{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields #-} -- QuasiQuoter
module Yesod.Routes.Parse
    ( parseRoutes
    , parseRoutesFile
    , parseRoutesNoCheck
    , parseRoutesFileNoCheck
    , parseType
    ) where

import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Data.Char (isUpper)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import qualified System.IO as SIO
import Yesod.Routes.TH
import Yesod.Routes.Overlap (findOverlapNames)

-- | A quasi-quoter to parse a string into a list of 'Resource's. Checks for
-- overlapping routes, failing if present; use 'parseRoutesNoCheck' to skip the
-- checking. See documentation site for details on syntax.
parseRoutes :: QuasiQuoter
parseRoutes = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = x }
    x s = do
        let res = resourcesFromString s
        case findOverlapNames res of
            [] -> lift res
            z -> error $ "Overlapping routes: " ++ unlines (map show z)

parseRoutesFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
parseRoutesFile = parseRoutesFileWith parseRoutes

parseRoutesFileNoCheck :: FilePath -> Q Exp
parseRoutesFileNoCheck = parseRoutesFileWith parseRoutesNoCheck

parseRoutesFileWith :: QuasiQuoter -> FilePath -> Q Exp
parseRoutesFileWith qq fp = do
    s <- qRunIO $ readUtf8File fp
    quoteExp qq s

readUtf8File :: FilePath -> IO String
readUtf8File fp = do
    h <- SIO.openFile fp SIO.ReadMode
    SIO.hSetEncoding h SIO.utf8_bom
    SIO.hGetContents h

-- | Same as 'parseRoutes', but performs no overlap checking.
parseRoutesNoCheck :: QuasiQuoter
parseRoutesNoCheck = QuasiQuoter
    { quoteExp = lift . resourcesFromString

-- | Convert a multi-line string to a set of resources. See documentation for
-- the format of this string. This is a partial function which calls 'error' on
-- invalid input.
resourcesFromString :: String -> [ResourceTree String]
resourcesFromString =
    fst . parse 0 . lines
    parse _ [] = ([], [])
    parse indent (thisLine:otherLines)
        | length spaces < indent = ([], thisLine : otherLines)
        | otherwise = (this others, remainder)
        spaces = takeWhile (== ' ') thisLine
        (others, remainder) = parse indent otherLines'
        (this, otherLines') =
            case takeWhile (/= "--") $ words thisLine of
                [pattern, constr] | last constr == ':' ->
                    let (children, otherLines'') = parse (length spaces + 1) otherLines
                        (pieces, Nothing) = piecesFromString $ drop1Slash pattern
                     in ((ResourceParent (init constr) pieces children :), otherLines'')
                (pattern:constr:rest) ->
                    let (pieces, mmulti) = piecesFromString $ drop1Slash pattern
                        disp = dispatchFromString rest mmulti
                     in ((ResourceLeaf (Resource constr pieces disp):), otherLines)
                [] -> (id, otherLines)
                _ -> error $ "Invalid resource line: " ++ thisLine

dispatchFromString :: [String] -> Maybe String -> Dispatch String
dispatchFromString rest mmulti
    | null rest = Methods mmulti []
    | all (all isUpper) rest = Methods mmulti rest
dispatchFromString [subTyp, subFun] Nothing =
    Subsite subTyp subFun
dispatchFromString [_, _] Just{} =
    error "Subsites cannot have a multipiece"
dispatchFromString rest _ = error $ "Invalid list of methods: " ++ show rest

drop1Slash :: String -> String
drop1Slash ('/':x) = x
drop1Slash x = x

piecesFromString :: String -> ([(CheckOverlap, Piece String)], Maybe String)
piecesFromString "" = ([], Nothing)
piecesFromString x =
    case (this, rest) of
        (Left typ, ([], Nothing)) -> ([], Just typ)
        (Left _, _) -> error "Multipiece must be last piece"
        (Right piece, (pieces, mtyp)) -> (piece:pieces, mtyp)
    (y, z) = break (== '/') x
    this = pieceFromString y
    rest = piecesFromString $ drop 1 z

parseType :: String -> Type
parseType = ConT . mkName -- FIXME handle more complicated stuff

pieceFromString :: String -> Either String (CheckOverlap, Piece String)
pieceFromString ('#':'!':x) = Right $ (False, Dynamic x)
pieceFromString ('#':x) = Right $ (True, Dynamic x)
pieceFromString ('*':x) = Left x
pieceFromString ('!':x) = Right $ (False, Static x)
pieceFromString x = Right $ (True, Static x)