{-# LANGUAGE DoRec #-}

---  $Id: Col.hs#2 2010/09/29 17:00:28 REDMOND\\satnams $

module Lava.Col (col)
import Lava.Netlist
import Lava.Combinators

-- | Place four sided tile comoponents in a colum

col ::               ((a, b) -> Out (c, a))  -- ^ type of element circuit r
                  -> (a, [b])                -- ^ input to the col
                  -> Out ([c], a)            -- ^ output of the col
col r (a, [b])
  = do (c,d) <- r (a, b)
       return ([c],d)
col r (a, b:bs)
  =  do rec {((c,d0), (cs,d)) <- par2 r (col r) ((a, b), (d0, bs))}
        return (c:cs, d)

-- 4-Sided Tile Combinators
-- COL r
--            a
--            ^
--            |
--          -----
--         |     |
--     b ->|  r  |-> c
--         |     |
--          -----
--            ^
--            |
--            a
--            ^
--            |
--          -----
--         |     |
--     b ->|  r  |-> c
--         |     |
--          -----
--            ^ 
--            |
--            a
--            ^
--            |
--          -----
--         |     |
--     b ->|  r  |-> c
--         |     |
--          -----
--            ^ 
--            |
--            a