xmonad-contrib-0.5: Third party extensions for xmonadSource codeContentsIndex
MaintainerDevin Mullins <me@twifkak.com>

Useful helper functions for amending the defaultConfig.

(See also XMonad.Util.CustomKeys in xmonad-contrib.)

additionalKeys :: XConfig a -> [((ButtonMask, KeySym), X ())] -> XConfig a
removeKeys :: XConfig a -> [(ButtonMask, KeySym)] -> XConfig a
additionalMouseBindings :: XConfig a -> [((ButtonMask, Button), Window -> X ())] -> XConfig a
removeMouseBindings :: XConfig a -> [(ButtonMask, Button)] -> XConfig a
additionalKeys :: XConfig a -> [((ButtonMask, KeySym), X ())] -> XConfig aSource

Add or override keybindings from the existing set. Example use:

 main = xmonad $ defaultConfig { terminal = "urxvt" }
                 [ ((mod1Mask, xK_m        ), spawn "echo 'Hi, mom!' | dzen2 -p 4")
                 , ((mod1Mask, xK_BackSpace), withFocused hide) -- N.B. this is an absurd thing to do

This overrides the previous definition of mod-m.

Note that, unlike in xmonad 0.4 and previous, you can't use modMask to refer to the modMask you configured earlier. You must specify mod1Mask (or whichever), or add your own myModMask = mod1Mask line.

removeKeys :: XConfig a -> [(ButtonMask, KeySym)] -> XConfig aSource

Remove standard keybindings you're not using. Example use:

 main = xmonad $ defaultConfig { terminal = "urxvt" }
                 `removeKeys` [(mod1Mask .|. shiftMask, n) | n <- [xK_1 .. xK_9]]
additionalMouseBindings :: XConfig a -> [((ButtonMask, Button), Window -> X ())] -> XConfig aSource
Like additionalKeys, but for mouseBindings.
removeMouseBindings :: XConfig a -> [(ButtonMask, Button)] -> XConfig aSource
Like removeKeys, but for mouseBindings.
Produced by Haddock version 2.3.0