{- | Module : Graphics.XDot.Viewer Copyright : (c) Dennis Felsing License : 3-Clause BSD-style Maintainer : dennis@felsing.org This module draws the operations of an xdot graph using Cairo and Pango on a Gtk canvas. -} module Graphics.XDot.Viewer ( drawAll ) where import Graphics.XDot.Types hiding (w, h, filled, alignment, text, name, size) import Graphics.UI.Gtk (PangoRectangle(..), layoutSetFontDescription, layoutGetExtents, layoutContextChanged, fontDescriptionFromString, fontDescriptionSetSize, showLayout, cairoContextSetFontOptions, layoutGetContext, createLayout) import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo hiding (x, y) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State.Strict (evalStateT, modify, gets, lift) import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as MS import Control.DeepSeq type RGBA = (Double, Double, Double, Double) data DState = DState { fontName :: String , fontSize :: Double , lineWidth :: Double , lineStyle :: [Double] , filledColor :: RGBA , strokeColor :: RGBA } type DrawState a = MS.StateT DState Render a -- | Draw an xdot graph, possibly highlighting a node. drawAll :: (Eq t, NFData t) => Object t -- ^ id of the node to highlight -> Rectangle -- ^ dimensions of the graph, as returned by 'Graphics.XDot.Parser.getSize' -> [(Object t, Operation)] -- ^ operations, as returned by 'Graphics.XDot.Parser.getOperations' -> Render [(Object t, Rectangle)] -- ^ dimensions of the rendered nodes on the screen drawAll hover (_,_,sw,sh) ops = do let scalex = 1 scaley = -1 offsetx = -0.5 * sw offsety = 0.5 * sh save translate offsetx offsety scale scalex scaley boundingBoxes <- evalStateT (mapM (draw hover) $!! ops) $ DState "" 1 1 [] (1,1,1,1) (0,0,0,1) restore return $ map (\(o, (x,y,w,h)) -> (o, (x*scalex+offsetx,y*scaley+offsety,w,h))) $ concat boundingBoxes stylizedDraw :: Eq t => Bool -> Object t -> Object t -> Render a -> DrawState () stylizedDraw filled mn hover renderOps = do (rf,gf,bf,af) <- gets filledColor (rs,gs,bs,as) <- gets strokeColor lWidth <- gets lineWidth lStyle <- gets lineStyle lift $ do when filled $ do if mn /= None && mn == hover then setSourceRGBA 1 0.8 0.8 1 else setSourceRGBA rf gf bf af save renderOps restore fillPreserve fill setLineWidth lWidth setDash lStyle 0 if mn /= None && mn == hover then setSourceRGBA 1 0 0 1 else setSourceRGBA rs gs bs as save renderOps restore stroke draw :: Eq t => Object t -> (Object t, Operation) -> DrawState [(Object t, Rectangle)] draw hover (mn, Ellipse (x,y) w h filled) = do stylizedDraw filled hover mn $ do translate x y scale w h moveTo 1 0 arc 0 0 1 0 (2 * pi) return $ case mn of None -> [] o -> [(o, (x - w, y + h, 2 * w, 2 * h))] draw hover (mn, Polygon a@((x,y):xys) filled) = do stylizedDraw filled hover mn $ do moveTo x y mapM_ (uncurry lineTo) xys closePath let xs = x : map fst a let ys = y : map snd a return $ case mn of None -> [] o -> [(o, (minimum xs, maximum ys, maximum xs - minimum xs, maximum ys - minimum ys))] draw _ (_, Polygon [] _) = return [] draw hover (mn, Polyline a@((x,y):xys)) = do stylizedDraw False hover mn $ do moveTo x y mapM_ (uncurry lineTo) xys let xs = x : map fst a let ys = y : map snd a return $ case mn of None -> [] o -> [(o, (minimum xs, maximum ys, maximum xs - minimum xs, maximum ys - minimum ys))] draw _ (_, Polyline []) = return [] draw hover (mn, BSpline ((x,y):xys) filled) = do stylizedDraw filled hover mn $ do moveTo x y drawBezier xys return $ case mn of None -> [] o -> [ (o, (x - 15, y + 15, 30, 30)) , (o, (xe - 15, ye + 15, 30, 30)) ] where drawBezier ((x1,y1):(x2,y2):(x3,y3):xys2) = do curveTo x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 drawBezier xys2 drawBezier _ = return () (xe,ye) = last xys draw _ (_, BSpline [] _) = return [] draw hover (mn, Text (x,y) alignment w text) = do fontName' <- gets fontName fontSize' <- gets fontSize layout <- lift $ createLayout text context <- liftIO $ layoutGetContext layout -- cannot use cairoContextGetFontOptions, as it may crash -- see https://github.com/gtk2hs/gtk2hs/issues/258 fo <- fontOptionsCreate fontOptionsSetAntialias fo AntialiasDefault fontOptionsSetHintStyle fo HintStyleNone fontOptionsSetHintMetrics fo HintMetricsOff liftIO $ cairoContextSetFontOptions context fo liftIO $ layoutContextChanged layout -- This does not work with "Times Roman", but it works with a font that is -- installed on the system --font <- liftIO fontDescriptionNew --liftIO $ fontDescriptionSetFamily font "Nimbus Roman No9 L, Regular" --liftIO $ fontDescriptionSetFamily font "Times Roman" --liftIO $ fontDescriptionSetSize font fontSize' -- Only fontDescriptionFromString works as expected, choosing a similar -- alternative font when the selected one is not available font <- liftIO $ fontDescriptionFromString fontName' liftIO $ fontDescriptionSetSize font fontSize' liftIO $ layoutSetFontDescription layout (Just font) (_, PangoRectangle _ _ w2 h2) <- liftIO $ layoutGetExtents layout let (f, w3, h3, descent) = if w2 > w then (w / w2, w, h2 * w / w2, 4 * w / w2) else (1, w2, h2, 4) let x3 = case alignment of LeftAlign -> x CenterAlign -> x - 0.5 * w3 RightAlign -> x - w3 y3 = y + h3 - descent stylizedDraw False hover mn $ do moveTo x3 y3 scale f (-f) showLayout layout return $ case mn of None -> [] o -> [(o, (x3, y3, w3, h3))] draw _ (_, Color color filled) = do modify (\s -> if filled then s{filledColor = color} else s{strokeColor = color}) return [] draw _ (_, Font size name) = do modify (\s -> s{fontName = fixedName, fontSize = size}) return [] -- Pango does not like "Times-Roman", but works with "Times Roman". -- Graphviz handles this in plugin/pango/gvtextlayout_pango.c where fixedName = map fixName name fixName '-' = ' ' fixName x = x draw _ (_, Style x) = do case x of -- TODO: Some styles missing "solid" -> modify (\s -> s{lineStyle = []}) -- always on "dashed" -> modify (\s -> s{lineStyle = [6,6]}) -- 6 pts on, 6 pts off "dotted" -> modify (\s -> s{lineStyle = [2,4]}) -- 2 pts on, 4 pts off _ -> return () return [] draw _ (_, Image{}) = return [] -- TODO draw _ (_, FontCharacteristics{}) = return [] -- TODO