{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
-- |
-- Module:     Data.Digest.XXHash.FFI
-- Copyright:  (c) 2017 Henri Verroken
-- Licence:    BSD3
-- Maintainer: Henri Verroken <henriverroken@gmail.com
-- Stability:  stable
-- This module provides bindings to the xxHash64 and the xxHash32 algorithm.
-- The C implementation used is directly taken from <https://github.com/Cyan4973/xxHash>.
module Data.Digest.XXHash.FFI (
  -- * Interface

  -- * C Interface
  -- ** Direct Calculation
, c_xxh64
, c_xxh32

  -- ** 32-bit state functions
, XXH32State
, c_xxh32_createState
, c_xxh32_freeState
, c_xxh32_copyState
, c_xxh32_reset
, c_xxh32_update
, c_xxh32_digest

  -- ** 64-bit state functions
, XXH64State
, c_xxh64_createState
, c_xxh64_freeState
, c_xxh64_copyState
, c_xxh64_reset
, c_xxh64_update
, c_xxh64_digest
) where

import Control.Exception (bracket)

import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafeUseAsCString)
import Data.Word (Word32, Word64)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL

import Foreign.C
import Foreign.Ptr

import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

foreign import ccall unsafe "XXH64" c_xxh64 ::
    Ptr a   -- ^ 'Ptr' to the input buffer
 -> CSize   -- ^ Buffer length
 -> CULLong -- ^ Seed
 -> CULLong -- ^ Resulting hash

foreign import ccall unsafe "XXH32" c_xxh32 ::
    Ptr a -- ^ 'Ptr' to the input buffer
 -> CSize -- ^ Buffer length
 -> CUInt -- ^ Seed
 -> CUInt -- ^ Resulting hash

data XXH32State

foreign import ccall unsafe "XXH32_createState" c_xxh32_createState ::
    IO (Ptr XXH32State) -- ^ Pointer to a newly allocated state

foreign import ccall unsafe "XXH32_freeState" c_xxh32_freeState ::
    Ptr XXH32State
 -> IO () -- ^ Free pointer allocated by 'c_xxh32_createState'

foreign import ccall unsafe "XXH32_copyState" c_xxh32_copyState ::
    Ptr XXH32State -- ^ Destination
 -> Ptr XXH32State -- ^ Source
 -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "XXH32_reset" c_xxh32_reset ::
    Ptr XXH32State -- ^ The state to reset
 -> CUInt          -- ^ The initial seed
 -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "XXH32_update" c_xxh32_update ::
    Ptr XXH32State -- ^ The state to update
 -> Ptr a          -- ^ 'Ptr' to the input buffer
 -> CSize          -- ^ Buffer length
 -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "XXH32_digest" c_xxh32_digest ::
    Ptr XXH32State -- ^ The state to digest
 -> IO CUInt       -- ^ Resulting hash

data XXH64State

foreign import ccall unsafe "XXH64_createState" c_xxh64_createState ::
    IO (Ptr XXH64State) -- ^ Pointer to a newly allocated state

foreign import ccall unsafe "XXH64_freeState" c_xxh64_freeState ::
    Ptr XXH64State
 -> IO () -- ^ Free pointer allocated by 'c_xxh64_createState'

foreign import ccall unsafe "XXH64_copyState" c_xxh64_copyState ::
    Ptr XXH64State -- ^ Destination
 -> Ptr XXH64State -- ^ Source
 -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "XXH64_reset" c_xxh64_reset ::
    Ptr XXH64State -- ^ The state to reset
 -> CULLong        -- ^ The initial seed
 -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "XXH64_update" c_xxh64_update ::
    Ptr XXH64State -- ^ The state to update
 -> Ptr a          -- ^ 'Ptr' to the input buffer
 -> CSize          -- ^ Buffer length
 -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "XXH64_digest" c_xxh64_digest ::
    Ptr XXH64State -- ^ The state to digest
 -> IO CULLong     -- ^ Resulting hash

-- | Class for hashable data types.
-- Not that all standard instances are specialized using the @SPECIALIZE@
-- pragma.
class XXHash t where
    -- | Calculate the 32-bit xxHash using a given seed.
    xxh32 :: t      -- ^ Data to hash
          -> Word32 -- ^ Seed
          -> Word32 -- ^ Resulting hash

    -- | Calculate the 64-bit xxHash using a given seed.
    xxh64 :: t      -- ^ Data to hash
          -> Word64 -- ^ Seed
          -> Word64 -- ^ Resulting hash

instance XXHash BS.ByteString where
    xxh32 bs seed = unsafePerformIO $
        unsafeUseAsCString bs $ \ptr ->
            return . fromIntegral $ c_xxh32 (castPtr ptr) len (fromIntegral seed)
        len = fromIntegral $ BS.length bs

    xxh64 bs seed = unsafePerformIO $
        unsafeUseAsCString bs $ \ptr ->
            return . fromIntegral $ c_xxh64 (castPtr ptr) len (fromIntegral seed)
        len = fromIntegral $ BS.length bs

{-# SPECIALIZE xxh32 :: BS.ByteString -> Word32 -> Word32 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE xxh64 :: BS.ByteString -> Word64 -> Word64 #-}

instance XXHash BL.ByteString where
    xxh32 bs seed = fromIntegral . unsafePerformIO $
        bracket c_xxh32_createState
                c_xxh32_freeState $ \state -> do
                    c_xxh32_reset state (fromIntegral seed)
                    mapM_ (update state) (BL.toChunks bs)
                    c_xxh32_digest state
        update state bs' =
            let len = fromIntegral (BS.length bs') in
            unsafeUseAsCString bs' $ \ ptr ->
                c_xxh32_update state ptr len

    xxh64 bs seed = fromIntegral . unsafePerformIO $
        bracket c_xxh64_createState
                c_xxh64_freeState $ \state -> do
                    c_xxh64_reset state (fromIntegral seed)
                    mapM_ (update state) (BL.toChunks bs)
                    c_xxh64_digest state
        update state bs' =
            let len = fromIntegral (BS.length bs') in
            unsafeUseAsCString bs' $ \ ptr ->
                c_xxh64_update state ptr len

{-# SPECIALIZE xxh32 :: BL.ByteString -> Word32 -> Word32 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE xxh64 :: BL.ByteString -> Word64 -> Word64 #-}