{- |
This name type preserves the characters case of its input
and divides the names into namespace and local identifier.
module Text.XML.Basic.Name.Qualified where

import qualified Text.XML.Basic.Name as Name
import qualified Data.Accessor.Basic as Accessor

data T = Cons {namespace_, local_ :: String}
   deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

namespace :: Accessor.T T String
namespace = Accessor.fromSetGet (\n p -> p{namespace_ = n}) namespace_

local :: Accessor.T T String
local = Accessor.fromSetGet (\n p -> p{local_ = n}) local_

fromString :: String -> T
fromString =
   uncurry Cons .
   (\(n,pl) ->
       case pl of
          ':':l -> (n,l)
          _ -> ("",n)) .
   break (':'==)

toString :: T -> String
toString (Cons n l) =
   if null n
     then l
     else n ++ ':' : l

instance Name.Tag T where
   tagFromString = fromString
   tagToString = toString

instance Name.Attribute T where
   attributeFromString = fromString
   attributeToString = toString