module Yesod.EventSource
( repEventSource
, pollingEventSource
, ioToRepEventSource
, EventSourcePolyfill(..)
) where
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Monoid (mappend, mempty)
import Yesod.Core
import qualified Data.Conduit as C
import qualified Network.Wai as W
import qualified Network.Wai.EventSource as ES
import qualified Network.Wai.EventSource.EventStream as ES
prepareForEventSource :: MonadHandler m => m EventSourcePolyfill
prepareForEventSource = do
reqWith <- lookup "X-Requested-With" . W.requestHeaders <$> waiRequest
let polyfill | reqWith == Just "XMLHttpRequest" = Remy'sESPolyfill
| otherwise = NoESPolyfill
addHeader "Cache-Control" "no-cache"
return polyfill
respondEventStream :: C.Source (HandlerT site IO) (C.Flush Builder)
-> HandlerT site IO TypedContent
respondEventStream = respondSource "text/event-stream"
repEventSource :: (EventSourcePolyfill -> C.Source (HandlerT site IO) ES.ServerEvent)
-> HandlerT site IO TypedContent
repEventSource src =
prepareForEventSource >>=
respondEventStream . ES.sourceToSource . src
pollingEventSource :: s
-> (EventSourcePolyfill -> s -> HandlerT site IO ([ES.ServerEvent], s))
-> HandlerT site IO TypedContent
pollingEventSource initial act = do
polyfill <- prepareForEventSource
getEvents s = do
(evs, s') <- lift (act polyfill s)
case evs of
[] -> getEvents s'
_ -> do
let (builder, continue) = joinEvents evs mempty
C.yield (C.Chunk builder)
C.yield C.Flush
when continue (getEvents s')
joinEvents (ev:evs) acc =
case ES.eventToBuilder ev of
Just b -> joinEvents evs (acc `mappend` b)
Nothing -> (fst $ joinEvents [] acc, False)
joinEvents [] acc = (acc, True)
respondEventStream (getEvents initial)
ioToRepEventSource :: s
-> (EventSourcePolyfill -> s -> IO ([ES.ServerEvent], s))
-> HandlerT site IO TypedContent
ioToRepEventSource initial act = pollingEventSource initial act'
where act' p s = liftIO (act p s)
data EventSourcePolyfill =
| Remy'sESPolyfill
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum)