module XmlParser.AstParser ( -- * Execution parseElement, renderElementError, ElementError (..), NodeType (..), -- * Parsers by context -- ** Element Element, elementName, elementNameIs, children, childrenByName, attributesByName, astElement, -- ** Nodes Nodes, elementNode, contentNode, -- ** ByName ByName, byName, -- ** Content Content, textContent, narrowedContent, refinedContent, enumContent, attoparsedContent, qNameContent, ) where import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Attoparsec import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Text.Builder as Tb import qualified Text.XML as Xml import qualified XmlParser.Attoparsec as Attoparsec import qualified XmlParser.ElementDestructionState as ElementDestructionState import qualified XmlParser.NameMap as NameMap import qualified XmlParser.NamespaceRegistry as NamespaceRegistry import qualified XmlParser.NodeConsumerState as NodeConsumerState import XmlParser.Prelude -- | -- Parse an \"xml-conduit\" element AST. parseElement :: Element a -> Xml.Element -> Either ElementError a parseElement (Element run) element = run (NamespaceRegistry.interpretAttributes (Xml.elementAttributes element) element & fmap fst renderElementError :: ElementError -> Text renderElementError = . (\(a, b) -> "/" <> Tb.intercalate "/" (reverse a) <> ": " <> b) . simplifyElementError simplifyElementError :: ElementError -> ([Tb.Builder], Tb.Builder) simplifyElementError = elementError [] where sortedList renderer = mappend "[" . flip mappend "]" . Tb.intercalate ", " . fmap renderer . sort name a b = case a of Just _ -> Tb.text b Nothing -> Tb.text b elementError collectedPath = \case NoneOfChildrenFoundByNameElementError a b -> ( collectedPath, "None of following child element names found: " <> sortedList (uncurry name) a <> ". Names available: " <> sortedList (uncurry name) b ) ChildByNameElementError a b c -> elementError (name a b : collectedPath) c ChildAtOffsetElementError a b -> nodeError (Tb.decimal a : collectedPath) b AttributeByNameElementError a b c -> (("@" <> name a b) : collectedPath, maybeContentError c) NoneOfAttributesFoundByNameElementError a b -> ( collectedPath, "Found none of the following attributes: " <> sortedList (uncurry name) a <> ". The following are available: " <> sortedList (uncurry name) b ) NameElementError a -> (collectedPath, Tb.text a) UserElementError a -> (collectedPath, Tb.text a) nodeError collectedPath = \case UnexpectedNodeTypeNodeError a b -> ( collectedPath, "Unexpected node type. Got " <> nodeType b <> ", but expected " <> nodeType a ) NotAvailableNodeError -> (collectedPath, "No nodes left") ElementNodeError a -> elementError collectedPath a TextNodeError a -> (collectedPath, maybeContentError a) nodeType = \case ElementNodeType -> "element" InstructionNodeType -> "instruction" ContentNodeType -> "content" CommentNodeType -> "comment" maybeContentError = maybe "Empty alternative" contentError contentError = \case UserContentError a -> Tb.text a ParsingContentError a -> Tb.text a NamespaceNotFoundContentError a -> "Namespace not found: " <> Tb.text a UnexpectedValueContentError a -> "Unexpected value: " <> Tb.text a EnumContentError a b -> "Unexpected value: " <> Tb.text b <> ". Expecting one of the following: " <> sortedList Tb.text a -- | -- Error in the context of an element. -- -- It has a tree structure specifying the context of containing operations. data ElementError = AttributeByNameElementError (Maybe Text) Text (Maybe ContentError) | NoneOfAttributesFoundByNameElementError [(Maybe Text, Text)] -- ^ Not found. [(Maybe Text, Text)] -- ^ Out of. | NoneOfChildrenFoundByNameElementError [(Maybe Text, Text)] -- ^ Not found. [(Maybe Text, Text)] -- ^ Out of. | ChildByNameElementError (Maybe Text) -- ^ Namespace. Text -- ^ Name. ElementError -- ^ Reason. Not 'NodeError' because only element nodes can be looked up by name. | ChildAtOffsetElementError Int -- ^ Offset. NodeError -- ^ Reason. | NameElementError Text | -- | Error raised by the user of this library. UserElementError Text data NodeError = UnexpectedNodeTypeNodeError NodeType -- ^ Expected. NodeType -- ^ Actual. | NotAvailableNodeError | ElementNodeError ElementError | TextNodeError (Maybe ContentError) data ContentError = ParsingContentError Text | NamespaceNotFoundContentError Text | UnexpectedValueContentError Text | EnumContentError [Text] -- ^ List of expected values. Text -- ^ Actual value | UserContentError Text data NodeType = ElementNodeType | InstructionNodeType | ContentNodeType | CommentNodeType -- | -- Parse in the context of an element node. newtype Element a = Element ( NamespaceRegistry.NamespaceRegistry -> Xml.Element -> ElementDestructionState.ElementDestructionState -> Either ElementError (a, ElementDestructionState.ElementDestructionState) ) deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad) via ( ReaderT (NamespaceRegistry.NamespaceRegistry) ( ReaderT Xml.Element ( StateT ElementDestructionState.ElementDestructionState (Except ElementError) ) ) ) instance MonadFail Element where fail = fromString >>> UserElementError >>> Left >>> const >>> const >>> const >>> Element -- | -- Parse namespace and name with the given function. elementName :: (Maybe Text -> Text -> Either Text a) -> Element a elementName parse = Element $ \nreg (Xml.Element name _ _) state -> fmap (,state) $ case NamespaceRegistry.resolveElementName name nreg of Nothing -> Left (NameElementError ("Unresolvable name: " <> fromString (show name))) Just (ns, name) -> parse ns name & first NameElementError -- | -- Fail if the namespace and name don't match the provided. elementNameIs :: Maybe Text -> Text -> Element () elementNameIs ns name = elementName $ \actualNs actualName -> if actualNs == ns then if actualName == name then Right () else Left ("Unexpected name: \"" <> actualName <> "\". Expecting: \"" <> name <> "\"") else Left ("Unexpected namespace: \"" <> (fromString . show) actualNs <> "\". Expecting: \"" <> (fromString . show) ns <> "\"") -- | -- Look up elements by name and parse them. childrenByName :: ByName Element a -> Element a childrenByName (ByName runByName) = Element $ \nreg element@(Xml.Element _ attributes _) state -> case ElementDestructionState.resolveChildNames (ElementDestructionState.ElementDestructionContext nreg element) state of (nameMap, state) -> case runByName nameMap (\element (Element run) -> fmap fst (run deeperNreg element of OkByNameResult _ res -> Right (res, state) NotFoundByNameResult unfoundNames -> let availNames = nub $ NameMap.extractNames nameMap in Left (NoneOfChildrenFoundByNameElementError unfoundNames availNames) FailedDeeperByNameResult ns name err -> Left (ChildByNameElementError ns name err) where deeperNreg = NamespaceRegistry.interpretAttributes attributes nreg -- | -- Look up the last attribute by name and parse it. attributesByName :: ByName Content a -> Element a attributesByName (ByName runByName) = Element $ \nreg element state -> case ElementDestructionState.resolveAttributeNames (ElementDestructionState.ElementDestructionContext nreg element) state of (nameMap, state) -> case runByName nameMap (\content (Content parseContent) -> parseContent (\ns -> NamespaceRegistry.lookup ns nreg) content) of OkByNameResult _ res -> Right (res, state) NotFoundByNameResult unfoundNames -> let availNames = nub $ NameMap.extractNames nameMap in Left (NoneOfAttributesFoundByNameElementError unfoundNames availNames) FailedDeeperByNameResult ns name err -> Left (AttributeByNameElementError ns name err) -- | -- Children sequence by order. children :: Nodes a -> Element a children (Nodes runNodes) = Element $ \nreg (Xml.Element _ _ nodes) state -> runNodes ( nodes nreg) & fmap fst & fmap (,state) -- | -- Expose the element's AST. astElement :: Element Xml.Element astElement = Element $ \_ element state -> Right (element, state) -- | -- Parser in the context of a sequence of nodes. newtype Nodes a = Nodes (NodeConsumerState.NodeConsumerState -> Either ElementError (a, NodeConsumerState.NodeConsumerState)) deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad) via (StateT NodeConsumerState.NodeConsumerState (Either ElementError)) -- | -- Consume the next node expecting it to be element and parse its contents. elementNode :: Element a -> Nodes a elementNode (Element runElement) = Nodes $ \x -> case NodeConsumerState.fetchNode x of Just (node, x) -> case node of Xml.NodeElement element -> bimap (ChildAtOffsetElementError (NodeConsumerState.getOffset x) . ElementNodeError) (,NodeConsumerState.bumpOffset x) (fmap fst (runElement (NodeConsumerState.getNamespaceRegistry x) element Xml.NodeInstruction _ -> failWithUnexpectedNodeType InstructionNodeType Xml.NodeContent _ -> failWithUnexpectedNodeType ContentNodeType Xml.NodeComment _ -> failWithUnexpectedNodeType CommentNodeType where failWithUnexpectedNodeType actualType = Left ( ChildAtOffsetElementError (NodeConsumerState.getOffset x) (UnexpectedNodeTypeNodeError ElementNodeType actualType) ) _ -> Left (ChildAtOffsetElementError (NodeConsumerState.getOffset x) NotAvailableNodeError) -- | -- Consume the next node expecting it to be textual and parse its contents. contentNode :: Content content -> Nodes content contentNode (Content parseContent) = Nodes $ \x -> case NodeConsumerState.fetchNode x of Just (node, x) -> case node of Xml.NodeContent content -> case parseContent (\ns -> NodeConsumerState.lookupNamespace ns x) content of Right parsedContent -> Right (parsedContent, NodeConsumerState.bumpOffset x) Left contentError -> Left ( ChildAtOffsetElementError (NodeConsumerState.getOffset x) (TextNodeError contentError) ) Xml.NodeElement _ -> failWithUnexpectedNodeType ElementNodeType Xml.NodeInstruction _ -> failWithUnexpectedNodeType InstructionNodeType Xml.NodeComment _ -> failWithUnexpectedNodeType CommentNodeType where failWithUnexpectedNodeType actualType = Left ( ChildAtOffsetElementError (NodeConsumerState.getOffset x) (UnexpectedNodeTypeNodeError ContentNodeType actualType) ) _ -> Left (ChildAtOffsetElementError (NodeConsumerState.getOffset x) NotAvailableNodeError) -- * Content -- | -- Parser in the context of decoded textual content, -- which can be the value of an attribute or a textual node. newtype Content content = -- | Parser in the context of an xml namespace URI by alias lookup function. Content ((Text -> Maybe Text) -> Text -> Either (Maybe ContentError) content) deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, Alternative, MonadPlus) via (ReaderT (Text -> Maybe Text) (ExceptT (Last ContentError) ((->) Text))) instance MonadFail Content where fail = fromString >>> UserContentError >>> Just >>> Left >>> const >>> const >>> Content -- | -- Return the content as it is. textContent :: Content Text textContent = Content (const pure) -- | -- Map the content to a type if it's valid. narrowedContent :: (Text -> Maybe a) -> Content a narrowedContent mapper = Content (const (\x -> maybe (Left (Just (UnexpectedValueContentError x))) Right (mapper x))) -- | -- Parse the content with a possibly failing function. refinedContent :: (Text -> Either Text a) -> Content a refinedContent refine = Content (const (first (Just . ParsingContentError) . refine)) -- | -- Map the content using a dictionary. enumContent :: [(Text, a)] -> Content a enumContent mappingList = let !expectedKeysList = fmap fst mappingList mappingListLength = length mappingList !narrow = if mappingListLength > 512 then let !hashMap = HashMap.fromList mappingList in flip HashMap.lookup hashMap else flip List.lookup mappingList extract a = case narrow a of Just b -> Right b _ -> Left (Just (EnumContentError expectedKeysList a)) in Content (const extract) -- | -- Parse the content using the \"attoparsec\" parser. attoparsedContent :: Attoparsec.Parser a -> Content a attoparsedContent parser = Content (const (first (Just . ParsingContentError . fromString) . Attoparsec.parseOnly parser)) -- | -- Parse the content as XML Schema QName, -- automatically resolving the namespace as URI and failing, -- if none is associated. -- -- Produces a URI associated with the namespace and name. -- If the content does not contain colon, produces an unnamespaced name. -- -- Refs: -- -- - -- - qNameContent :: Content (Maybe Text, Text) qNameContent = Content $ \lookup content -> case Attoparsec.parseStripped Attoparsec.qName content of Right (ns, name) -> case ns of Just ns -> case lookup ns of Just uri -> Right (Just uri, name) Nothing -> Left (Just (NamespaceNotFoundContentError ns)) Nothing -> Right (Nothing, name) Left err -> Left (Just (ParsingContentError err)) -- * ByName data ByNameResult deeperError content a = NotFoundByNameResult [(Maybe Text, Text)] | FailedDeeperByNameResult (Maybe Text) Text deeperError | OkByNameResult (NameMap.NameMap content) a deriving (Functor) -- | -- Composable extension to a parser, which looks up its input by name. -- -- Useful for searching elements and attributes by name. -- -- Alternative and MonadPlus alternate only on lookup errors. -- When lookup is successful, but the deeper parser fails, -- the error propagates. -- -- Monad and Applicative sequentially fetch contents by matching names. newtype ByName parser a = ByName ( forall content deeperError. NameMap.NameMap content -> (content -> forall x. parser x -> Either deeperError x) -> ByNameResult deeperError content a ) instance Functor (ByName parser) where fmap fn (ByName run) = ByName $ \map parse -> fmap fn (run map parse) instance Applicative (ByName parser) where pure x = ByName $ \map _ -> OkByNameResult map x ByName runL <*> ByName runR = ByName $ \map parse -> case runL map parse of OkByNameResult map lRes -> runR map parse & fmap lRes NotFoundByNameResult unfoundNames -> NotFoundByNameResult unfoundNames FailedDeeperByNameResult ns name err -> FailedDeeperByNameResult ns name err instance Monad (ByName parser) where return = pure ByName runL >>= k = ByName $ \map parse -> case runL map parse of OkByNameResult map lRes -> case k lRes of ByName runR -> runR map parse NotFoundByNameResult unfoundNames -> NotFoundByNameResult unfoundNames FailedDeeperByNameResult ns name err -> FailedDeeperByNameResult ns name err instance Alternative (ByName parser) where empty = ByName $ \_ _ -> NotFoundByNameResult [] ByName runL <|> ByName runR = ByName $ \map parse -> case runL map parse of OkByNameResult map lRes -> OkByNameResult map lRes NotFoundByNameResult unfoundNamesL -> case runR map parse of NotFoundByNameResult unfoundNamesR -> NotFoundByNameResult (unfoundNamesL <> unfoundNamesR) resR -> resR FailedDeeperByNameResult ns name err -> FailedDeeperByNameResult ns name err instance MonadPlus (ByName parser) where mzero = empty mplus = (<|>) -- | -- Execute a parser on the result of looking up a content by namespace and name. byName :: Maybe Text -> Text -> parser a -> ByName parser a byName ns name parser = ByName $ \map parse -> case NameMap.fetch ns name map of Just (content, map) -> case parse content parser of Right a -> OkByNameResult map a Left err -> FailedDeeperByNameResult ns name err Nothing -> NotFoundByNameResult [(ns, name)]