module XMonad.Layout.LayoutScreens (
layoutScreens, layoutSplitScreen, fixedLayout,
) where
import XMonad
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
layoutScreens :: LayoutClass l Int => Int -> l Int -> X ()
layoutScreens nscr _ | nscr < 1 = trace $ "Can't layoutScreens with only " ++ show nscr ++ " screens."
layoutScreens nscr l =
do rtrect <- asks theRoot >>= getWindowRectangle
(wss, _) <- runLayout (W.Workspace "" l (Just $ W.Stack { W.focus=1, W.up=[],W.down=[1..nscr1] })) rtrect
windows $ \ws@(W.StackSet { W.current = v, W.visible = vs, W.hidden = hs }) ->
let (x:xs, ys) = splitAt nscr $ map W.workspace (v:vs) ++ hs
s:ss = map snd wss
in ws { W.current = W.Screen x 0 (SD s)
, W.visible = zipWith3 W.Screen xs [1 ..] $ map SD ss
, W.hidden = ys }
layoutSplitScreen :: LayoutClass l Int => Int -> l Int -> X ()
layoutSplitScreen nscr _ | nscr < 1 = trace $ "Can't layoutSplitScreen with only " ++ show nscr ++ " screens."
layoutSplitScreen nscr l =
do rect <- gets $ screenRect . W.screenDetail . W.current . windowset
(wss, _) <- runLayout (W.Workspace "" l (Just $ W.Stack { W.focus=1, W.up=[],W.down=[1..nscr1] })) rect
windows $ \ws@(W.StackSet { W.current = c, W.visible = vs, W.hidden = hs }) ->
let (x:xs, ys) = splitAt nscr $ W.workspace c : hs
s:ss = map snd wss
in ws { W.current = W.Screen x (W.screen c) (SD s)
, W.visible = (zipWith3 W.Screen xs [(W.screen c+1) ..] $ map SD ss) ++
map (\v -> if W.screen v>W.screen c then v{W.screen = W.screen v + fromIntegral (nscr1)} else v) vs
, W.hidden = ys }
getWindowRectangle :: Window -> X Rectangle
getWindowRectangle w = withDisplay $ \d ->
do a <- io $ getWindowAttributes d w
return $ Rectangle (fromIntegral $ wa_x a) (fromIntegral $ wa_y a)
(fromIntegral $ wa_width a) (fromIntegral $ wa_height a)
data FixedLayout a = FixedLayout [Rectangle] deriving (Read,Show)
instance LayoutClass FixedLayout a where
doLayout (FixedLayout rs) _ s = return (zip (W.integrate s) rs, Nothing)
fixedLayout :: [Rectangle] -> FixedLayout a
fixedLayout = FixedLayout