# Change Log / Release Notes ## 0.14 (July 30, 2018) ### Bug Fixes * The state file that xmonad uses while restarting itself is now removed after it is processed. This fixes a bug that manifested in several different ways: - Names of old workspaces would be resurrected after a restart - Screen sizes would be wrong after changing monitor configuration (#90) - `spawnOnce` stopped working (xmonad/xmonad-contrib#155) - Focus did not follow when moving between workspaces (#87) - etc. * Recover old behavior (in 0.12) when `focusFollowsMouse == True`: the focus follows when the mouse enters another workspace but not moving into any window. * Compiles with GHC 8.4.1 * Restored compatability with GHC version prior to 8.0.1 by removing the dependency on directory version 1.2.3. ## 0.13 (February 10, 2017) ### Breaking Changes * When restarting xmonad, resume state is no longer passed to the next process via the command line. Instead, a temporary state file is created and xmonad's state is serialized to that file. When upgrading to 0.13 from a previous version, the `--resume` command line option will automatically migrate to a state file. This fixes issue #12. ### Enhancements * You can now control which directory xmonad uses for finding your configuration file and which one is used for storing the compiled version of your configuration. In order of preference: 1. New environment variables. If you want to use these ensure you set the correct environment variable and also create the directory it references: - `XMONAD_CONFIG_DIR` - `XMONAD_CACHE_DIR` - `XMONAD_DATA_DIR` 2. The `~/.xmonad` directory. 3. XDG Base Directory Specification directories, if they exist: - `XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xmonad` - `XDG_CACHE_HOME/xmonad` - `XDG_DATA_HOME/xmonad` If none of these directories exist then one will be created using the following logic: If the relevant environment variable mentioned in step (1) above is set, the referent directory will be created and used. Otherwise `~/.xmonad` will be created and used. This fixes a few issues, notably #7 and #56. * A custom build script can be used when xmonad is given the `--recompile` command line option. If an executable named `build` exists in the xmonad configuration directory it will be called instead of `ghc`. It takes one argument, the name of the executable binary it must produce. This fixes #8. (One of two possible custom build solutions. See the next entry for another solution.) * For users who build their xmonad configuration using tools such as cabal or stack, there is another option for executing xmonad. Instead of running the `xmonad` executable directly, arrange to have your login manager run your configuration binary instead. Then, in your binary, use the new `launch` command instead of `xmonad`. This will keep xmonad from using its configuration file checking/compiling code and directly start the window manager without `exec`ing any other binary. See the documentation for the `launch` function in `XMonad.Main` for more details. Fixes #8. (Second way to have a custom build environment for XMonad. See previous entry for another solution.) ## 0.12 (December 14, 2015) * Compiles with GHC 7.10.2, 7.8.4, and 7.6.3 * Use of [data-default][] allows using `def` where previously you had to write `defaultConfig`, `defaultXPConfig`, etc. * The [setlocale][] package is now used instead of a binding shipped with xmonad proper allowing the use of `Main.hs` instead of `Main.hsc` * No longer encodes paths for `spawnPID` * The default `manageHook` no longer floats Gimp windows * Doesn't crash when there are fewer workspaces than screens * `Query` is now an instance of `Applicative` * Various improvements to the example configuration file [data-default]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-default [setlocale]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/setlocale