name: yesod-datatables version: 0.1 license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Tero Laitinen maintainer: Tero Laitinen synopsis: Yesod plugin for DataTables (jQuery grid plugin) description: DataTables ( is a capable jQuery plugin. This package contains routines for implementing server-side processing (e.g. request parsing, database querying, and response formatting) for DataTables with Yesod platform. category: Web, Yesod stability: Experimental cabal-version: >= 1.8 build-type: Simple homepage: library exposed-modules: Yesod.DataTables.Request , Yesod.DataTables.Reply , Yesod.DataTables.Query , Yesod.DataTables extensions: TemplateHaskell QuasiQuotes OverloadedStrings NoImplicitPrelude CPP MultiParamTypeClasses TypeFamilies GADTs GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving FlexibleContexts EmptyDataDecls NoMonomorphismRestriction build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5 , yesod >= 1.1.5 , yesod-core >= 1.1.7 , yesod-auth >= 1.1 , yesod-static >= 1.1 , yesod-default >= 1.1 , yesod-form >= 1.1 , bytestring >= 0.9 , text >= 0.11 , persistent >= 1.1 , attoparsec >= 0.10 , aeson >= 0.6 , data-default Test-suite tests Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Hs-source-dirs: tests Main-is: main.hs ghc-options: -Wall Build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, yesod-datatables >= 0.1 , test-framework >= 0.3.3 , test-framework-quickcheck2 >= 0.2.9 , test-framework-hunit >= 0.3.0 , QuickCheck >= 2.4.0 , aeson >= 0.6 , attoparsec >= 0.10 , text >= 0.11 && < 0.12 , bytestring >= 0.9 , persistent >= 1.1 , HUnit >= 1.2.5 , persistent-sqlite >= 1.1 , persistent-template >= 1.1.1 , template-haskell , resourcet >= 0.4.4 , transformers >= 0.2.2 , monad-control >= 0.3.1 extensions: OverloadedStrings source-repository head type: git location: