOp9 "crosspm"

instance (Varable a, Varable b, Varable c, Varable d) => CsCrosspmi (S n) a b c d where
  crosspmi = mkOp7 "crosspmi"
  crosspmi' = mkOp9 "crosspmi"

instance  CsCrunch (S n)  where
  crunch = mkOp2 "crunch"
  crunch' = mkOp5 "crunch"

instance  CsCtlchn (S n)  where
  ctlchn = mkOp0 "ctlchn"
  ctlchn' = mkOp2 "ctlchn"

instance  CsCtrl14 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  ctrl14 = mkOp5 "ctrl14"
  ctrl14' = mkOp6 "ctrl14"

instance  CsCtrl14 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  ctrl14 = mkOp5 "ctrl14"
  ctrl14' = mkOp6 "ctrl14"

instance  CsCtrl21 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  ctrl21 = mkOp6 "ctrl21"
  ctrl21' = mkOp7 "ctrl21"

instance  CsCtrl21 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  ctrl21 = mkOp6 "ctrl21"
  ctrl21' = mkOp7 "ctrl21"

instance  CsCtrl7 (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  ctrl7 = mkOp4 "ctrl7"
  ctrl7' = mkOp5 "ctrl7"

instance  CsCtrl7 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  ctrl7 = mkOp4 "ctrl7"
  ctrl7' = mkOp5 "ctrl7"

instance  CsCtrl7 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  ctrl7 = mkOp4 "ctrl7"
  ctrl7' = mkOp5 "ctrl7"

instance  CsCtrlinit (S n)  where
  ctrlinit = mkOp2 "ctrlinit"

instance  CsCuserrnd (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  cuserrnd = mkOp3 "cuserrnd"

instance  CsCuserrnd (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  cuserrnd = mkOp3 "cuserrnd"

instance  CsCuserrnd (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  cuserrnd = mkOp3 "cuserrnd"

instance  CsDam (S n)  where
  dam = mkOp6 "dam"

instance  CsDate (S n)  where
  date = mkOp0 "date"

instance  CsDates (S n)  where
  dates = mkOp0 "dates"
  dates' = mkOp1 "dates"

instance  CsDb (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  db = mkOp1 "db"

instance  CsDb (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  db = mkOp1 "db"

instance  CsDb (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  db = mkOp1 "db"

instance  CsDbamp (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  dbamp = mkOp1 "dbamp"

instance  CsDbamp (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  dbamp = mkOp1 "dbamp"

instance  CsDbfsamp (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  dbfsamp = mkOp1 "dbfsamp"

instance  CsDbfsamp (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  dbfsamp = mkOp1 "dbfsamp"

instance  CsDcblock (S n)  where
  dcblock = mkOp1 "dcblock"
  dcblock' = mkOp2 "dcblock"

instance  CsDcblock2 (S n)  where
  dcblock2 = mkOp1 "dcblock2"
  dcblock2' = mkOp3 "dcblock2"

instance  CsDconv (S n)  where
  dconv = mkOp3 "dconv"

instance  CsDelay (S n)  where
  delay = mkOp2 "delay"
  delay' = mkOp3 "delay"

instance  CsDelay1 (S n)  where
  delay1 = mkOp1 "delay1"
  delay1' = mkOp2 "delay1"

instance  CsDelayk (S n)  where
  delayk = mkOp2 "delayk"
  delayk' = mkOp3 "delayk"

instance  CsDelayw (S n)  where
  delayw = mkOp1 "delayw"

instance  CsDeltap (S n)  where
  deltap = mkOp1 "deltap"
  deltap' = mkOp2 "deltap"

instance (Varable a) => CsDeltap3 (S n) a where
  deltap3 = mkOp1 "deltap3"
  deltap3' = mkOp2 "deltap3"

instance (Varable a) => CsDeltapi (S n) a where
  deltapi = mkOp1 "deltapi"
  deltapi' = mkOp2 "deltapi"

instance (Varable a) => CsDeltapn (S n) a where
  deltapn = mkOp1 "deltapn"
  deltapn' = mkOp2 "deltapn"

instance  CsDeltapx (S n)  where
  deltapx = mkOp2 "deltapx"
  deltapx' = mkOp3 "deltapx"

instance  CsDeltapxw (S n)  where
  deltapxw = mkOp3 "deltapxw"
  deltapxw' = mkOp4 "deltapxw"

instance  CsDenorm (S n)  where
  denorm = mkOp1 "denorm"

instance (PVar out, Varable a) => CsDiff (S n) out a where
  diff = mkOp1 "diff"
  diff' = mkOp2 "diff"

instance (Nat d) => CsDiskgrain (S n) d where
  diskgrain = mkOp8 "diskgrain"
  diskgrain' = mkOp10 "diskgrain"

instance (Nat d) => CsDiskin (S n) d where
  diskin = mkOp2 "diskin"
  diskin' = mkOp7 "diskin"

instance (Nat d) => CsDiskin2 (S n) d where
  diskin2 = mkOp2 "diskin2"
  diskin2' = mkOp8 "diskin2"

instance  CsDistort (S n)  where
  distort = mkOp3 "distort"
  distort' = mkOp5 "distort"

instance  CsDistort1 (S n)  where
  distort1 = mkOp5 "distort1"
  distort1' = mkOp6 "distort1"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsDiv (S n) (ASig (S n)) a b where
  div = mkOp2 "div"

instance  CsDiv (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  div = mkOp2 "div"

instance  CsDiv (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  div = mkOp2 "div"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsDivz (S n) (ASig (S n)) a b where
  divz = mkOp3 "divz"

instance  CsDivz (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  divz = mkOp3 "divz"

instance  CsDivz (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  divz = mkOp3 "divz"

instance  CsDoppler (S n)  where
  doppler = mkOp3 "doppler"
  doppler' = mkOp5 "doppler"

instance  CsDownsamp (S n)  where
  downsamp = mkOp1 "downsamp"
  downsamp' = mkOp2 "downsamp"

instance  CsDripwater (S n)  where
  dripwater = mkOp2 "dripwater"
  dripwater' = mkOp8 "dripwater"

instance  CsDumpk (S n)  where
  dumpk = mkOp4 "dumpk"

instance  CsDumpk2 (S n)  where
  dumpk2 = mkOp5 "dumpk2"

instance  CsDumpk3 (S n)  where
  dumpk3 = mkOp6 "dumpk3"

instance  CsDumpk4 (S n)  where
  dumpk4 = mkOp7 "dumpk4"

instance  CsDuserrnd (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  duserrnd = mkOp1 "duserrnd"

instance  CsDuserrnd (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  duserrnd = mkOp1 "duserrnd"

instance  CsDuserrnd (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  duserrnd = mkOp1 "duserrnd"

instance  CsEndin (S n)  where
  endin = mkOp0 "endin"

instance  CsEndop (S n)  where
  endop = mkOp0 "endop"

instance (PVar out, Varable a) => CsEnvlpx (S n) out a where
  envlpx = mkOp7 "envlpx"
  envlpx' = mkOp8 "envlpx"

instance (PVar out, Varable a) => CsEnvlpxr (S n) out a where
  envlpxr = mkOp6 "envlpxr"
  envlpxr' = mkOp8 "envlpxr"

instance (PVar out, Varable a) => CsEphasor (S n) out a where
  ephasor = mkOp2 "ephasor"
  ephasor' = mkOp3 "ephasor"

instance  CsEqfil (S n)  where
  eqfil = mkOp4 "eqfil"
  eqfil' = mkOp5 "eqfil"

instance  CsEvent_i (S n)  where
  event_i = mkOp3 "event_i"

instance  CsExitnow (S n)  where
  exitnow = mkOp0 "exitnow"

instance  CsExp (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  exp = mkOp1 "exp"

instance  CsExp (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  exp = mkOp1 "exp"

instance  CsExp (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  exp = mkOp1 "exp"

instance  CsExpcurve (S n)  where
  expcurve = mkOp2 "expcurve"

instance (PVar out) => CsExpon (S n) out where
  expon = mkOp3 "expon"

instance  CsExprand (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  exprand = mkOp1 "exprand"

instance  CsExprand (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  exprand = mkOp1 "exprand"

instance  CsExprand (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  exprand = mkOp1 "exprand"

instance (PVar out) => CsExpseg (S n) out where
  expseg = mkOp4 "expseg"

instance  CsExpsega (S n)  where
  expsega = mkOp4 "expsega"

instance (PVar out) => CsExpsegr (S n) out where
  expsegr = mkOp4 "expsegr"

instance  CsFiclose (S n)  where
  ficlose = mkOp1 "ficlose"

instance  CsFilebit (S n)  where
  filebit = mkOp1 "filebit"
  filebit' = mkOp2 "filebit"

instance  CsFilelen (S n)  where
  filelen = mkOp1 "filelen"
  filelen' = mkOp2 "filelen"

instance  CsFilenchnls (S n)  where
  filenchnls = mkOp1 "filenchnls"
  filenchnls' = mkOp2 "filenchnls"

instance  CsFilepeak (S n)  where
  filepeak = mkOp1 "filepeak"
  filepeak' = mkOp2 "filepeak"

instance  CsFilesr (S n)  where
  filesr = mkOp1 "filesr"
  filesr' = mkOp2 "filesr"

instance  CsFilevalid (S n)  where
  filevalid = mkOp1 "filevalid"

instance  CsFilter2 (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  filter2 = mkOp4 "filter2"

instance  CsFilter2 (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  filter2 = mkOp4 "filter2"

instance  CsFin (S n)  where
  fin = mkOp4 "fin"

instance  CsFini (S n)  where
  fini = mkOp4 "fini"

instance  CsFink (S n)  where
  fink = mkOp4 "fink"

instance  CsFiopen (S n)  where
  fiopen = mkOp2 "fiopen"

instance  CsFlanger (S n)  where
  flanger = mkOp3 "flanger"
  flanger' = mkOp4 "flanger"

instance  CsFlashtxt (S n)  where
  flashtxt = mkOp2 "flashtxt"

instance  CsFlooper (S n)  where
  flooper = mkOp6 "flooper"

instance (KVar a) => CsFlooper2 (S n) a where
  flooper2 = mkOp6 "flooper2"
  flooper2' = mkOp11 "flooper2"

instance  CsFlooper3 (S n)  where
  flooper3 = mkOp6 "flooper3"
  flooper3' = mkOp10 "flooper3"

instance  CsFmb3 (S n)  where
  fmb3 = mkOp11 "fmb3"

instance  CsFmbell (S n)  where
  fmbell = mkOp11 "fmbell"

instance  CsFmmetal (S n)  where
  fmmetal = mkOp11 "fmmetal"

instance  CsFmpercfl (S n)  where
  fmpercfl = mkOp11 "fmpercfl"

instance  CsFmrhode (S n)  where
  fmrhode = mkOp11 "fmrhode"

instance  CsFmvoice (S n)  where
  fmvoice = mkOp11 "fmvoice"

instance  CsFmwurlie (S n)  where
  fmwurlie = mkOp11 "fmwurlie"

instance (Varable a, Varable b, Varable c) => CsFof (S n) a b c where
  fof = mkOp12 "fof"
  fof' = mkOp15 "fof"

instance (Varable a, Varable b, Varable c) => CsFof2 (S n) a b c where
  fof2 = mkOp14 "fof2"
  fof2' = mkOp15 "fof2"

instance  CsFofilter (S n)  where
  fofilter = mkOp4 "fofilter"
  fofilter' = mkOp5 "fofilter"

instance (Varable a, Varable b, Varable c) => CsFog (S n) a b c where
  fog = mkOp13 "fog"
  fog' = mkOp16 "fog"

instance  CsFold (S n)  where
  fold = mkOp2 "fold"

instance  CsFollow (S n)  where
  follow = mkOp2 "follow"

instance  CsFollow2 (S n)  where
  follow2 = mkOp3 "follow2"

instance (Varable a, Varable b, Varable c) => CsFoscil (S n) a b c where
  foscil = mkOp6 "foscil"
  foscil' = mkOp7 "foscil"

instance (Varable a, Varable b, Varable c) => CsFoscili (S n) a b c where
  foscili = mkOp6 "foscili"
  foscili' = mkOp7 "foscili"

instance  CsFout (S n)  where
  fout = mkOp3 "fout"

instance  CsFouti (S n)  where
  fouti = mkOp4 "fouti"

instance  CsFoutir (S n)  where
  foutir = mkOp4 "foutir"

instance  CsFoutk (S n)  where
  foutk = mkOp3 "foutk"

instance (Varable a) => CsFprintks (S n) a where
  fprintks = mkOp3 "fprintks"

instance (Varable a) => CsFprints (S n) a where
  fprints = mkOp3 "fprints"

instance  CsFreeverb (S n)  where
  freeverb = mkOp4 "freeverb"
  freeverb' = mkOp6 "freeverb"

instance  CsFtchnls (S n)  where
  ftchnls = mkOp1 "ftchnls"

instance (Nat d) => CsFtconv (S n) d where
  ftconv = mkOp3 "ftconv"
  ftconv' = mkOp6 "ftconv"

instance  CsFtcps (S n)  where
  ftcps = mkOp1 "ftcps"

instance  CsFtfree (S n)  where
  ftfree = mkOp2 "ftfree"

instance  CsFtgen (S n)  where
  ftgen = mkOp6 "ftgen"

instance  CsFtgenonce (S n)  where
  ftgenonce = mkOp6 "ftgenonce"

instance  CsFtgentmp (S n)  where
  ftgentmp = mkOp6 "ftgentmp"

instance  CsFtlen (S n)  where
  ftlen = mkOp1 "ftlen"

instance  CsFtload (S n)  where
  ftload = mkOp3 "ftload"

instance  CsFtloadk (S n)  where
  ftloadk = mkOp4 "ftloadk"

instance  CsFtlptim (S n)  where
  ftlptim = mkOp1 "ftlptim"

instance  CsFtmorf (S n)  where
  ftmorf = mkOp3 "ftmorf"

instance  CsFtsave (S n)  where
  ftsave = mkOp3 "ftsave"

instance  CsFtsavek (S n)  where
  ftsavek = mkOp4 "ftsavek"

instance  CsFtsr (S n)  where
  ftsr = mkOp1 "ftsr"

instance  CsGain (S n)  where
  gain = mkOp2 "gain"
  gain' = mkOp4 "gain"

instance  CsGainslider (S n)  where
  gainslider = mkOp1 "gainslider"

instance  CsGauss (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  gauss = mkOp1 "gauss"

instance  CsGauss (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  gauss = mkOp1 "gauss"

instance  CsGauss (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  gauss = mkOp1 "gauss"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsGbuzz (S n) a b where
  gbuzz = mkOp6 "gbuzz"
  gbuzz' = mkOp7 "gbuzz"

instance  CsGetcfg (S n)  where
  getcfg = mkOp1 "getcfg"

instance  CsGogobel (S n)  where
  gogobel = mkOp8 "gogobel"

instance (Varable a, Varable b, Varable c) => CsGrain (S n) a b c where
  grain = mkOp9 "grain"
  grain' = mkOp10 "grain"

instance  CsGrain2 (S n)  where
  grain2 = mkOp6 "grain2"
  grain2' = mkOp9 "grain2"

instance  CsGrain3 (S n)  where
  grain3 = mkOp11 "grain3"
  grain3' = mkOp13 "grain3"

instance (Varable a) => CsGranule (S n) a where
  granule = mkOp16 "granule"
  granule' = mkOp22 "granule"

instance  CsGuiro (S n)  where
  guiro = mkOp2 "guiro"
  guiro' = mkOp7 "guiro"

instance  CsHarmon (S n)  where
  harmon = mkOp8 "harmon"

instance  CsHarmon2 (S n)  where
  harmon2 = mkOp6 "harmon2"
  harmon2' = mkOp7 "harmon2"

instance  CsHarmon3 (S n)  where
  harmon3 = mkOp7 "harmon3"
  harmon3' = mkOp8 "harmon3"

instance  CsHarmon4 (S n)  where
  harmon4 = mkOp8 "harmon4"
  harmon4' = mkOp9 "harmon4"

instance  CsHilbert (S n)  where
  hilbert = mkOp1 "hilbert"

instance  CsHrtfer (S n)  where
  hrtfer = mkOp4 "hrtfer"

instance  CsHrtfmove (S n)  where
  hrtfmove = mkOp5 "hrtfmove"
  hrtfmove' = mkOp8 "hrtfmove"

instance  CsHrtfmove2 (S n)  where
  hrtfmove2 = mkOp5 "hrtfmove2"
  hrtfmove2' = mkOp8 "hrtfmove2"

instance  CsHrtfstat (S n)  where
  hrtfstat = mkOp5 "hrtfstat"
  hrtfstat' = mkOp7 "hrtfstat"

instance  CsHsboscil (S n)  where
  hsboscil = mkOp6 "hsboscil"
  hsboscil' = mkOp8 "hsboscil"

instance  CsHvs1 (S n)  where
  hvs1 = mkOp6 "hvs1"
  hvs1' = mkOp7 "hvs1"

instance  CsHvs2 (S n)  where
  hvs2 = mkOp8 "hvs2"
  hvs2' = mkOp9 "hvs2"

instance  CsHvs3 (S n)  where
  hvs3 = mkOp10 "hvs3"
  hvs3' = mkOp11 "hvs3"

instance  CsICS (S n)  where
  iCS = mkOp1 "iCS"

instance  CsIhold (S n)  where
  ihold = mkOp0 "ihold"

instance  CsInCS (S n)  where
  inCS = mkOp0 "inCS"

instance (Nat d) => CsInch (S n) d where
  inch = mkOp1 "inch"

instance  CsInitc14 (S n)  where
  initc14 = mkOp4 "initc14"

instance  CsInitc21 (S n)  where
  initc21 = mkOp5 "initc21"

instance  CsInitc7 (S n)  where
  initc7 = mkOp3 "initc7"

instance  CsInleta (S n)  where
  inleta = mkOp1 "inleta"

instance  CsInletf (S n)  where
  inletf = mkOp1 "inletf"

instance  CsInletk (S n)  where
  inletk = mkOp1 "inletk"

instance  CsInq (S n)  where
  inq = mkOp0 "inq"

instance  CsInrg (S n)  where
  inrg = mkOp2 "inrg"

instance  CsIns (S n)  where
  ins = mkOp0 "ins"

instance  CsInsglobal (S n)  where
  insglobal = mkOp2 "insglobal"

instance  CsInsremot (S n)  where
  insremot = mkOp3 "insremot"

instance  CsInstr (S n)  where
  instr = mkOp0 "instr"

instance (PVar out, Varable a) => CsInteg (S n) out a where
  integ = mkOp1 "integ"
  integ' = mkOp2 "integ"

instance  CsInterp (S n)  where
  interp = mkOp1 "interp"
  interp' = mkOp3 "interp"

instance  CsInvalue (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  invalue = mkOp1 "invalue"

instance  CsInvalue (S n) (VString (S n)) where
  invalue = mkOp1 "invalue"

instance  CsInz (S n)  where
  inz = mkOp1 "inz"

instance  CsJitter (S n)  where
  jitter = mkOp3 "jitter"

instance  CsJitter2 (S n)  where
  jitter2 = mkOp7 "jitter2"

instance (PVar out, Varable a) => CsJspline (S n) out a where
  jspline = mkOp3 "jspline"

instance  CsKCS (S n)  where
  kCS = mkOp1 "kCS"

instance  CsKtableseg (S n)  where
  ktableseg = mkOp4 "ktableseg"

instance (PVar out) => CsLfo (S n) out where
  lfo = mkOp2 "lfo"
  lfo' = mkOp3 "lfo"

instance (Varable a) => CsLimit (S n) (ASig (S n)) a where
  limit = mkOp3 "limit"

instance (Varable a) => CsLimit (S n) (KSig (S n)) a where
  limit = mkOp3 "limit"

instance  CsLimit (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  limit = mkOp3 "limit"

instance (PVar out) => CsLine (S n) out where
  line = mkOp3 "line"

instance (PVar out, Varable a) => CsLinen (S n) out a where
  linen = mkOp4 "linen"

instance (PVar out, Varable a) => CsLinenr (S n) out a where
  linenr = mkOp4 "linenr"

instance  CsLineto (S n)  where
  lineto = mkOp2 "lineto"

instance  CsLinrand (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  linrand = mkOp1 "linrand"

instance  CsLinrand (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  linrand = mkOp1 "linrand"

instance  CsLinrand (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  linrand = mkOp1 "linrand"

instance (PVar out) => CsLinseg (S n) out where
  linseg = mkOp4 "linseg"

instance (PVar out) => CsLinsegr (S n) out where
  linsegr = mkOp4 "linsegr"

instance (Nat d) => CsLocsend (S n) d where
  locsend = mkOp0 "locsend"

instance (Nat d) => CsLocsig (S n) d where
  locsig = mkOp4 "locsig"

instance  CsLog (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  log = mkOp1 "log"

instance  CsLog (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  log = mkOp1 "log"

instance  CsLog (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  log = mkOp1 "log"

instance  CsLog10 (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  log10 = mkOp1 "log10"

instance  CsLog10 (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  log10 = mkOp1 "log10"

instance  CsLog10 (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  log10 = mkOp1 "log10"

instance  CsLogcurve (S n)  where
  logcurve = mkOp2 "logcurve"

instance  CsLoopseg (S n)  where
  loopseg = mkOp4 "loopseg"

instance  CsLoopsegp (S n)  where
  loopsegp = mkOp2 "loopsegp"

instance  CsLooptseg (S n)  where
  looptseg = mkOp4 "looptseg"

instance  CsLoopxseg (S n)  where
  loopxseg = mkOp4 "loopxseg"

instance  CsLorenz (S n)  where
  lorenz = mkOp8 "lorenz"
  lorenz' = mkOp9 "lorenz"

instance  CsLorismorph (S n)  where
  lorismorph = mkOp6 "lorismorph"

instance  CsLorisplay (S n)  where
  lorisplay = mkOp4 "lorisplay"

instance  CsLorisread (S n)  where
  lorisread = mkOp6 "lorisread"
  lorisread' = mkOp7 "lorisread"

instance (Nat d, Varable a) => CsLoscil (S n) d a where
  loscil = mkOp3 "loscil"
  loscil' = mkOp10 "loscil"

instance (Nat d, Varable a) => CsLoscil3 (S n) d a where
  loscil3 = mkOp3 "loscil3"
  loscil3' = mkOp10 "loscil3"

instance (Nat d, Varable a) => CsLoscilx (S n) d a where
  loscilx = mkOp3 "loscilx"
  loscilx' = mkOp9 "loscilx"

instance  CsLowpass2 (S n)  where
  lowpass2 = mkOp3 "lowpass2"
  lowpass2' = mkOp4 "lowpass2"

instance  CsLowres (S n)  where
  lowres = mkOp3 "lowres"
  lowres' = mkOp4 "lowres"

instance  CsLowresx (S n)  where
  lowresx = mkOp3 "lowresx"
  lowresx' = mkOp5 "lowresx"

instance  CsLpf18 (S n)  where
  lpf18 = mkOp4 "lpf18"

instance  CsLpform (S n)  where
  lpform = mkOp1 "lpform"

instance  CsLpfreson (S n)  where
  lpfreson = mkOp2 "lpfreson"

instance (Varable a) => CsLphasor (S n) a where
  lphasor = mkOp1 "lphasor"
  lphasor' = mkOp8 "lphasor"

instance  CsLpinterp (S n)  where
  lpinterp = mkOp3 "lpinterp"

instance  CsLposcil (S n)  where
  lposcil = mkOp5 "lposcil"
  lposcil' = mkOp6 "lposcil"

instance  CsLposcil3 (S n)  where
  lposcil3 = mkOp5 "lposcil3"
  lposcil3' = mkOp6 "lposcil3"

instance  CsLposcila (S n)  where
  lposcila = mkOp5 "lposcila"
  lposcila' = mkOp6 "lposcila"

instance  CsLposcilsa (S n)  where
  lposcilsa = mkOp5 "lposcilsa"
  lposcilsa' = mkOp6 "lposcilsa"

instance  CsLposcilsa2 (S n)  where
  lposcilsa2 = mkOp5 "lposcilsa2"
  lposcilsa2' = mkOp6 "lposcilsa2"

instance  CsLpread (S n)  where
  lpread = mkOp2 "lpread"
  lpread' = mkOp4 "lpread"

instance  CsLpreson (S n)  where
  lpreson = mkOp1 "lpreson"

instance  CsLpshold (S n)  where
  lpshold = mkOp4 "lpshold"

instance  CsLpsholdp (S n)  where
  lpsholdp = mkOp2 "lpsholdp"

instance  CsLpslot (S n)  where
  lpslot = mkOp1 "lpslot"

instance  CsMac (S n)  where
  mac = mkOp1 "mac"

instance  CsMaca (S n)  where
  maca = mkOp1 "maca"

instance (PVar out) => CsMadsr (S n) out where
  madsr = mkOp4 "madsr"
  madsr' = mkOp6 "madsr"

instance  CsMandel (S n)  where
  mandel = mkOp4 "mandel"

instance  CsMandol (S n)  where
  mandol = mkOp7 "mandol"
  mandol' = mkOp8 "mandol"

instance  CsMarimba (S n)  where
  marimba = mkOp9 "marimba"
  marimba' = mkOp11 "marimba"

instance  CsMassign (S n)  where
  massign = mkOp2 "massign"
  massign' = mkOp3 "massign"

instance  CsMax_k (S n)  where
  max_k = mkOp3 "max_k"

instance  CsMaxabsaccum (S n)  where
  maxabsaccum = mkOp2 "maxabsaccum"

instance  CsMaxaccum (S n)  where
  maxaccum = mkOp2 "maxaccum"

instance  CsMaxalloc (S n)  where
  maxalloc = mkOp2 "maxalloc"

instance  CsMaxk (S n)  where
  maxk = mkOp3 "maxk"

instance  CsMclock (S n)  where
  mclock = mkOp1 "mclock"

instance  CsMdelay (S n)  where
  mdelay = mkOp5 "mdelay"

instance  CsMedian (S n)  where
  median = mkOp3 "median"
  median' = mkOp4 "median"

instance  CsMediank (S n)  where
  mediank = mkOp3 "mediank"
  mediank' = mkOp4 "mediank"

instance  CsMetro (S n)  where
  metro = mkOp1 "metro"
  metro' = mkOp2 "metro"

instance  CsMidglobal (S n)  where
  midglobal = mkOp2 "midglobal"

instance  CsMidic14 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  midic14 = mkOp4 "midic14"
  midic14' = mkOp5 "midic14"

instance  CsMidic14 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  midic14 = mkOp4 "midic14"
  midic14' = mkOp5 "midic14"

instance  CsMidic21 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  midic21 = mkOp5 "midic21"
  midic21' = mkOp6 "midic21"

instance  CsMidic21 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  midic21 = mkOp5 "midic21"
  midic21' = mkOp6 "midic21"

instance  CsMidic7 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  midic7 = mkOp3 "midic7"
  midic7' = mkOp4 "midic7"

instance  CsMidic7 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  midic7 = mkOp3 "midic7"
  midic7' = mkOp4 "midic7"

instance (Varable a) => CsMidichannelaftertouch (S n) a where
  midichannelaftertouch = mkOp1 "midichannelaftertouch"
  midichannelaftertouch' = mkOp3 "midichannelaftertouch"

instance  CsMidichn (S n)  where
  midichn = mkOp0 "midichn"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsMidicontrolchange (S n) a b where
  midicontrolchange = mkOp2 "midicontrolchange"
  midicontrolchange' = mkOp4 "midicontrolchange"

instance  CsMidictrl (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  midictrl = mkOp1 "midictrl"
  midictrl' = mkOp3 "midictrl"

instance  CsMidictrl (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  midictrl = mkOp1 "midictrl"
  midictrl' = mkOp3 "midictrl"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsMididefault (S n) a b where
  mididefault = mkOp2 "mididefault"

instance  CsMidiin (S n)  where
  midiin = mkOp0 "midiin"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsMidinoteoff (S n) a b where
  midinoteoff = mkOp2 "midinoteoff"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsMidinoteoncps (S n) a b where
  midinoteoncps = mkOp2 "midinoteoncps"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsMidinoteonkey (S n) a b where
  midinoteonkey = mkOp2 "midinoteonkey"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsMidinoteonoct (S n) a b where
  midinoteonoct = mkOp2 "midinoteonoct"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsMidinoteonpch (S n) a b where
  midinoteonpch = mkOp2 "midinoteonpch"

instance  CsMidion (S n)  where
  midion = mkOp3 "midion"

instance  CsMidion2 (S n)  where
  midion2 = mkOp4 "midion2"

instance  CsMidiout (S n)  where
  midiout = mkOp4 "midiout"

instance  CsMidipgm (S n)  where
  midipgm = mkOp0 "midipgm"
  midipgm' = mkOp1 "midipgm"

instance (Varable a) => CsMidipitchbend (S n) a where
  midipitchbend = mkOp1 "midipitchbend"
  midipitchbend' = mkOp3 "midipitchbend"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsMidipolyaftertouch (S n) a b where
  midipolyaftertouch = mkOp2 "midipolyaftertouch"
  midipolyaftertouch' = mkOp4 "midipolyaftertouch"

instance (Varable a) => CsMidiprogramchange (S n) a where
  midiprogramchange = mkOp1 "midiprogramchange"

instance  CsMiditempo (S n)  where
  miditempo = mkOp0 "miditempo"

instance  CsMidremot (S n)  where
  midremot = mkOp3 "midremot"

instance  CsMinabsaccum (S n)  where
  minabsaccum = mkOp2 "minabsaccum"

instance  CsMinaccum (S n)  where
  minaccum = mkOp2 "minaccum"

instance (Nat d) => CsMincer (S n) d where
  mincer = mkOp5 "mincer"
  mincer' = mkOp7 "mincer"

instance  CsMirror (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  mirror = mkOp3 "mirror"

instance  CsMirror (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  mirror = mkOp3 "mirror"

instance  CsMirror (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  mirror = mkOp3 "mirror"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsMod (S n) (ASig (S n)) a b where
  mod = mkOp2 "mod"

instance  CsMod (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  mod = mkOp2 "mod"

instance  CsMod (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  mod = mkOp2 "mod"

instance  CsMode (S n)  where
  mode = mkOp3 "mode"
  mode' = mkOp4 "mode"

instance  CsModmatrix (S n)  where
  modmatrix = mkOp7 "modmatrix"

instance (Nat d) => CsMonitor (S n) d where
  monitor = mkOp0 "monitor"

instance  CsMoog (S n)  where
  moog = mkOp9 "moog"

instance  CsMoogladder (S n)  where
  moogladder = mkOp3 "moogladder"
  moogladder' = mkOp4 "moogladder"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsMoogvcf (S n) a b where
  moogvcf = mkOp3 "moogvcf"
  moogvcf' = mkOp5 "moogvcf"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsMoogvcf2 (S n) a b where
  moogvcf2 = mkOp3 "moogvcf2"
  moogvcf2' = mkOp5 "moogvcf2"

instance  CsMoscil (S n)  where
  moscil = mkOp5 "moscil"

instance  CsMpulse (S n)  where
  mpulse = mkOp2 "mpulse"
  mpulse' = mkOp3 "mpulse"

instance  CsMrtmsg (S n)  where
  mrtmsg = mkOp1 "mrtmsg"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsMul (S n) (ASig (S n)) a b where
  mul = mkOp2 "mul"

instance  CsMul (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  mul = mkOp2 "mul"

instance  CsMul (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  mul = mkOp2 "mul"

instance  CsMultitap (S n)  where
  multitap = mkOp2 "multitap"

instance  CsMute (S n)  where
  mute = mkOp1 "mute"
  mute' = mkOp2 "mute"

instance  CsMutex_lock (S n)  where
  mutex_lock = mkOp1 "mutex_lock"

instance  CsMutex_locki (S n)  where
  mutex_locki = mkOp1 "mutex_locki"

instance  CsMutex_unlock (S n)  where
  mutex_unlock = mkOp1 "mutex_unlock"

instance  CsMutex_unlocki (S n)  where
  mutex_unlocki = mkOp1 "mutex_unlocki"

instance (PVar out) => CsMxadsr (S n) out where
  mxadsr = mkOp4 "mxadsr"
  mxadsr' = mkOp6 "mxadsr"

instance  CsNestedap (S n)  where
  nestedap = mkOp5 "nestedap"
  nestedap' = mkOp10 "nestedap"

instance  CsNlalp (S n)  where
  nlalp = mkOp3 "nlalp"
  nlalp' = mkOp5 "nlalp"

instance  CsNlfilt (S n)  where
  nlfilt = mkOp6 "nlfilt"

instance (Varable a) => CsNoise (S n) a where
  noise = mkOp2 "noise"

instance  CsNot (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  not = mkOp1 "not"

instance  CsNot (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  not = mkOp1 "not"

instance  CsNot (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  not = mkOp1 "not"

instance  CsNoteoff (S n)  where
  noteoff = mkOp3 "noteoff"

instance  CsNoteon (S n)  where
  noteon = mkOp3 "noteon"

instance  CsNoteondur (S n)  where
  noteondur = mkOp4 "noteondur"

instance  CsNoteondur2 (S n)  where
  noteondur2 = mkOp4 "noteondur2"

instance  CsNotnum (S n)  where
  notnum = mkOp0 "notnum"

instance  CsNreverb (S n)  where
  nreverb = mkOp3 "nreverb"
  nreverb' = mkOp8 "nreverb"

instance  CsNrpn (S n)  where
  nrpn = mkOp3 "nrpn"

instance  CsNsamp (S n)  where
  nsamp = mkOp1 "nsamp"

instance  CsNstrnum (S n)  where
  nstrnum = mkOp1 "nstrnum"

instance  CsNtrpol (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  ntrpol = mkOp3 "ntrpol"
  ntrpol' = mkOp5 "ntrpol"

instance  CsNtrpol (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  ntrpol = mkOp3 "ntrpol"
  ntrpol' = mkOp5 "ntrpol"

instance  CsNtrpol (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  ntrpol = mkOp3 "ntrpol"
  ntrpol' = mkOp5 "ntrpol"

instance  CsOctave (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  octave = mkOp1 "octave"

instance  CsOctave (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  octave = mkOp1 "octave"

instance  CsOctave (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  octave = mkOp1 "octave"

instance  CsOctmidi (S n)  where
  octmidi = mkOp0 "octmidi"

instance  CsOctmidib (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  octmidib = mkOp0 "octmidib"
  octmidib' = mkOp1 "octmidib"

instance  CsOctmidib (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  octmidib = mkOp0 "octmidib"
  octmidib' = mkOp1 "octmidib"

instance  CsOctmidinn (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  octmidinn = mkOp1 "octmidinn"

instance  CsOctmidinn (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  octmidinn = mkOp1 "octmidinn"

instance  CsOpcode (S n)  where
  opcode = mkOp0 "opcode"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsOr (S n) (ASig (S n)) a b where
  or = mkOp2 "or"

instance  CsOr (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  or = mkOp2 "or"

instance  CsOr (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  or = mkOp2 "or"

instance  CsOscbnk (S n)  where
  oscbnk = mkOp19 "oscbnk"
  oscbnk' = mkOp26 "oscbnk"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CSE.CsOscil (S n) (ASig (S n)) a b where
  oscil = mkOp3 "oscil"
  oscil' = mkOp4 "oscil"

instance (PVar out) => CSE.CsOscil (S n) out (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  oscil = mkOp3 "oscil"
  oscil' = mkOp4 "oscil"

instance  CsOscil1 (S n)  where
  oscil1 = mkOp4 "oscil1"

instance  CsOscil1i (S n)  where
  oscil1i = mkOp4 "oscil1i"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsOscil3 (S n) (ASig (S n)) a b where
  oscil3 = mkOp3 "oscil3"
  oscil3' = mkOp4 "oscil3"

instance (PVar out) => CsOscil3 (S n) out (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  oscil3 = mkOp3 "oscil3"
  oscil3' = mkOp4 "oscil3"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CSE.CsOscili (S n) (ASig (S n)) a b where
  oscili = mkOp3 "oscili"
  oscili' = mkOp4 "oscili"

instance (PVar out) => CSE.CsOscili (S n) out (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  oscili = mkOp3 "oscili"
  oscili' = mkOp4 "oscili"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsOscilikt (S n) (ASig (S n)) a b where
  oscilikt = mkOp3 "oscilikt"
  oscilikt' = mkOp5 "oscilikt"

instance (PVar out) => CsOscilikt (S n) out (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  oscilikt = mkOp3 "oscilikt"
  oscilikt' = mkOp5 "oscilikt"

instance  CsOsciliktp (S n)  where
  osciliktp = mkOp3 "osciliktp"
  osciliktp' = mkOp4 "osciliktp"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsOscilikts (S n) a b where
  oscilikts = mkOp5 "oscilikts"
  oscilikts' = mkOp6 "oscilikts"

instance  CsOsciln (S n)  where
  osciln = mkOp4 "osciln"

instance  CsOscils (S n)  where
  oscils = mkOp3 "oscils"
  oscils' = mkOp4 "oscils"

instance  CsOscilx (S n)  where
  oscilx = mkOp4 "oscilx"

instance  CsOut32 (S n)  where
  out32 = mkOp32 "out32"

instance  CsOutc (S n)  where
  outc = mkOp1 "outc"

instance  CsOutch (S n)  where
  outch = mkOp1 "outch"

instance  CsOuth (S n)  where
  outh = mkOp6 "outh"

instance  CsOutiat (S n)  where
  outiat = mkOp4 "outiat"

instance  CsOutic (S n)  where
  outic = mkOp5 "outic"

instance  CsOutic14 (S n)  where
  outic14 = mkOp6 "outic14"

instance  CsOutipat (S n)  where
  outipat = mkOp5 "outipat"

instance  CsOutipb (S n)  where
  outipb = mkOp4 "outipb"

instance  CsOutipc (S n)  where
  outipc = mkOp4 "outipc"

instance  CsOutkat (S n)  where
  outkat = mkOp4 "outkat"

instance  CsOutkc (S n)  where
  outkc = mkOp5 "outkc"

instance  CsOutkc14 (S n)  where
  outkc14 = mkOp6 "outkc14"

instance  CsOutkpat (S n)  where
  outkpat = mkOp5 "outkpat"

instance  CsOutkpb (S n)  where
  outkpb = mkOp4 "outkpb"

instance  CsOutkpc (S n)  where
  outkpc = mkOp4 "outkpc"

instance  CsOutleta (S n)  where
  outleta = mkOp2 "outleta"

instance  CsOutletf (S n)  where
  outletf = mkOp2 "outletf"

instance  CsOutletk (S n)  where
  outletk = mkOp2 "outletk"

instance  CsOutq1 (S n)  where
  outq1 = mkOp1 "outq1"

instance  CsOutq2 (S n)  where
  outq2 = mkOp1 "outq2"

instance  CsOutq3 (S n)  where
  outq3 = mkOp1 "outq3"

instance  CsOutq4 (S n)  where
  outq4 = mkOp1 "outq4"

instance  CsOutrg (S n)  where
  outrg = mkOp2 "outrg"

instance  CsOuts1 (S n)  where
  outs1 = mkOp1 "outs1"

instance  CsOuts2 (S n)  where
  outs2 = mkOp1 "outs2"

instance  CsOutx (S n)  where
  outx = mkOp16 "outx"

instance  CsOutz (S n)  where
  outz = mkOp1 "outz"

instance  CsP (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  p = mkOp1 "p"

instance  CsP (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  p = mkOp1 "p"

instance  CsPan (S n)  where
  pan = mkOp4 "pan"
  pan' = mkOp6 "pan"

instance (Varable a) => CsPan2 (S n) a where
  pan2 = mkOp2 "pan2"
  pan2' = mkOp3 "pan2"

instance  CsPareq (S n)  where
  pareq = mkOp4 "pareq"
  pareq' = mkOp6 "pareq"

instance  CsPartials (S n)  where
  partials = mkOp6 "partials"

instance  CsPcauchy (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  pcauchy = mkOp1 "pcauchy"

instance  CsPcauchy (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  pcauchy = mkOp1 "pcauchy"

instance  CsPcauchy (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  pcauchy = mkOp1 "pcauchy"

instance  CsPchbend (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  pchbend = mkOp0 "pchbend"
  pchbend' = mkOp2 "pchbend"

instance  CsPchbend (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  pchbend = mkOp0 "pchbend"
  pchbend' = mkOp2 "pchbend"

instance  CsPchmidi (S n)  where
  pchmidi = mkOp0 "pchmidi"

instance  CsPchmidib (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  pchmidib = mkOp0 "pchmidib"
  pchmidib' = mkOp1 "pchmidib"

instance  CsPchmidib (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  pchmidib = mkOp0 "pchmidib"
  pchmidib' = mkOp1 "pchmidib"

instance  CsPchmidinn (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  pchmidinn = mkOp1 "pchmidinn"

instance  CsPchmidinn (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  pchmidinn = mkOp1 "pchmidinn"

instance (Nat d) => CsPconvolve (S n) d where
  pconvolve = mkOp2 "pconvolve"
  pconvolve' = mkOp4 "pconvolve"

instance  CsPcount (S n)  where
  pcount = mkOp0 "pcount"

instance  CsPdclip (S n)  where
  pdclip = mkOp3 "pdclip"
  pdclip' = mkOp5 "pdclip"

instance  CsPdhalf (S n)  where
  pdhalf = mkOp2 "pdhalf"
  pdhalf' = mkOp4 "pdhalf"

instance  CsPdhalfy (S n)  where
  pdhalfy = mkOp2 "pdhalfy"
  pdhalfy' = mkOp4 "pdhalfy"

instance (Varable a) => CsPeak (S n) a where
  peak = mkOp1 "peak"

instance  CsPgmassign (S n)  where
  pgmassign = mkOp2 "pgmassign"
  pgmassign' = mkOp3 "pgmassign"

instance  CsPgmchn (S n)  where
  pgmchn = mkOp0 "pgmchn"
  pgmchn' = mkOp1 "pgmchn"

instance  CsPhaser1 (S n)  where
  phaser1 = mkOp4 "phaser1"
  phaser1' = mkOp5 "phaser1"

instance  CsPhaser2 (S n)  where
  phaser2 = mkOp7 "phaser2"

instance (PVar out, Varable a) => CsPhasorbnk (S n) out a where
  phasorbnk = mkOp3 "phasorbnk"
  phasorbnk' = mkOp4 "phasorbnk"

instance  CsPindex (S n)  where
  pindex = mkOp1 "pindex"

instance (Varable a) => CsPinkish (S n) a where
  pinkish = mkOp1 "pinkish"
  pinkish' = mkOp5 "pinkish"

instance  CsPitch (S n)  where
  pitch = mkOp5 "pitch"
  pitch' = mkOp13 "pitch"

instance  CsPitchac (S n)  where
  pitchac = mkOp4 "pitchac"

instance  CsPitchamdf (S n)  where
  pitchamdf = mkOp3 "pitchamdf"
  pitchamdf' = mkOp8 "pitchamdf"

instance  CsPlanet (S n)  where
  planet = mkOp10 "planet"
  planet' = mkOp12 "planet"

instance  CsPluck (S n)  where
  pluck = mkOp5 "pluck"
  pluck' = mkOp7 "pluck"

instance  CsPoisson (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  poisson = mkOp1 "poisson"

instance  CsPoisson (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  poisson = mkOp1 "poisson"

instance  CsPoisson (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  poisson = mkOp1 "poisson"

instance  CsPolyaft (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  polyaft = mkOp1 "polyaft"
  polyaft' = mkOp3 "polyaft"

instance  CsPolyaft (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  polyaft = mkOp1 "polyaft"
  polyaft' = mkOp3 "polyaft"

instance  CsPolynomial (S n)  where
  polynomial = mkOp2 "polynomial"

instance  CsPop_f (S n)  where
  pop_f = mkOp0 "pop_f"

instance  CsPort (S n)  where
  port = mkOp2 "port"
  port' = mkOp3 "port"

instance  CsPortk (S n)  where
  portk = mkOp2 "portk"
  portk' = mkOp3 "portk"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsPoscil (S n) (ASig (S n)) a b where
  poscil = mkOp3 "poscil"
  poscil' = mkOp4 "poscil"

instance (PVar out) => CsPoscil (S n) out (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  poscil = mkOp3 "poscil"
  poscil' = mkOp4 "poscil"

instance (PVar out) => CsPoscil3 (S n) out where
  poscil3 = mkOp3 "poscil3"
  poscil3' = mkOp4 "poscil3"

instance  CsPow (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  pow = mkOp2 "pow"
  pow' = mkOp3 "pow"

instance  CsPow (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  pow = mkOp2 "pow"
  pow' = mkOp3 "pow"

instance  CsPow (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  pow = mkOp2 "pow"
  pow' = mkOp3 "pow"

instance  CsPowershape (S n)  where
  powershape = mkOp2 "powershape"
  powershape' = mkOp3 "powershape"

instance  CsPowoftwo (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  powoftwo = mkOp1 "powoftwo"

instance  CsPowoftwo (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  powoftwo = mkOp1 "powoftwo"

instance  CsPowoftwo (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  powoftwo = mkOp1 "powoftwo"

instance  CsPrealloc (S n)  where
  prealloc = mkOp2 "prealloc"
  prealloc' = mkOp3 "prealloc"

instance (Nat d) => CsPrepiano (S n) d where
  prepiano = mkOp15 "prepiano"
  prepiano' = mkOp17 "prepiano"

instance  CsPrint (S n)  where
  print = mkOp1 "print"

instance  CsPrintf_i (S n)  where
  printf_i = mkOp4 "printf_i"

instance  CsPrintk (S n)  where
  printk = mkOp2 "printk"
  printk' = mkOp3 "printk"

instance  CsPrintk2 (S n)  where
  printk2 = mkOp1 "printk2"
  printk2' = mkOp2 "printk2"

instance (Varable a) => CsPrintks (S n) a where
  printks = mkOp3 "printks"

instance (Varable a) => CsPrints (S n) a where
  prints = mkOp2 "prints"

instance  CsProduct (S n)  where
  product = mkOp1 "product"

instance  CsPset (S n)  where
  pset = mkOp1 "pset"

instance  CsPtrack (S n)  where
  ptrack = mkOp2 "ptrack"
  ptrack' = mkOp3 "ptrack"

instance  CsPush (S n)  where
  push = mkOp1 "push"

instance  CsPush_f (S n)  where
  push_f = mkOp1 "push_f"

instance  CsPuts (S n)  where
  puts = mkOp2 "puts"
  puts' = mkOp3 "puts"

instance  CsPvadd (S n)  where
  pvadd = mkOp5 "pvadd"
  pvadd' = mkOp10 "pvadd"

instance  CsPvbufread (S n)  where
  pvbufread = mkOp2 "pvbufread"

instance  CsPvcross (S n)  where
  pvcross = mkOp5 "pvcross"
  pvcross' = mkOp6 "pvcross"

instance  CsPvinterp (S n)  where
  pvinterp = mkOp9 "pvinterp"

instance  CsPvoc (S n)  where
  pvoc = mkOp3 "pvoc"
  pvoc' = mkOp7 "pvoc"

instance  CsPvread (S n)  where
  pvread = mkOp3 "pvread"

instance  CsPvsadsyn (S n)  where
  pvsadsyn = mkOp3 "pvsadsyn"
  pvsadsyn' = mkOp6 "pvsadsyn"

instance  CsPvsanal (S n)  where
  pvsanal = mkOp5 "pvsanal"
  pvsanal' = mkOp7 "pvsanal"

instance  CsPvsarp (S n)  where
  pvsarp = mkOp4 "pvsarp"

instance (Varable a, Varable b, Varable c, Varable d, KVar e) => CsPvsbandp (S n) a b c d e where
  pvsbandp = mkOp5 "pvsbandp"
  pvsbandp' = mkOp6 "pvsbandp"

instance (Varable a, Varable b, Varable c, Varable d, KVar e) => CsPvsbandr (S n) a b c d e where
  pvsbandr = mkOp5 "pvsbandr"
  pvsbandr' = mkOp6 "pvsbandr"

instance (PVar out) => CsPvsbin (S n) out where
  pvsbin = mkOp2 "pvsbin"

instance  CsPvsblur (S n)  where
  pvsblur = mkOp3 "pvsblur"

instance  CsPvsbuffer (S n)  where
  pvsbuffer = mkOp2 "pvsbuffer"

instance (KVar a, KVar b) => CsPvsbufread (S n) a b where
  pvsbufread = mkOp2 "pvsbufread"
  pvsbufread' = mkOp5 "pvsbufread"

instance (PVar out) => CsPvscent (S n) out where
  pvscent = mkOp1 "pvscent"

instance  CsPvscross (S n)  where
  pvscross = mkOp4 "pvscross"

instance  CsPvsdemix (S n)  where
  pvsdemix = mkOp5 "pvsdemix"

instance  CsPvsdisp (S n)  where
  pvsdisp = mkOp1 "pvsdisp"
  pvsdisp' = mkOp3 "pvsdisp"

instance (Varable a) => CsPvsfilter (S n) a where
  pvsfilter = mkOp3 "pvsfilter"
  pvsfilter' = mkOp4 "pvsfilter"

instance  CsPvsfread (S n)  where
  pvsfread = mkOp2 "pvsfread"
  pvsfread' = mkOp3 "pvsfread"

instance  CsPvsfreeze (S n)  where
  pvsfreeze = mkOp3 "pvsfreeze"

instance  CsPvsftr (S n)  where
  pvsftr = mkOp2 "pvsftr"
  pvsftr' = mkOp3 "pvsftr"

instance  CsPvsftw (S n)  where
  pvsftw = mkOp2 "pvsftw"
  pvsftw' = mkOp3 "pvsftw"

instance  CsPvsfwrite (S n)  where
  pvsfwrite = mkOp2 "pvsfwrite"

instance (Varable a, KVar b, KVar c, KVar d) => CsPvshift (S n) a b c d where
  pvshift = mkOp3 "pvshift"
  pvshift' = mkOp6 "pvshift"

instance  CsPvsifd (S n)  where
  pvsifd = mkOp4 "pvsifd"
  pvsifd' = mkOp5 "pvsifd"

instance  CsPvsin (S n)  where
  pvsin = mkOp1 "pvsin"
  pvsin' = mkOp6 "pvsin"

instance  CsPvsinfo (S n)  where
  pvsinfo = mkOp1 "pvsinfo"

instance  CsPvsinit (S n)  where
  pvsinit = mkOp1 "pvsinit"
  pvsinit' = mkOp5 "pvsinit"

instance  CsPvslock (S n)  where
  pvslock = mkOp2 "pvslock"

instance  CsPvsmaska (S n)  where
  pvsmaska = mkOp3 "pvsmaska"

instance  CsPvsmix (S n)  where
  pvsmix = mkOp2 "pvsmix"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsPvsmooth (S n) a b where
  pvsmooth = mkOp3 "pvsmooth"

instance  CsPvsmorph (S n)  where
  pvsmorph = mkOp4 "pvsmorph"

instance  CsPvsosc (S n)  where
  pvsosc = mkOp4 "pvsosc"
  pvsosc' = mkOp8 "pvsosc"

instance  CsPvsout (S n)  where
  pvsout = mkOp2 "pvsout"

instance  CsPvspitch (S n)  where
  pvspitch = mkOp2 "pvspitch"

instance  CsPvstencil (S n)  where
  pvstencil = mkOp4 "pvstencil"

instance (KVar a) => CsPvsvoc (S n) a where
  pvsvoc = mkOp4 "pvsvoc"
  pvsvoc' = mkOp5 "pvsvoc"

instance  CsPvsynth (S n)  where
  pvsynth = mkOp1 "pvsynth"
  pvsynth' = mkOp2 "pvsynth"

instance (PVar out, Varable a) => CsRand (S n) out a where
  rand = mkOp1 "rand"
  rand' = mkOp4 "rand"

instance (PVar out, Varable a, Varable b) => CsRandh (S n) out a b where
  randh = mkOp2 "randh"
  randh' = mkOp5 "randh"

instance (PVar out, Varable a, Varable b) => CsRandi (S n) out a b where
  randi = mkOp2 "randi"
  randi' = mkOp5 "randi"

instance  CsRandom (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  random = mkOp2 "random"

instance  CsRandom (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  random = mkOp2 "random"

instance  CsRandom (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  random = mkOp2 "random"

instance (PVar out, Varable a) => CsRandomh (S n) out a where
  randomh = mkOp3 "randomh"

instance (PVar out, Varable a) => CsRandomi (S n) out a where
  randomi = mkOp3 "randomi"

instance  CsRbjeq (S n)  where
  rbjeq = mkOp5 "rbjeq"
  rbjeq' = mkOp6 "rbjeq"

instance  CsReadclock (S n)  where
  readclock = mkOp1 "readclock"

instance  CsReadk (S n)  where
  readk = mkOp3 "readk"

instance  CsReadk2 (S n)  where
  readk2 = mkOp3 "readk2"

instance  CsReadk3 (S n)  where
  readk3 = mkOp3 "readk3"

instance  CsReadk4 (S n)  where
  readk4 = mkOp3 "readk4"

instance  CsReadks (S n)  where
  readks = mkOp2 "readks"

instance  CsRelease (S n)  where
  release = mkOp0 "release"

instance  CsRemoteport (S n)  where
  remoteport = mkOp1 "remoteport"

instance  CsRemove (S n)  where
  remove = mkOp1 "remove"

instance  CsRepluck (S n)  where
  repluck = mkOp6 "repluck"

instance  CsReson (S n)  where
  reson = mkOp3 "reson"
  reson' = mkOp5 "reson"

instance  CsResonk (S n)  where
  resonk = mkOp3 "resonk"
  resonk' = mkOp5 "resonk"

instance  CsResonr (S n)  where
  resonr = mkOp3 "resonr"
  resonr' = mkOp5 "resonr"

instance  CsResonx (S n)  where
  resonx = mkOp3 "resonx"
  resonx' = mkOp6 "resonx"

instance  CsResonxk (S n)  where
  resonxk = mkOp3 "resonxk"
  resonxk' = mkOp6 "resonxk"

instance  CsResony (S n)  where
  resony = mkOp5 "resony"
  resony' = mkOp8 "resony"

instance  CsResonz (S n)  where
  resonz = mkOp3 "resonz"
  resonz' = mkOp5 "resonz"

instance  CsResyn (S n)  where
  resyn = mkOp5 "resyn"

instance  CsReverb (S n)  where
  reverb = mkOp2 "reverb"
  reverb' = mkOp3 "reverb"

instance  CsReverb2 (S n)  where
  reverb2 = mkOp3 "reverb2"
  reverb2' = mkOp8 "reverb2"

instance  CsReverbsc (S n)  where
  reverbsc = mkOp4 "reverbsc"
  reverbsc' = mkOp7 "reverbsc"

instance  CsRewindscore (S n)  where
  rewindscore = mkOp0 "rewindscore"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsRezzy (S n) a b where
  rezzy = mkOp3 "rezzy"
  rezzy' = mkOp5 "rezzy"

instance  CsRireturn (S n)  where
  rireturn = mkOp0 "rireturn"

instance  CsRms (S n)  where
  rms = mkOp1 "rms"
  rms' = mkOp3 "rms"

instance  CsRnd (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  rnd = mkOp1 "rnd"

instance  CsRnd (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  rnd = mkOp1 "rnd"

instance  CsRnd31 (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  rnd31 = mkOp2 "rnd31"
  rnd31' = mkOp3 "rnd31"

instance  CsRnd31 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  rnd31 = mkOp2 "rnd31"
  rnd31' = mkOp3 "rnd31"

instance  CsRnd31 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  rnd31 = mkOp2 "rnd31"
  rnd31' = mkOp3 "rnd31"

instance  CsRound (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  round = mkOp1 "round"

instance  CsRound (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  round = mkOp1 "round"

instance  CsRound (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  round = mkOp1 "round"

instance (PVar out, Varable a, Varable b) => CsRspline (S n) out a b where
  rspline = mkOp4 "rspline"

instance  CsRtclock (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  rtclock = mkOp0 "rtclock"

instance  CsRtclock (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  rtclock = mkOp0 "rtclock"

instance (PVar out, Varable a, Varable b) => CsSamphold (S n) out a b where
  samphold = mkOp2 "samphold"
  samphold' = mkOp4 "samphold"

instance  CsSandpaper (S n)  where
  sandpaper = mkOp2 "sandpaper"
  sandpaper' = mkOp5 "sandpaper"

instance  CsScale (S n)  where
  scale = mkOp3 "scale"

instance  CsScanhammer (S n)  where
  scanhammer = mkOp4 "scanhammer"

instance  CsScans (S n)  where
  scans = mkOp4 "scans"
  scans' = mkOp5 "scans"

instance  CsScantable (S n)  where
  scantable = mkOp7 "scantable"

instance  CsScanu (S n)  where
  scanu = mkOp18 "scanu"

instance  CsSchedule (S n)  where
  schedule = mkOp4 "schedule"

instance  CsSchedwhen (S n)  where
  schedwhen = mkOp5 "schedwhen"

instance  CsScoreline (S n)  where
  scoreline = mkOp2 "scoreline"

instance  CsScoreline_i (S n)  where
  scoreline_i = mkOp1 "scoreline_i"

instance  CsSeed (S n)  where
  seed = mkOp1 "seed"

instance  CsSekere (S n)  where
  sekere = mkOp2 "sekere"
  sekere' = mkOp5 "sekere"

instance  CsSemitone (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  semitone = mkOp1 "semitone"

instance  CsSemitone (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  semitone = mkOp1 "semitone"

instance  CsSemitone (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  semitone = mkOp1 "semitone"

instance  CsSeqtime (S n)  where
  seqtime = mkOp5 "seqtime"

instance  CsSeqtime2 (S n)  where
  seqtime2 = mkOp6 "seqtime2"

instance  CsSetctrl (S n)  where
  setctrl = mkOp3 "setctrl"

instance  CsSetksmps (S n)  where
  setksmps = mkOp1 "setksmps"

instance  CsSetscorepos (S n)  where
  setscorepos = mkOp1 "setscorepos"

instance  CsSfilist (S n)  where
  sfilist = mkOp1 "sfilist"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsSfinstr (S n) a b where
  sfinstr = mkOp6 "sfinstr"
  sfinstr' = mkOp9 "sfinstr"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsSfinstr3 (S n) a b where
  sfinstr3 = mkOp6 "sfinstr3"
  sfinstr3' = mkOp9 "sfinstr3"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsSfinstr3m (S n) a b where
  sfinstr3m = mkOp6 "sfinstr3m"
  sfinstr3m' = mkOp9 "sfinstr3m"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsSfinstrm (S n) a b where
  sfinstrm = mkOp6 "sfinstrm"
  sfinstrm' = mkOp9 "sfinstrm"

instance  CsSfload (S n)  where
  sfload = mkOp1 "sfload"

instance  CsSflooper (S n)  where
  sflooper = mkOp8 "sflooper"
  sflooper' = mkOp12 "sflooper"

instance  CsSfpassign (S n)  where
  sfpassign = mkOp2 "sfpassign"
  sfpassign' = mkOp3 "sfpassign"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsSfplay (S n) a b where
  sfplay = mkOp5 "sfplay"
  sfplay' = mkOp8 "sfplay"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsSfplay3 (S n) a b where
  sfplay3 = mkOp5 "sfplay3"
  sfplay3' = mkOp8 "sfplay3"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsSfplay3m (S n) a b where
  sfplay3m = mkOp5 "sfplay3m"
  sfplay3m' = mkOp8 "sfplay3m"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsSfplaym (S n) a b where
  sfplaym = mkOp5 "sfplaym"
  sfplaym' = mkOp8 "sfplaym"

instance  CsSfplist (S n)  where
  sfplist = mkOp1 "sfplist"

instance  CsSfpreset (S n)  where
  sfpreset = mkOp4 "sfpreset"

instance  CsShaker (S n)  where
  shaker = mkOp5 "shaker"
  shaker' = mkOp6 "shaker"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsShl (S n) (ASig (S n)) a b where
  shl = mkOp2 "shl"

instance  CsShl (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  shl = mkOp2 "shl"

instance  CsShl (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  shl = mkOp2 "shl"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsShr (S n) (ASig (S n)) a b where
  shr = mkOp2 "shr"

instance  CsShr (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  shr = mkOp2 "shr"

instance  CsShr (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  shr = mkOp2 "shr"

instance  CsSin (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  sin = mkOp1 "sin"

instance  CsSin (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  sin = mkOp1 "sin"

instance  CsSin (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  sin = mkOp1 "sin"

instance  CsSinh (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  sinh = mkOp1 "sinh"

instance  CsSinh (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  sinh = mkOp1 "sinh"

instance  CsSinh (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  sinh = mkOp1 "sinh"

instance  CsSininv (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  sininv = mkOp1 "sininv"

instance  CsSininv (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  sininv = mkOp1 "sininv"

instance  CsSininv (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  sininv = mkOp1 "sininv"

instance  CsSinsyn (S n)  where
  sinsyn = mkOp4 "sinsyn"

instance  CsSleighbells (S n)  where
  sleighbells = mkOp2 "sleighbells"
  sleighbells' = mkOp8 "sleighbells"

instance  CsSlider16table (S n)  where
  slider16table = mkOp83 "slider16table"

instance  CsSlider16tablef (S n)  where
  slider16tablef = mkOp99 "slider16tablef"

instance  CsSlider8table (S n)  where
  slider8table = mkOp43 "slider8table"

instance  CsSlider8tablef (S n)  where
  slider8tablef = mkOp51 "slider8tablef"

instance  CsSndload (S n)  where
  sndload = mkOp1 "sndload"
  sndload' = mkOp10 "sndload"

instance  CsSndloop (S n)  where
  sndloop = mkOp5 "sndloop"

instance (Nat d, Varable a, Varable b, Varable c) => CsSndwarp (S n) d a b c where
  sndwarp = mkOp10 "sndwarp"

instance (Nat d, Varable a, Varable b, Varable c) => CsSndwarpst (S n) d a b c where
  sndwarpst = mkOp10 "sndwarpst"

instance  CsSockrecv (S n)  where
  sockrecv = mkOp2 "sockrecv"

instance  CsSockrecvs (S n)  where
  sockrecvs = mkOp2 "sockrecvs"

instance  CsSocksend (S n)  where
  socksend = mkOp4 "socksend"

instance  CsSocksends (S n)  where
  socksends = mkOp5 "socksends"

instance (Nat d) => CsSoundin (S n) d where
  soundin = mkOp1 "soundin"
  soundin' = mkOp5 "soundin"

instance  CsSoundout (S n)  where
  soundout = mkOp2 "soundout"
  soundout' = mkOp3 "soundout"

instance  CsSoundouts (S n)  where
  soundouts = mkOp3 "soundouts"
  soundouts' = mkOp4 "soundouts"

instance  CsSpace (S n)  where
  space = mkOp6 "space"

instance  CsSpat3d (S n)  where
  spat3d = mkOp9 "spat3d"
  spat3d' = mkOp10 "spat3d"

instance  CsSpat3di (S n)  where
  spat3di = mkOp7 "spat3di"
  spat3di' = mkOp8 "spat3di"

instance  CsSpat3dt (S n)  where
  spat3dt = mkOp8 "spat3dt"
  spat3dt' = mkOp9 "spat3dt"

instance  CsSpdist (S n)  where
  spdist = mkOp4 "spdist"

instance  CsSplitrig (S n)  where
  splitrig = mkOp5 "splitrig"

instance  CsSprintf (S n)  where
  sprintf = mkOp3 "sprintf"

instance  CsSpsend (S n)  where
  spsend = mkOp0 "spsend"

instance  CsStack (S n)  where
  stack = mkOp1 "stack"

instance  CsStatevar (S n)  where
  statevar = mkOp3 "statevar"
  statevar' = mkOp5 "statevar"

instance  CsStix (S n)  where
  stix = mkOp2 "stix"
  stix' = mkOp5 "stix"

instance  CsStrcat (S n)  where
  strcat = mkOp2 "strcat"

instance  CsStrcatk (S n)  where
  strcatk = mkOp2 "strcatk"

instance  CsStrchar (S n)  where
  strchar = mkOp1 "strchar"
  strchar' = mkOp2 "strchar"

instance (KVar a) => CsStrchark (S n) a where
  strchark = mkOp1 "strchark"
  strchark' = mkOp2 "strchark"

instance  CsStrcmp (S n)  where
  strcmp = mkOp2 "strcmp"

instance  CsStrcmpk (S n)  where
  strcmpk = mkOp2 "strcmpk"

instance  CsStrcpy (S n)  where
  strcpy = mkOp1 "strcpy"

instance  CsStrcpyk (S n)  where
  strcpyk = mkOp1 "strcpyk"

instance  CsStrecv (S n)  where
  strecv = mkOp2 "strecv"

instance  CsStreson (S n)  where
  streson = mkOp3 "streson"

instance  CsStrget (S n)  where
  strget = mkOp1 "strget"

instance  CsStrindex (S n)  where
  strindex = mkOp2 "strindex"

instance  CsStrindexk (S n)  where
  strindexk = mkOp2 "strindexk"

instance  CsStrlen (S n)  where
  strlen = mkOp1 "strlen"

instance  CsStrlenk (S n)  where
  strlenk = mkOp1 "strlenk"

instance  CsStrlower (S n)  where
  strlower = mkOp1 "strlower"

instance  CsStrlowerk (S n)  where
  strlowerk = mkOp1 "strlowerk"

instance  CsStrrindex (S n)  where
  strrindex = mkOp2 "strrindex"

instance  CsStrrindexk (S n)  where
  strrindexk = mkOp2 "strrindexk"

instance  CsStrset (S n)  where
  strset = mkOp2 "strset"

instance  CsStrsub (S n)  where
  strsub = mkOp1 "strsub"
  strsub' = mkOp3 "strsub"

instance  CsStrsubk (S n)  where
  strsubk = mkOp3 "strsubk"

instance  CsStrtod (S n)  where
  strtod = mkOp1 "strtod"

instance  CsStrtol (S n)  where
  strtol = mkOp1 "strtol"

instance  CsStrupper (S n)  where
  strupper = mkOp1 "strupper"

instance  CsStrupperk (S n)  where
  strupperk = mkOp1 "strupperk"

instance  CsStsend (S n)  where
  stsend = mkOp3 "stsend"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsSub (S n) (ASig (S n)) a b where
  sub = mkOp2 "sub"

instance  CsSub (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  sub = mkOp2 "sub"

instance  CsSub (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  sub = mkOp2 "sub"

instance (Nat d) => CsSubinstr (S n) d where
  subinstr = mkOp2 "subinstr"

instance  CsSubinstrinit (S n)  where
  subinstrinit = mkOp2 "subinstrinit"

instance  CSE.CsSum (S n)  where
  sum = mkOp1 "sum"

instance  CsSvfilter (S n)  where
  svfilter = mkOp3 "svfilter"
  svfilter' = mkOp4 "svfilter"

instance  CsSyncgrain (S n)  where
  syncgrain = mkOp8 "syncgrain"

instance  CsSyncloop (S n)  where
  syncloop = mkOp10 "syncloop"
  syncloop' = mkOp12 "syncloop"

instance (Varable a) => CsSyncphasor (S n) a where
  syncphasor = mkOp2 "syncphasor"
  syncphasor' = mkOp3 "syncphasor"

instance (KVar a) => CsSystem (S n) a where
  system = mkOp2 "system"
  system' = mkOp3 "system"

instance  CsSystem_i (S n)  where
  system_i = mkOp2 "system_i"
  system_i' = mkOp3 "system_i"

instance (PVar out, Varable a) => CsTab (S n) out a where
  tab = mkOp2 "tab"
  tab' = mkOp3 "tab"

instance  CsTab_i (S n)  where
  tab_i = mkOp2 "tab_i"
  tab_i' = mkOp3 "tab_i"

instance (Varable a) => CsTable (S n) (ASig (S n)) a where
  table = mkOp2 "table"
  table' = mkOp5 "table"

instance (Varable a) => CsTable (S n) (KSig (S n)) a where
  table = mkOp2 "table"
  table' = mkOp5 "table"

instance  CsTable (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  table = mkOp2 "table"
  table' = mkOp5 "table"

instance (Varable a) => CsTable3 (S n) (ASig (S n)) a where
  table3 = mkOp2 "table3"
  table3' = mkOp5 "table3"

instance (Varable a) => CsTable3 (S n) (KSig (S n)) a where
  table3 = mkOp2 "table3"
  table3' = mkOp5 "table3"

instance  CsTable3 (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  table3 = mkOp2 "table3"
  table3' = mkOp5 "table3"

instance  CsTablecopy (S n)  where
  tablecopy = mkOp2 "tablecopy"

instance  CsTablegpw (S n)  where
  tablegpw = mkOp1 "tablegpw"

instance (Varable a) => CsTablei (S n) (ASig (S n)) a where
  tablei = mkOp2 "tablei"
  tablei' = mkOp5 "tablei"

instance (Varable a) => CsTablei (S n) (KSig (S n)) a where
  tablei = mkOp2 "tablei"
  tablei' = mkOp5 "tablei"

instance  CsTablei (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  tablei = mkOp2 "tablei"
  tablei' = mkOp5 "tablei"

instance  CsTableicopy (S n)  where
  tableicopy = mkOp2 "tableicopy"

instance  CsTableigpw (S n)  where
  tableigpw = mkOp1 "tableigpw"

instance (PVar out, Varable a) => CsTableikt (S n) out a where
  tableikt = mkOp2 "tableikt"
  tableikt' = mkOp5 "tableikt"

instance  CsTableimix (S n)  where
  tableimix = mkOp9 "tableimix"

instance  CsTableiw (S n)  where
  tableiw = mkOp3 "tableiw"
  tableiw' = mkOp6 "tableiw"

instance (PVar out, Varable a) => CsTablekt (S n) out a where
  tablekt = mkOp2 "tablekt"
  tablekt' = mkOp5 "tablekt"

instance  CsTablemix (S n)  where
  tablemix = mkOp9 "tablemix"

instance  CsTableng (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  tableng = mkOp1 "tableng"

instance  CsTableng (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  tableng = mkOp1 "tableng"

instance  CsTablera (S n)  where
  tablera = mkOp3 "tablera"

instance  CsTableseg (S n)  where
  tableseg = mkOp4 "tableseg"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsTablew (S n) a b where
  tablew = mkOp3 "tablew"
  tablew' = mkOp6 "tablew"

instance  CsTablewa (S n)  where
  tablewa = mkOp3 "tablewa"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsTablewkt (S n) a b where
  tablewkt = mkOp3 "tablewkt"
  tablewkt' = mkOp6 "tablewkt"

instance (Varable a) => CsTablexkt (S n) a where
  tablexkt = mkOp4 "tablexkt"
  tablexkt' = mkOp7 "tablexkt"

instance  CsTablexseg (S n)  where
  tablexseg = mkOp4 "tablexseg"

instance  CsTabmorph (S n)  where
  tabmorph = mkOp5 "tabmorph"

instance  CsTabmorpha (S n)  where
  tabmorpha = mkOp5 "tabmorpha"

instance  CsTabmorphak (S n)  where
  tabmorphak = mkOp5 "tabmorphak"

instance  CsTabmorphi (S n)  where
  tabmorphi = mkOp5 "tabmorphi"

instance  CsTabplay (S n)  where
  tabplay = mkOp4 "tabplay"

instance  CsTabrec (S n)  where
  tabrec = mkOp5 "tabrec"

instance (KVar a, KVar b) => CsTabsum (S n) a b where
  tabsum = mkOp1 "tabsum"
  tabsum' = mkOp3 "tabsum"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsTabw (S n) a b where
  tabw = mkOp3 "tabw"
  tabw' = mkOp4 "tabw"

instance  CsTabw_i (S n)  where
  tabw_i = mkOp3 "tabw_i"
  tabw_i' = mkOp4 "tabw_i"

instance  CsTambourine (S n)  where
  tambourine = mkOp2 "tambourine"
  tambourine' = mkOp8 "tambourine"

instance  CsTan (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  tan = mkOp1 "tan"

instance  CsTan (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  tan = mkOp1 "tan"

instance  CsTan (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  tan = mkOp1 "tan"

instance  CsTanh (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  tanh = mkOp1 "tanh"

instance  CsTanh (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  tanh = mkOp1 "tanh"

instance  CsTanh (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  tanh = mkOp1 "tanh"

instance  CsTaninv (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  taninv = mkOp1 "taninv"

instance  CsTaninv (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  taninv = mkOp1 "taninv"

instance  CsTaninv (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  taninv = mkOp1 "taninv"

instance  CsTaninv2 (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  taninv2 = mkOp2 "taninv2"

instance  CsTaninv2 (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  taninv2 = mkOp2 "taninv2"

instance  CsTaninv2 (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  taninv2 = mkOp2 "taninv2"

instance  CsTb0 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  tb0 = mkOp1 "tb0"

instance  CsTb0 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  tb0 = mkOp1 "tb0"

instance  CsTb0_init (S n)  where
  tb0_init = mkOp1 "tb0_init"

instance  CsTb1 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  tb1 = mkOp1 "tb1"

instance  CsTb1 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  tb1 = mkOp1 "tb1"

instance  CsTb10 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  tb10 = mkOp1 "tb10"

instance  CsTb10 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  tb10 = mkOp1 "tb10"

instance  CsTb10_init (S n)  where
  tb10_init = mkOp1 "tb10_init"

instance  CsTb11 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  tb11 = mkOp1 "tb11"

instance  CsTb11 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  tb11 = mkOp1 "tb11"

instance  CsTb11_init (S n)  where
  tb11_init = mkOp1 "tb11_init"

instance  CsTb12 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  tb12 = mkOp1 "tb12"

instance  CsTb12 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  tb12 = mkOp1 "tb12"

instance  CsTb12_init (S n)  where
  tb12_init = mkOp1 "tb12_init"

instance  CsTb13 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  tb13 = mkOp1 "tb13"

instance  CsTb13 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  tb13 = mkOp1 "tb13"

instance  CsTb13_init (S n)  where
  tb13_init = mkOp1 "tb13_init"

instance  CsTb14 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  tb14 = mkOp1 "tb14"

instance  CsTb14 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  tb14 = mkOp1 "tb14"

instance  CsTb14_init (S n)  where
  tb14_init = mkOp1 "tb14_init"

instance  CsTb15 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  tb15 = mkOp1 "tb15"

instance  CsTb15 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  tb15 = mkOp1 "tb15"

instance  CsTb15_init (S n)  where
  tb15_init = mkOp1 "tb15_init"

instance  CsTb1_init (S n)  where
  tb1_init = mkOp1 "tb1_init"

instance  CsTb2 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  tb2 = mkOp1 "tb2"

instance  CsTb2 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  tb2 = mkOp1 "tb2"

instance  CsTb2_init (S n)  where
  tb2_init = mkOp1 "tb2_init"

instance  CsTb3 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  tb3 = mkOp1 "tb3"

instance  CsTb3 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  tb3 = mkOp1 "tb3"

instance  CsTb3_init (S n)  where
  tb3_init = mkOp1 "tb3_init"

instance  CsTb4 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  tb4 = mkOp1 "tb4"

instance  CsTb4 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  tb4 = mkOp1 "tb4"

instance  CsTb4_init (S n)  where
  tb4_init = mkOp1 "tb4_init"

instance  CsTb5 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  tb5 = mkOp1 "tb5"

instance  CsTb5 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  tb5 = mkOp1 "tb5"

instance  CsTb5_init (S n)  where
  tb5_init = mkOp1 "tb5_init"

instance  CsTb6 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  tb6 = mkOp1 "tb6"

instance  CsTb6 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  tb6 = mkOp1 "tb6"

instance  CsTb6_init (S n)  where
  tb6_init = mkOp1 "tb6_init"

instance  CsTb7 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  tb7 = mkOp1 "tb7"

instance  CsTb7 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  tb7 = mkOp1 "tb7"

instance  CsTb7_init (S n)  where
  tb7_init = mkOp1 "tb7_init"

instance  CsTb8 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  tb8 = mkOp1 "tb8"

instance  CsTb8 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  tb8 = mkOp1 "tb8"

instance  CsTb8_init (S n)  where
  tb8_init = mkOp1 "tb8_init"

instance  CsTb9 (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  tb9 = mkOp1 "tb9"

instance  CsTb9 (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  tb9 = mkOp1 "tb9"

instance  CsTb9_init (S n)  where
  tb9_init = mkOp1 "tb9_init"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsTbvcf (S n) a b where
  tbvcf = mkOp5 "tbvcf"
  tbvcf' = mkOp6 "tbvcf"

instance  CsTempest (S n)  where
  tempest = mkOp10 "tempest"
  tempest' = mkOp12 "tempest"

instance  CsTempo (S n)  where
  tempo = mkOp2 "tempo"

instance  CsTempoval (S n)  where
  tempoval = mkOp0 "tempoval"

instance  CsTimedseq (S n)  where
  timedseq = mkOp3 "timedseq"

instance  CsTimeinstk (S n)  where
  timeinstk = mkOp0 "timeinstk"

instance  CsTimeinsts (S n)  where
  timeinsts = mkOp0 "timeinsts"

instance  CsTimek (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  timek = mkOp0 "timek"

instance  CsTimek (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  timek = mkOp0 "timek"

instance  CsTimes (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  times = mkOp0 "times"

instance  CsTimes (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  times = mkOp0 "times"

instance  CsTival (S n)  where
  tival = mkOp0 "tival"

instance  CsTlineto (S n)  where
  tlineto = mkOp3 "tlineto"

instance  CsTone (S n)  where
  tone = mkOp2 "tone"
  tone' = mkOp3 "tone"

instance  CsTonek (S n)  where
  tonek = mkOp2 "tonek"
  tonek' = mkOp3 "tonek"

instance  CsTonex (S n)  where
  tonex = mkOp2 "tonex"
  tonex' = mkOp4 "tonex"

instance  CsTradsyn (S n)  where
  tradsyn = mkOp5 "tradsyn"

instance  CsTrandom (S n)  where
  trandom = mkOp3 "trandom"

instance (PVar out) => CsTranseg (S n) out where
  transeg = mkOp4 "transeg"

instance (PVar out) => CsTransegr (S n) out where
  transegr = mkOp4 "transegr"

instance  CsTrcross (S n)  where
  trcross = mkOp4 "trcross"

instance  CsTrfilter (S n)  where
  trfilter = mkOp3 "trfilter"

instance  CsTrigger (S n)  where
  trigger = mkOp3 "trigger"

instance  CsTrigseq (S n)  where
  trigseq = mkOp6 "trigseq"

instance  CsTrirand (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  trirand = mkOp1 "trirand"

instance  CsTrirand (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  trirand = mkOp1 "trirand"

instance  CsTrirand (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  trirand = mkOp1 "trirand"

instance  CsTrmix (S n)  where
  trmix = mkOp2 "trmix"

instance  CsTrscale (S n)  where
  trscale = mkOp2 "trscale"

instance  CsTrshift (S n)  where
  trshift = mkOp2 "trshift"

instance  CsTrsplit (S n)  where
  trsplit = mkOp2 "trsplit"

instance  CsTurnoff (S n)  where
  turnoff = mkOp0 "turnoff"

instance  CsTurnoff2 (S n)  where
  turnoff2 = mkOp3 "turnoff2"

instance  CsTurnon (S n)  where
  turnon = mkOp1 "turnon"
  turnon' = mkOp2 "turnon"

instance  CsUnirand (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  unirand = mkOp1 "unirand"

instance  CsUnirand (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  unirand = mkOp1 "unirand"

instance  CsUnirand (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  unirand = mkOp1 "unirand"

instance  CsUpsamp (S n)  where
  upsamp = mkOp1 "upsamp"

instance  CsUrd (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  urd = mkOp1 "urd"

instance  CsUrd (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  urd = mkOp1 "urd"

instance  CsUrd (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  urd = mkOp1 "urd"

instance (KVar a, KVar b) => CsVadd (S n) a b where
  vadd = mkOp3 "vadd"
  vadd' = mkOp5 "vadd"

instance  CsVadd_i (S n)  where
  vadd_i = mkOp3 "vadd_i"
  vadd_i' = mkOp4 "vadd_i"

instance (KVar a, KVar b, KVar c) => CsVaddv (S n) a b c where
  vaddv = mkOp3 "vaddv"
  vaddv' = mkOp6 "vaddv"

instance  CsVaddv_i (S n)  where
  vaddv_i = mkOp3 "vaddv_i"
  vaddv_i' = mkOp5 "vaddv_i"

instance  CsVaget (S n)  where
  vaget = mkOp2 "vaget"

instance (Varable a) => CsValpass (S n) a where
  valpass = mkOp4 "valpass"
  valpass' = mkOp6 "valpass"

instance  CsVaset (S n)  where
  vaset = mkOp3 "vaset"

instance (KVar a, KVar b) => CsVbap4 (S n) a b where
  vbap4 = mkOp2 "vbap4"
  vbap4' = mkOp4 "vbap4"

instance  CsVbap4move (S n)  where
  vbap4move = mkOp5 "vbap4move"

instance  CsVbaplsinit (S n)  where
  vbaplsinit = mkOp2 "vbaplsinit"
  vbaplsinit' = mkOp34 "vbaplsinit"

instance (KVar a, KVar b) => CsVbapz (S n) a b where
  vbapz = mkOp4 "vbapz"
  vbapz' = mkOp6 "vbapz"

instance  CsVbapzmove (S n)  where
  vbapzmove = mkOp7 "vbapzmove"

instance  CsVcella (S n)  where
  vcella = mkOp7 "vcella"
  vcella' = mkOp8 "vcella"

instance (Varable a) => CsVco2 (S n) a where
  vco2 = mkOp2 "vco2"
  vco2' = mkOp4 "vco2"

instance  CsVco2ft (S n)  where
  vco2ft = mkOp1 "vco2ft"
  vco2ft' = mkOp3 "vco2ft"

instance  CsVco2ift (S n)  where
  vco2ift = mkOp1 "vco2ift"
  vco2ift' = mkOp3 "vco2ift"

instance  CsVco2init (S n)  where
  vco2init = mkOp1 "vco2init"
  vco2init' = mkOp6 "vco2init"

instance (Varable a) => CsVcomb (S n) a where
  vcomb = mkOp4 "vcomb"
  vcomb' = mkOp6 "vcomb"

instance (KVar a, KVar b, KVar c) => CsVcopy (S n) a b c where
  vcopy = mkOp3 "vcopy"
  vcopy' = mkOp6 "vcopy"

instance  CsVcopy_i (S n)  where
  vcopy_i = mkOp3 "vcopy_i"
  vcopy_i' = mkOp5 "vcopy_i"

instance  CsVdel_k (S n)  where
  vdel_k = mkOp3 "vdel_k"
  vdel_k' = mkOp4 "vdel_k"

instance  CsVdelayk (S n)  where
  vdelayk = mkOp3 "vdelayk"
  vdelayk' = mkOp5 "vdelayk"

instance  CsVdelayx (S n)  where
  vdelayx = mkOp4 "vdelayx"
  vdelayx' = mkOp5 "vdelayx"

instance  CsVdelayxq (S n)  where
  vdelayxq = mkOp7 "vdelayxq"
  vdelayxq' = mkOp8 "vdelayxq"

instance  CsVdelayxs (S n)  where
  vdelayxs = mkOp5 "vdelayxs"
  vdelayxs' = mkOp6 "vdelayxs"

instance  CsVdelayxw (S n)  where
  vdelayxw = mkOp4 "vdelayxw"
  vdelayxw' = mkOp5 "vdelayxw"

instance  CsVdelayxwq (S n)  where
  vdelayxwq = mkOp7 "vdelayxwq"
  vdelayxwq' = mkOp8 "vdelayxwq"

instance  CsVdelayxws (S n)  where
  vdelayxws = mkOp5 "vdelayxws"
  vdelayxws' = mkOp6 "vdelayxws"

instance (KVar a, KVar b, KVar c) => CsVdivv (S n) a b c where
  vdivv = mkOp3 "vdivv"
  vdivv' = mkOp6 "vdivv"

instance  CsVdivv_i (S n)  where
  vdivv_i = mkOp3 "vdivv_i"
  vdivv_i' = mkOp5 "vdivv_i"

instance  CsVecdelay (S n)  where
  vecdelay = mkOp5 "vecdelay"
  vecdelay' = mkOp6 "vecdelay"

instance  CsVeloc (S n)  where
  veloc = mkOp0 "veloc"
  veloc' = mkOp2 "veloc"

instance (KVar a, KVar b) => CsVexp (S n) a b where
  vexp = mkOp3 "vexp"
  vexp' = mkOp5 "vexp"

instance  CsVexp_i (S n)  where
  vexp_i = mkOp3 "vexp_i"
  vexp_i' = mkOp4 "vexp_i"

instance  CsVexpseg (S n)  where
  vexpseg = mkOp4 "vexpseg"

instance (KVar a, KVar b, KVar c) => CsVexpv (S n) a b c where
  vexpv = mkOp3 "vexpv"
  vexpv' = mkOp6 "vexpv"

instance  CsVexpv_i (S n)  where
  vexpv_i = mkOp3 "vexpv_i"
  vexpv_i' = mkOp5 "vexpv_i"

instance  CsVibes (S n)  where
  vibes = mkOp9 "vibes"

instance  CsVibr (S n)  where
  vibr = mkOp3 "vibr"

instance  CsVibrato (S n)  where
  vibrato = mkOp9 "vibrato"
  vibrato' = mkOp10 "vibrato"

instance  CsVincr (S n)  where
  vincr = mkOp2 "vincr"

instance  CsVlimit (S n)  where
  vlimit = mkOp4 "vlimit"

instance  CsVlinseg (S n)  where
  vlinseg = mkOp4 "vlinseg"

instance  CsVlowres (S n)  where
  vlowres = mkOp5 "vlowres"

instance  CsVmap (S n)  where
  vmap = mkOp3 "vmap"
  vmap' = mkOp5 "vmap"

instance  CsVmirror (S n)  where
  vmirror = mkOp4 "vmirror"

instance (KVar a, KVar b) => CsVmult (S n) a b where
  vmult = mkOp3 "vmult"
  vmult' = mkOp5 "vmult"

instance  CsVmult_i (S n)  where
  vmult_i = mkOp3 "vmult_i"
  vmult_i' = mkOp4 "vmult_i"

instance (KVar a, KVar b, KVar c) => CsVmultv (S n) a b c where
  vmultv = mkOp3 "vmultv"
  vmultv' = mkOp6 "vmultv"

instance  CsVmultv_i (S n)  where
  vmultv_i = mkOp3 "vmultv_i"
  vmultv_i' = mkOp5 "vmultv_i"

instance  CsVoice (S n)  where
  voice = mkOp8 "voice"

instance  CsVosim (S n)  where
  vosim = mkOp7 "vosim"
  vosim' = mkOp8 "vosim"

instance  CsVphaseseg (S n)  where
  vphaseseg = mkOp4 "vphaseseg"

instance  CsVport (S n)  where
  vport = mkOp3 "vport"
  vport' = mkOp4 "vport"

instance (KVar a, KVar b) => CsVpow (S n) a b where
  vpow = mkOp3 "vpow"
  vpow' = mkOp5 "vpow"

instance  CsVpow_i (S n)  where
  vpow_i = mkOp3 "vpow_i"
  vpow_i' = mkOp4 "vpow_i"

instance (KVar a, KVar b, KVar c) => CsVpowv (S n) a b c where
  vpowv = mkOp3 "vpowv"
  vpowv' = mkOp6 "vpowv"

instance  CsVpowv_i (S n)  where
  vpowv_i = mkOp3 "vpowv_i"
  vpowv_i' = mkOp5 "vpowv_i"

instance  CsVpvoc (S n)  where
  vpvoc = mkOp3 "vpvoc"
  vpvoc' = mkOp5 "vpvoc"

instance  CsVrandh (S n)  where
  vrandh = mkOp4 "vrandh"
  vrandh' = mkOp8 "vrandh"

instance  CsVrandi (S n)  where
  vrandi = mkOp4 "vrandi"
  vrandi' = mkOp8 "vrandi"

instance (KVar a, KVar b, KVar c) => CsVsubv (S n) a b c where
  vsubv = mkOp3 "vsubv"
  vsubv' = mkOp6 "vsubv"

instance  CsVsubv_i (S n)  where
  vsubv_i = mkOp3 "vsubv_i"
  vsubv_i' = mkOp5 "vsubv_i"

instance  CsVtaba (S n)  where
  vtaba = mkOp3 "vtaba"

instance  CsVtabi (S n)  where
  vtabi = mkOp3 "vtabi"

instance  CsVtabk (S n)  where
  vtabk = mkOp3 "vtabk"

instance  CsVtable1k (S n)  where
  vtable1k = mkOp2 "vtable1k"

instance  CsVtablea (S n)  where
  vtablea = mkOp5 "vtablea"

instance  CsVtablei (S n)  where
  vtablei = mkOp5 "vtablei"

instance  CsVtablek (S n)  where
  vtablek = mkOp5 "vtablek"

instance  CsVtablewa (S n)  where
  vtablewa = mkOp4 "vtablewa"

instance  CsVtablewi (S n)  where
  vtablewi = mkOp4 "vtablewi"

instance  CsVtablewk (S n)  where
  vtablewk = mkOp4 "vtablewk"

instance  CsVtabwa (S n)  where
  vtabwa = mkOp3 "vtabwa"

instance  CsVtabwi (S n)  where
  vtabwi = mkOp3 "vtabwi"

instance  CsVtabwk (S n)  where
  vtabwk = mkOp3 "vtabwk"

instance  CsVwrap (S n)  where
  vwrap = mkOp4 "vwrap"

instance  CsWaveset (S n)  where
  waveset = mkOp2 "waveset"
  waveset' = mkOp3 "waveset"

instance  CsWeibull (S n) (ASig (S n)) where
  weibull = mkOp2 "weibull"

instance  CsWeibull (S n) (KSig (S n)) where
  weibull = mkOp2 "weibull"

instance  CsWeibull (S n) (INum (S n)) where
  weibull = mkOp2 "weibull"

instance  CsWgbow (S n)  where
  wgbow = mkOp7 "wgbow"
  wgbow' = mkOp8 "wgbow"

instance  CsWgbowedbar (S n)  where
  wgbowedbar = mkOp5 "wgbowedbar"
  wgbowedbar' = mkOp9 "wgbowedbar"

instance  CsWgbrass (S n)  where
  wgbrass = mkOp7 "wgbrass"
  wgbrass' = mkOp8 "wgbrass"

instance  CsWgclar (S n)  where
  wgclar = mkOp9 "wgclar"
  wgclar' = mkOp10 "wgclar"

instance  CsWgflute (S n)  where
  wgflute = mkOp9 "wgflute"
  wgflute' = mkOp12 "wgflute"

instance  CsWgpluck (S n)  where
  wgpluck = mkOp7 "wgpluck"

instance  CsWgpluck2 (S n)  where
  wgpluck2 = mkOp5 "wgpluck2"

instance (Varable a) => CsWguide1 (S n) a where
  wguide1 = mkOp4 "wguide1"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsWguide2 (S n) a b where
  wguide2 = mkOp7 "wguide2"

instance  CsWrap (S n) (ASig (S n)) (ASig (S n)) where
  wrap = mkOp3 "wrap"

instance  CsWrap (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  wrap = mkOp3 "wrap"

instance  CsWrap (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  wrap = mkOp3 "wrap"

instance  CsWterrain (S n)  where
  wterrain = mkOp8 "wterrain"

instance (PVar out) => CsXadsr (S n) out where
  xadsr = mkOp4 "xadsr"
  xadsr' = mkOp5 "xadsr"

instance (Varable a, Varable b) => CsXor (S n) (ASig (S n)) a b where
  xor = mkOp2 "xor"

instance  CsXor (S n) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) (KSig (S n)) where
  xor = mkOp2 "xor"

instance  CsXor (S n) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) (INum (S n)) where
  xor = mkOp2 "xor"

instance  CsXout (S n)  where
  xout = mkOp1 "xout"

instance  CsXscanmap (S n)  where
  xscanmap = mkOp3 "xscanmap"
  xscanmap' = mkOp4 "xscanmap"

instance  CsXscans (S n)  where
  xscans = mkOp4 "xscans"
  xscans' = mkOp5 "xscans"

instance  CsXscansmap (S n)  where
  xscansmap = mkOp5 "xscansmap"
  xscansmap' = mkOp6 "xscansmap"

instance  CsXscanu (S n)  where
  xscanu = mkOp18 "xscanu"

instance  CsXtratim (S n)  where
  xtratim = mkOp1 "xtratim"

instance  CsXyin (S n)  where
  xyin = mkOp5 "xyin"
  xyin' = mkOp7 "xyin"

instance  CsZacl (S n)  where
  zacl = mkOp2 "zacl"

instance  CsZakinit (S n)  where
  zakinit = mkOp2 "zakinit"

instance  CsZamod (S n)  where
  zamod = mkOp2 "zamod"

instance  CsZar (S n)  where
  zar = mkOp1 "zar"

instance  CsZarg (S n)  where
  zarg = mkOp2 "zarg"

instance  CsZaw (S n)  where
  zaw = mkOp2 "zaw"

instance  CsZawm (S n)  where
  zawm = mkOp2 "zawm"
  zawm' = mkOp3 "zawm"

instance  CsZfilter2 (S n)  where
  zfilter2 = mkOp6 "zfilter2"

instance  CsZir (S n)  where
  zir = mkOp1 "zir"

instance  CsZiw (S n)  where
  ziw = mkOp2 "ziw"

instance  CsZiwm (S n)  where
  ziwm = mkOp2 "ziwm"
  ziwm' = mkOp3 "ziwm"

instance  CsZkcl (S n)  where
  zkcl = mkOp2 "zkcl"

instance  CsZkmod (S n)  where
  zkmod = mkOp2 "zkmod"

instance  CsZkr (S n)  where
  zkr = mkOp1 "zkr"

instance  CsZkw (S n)  where
  zkw = mkOp2 "zkw"

instance  CsZkwm (S n)  where
  zkwm = mkOp2 "zkwm"
  zkwm' = mkOp3 "zkwm"