{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Yi.Mode.Abella
-- License     :  GPL-2
-- Maintainer  :  yi-devel@googlegroups.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- 'Mode's and utility function for working with the Abella
-- interactive theorem prover.

module Yi.Mode.Abella
  ( abellaModeEmacs
  , abella
  , abellaEval
  , abellaEvalFromProofPoint
  , abellaUndo
  , abellaGet
  , abellaSend
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Binary
import           Data.Char (isSpace)
import           Data.Default
import           Data.Maybe (isJust)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Data.Typeable
import           Yi.Buffer
import           Yi.Core (sendToProcess)
import           Yi.Types (YiVariable)
import           Yi.Editor
import           Yi.Keymap
import           Yi.Keymap.Keys
import qualified Yi.Lexer.Abella as Abella
import           Yi.MiniBuffer (CommandArguments(..))
import qualified Yi.Mode.Interactive as Interactive
import           Yi.Modes (TokenBasedMode, styleMode, anyExtension)
import qualified Yi.Rope as R

abellaModeGen :: (Char -> [Event]) -> TokenBasedMode Abella.Token
abellaModeGen abellaBinding = styleMode Abella.lexer
  & modeNameA .~ "abella"
  & modeAppliesA .~ anyExtension ["thm"]
  & modeToggleCommentSelectionA .~ Just (toggleCommentB "%")
  & modeKeymapA .~ topKeymapA %~ (<||)
      [ abellaBinding 'p' ?*>>! abellaUndo
      , abellaBinding 'e' ?*>>! abellaEval
      , abellaBinding 'n' ?*>>! abellaNext
      , abellaBinding 'a' ?*>>! abellaAbort
      , abellaBinding '\r' ?*>>! abellaEvalFromProofPoint

abellaModeEmacs :: TokenBasedMode Abella.Token
abellaModeEmacs = abellaModeGen (\ch -> [ctrlCh 'c', ctrlCh ch])

newtype AbellaBuffer = AbellaBuffer {_abellaBuffer :: Maybe BufferRef}
    deriving (Default, Typeable, Binary)
instance YiVariable AbellaBuffer

getProofPointMark :: BufferM Mark
getProofPointMark = getMarkB $ Just "p"

getTheoremPointMark :: BufferM Mark
getTheoremPointMark = getMarkB $ Just "t"

abellaEval :: YiM ()
abellaEval = do
  reg <- withCurrentBuffer . savingPointB $ do
    join (assign . markPointA <$> getProofPointMark <*> pointB)
    readRegionB =<< regionOfNonEmptyB unitSentence
  abellaSend reg

abellaEvalFromProofPoint :: YiM ()
abellaEvalFromProofPoint = abellaSend =<< withCurrentBuffer f
  where f = do mark <- getProofPointMark
               p <- use $ markPointA mark
               cur <- pointB
               markPointA mark .= cur
               readRegionB $ mkRegion p cur

abellaNext :: YiM ()
abellaNext = do
  reg <- withCurrentBuffer $ rightB >> (readRegionB =<< regionOfNonEmptyB unitSentence)
  abellaSend reg
  withCurrentBuffer $ do
    moveB unitSentence Forward
    untilB_ (not . isSpace <$> readB) rightB
    untilB_ ((/= '%') <$> readB) $ moveToEol >> rightB >> firstNonSpaceB
    join (assign . markPointA <$> getProofPointMark <*> pointB)

abellaUndo :: YiM ()
abellaUndo = do
  abellaSend "undo."
  withCurrentBuffer $ do
    moveB unitSentence Backward
    join (assign . markPointA <$> getProofPointMark <*> pointB)

abellaAbort :: YiM ()
abellaAbort = do
  abellaSend "abort."
  withCurrentBuffer $ do
    moveTo =<< use . markPointA =<< getTheoremPointMark
    join (assign . markPointA <$> getProofPointMark <*> pointB)

-- | Start Abella in a buffer
abella :: CommandArguments -> YiM BufferRef
abella (CommandArguments args) = do
    b <- Interactive.spawnProcess "abella" (T.unpack <$> args)
    withEditor . putEditorDyn . AbellaBuffer $ Just b
    return b

-- | Return Abella's buffer; create it if necessary.
-- Show it in another window.
abellaGet :: YiM BufferRef
abellaGet = withOtherWindow $ do
    AbellaBuffer mb <- withEditor getEditorDyn
    case mb of
        Nothing -> abella (CommandArguments [])
        Just b -> do
            stillExists <- isJust <$> findBuffer b
            if stillExists
                then do withEditor $ switchToBufferE b
                        return b
                else abella (CommandArguments [])

-- | Send a command to Abella
abellaSend :: R.YiString -> YiM ()
abellaSend cmd' = do
  let cmd = R.toText cmd'
  when ("Theorem" `T.isInfixOf` cmd) $
    withCurrentBuffer $ join (assign . markPointA <$> getTheoremPointMark <*> pointB)
  b <- abellaGet
  withGivenBuffer b botB
  sendToProcess b . T.unpack $ cmd `T.snoc` '\n'