{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- | Field functions allow you to easily create and validate forms, cleanly handling the uncertainty of parsing user input.
-- When possible, the field functions use a specific input type (e.g. "number"), allowing supporting browsers to validate the input before form submission. Browsers can also improve usability with this information; for example, mobile browsers might present a specialized keyboard for an input of type "email" or "number".
-- See the Yesod book <http://www.yesodweb.com/book/forms chapter on forms> for a broader overview of forms in Yesod.
module Yesod.Form.Fields
    ( -- * i18n
      FormMessage (..)
    , defaultFormMessage
      -- * Fields
    , textField
    , passwordField
    , textareaField
    , hiddenField
    , intField
    , dayField
    , timeField
    , timeFieldTypeTime
    , timeFieldTypeText
    , htmlField
    , emailField
    , multiEmailField
    , searchField
    , AutoFocus
    , urlField
    , doubleField
    , parseDate
    , parseTime
    , Textarea (..)
    , boolField
    , checkBoxField
    , fileField
      -- * File 'AForm's
    , fileAFormReq
    , fileAFormOpt
      -- * Options
      -- $optionsOverview
    , selectField
    , selectFieldList
    , radioField
    , radioFieldList
    , checkboxesField
    , checkboxesFieldList
    , multiSelectField
    , multiSelectFieldList
    , Option (..)
    , OptionList (..)
    , mkOptionList
    , optionsPersist
    , optionsPersistKey
    , optionsPairs
    , optionsEnum
    ) where

import Yesod.Form.Types
import Yesod.Form.I18n.English
import Yesod.Form.Functions (parseHelper)
import Yesod.Core
import Text.Blaze (ToMarkup (toMarkup), unsafeByteString)
#define ToHtml ToMarkup
#define toHtml toMarkup
#define preEscapedText preEscapedToMarkup
import Data.Time (Day, TimeOfDay(..))
import qualified Text.Email.Validate as Email
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8With)
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (lenientDecode)
import Network.URI (parseURI)
import Database.Persist.Sql (PersistField, PersistFieldSql (..))
#if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,5,0)
import Database.Persist (Entity (..), SqlType (SqlString), PersistRecordBackend, PersistQueryRead)
import Database.Persist (Entity (..), SqlType (SqlString), PersistEntity, PersistQuery, PersistEntityBackend)
import Text.HTML.SanitizeXSS (sanitizeBalance)
import Control.Monad (when, unless)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, fromMaybe)

import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Html.Utf8 as B
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (writeByteString, toLazyByteString)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Internal.Write (fromWriteList)

import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String (renderHtml)
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Text as T ( Text, append, concat, cons, head
                      , intercalate, isPrefixOf, null, unpack, pack, splitOn
import qualified Data.Text as T (drop, dropWhile)
import qualified Data.Text.Read

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Yesod.Persist (selectList, Filter, SelectOpt, Key)
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<|>))

import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser, char, string, digit, skipSpace, endOfInput, parseOnly)

import Yesod.Persist.Core

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Data.Monoid

defaultFormMessage :: FormMessage -> Text
defaultFormMessage = englishFormMessage

-- | Creates a input with @type="number"@ and @step=1@.
intField :: (Monad m, Integral i, RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage) => Field m i
intField = Field
    { fieldParse = parseHelper $ \s ->
        case Data.Text.Read.signed Data.Text.Read.decimal s of
            Right (a, "") -> Right a
            _ -> Left $ MsgInvalidInteger s

    , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
$newline never
<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="number" step=1 :isReq:required="" value="#{showVal val}">
    , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
    showVal = either id (pack . showI)
    showI x = show (fromIntegral x :: Integer)

-- | Creates a input with @type="number"@ and @step=any@.
doubleField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m Double
doubleField = Field
    { fieldParse = parseHelper $ \s ->
        case Data.Text.Read.double (prependZero s) of
            Right (a, "") -> Right a
            _ -> Left $ MsgInvalidNumber s

    , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
$newline never
<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="number" step=any :isReq:required="" value="#{showVal val}">
    , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
  where showVal = either id (pack . show)

-- | Creates an input with @type="date"@, validating the input using the 'parseDate' function.
-- Add the @time@ package and import the "Data.Time.Calendar" module to use this function.
dayField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m Day
dayField = Field
    { fieldParse = parseHelper $ parseDate . unpack
    , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
$newline never
<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="date" :isReq:required="" value="#{showVal val}">
    , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
  where showVal = either id (pack . show)

-- | An alias for 'timeFieldTypeText'.
timeField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m TimeOfDay
timeField = timeFieldTypeText
{-# DEPRECATED timeField "'timeField' currently defaults to an input of type=\"text\". In the next major release, it will default to type=\"time\". To opt in to the new functionality, use 'timeFieldTypeTime'. To keep the existing behavior, use 'timeFieldTypeText'. See 'https://github.com/yesodweb/yesod/pull/874' for details." #-}

-- | Creates an input with @type="time"@. <http://caniuse.com/#search=time%20input%20type Browsers not supporting this type> will fallback to a text field, and Yesod will parse the time as described in 'timeFieldTypeText'.
-- Add the @time@ package and import the "Data.Time.LocalTime" module to use this function.
-- Since 1.4.2
timeFieldTypeTime :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m TimeOfDay  
timeFieldTypeTime = timeFieldOfType "time"

-- | Creates an input with @type="text"@, parsing the time from an [H]H:MM[:SS] format, with an optional AM or PM (if not given, AM is assumed for compatibility with the 24 hour clock system).
-- Add the @time@ package and import the "Data.Time.LocalTime" module to use this function.
-- Since 1.4.2
timeFieldTypeText :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m TimeOfDay
timeFieldTypeText = timeFieldOfType "text"

timeFieldOfType :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Text -> Field m TimeOfDay
timeFieldOfType inputType = Field
    { fieldParse = parseHelper parseTime
    , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
$newline never
<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="#{inputType}" :isReq:required="" value="#{showVal val}">
    , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
    showVal = either id (pack . show . roundFullSeconds)
    roundFullSeconds tod =
        TimeOfDay (todHour tod) (todMin tod) fullSec
        fullSec = fromInteger $ floor $ todSec tod

-- | Creates a @\<textarea>@ tag whose input is sanitized to prevent XSS attacks and is validated for having balanced tags.
htmlField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m Html
htmlField = Field
    { fieldParse = parseHelper $ Right . preEscapedText . sanitizeBalance
    , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
$newline never
<textarea :isReq:required="" id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs}>#{showVal val}
    , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
  where showVal = either id (pack . renderHtml)

-- | A newtype wrapper around a 'Text' whose 'ToMarkup' instance converts newlines to HTML @\<br>@ tags.
-- (When text is entered into a @\<textarea>@, newline characters are used to separate lines.
-- If this text is then placed verbatim into HTML, the lines won't be separated, thus the need for replacing with @\<br>@ tags).
-- If you don't need this functionality, simply use 'unTextarea' to access the raw text.
newtype Textarea = Textarea { unTextarea :: Text }
    deriving (Show, Read, Eq, PersistField, Ord, ToJSON, FromJSON)
instance PersistFieldSql Textarea where
    sqlType _ = SqlString
instance ToHtml Textarea where
    toHtml =
        . S.concat
        . L.toChunks
        . toLazyByteString
        . fromWriteList writeHtmlEscapedChar
        . unpack
        . unTextarea
        -- Taken from blaze-builder and modified with newline handling.
        writeHtmlEscapedChar '\r' = mempty
        writeHtmlEscapedChar '\n' = writeByteString "<br>"
        writeHtmlEscapedChar c    = B.writeHtmlEscapedChar c

-- | Creates a @\<textarea>@ tag whose returned value is wrapped in a 'Textarea'; see 'Textarea' for details.
textareaField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m Textarea
textareaField = Field
    { fieldParse = parseHelper $ Right . Textarea
    , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
$newline never
<textarea id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" :isReq:required="" *{attrs}>#{either id unTextarea val}
    , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded

-- | Creates an input with @type="hidden"@; you can use this to store information in a form that users shouldn't see (for example, Yesod stores CSRF tokens in a hidden field).
hiddenField :: (Monad m, PathPiece p, RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage)
            => Field m p
hiddenField = Field
    { fieldParse = parseHelper $ maybe (Left MsgValueRequired) Right . fromPathPiece
    , fieldView = \theId name attrs val _isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
$newline never
<input type="hidden" id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} value="#{either id toPathPiece val}">
    , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded

-- | Creates a input with @type="text"@.
textField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m Text
textField = Field
    { fieldParse = parseHelper $ Right
    , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq ->
$newline never
<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="text" :isReq:required value="#{either id id val}">
    , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
-- | Creates an input with @type="password"@.
passwordField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m Text
passwordField = Field
    { fieldParse = parseHelper $ Right
    , fieldView = \theId name attrs _ isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
$newline never
<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="password" :isReq:required="">
    , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded

readMay :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
readMay s = case filter (Prelude.null . snd) $ reads s of
                (x, _):_ -> Just x
                [] -> Nothing

-- | Parses a 'Day' from a 'String'.
parseDate :: String -> Either FormMessage Day
parseDate = maybe (Left MsgInvalidDay) Right
              . readMay . replace '/' '-'

-- | Replaces all instances of a value in a list by another value.
-- from http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/cgi/3001.1.7.1/doc/html/src/Network-CGI-Protocol.html#replace
replace :: Eq a => a -> a -> [a] -> [a]
replace x y = map (\z -> if z == x then y else z)

parseTime :: Text -> Either FormMessage TimeOfDay
parseTime = either (Left . fromMaybe MsgInvalidTimeFormat . readMay . drop 2 . dropWhile (/= ':')) Right . parseOnly timeParser

timeParser :: Parser TimeOfDay
timeParser = do
    h <- hour
    _ <- char ':'
    m <- minsec MsgInvalidMinute
    hasSec <- (char ':' >> return True) <|> return False
    s <- if hasSec then minsec MsgInvalidSecond else return 0
    isPM <-
        (string "am" >> return (Just False)) <|>
        (string "AM" >> return (Just False)) <|>
        (string "pm" >> return (Just True)) <|>
        (string "PM" >> return (Just True)) <|>
        return Nothing
    h' <-
        case isPM of
            Nothing -> return h
            Just x
                | h <= 0 || h > 12 -> fail $ show $ MsgInvalidHour $ pack $ show h
                | h == 12 -> return $ if x then 12 else 0
                | otherwise -> return $ h + (if x then 12 else 0)
    return $ TimeOfDay h' m s
    hour = do
        x <- digit
        y <- (return Control.Applicative.<$> digit) <|> return []
        let xy = x : y
        let i = read xy
        if i < 0 || i >= 24
            then fail $ show $ MsgInvalidHour $ pack xy
            else return i
    minsec :: Num a => (Text -> FormMessage) -> Parser a
    minsec msg = do
        x <- digit
        y <- digit <|> fail (show $ msg $ pack [x])
        let xy = [x, y]
        let i = read xy
        if i < 0 || i >= 60
            then fail $ show $ msg $ pack xy
            else return $ fromIntegral (i :: Int)
-- | Creates an input with @type="email"@. Yesod will validate the email's correctness according to RFC5322 and canonicalize it by removing comments and whitespace (see "Text.Email.Validate").
emailField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m Text
emailField = Field
    { fieldParse = parseHelper $
        \s ->
            case Email.canonicalizeEmail $ encodeUtf8 s of
                Just e -> Right $ decodeUtf8With lenientDecode e
                Nothing -> Left $ MsgInvalidEmail s
    , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
$newline never
<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="email" :isReq:required="" value="#{either id id val}">
    , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded

-- | Creates an input with @type="email"@ with the <http://w3c.github.io/html/sec-forms.html#the-multiple-attribute multiple> attribute; browsers might implement this as taking a comma separated list of emails. Each email address is validated as described in 'emailField'.
-- Since 1.3.7
multiEmailField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m [Text]
multiEmailField = Field
    { fieldParse = parseHelper $
        \s ->
            let addrs = map validate $ splitOn "," s
            in case partitionEithers addrs of
                ([], good) -> Right good
                (bad, _) -> Left $ MsgInvalidEmail $ cat bad
    , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
$newline never
<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="email" multiple :isReq:required="" value="#{either id cat val}">
    , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
        -- report offending address along with error
        validate a = case Email.validate $ encodeUtf8 a of
                        Left e -> Left $ T.concat [a, " (",  pack e, ")"]
                        Right r -> Right $ emailToText r
        cat = intercalate ", "
        emailToText = decodeUtf8With lenientDecode . Email.toByteString

type AutoFocus = Bool
-- | Creates an input with @type="search"@. For <http://caniuse.com/#search=autofocus browsers without autofocus support>, a JS fallback is used if @AutoFocus@ is true.
searchField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => AutoFocus -> Field m Text
searchField autoFocus = Field
    { fieldParse = parseHelper Right
    , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> do
$newline never
<input id="#{theId}" name="#{name}" *{attrs} type="search" :isReq:required="" :autoFocus:autofocus="" value="#{either id id val}">
        when autoFocus $ do
          -- we want this javascript to be placed immediately after the field
$newline never
<script>if (!('autofocus' in document.createElement('input'))) {document.getElementById('#{theId}').focus();}
          toWidget [cassius|
              -webkit-appearance: textfield
    , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
-- | Creates an input with @type="url"@, validating the URL according to RFC3986.
urlField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m Text
urlField = Field
    { fieldParse = parseHelper $ \s ->
        case parseURI $ unpack s of
            Nothing -> Left $ MsgInvalidUrl s
            Just _ -> Right s
    , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq ->
        [whamlet|<input ##{theId} name=#{name} *{attrs} type=url :isReq:required value=#{either id id val}>|]
    , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded

-- | Creates a @\<select>@ tag for selecting one option. Example usage:
-- > areq (selectFieldList [("Value 1" :: Text, "value1"),("Value 2", "value2")]) "Which value?" Nothing
selectFieldList :: (Eq a, RenderMessage site FormMessage, RenderMessage site msg)
                => [(msg, a)]
                -> Field (HandlerT site IO) a
selectFieldList = selectField . optionsPairs

-- | Creates a @\<select>@ tag for selecting one option. Example usage:
-- > areq (selectField $ optionsPairs [(MsgValue1, "value1"),(MsgValue2, "value2")]) "Which value?" Nothing
selectField :: (Eq a, RenderMessage site FormMessage)
            => HandlerT site IO (OptionList a)
            -> Field (HandlerT site IO) a
selectField = selectFieldHelper
    (\theId name attrs inside -> [whamlet|
$newline never
<select ##{theId} name=#{name} *{attrs}>^{inside}
|]) -- outside
    (\_theId _name isSel -> [whamlet|
$newline never
<option value=none :isSel:selected>_{MsgSelectNone}
|]) -- onOpt
    (\_theId _name _attrs value isSel text -> [whamlet|
$newline never
<option value=#{value} :isSel:selected>#{text}
|]) -- inside

-- | Creates a @\<select>@ tag for selecting multiple options.
multiSelectFieldList :: (Eq a, RenderMessage site msg)
                     => [(msg, a)]
                     -> Field (HandlerT site IO) [a]
multiSelectFieldList = multiSelectField . optionsPairs

-- | Creates a @\<select>@ tag for selecting multiple options.
multiSelectField :: Eq a
                 => HandlerT site IO (OptionList a)
                 -> Field (HandlerT site IO) [a]
multiSelectField ioptlist =
    Field parse view UrlEncoded
    parse [] _ = return $ Right Nothing
    parse optlist _ = do
        mapopt <- olReadExternal <$> ioptlist
        case mapM mapopt optlist of
             Nothing -> return $ Left "Error parsing values"
             Just res -> return $ Right $ Just res

    view theId name attrs val isReq = do
        opts <- fmap olOptions $ handlerToWidget ioptlist
        let selOpts = map (id &&& (optselected val)) opts
            <select ##{theId} name=#{name} :isReq:required multiple *{attrs}>
                $forall (opt, optsel) <- selOpts
                    <option value=#{optionExternalValue opt} :optsel:selected>#{optionDisplay opt}
            optselected (Left _) _ = False
            optselected (Right vals) opt = (optionInternalValue opt) `elem` vals

-- | Creates an input with @type="radio"@ for selecting one option.
radioFieldList :: (Eq a, RenderMessage site FormMessage, RenderMessage site msg)
               => [(msg, a)]
               -> Field (HandlerT site IO) a
radioFieldList = radioField . optionsPairs

-- | Creates an input with @type="checkbox"@ for selecting multiple options.
checkboxesFieldList :: (Eq a, RenderMessage site msg) => [(msg, a)]
                     -> Field (HandlerT site IO) [a]
checkboxesFieldList = checkboxesField . optionsPairs

-- | Creates an input with @type="checkbox"@ for selecting multiple options.
checkboxesField :: Eq a
                 => HandlerT site IO (OptionList a)
                 -> Field (HandlerT site IO) [a]
checkboxesField ioptlist = (multiSelectField ioptlist)
    { fieldView =
        \theId name attrs val _isReq -> do
            opts <- fmap olOptions $ handlerToWidget ioptlist
            let optselected (Left _) _ = False
                optselected (Right vals) opt = (optionInternalValue opt) `elem` vals
                <span ##{theId}>
                    $forall opt <- opts
                            <input type=checkbox name=#{name} value=#{optionExternalValue opt} *{attrs} :optselected val opt:checked>
                            #{optionDisplay opt}
-- | Creates an input with @type="radio"@ for selecting one option.
radioField :: (Eq a, RenderMessage site FormMessage)
           => HandlerT site IO (OptionList a)
           -> Field (HandlerT site IO) a
radioField = selectFieldHelper
    (\theId _name _attrs inside -> [whamlet|
$newline never
<div ##{theId}>^{inside}
    (\theId name isSel -> [whamlet|
$newline never
<label .radio for=#{theId}-none>
        <input id=#{theId}-none type=radio name=#{name} value=none :isSel:checked>
    (\theId name attrs value isSel text -> [whamlet|
$newline never
<label .radio for=#{theId}-#{value}>
        <input id=#{theId}-#{value} type=radio name=#{name} value=#{value} :isSel:checked *{attrs}>

-- | Creates a group of radio buttons to answer the question given in the message. Radio buttons are used to allow differentiating between an empty response (@Nothing@) and a no response (@Just False@). Consider using the simpler 'checkBoxField' if you don't need to make this distinction.
-- If this field is optional, the first radio button is labeled "\<None>", the second \"Yes" and the third \"No".
-- If this field is required, the first radio button is labeled \"Yes" and the second \"No". 
-- (Exact label titles will depend on localization).
boolField :: Monad m => RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage => Field m Bool
boolField = Field
      { fieldParse = \e _ -> return $ boolParser e
      , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> [whamlet|
$newline never
  $if not isReq
      <input id=#{theId}-none *{attrs} type=radio name=#{name} value=none checked>
      <label for=#{theId}-none>_{MsgSelectNone}

<input id=#{theId}-yes *{attrs} type=radio name=#{name} value=yes :showVal id val:checked>
<label for=#{theId}-yes>_{MsgBoolYes}

<input id=#{theId}-no *{attrs} type=radio name=#{name} value=no :showVal not val:checked>
<label for=#{theId}-no>_{MsgBoolNo}
    , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
    boolParser [] = Right Nothing
    boolParser (x:_) = case x of
      "" -> Right Nothing
      "none" -> Right Nothing
      "yes" -> Right $ Just True
      "on" -> Right $ Just True
      "no" -> Right $ Just False
      "true" -> Right $ Just True
      "false" -> Right $ Just False
      t -> Left $ SomeMessage $ MsgInvalidBool t
    showVal = either (\_ -> False)

-- | Creates an input with @type="checkbox"@. 
--   While the default @'boolField'@ implements a radio button so you
--   can differentiate between an empty response (@Nothing@) and a no
--   response (@Just False@), this simpler checkbox field returns an empty
--   response as @Just False@.
--   Note that this makes the field always optional.
checkBoxField :: Monad m => Field m Bool
checkBoxField = Field
    { fieldParse = \e _ -> return $ checkBoxParser e
    , fieldView  = \theId name attrs val _ -> [whamlet|
$newline never
<input id=#{theId} *{attrs} type=checkbox name=#{name} value=yes :showVal id val:checked>
    , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded

        checkBoxParser [] = Right $ Just False
        checkBoxParser (x:_) = case x of
            "yes" -> Right $ Just True
            "on" -> Right $ Just True
            _     -> Right $ Just False

        showVal = either (\_ -> False)

-- | A structure holding a list of options. Typically you can use a convenience function like 'mkOptionList' or 'optionsPairs' instead of creating this directly.
data OptionList a = OptionList
    { olOptions :: [Option a]
    , olReadExternal :: Text -> Maybe a -- ^ A function mapping from the form's value ('optionExternalValue') to the selected Haskell value ('optionInternalValue').

-- | Since 1.4.6
instance Functor OptionList where
    fmap f (OptionList options readExternal) = 
      OptionList ((fmap.fmap) f options) (fmap f . readExternal)

-- | Creates an 'OptionList', using a 'Map' to implement the 'olReadExternal' function.
mkOptionList :: [Option a] -> OptionList a
mkOptionList os = OptionList
    { olOptions = os
    , olReadExternal = flip Map.lookup $ Map.fromList $ map (optionExternalValue &&& optionInternalValue) os

data Option a = Option
    { optionDisplay :: Text -- ^ The user-facing label.
    , optionInternalValue :: a -- ^ The Haskell value being selected.
    , optionExternalValue :: Text -- ^ The representation of this value stored in the form.

-- | Since 1.4.6
instance Functor Option where
    fmap f (Option display internal external) = Option display (f internal) external

-- | Creates an 'OptionList' from a list of (display-value, internal value) pairs.
optionsPairs :: (MonadHandler m, RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) msg)
             => [(msg, a)] -> m (OptionList a)
optionsPairs opts = do
  mr <- getMessageRender
  let mkOption external (display, internal) =
          Option { optionDisplay       = mr display
                 , optionInternalValue = internal
                 , optionExternalValue = pack $ show external
  return $ mkOptionList (zipWith mkOption [1 :: Int ..] opts)

-- | Creates an 'OptionList' from an 'Enum', using its 'Show' instance for the user-facing value.
optionsEnum :: (MonadHandler m, Show a, Enum a, Bounded a) => m (OptionList a)
optionsEnum = optionsPairs $ map (\x -> (pack $ show x, x)) [minBound..maxBound]

-- | Selects a list of 'Entity's with the given 'Filter' and 'SelectOpt's. The @(a -> msg)@ function is then used to derive the display value for an 'OptionList'. Example usage:
-- > Country
-- >    name Text
-- >    deriving Eq -- Must derive Eq
-- > data CountryForm = CountryForm
-- >   { country :: Entity Country
-- >   }
-- >
-- > countryNameForm :: AForm Handler CountryForm
-- > countryNameForm = CountryForm
-- >         <$> areq (selectField countries) "Which country do you live in?" Nothing
-- >         where
-- >           countries = optionsPersist [] [Asc CountryName] countryName
#if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,5,0)
optionsPersist :: ( YesodPersist site
                  , PersistQueryRead backend
                  , PathPiece (Key a)
                  , RenderMessage site msg
                  , YesodPersistBackend site ~ backend
                  , PersistRecordBackend a backend
               => [Filter a]
               -> [SelectOpt a]
               -> (a -> msg)
               -> HandlerT site IO (OptionList (Entity a))
optionsPersist :: ( YesodPersist site, PersistEntity a
                  , PersistQuery (PersistEntityBackend a)
                  , PathPiece (Key a)
                  , RenderMessage site msg
                  , YesodPersistBackend site ~ PersistEntityBackend a
               => [Filter a]
               -> [SelectOpt a]
               -> (a -> msg)
               -> HandlerT site IO (OptionList (Entity a))
optionsPersist filts ords toDisplay = fmap mkOptionList $ do
    mr <- getMessageRender
    pairs <- runDB $ selectList filts ords
    return $ map (\(Entity key value) -> Option
        { optionDisplay = mr (toDisplay value)
        , optionInternalValue = Entity key value
        , optionExternalValue = toPathPiece key
        }) pairs

-- | An alternative to 'optionsPersist' which returns just the 'Key' instead of
-- the entire 'Entity'.
-- Since 1.3.2
#if MIN_VERSION_persistent(2,5,0)
  :: (YesodPersist site
     , PersistQueryRead backend
     , PathPiece (Key a)
     , RenderMessage site msg
     , backend ~ YesodPersistBackend site
     , PersistRecordBackend a backend
  => [Filter a]
  -> [SelectOpt a]
  -> (a -> msg)
  -> HandlerT site IO (OptionList (Key a))
  :: (YesodPersist site
     , PersistEntity a
     , PersistQuery (PersistEntityBackend a)
     , PathPiece (Key a)
     , RenderMessage site msg
     , YesodPersistBackend site ~ PersistEntityBackend a
  => [Filter a]
  -> [SelectOpt a]
  -> (a -> msg)
  -> HandlerT site IO (OptionList (Key a))

optionsPersistKey filts ords toDisplay = fmap mkOptionList $ do
    mr <- getMessageRender
    pairs <- runDB $ selectList filts ords
    return $ map (\(Entity key value) -> Option
        { optionDisplay = mr (toDisplay value)
        , optionInternalValue = key
        , optionExternalValue = toPathPiece key
        }) pairs

        :: (Eq a, RenderMessage site FormMessage)
        => (Text -> Text -> [(Text, Text)] -> WidgetT site IO () -> WidgetT site IO ())
        -> (Text -> Text -> Bool -> WidgetT site IO ())
        -> (Text -> Text -> [(Text, Text)] -> Text -> Bool -> Text -> WidgetT site IO ())
        -> HandlerT site IO (OptionList a)
        -> Field (HandlerT site IO) a
selectFieldHelper outside onOpt inside opts' = Field
    { fieldParse = \x _ -> do
        opts <- opts'
        return $ selectParser opts x
    , fieldView = \theId name attrs val isReq -> do
        opts <- fmap olOptions $ handlerToWidget opts'
        outside theId name attrs $ do
            unless isReq $ onOpt theId name $ not $ render opts val `elem` map optionExternalValue opts
            flip mapM_ opts $ \opt -> inside
                ((if isReq then (("required", "required"):) else id) attrs)
                (optionExternalValue opt)
                ((render opts val) == optionExternalValue opt)
                (optionDisplay opt)
    , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
    render _ (Left _) = ""
    render opts (Right a) = maybe "" optionExternalValue $ listToMaybe $ filter ((== a) . optionInternalValue) opts
    selectParser _ [] = Right Nothing
    selectParser opts (s:_) = case s of
            "" -> Right Nothing
            "none" -> Right Nothing
            x -> case olReadExternal opts x of
                    Nothing -> Left $ SomeMessage $ MsgInvalidEntry x
                    Just y -> Right $ Just y

-- | Creates an input with @type="file"@.
fileField :: Monad m
          => Field m FileInfo
fileField = Field
    { fieldParse = \_ files -> return $
        case files of
            [] -> Right Nothing
            file:_ -> Right $ Just file
    , fieldView = \id' name attrs _ isReq -> toWidget [hamlet|
            <input id=#{id'} name=#{name} *{attrs} type=file :isReq:required>
    , fieldEnctype = Multipart

fileAFormReq :: (MonadHandler m, RenderMessage (HandlerSite m) FormMessage)
             => FieldSettings (HandlerSite m) -> AForm m FileInfo
fileAFormReq fs = AForm $ \(site, langs) menvs ints -> do
    let (name, ints') =
            case fsName fs of
                Just x -> (x, ints)
                Nothing ->
                    let i' = incrInts ints
                     in (pack $ 'f' : show i', i')
    id' <- maybe newIdent return $ fsId fs
    let (res, errs) =
            case menvs of
                Nothing -> (FormMissing, Nothing)
                Just (_, fenv) ->
                    case Map.lookup name fenv of
                        Just (fi:_) -> (FormSuccess fi, Nothing)
                        _ ->
                            let t = renderMessage site langs MsgValueRequired
                             in (FormFailure [t], Just $ toHtml t)
    let fv = FieldView
            { fvLabel = toHtml $ renderMessage site langs $ fsLabel fs
            , fvTooltip = fmap (toHtml . renderMessage site langs) $ fsTooltip fs
            , fvId = id'
            , fvInput = [whamlet|
$newline never
<input type=file name=#{name} ##{id'} *{fsAttrs fs}>
            , fvErrors = errs
            , fvRequired = True
    return (res, (fv :), ints', Multipart)

fileAFormOpt :: MonadHandler m
             => FieldSettings (HandlerSite m)
             -> AForm m (Maybe FileInfo)
fileAFormOpt fs = AForm $ \(master, langs) menvs ints -> do
    let (name, ints') =
            case fsName fs of
                Just x -> (x, ints)
                Nothing ->
                    let i' = incrInts ints
                     in (pack $ 'f' : show i', i')
    id' <- maybe newIdent return $ fsId fs
    let (res, errs) =
            case menvs of
                Nothing -> (FormMissing, Nothing)
                Just (_, fenv) ->
                    case Map.lookup name fenv of
                        Just (fi:_) -> (FormSuccess $ Just fi, Nothing)
                        _ -> (FormSuccess Nothing, Nothing)
    let fv = FieldView
            { fvLabel = toHtml $ renderMessage master langs $ fsLabel fs
            , fvTooltip = fmap (toHtml . renderMessage master langs) $ fsTooltip fs
            , fvId = id'
            , fvInput = [whamlet|
$newline never
<input type=file name=#{name} ##{id'} *{fsAttrs fs}>
            , fvErrors = errs
            , fvRequired = False
    return (res, (fv :), ints', Multipart)

incrInts :: Ints -> Ints
incrInts (IntSingle i) = IntSingle $ i + 1
incrInts (IntCons i is) = (i + 1) `IntCons` is

-- | Adds a '0' to some text so that it may be recognized as a double.
--   The read ftn does not recognize ".3" as 0.3 nor "-.3" as -0.3, so this
--   function changes ".xxx" to "0.xxx" and "-.xxx" to "-0.xxx"

prependZero :: Text -> Text
prependZero t0 = if T.null t1
                 then t1
                 else if T.head t1 == '.'
                      then '0' `T.cons` t1
                      else if "-." `T.isPrefixOf` t1
                           then "-0." `T.append` (T.drop 2 t1)
                           else t1

  where t1 = T.dropWhile ((==) ' ') t0

-- $optionsOverview
-- These functions create inputs where one or more options can be selected from a list.
-- The basic datastructure used is an 'Option', which combines a user-facing display value, the internal Haskell value being selected, and an external 'Text' stored as the @value@ in the form (used to map back to the internal value). A list of these, together with a function mapping from an external value back to a Haskell value, form an 'OptionList', which several of these functions take as an argument.
-- Typically, you won't need to create an 'OptionList' directly and can instead make one with functions like 'optionsPairs' or 'optionsEnum'. Alternatively, you can use functions like 'selectFieldList', which use their @[(msg, a)]@ parameter to create an 'OptionList' themselves.