{-#LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
Module: Database.YeshQL
Description: Turn SQL queries into type-safe functions.
Copyright: (c) 2015 Tobias Dammers
Maintainer: Tobias Dammers <tdammers@gmail.com>
Stability: experimental
License: MIT

Unlike existing libraries such as Esqueleto or Persistent, YeshQL does not try
to provide full SQL abstraction with added type safety; instead, it gives you
some simple tools to write the SQL queries yourself and bind them to (typed)

= Usage

The main workhorses are the 'yesh1' (to define one query) and 'yesh' (to define
multiple queries) quasi-quoters.

Both 'yesh' and 'yesh1' can produce either declarations or expressions,
depending on the context in which they are used.

== Creating Declarations

When used at the top level, or inside a @where@ block, the 'yesh' and 'yesh1'
quasi-quoters will declare one or more functions, according to the query names
given in the query definition. Example:

    -- name:insertUser :: (Integer)
    -- :name :: String
    INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (:name) RETURNING id |]

...will create a top-level function of type:

    insertUser :: IConnection conn => conn -> String -> IO [Integer]

= Syntax

Because SQL itself does not *quite* provide enough information to generate a
fully typed Haskell function, we extend SQL syntax a bit.

Here's what a typical YeshQL definition looks like:

    -- name:insertUser :: (Integer)
    -- :name :: String
    INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (:name) RETURNING id;
    -- name:deleteUser :: Integer
    -- :id :: Integer
    DELETE FROM users WHERE id = :id;
    -- name:getUser :: (Integer, String)
    -- :id :: Integer
    SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE id = :id;
    -- name:getUserEx :: (Integer, String)
    -- :id :: Integer
    -- :filename :: String
    SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE name = :filename OR id = :id;

On top of standard SQL syntax, YeshQL query definitions are preceded by some
extra information in order to generate well-typed HDBC queries. All that
information is written in SQL line comments (@-- ...@), such that a valid
YeshQL definition is also valid SQL by itself (with the exception of
parameters, which follow the pattern @:paramName@).

Let's break it down:

    -- name:insertUser :: (Integer)

This line tells YeshQL to generate an object called @insertUser@, which should
be a function of type @IConnection conn => conn -> {...} -> IO (Integer)@
(where the @{...}@ part depends on query parameters, see below).

The declared return type can be one of the following:

- '()'; the generated function will ignore any and all results from the query
  and always return '()'.
- An integer scalar, e.g. @Integer@ or @Int@; the generated function will
  return a row count from @INSERT@ / @UPDATE@ / ... statements, or 0 from
  @SELECT@ statements.
- A tuple, where all elements implement 'FromSql'; the function will return
  the result set from a @SELECT@ query as a list of tuples, or an empty list
  for other query types.
- A "one-tuple", i.e., a type in parentheses. The return value will be a list
  of scalars, containing the values from the first (or only) column in
  the result set. Note that, unlike Haskell, YeshQL does distinguish between
  @Type@ and @(Type)@: the former is a scalar type, while the latter is a
  one-tuple whose only element is of type @Type@.

    -- :paramName :: Type

Declares a Haskell type for a parameter. The parameter @:paramName@ can then
be referenced zero or more times in the query itself, and will appear in the
generated function signature in the order of declaration. So in the above
example, the last query definition:

    -- name:getUserEx :: (Integer, String)
    -- :id :: Integer
    -- :filename :: String
    SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE name = :filename OR id = :id;

...will produce the function:

getUserEx :: IConnection conn => conn -> Integer -> String -> IO [(Integer, String)]
getUserEx conn id filename =
    -- ... generated implementation left out

module Database.YeshQL
( yesh, yesh1
, mkQueryDecs
, mkQueryExp
, parseQuery
, ParsedQuery (..)

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, foldl')
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Database.HDBC (fromSql, toSql, run, ConnWrapper, IConnection, quickQuery')
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
import Data.Char (chr, ord, toUpper, toLower)
import Control.Applicative ( (<$>), (<*>) )

import Database.YeshQL.Parser

nthIdent :: Int -> String
nthIdent i
    | i < 26 = [chr (ord 'a' + i)]
    | otherwise = let (j, k) = divMod i 26
                    in nthIdent j ++ nthIdent k

-- | Generate a top-level declaration or an expression for a single SQL query.
yesh1 :: QuasiQuoter
yesh1 = QuasiQuoter
        { quoteDec = withParsedQuery mkQueryDecs
        , quoteExp = withParsedQuery mkQueryExp
        , quoteType = error "yesh1 does not generate types"
        , quotePat = error "yesh1 does not generate patterns"

-- | Generate top-level declarations or expressions for several SQL queries.
yesh :: QuasiQuoter
yesh = QuasiQuoter
        { quoteDec = withParsedQueries mkQueryDecsMulti
        , quoteExp = withParsedQueries mkQueryExpMulti
        , quoteType = error "yesh does not generate types"
        , quotePat = error "yesh does not generate patterns"

queryName :: String -> String -> Name
queryName prefix basename =
    mkName $ prefix ++ ucfirst basename

ucfirst :: String -> String
ucfirst "" = ""
ucfirst (x:xs) = toUpper x:xs

lcfirst :: String -> String
lcfirst "" = ""
lcfirst (x:xs) = toLower x:xs

withParsedQuery :: (ParsedQuery -> Q a) -> String -> Q a
withParsedQuery = withParsed parseQuery

withParsedQueries :: ([ParsedQuery] -> Q a) -> String -> Q a
withParsedQueries = withParsed parseQueries

withParsed :: (Monad m, Show e) => (s -> Either e a) -> (a -> m b) -> s -> m b
withParsed p a src = do
    let parseResult = p src
    arg <- case parseResult of
                Left e -> fail . show $ e
                Right x -> return x
    a arg

pgQueryType :: ParsedQuery -> TypeQ
pgQueryType query =
    [t|IConnection conn =>
            (\a b -> [t| $a -> $b |])
            [t| conn -> IO $(returnType) |]
          $ argTypes)
        argTypes = map (mkType . fromMaybe AutoType . pqTypeFor query) (pqParamNames query)
        returnType = case pqReturnType query of
                        Left tn -> mkType tn
                        Right [] -> tupleT 0
                        Right (x:[]) -> appT listT $ mkType x
                        Right xs -> appT listT $ foldl' appT (tupleT $ length xs) (map mkType xs)

mkType :: ParsedType -> Q Type
mkType (MaybeType n) = [t|Maybe $(conT . mkName $ n)|]
mkType (PlainType n) = conT . mkName $ n
mkType AutoType = [t|String|]

mkQueryDecsMulti :: [ParsedQuery] -> Q [Dec]
mkQueryDecsMulti queries = concat <$> mapM mkQueryDecs queries

mkQueryExpMulti :: [ParsedQuery] -> Q Exp
mkQueryExpMulti queries =
    foldl1 (\a b -> VarE '(>>) `AppE` a `AppE` b) <$> mapM mkQueryExp queries

pqNames :: ParsedQuery -> ([Name], [PatQ], String, TypeQ)
pqNames query =
    let argNamesStr = pqParamNames query ++ ["conn"]
        argNames = map mkName argNamesStr
        patterns = map varP argNames
        funName = pqQueryName query
        queryType = pgQueryType query
    in (argNames, patterns, funName, queryType)

mkQueryDecs :: ParsedQuery -> Q [Dec]
mkQueryDecs query = do
    let (argNames, patterns, funName, queryType) = pqNames query
    sRun <- sigD (mkName . lcfirst $ funName) queryType
    fRun <- funD (mkName . lcfirst $ funName)
                [ clause
                    (map varP argNames)
                    (normalB . mkQueryBody $ query)
    sDescribe <- sigD (queryName "describe" funName) [t|String|]
    fDescribe <- funD (queryName "describe" funName)
                    [ clause
                        (normalB . litE . stringL . pqQueryString $ query)
    sDocument <- sigD (queryName "doc" funName) [t|String|]
    fDocument <- funD (queryName "doc" funName)
                    [ clause
                        (normalB . litE . stringL . pqDocComment $ query)
    return [sRun, fRun, sDescribe, fDescribe, sDocument, fDocument]

mkQueryExp :: ParsedQuery -> Q Exp
mkQueryExp query = do
    let (argNames, patterns, funName, queryType) = pqNames query
        (lamE patterns (mkQueryBody query))

mkQueryBody :: ParsedQuery -> Q Exp
mkQueryBody query = do
    let (argNames, patterns, funName, queryType) = pqNames query

        convert :: ExpQ
        convert = case pqReturnType query of
                    Left tn -> varE 'fromInteger
                    Right [] -> [|\_ -> ()|]
                    Right (x:[]) -> [|map (fromSql . head)|]
                    Right xs ->
                        let varNames = map nthIdent [0..pred (length xs)]
                        in [|map $(lamE
                                    -- \[a,b,c,...] ->
                                    [(listP (map (varP . mkName) varNames))]
                                    -- (fromSql a, fromSql b, fromSql c, ...)
                                    (tupE $ (map (\n -> appE (varE 'fromSql) (varE . mkName $ n)) varNames)))|]
        queryFunc = case pqReturnType query of
                        Left _ -> [| \qstr params conn -> $convert <$> run conn qstr params |]
                        Right _ -> [| \qstr params conn -> $convert <$> quickQuery' conn qstr params |]
        `appE` (litE . stringL . pqQueryString $ query)
        `appE` (listE [ appE (varE 'toSql) (varE . mkName $ n) | (n, t) <- (pqParamsRaw query) ])
        `appE` (varE . mkName $ "conn")