{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-} -- for deriving Typeable
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, PatternGuards, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  XMonad.Layout.Decoration
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2007 Andrea Rossato
-- License     :  BSD-style (see xmonad/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  andrea.rossato@unibz.it
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  unportable
-- A layout modifier and a class for easily creating decorated
-- layouts.

module XMonad.Layout.Decoration
    ( -- * Usage:
      -- $usage
    , Theme (..), defaultTheme
    , Decoration
    , DecorationMsg (..)
    , DecorationStyle (..)
    , DecorationState (..)
    , DefaultDecoration (..)
    , isInStack, isVisible, isInvisible, isWithin, fi, lookFor
    , module XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier
    , module XMonad.Layout.DecorationUtils
    ) where

import Data.Maybe
import Data.List

import XMonad
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook
import XMonad.Layout.DecorationUtils
import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier
import XMonad.Layout.WindowArranger (WindowArrangerMsg (..), diff, listFromList)
import XMonad.Layout.Minimize
import XMonad.Layout.Maximize
import XMonad.Util.NamedWindows (getName)
import XMonad.Util.Invisible
import XMonad.Util.XUtils
import XMonad.Util.Font
import XMonad.PositionStore
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
import XMonad.Actions.WindowMenu
import Control.Applicative((<$>))
import Foreign.C.Types(CInt)

-- $usage
-- This module is intended for layout developers, who want to decorate
-- their layouts. End users will not find here very much for them.
-- For examples of 'DecorationStyle' instances you can have a look at
-- "XMonad.Layout.SimpleDecoration", "XMonad.Layout.Tabbed",
-- "XMonad.Layout.DwmStyle", or "XMonad.Layout.TabBarDecoration".

-- | A layout modifier that, with a 'Shrinker', a 'Theme', a
-- 'DecorationStyle', and a layout, will decorate this layout
-- according to the decoration style provided.
-- For some usage examples see "XMonad.Layout.DecorationMadness".
decoration :: (DecorationStyle ds a, Shrinker s) => s -> Theme -> ds a
           -> l a -> ModifiedLayout (Decoration ds s) l a
decoration s t ds = ModifiedLayout (Decoration (I Nothing) s t ds)

-- | A 'Theme' is a record of colors, font etc., to customize a
-- 'DecorationStyle'.
-- For a collection of 'Theme's see "XMonad.Util.Themes"
data Theme =
    Theme { activeColor         :: String    -- ^ Color of the active window
          , inactiveColor       :: String    -- ^ Color of the inactive window
          , urgentColor         :: String    -- ^ Color of the urgent window
          , activeBorderColor   :: String    -- ^ Color of the border of the active window
          , inactiveBorderColor :: String    -- ^ Color of the border of the inactive window
          , urgentBorderColor   :: String    -- ^ Color of the border of the urgent window
          , activeTextColor     :: String    -- ^ Color of the text of the active window
          , inactiveTextColor   :: String    -- ^ Color of the text of the inactive window
          , urgentTextColor     :: String    -- ^ Color of the text of the urgent window
          , fontName            :: String    -- ^ Font name
          , decoWidth           :: Dimension -- ^ Maximum width of the decorations (if supported by the 'DecorationStyle')
          , decoHeight          :: Dimension -- ^ Height of the decorations
          } deriving (Show, Read)

-- | The default xmonad 'Theme'.
defaultTheme :: Theme
defaultTheme =
    Theme { activeColor         = "#999999"
          , inactiveColor       = "#666666"
          , urgentColor         = "#FFFF00"
          , activeBorderColor   = "#FFFFFF"
          , inactiveBorderColor = "#BBBBBB"
          , urgentBorderColor   = "##00FF00"
          , activeTextColor     = "#FFFFFF"
          , inactiveTextColor   = "#BFBFBF"
          , urgentTextColor     = "#FF0000"
          , fontName            = "-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
          , decoWidth           = 200
          , decoHeight          = 20

minimizeButtonOffset :: Int
minimizeButtonOffset = 48

maximizeButtonOffset :: Int
maximizeButtonOffset = 25

closeButtonOffset :: Int
closeButtonOffset = 10

buttonSize :: Int
buttonSize = 10

data DecoClickAction = WindowMenu | MinimizeButton | MaximizeButton | CloseButton | Dragging
                        deriving (Show)

-- | A 'Decoration' layout modifier will handle 'SetTheme', a message
-- to dynamically change the decoration 'Theme'.
data DecorationMsg = SetTheme Theme deriving ( Typeable )
instance Message DecorationMsg

-- | The 'Decoration' state component, where the list of decorated
-- window's is zipped with a list of decoration. A list of decoration
-- is a list of tuples, a 'Maybe' 'Window' and a 'Maybe Rectangle'.
-- The 'Window' will be displayed only if the rectangle is of type
-- 'Just'.
data DecorationState =
    DS { decos :: [(OrigWin,DecoWin)]
       , decoFont  :: XMonadFont
type DecoWin = (Maybe Window, Maybe Rectangle)
type OrigWin = (Window,Rectangle)

-- | The 'Decoration' 'LayoutModifier'. This data type is an instance
-- of the 'LayoutModifier' class. This data type will be passed,
-- together with a layout, to the 'ModifiedLayout' type constructor
-- to modify the layout by adding decorations according to a
-- 'DecorationStyle'.
data Decoration ds s a =
    Decoration (Invisible Maybe DecorationState) s Theme (ds a)
    deriving (Show, Read)

-- | The 'DecorationStyle' class, defines methods used in the
-- implementation of the 'Decoration' 'LayoutModifier' instance. A
-- type instance of this class is passed to the 'Decoration' type in
-- order to decorate a layout, by using these methods.
class (Read (ds a), Show (ds a), Eq a) => DecorationStyle ds a where

    -- | The description that the 'Decoration' modifier will display.
    describeDeco :: ds a -> String
    describeDeco ds = show ds

    -- | Shrink the window's rectangle when applying a decoration.
    shrink :: ds a -> Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
    shrink _ (Rectangle _ _ _ dh) (Rectangle x y w h) = Rectangle x (y + fi dh) w (h - dh)

    -- | The decoration event hook
    decorationEventHook :: ds a -> DecorationState -> Event -> X ()
    decorationEventHook ds s e = handleMouseFocusDrag ds s e

    decorationWhileDraggingHook :: ds a -> CInt -> CInt -> (Window, Rectangle) -> Position -> Position -> X ()
    decorationWhileDraggingHook _ ex ey (mainw, r) x y = handleDraggingInProgress ex ey (mainw, r) x y

    decorationAfterDraggingHook :: ds a -> (Window, Rectangle) -> Window -> X ()
    decorationAfterDraggingHook ds (mainw, r) decoWin = handleScreenCrossing mainw decoWin
                                                        >>= decorationAfterDraggingHookAddon ds (mainw, r)

    decorationAfterDraggingHookAddon :: ds a -> (Window, Rectangle) -> Bool -> X ()
    decorationAfterDraggingHookAddon _ _ _ = return ()

    -- | The pure version of the main method, 'decorate'.
    pureDecoration :: ds a -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Rectangle
                   -> W.Stack a -> [(a,Rectangle)] -> (a,Rectangle) -> Maybe Rectangle
    pureDecoration _ _ ht _ s _ (w,Rectangle x y wh ht') = if isInStack s w && (ht < ht')
                                                             then Just $ Rectangle x y wh ht
                                                             else Nothing

    -- | Given the theme's decoration width and height, the screen
    -- rectangle, the windows stack, the list of windows and
    -- rectangles returned by the underlying layout and window to be
    -- decorated, tupled with its rectangle, produce a 'Just'
    -- 'Rectangle' or 'Nothing' if the window is not to be decorated.
    decorate :: ds a -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Rectangle
             -> W.Stack a -> [(a,Rectangle)] -> (a,Rectangle) -> X (Maybe Rectangle)
    decorate ds w h r s wrs wr = return $ pureDecoration ds w h r s wrs wr

-- | The default 'DecorationStyle', with just the default methods'
-- implementations.
data DefaultDecoration a = DefaultDecoration deriving ( Read, Show )
instance Eq a => DecorationStyle DefaultDecoration a

-- | The long 'LayoutModifier' instance for the 'Decoration' type.
-- In 'redoLayout' we check the state: if there is no state we
-- initialize it.
-- The state is 'diff'ed against the list of windows produced by the
-- underlying layout: removed windows get deleted and new ones
-- decorated by 'createDecos', which will call 'decorate' to decide if
-- a window must be given a 'Rectangle', in which case a decoration
-- window will be created.
-- After that we resync the updated state with the windows' list and
-- then we process the resynced stated (as we do with a new state).
-- First we map the decoration windows, we update each decoration to
-- reflect any decorated window's change, and we insert, in the list
-- of windows and rectangles returned by the underlying layout, the
-- decoration for each window. This way xmonad will restack the
-- decorations and their windows accordingly. At the end we remove
-- invisible\/stacked windows.
-- Message handling is quite simple: when needed we release the state
-- component of the 'Decoration' 'LayoutModifier'. Otherwise we call
-- 'handleEvent', which will call the appropriate 'DecorationStyle'
-- methods to perform its tasks.
instance (DecorationStyle ds Window, Shrinker s) => LayoutModifier (Decoration ds s) Window where
    redoLayout (Decoration (I (Just s)) sh t ds) _ Nothing _ = do
        releaseResources s
        return ([], Just $ Decoration (I Nothing) sh t ds)
    redoLayout _                                 _ Nothing _  = return ([], Nothing)

    redoLayout (Decoration st sh t ds) sc (Just stack) wrs
        | I Nothing  <- st = initState t ds sc stack wrs >>= processState
        | I (Just s) <- st = do let dwrs  = decos s
                                    (d,a) = curry diff (get_ws dwrs) ws
                                    toDel = todel d dwrs
                                    toAdd = toadd a wrs
                                deleteDecos (map snd toDel)
                                let ndwrs = zip toAdd $ repeat (Nothing,Nothing)
                                ndecos <- resync (ndwrs ++ del_dwrs d dwrs) wrs
                                processState (s {decos = ndecos })
        | otherwise        = return (wrs, Nothing)

          ws        = map fst wrs
          get_w     = fst . fst
          get_ws    = map get_w
          del_dwrs  = listFromList get_w notElem
          find_dw i = fst . snd . flip (!!) i
          todel   d = filter (flip elem d . get_w)
          toadd   a = filter (flip elem a . fst  )

          check_dwr dwr = case dwr of
                            (Nothing, Just dr) -> do dw <- createDecoWindow t dr
                                                     return (Just dw, Just dr)
                            _                 -> return dwr

          resync _         [] = return []
          resync d ((w,r):xs) = case  w `elemIndex` get_ws d of
                                  Just i  -> do dr   <- decorate ds (decoWidth t) (decoHeight t) sc stack wrs (w,r)
                                                dwr  <- check_dwr (find_dw i d, dr)
                                                dwrs <- resync d xs
                                                return $ ((w,r),dwr) : dwrs
                                  Nothing -> resync d xs

          -- We drop any windows that are *precisely* stacked underneath
          -- another window: these must be intended to be tabbed!
          remove_stacked rs ((w,r):xs)
              | r `elem` rs   = remove_stacked rs xs
              | otherwise     = (w,r) : remove_stacked (r:rs) xs
          remove_stacked _ [] = []

          insert_dwr ((w,r),(Just dw,Just dr)) xs = (dw,dr):(w, shrink ds dr r):xs
          insert_dwr (x    ,(     _ ,     _ )) xs = x:xs

          dwrs_to_wrs    = remove_stacked [] . foldr insert_dwr []

          processState s = do let ndwrs = decos s
                              showDecos (map snd ndwrs)
                              updateDecos sh t (decoFont s) ndwrs
                              return (dwrs_to_wrs ndwrs, Just (Decoration (I (Just (s {decos = ndwrs}))) sh t ds))

    handleMess (Decoration (I (Just s@(DS {decos = dwrs}))) sh t ds) m
        | Just e <- fromMessage m                = do decorationEventHook ds s e
                                                      handleEvent sh t s e
                                                      return Nothing
        | Just Hide             <- fromMessage m = do hideDecos (map snd dwrs)
                                                      return Nothing
        | Just (SetTheme nt)    <- fromMessage m = do releaseResources s
                                                      return $ Just $ Decoration (I Nothing) sh nt ds
        | Just ReleaseResources <- fromMessage m = do releaseResources s
                                                      return $ Just $ Decoration (I Nothing) sh t  ds
    handleMess _ _ = return Nothing

    modifierDescription (Decoration _ _ _ ds) = describeDeco ds

-- | By default 'Decoration' handles 'PropertyEvent' and 'ExposeEvent'
-- only.
handleEvent :: Shrinker s => s -> Theme -> DecorationState -> Event -> X ()
handleEvent sh t (DS dwrs fs) e
    | PropertyEvent {ev_window = w} <- e
    , Just i <- w `elemIndex`             (map (fst . fst) dwrs) = updateDeco sh t fs (dwrs !! i)
    | ExposeEvent   {ev_window = w} <- e
    , Just i <- w `elemIndex` (catMaybes $ map (fst . snd) dwrs) = updateDeco sh t fs (dwrs !! i)
handleEvent _ _ _ _ = return ()

handleMouseFocusDrag :: (DecorationStyle ds a) => ds a -> DecorationState -> Event -> X ()
handleMouseFocusDrag ds (DS dwrs _) ButtonEvent { ev_window     = ew
                                                , ev_event_type = et
                                                , ev_x_root     = ex
                                                , ev_y_root     = ey }
    | et == buttonPress
    , Just ((mainw,r), (_, decoRectM)) <- lookFor ew dwrs = do
        let Just (Rectangle dx _ dwh _) = decoRectM
            distFromRight = fi dwh - (ex - fi dx)
            distFromLeft = ex - fi dx
            action = if (fi distFromLeft <= 3 * buttonSize)
                        then WindowMenu
                     else if (fi distFromRight >= closeButtonOffset &&
                              fi distFromRight <= closeButtonOffset + buttonSize)
                                 then CloseButton
                     else if (fi distFromRight >= maximizeButtonOffset &&
                              fi distFromRight <= maximizeButtonOffset + (2 * buttonSize))
                                then MaximizeButton
                     else if (fi distFromRight >= minimizeButtonOffset &&
                              fi distFromRight <= minimizeButtonOffset + buttonSize)
                                then MinimizeButton
                     else Dragging
        focus mainw
        case action of
            WindowMenu -> windowMenu
            CloseButton -> kill
            MinimizeButton -> sendMessage (MinimizeWin mainw)
            MaximizeButton -> sendMessage (maximizeRestore mainw)
            Dragging -> mouseDrag (decorationWhileDraggingHook ds ex ey (mainw, r))
                                    (decorationAfterDraggingHook ds (mainw, r) ew)
handleMouseFocusDrag _ _ _ = return ()

handleDraggingInProgress :: CInt -> CInt -> (Window, Rectangle) -> Position -> Position -> X ()
handleDraggingInProgress ex ey (_, r) x y = do
    let rect = Rectangle (x - (fi ex - rect_x r))
                         (y - (fi ey - rect_y r))
                         (rect_width  r)
                         (rect_height r)
    sendMessage $ SetGeometry rect

handleScreenCrossing :: Window -> Window -> X Bool
handleScreenCrossing w decoWin = withDisplay $ \d -> do
    root <- asks theRoot
    (_, _, _, px, py, _, _, _) <- io $ queryPointer d root
    ws <- gets windowset
    sc <- fromMaybe (W.current ws) <$> pointScreen (fi px) (fi py)
    maybeWksp <- screenWorkspace $ W.screen sc
    let targetWksp = maybeWksp >>= \wksp -> 
                        W.findTag w ws >>= \currentWksp ->
                        if (currentWksp /= wksp)
                            then Just wksp
                            else Nothing
    case targetWksp of
        Just wksp -> do
                        -- find out window under cursor on target workspace
                        -- apparently we have to switch to the workspace first
                        -- to make this work, which unforunately introduces some flicker
                        windows $ \ws' -> W.view wksp ws'
                        (_, _, selWin, _, _, _, _, _) <- io $ queryPointer d root

                        -- adjust PositionStore
                        let oldScreenRect = screenRect . W.screenDetail $ W.current ws
                            newScreenRect = screenRect . W.screenDetail $ sc
                        {-- somewhat ugly hack to get proper ScreenRect,
                            creates unwanted inter-dependencies
                            TODO: get ScreenRects in a proper way --}
                        oldScreenRect' <- fmap ($ oldScreenRect) (calcGap [U,D,L,R])
                        newScreenRect' <- fmap ($ newScreenRect) (calcGap [U,D,L,R])
                        wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes d decoWin
                        modifyPosStore (\ps ->
                            posStoreMove ps w (fi $ wa_x wa) (fi $ wa_y wa)
                                oldScreenRect' newScreenRect')

                        -- set focus correctly so the window will be inserted
                        -- at the correct position on the target workspace
                        -- and then shift the window
                        windows $ \ws' -> W.shiftWin wksp w . W.focusWindow selWin $ ws'

                        -- return True to signal that screen crossing has taken place
                        return True
        Nothing -> return False

-- | Given a window and the state, if a matching decoration is in the
-- state return it with its ('Maybe') 'Rectangle'.
lookFor :: Window -> [(OrigWin,DecoWin)] -> Maybe (OrigWin,(Window,Maybe Rectangle))
lookFor w ((wr,(Just dw,dr)):dwrs) | w == dw = Just (wr,(dw,dr))
                                   | otherwise = lookFor w dwrs
lookFor w ((_, (Nothing, _)):dwrs) = lookFor w dwrs
lookFor _ [] = Nothing

-- | Initialize the 'DecorationState' by initializing the font
-- structure and by creating the needed decorations.
initState :: DecorationStyle ds Window => Theme -> ds Window -> Rectangle
          -> W.Stack Window -> [(Window,Rectangle)] -> X DecorationState
initState t ds sc s wrs = do
  fs   <- initXMF (fontName t)
  dwrs <- createDecos t ds sc s wrs wrs
  return $ DS dwrs fs

-- | Delete windows stored in the state and release the font structure.
releaseResources :: DecorationState -> X ()
releaseResources s = do
  deleteDecos (map snd $ decos s)
  releaseXMF  (decoFont s)

-- | Create the decoration windows of a list of windows and their
-- rectangles, by calling the 'decorate' method of the
-- 'DecorationStyle' received.
createDecos :: DecorationStyle ds Window => Theme -> ds Window -> Rectangle -> W.Stack Window
            -> [(Window,Rectangle)] -> [(Window,Rectangle)] -> X [(OrigWin,DecoWin)]
createDecos t ds sc s wrs ((w,r):xs) = do
  deco <- decorate ds (decoWidth t) (decoHeight t) sc s wrs (w,r)
  case deco of
    Just dr -> do dw   <- createDecoWindow t dr
                  dwrs <- createDecos t ds sc s wrs xs
                  return $ ((w,r), (Just dw, Just dr)) : dwrs
    Nothing -> do dwrs <- createDecos t ds sc s wrs xs
                  return $ ((w,r), (Nothing, Nothing)) : dwrs
createDecos _ _ _ _ _ [] = return []

createDecoWindow :: Theme -> Rectangle -> X Window
createDecoWindow t r = let mask = Just (exposureMask .|. buttonPressMask) in
                       createNewWindow r mask (inactiveColor t) True

showDecos :: [DecoWin] -> X ()
showDecos = showWindows . catMaybes . map fst

hideDecos :: [DecoWin] -> X ()
hideDecos = hideWindows . catMaybes . map fst

deleteDecos :: [DecoWin] -> X ()
deleteDecos = deleteWindows . catMaybes . map fst

updateDecos :: Shrinker s => s -> Theme -> XMonadFont -> [(OrigWin,DecoWin)] -> X ()
updateDecos s t f = mapM_ $ updateDeco s t f

-- | Update a decoration window given a shrinker, a theme, the font
-- structure and the needed 'Rectangle's
updateDeco :: Shrinker s => s -> Theme -> XMonadFont -> (OrigWin,DecoWin) -> X ()
updateDeco sh t fs ((w,_),(Just dw,Just (Rectangle _ _ wh ht))) = do
  nw  <- getName w
  ur  <- readUrgents
  dpy <- asks display
  let focusColor win ic ac uc = (maybe ic (\focusw -> case () of
                                                       _ | focusw == win -> ac
                                                         | win `elem` ur -> uc
                                                         | otherwise     -> ic) . W.peek)
                                `fmap` gets windowset
  (bc,borderc,tc) <- focusColor w (inactiveColor t, inactiveBorderColor t, inactiveTextColor t)
                                  (activeColor   t, activeBorderColor   t, activeTextColor   t)
                                  (urgentColor   t, urgentBorderColor   t, urgentTextColor   t)
  let s = shrinkIt sh
  name <- shrinkWhile s (\n -> do size <- io $ textWidthXMF dpy fs n
                                  return $ size > fromIntegral wh - fromIntegral (ht `div` 2)) (show nw)
  let (als, strs) = ([AlignLeft, AlignCenter, AlignRightOffset minimizeButtonOffset,
                        AlignRightOffset maximizeButtonOffset, AlignRightOffset closeButtonOffset]
                    ,[" (M)"    , name      , "_"                                  ,
                        "[]"               , "X"])
  paintAndWrite dw fs wh ht 1 bc borderc tc bc als strs
updateDeco _ _ _ (_,(Just w,Nothing)) = hideWindow w
updateDeco _ _ _ _ = return ()

-- | True if the window is in the 'Stack'. The 'Window' comes second
-- to facilitate list processing, even though @w \`isInStack\` s@ won't
-- work...;)
isInStack :: Eq a => W.Stack a -> a -> Bool
isInStack s = flip elem (W.integrate s)

-- | Given a 'Rectangle' and a list of 'Rectangle's is True if the
-- 'Rectangle' is not completely contained by any 'Rectangle' of the
-- list.
isVisible :: Rectangle -> [Rectangle] -> Bool
isVisible r = and . foldr f []
    where f x xs = if r `isWithin` x then False : xs else True : xs

-- | The contrary of 'isVisible'.
isInvisible :: Rectangle -> [Rectangle] -> Bool
isInvisible r = not . isVisible r

-- | True is the first 'Rectangle' is totally within the second
-- 'Rectangle'.
isWithin :: Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Bool
isWithin (Rectangle x y w h) (Rectangle rx ry rw rh)
    | x >= rx, x <= rx + fi rw
    , y >= ry, y <= ry + fi rh
    , x + fi w <= rx + fi rw
    , y + fi h <= ry + fi rh = True
    | otherwise              = False