{-# LANGUAGE GADTs               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators       #-}

-- TODO:
-- better interface
-- have error messages in the right order
-- have a message for plain failures as well / remove failure in recoveries

-- Optimize profile info (no more Ints)

module Parser.Incremental (Process,
                           recoverWith, symbol, eof, lookNext, testNext, run,
                           mkProcess, profile, pushSyms, pushEof, evalL, evalR, feedZ,
                           Parser(Look, Enter, Yuck), countWidth, fullLog, LogEntry(..),
                          ) where

import Control.Arrow       (first, second, (***))
import Control.Applicative (Alternative ((<|>), empty), Applicative ((<*>), pure))
import Data.Tree           (Tree (Node))

data a :< b = (:<) {top :: a, _rest :: b}
infixr :<

-- | Parser specification
data Parser s a where
    Pure  :: a                               -> Parser s a
    Appl  :: Parser s (b -> a) -> Parser s b -> Parser s a

    Bind  :: Parser s a -> (a -> Parser s b) -> Parser s b

    Look  :: Parser s a -> (s -> Parser s a) -> Parser s a
    Shif  :: Parser s a                      -> Parser s a
    Empt  ::                                    Parser s a
    Disj  :: Parser s a -> Parser s a        -> Parser s a
    Yuck  :: Parser s a                      -> Parser s a
    Enter :: String -> Parser s a            -> Parser s a

-- | Parser process
data Steps s a where
    Val     :: a -> Steps s r                                -> Steps s (a :< r)
    App     :: Steps s ((b -> a) :< (b :< r))                -> Steps s (a :< r)
    Done    ::                                                  Steps s ()
    Shift   :: Steps s a                                     -> Steps s a
    Sh'     :: Steps s a                                     -> Steps s a
    Sus     :: Steps s a -> (s -> Steps s a)                 -> Steps s a
    Best    :: Ordering -> Profile -> Steps s a -> Steps s a -> Steps s a
    Dislike :: Steps s a                                     -> Steps s a
    Log     :: String -> Steps s a                           -> Steps s a
    Fail    ::                                                  Steps s a

-- profile !! s = number of Dislikes found to do s Shifts
data Profile = PSusp | PFail | PRes Int | !Int :> Profile
    deriving Show

mapSucc :: Profile -> Profile
mapSucc PSusp = PSusp
mapSucc PFail = PFail
mapSucc (PRes x) = PRes (succ x)
mapSucc (x :> xs) = succ x :> mapSucc xs

-- Map lookahead to maximum dislike difference we accept. When looking much further,
-- we are more prone to discard smaller differences. It's essential that this drops below 0 when
-- its argument increases, so that we can discard things with dislikes using only
-- finite lookahead.
dislikeThreshold :: Int -> Int
dislikeThreshold n
    | n < 5 = 0
    | otherwise = -1 -- we looked 5 tokens ahead, and still have no clue who is the best. Pick at random.

-- | Compute the combination of two profiles, as well as which one is the best.
better :: Int -> Profile -> Profile -> (Ordering, Profile)
better _ PFail p = (GT, p) -- avoid failure
better _ p PFail = (LT, p)
better _ PSusp _ = (EQ, PSusp) -- could not decide before suspension => leave undecided.
better _ _ PSusp = (EQ, PSusp)
better _ (PRes x) (PRes y) = if x <= y then (LT, PRes x) else (GT, PRes y)  -- two results, just pick the best.
better lk xs@(PRes x) (y:>ys) = if x == 0 || y-x > dislikeThreshold lk then (LT, xs) else min x y +> better (lk+1) xs ys
better lk (y:>ys) xs@(PRes x) = if x == 0 || y-x > dislikeThreshold lk then (GT, xs) else min x y +> better (lk+1) ys xs
better lk (x:>xs) (y:>ys)
    | x == 0 && y == 0 = recur -- never drop things with no error: this ensures to find a correct parse if it exists.
    | x - y > threshold = (GT, y:>ys)
    | y - x > threshold = (LT, x:>xs) -- if at any point something is too disliked, drop it.
    | otherwise = recur
    where threshold = dislikeThreshold lk
          recur = min x y +> better (lk + 1) xs ys

(+>) :: Int -> (t, Profile) -> (t, Profile)
x +> ~(ordering, xs) = (ordering, x :> xs)

data LogEntry = LLog String | LEmpty | LDislike | LShift
                | LDone | LFail | LSusp | LS String
    deriving Show

rightLog :: Steps s r -> Tree LogEntry
rightLog (Val _ p) = rightLog p
rightLog (App p) = rightLog p
rightLog (Shift p) = Node LShift [rightLog p]
rightLog (Done) = Node LDone []
rightLog (Fail) = Node LFail []
rightLog (Dislike p) = Node LDislike [rightLog p]
rightLog (Log msg p) = Node (LLog msg) [rightLog p]
rightLog (Sus _ _) = Node LSusp []
rightLog (Best _ _ l r) = Node LEmpty (rightLog l:[rightLog r])
rightLog (Sh' _) = error "Sh' should be hidden by Sus"

profile :: Steps s r -> Profile
profile (Val _ p) = profile p
profile (App p) = profile p
profile (Shift p) = 0 :> profile p
profile (Done) = PRes 0 -- success with zero dislikes
profile (Fail) = PFail
profile (Dislike p) = mapSucc (profile p)
profile (Log _ p) = profile p
profile (Sus _ _) = PSusp
profile (Best _ pr _ _) = pr
profile (Sh' _) = error "Sh' should be hidden by Sus"

instance Show (Steps s r) where
    show (Val _ p) = 'v' : show p
    show (App p) = '*' : show p
    show (Done) = "1"
    show (Shift p) = '>' : show p
    show (Sh' p) = '\'' : show p
    show (Dislike p) = '?' : show p
    show (Log msg p) = "[" ++ msg ++ "]"  ++ show p
    show (Fail) = "0"
    show (Sus _ _) = "..."
    show (Best _ _ p q) = "(" ++ show p ++ ")" ++ show q

countWidth :: Zip s r -> Int
countWidth (Zip _ _ r) = countWidth' r
  where countWidth' :: Steps s r -> Int
        countWidth' r' = case r' of
            (Best _ _ p q) ->  countWidth' p + countWidth' q
            (Val _ p) -> countWidth' p
            (App p) -> countWidth' p
            (Done) -> 1
            (Shift p) -> countWidth' p
            (Sh' p) -> countWidth' p
            (Dislike p) -> countWidth' p
            (Log _ p) -> countWidth' p
            (Fail) -> 1
            (Sus _ _) -> 1

instance Show (RPolish i o) where
    show (RPush _ p) = show p ++ "^"
    show (RApp p) = show p ++ "@"
    show (RStop) = "!"

apply :: forall t t1 a. ((t -> a) :< (t :< t1)) -> a :< t1
apply ~(f:< ~(a:<r)) = f a :< r

-- | Right-eval a fully defined process (ie. one that has no Sus)
evalR' :: Steps s r -> (r, [String])
evalR' Done = ((), [])
evalR' (Val a r) = first (a :<) (evalR' r)
evalR' (App s) = first apply (evalR' s)
evalR' (Shift v) = evalR' v
evalR' (Dislike v) = evalR' v
evalR' (Log err v) = second (err:) (evalR' v)
evalR' (Fail) = error "evalR: No parse!"
evalR' (Sus _ _) = error "evalR: Not fully evaluated!"
evalR' (Sh' _) = error "evalR: Sh' should be hidden by Sus"
evalR' (Best choice _ p q) = case choice of
    LT -> evalR' p
    GT -> evalR' q
    EQ -> error $ "evalR: Ambiguous parse: " ++ show p ++ " ~~~ " ++ show q

instance Functor (Parser s) where
    fmap f = (pure f <*>)

instance Applicative (Parser s) where
    (<*>) = Appl
    pure = Pure

instance Alternative (Parser s) where
    (<|>) = Disj
    empty = Empt

instance Monad (Parser s) where
    (>>=) = Bind
    return = pure
    fail _message = Empt

toQ :: Parser s a -> forall h r. ((h,a) -> Steps s r)  -> h -> Steps s r
toQ (Look a f) = \k h -> Sus (toQ a k h) (\s -> toQ (f s) k h)
toQ (p `Appl` q) = \k -> toQ p $ toQ q $ \((h, b2a), b) -> k (h, b2a b)
toQ (Pure a)     = \k h -> k (h, a)
toQ (Disj p q)   = \k h -> iBest (toQ p k h) (toQ q k h)
toQ (Bind p a2q) = \k -> toQ p (\(h,a) -> toQ (a2q a) k h)
toQ Empt = \_k _h -> Fail
toQ (Yuck p) = \k h -> Dislike $ toQ p k h
toQ (Enter err p) = \k h -> Log err $ toQ p k h
toQ (Shif p) = \k h -> Sh' $ toQ p k h

toP :: Parser s a -> forall r. Steps s r -> Steps s (a :< r)
toP (Look a f) = \fut -> Sus (toP a fut) (\s -> toP (f s) fut)
toP (Appl f x) = App . toP f . toP x
toP (Pure x)   = Val x
toP Empt = const Fail
toP (Disj a b)  = \fut -> iBest (toP a fut) (toP b fut)
toP (Bind p a2q) = \fut -> toQ p (\(_,a) -> toP (a2q a) fut) ()
toP (Yuck p) = Dislike . toP p
toP (Enter err p) = Log err . toP p
toP (Shif p) = Sh' . toP p

-- | Intelligent, caching best.
iBest :: Steps s a -> Steps s a -> Steps s a
iBest p q = let ~(choice, pr) = better 0 (profile p) (profile q) in Best choice pr p q

symbol :: forall s. (s -> Bool) -> Parser s s
symbol f = Look empty $ \s -> if f s then Shif $ pure s else empty

eof :: forall s. Parser s ()
eof = Look (pure ()) (const empty)

-- | Push a chunk of symbols or eof in the process. This forces some suspensions.
feed :: Maybe [s] -> Steps s r -> Steps s r
feed (Just []) p = p  -- nothing more left to feed
feed ss p = case p of
                  (Sus nil cons) -> case ss of
                      Just [] -> p -- no more info, stop feeding
                      Nothing -> feed Nothing nil -- finish
                      Just (s:_) -> feed ss (cons s)
                  (Shift p') -> Shift (feed ss p')
                  (Sh' p')   -> Shift (feed (fmap (drop 1) ss) p')
                  (Dislike p') -> Dislike (feed ss p')
                  (Log err p') -> Log err (feed ss p')
                  (Val x p') -> Val x (feed ss p')
                  (App p') -> App (feed ss p')
                  Done -> Done
                  Fail -> Fail
                  Best _ _ p' q' -> iBest (feed ss p') (feed ss q')
                  -- TODO: it would be nice to be able to reuse the profile here.

feedZ :: Maybe [s] -> Zip s r -> Zip s r
feedZ x = onRight (feed x)

-- Move the zipper to right, and simplify if something is pushed in
-- the left part.

evalL :: forall s output. Zip s output -> Zip s output
evalL (Zip errs0 l0 r0) = help errs0 l0 r0
      help :: [String] -> RPolish mid output -> Steps s mid -> Zip s output
      help errs l rhs = case rhs of
          (Val a r) -> help errs (simplify (RPush a l)) r
          (App r)  -> help errs (RApp l) r
          (Shift p) -> help errs l p
          (Log err p) -> help (err:errs) l p
          (Dislike p) -> help errs l p
          (Best choice _ p q) -> case choice of
              LT -> help errs l p
              GT -> help errs l q
              EQ -> reZip errs l rhs -- don't know where to go: don't speculate on evaluating either branch.
          _ -> reZip errs l rhs
      reZip :: [String] -> RPolish mid output -> Steps s mid -> Zip s output
      reZip errs l r = l `seq` Zip errs l r

evalL' :: Zip s output -> Zip s output
evalL' (Zip errs0 l0 r0) = Zip errs0 l0 (simplRhs r0)
    where simplRhs :: Steps s a ->Steps s a
          simplRhs rhs = case rhs of
            (Val a r) -> Val a (simplRhs r)
            (App r)  -> App (simplRhs r)
            (Shift p) -> Shift (simplRhs p)
            (Log err p) -> Log err $ simplRhs p
            (Dislike p) -> Dislike $ simplRhs p
            (Best choice _ p q) -> case choice of
                LT -> simplRhs p
                GT -> simplRhs q
                EQ -> iBest (simplRhs p) (simplRhs q)
            x -> x

-- | Push some symbols.
pushSyms :: forall s r. [s] -> Zip s r -> Zip s r
pushSyms x = feedZ (Just x)

-- | Push eof
pushEof :: forall s r. Zip s r -> Zip s r
pushEof = feedZ Nothing

-- | Make a parser into a process.
mkProcess :: forall s a. Parser s a -> Process s a
mkProcess p = Zip [] RStop (toP p Done)

-- | Run a process (in case you do not need the incremental interface)
run :: Process s a -> [s] -> (a, [String])
run p input = evalR $ pushEof $ pushSyms input p

testNext :: (Maybe s -> Bool) -> Parser s ()
testNext f = Look (if f Nothing then ok else empty) (\s ->
   if f $ Just s then ok else empty)
    where ok = pure ()

lookNext :: Parser s (Maybe s)
lookNext = Look (pure Nothing) (pure . Just)

-- | Parse the same thing as the argument, but will be used only as
-- backup. ie, it will be used only if disjuncted with a failing
-- parser.

recoverWith :: Parser s a -> Parser s a
recoverWith = Enter "recoverWith" . Yuck


-- The zipper for efficient evaluation:

-- Arbitrary expressions in Reverse Polish notation.
-- This can also be seen as an automaton that transforms a stack.
-- RPolish is indexed by the types in the stack consumed by the automaton (input),
-- and the stack produced (output)
data RPolish input output where
  RPush :: a -> RPolish (a :< rest) output -> RPolish rest output
  RApp :: RPolish (b :< rest) output -> RPolish ((a -> b) :< a :< rest) output
  RStop :: RPolish rest rest

-- Evaluate the output of an RP automaton, given an input stack
evalRP :: RPolish input output -> input -> output
evalRP RStop  acc = acc
evalRP (RPush v r) acc = evalRP r (v :< acc)
evalRP (RApp r) ~(f :< ~(a :< rest)) = evalRP r (f a :< rest)

-- execute the automaton as far as possible
simplify :: RPolish s output -> RPolish s output
simplify (RPush x (RPush f (RApp r))) = simplify (RPush (f x) r)
simplify x = x

evalR :: Zip token (a :< rest) -> (a, [String])
evalR (Zip errs l r) = ((top . evalRP l) *** (errs ++)) (evalR' r)

-- Gluing a Polish expression and an RP automaton.
-- This can also be seen as a zipper of Polish expressions.
data Zip s output where
   Zip :: [String] -> RPolish mid output -> Steps s mid -> Zip s output
   -- note that the Stack produced by the Polish expression matches
   -- the stack consumed by the RP automaton.

fullLog :: Zip s output -> ([String],Tree LogEntry)
fullLog (Zip msg _ rhs) = (reverse msg, rightLog rhs)

instance Show (Zip s output) where
    show (Zip errs l r) = show l ++ "<>" ++ show r ++ ", errs = " ++ show errs

onRight :: (forall r. Steps s r -> Steps s r) -> Zip s a -> Zip s a
onRight f (Zip errs x y) = Zip errs x (f y)

type Process token result = Zip token (result :< ())