% XMONAD(1) Tiling Window Manager % % 27 October 2021 # Name xmonad - Tiling Window Manager # Description _xmonad_ is a minimalist tiling window manager for X, written in Haskell. Windows are managed using automatic layout algorithms, which can be dynamically reconfigured. At any time windows are arranged so as to maximize the use of screen real estate. All features of the window manager are accessible purely from the keyboard: a mouse is entirely optional. _xmonad_ is configured in Haskell, and custom layout algorithms may be implemented by the user in config files. A principle of _xmonad_ is predictability: the user should know in advance precisely the window arrangement that will result from any action. By default, _xmonad_ provides three layout algorithms: tall, wide and fullscreen. In tall or wide mode, windows are tiled and arranged to prevent overlap and maximize screen use. Sets of windows are grouped together on virtual screens, and each screen retains its own layout, which may be reconfigured dynamically. Multiple physical monitors are supported via Xinerama, allowing simultaneous display of a number of screens. By utilizing the expressivity of a modern functional language with a rich static type system, _xmonad_ provides a complete, featureful window manager in less than 1200 lines of code, with an emphasis on correctness and robustness. Internal properties of the window manager are checked using a combination of static guarantees provided by the type system, and type-based automated testing. A benefit of this is that the code is simple to understand, and easy to modify. # Usage _xmonad_ places each window into a "workspace". Each workspace can have any number of windows, which you can cycle though with mod-j and mod-k. Windows are either displayed full screen, tiled horizontally, or tiled vertically. You can toggle the layout mode with mod-space, which will cycle through the available modes. You can switch to workspace N with mod-N. For example, to switch to workspace 5, you would press mod-5. Similarly, you can move the current window to another workspace with mod-shift-N. When running with multiple monitors (Xinerama), each screen has exactly 1 workspace visible. mod-{w,e,r} switch the focus between screens, while shift-mod-{w,e,r} move the current window to that screen. When _xmonad_ starts, workspace 1 is on screen 1, workspace 2 is on screen 2, etc. When switching workspaces to one that is already visible, the current and visible workspaces are swapped. ## Flags xmonad has several flags which you may pass to the executable. These flags are: --recompile : Recompiles your _xmonad.hs_ configuration --restart : Causes the currently running _xmonad_ process to restart --replace : Replace the current window manager with xmonad --version : Display version of _xmonad_ --verbose-version : Display detailed version of _xmonad_ ## Default keyboard bindings mod-shift-return : Launch terminal mod-p : Launch dmenu mod-shift-p : Launch gmrun mod-shift-c : Close the focused window mod-space : Rotate through the available layout algorithms mod-shift-space : Reset the layouts on the current workspace to default mod-n : Resize viewed windows to the correct size mod-tab : Move focus to the next window mod-shift-tab : Move focus to the previous window mod-j : Move focus to the next window mod-k : Move focus to the previous window mod-m : Move focus to the master window mod-return : Swap the focused window and the master window mod-shift-j : Swap the focused window with the next window mod-shift-k : Swap the focused window with the previous window mod-h : Shrink the master area mod-l : Expand the master area mod-t : Push window back into tiling mod-comma : Increment the number of windows in the master area mod-period : Deincrement the number of windows in the master area mod-shift-q : Quit xmonad mod-q : Restart xmonad mod-shift-slash : Run xmessage with a summary of the default keybindings (useful for beginners) mod-question : Run xmessage with a summary of the default keybindings (useful for beginners) mod-[1..9] : Switch to workspace N mod-shift-[1..9] : Move client to workspace N mod-{w,e,r} : Switch to physical/Xinerama screens 1, 2, or 3 mod-shift-{w,e,r} : Move client to screen 1, 2, or 3 mod-button1 : Set the window to floating mode and move by dragging mod-button2 : Raise the window to the top of the stack mod-button3 : Set the window to floating mode and resize by dragging # Examples To use xmonad as your window manager add to your _~/.xinitrc_ file: > exec xmonad # Customization xmonad is customized in your _xmonad.hs_, and then restarted with mod-q. You can choose where your configuration file lives by 1. Setting `XMONAD_DATA_DIR,` `XMONAD_CONFIG_DIR`, and `XMONAD_CACHE_DIR`; _xmonad.hs_ is then expected to be in `XMONAD_CONFIG_DIR`. 2. Creating _xmonad.hs_ in _~/.xmonad_. 3. Creating _xmonad.hs_ in `XDG_CONFIG_HOME`. Note that, in this case, xmonad will use `XDG_DATA_HOME` and `XDG_CACHE_HOME` for its data and cache directory respectively. You can find many extensions to the core feature set in the xmonad- contrib package, available through your package manager or from [xmonad.org]. ## Modular Configuration As of _xmonad-0.9_, any additional Haskell modules may be placed in _~/.xmonad/lib/_ are available in GHC's searchpath. Hierarchical modules are supported: for example, the file _~/.xmonad/lib/XMonad/Stack/MyAdditions.hs_ could contain: ```haskell module XMonad.Stack.MyAdditions (function1) where function1 = error "function1: Not implemented yet!" ``` Your xmonad.hs may then import XMonad.Stack.MyAdditions as if that module was contained within xmonad or xmonad-contrib. # Bugs Probably. If you find any, please report them to the [bugtracker] [xmonad.org]: https://xmonad.org [bugtracker]: https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad/issues