-- | Combinators for parsing YAML into Haskell types.
-- Based on the article <https://ro-che.info/articles/2015-07-26-better-yaml-parsing Better Yaml Parsing>.
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds, DataKinds, KindSignatures,
             ExplicitForAll, TemplateHaskell, ViewPatterns,
             ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies,
             GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Data.Yaml.Combinators
  ( Parser
  , parse
  , runParser
  -- * Scalars
  , string
  , theString
  , number
  , integer
  , bool
  , null_
  -- * Arrays
  , array
  , theArray
  , ElementParser
  , element
  -- * Objects
  , object
  , FieldParser
  , field
  , optField
  , defaultField
  , theField
  , anyValue
  -- * Errors
  , ParseError(..)
  , ppParseError
  , Reason(..)
  , validate
  ) where

import Data.Aeson (Value(..), Object, Array)
import Data.Scientific
import Data.Yaml (decodeEither, encode)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.State as State
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Functor.Product
import Data.Functor.Constant
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import Data.Ord
import Generics.SOP
import Generics.SOP.TH

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -XTypeApplications
-- >>> import Data.Monoid

-- orphan Value instances
deriveGeneric ''Value

--                           Parsing function

-- | Run a 'Parser' on a 'ByteString' containing the YAML content.
-- This is a high-level function implemented on top of 'runParser'.
parse :: Parser a -> ByteString -> Either String a
parse p bs = do
  aesonValue <- decodeEither bs
  first ppParseError $ runParser p aesonValue

--                      Errors and Pretty-printing

-- | A parse error. 'Reason' describes the error.
-- The 'Int' field denotes at which level the error occurred and
-- is used to select the deepest (most relevant) error
-- when merging multiple parsers.
data ParseError = ParseError
  !Int  -- level
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Describes what exactly went wrong during parsing.
data Reason
  -- NB: the order of constructors is important for the Ord instance
  = UnexpectedAsPartOf Value Value
  | ExpectedAsPartOf (HashSet String) Value
  | ExpectedInsteadOf (HashSet String) Value
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Find out which error is more severe
compareSeverity :: ParseError -> ParseError -> Ordering
compareSeverity (ParseError l1 r1) (ParseError l2 r2) =
  -- extra stuff is always less severe than mismatching/missing stuff
  comparing (not . isUnexpected) r1 r2 <>
  -- otherwise, compare the depths
  compare l1 l2 <>
  -- if the depths are equal, mismatches are more severe that misses,
  comparing isMismatch r1 r2
    isUnexpected e = case e of
      UnexpectedAsPartOf {} -> True
      _ -> False
    isMismatch e = case e of
      ExpectedInsteadOf {} -> True
      _ -> False

-- | Choose the more severe of two errors.
-- If they are equally severe, pick the earlier one.
moreSevere :: ParseError -> ParseError -> ParseError
moreSevere e1 e2 =
  case compareSeverity e1 e2 of
    LT -> e2
    _ -> e1

-- | Choose the less severe of two errors.
-- If they are equally severe, pick the earlier one.
lessSevere :: ParseError -> ParseError -> ParseError
lessSevere e1 e2 =
  case compareSeverity e1 e2 of
    GT -> e2
    _ -> e1

newtype Validation a = Validation { getValidation :: Either ParseError a }
  deriving Functor

instance Applicative Validation where
  pure = Validation . Right
  Validation a <*> Validation b = Validation $
    case a of
      Right va -> fmap va b
      Left ea -> either (Left . moreSevere ea) (const $ Left ea) b

bindV :: Validation a -> (a -> Validation b) -> Validation b
bindV a b = Validation $ getValidation a >>= getValidation . b

mergeParseError :: ParseError -> ParseError -> ParseError
mergeParseError e1@(ParseError l1 r1) e2@(ParseError l2 r2)
  -- first, see if we can merge the two errors
  | l1 == l2
  , ExpectedAsPartOf exp1 w1 <- r1
  , ExpectedAsPartOf exp2 w2 <- r2
  , w1 == w2
  = ParseError l1 (ExpectedAsPartOf (exp1 <> exp2) w1)
  | l1 == l2
  , ExpectedInsteadOf exp1 w1 <- r1
  , ExpectedInsteadOf exp2 w2 <- r2
  , w1 == w2
  = ParseError l1 (ExpectedInsteadOf (exp1 <> exp2) w1)
  -- otherwise, just choose the least severe one,
  -- since its branch is more likely to be the right one
  | otherwise = lessSevere e1 e2

-- | Pretty-print a 'ParseError'
-- @since 1.1
ppParseError :: ParseError -> String
ppParseError (ParseError _lvl reason) =
  case reason of
    UnexpectedAsPartOf part whole ->
      "Unexpected \n\n" ++ showYaml part ++ "\nas part of\n\n" ++ showYaml whole
    ExpectedInsteadOf exp1 got ->
      "Expected " ++ fmt_list exp1 ++ " instead of:\n\n" ++ showYaml got
    ExpectedAsPartOf exp1 got ->
      "Expected " ++ fmt_list exp1 ++ " as part of:\n\n" ++ showYaml got
    showYaml :: Value -> String
    showYaml = BS8.unpack . encode

    fmt_list :: HashSet String -> String
    fmt_list = intercalate ", " . sort . HS.toList

--                           Core definitions

newtype ParserComponent a fs = ParserComponent (Maybe (Value -> NP I fs -> Validation a))
-- | A top-level YAML parser.
-- * Construct a 'Parser' with 'string', 'number', 'integer', 'bool', 'array', or 'object'.
-- * Combine two or more 'Parser's with 'Monoid' operators
-- such as 'mappend', 'Data.Monoid.<>', or `mconcat` —
-- e.g. if you expect either an object or a string.
-- * Run with 'parse' or 'runParser'.
newtype Parser a = Parser (NP (ParserComponent a) (Code Value))

-- fmap for ParserComponent (in its first type argument)
pcFmap :: (a -> b) -> ParserComponent a fs -> ParserComponent b fs
pcFmap f (ParserComponent mbP) = ParserComponent $ (fmap . fmap . fmap . fmap $ f) mbP

instance Functor Parser where
  fmap f (Parser comps) = Parser $ hliftA (pcFmap f) comps

instance Monoid (ParserComponent a fs) where
  mempty = ParserComponent Nothing
  ParserComponent mbP1 `mappend` ParserComponent mbP2 =
    ParserComponent $ case (mbP1, mbP2) of
      (Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
      (Just p1, Nothing) -> Just p1
      (Nothing, Just p2) -> Just p2
      (Just p1, Just p2) -> Just $ \o v -> Validation $
        case (getValidation $ p1 o v, getValidation $ p2 o v) of
          (Right r1, _) -> Right r1
          (_, Right r2) -> Right r2
          (Left l1, Left l2) -> Left $ mergeParseError l1 l2

instance Monoid (Parser a) where
  mempty = Parser $ hpure mempty
  Parser rec1 `mappend` Parser rec2 = Parser $ hliftA2 mappend rec1 rec2

-- | A low-level function to run a 'Parser'.
runParser :: Parser a -> Value -> Either ParseError a
runParser p = getValidation . runParserV p

runParserV :: Parser a -> Value -> Validation a
runParserV (Parser comps) orig@(from -> SOP v) =
  hcollapse $ hliftA2 match comps v
    match :: ParserComponent a fs -> NP I fs -> K (Validation a) fs
    match (ParserComponent mbP) v1 = K $
      case mbP of
        Nothing -> Validation . Left $ ParseError 0 $ ExpectedInsteadOf (HS.singleton expected) orig
        Just p -> p orig v1

    expected =
        f (ParserComponent pc) (K name) = K (name <$ pc)
      in intercalate ", " . catMaybes . hcollapse $ hliftA2 f comps valueConNames

valueConNames :: NP (K String) (Code Value)
valueConNames =
    ADT _ _ cons = datatypeInfo (Proxy :: Proxy Value)
  in hliftA (\(Constructor name) -> K name) cons

fromComponent :: forall a . NS (ParserComponent a) (Code Value) -> Parser a
fromComponent parser = Parser $ hexpand mempty parser

-- Wrap a parser with a decorator. The decorator has access to the parsed value as well
-- as the original and can inject its own processing logic.
decorate :: forall a b. Parser a -> (a -> Value -> Either ParseError b) -> Parser b
decorate (Parser components) decorator = Parser $ hmap wrap components
    wrap :: ParserComponent a fs -> ParserComponent b fs
    wrap (ParserComponent maybeP) = ParserComponent $
      case maybeP of
        Nothing -> Nothing
        Just p -> Just $ \orig val -> p orig val `bindV`
          \parsed -> Validation $ decorator parsed orig

--                           Combinators

incErrLevel :: Validation a -> Validation a
incErrLevel = Validation . first (\(ParseError l r) -> ParseError (l+1) r) . getValidation

-- | Match a single YAML string.
-- >>> parse string "howdy"
-- Right "howdy"
string :: Parser Text
string = fromComponent $ S . S . Z $ ParserComponent $ Just $ const $ \(I s :* Nil) -> pure s

-- | Match a specific YAML string, usually a «tag» identifying a particular
-- form of an array or object.
-- >>> parse (theString "hello") "hello"
-- Right ()
-- >>> either putStr print $ parse (theString "hello") "bye"
-- Expected "hello" instead of:
-- bye
theString :: Text -> Parser ()
theString t = fromComponent $ S . S . Z $ ParserComponent $ Just $ const $ \(I s :* Nil) ->
  Validation $ if s == t
    then Right ()
    else Left $ ParseError 0 (ExpectedInsteadOf (HS.singleton $ show t) (String s))

-- | Match an array of elements, where each of elements are matched by
-- the same parser. This is the function you'll use most of the time when
-- parsing arrays, as they are usually homogeneous.
-- >>> parse (array string) "[a,b,c]"
-- Right ["a","b","c"]
array :: Parser a -> Parser (Vector a)
array p = fromComponent $ S . Z $ ParserComponent $ Just $ const $ \(I a :* Nil) -> incErrLevel $ traverse (runParserV p) a

-- | An 'ElementParser' describes how to parse a fixed-size array
-- where each positional element has its own parser.
-- This can be used to parse heterogeneous tuples represented as YAML
-- arrays.
-- * Construct an 'ElementParser' with 'element' and the 'Applicative' combinators.
-- * Turn a 'FieldParser' into a 'Parser' with 'theArray'.
newtype ElementParser a = ElementParser
  (((State [Value]) :.: (ReaderT Array Validation)) a)
  deriving (Functor, Applicative)

-- | Construct an 'ElementParser' that parses the current array element
-- with the given 'Parser'.
element :: Parser a -> ElementParser a
element p = ElementParser $ Comp $ do
  vs <- State.get
  case vs of
    [] -> return $ ReaderT $ \arr -> Validation . Left $
      let n = V.length arr + 1
      in ParseError 0 $ ExpectedAsPartOf (HS.singleton $ "at least " ++ show n ++ " elements") $ Array arr
    (v:vs') -> do
      State.put vs'
      return . liftR $ runParserV p v

-- | Match an array consisting of a fixed number of elements. The way each
-- element is parsed depends on its position within the array and
-- is determined by the 'ElementParser'.
-- >>> parse (theArray $ (,) <$> element string <*> element bool) "[f, true]"
-- Right ("f",True)
theArray :: ElementParser a -> Parser a
theArray (ElementParser (Comp ep)) = fromComponent $ S . Z $ ParserComponent $ Just $ const $ \(I a :* Nil) -> incErrLevel $
  case first (flip runReaderT a) $ runState ep (V.toList a) of
    (result, leftover) ->
      result <*
      (case leftover of
        [] -> pure ()
        v : _ -> Validation . Left $ ParseError 0 $ UnexpectedAsPartOf v $ Array a

-- | Match a real number.
-- >>> parse number "3.14159"
-- Right 3.14159
number :: Parser Scientific
number = fromComponent $ S . S . S . Z $ ParserComponent $ Just $ const $ \(I n :* Nil) -> pure n

-- | Match an integer.
-- >>> parse (integer @Int) "2017"
-- Right 2017
integer :: (Integral i, Bounded i) => Parser i
integer = fromComponent $ S . S . S . Z $ ParserComponent $ Just $ const $ \(I n :* Nil) ->
  case toBoundedInteger n of
    Just i -> pure i
    Nothing -> Validation . Left $ ParseError 0 $ ExpectedInsteadOf (HS.singleton "integer") (Number n)

-- | Match a boolean.
-- >>> parse bool "yes"
-- Right True
bool :: Parser Bool
bool = fromComponent $ S . S . S . S . Z $ ParserComponent $ Just $ const $ \(I b :* Nil) -> pure b

-- | Match the @null@ value.
-- >>> parse null_ "null"
-- Right ()
-- @since 1.1
null_ :: Parser ()
null_ = fromComponent $ S . S . S . S . S . Z $ ParserComponent $ Just $ const $ \Nil -> pure ()

-- | Make a parser match only valid values.
-- If the validator does not accept the value, it should return a
-- 'Left' 'String' with a noun phrase that characterizes the expected
-- value, as in the example:
-- >>> let acceptEven n = if even n then Right n else Left "an even number"
-- >>> either putStr print $ parse (integer @Int `validate` acceptEven) "2017"
-- Expected an even number instead of:
-- 2017
-- @since 1.0.1
validate ::
  Parser a -- ^ parser to wrap
  -> (a -> Either String b) -- ^ validator
  -> Parser b
validate parser validator =
  decorate parser (validity . validator)
    validity (Right result) _    = Right result
    validity (Left problem) orig = Left $ ParseError 1 $ ExpectedInsteadOf (HS.singleton problem) orig

-- | A 'FieldParser' describes how to parse an object.
-- * Construct a 'FieldParser' with 'field', 'optField', or 'theField', and the 'Applicative' combinators.
-- * Turn a 'FieldParser' into a 'Parser' with 'object'.
newtype FieldParser a = FieldParser
    (ReaderT Object Validation)
    (Constant (HashMap Text ())) a)
  deriving (Functor, Applicative)

-- | Require an object field with the given name and with a value matched by
-- the given 'Parser'.
  :: Text -- ^ field name
  -> Parser a -- ^ value parser
  -> FieldParser a
field name p = FieldParser $
    (ReaderT $ \o ->
      case HM.lookup name o of
        Nothing -> Validation . Left $ ParseError 0 $ ExpectedAsPartOf (HS.singleton $ "field " ++ show name) $ Object o
        Just v -> runParserV p v
    (Constant $ HM.singleton name ())

-- | Declare an optional object field with the given name and with a value
-- matched by the given 'Parser'.
  :: Text -- ^ field name
  -> Parser a -- ^ value parser
  -> FieldParser (Maybe a)
optField name p = FieldParser $
    (ReaderT $ \o -> traverse (runParserV p) $ HM.lookup name o)
    (Constant $ HM.singleton name ())

-- | Declare an optional object field with the given name and with a default
-- to use if the field is absent.
  :: Text -- ^ field name
  -> a -- ^ default value
  -> Parser a -- ^ value parser
  -> FieldParser a
defaultField name defaultVal p = fromMaybe defaultVal <$> optField name p

-- | Require an object field with the given name and the given string value.
-- This is a convenient wrapper around 'theString' intended for «tagging»
-- objects.
-- >>> :{
--     let p = object (Right <$ theField "type" "number" <*> field "value" number)
--          <> object (Left  <$ theField "type" "string" <*> field "value" string)
-- >>> :}
-- >>> parse p "{type: string, value: abc}"
-- Right (Left "abc")
-- >>> parse p "{type: number, value: 123}"
-- Right (Right 123.0)
  :: Text -- ^ key name
  -> Text -- ^ expected value
  -> FieldParser ()
theField key value = field key (theString value)

-- | Match an object. Which set of keys to expect and how their values
-- should be parsed is determined by the 'FieldParser'.
-- >>> let p = object $ (,) <$> field "name" string <*> optField "age" (integer @Int)
-- >>> parse p "{ name: Anton, age: 2 }"
-- Right ("Anton",Just 2)
-- >>> parse p "name: Roma"
-- Right ("Roma",Nothing)
object :: FieldParser a -> Parser a
object (FieldParser (Pair (ReaderT parseFn) (Constant names))) = fromComponent $ Z $ ParserComponent $ Just $ const $ \(I o :* Nil) ->
  incErrLevel $
    parseFn o <*
    (case HM.keys (HM.difference o names) of
      [] -> pure ()
      name : _ ->
        let v = o HM.! name
        in Validation . Left $ ParseError 0 $ UnexpectedAsPartOf (Object (HM.singleton name v)) (Object o)

-- | Match any JSON value and return it as Aeson's 'Value'.
-- >>> parse anyValue "[one, two, {three: four}]"
-- Right (Array [String "one",String "two",Object (fromList [("three",String "four")])])
-- @since 1.1.1
anyValue :: Parser Value
anyValue = Parser $ hpure $ ParserComponent . Just $ \val _np -> pure val

-- | Like 'lift' for 'ReaderT', but doesn't require a 'Monad' instance
liftR :: f a -> ReaderT r f a
liftR = ReaderT . const