Cabal-Version: >= 1.2 Name: yhccore Version: 0.9 Copyright: 2006-8, Neil Mitchell and The Yhc Team Maintainer: Homepage: License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Build-Type: Simple Author: Neil Mitchell Synopsis: Yhc's Internal Core language. Description: A minimal Core language to which Haskell can be reduced, implemented in the Yhc compiler. Category: Development Flag splitBase Description: Choose the new smaller, split-up base package. Library if flag(splitBase) build-depends: base >= 3, mtl, pretty, containers else build-depends: base < 3, mtl build-depends: mtl, uniplate Exposed-modules: Yhc.Core Yhc.Core.Binary Yhc.Core.CaseElimination Yhc.Core.Clean Yhc.Core.Equal Yhc.Core.FreeVar Yhc.Core.FreeVar2 Yhc.Core.FreeVar3 Yhc.Core.Haskell Yhc.Core.Html Yhc.Core.Inline Yhc.Core.Invariant Yhc.Core.Overlay Yhc.Core.Play Yhc.Core.Prim Yhc.Core.Reachable Yhc.Core.RecursiveLet Yhc.Core.Saturated Yhc.Core.Serialise Yhc.Core.Show Yhc.Core.ShowRaw Yhc.Core.Simplify Yhc.Core.Strictness Yhc.Core.Type Yhc.Core.Uniplate Yhc.Core.UniqueId Yhc.Core.UniqueName Yhc.Core.Internal.Binary Yhc.Core.Internal.General Yhc.Core.Internal.HughesPJ Yhc.Core.Internal.Play Yhc.Core.Invariant.LambdaLift