module Yesod.Auth.BrowserId
( authBrowserId
) where
import Yesod.Auth
import Web.Authenticate.BrowserId
import Data.Text (Text)
import Yesod.Core
import Text.Hamlet (hamlet)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
#include "qq.h"
pid :: Text
pid = "browserid"
complete :: AuthRoute
complete = PluginR pid []
authBrowserId :: YesodAuth m
=> Text
-> AuthPlugin m
authBrowserId audience = AuthPlugin
{ apName = pid
, apDispatch = \m ps ->
case (m, ps) of
("GET", [assertion]) -> do
memail <- liftIO $ checkAssertion audience assertion
case memail of
Nothing -> error "Invalid assertion"
Just email -> setCreds True Creds
{ credsPlugin = pid
, credsIdent = email
, credsExtra = []
(_, []) -> badMethod
_ -> notFound
, apLogin = \toMaster -> do
addScriptRemote browserIdJs
addHamlet [QQ(hamlet)|
<a href="{if(a)document.location='@{toMaster complete}/'+a});">
<img src="">