{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, CPP, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveGeneric #-}

-- | An implementation of restricted, linear undo, as described in:
-- >    T. Berlage, "A selective undo mechanism for graphical user interfaces
-- >    based on command objects", ACM Transactions on Computer-Human
-- >    Interaction 1(3), pp. 269-294, 1994.
-- Implementation based on a proposal by sjw.
-- From Berlage:
-- >    All buffer-mutating commands are stored (in abstract form) in an
-- >    Undo list. The most recent item in this list is the action that
-- >    will be undone next. When it is undone, it is removed from the Undo
-- >    list, and its inverse is added to the Redo list. The last command
-- >    put into the Redo list can be redone, and again prepended to the
-- >    Undo list. New commands are added to the Undo list without
-- >    affecting the Redo list.
-- Now, the above assumes that commands can be _redone_ in a state other
-- than that in which it was orginally done. This is not the case in our
-- text editor: a user may delete, for example, between an undo and a
-- redo. Berlage addresses this in S2.3. A Yi example:
-- >    Delete some characters
-- >    Undo partialy
-- >    Move prior in the file, and delete another _chunk_
-- >    Redo some things  == corruption.
-- Berlage describes the /stable execution property/:
-- >    A command is always redone in the same state that it was originally
-- >    executed in, and is always undone in the state that was reached
-- >    after the original execution.
-- >    The only case where the linear undo model violates the stable
-- >    execution property is when _a new command is submitted while the
-- >    redo list is not empty_. The _restricted linear undo model_ ...
-- >    clears the redo list in this case.
-- Also some discussion of this in: /The Text Editor Sam/, Rob Pike, pg 19.

module Yi.Buffer.Undo (
  , addChangeU
  , setSavedFilePointU
  , isAtSavedFilePointU
  , undoU
  , redoU
  , URList             {- abstractly -}
  , Change(AtomicChange, InteractivePoint)
   ) where

import Data.Binary
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 708
import Data.DeriveTH
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Yi.Buffer.Implementation

data Change = SavedFilePoint
            | InteractivePoint
            | AtomicChange !Update
-- !!! It's very important that the updates are forced, otherwise
-- !!! we'll keep a full copy of the buffer state for each update
-- !!! (thunk) put in the URList.
            deriving (Show)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 708
$(derive makeBinary ''Change)
deriving instance Generic Change
instance Binary Change
-- | A URList consists of an undo and a redo list.
data URList = URList ![Change] ![Change]
            deriving (Show)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 708
$(derive makeBinary ''URList)
deriving instance Generic URList
instance Binary URList

-- | A new empty 'URList'.
-- Notice we must have a saved file point as this is when we assume we are
-- opening the file so it is currently the same as the one on disk
emptyU :: URList
emptyU = URList [SavedFilePoint] []

-- | Add an action to the undo list.
-- According to the restricted, linear undo model, if we add a command
-- whilst the redo list is not empty, we will lose our redoable changes.
addChangeU :: Change -> URList -> URList
addChangeU InteractivePoint (URList us rs) = URList (addIP us) rs
addChangeU u (URList us _rs) = URList (u:us) []

-- | Add a saved file point so that we can tell that the buffer has not
-- been modified since the previous saved file point.
-- Notice that we must be sure to remove the previous saved file points
-- since they are now worthless.
setSavedFilePointU :: URList -> URList
setSavedFilePointU (URList undos redos) =
  URList (SavedFilePoint : cleanUndos) cleanRedos
  cleanUndos = filter isNotSavedFilePoint undos
  cleanRedos = filter isNotSavedFilePoint redos
  isNotSavedFilePoint :: Change -> Bool
  isNotSavedFilePoint SavedFilePoint = False
  isNotSavedFilePoint _              = True

-- | This undoes one interaction step.
undoU :: Mark -> URList -> BufferImpl syntax -> (BufferImpl syntax, (URList, [Update]))
undoU m = undoUntilInteractive m [] . undoInteractive

-- | This redoes one iteraction step.
redoU :: Mark -> URList -> BufferImpl syntax -> (BufferImpl syntax, (URList, [Update]))
redoU = asRedo . undoU

-- | Prepare undo by moving one interaction point from undoes to redoes.
undoInteractive :: URList -> URList
undoInteractive (URList us rs) = URList (remIP us) (addIP rs)

remIP, addIP :: [Change] -> [Change]

-- | Remove an initial interactive point, if there is one
remIP (InteractivePoint:xs) = xs
remIP xs = xs

-- | Insert an initial interactive point, if there is none
addIP xs@(InteractivePoint:_) = xs
addIP xs = InteractivePoint:xs

-- | Repeatedly undo actions, storing away the inverse operations in the
--   redo list.
undoUntilInteractive :: Mark -> [Update] -> URList -> BufferImpl syntax -> (BufferImpl syntax, (URList, [Update]))
undoUntilInteractive pointMark xs ur@(URList cs rs) b = case cs of
      []                   -> (b, (ur, xs))
      [SavedFilePoint]     -> (b, (ur, xs)) -- Why this special case?
      (InteractivePoint:_) -> (b, (ur, xs))
      (SavedFilePoint:cs') ->
        undoUntilInteractive pointMark xs (URList cs' (SavedFilePoint:rs)) b
      (AtomicChange u:cs') ->
        let ur' = URList cs' (AtomicChange (reverseUpdateI u):rs)
            b' = applyUpdateWithMoveI u b
            (b'', (ur'', xs'')) = undoUntilInteractive pointMark xs ur' b'
        in (b'', (ur'', u:xs''))
      -- Apply a /valid/ update and also move point in buffer to update position
      applyUpdateWithMoveI :: Update -> BufferImpl syntax -> BufferImpl syntax
      applyUpdateWithMoveI u = case updateDirection u of
                                 Forward ->  apply . move
                                 Backward -> move . apply
          where move = modifyMarkBI pointMark (\v -> v {markPoint = updatePoint u})
                apply = applyUpdateI u

-- | Run the undo-function @f@ on a swapped URList making it
--   operate in a redo fashion instead of undo.
asRedo :: (URList -> t -> (t, (URList, [Update]))) -> URList -> t -> (t, (URList, [Update]))
asRedo f ur x = let (y,(ur',rs)) = f (swapUndoRedo ur) x in (y,(swapUndoRedo ur',rs))
    swapUndoRedo :: URList -> URList
    swapUndoRedo (URList us rs) = URList rs us

-- | undoIsAtSavedFilePoint. @True@ if the undo list is at a SavedFilePoint indicating
--   that the buffer has not been modified since we last saved the file.
-- Note: that an empty undo list does NOT mean that the buffer is not modified since
-- the last save. Because we may have saved the file and then undone actions done before
-- the save.
isAtSavedFilePointU :: URList -> Bool
isAtSavedFilePointU (URList us _) = isUnchanged us
    isUnchanged cs = case cs of
      []                       -> False
      (SavedFilePoint : _)     -> True
      (InteractivePoint : cs') -> isUnchanged cs'
      _                        -> False