{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Yi.Keymap.Vim.Operator
-- License     :  GPL-2
-- Maintainer  :  yi-devel@googlegroups.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Implements some operators for the Vim keymap.

module Yi.Keymap.Vim.Operator
    ( VimOperator(..)
    , defOperators
    , opDelete
    , opChange
    , opYank
    , opFormat
    , stringToOperator
    , mkCharTransformOperator
    , operatorApplyToTextObjectE
    , lastCharForOperator
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Char (toLower, toUpper, isSpace)
import           Data.Foldable (find)
import           Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import           Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Yi.Buffer.Adjusted hiding (Insert)
import           Yi.Editor
import           Yi.Keymap.Vim.Common
import           Yi.Keymap.Vim.EventUtils
import           Yi.Keymap.Vim.StateUtils
import           Yi.Keymap.Vim.StyledRegion
import           Yi.Keymap.Vim.TextObject
import           Yi.Keymap.Vim.Utils
import           Yi.Misc
import           Yi.Rope (YiString)
import qualified Yi.Rope as R

data VimOperator = VimOperator {
    operatorName :: !OperatorName
  , operatorApplyToRegionE :: Int -> StyledRegion -> EditorM RepeatToken

defOperators :: [VimOperator]
defOperators =
    [ opYank
    , opDelete
    , opChange
    , opFormat
    , mkCharTransformOperator "gu" toLower
    , mkCharTransformOperator "gU" toUpper
    , mkCharTransformOperator "g~" switchCaseChar
    , mkCharTransformOperator "g?" rot13Char
    , mkShiftOperator ">" id
    , mkShiftOperator "<lt>" negate

stringToOperator :: [VimOperator] -> OperatorName -> Maybe VimOperator
stringToOperator ops name = find ((== name) . operatorName) ops

operatorApplyToTextObjectE :: VimOperator -> Int -> CountedTextObject -> EditorM RepeatToken
operatorApplyToTextObjectE op count cto = do
    styledRegion <- withCurrentBuffer $ regionOfTextObjectB cto
    operatorApplyToRegionE op count styledRegion

opYank :: VimOperator
opYank = VimOperator {
    operatorName = "y"
  , operatorApplyToRegionE = \_count (StyledRegion style reg) -> do
        s <- withCurrentBuffer $ readRegionRopeWithStyleB reg style
        regName <- fmap vsActiveRegister getEditorDyn
        setRegisterE regName style s
        withCurrentBuffer $ moveTo . regionStart =<< convertRegionToStyleB reg style
        switchModeE Normal
        return Finish

opDelete :: VimOperator
opDelete = VimOperator {
    operatorName = "d"
  , operatorApplyToRegionE = \_count (StyledRegion style reg) -> do
        s <- withCurrentBuffer $ readRegionRopeWithStyleB reg style
        regName <- fmap vsActiveRegister getEditorDyn
        setRegisterE regName style s
        withCurrentBuffer $ do
            point <- deleteRegionWithStyleB reg style
            moveTo point
            eof <- atEof
            if eof
            then do
                c <- readB
                when (c == '\n') $ deleteN 1 >> moveToSol
            else leftOnEol
        switchModeE Normal
        return Finish

opChange :: VimOperator
opChange = VimOperator {
    operatorName = "c"
  , operatorApplyToRegionE = \_count (StyledRegion style reg) -> do
        s <- withCurrentBuffer $ readRegionRopeWithStyleB reg style
        regName <- fmap vsActiveRegister getEditorDyn
        setRegisterE regName style s
        withCurrentBuffer $ do
            point <- deleteRegionWithStyleB reg style
            moveTo point
            when (style == LineWise) $ do
                insertB '\n'
        switchModeE $ Insert 'c'
        return Continue

opFormat :: VimOperator
opFormat = VimOperator {
    operatorName = "gq"
  , operatorApplyToRegionE = \_count (StyledRegion style reg) -> do
      withCurrentBuffer $ formatRegionB style reg
      switchModeE Normal
      return Finish

formatRegionB :: RegionStyle -> Region -> BufferM ()
formatRegionB Block _reg = return ()
formatRegionB _style reg = do
    start <- solPointB $ regionStart reg
    end <- eolPointB $ regionEnd reg
    moveTo start
    -- Don't use firstNonSpaceB since paragraphs can start with lines made
    -- completely of whitespace (which should be fixed)
    untilB_ ((not . isSpace) <$> readB) rightB
    indent <- curCol
    modifyRegionB (formatStringWithIndent indent) $ reg { regionStart = start
                                                        , regionEnd = end
    -- Emulate vim behaviour
    moveTo =<< solPointB end

formatStringWithIndent :: Int -> YiString -> YiString
formatStringWithIndent indent str
    | R.null str = R.empty
    | otherwise = let spaces = R.replicateChar indent ' '
                      (formattedLine, textToFormat) = getNextLine (80 - indent) str
                      lineEnd = if R.null textToFormat
                                then R.empty
                                else '\n' `R.cons` formatStringWithIndent indent textToFormat
                  in R.concat [ spaces
                              , formattedLine
                              , lineEnd

getNextLine :: Int -> YiString -> (YiString, YiString)
getNextLine maxLength str = let firstSplit = takeBlock (R.empty, R.dropWhile isSpace str)
                                isMaxLength (l, r) = R.length l > maxLength || R.null r
                            in if isMaxLength firstSplit
                               then firstSplit
                               else let (line, remainingText) = until isMaxLength
                                    in if R.length line <= maxLength
                                       then (R.dropWhileEnd isSpace line, remainingText)
                                       else let (beginL, endL) = breakAtLastItem line
                                            in if isSpace $ fromJust $ R.head endL
                                               then (beginL, remainingText)
                                               else (R.dropWhileEnd isSpace beginL, endL `R.append` remainingText)
                                isMatch (Just x) y = isSpace x == isSpace y
                                isMatch Nothing _ = False

                                -- Gets the next block of either whitespace, or non-whitespace,
                                -- characters
                                takeBlock (cur, rest) =
                                    let (word, line) = R.span (isMatch $ R.head rest) rest
                                    in (cur `R.append` R.map (\c -> if c == '\n' then ' ' else c) word, line)
                                breakAtLastItem s =
                                    let y = R.takeWhileEnd (isMatch $ R.last s) s
                                        (x, _) = R.splitAt (R.length s - R.length y) s
                                    in (x, y)

mkCharTransformOperator :: OperatorName -> (Char -> Char) -> VimOperator
mkCharTransformOperator name f = VimOperator {
    operatorName = name
  , operatorApplyToRegionE = \count sreg -> do
        withCurrentBuffer $ transformCharactersInRegionB sreg
                    $ foldr (.) id (replicate count f)
        switchModeE Normal
        return Finish

mkShiftOperator :: OperatorName -> (Int -> Int) -> VimOperator
mkShiftOperator name countMod = VimOperator {
    operatorName = name
  , operatorApplyToRegionE = \count (StyledRegion style reg) -> do
        withCurrentBuffer $
            if style == Block
            then indentBlockRegionB (countMod count) reg
            else do
                reg' <- convertRegionToStyleB reg style
                shiftIndentOfRegionB (countMod count) reg'
        switchModeE Normal
        return Finish

lastCharForOperator :: VimOperator -> String
lastCharForOperator (VimOperator { operatorName = name })
    -- This cast here seems stupid, maybe we should only have one
    -- type?
    = case parseEvents (Ev . _unOp $ name) of
        [] -> error $ "invalid operator name " <> T.unpack (_unOp name)
        evs -> T.unpack . _unEv . eventToEventString $ last evs