#include "libxls/xls.h" DWORD xls_wb_sheetcount (xlsWorkBook* pWB) { return pWB->sheets.count; } WORD xls_ws_rowcount (xlsWorkSheet* pWS) { return pWS->rows.lastrow + 1; } /* * The library seems to treat lastcol as index but it seems like it is a count * instead because the last column index always turns out to return a null cell */ WORD xls_ws_colcount (xlsWorkSheet* pWS) { return pWS->rows.lastcol; } WORD xls_cell_type (xlsCell *cell) { return cell->id; } BYTE * xls_cell_strval (xlsCell *cell) { return cell->str; } int32_t xls_cell_formulatype (xlsCell *cell) { return cell->l; } double xls_cell_numval (xlsCell *cell) { return cell->d; } WORD xls_cell_colspan (xlsCell *cell) { return cell->colspan; } WORD xls_cell_rowspan (xlsCell *cell) { return cell->rowspan; } BYTE xls_cell_hidden (xlsCell *cell) { return cell->isHidden; }