-- Raw annotations for Core Normal Primitives (autogenerated, do not edit!!!) module Yhc.Core.PrimAnnoRaw(rawPrimAnno) where rawPrimAnno :: [[String]] rawPrimAnno = [ ["ADD_W","Y","Add two integer values","M","2","All","Int -> Int -> Int"], ["ADD_L","Y","Add two long integer values","ADD_W","2","All","Integer -> Integer -> Integer"], ["SUB_W","Y","Subtract two integer values","M","2","All","Int -> Int -> Int"], ["SUB_L","Y","Subtract two long integer values","SUB_W","2","All","Integer -> Integer -> Integer"], ["NEG_W","Y","Negate an integer value","M","1","All","Int -> Int"], ["NEG_L","Y","Negate a long integer value","NEG_W","1","All","Integer -> Integer"], ["EQ_W","Y","Compare two integer values for equality","M","2","All","Int -> Int -> Prelude;Bool"], ["EQ_L","Y","Compare two long integer values for equality","EQ_W","2","All","Integer -> Integer -> Prelude;Bool"], ["EQ_C","Y","Compare two characters for equality","M","2","All","Char -> Char -> Prelude;Bool"], ["NE_W","Y","Compare two integer values for non-equality","M","2","All","Int -> Int -> Prelude;Bool"], ["NE_L","Y","Compare two long integer values for non-equality","NE_W","2","All","Integer -> Integer -> Prelude;Bool"], ["LE_W","Y","Compare two integer values for less or equal","M","2","All","Int -> Int -> Prelude;Bool"], ["LE_L","Y","Compare two long integer values for less or equal","LE_W","2","All","Integer -> Integer -> Prelude;Bool"], ["LT_W","Y","Compare two integer values for less","M","2","All","Int -> Int -> Prelude;Bool"], ["LT_L","Y","Compare two long integer values for less","LT_W","2","All","Integer -> Integer -> Prelude;Bool"], ["GE_W","Y","Compare two integer values for greater or equal","M","2","All","Int -> Int -> Prelude;Bool"], ["GE_L","Y","Compare two long integer values for greater or equal","GE_W","2","All","Integer -> Integer -> Prelude;Bool"], ["GT_W","Y","Compare two integer values for greater","M","2","All","Int -> Int -> Prelude;Bool"], ["GT_L","Y","Compare two long integer values for greater","GT_W","2","All","Integer -> Integer -> Prelude;Bool"], ["CMP_W","Y","Compare two integer values","M","2","All","Int -> Int -> Prelude;Ordering"], ["CMP_L","Y","Compare two long integer values","CMP_W","2","All","Integer -> Integer -> Prelude;Ordering"], ["CMP_C","Y","Compare two characters","M","2","All","Char -> Char -> Prelude;Ordering"], ["CMP_T","Y","Compare two conctructor tags","M","2","All","a -> a -> Prelude;Ordering"], ["MUL_W","Y","Multiply two integer values","M","2","All","Int -> Int -> Int"], ["MUL_L","Y","Multiply two long integer values","MUL_W","2","All","Integer -> Integer -> Integer"], ["MOD_W","Y","Remainder of flooring integer division","M","2","All","Int -> Int -> Int"], ["MOD_L","Y","Remainder of flooring long integer division","MOD_W","2","All","Integer -> Integer -> Integer"], ["DIV_W","Y","Quotient of flooring integer division","M","2","All","Int -> Int -> Int"], ["DIV_L","Y","Quotient of flooring long integer division","DIV_W","2","All","Integer -> Integer -> Integer"], ["REM_W","Y","Remainder of trunc to zero integer division","M","2","All","Int -> Int -> Int"], ["REM_L","Y","Remainder of trunc to zero long integer division","REM_W","2","All","Integer -> Integer -> Integer"], ["QUOT_W","Y","Quotient of trunc to zero integer division","M","2","All","Int -> Int -> Int"], ["QUOT_L","Y","Quotient of trunc to zero long integer division","QUOT_W","2","All","Integer -> Integer -> Integer"], ["ADD_D","Y","Add two double precision values","M","2","All","Double -> Double -> Double"], ["ADD_F","Y","Add two floating point single precision values","ADD_D","2","All","Float -> Float -> Float"], ["SUB_D","Y","Subtract two double precision values","M","2","All","Double -> Double -> Double"], ["SUB_F","Y","Subtract two floating point single precision values","ADD_D","2","All","Float -> Float -> Float"], ["MUL_D","Y","Multiply two double precision values","M","2","All","Double -> Double -> Double"], ["MUL_F","Y","Multiply two floating point single precision values","ADD_D","2","All","Float -> Float -> Float"], ["DIV_D","Y","Divide two double precision values","M","2","All","Double -> Double -> Double"], ["DIV_F","Y","Divide two floating point single precision values","ADD_D","2","All","Float -> Float -> Float"], ["NEG_D","Y","Negate a double precision value","M","1","All","Float -> Float"], ["NEG_F","Y","Negate a floating point single precision value","NEG_D","1","All","Float -> Float"], ["ABS_W","Y","Absolute value of an integer","M","1","All","Int -> Int"], ["ABS_L","Y","Absolute value of a long integer","ABS_W","1","All","Integer -> Integer"], ["ABS_D","Y","Absolute value of a double precision ","M","1","All","Double -> Double"], ["ABS_F","Y","Absolute value of a floating","ABS_D","1","All","Float -> Float"], ["SIGNUM_W","Y","Sign of an integer","M","1","All","Int -> Int"], ["SIGNUM_L","Y","Sign of a long integer","SIGNUM_W","1","All","Integer -> Integer"], ["SIGNUM_D","Y","Sign of a double","M","1","All","Double -> Double"], ["SIGNUM_F","Y","Sign of a float","SIGNUM_D","1","All","Float -> Float"], ["LE_D","Y","Compare two double values for less or equal","M","2","All","Double -> Double -> Prelude;Bool"], ["LE_F","Y","Compare two floating values for less or equal","LE_D","2","All","Float -> Float -> Prelude;Bool"], ["LT_D","Y","Compare two double values for less","M","2","All","Double -> Double -> Prelude;Bool"], ["LT_F","Y","Compare two floating values for less","LT_D","2","All","Float -> Float -> Prelude;Bool"], ["GE_D","Y","Compare two double values for greater or equal","M","2","All","Double -> Double -> Prelude;Bool"], ["GE_F","Y","Compare two floating values for greater or equal","GE_D","2","All","Float -> Float -> Prelude;Bool"], ["GT_D","Y","Compare two double values for greater","M","2","All","Double -> Double -> Prelude;Bool"], ["GT_F","Y","Compare two floating values for greater","GT_D","2","All","Float -> Float -> Prelude;Bool"], ["EQ_D","Y","Compare two double values for equality","E [2]","2","All","Double -> Double -> Prelude;Bool"], ["EQ_F","Y","Compare two floating values for equality","E","2","All","Float -> Float -> Prelude;Bool"], ["NE_D","Y","Compare two double values for non-equality","E","2","All","Double -> Double -> Prelude;Bool"], ["NE_F","Y","Compare two floating values for non-equality","E","2","All","Float -> Float -> Prelude;Bool"], ["CMP_D","Y","Compare two double values","M","2","All","Double -> Double -> Prelude;Ordering"], ["CMP_F","Y","Compare two floating values","CMP_D","2","All","Float -> Float -> Prelude;Ordering"], ["CAST_LW","Y","Cast long integer to integer","M","1","All","Integer -> Int"], ["CAST_WL","Y","Cast integer to long integer","M","1","All","Int -> Integer"], ["CAST_WD","Y","Cast integer to double","M","1","All","Int -> Double"], ["CAST_WF","Y","Cast integer to float","CAST_WD","1","All","Int -> Float"], ["CAST_LD","Y","Cast long integer to double","CAST_WD","1","All","Integer -> Double"], ["CAST_LF","Y","Cast long integer to float","CAST_WD","1","All","Integer-> Float"], ["CAST_DF","Y","Cast double to float","M","1","All","Double -> Float"], ["CAST_RD","Y","Cast rational to double","M","1","All","Rational -> Double"], ["CAST_RF","Y","Cast rational to float","CAST_RD","1","All","Rational -> Float"], ["CAST_WC","Y","Cast integer to character","M","1","All","Int -> Char"], ["CAST_CW","Y","Cast character to integer","M","1","All","Char -> Int"], ["MAX_W","Y","Maximal value of an integer","M","0","None","Int"], ["MIN_W","Y","Minimal value of an integer","M","0","None","Int"], ["MAX_C","Y","Maximal value of a character","M","0","None","Char"], ["ISUPR_C","Y","Character in Unicode categories: Lu | Lt","M","1","All","Char -> Prelude;Bool"], ["ISLOW_C","Y","Character in Unicode categories: Ll","M","1","All","Char -> Prelude;Bool"], ["ISALP_C","Y","Character in Unicode categories: Lu | Ll | Lt | Lm | Lo","M","1","All","Char -> Prelude;Bool"], ["ISALN_C","Y","Character in Unicode categories: Lu through No","M","1","All","Char -> Prelude;Bool"], ["ISPRT_C","Y","Character in Unicode catrgories: Lu through Zs","M","1","All","Char -> Prelude;Bool"], ["TOUPR_C","Y","Change character case to upper","M","1","All","Char -> Char"], ["TOLOW_C","Y","Change character case to lower","M","1","All","Char -> Char"], ["TOTIT_C","Y","Change character case to title","TOUPR_C","1","All","Char -> Char"], ["UCAT_C","Y","Character Unicode category","M","1","All","Char -> Int"], ["SIN_F","Y","Sine of a float","M","1","All","Float -> Float"], ["COS_F","Y","Cosine of a float","M","1","All","Float -> Float"], ["TAN_F","Y","Tangent of a float","M","1","All","Float -> Float"], ["ASIN_F","Y","Arcsine of a float","M","1","All","Float -> Float"], ["ACOS_F","Y","Arccos. of a float","M","1","All","Float -> Float"], ["ATAN_F","Y","Arctan. of a float","M","1","All","Float -> Float"], ["EXP_F","Y","Exponent of a float","M","1","All","Float -> Float"], ["LOG_F","Y","Nat. logarithm of a float","M","1","All","Float -> Float"], ["SQRT_F","Y","Square root of a float","M","1","All","Float -> Float"], ["SIN_D","Y","Sine of a double","M","1","All","Double -> Double"], ["COS_D","Y","Cosine of a double","M","1","All","Double -> Double"], ["TAN_D","Y","Tangent of a double","M","1","All","Double -> Double"], ["ASIN_D","Y","Arcsine of a double","M","1","All","Double -> Double"], ["ACOS_D","Y","Arccos. of a double","M","1","All","Double -> Double"], ["ATAN_D","Y","Arctan. of a double","M","1","All","Double -> Double"], ["EXP_D","Y","Exponent of a double","M","1","All","Double -> Double"], ["LOG_D","Y","Nat. logarithm of a double","M","1","All","Double -> Double"], ["SQRT_D","Y","Square root of a double","M","1","All","Double -> Double"], ["RADIX_F","Y","Constant 2","M","0","","Int"], ["DIGITS_F","Y","Significant digits in a float","M","0","","Int"], ["MINEXP_F","Y","Minimal exponent of a float","M","0","","Int"], ["MAXEXP_F","Y","Maximal exponent of a float","M","0","","Int"], ["ENC_F","Y","Encode a float from significand and exponent","M","2","All","Integer -> Int -> Float"], ["DEC_F","Y","Decode a float into significand and exponent","M","1","All","Float -> (Integer, Int)"], ["DIGITS_D","Y","Significant digits in a double","M","0","","Int"], ["MINEXP_D","Y","Minimal exponent of a double","M","0","","Int"], ["MAXEXP_D","Y","Maximal exponent of a double","M","0","","Int"], ["ENC_D","Y","Encode a double from significand and exponent","M","2","All","Integer -> Int -> Double"], ["DEC_D","Y","Decode a double into significand and exponent","M","1","All","Double -> (Integer, Int)"], ["THROW_E","Y","Throw an exception","M","1","None","Exception -> a"], ["SEQ","Y","Evaluates its first argument to head normal form, and then returns its second argument as the result.","M","2","All","a -> b -> b"], ["QRM_W","Y","Combination of QUOT_W and REM_W","M","2","All","Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)"], ["QRM_L","Y","Combination of QUOT_L and REM_L","QRM_W","2","All","Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)"], ["STRICT_APP","Y","Strict application: always forces its argument","M","2","FT","(a -> b) -> a -> b"], ["SEL_ELEM","Y","Select an Nth element from a data structure","M","3","FTT","a -> b -> Int -> c"], ["SHOWS_W","Y","Show an Int value","O","3","All","Int -> a -> String -> String"], ["SHOWS_L","Y","Show and Integer value","SHOWS_W","3","All","Int -> a -> String -> String"], ["SHOWS_D","Y","Show a double value","M","3","All","Double -> a -> String -> String"], ["SHOWS_F","Y","Show a floating value","SHOWS_D","3","All","Float -> String -> String"]]