-- | Normal users should never need access to these.
module Yesod.Internal
    ( -- * Error responses
      ErrorResponse (..)
      -- * Header
    , Header (..)
      -- * Cookie names
    , langKey
    ) where

-- | Responses to indicate some form of an error occurred. These are different
-- from 'SpecialResponse' in that they allow for custom error pages.
data ErrorResponse =
    | InternalError String
    | InvalidArgs [String]
    | PermissionDenied String
    | BadMethod String
    deriving (Show, Eq)

----- header stuff
-- | Headers to be added to a 'Result'.
data Header =
    AddCookie Int String String
    | DeleteCookie String
    | Header String String
    deriving (Eq, Show)

langKey :: String
langKey = "_LANG"