{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, BangPatterns,
             UndecidableInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}
-- | This module provides combinators for generating XML documents.
-- As an example, suppose you want to generate the following XML document:
-- > <?xml version="1.0"?>
-- > <people>
-- >   <person age="32">Stefan</person>
-- >   <person age="4">Judith</person>
-- > </people>
-- Then you could use the following Haskell code:
-- @
-- let people = [(\"Stefan\", \"32\"), (\"Judith\", \"4\")]
-- in 'doc' 'defaultDocInfo' $
--      'xelem' \"people\" $
--        'xelems' $ map (\(name, age) -> 'xelem' \"person\" ('xattr' \"age\" age '<#>' 'xtext' name)) people
-- @

module Text.XML.Generator (

  -- * General
  -- * Documents
  , Doc, DocInfo(..), doc, defaultDocInfo
  -- * Namespaces
  , Namespace, Prefix, Uri
  , namespace, noNamespace, defaultNamespace
  -- * Elements
  , Elem, MkElem(xelem), MkEmptyElem(xelemEmpty), AddChildren
  , xelems, noElems, xelemWithText, (<>), (<#>)
  -- * Attributes
  , Attr, MkAttr(xattr, xattrRaw)
  , xattrs, noAttrs
  -- * Text
  , RawTextContent, TextContent
  , xtext, xtextRaw, xentityRef
  -- * Other
  , xempty , Misc(xprocessingInstruction, xcomment)
  -- * Rendering
  , xrender
  , XmlOutput(fromBuilder), Renderable
  -- * XHTML documents
  , xhtmlFramesetDocInfo, xhtmlStrictDocInfo, xhtmlTransitionalDocInfo
  , xhtmlRootElem

) where


- documentation


import Prelude hiding (elem)
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader(..), ask, asks, runReader)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Monoid hiding (mconcat)

import Blaze.ByteString.Builder
import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder as Blaze
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char.Utf8

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL

import Data.Char (isPrint, ord)
import qualified Data.String as S

import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL

-- Basic definitions

-- | A piece of XML at the element level.
newtype Elem = Elem { unElem :: Builder }

-- | A piece of XML at the attribute level.
newtype Attr = Attr { unAttr :: Builder }

-- | A piece of XML at the document level.
newtype Doc = Doc { unDoc :: Builder }

-- | Namespace prefix.
type Prefix = String

-- | Namespace URI.
type Uri = String -- must not be empty

-- | Type for representing presence or absence of an XML namespace.
data Namespace
    = NoNamespace
    | DefaultNamespace
    | QualifiedNamespace Prefix Uri
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Constructs a qualified XML namespace.
--   The given URI must not be the empty string.
namespace :: Prefix -> Uri -> Namespace
namespace p u = if null u
            then error "Text.XML.Generator.ns: namespace URI must not be empty"
            else QualifiedNamespace p u

-- | A 'Namespace' value denoting the absence of any XML namespace information.
noNamespace :: Namespace
noNamespace = NoNamespace

-- | A 'Namespace' value denoting the default namespace.
-- * For elements, this is the namespace currently mapped to the empty prefix.
-- * For attributes, the default namespace does not carry any namespace information.
defaultNamespace :: Namespace
defaultNamespace = DefaultNamespace

data NsEnv = NsEnv { ne_namespaceMap :: Map.Map Prefix Uri
                   , ne_noNamespaceInUse :: Bool }

emptyNsEnv :: NsEnv
emptyNsEnv = NsEnv Map.empty False

-- | The type @Xml t@ represent a piece of XML of type @t@, where @t@
--   is usually one of 'Elem', 'Attr', or 'Doc'.
newtype Xml t = Xml { unXml :: Reader NsEnv (t, NsEnv) }

runXml :: NsEnv -> Xml t -> (t, NsEnv)
runXml nsEnv (Xml x) = runReader x nsEnv

-- | An empty, polymorphic piece of XML.
xempty :: Renderable t => Xml t
xempty = Xml $
    do env <- ask
       return (mkRenderable mempty, env)

-- Document

-- | The 'DocInfo' type contains all information of an XML document except the root element.
data DocInfo
    = DocInfo
      { docInfo_standalone :: Bool          -- ^ Value of the @standalone@ attribute in the @\<?xml ... ?\>@ header
      , docInfo_docType    :: Maybe String  -- ^ Document type (N.B.: rendering does not escape this value)
      , docInfo_preMisc    :: Xml Doc       -- ^ Content before the root element
      , docInfo_postMisc   :: Xml Doc       -- ^ Content after the root element

-- | The default document info (standalone, without document type, without content before/after the root element).
defaultDocInfo :: DocInfo
defaultDocInfo = DocInfo { docInfo_standalone = True
                         , docInfo_docType    = Nothing
                         , docInfo_preMisc    = xempty
                         , docInfo_postMisc   = xempty }

-- | Constructs an XML document from a 'DocInfo' value and the root element.
doc :: DocInfo -> Xml Elem -> Xml Doc
doc di rootElem = Xml $
    do let prologBuf = fromString "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"" <>
                       fromString (if standalone then "yes" else "no") <>
                       fromString "\"?>\n" <>
                       case mDocType of
                         Nothing -> mempty
                         Just s -> fromString s <> fromString "\n"
       env <- ask
       let Doc preBuf = fst $ runXml env preMisc
           Elem elemBuf = fst $ runXml env rootElem
           Doc postBuf = fst $ runXml env postMisc
       return $ (Doc $ prologBuf `mappend` preBuf `mappend` elemBuf `mappend` postBuf, env)
       standalone = docInfo_standalone di
       mDocType = docInfo_docType di
       preMisc = docInfo_preMisc di
       postMisc = docInfo_postMisc di

-- Text content

-- | Construction of text content not subject to escaping.
class RawTextContent t where
    rawTextBuilder :: t -> Builder

-- | Construction of text content subject to escaping.
class RawTextContent t => TextContent t where
    escape :: t -> t
    textBuilder :: TextContent t => t -> Builder
    textBuilder = rawTextBuilder . escape

instance RawTextContent String where
    rawTextBuilder = fromString

instance TextContent String where
    escape = genericEscape foldr showString showChar

instance RawTextContent T.Text where
    rawTextBuilder = fromText

instance TextContent T.Text where
    escape = genericEscape T.foldr T.append T.cons

instance RawTextContent TL.Text where
    rawTextBuilder = fromLazyText

instance TextContent TL.Text where
    escape = genericEscape TL.foldr TL.append TL.cons

instance RawTextContent BS.ByteString where
    rawTextBuilder = fromByteString

instance RawTextContent BSL.ByteString where
    rawTextBuilder = fromLazyByteString

-- Attributes

-- | Class providing methods for constructing XML attributes.
-- The 'String' instance of this class constructs an attribute with a name
-- in the default namespace, the 'Namespace' instance allows customization
-- of namespaces.
class MkAttr n t where
    type MkAttrRes n t
    -- | Construct an attribute by escaping its value
    xattr :: TextContent t => n -> MkAttrRes n t
    -- | Construct an attribute without escaping its value.
    -- /Note:/ attribute values are quoted with double quotes.
    xattrRaw :: RawTextContent t => n -> MkAttrRes n t

instance MkAttr String t where
    type MkAttrRes String t = t -> Xml Attr
    xattr = xattrQ DefaultNamespace
    xattrRaw = xattrQRaw DefaultNamespace

instance MkAttr Namespace t where
    type MkAttrRes Namespace t = String -> t -> Xml Attr
    xattr = xattrQ
    xattrRaw = xattrQRaw

-- value is escaped
xattrQ :: TextContent t => Namespace -> String -> t -> Xml Attr
xattrQ ns key value = xattrQRaw' ns key (textBuilder value)

-- value is NOT escaped
xattrQRaw :: RawTextContent t => Namespace -> String -> t -> Xml Attr
xattrQRaw ns key value = xattrQRaw' ns key (rawTextBuilder value)

xattrQRaw' :: Namespace -> String -> Builder -> Xml Attr
xattrQRaw' ns' key valueBuilder = Xml $
    do uriMap' <- ask
       let (mDecl, prefix, uriMap) = extendNsEnv True uriMap' ns'
           nsDeclBuilder =
               case mDecl of
                 Nothing -> mempty
                 Just (p, u) ->
                     let uriBuilder = fromString u
                         prefixBuilder =
                             if null p then mempty else colonBuilder `mappend` fromString p
                     in spaceBuilder `mappend` nsDeclStartBuilder
                        `mappend` prefixBuilder `mappend` startBuilder `mappend` uriBuilder
                        `mappend` endBuilder
           prefixBuilder =
               if null prefix
                  then spaceBuilder
                  else spaceBuilder `mappend` fromString prefix `mappend` colonBuilder
           builder = nsDeclBuilder `mappend` prefixBuilder `mappend`
                     keyBuilder `mappend` startBuilder `mappend`
                     valueBuilder `mappend` endBuilder
       return $ (Attr builder, uriMap)
      spaceBuilder = fromString " "
      keyBuilder = fromString key
      startBuilder = fromString "=\""
      endBuilder = fromString "\""
      nsDeclStartBuilder = fromString "xmlns"
      colonBuilder = fromString ":"

-- |  Merges a list of attributes into a single piece of XML at the attribute level.
xattrs :: [Xml Attr] -> Xml Attr
xattrs = foldr mappend noAttrs

-- | The empty attribute list.
noAttrs :: Xml Attr
noAttrs = xempty

instance Monoid (Xml Attr) where
    mempty = noAttrs
    mappend x1 x2 = Xml $
        do env <- ask
           let (Attr b1, env') = runXml env x1
           let (Attr b2, env'') = runXml env' x2
           return $ (Attr $ b1 `mappend` b2, env'')

-- Elements

-- | Class for adding children to an element.
-- The various instances of this class allow the addition of different kinds
-- of children.
class AddChildren c where
    addChildren :: c -> NsEnv -> Builder

instance AddChildren (Xml Attr) where
    addChildren attrs uriMap =
       let (Attr builder', _) = runXml uriMap attrs
       in builder' <> fromString "\n>"

instance AddChildren (Xml Elem) where
    addChildren elems uriMap =
       let (Elem builder', _) = runXml uriMap elems
       in fromString "\n>" `mappend` builder'

instance AddChildren (Xml Attr, Xml Elem) where
    addChildren (attrs, elems) uriMap =
        let (Attr builder, uriMap') = runXml uriMap attrs
            (Elem builder', _) = runXml uriMap' elems
        in builder `mappend` fromString "\n>" `mappend` builder'

instance TextContent t => AddChildren t where
    addChildren t _ = fromChar '>' <> textBuilder t

instance AddChildren () where
    addChildren _ _ = fromChar '>'

-- | Class providing methods for constructing XML elements.
-- The 'String' instance of this class constructs an element in the
-- default namespace, the 'Namespace' instance allows customization of
-- namespaces.
class AddChildren c => MkElem n c where
    type MkElemRes n c
    xelem :: n -> MkElemRes n c

instance AddChildren c => MkElem String c where
    type MkElemRes String c = c -> Xml Elem
    xelem = xelemQ DefaultNamespace

instance AddChildren c => MkElem Namespace c where
    type MkElemRes Namespace c = String -> c -> Xml Elem
    xelem = xelemQ

-- | Class providing a method for constructing XML elements without children.
-- The 'String' instance of this class constructs an element in the
-- default namespace, the 'Namespace' instance allows customization of
-- namespaces.
class MkEmptyElem n where
    type MkEmptyElemRes n
    xelemEmpty :: n -> MkEmptyElemRes n

instance MkEmptyElem String where
    type MkEmptyElemRes String = Xml Elem
    xelemEmpty name = xelemQ DefaultNamespace name (mempty :: Xml Elem)

instance MkEmptyElem Namespace where
    type MkEmptyElemRes Namespace = String -> Xml Elem
    xelemEmpty ns name = xelemQ ns name (mempty :: Xml Elem)

xelemQ :: AddChildren c => Namespace -> String -> c -> Xml Elem
xelemQ ns' name children = Xml $
    do oldUriMap <- ask
       let (mDecl, prefix,!uriMap) = oldUriMap `seq` extendNsEnv False oldUriMap ns'
       let elemNameBuilder =
               if null prefix
                  then fromString name
                  else fromString prefix `mappend` fromString ":" `mappend` fromString name
       let nsDeclBuilder =
               case mDecl of
                 Nothing -> mempty
                 Just (p, u) ->
                     let prefixBuilder =
                             if null p then mempty else fromChar ':' `mappend` fromString p
                     in fromString " xmlns" `mappend` prefixBuilder `mappend` fromString "=\""
                        `mappend` fromString u `mappend` fromString "\""
       let b1 = fromString "<"
       let b2 = b1 `mappend` elemNameBuilder `mappend` nsDeclBuilder
       let b3 = b2 `mappend` addChildren children uriMap
       let builderOut = Elem (b3 `mappend` fromString "</" `mappend` elemNameBuilder `mappend` fromString "\n>")
       return (builderOut, oldUriMap)

-- |  Merges a list of elements into a single piece of XML at the element level.
xelems :: [Xml Elem] -> Xml Elem
xelems = foldr mappend noElems

-- | No elements at all.
noElems :: Xml Elem
noElems = xempty

-- | The expression @xelemWithText n t@ constructs an XML element with name @n@ and text content @t@.
xelemWithText :: (TextContent t) => String -> t -> Xml Elem
xelemWithText n t = xelem n (xtext t)

instance Monoid (Xml Elem) where
    mempty = noElems
    mappend x1 x2 = Xml $
        do env <- ask
           let (Elem b1, env') = runXml env x1
               (Elem b2, env'') = runXml env' x2
           return (Elem $ b1 `mappend` b2, env'')

-- Other XML constructs

-- | Constructs a text node by escaping the given argument.
xtext :: TextContent t => t -> Xml Elem
xtext content = Xml $
    do env <- ask
       return (Elem $ textBuilder content, env)

-- | Constructs a text node /without/ escaping the given argument.
xtextRaw :: RawTextContent t => t -> Xml Elem
xtextRaw content = Xml $
    do env <- ask
       return (Elem $ rawTextBuilder content, env)

-- | Constructs a reference to the named entity.
-- /Note:/ no escaping is performed on the name of the entity
xentityRef :: String -> Xml Elem
xentityRef name = Xml $
    do env <- ask
       return (Elem $ fromChar '&' <> fromString name <> fromChar ';', env)

-- | Class providing methods for adding processing instructions and comments.
class Renderable t => Misc t where
    -- | Constructs a processing instruction with the given target and content.
    -- /Note:/ Rendering does not perform escaping on the target and the content.
    xprocessingInstruction :: String -> String -> Xml t
    xprocessingInstruction target content = Xml $
        do env <- ask
           return (mkRenderable $
                   fromString "<?" <>
                   fromString target <>
                   fromChar ' ' <>
                   fromString content <>
                   fromString "?>",
    -- | Constructs an XML comment.
    -- /Note:/ No escaping is performed on the text of the comment.
    xcomment :: String -> Xml t
    xcomment content = Xml $
        do env <- ask
           return (mkRenderable $
                   fromString "<!--" <>
                   fromString content <>
                   fromString "-->",

instance Misc Elem
instance Misc Doc

-- Operators

infixl 6 <>
-- | Shortcut for the 'mappend' functions of monoids. Used to concatenate elements, attributes
--   and text nodes.
(<>) :: Monoid t => t -> t -> t
(<>) = mappend

infixl 5 <#>
-- | Shortcut for coonstructing pairs. Used in combination with 'xelem' for separating child-attributes
--   from child-elements.
(<#>) :: a -> b -> (a, b)
(<#>) x y = (x, y)

-- Rendering

-- | Instances of the @XmlOutput@ class may serve as target of serializing an XML document.
class XmlOutput t where
    -- | Creates the target type from a 'Builder'.
    fromBuilder :: Builder -> t

instance XmlOutput Builder where
    fromBuilder b = b

instance XmlOutput BS.ByteString where
    fromBuilder = toByteString

instance XmlOutput BSL.ByteString where
    fromBuilder = toLazyByteString

-- | Any type subject to rendering must implement this type class.
class Renderable t where
    builder :: t -> Builder
    mkRenderable :: Builder -> t

instance Renderable Elem where
    builder (Elem b) = b
    mkRenderable = Elem

instance Renderable Attr where
    builder (Attr b) = b
    mkRenderable = Attr

instance Renderable Doc where
    builder (Doc b) = b
    mkRenderable = Doc

-- | Renders a given piece of XML.
xrender :: (Renderable r, XmlOutput t) => Xml r -> t
xrender r = fromBuilder $ builder r'
      r' = fst $ runXml emptyNsEnv r

-- Utilities

extendNsEnv :: Bool -> NsEnv -> Namespace -> (Maybe (Prefix, Uri), Prefix, NsEnv)
extendNsEnv isAttr env ns =
    case ns of
          | isAttr -> (Nothing, "", env)
          | otherwise ->
              case Map.lookup "" (ne_namespaceMap env) of
                Nothing ->  -- empty prefix not in use
                  (Nothing, "", env { ne_noNamespaceInUse = True })
                Just uri -> -- empty prefix mapped to uri
                  (Just ("", ""), "", env { ne_namespaceMap = Map.delete "" (ne_namespaceMap env)
                                          , ne_noNamespaceInUse = True })
      DefaultNamespace ->
          (Nothing, "", env)
      QualifiedNamespace p' u ->
          let p = if null p' && (isAttr || ne_noNamespaceInUse env) then "_" else p'
              (mDecl, prefix, newMap) = genValidPrefix (ne_namespaceMap env) p u
          in (mDecl, prefix, env { ne_namespaceMap = newMap })
      genValidPrefix map prefix uri =
        case Map.lookup prefix map of
          Nothing -> (Just (prefix, uri), prefix, Map.insert prefix uri map)
          Just foundUri ->
              if foundUri == uri
                 then (Nothing, prefix, map)
                 else genValidPrefix map ('_':prefix) uri

{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE genericEscape ::
     ((Char -> String -> String) -> String -> String -> String)
  -> (String -> String -> String)
  -> (Char -> String -> String)
  -> String
  -> String #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE genericEscape ::
     ((Char -> T.Text -> T.Text) -> T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text)
  -> (T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text)
  -> (Char -> T.Text -> T.Text)
  -> T.Text
  -> T.Text #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE genericEscape ::
     ((Char -> TL.Text -> TL.Text) -> TL.Text -> TL.Text -> TL.Text)
  -> (TL.Text -> TL.Text -> TL.Text)
  -> (Char -> TL.Text -> TL.Text)
  -> TL.Text
  -> TL.Text #-}
genericEscape :: (S.IsString s)
              => ((Char -> s -> s) -> s -> s -> s)
              -> (s -> s -> s)
              -> (Char -> s -> s)
              -> s
              -> s
genericEscape foldr showString' showChar x = foldr escChar (S.fromString "") x
      -- copied from xml-light
      escChar c = case c of
        '<'   -> showString "&lt;"
        '>'   -> showString "&gt;"
        '&'   -> showString "&amp;"
        '"'   -> showString "&quot;"
        -- we use &#39 instead of &apos; because IE apparently has difficulties
        -- rendering &apos; in xhtml.
        -- Reported by Rohan Drape <rohan.drape@gmail.com>.
        '\''  -> showString "&#39;"
        -- XXX: Is this really wortherd?
        -- We could deal with these issues when we convert characters to bytes.
        _ | (oc <= 0x7f && isPrint c) || c == '\n' || c == '\r' -> showChar c
          | otherwise -> showString "&#" . showString (show oc) . showChar ';'
            where oc = ord c
      showString = showString' . S.fromString


-- | Document type for XHTML 1.0 strict.
xhtmlDoctypeStrict :: String
xhtmlDoctypeStrict =
    "<!DOCTYPE html\n" ++
    "    PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\"\n" ++
    "    \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">"

-- | Document info for XHTML 1.0 strict.
xhtmlStrictDocInfo :: DocInfo
xhtmlStrictDocInfo = defaultDocInfo { docInfo_docType = Just xhtmlDoctypeStrict }

-- | Document type for XHTML 1.0 transitional.
xhtmlDoctypeTransitional :: String
xhtmlDoctypeTransitional =
    "<!DOCTYPE html\n" ++
    "    PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\"\n" ++
    "    \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">"

-- | Document info for XHTML 1.0 transitional.
xhtmlTransitionalDocInfo :: DocInfo
xhtmlTransitionalDocInfo = defaultDocInfo { docInfo_docType = Just xhtmlDoctypeTransitional }

-- | Document type for XHTML 1.0 frameset.
xhtmlDoctypeFrameset :: String
xhtmlDoctypeFrameset =
    "<!DOCTYPE html\n" ++
    "    PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN\"\n" ++
    "    \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd\">"

-- | Document info for XHTML 1.0 frameset.
xhtmlFramesetDocInfo :: DocInfo
xhtmlFramesetDocInfo = defaultDocInfo { docInfo_docType = Just xhtmlDoctypeFrameset }

-- | Constructs the root element of an XHTML document.
xhtmlRootElem :: String -> Xml Elem -> Xml Elem
xhtmlRootElem lang children =
    xelem (namespace "" "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml") "html"
          (xattr "xml:lang" lang <>
           xattr "lang" lang <#>