{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module YesodDsl.Generator.PureScript (moduleToPureScript, moduleToPureScriptJs) where
import YesodDsl.AST
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.String.Utils (rstrip)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Shakespeare.Text hiding (toText)
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
import YesodDsl.Generator.Common
import YesodDsl.Generator.Input
import YesodDsl.Generator.Client
pureScriptFieldType :: Field -> String
pureScriptFieldType f = (if fieldOptional f then "Maybe " else "") 
    ++ case fieldContent f of
        NormalField ft -> case ft of
            FTWord32 -> "Int"
            FTWord64 -> "Number"
            FTInt32 -> "Int"
            FTInt -> "Number"
            FTInt64 -> "Number"
            FTText -> "String"
            FTBool -> "Boolean"
            FTDouble -> "Number"
            FTRational -> "Number"
            FTTimeOfDay -> "TimeOfDay"
            FTDay -> "Day"           
            FTUTCTime -> "UTCTime"
            FTCheckmark -> "Boolean"
        EntityField en -> en ++ "Id"
        EnumField en -> en

moduleToPureScriptJs :: Module -> String
moduleToPureScriptJs m = T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript-js.cg")
moduleToPureScript :: Module -> String
moduleToPureScript m = T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript.cg")
        ++ concat [ handler r h | r <- modRoutes m, h <- routeHandlers r ]
        enum e = T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript-enum.cg")
                value v = enumName e ++ v
                showValue v = T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript-enum-show.cg")
                decodeValue v = rstrip $ T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript-enum-decodevalue.cg")
                encodeValue v = T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript-enum-encodevalue.cg")
        handler r h 
            | handlerType h == GetHandler = T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript-handler-get.cg")
            | null $ handlerInputFields h =T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript-handler-update-empty-body.cg")
            | otherwise = T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript-handler-update.cg")
                    | null $ handlerOutputFields m h = ""
                    | otherwise = T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript-handler-update-result-type.cg")
                    | null $ handlerOutputFields m h = "Boolean"
                    | otherwise = handlerEntityName ++ "Result"
                    | null $ handlerOutputFields m h = T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript-handler-update-boolean-result.cg")
                    | otherwise = T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript-handler-update-process-result.cg")
                field f  = rstrip $ T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript-field.cg")
                encodeJson (fn,Just f) = rstrip $ T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript-encodejson-field.cg")
                encodeJson (fn,Nothing) = rstrip $ T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript-encodejson-unknown.cg")

                decodeJsonExtract f = T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript-decodejson-extract.cg")
                decodeJsonAssign f = rstrip $ T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript-decodejson-assign.cg")

                handlerTypeName = upperFirst $ map toLower (show $ handlerType h) 
                handlerEntityName = handlerTypeName ++ concatMap pathName (routePath r) 

        inputField (fn,Just f) = rstrip $ T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript-inputfield.cg")
        inputField (fn,Nothing) = rstrip $ T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript-inputfield-unknown.cg")
        pathName pp = case pp of
            PathText t -> upperFirst t
            PathId _ en -> "_"
        routePathParams r = mapMaybe (\(n,pp) -> case pp of
            PathText _ -> Nothing
            PathId _ en -> Just ("(Key p" ++ show (n::Int) ++ ")",en ++ "Id")) $ zip [1..] (routePath r)
        routePathUrl r = concatMap (\(n,pp) -> case pp of
            PathText t -> " ++ \"/" ++ t ++ "\""
            PathId _ _ -> " ++ \"/\" ++ show p" ++ show (n::Int)) $ zip [1..] (routePath r)
        entity e = T.unpack $(codegenFile "codegen/purescript-entity.cg")